1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:16,759 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Our story 2 00:00:16,800 --> 00:00:21,919 Speaker 1: today is about a duck who wants to become a ballerina. 3 00:00:22,840 --> 00:00:25,799 Speaker 1: Daphne was getting older and was allowed to choose which 4 00:00:25,840 --> 00:00:30,440 Speaker 1: activity she wanted to do. This time, she knew what 5 00:00:30,560 --> 00:00:36,080 Speaker 1: she would choose. The day finally came to go and register, 6 00:00:36,640 --> 00:00:39,120 Speaker 1: and when she arrived in the kitchen in her tutu, 7 00:00:39,840 --> 00:00:43,920 Speaker 1: her mother and brother didn't think dance was the best 8 00:00:44,040 --> 00:00:51,560 Speaker 1: choice for her the duck who wanted to be a ballerina. 9 00:00:55,000 --> 00:00:59,520 Speaker 1: Today was going to be the best day ever. It 10 00:00:59,600 --> 00:01:02,320 Speaker 1: was the day that Daphney got to choose what extra 11 00:01:02,400 --> 00:01:07,480 Speaker 1: activity she wanted to do. She was getting older, six 12 00:01:07,520 --> 00:01:11,720 Speaker 1: and three quarters and she could finally choose what she wanted. 13 00:01:13,240 --> 00:01:19,400 Speaker 1: Until now, she had taken piano classes, painting, soccer, swimming, 14 00:01:19,920 --> 00:01:23,600 Speaker 1: and a class where she got to make things. Her 15 00:01:23,640 --> 00:01:30,080 Speaker 1: parents wanted her to try everything, but left out one thing. Daphne, 16 00:01:30,480 --> 00:01:33,280 Speaker 1: don't waddle too much. We have to go to the 17 00:01:33,319 --> 00:01:37,480 Speaker 1: community center soon to register for new after school activities, 18 00:01:37,880 --> 00:01:42,400 Speaker 1: her mother said from the kitchen. I know, mom, I'm 19 00:01:42,480 --> 00:01:46,639 Speaker 1: just finishing stuff, Daphne replied as she looked through her trunk. 20 00:01:49,000 --> 00:01:53,000 Speaker 1: Daphne loved spending time in her room, it was her 21 00:01:53,200 --> 00:01:57,160 Speaker 1: very own place where she could explore all of her interests. 22 00:01:57,880 --> 00:02:02,840 Speaker 1: She hung all her paintings on her wall, canvases splashed 23 00:02:02,920 --> 00:02:09,359 Speaker 1: with wild colors and abstract scenes. One corner of the 24 00:02:09,440 --> 00:02:13,360 Speaker 1: room was dedicated to her love of reading. A small 25 00:02:13,400 --> 00:02:17,960 Speaker 1: wooden bookshelf she painted white with delicate flowers, held all 26 00:02:18,120 --> 00:02:24,000 Speaker 1: kinds of books. There were fairy tales, adventure, science, and 27 00:02:24,280 --> 00:02:29,120 Speaker 1: history books. Here Daphne would curl up on her comfy 28 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:32,040 Speaker 1: bean bag and get lost in the pages of her 29 00:02:32,120 --> 00:02:39,560 Speaker 1: latest book, often traveling to distant lands and times. Beside 30 00:02:39,600 --> 00:02:44,320 Speaker 1: the window stood her painting easel. Tubes of paint, jars 31 00:02:44,360 --> 00:02:48,120 Speaker 1: of brushes, and pallets dotted with a rainbow of dried 32 00:02:48,240 --> 00:02:53,040 Speaker 1: paint surrounded the easel. The window offered a view of 33 00:02:53,080 --> 00:02:57,320 Speaker 1: the garden she and her mother planted, which often inspired 34 00:02:57,360 --> 00:03:01,680 Speaker 1: her art. But the most magical part of her room 35 00:03:01,840 --> 00:03:05,200 Speaker 1: was the large old trunk that sat at the foot 36 00:03:05,200 --> 00:03:09,160 Speaker 1: of her bed. She was rummaging through it right now, 37 00:03:09,600 --> 00:03:12,919 Speaker 1: trying to find something in particular to wear before she left. 38 00:03:14,560 --> 00:03:20,520 Speaker 1: Inside the trunk was a world of costumes, dresses, capes, 39 00:03:20,560 --> 00:03:25,760 Speaker 1: and hats with ribbons and feathers. Her grandmother had filled 40 00:03:25,800 --> 00:03:29,239 Speaker 1: it with these costumes, believing that they would be away 41 00:03:29,280 --> 00:03:34,359 Speaker 1: for Daphane to explore new worlds, imagine, and discover interests 42 00:03:34,560 --> 00:03:39,720 Speaker 1: she never knew she had. Her grandmother was the best. 43 00:03:40,360 --> 00:03:43,200 Speaker 1: Often when she came over for a visit, they would 44 00:03:43,280 --> 00:03:49,000 Speaker 1: dress in costumes and act out to play. Daphne's bedroom 45 00:03:49,080 --> 00:03:52,800 Speaker 1: was where her imagination came to life, where she could 46 00:03:52,840 --> 00:03:57,680 Speaker 1: be a painter, a reader, a dreamer, and, with the 47 00:03:57,720 --> 00:04:04,880 Speaker 1: help of her grandmother's trunk, anything she wished to be. Today, 48 00:04:05,360 --> 00:04:09,520 Speaker 1: like most days, recently, she wanted to be a ballet dancer. 49 00:04:10,720 --> 00:04:14,560 Speaker 1: Her heart was set from the moment Daphne first saw 50 00:04:14,600 --> 00:04:19,919 Speaker 1: a ballet performance on TV. She was mesmerized by the 51 00:04:20,040 --> 00:04:25,599 Speaker 1: graceful dancers twirling and leaping across the stage, their tutu's 52 00:04:25,720 --> 00:04:31,680 Speaker 1: fluttering like delicate wings. Since then, she had been wearing 53 00:04:31,760 --> 00:04:37,279 Speaker 1: her tuto and trying to twirl around gracefully in her room. 54 00:04:37,800 --> 00:04:41,240 Speaker 1: After putting on her dress, Daphne walked into the kitchen 55 00:04:41,279 --> 00:04:45,159 Speaker 1: and announced, as she twirled in a pirouette, I'm ready 56 00:04:45,200 --> 00:04:50,520 Speaker 1: to go. Mom. Oh dear, you are wearing your pink tutu. 57 00:04:51,360 --> 00:04:55,159 Speaker 1: I thought you had outgrown that. Her mother's side. You 58 00:04:55,279 --> 00:04:59,240 Speaker 1: look strange, her stinky brother said with a laugh. Don't 59 00:04:59,279 --> 00:05:03,080 Speaker 1: you know the duck can't do ballet? You have webbed feet. 60 00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:07,400 Speaker 1: Why don't you do something else? Her brother said, he 61 00:05:07,560 --> 00:05:11,599 Speaker 1: spent most of his time swimming, dabbling in the waters, 62 00:05:11,960 --> 00:05:17,280 Speaker 1: and waddling along the banks. Ducks don't usually try to 63 00:05:17,279 --> 00:05:20,120 Speaker 1: do ballet, dear. That's why we have never signed you 64 00:05:20,200 --> 00:05:25,000 Speaker 1: up for dance, her mother said, with a look of concern. Well, 65 00:05:25,400 --> 00:05:29,120 Speaker 1: I'm not just every other duck. I am me and 66 00:05:29,200 --> 00:05:32,719 Speaker 1: I would love to try, Daphne said as she did 67 00:05:32,720 --> 00:05:38,479 Speaker 1: another pirouette. Yes you are, her mother replied as she 68 00:05:38,560 --> 00:05:42,560 Speaker 1: gave her a kiss on the forehead. When they arrived 69 00:05:42,600 --> 00:05:47,479 Speaker 1: at the community center, there were long lineups for art, visual, math, 70 00:05:47,880 --> 00:05:52,599 Speaker 1: and sports of all kind, medium lineups for music and 71 00:05:52,680 --> 00:05:57,800 Speaker 1: building stuff. There was no lineup for ballet. In the 72 00:05:57,839 --> 00:06:02,080 Speaker 1: town of Featherby, where she lived, a duck dreaming of 73 00:06:02,200 --> 00:06:08,919 Speaker 1: ballet was a bit unusual. Ignoring her mother's sighs and 74 00:06:09,000 --> 00:06:12,880 Speaker 1: her brother's teasing, Daphne walked up to the old swan 75 00:06:12,960 --> 00:06:18,000 Speaker 1: who was the instructor for the class. Hello, young duck, 76 00:06:18,560 --> 00:06:23,760 Speaker 1: my name is Madame Odette. Are you lost? No, I 77 00:06:23,800 --> 00:06:27,040 Speaker 1: am not lost. I would like to sign up for ballet, please, 78 00:06:27,839 --> 00:06:32,120 Speaker 1: Daphne said proudly. Well, I am happy to hear that. 79 00:06:33,000 --> 00:06:36,280 Speaker 1: Just sign your name here, Madame Odette said as she 80 00:06:36,400 --> 00:06:39,400 Speaker 1: pointed to a sign up sheet, and show up for 81 00:06:39,480 --> 00:06:43,280 Speaker 1: our first rehearsal in the studio this Monday after school. 82 00:06:46,600 --> 00:06:49,839 Speaker 1: That day at school, Daphne was so excited she could 83 00:06:49,880 --> 00:06:53,760 Speaker 1: hardly sit in her seat. She just wanted to dance 84 00:06:53,800 --> 00:06:57,599 Speaker 1: around the classroom all day, not sit and talk about science. 85 00:06:58,640 --> 00:07:02,600 Speaker 1: She liked science a lot, but ballet was her passion now. 86 00:07:05,080 --> 00:07:08,960 Speaker 1: When the school bell finally rang, signaling the end of 87 00:07:09,040 --> 00:07:13,880 Speaker 1: school and the start of after school activities, Daphne practically 88 00:07:14,000 --> 00:07:17,680 Speaker 1: ran towards the dance studio, which caused more than one 89 00:07:17,760 --> 00:07:20,960 Speaker 1: teacher to tell her to slow down before she ran 90 00:07:21,000 --> 00:07:27,560 Speaker 1: into someone. The studio, a wide, open space with mirrors 91 00:07:27,600 --> 00:07:31,840 Speaker 1: lining the walls, was already busy with other young ballet 92 00:07:31,960 --> 00:07:38,760 Speaker 1: students warming up. There were cranes, herons, and albatrosses, but 93 00:07:38,880 --> 00:07:43,840 Speaker 1: Daphne was the only duck. There wasn't even a Canada goose. 94 00:07:46,880 --> 00:07:51,360 Speaker 1: Daphne's entrance drew curious glances. Her webbed feet were an 95 00:07:51,520 --> 00:07:56,680 Speaker 1: unusual sight in a ballet class. With butterflies in her tummy, 96 00:07:57,080 --> 00:08:03,840 Speaker 1: she took her place at the bar. Madame Odette, with 97 00:08:03,920 --> 00:08:09,360 Speaker 1: her elegant posture and warm smile, welcomed Daphne ah our 98 00:08:09,480 --> 00:08:14,840 Speaker 1: new budding ballerina. Welcome, Daphne, she said, her voice as 99 00:08:14,920 --> 00:08:21,800 Speaker 1: soft as silk. Daphne felt excited to begin. The class 100 00:08:21,880 --> 00:08:29,000 Speaker 1: began with simple stretches and warm up exercises. Despite her enthusiasm, 101 00:08:29,520 --> 00:08:32,920 Speaker 1: Daphne struggled to keep up with the other students, who 102 00:08:32,960 --> 00:08:38,040 Speaker 1: seemed to move with effortless grace. She realized that ballet 103 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:46,240 Speaker 1: required not just passion, but also discipline and precision. Madame 104 00:08:46,280 --> 00:08:51,400 Speaker 1: Odette moved through the class, offering gentle corrections and encouragement. 105 00:08:53,240 --> 00:08:58,120 Speaker 1: When she reached Daphne, she offered a kind smile. Ballet 106 00:08:58,200 --> 00:09:01,440 Speaker 1: is like a beautiful story told by your body, she said. 107 00:09:02,120 --> 00:09:08,200 Speaker 1: It takes time to learn the language. These words comforted Daphne, 108 00:09:08,520 --> 00:09:16,120 Speaker 1: reminding her of her love for stories. As the lesson progressed, 109 00:09:16,480 --> 00:09:21,320 Speaker 1: Daphne began to find her rhythm. Her initial awkwardness gave 110 00:09:21,360 --> 00:09:27,120 Speaker 1: way to a growing sense of control and expression. She 111 00:09:27,280 --> 00:09:31,000 Speaker 1: started to understand the flow of movements and the language 112 00:09:31,040 --> 00:09:36,360 Speaker 1: of ballet that Madame Odette spoke of After class, Madame 113 00:09:36,400 --> 00:09:42,240 Speaker 1: Odette approached Daphne. I love your enthusiasm. Today we focused 114 00:09:42,240 --> 00:09:46,959 Speaker 1: mostly on exercises and basic movements. I just know when 115 00:09:47,000 --> 00:09:51,080 Speaker 1: we start more challenging movements, you will do just fine, 116 00:09:51,559 --> 00:09:58,520 Speaker 1: she said, encouraging Daphne to keep practicing. Despite her brother 117 00:09:58,640 --> 00:10:01,760 Speaker 1: teasing her whenever she practiced in her room and her 118 00:10:01,800 --> 00:10:09,840 Speaker 1: parents concern, Daphne loved ballet more than ever the next class, 119 00:10:10,080 --> 00:10:12,360 Speaker 1: Daphne lined up with the rest of the class at 120 00:10:12,440 --> 00:10:17,079 Speaker 1: the bar. As the class began, Daphne tried to mirror 121 00:10:17,120 --> 00:10:22,240 Speaker 1: the elegant positions demonstrated by the most experienced dancer, a 122 00:10:22,360 --> 00:10:30,199 Speaker 1: crane named Eloise. The movements, though simple, proved challenging. Her 123 00:10:30,240 --> 00:10:34,720 Speaker 1: webbed feet, perfect for paddling in the pond, didn't point 124 00:10:34,760 --> 00:10:39,400 Speaker 1: in flex like the other dancers. She found herself wobbling, 125 00:10:39,880 --> 00:10:46,079 Speaker 1: her balance thrown off by her unique feet. Madame Odette 126 00:10:46,120 --> 00:10:52,240 Speaker 1: noticed Daphne's struggles. She approached Daphne. Her movements as graceful 127 00:10:52,320 --> 00:10:56,880 Speaker 1: as the swans she was named after. Dance is about 128 00:10:56,920 --> 00:11:02,600 Speaker 1: expressing yourself, Daphne, she said kindly, and sometimes we must 129 00:11:02,640 --> 00:11:10,679 Speaker 1: adapt the dance to suit our abilities. Encouraged, Daphne continued, 130 00:11:11,480 --> 00:11:16,040 Speaker 1: but as the class progressed into more complex routines, she 131 00:11:16,080 --> 00:11:21,800 Speaker 1: felt her spirits sink pirouettes with pointed toes seemed impossible. 132 00:11:23,000 --> 00:11:27,439 Speaker 1: She watched her classmates glide and leap their feet, executing 133 00:11:27,559 --> 00:11:31,680 Speaker 1: perfect ballet form, a form her own feet couldn't mimic. 134 00:11:33,040 --> 00:11:37,320 Speaker 1: She then slowly realized that certain ballet movements might be 135 00:11:37,320 --> 00:11:41,800 Speaker 1: beyond her reach. She remembered her mother's hesitation when she 136 00:11:41,880 --> 00:11:47,040 Speaker 1: wanted to join ballet, and her brother's teasing maybe he 137 00:11:47,240 --> 00:11:55,560 Speaker 1: was right. After class, Daphne lingered. She was feeling sad 138 00:11:55,640 --> 00:12:03,360 Speaker 1: and disappointed. Madame Odette joined her her I soft with empathy. Daphne, 139 00:12:03,960 --> 00:12:08,240 Speaker 1: in ballet, as in life, we must embrace our strengths 140 00:12:08,559 --> 00:12:13,000 Speaker 1: and work with our differences. She advised, you have a 141 00:12:13,160 --> 00:12:17,040 Speaker 1: unique grace and a joy for dance that shines through. 142 00:12:18,320 --> 00:12:20,320 Speaker 1: We can find a way to bring that out in 143 00:12:20,360 --> 00:12:26,320 Speaker 1: a way that suits you. Walking home, Daphne was lost 144 00:12:26,400 --> 00:12:30,679 Speaker 1: in thought. Her dream of becoming a ballerina, just like 145 00:12:30,720 --> 00:12:34,840 Speaker 1: the ones she saw on TV, seemed to be slipping away. 146 00:12:36,160 --> 00:12:39,600 Speaker 1: She loved to dance like she loved to paint, read 147 00:12:39,720 --> 00:12:43,559 Speaker 1: and dress up with Grandma, but maybe she was too different, 148 00:12:44,800 --> 00:12:50,880 Speaker 1: Maybe ducks just can't do ballet. That evening, after dinner, 149 00:12:51,320 --> 00:12:56,160 Speaker 1: she shared her experiences with her mother. Mom, I guess 150 00:12:56,160 --> 00:13:00,600 Speaker 1: I was just being silly. Ducks can't dance, she said 151 00:13:00,640 --> 00:13:06,200 Speaker 1: with a disappointed voice. Daphne, I am so proud of 152 00:13:06,240 --> 00:13:10,080 Speaker 1: you for following your interest and trying hard in ballet class. 153 00:13:11,440 --> 00:13:14,120 Speaker 1: I have noticed all the practicing you have been doing 154 00:13:14,160 --> 00:13:18,840 Speaker 1: in your room, even before you start a class. Remember, 155 00:13:19,440 --> 00:13:24,200 Speaker 1: it's not about being perfect, it's about expressing yourself and 156 00:13:24,320 --> 00:13:28,680 Speaker 1: doing what you love to do. I'm sure other dancers 157 00:13:28,720 --> 00:13:32,440 Speaker 1: have their own unique style and strengths, and so do you, 158 00:13:33,240 --> 00:13:37,960 Speaker 1: but it's harder for me, Mom, Daphne said, still unconvinced 159 00:13:38,000 --> 00:13:42,880 Speaker 1: she should continue. I know it's not easy, especially when 160 00:13:42,960 --> 00:13:45,960 Speaker 1: things don't go as planned, but that's all part of 161 00:13:46,040 --> 00:13:50,400 Speaker 1: learning and growing. Think of all the great dancers out there. 162 00:13:51,360 --> 00:13:56,640 Speaker 1: They all started somewhere and faced challenges, but they kept practicing, 163 00:13:57,320 --> 00:14:02,199 Speaker 1: just like I know you will. You love to express yourself, Daphne, 164 00:14:02,559 --> 00:14:06,360 Speaker 1: and I am sure you will be great with more practice. 165 00:14:06,520 --> 00:14:11,800 Speaker 1: I'll be here for you every step of the way. 166 00:14:13,120 --> 00:14:17,160 Speaker 1: Daphne waddled into dance class determined to try her best. 167 00:14:18,080 --> 00:14:21,680 Speaker 1: She took her place at the bar, standing tall and proud, 168 00:14:22,360 --> 00:14:27,440 Speaker 1: ready to dance in her own unique way. Madame Odette 169 00:14:27,480 --> 00:14:32,560 Speaker 1: greeted her with a warm, encouraging smile. Welcome back, Daphne, 170 00:14:33,040 --> 00:14:36,280 Speaker 1: I have been thinking about some special dance moves just 171 00:14:36,400 --> 00:14:42,960 Speaker 1: for you, she said kindly. That day's class was different. 172 00:14:44,080 --> 00:14:48,320 Speaker 1: Madame Odette introduced new steps that played to Daphne's strengths, 173 00:14:49,480 --> 00:14:53,240 Speaker 1: Movements that required less pointing of the toes and more 174 00:14:53,320 --> 00:14:57,280 Speaker 1: swaying and flowing motions, much like the ripples of a pond. 175 00:14:59,200 --> 00:15:03,680 Speaker 1: Daphne found herself moving more freely, her webbed feet gliding 176 00:15:03,720 --> 00:15:10,600 Speaker 1: across the floor with ease. Madame Odette encouraged her, and 177 00:15:10,640 --> 00:15:16,680 Speaker 1: as the class progressed, Daphne's confidence grew. She realized ballet 178 00:15:16,840 --> 00:15:21,840 Speaker 1: was about expression and emotion, and she had plenty of both. 179 00:15:22,600 --> 00:15:26,040 Speaker 1: With each turn and sway, she let her love for 180 00:15:26,200 --> 00:15:32,680 Speaker 1: dance shine through, and her classmates watched in admiration. At 181 00:15:32,680 --> 00:15:36,440 Speaker 1: the end of class, Daphne felt really good about herself. 182 00:15:37,680 --> 00:15:41,080 Speaker 1: She realized that being different was okay and that she 183 00:15:41,120 --> 00:15:46,240 Speaker 1: could still enjoy ballet in her own way. Being different 184 00:15:46,400 --> 00:15:50,600 Speaker 1: was her strength. She thanked Madame Odette for helping her 185 00:15:50,640 --> 00:15:56,520 Speaker 1: find moves that worked for her. Walking home, Daphne was 186 00:15:56,680 --> 00:16:01,600 Speaker 1: happy and excited about ballet. She knew it might still 187 00:16:01,640 --> 00:16:05,440 Speaker 1: be hard sometimes, but she was ready to keep trying 188 00:16:06,080 --> 00:16:14,080 Speaker 1: and having fun. And that's the end of our story. 189 00:16:14,840 --> 00:16:17,680 Speaker 1: Good Night, sleep tight.