1 00:00:13,503 --> 00:00:17,783 Speaker 1: Or an ad free listening experience and more stories, Please 2 00:00:17,863 --> 00:00:20,983 Speaker 1: check out sleep Type Premium. A link can be found 3 00:00:21,023 --> 00:00:34,943 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you, hello friends, and welcome 4 00:00:35,063 --> 00:00:46,223 Speaker 1: to sleep Tight Stories. Do you like to help others? 5 00:00:47,783 --> 00:00:53,423 Speaker 1: What is something you do that helps others? Bernice is 6 00:00:53,543 --> 00:00:57,263 Speaker 1: learning about empathy at school, and she and Papa Bear 7 00:00:57,383 --> 00:01:00,903 Speaker 1: talk about it at home and discuss what empathy is 8 00:01:01,663 --> 00:01:09,543 Speaker 1: and what Bernice can do to help Bernice learns how 9 00:01:09,583 --> 00:01:16,783 Speaker 1: to help others. Hi, Papa, I'm home, Bernice said as 10 00:01:16,823 --> 00:01:20,263 Speaker 1: she came in the front door of their house. I'm 11 00:01:20,303 --> 00:01:22,823 Speaker 1: sorry I am a little late, but I wanted to 12 00:01:22,903 --> 00:01:25,343 Speaker 1: stop and look at all the flowers that are starting 13 00:01:25,383 --> 00:01:29,543 Speaker 1: to grow outside our house, Bernice said, as she took 14 00:01:29,583 --> 00:01:34,103 Speaker 1: off her sneakers and hung up her jacket. That's okay, 15 00:01:34,143 --> 00:01:37,343 Speaker 1: little Bear, you gave me some extra time to take 16 00:01:37,383 --> 00:01:40,303 Speaker 1: our treats out of the oven, Papa Bear said. From 17 00:01:40,343 --> 00:01:46,223 Speaker 1: the kitchen, Papa, there are pretty purple flowers coming up 18 00:01:46,303 --> 00:01:49,463 Speaker 1: out of the ground, and the trees are just starting 19 00:01:49,503 --> 00:01:53,063 Speaker 1: to get green again. And the sun is so warm today, 20 00:01:53,623 --> 00:01:58,743 Speaker 1: Bernice said excitedly as she entered the kitchen. It is 21 00:01:58,823 --> 00:02:03,743 Speaker 1: a beautiful day. Spring has certainly sprung her, Papa said, 22 00:02:04,543 --> 00:02:09,583 Speaker 1: the air smells great too. Yes, after all the rain 23 00:02:09,663 --> 00:02:13,463 Speaker 1: we have had and the warmer temperatures, the outside seems 24 00:02:13,503 --> 00:02:17,463 Speaker 1: to smell really nice. Days like this put me in 25 00:02:17,543 --> 00:02:22,783 Speaker 1: a good mood. Oh, Papa, you are always in a 26 00:02:22,823 --> 00:02:27,103 Speaker 1: good mood, at least after your morning coffee, Bernie said, 27 00:02:27,143 --> 00:02:31,943 Speaker 1: with a laugh. I do enjoy my morning coffee, Papa 28 00:02:31,943 --> 00:02:37,503 Speaker 1: Bear said, smiling. But you know what, Papa, what, little bear? 29 00:02:38,703 --> 00:02:41,223 Speaker 1: You know what smells even better than the spring air. 30 00:02:42,223 --> 00:02:47,743 Speaker 1: Your cookies, Papa. They smell super delicious and look super yummy. 31 00:02:48,183 --> 00:02:53,463 Speaker 1: What kind are they? They look nice. I baked lemon 32 00:02:53,543 --> 00:02:57,743 Speaker 1: cookies today. I put some lemon zest into butter cookies 33 00:02:58,063 --> 00:03:01,583 Speaker 1: to see how it would taste. Why don't you wash 34 00:03:01,583 --> 00:03:04,023 Speaker 1: your hands and I will bring us a plate with 35 00:03:04,143 --> 00:03:08,863 Speaker 1: some milk. Thank you, Papa, Bernie said, as she washed 36 00:03:08,863 --> 00:03:15,783 Speaker 1: her hands with soap. Sitting at the table, Bernie said, 37 00:03:15,863 --> 00:03:19,703 Speaker 1: with a mouthful of cookies, Oh, they taste super yummy 38 00:03:19,743 --> 00:03:25,103 Speaker 1: as always, Papa, I'm glad you like them. Remember to 39 00:03:25,263 --> 00:03:29,383 Speaker 1: not talk with your mouthful, little bear. I see crumbs 40 00:03:29,463 --> 00:03:35,703 Speaker 1: flying everywhere, Papa Bear said, laughing. Taking a great big 41 00:03:35,783 --> 00:03:40,063 Speaker 1: drink of milk, Bernie said, yeah, I forgot. Do I 42 00:03:40,063 --> 00:03:43,543 Speaker 1: have a milk stash, Papa? I like taking great big 43 00:03:43,623 --> 00:03:46,943 Speaker 1: drinks of milk so that I can have a milkstash. 44 00:03:47,463 --> 00:03:52,143 Speaker 1: I can see one. Did you have a good day, 45 00:03:52,183 --> 00:03:56,583 Speaker 1: little bear? Papa Bear asked, it was a super good day, Papa. 46 00:03:57,183 --> 00:04:01,343 Speaker 1: Math class was super fun and Jim, we got to 47 00:04:01,423 --> 00:04:04,783 Speaker 1: go outside and run on the track. And when we raced, 48 00:04:05,343 --> 00:04:08,863 Speaker 1: I was faster than Bobby. He said it was because 49 00:04:08,863 --> 00:04:12,783 Speaker 1: he didn't have enough energy. But I think I can 50 00:04:12,863 --> 00:04:19,183 Speaker 1: run faster than him now. Running is fun. I'm glad 51 00:04:19,223 --> 00:04:23,303 Speaker 1: you enjoy running, little Bear, but don't forget to encourage 52 00:04:23,343 --> 00:04:26,983 Speaker 1: Bobby too. It's more fun to race when everyone is 53 00:04:27,023 --> 00:04:30,503 Speaker 1: at their best. And remember the time when you were 54 00:04:30,543 --> 00:04:35,223 Speaker 1: not running so fast. Even though Bobby loves winning, he 55 00:04:35,383 --> 00:04:39,583 Speaker 1: also encouraged you to try harder. That's what friends do, 56 00:04:39,703 --> 00:04:45,543 Speaker 1: little Bear. Okay, Papa, Sometimes I get excited when I 57 00:04:45,623 --> 00:04:54,663 Speaker 1: finally win against Bobby. What else happened today? Well, Gertrude 58 00:04:54,663 --> 00:04:58,263 Speaker 1: and I shared lunch. She had peanut butter sandwiches with 59 00:04:58,423 --> 00:05:03,983 Speaker 1: bananas in them. Super interesting tasting, and science class was good. 60 00:05:04,903 --> 00:05:08,303 Speaker 1: We reviewed the plant life cycle again, and we will 61 00:05:08,343 --> 00:05:12,583 Speaker 1: grow food in our own garden, so we also talked 62 00:05:12,583 --> 00:05:18,143 Speaker 1: about the importance of proper soil, sunlight, water, and nutrients 63 00:05:18,183 --> 00:05:22,103 Speaker 1: for plant growth. The teacher will give the results of 64 00:05:22,103 --> 00:05:26,503 Speaker 1: what we grow to someone else. Who are you giving 65 00:05:26,543 --> 00:05:31,503 Speaker 1: the food to? Little Bear? Well, Papa. In homeroom class, 66 00:05:31,943 --> 00:05:37,223 Speaker 1: we talked about a hard word to understand, empathy and 67 00:05:37,263 --> 00:05:41,263 Speaker 1: how others are less fortunate and need our help, So 68 00:05:41,303 --> 00:05:43,823 Speaker 1: the food we grow will go to a lady who 69 00:05:43,863 --> 00:05:48,823 Speaker 1: collects food for them. That sounds like a good idea, 70 00:05:48,983 --> 00:05:53,223 Speaker 1: Little Bear. Do you understand empathy and how to help 71 00:05:53,263 --> 00:05:58,143 Speaker 1: those needing help? I think so, Papa, but it's a 72 00:05:58,143 --> 00:06:03,023 Speaker 1: little bit difficult. The teacher said that empathy is when 73 00:06:03,063 --> 00:06:08,063 Speaker 1: you imagine someone else's feelings and try to understand them 74 00:06:08,423 --> 00:06:13,023 Speaker 1: and show them that you care. That's pretty good, little Bear. 75 00:06:14,023 --> 00:06:17,583 Speaker 1: In this case, it also means that you can imagine 76 00:06:17,623 --> 00:06:21,063 Speaker 1: how it feels to not have a place to live 77 00:06:21,543 --> 00:06:25,223 Speaker 1: or something to eat. You want to help them by 78 00:06:25,383 --> 00:06:30,143 Speaker 1: understanding their struggles and doing something kind or helpful to 79 00:06:30,263 --> 00:06:35,423 Speaker 1: make their lives better. I helped my friend Donnie before 80 00:06:35,463 --> 00:06:39,983 Speaker 1: when he didn't have lunch, Papa, I remember that was 81 00:06:40,223 --> 00:06:43,423 Speaker 1: very nice of you. We are very lucky to have 82 00:06:43,583 --> 00:06:47,343 Speaker 1: so much good food and a warm, cozy place to live. 83 00:06:48,983 --> 00:06:53,103 Speaker 1: It's important to give when you have so much. Your 84 00:06:53,103 --> 00:06:56,103 Speaker 1: Mama and I help as much as we can, and 85 00:06:56,223 --> 00:06:59,183 Speaker 1: what you are doing with your class is a good 86 00:06:59,383 --> 00:07:05,583 Speaker 1: first step. Yeah, I like to help people, Papa. Why 87 00:07:05,583 --> 00:07:08,543 Speaker 1: don't you do some reading while I see what I 88 00:07:08,583 --> 00:07:19,743 Speaker 1: can prepare for dinner. Okay, Papa, it's that time, said Bernice. 89 00:07:20,543 --> 00:07:23,863 Speaker 1: And what time is that, little Bear, replied her, Papa, 90 00:07:24,703 --> 00:07:29,063 Speaker 1: the time you read me a story. Are you sure 91 00:07:29,103 --> 00:07:31,263 Speaker 1: you want me to read you a story? Little Bear? 92 00:07:31,903 --> 00:07:37,303 Speaker 1: You seemed pretty sleepy after dinner, Papa Bear asked. Of course, Papa, 93 00:07:37,943 --> 00:07:40,543 Speaker 1: I could stay awake all night if you kept telling 94 00:07:40,583 --> 00:07:44,943 Speaker 1: me stories. I'm sure you could, little Bear, but I 95 00:07:45,103 --> 00:07:49,583 Speaker 1: would fall asleep long before all night came. And besides, 96 00:07:50,303 --> 00:07:52,663 Speaker 1: we all need a good rest so that we can 97 00:07:52,703 --> 00:07:58,343 Speaker 1: have our best day. Before you start a story, Papa, 98 00:07:58,623 --> 00:08:02,263 Speaker 1: I think I have an idea. I think you have 99 00:08:02,543 --> 00:08:07,663 Speaker 1: many ideas, Papa Bear said with a smile. Yeah, I 100 00:08:07,703 --> 00:08:13,103 Speaker 1: am like a sponge, always soaking up new ideas. Ha ha, 101 00:08:13,903 --> 00:08:20,783 Speaker 1: Yes you are what idea do you have? Well, Papa? 102 00:08:21,063 --> 00:08:24,223 Speaker 1: While I was having my bath, Duckie and I were 103 00:08:24,263 --> 00:08:27,063 Speaker 1: thinking of ways to help people who might be hungry. 104 00:08:28,023 --> 00:08:31,463 Speaker 1: Most would need a teacher's help, but I thought of 105 00:08:31,503 --> 00:08:34,863 Speaker 1: what I could do right away. I can take some 106 00:08:34,983 --> 00:08:38,183 Speaker 1: of your cookies to school tomorrow and the teachers can 107 00:08:38,223 --> 00:08:41,423 Speaker 1: give them to those who need them. Papa, we have 108 00:08:41,543 --> 00:08:46,543 Speaker 1: a breakfast basket in the hallway that kids can take from. 109 00:08:46,863 --> 00:08:50,823 Speaker 1: That's thoughtful of you, little bear. Cookies are treats, but 110 00:08:50,943 --> 00:08:54,103 Speaker 1: my cookies can put a smile on a student's face. 111 00:08:54,783 --> 00:08:57,223 Speaker 1: I'll pack up some cookies for you to take tomorrow. 112 00:08:58,863 --> 00:09:03,783 Speaker 1: Your cookies always make me smile, Papa, Thank you, little bear. 113 00:09:06,263 --> 00:09:08,343 Speaker 1: What kind of story would you like me to tell 114 00:09:08,383 --> 00:09:13,783 Speaker 1: you this time? Hmmm? I like the stories with Booboo 115 00:09:14,103 --> 00:09:17,423 Speaker 1: or the magical book Ones are good? Ah, just about 116 00:09:17,423 --> 00:09:21,063 Speaker 1: any of your stories, Papa, Bernice said, with a big yawn. 117 00:09:22,223 --> 00:09:25,063 Speaker 1: Maybe I'll make up a silly story with Booboo and 118 00:09:25,183 --> 00:09:31,623 Speaker 1: Kai Kai in the Mystical Forest. Sounds good, Bernice said, yawning. 119 00:09:33,023 --> 00:09:38,023 Speaker 1: Are you comfy and warm? Yes, Papa. How about Twigger, 120 00:09:38,103 --> 00:09:42,023 Speaker 1: Wolfe and Madeleine are they ready for the story? I 121 00:09:42,143 --> 00:09:46,783 Speaker 1: think they are. Okay, give me a big hug and 122 00:09:46,823 --> 00:09:50,263 Speaker 1: a kiss, and I'll tell you another of my silly stories. 123 00:09:51,703 --> 00:10:02,183 Speaker 1: Thank you, Papa. Once upon a time, in a world 124 00:10:02,383 --> 00:10:05,503 Speaker 1: full of magic and fun, there lived a brave little 125 00:10:05,543 --> 00:10:10,543 Speaker 1: bear named Booboo. She lived in a large castle at 126 00:10:10,543 --> 00:10:17,943 Speaker 1: the edge of a mystical forest. In this forest were unicorns, fairies, gnomes, 127 00:10:18,503 --> 00:10:23,143 Speaker 1: and all manner of insects, birds and animals. It was 128 00:10:23,183 --> 00:10:28,983 Speaker 1: a wonderful place. Her best friend was a young dragon 129 00:10:29,103 --> 00:10:32,623 Speaker 1: called Kai Kai, and they liked to play as much 130 00:10:32,663 --> 00:10:37,223 Speaker 1: as they could. The kingdom they lived in was full 131 00:10:37,263 --> 00:10:40,583 Speaker 1: of people who lived in the meadows, those who lived 132 00:10:40,623 --> 00:10:43,583 Speaker 1: in the hills, and those who lived in the forest, 133 00:10:44,223 --> 00:10:50,103 Speaker 1: and they all lived in harmony. On this day, as 134 00:10:50,143 --> 00:10:53,423 Speaker 1: the sun rose over the kingdom, Bobu and Kai Kai 135 00:10:53,543 --> 00:10:58,383 Speaker 1: were excited. It had been raining non stop for days 136 00:10:58,983 --> 00:11:02,743 Speaker 1: and it would be sunny and warm to day. They 137 00:11:02,783 --> 00:11:06,423 Speaker 1: had a lot planned for the day, including visiting the 138 00:11:06,463 --> 00:11:09,823 Speaker 1: Cocoa Faery, where they would have a treat of chocolate 139 00:11:09,903 --> 00:11:14,743 Speaker 1: from one of their chocolate trees a little ice cream too, 140 00:11:15,063 --> 00:11:19,143 Speaker 1: But first they planned on having breakfast at Bixi's house. 141 00:11:19,943 --> 00:11:22,943 Speaker 1: Bixi always had stories to tell them while they ate, 142 00:11:23,503 --> 00:11:27,143 Speaker 1: and in return, Bubu and Kai Kai would help with 143 00:11:27,303 --> 00:11:32,583 Speaker 1: some chores, especially lifting heavy things. Since Kai Kai was 144 00:11:32,623 --> 00:11:40,103 Speaker 1: getting stronger every day. Should we walk to Bixi's house today, Kaikai, 145 00:11:40,383 --> 00:11:43,423 Speaker 1: or would you rather fly? It is a nice day, 146 00:11:43,823 --> 00:11:46,423 Speaker 1: so it might be nice to walk and smell all 147 00:11:46,463 --> 00:11:52,303 Speaker 1: the wonderful smells in the forest. Before Kai Kai could agree, 148 00:11:52,663 --> 00:11:57,503 Speaker 1: his stomach made a large rumbling noise, a noise so 149 00:11:57,863 --> 00:12:02,703 Speaker 1: loud that a passing fairy stopped briefly to ensure everyone 150 00:12:02,863 --> 00:12:09,423 Speaker 1: was okay. I guess that is our answer, Booboo laughed. Sorry, Booboo, 151 00:12:09,943 --> 00:12:12,983 Speaker 1: it is a wonderful day, but my stomach has a 152 00:12:13,023 --> 00:12:16,983 Speaker 1: mind of its own, and if we walk, I'm afraid 153 00:12:17,023 --> 00:12:20,983 Speaker 1: my stomach noises might scare the small animals of the forest, 154 00:12:21,583 --> 00:12:26,863 Speaker 1: Kaiki said with a sigh. Hopefully, while we fly to 155 00:12:26,943 --> 00:12:30,583 Speaker 1: Bixi's the animals of the forest won't mistake the sound 156 00:12:30,623 --> 00:12:37,863 Speaker 1: of your stomach growling for thunder, Bobo said, laughing. Bubo 157 00:12:37,903 --> 00:12:42,023 Speaker 1: and Kai Kai landed just outside Bixi's cottage, where he 158 00:12:42,063 --> 00:12:46,063 Speaker 1: set out what looked like a small feast. Hi Bixi. 159 00:12:46,583 --> 00:12:52,383 Speaker 1: Bubu called, this looks like an amazing breakfast. It sure does, 160 00:12:52,543 --> 00:12:56,703 Speaker 1: Kai Ki said, his large mouth dripping drooel on the ground. 161 00:12:57,783 --> 00:13:01,103 Speaker 1: Start eating, Kai Kai. Bixi said, you look like you 162 00:13:01,183 --> 00:13:05,863 Speaker 1: haven't eaten in weeks. I ate earlier this morning, but 163 00:13:06,023 --> 00:13:10,063 Speaker 1: my metabolism is super high. My mother says, I am 164 00:13:10,063 --> 00:13:13,423 Speaker 1: going through a growth spurt. Kaiki I said, as he 165 00:13:13,503 --> 00:13:17,543 Speaker 1: started eating from his special bowl that Bixy always prepared. 166 00:13:19,983 --> 00:13:22,583 Speaker 1: I forgot that you were going to get even bigger, 167 00:13:23,063 --> 00:13:26,743 Speaker 1: Booboo said, as she took a bite of food. After 168 00:13:26,783 --> 00:13:29,743 Speaker 1: we finish our breakfast, I need your help with something, 169 00:13:29,943 --> 00:13:34,063 Speaker 1: Bixy said, I have a large heavy bag of clothes 170 00:13:34,503 --> 00:13:39,023 Speaker 1: to go to the community north in the mountains. There 171 00:13:39,103 --> 00:13:42,423 Speaker 1: was a landslide there and everyone is helping them until 172 00:13:42,463 --> 00:13:47,263 Speaker 1: they returned to their usual state. It's our pleasure, Bixy. 173 00:13:47,903 --> 00:13:51,663 Speaker 1: My father sent some supplies and said he expects them 174 00:13:51,703 --> 00:13:57,223 Speaker 1: to fully recover in the coming cycles. Yes, we must 175 00:13:57,263 --> 00:14:00,423 Speaker 1: all come together to help those in need. That is 176 00:14:00,463 --> 00:14:04,863 Speaker 1: the way of our kingdom. Now, how about a short 177 00:14:04,863 --> 00:14:07,663 Speaker 1: tail from the time before the bears lived in the 178 00:14:07,743 --> 00:14:12,863 Speaker 1: castle and when dragons were a little more fearsome story 179 00:14:12,903 --> 00:14:16,063 Speaker 1: about a couple of friends who attended one of the 180 00:14:16,103 --> 00:14:22,223 Speaker 1: academies my ancestor taught at. Still eating, Kaikai nodded his 181 00:14:22,343 --> 00:14:30,703 Speaker 1: head after a tall sip of tea, Bixi started. Once 182 00:14:30,783 --> 00:14:34,263 Speaker 1: upon a time in the enchanting land east of the 183 00:14:34,343 --> 00:14:40,263 Speaker 1: Green Forest, lived two friends named Cyrus and Silas. They 184 00:14:40,303 --> 00:14:45,463 Speaker 1: had always dreamt of winning their academy's flying race. In 185 00:14:45,543 --> 00:14:49,503 Speaker 1: this event, all the creatures of the Kingdom competed for 186 00:14:49,623 --> 00:14:55,463 Speaker 1: the vaunted title of the fastest flier. The morning of 187 00:14:55,503 --> 00:15:00,743 Speaker 1: the race, Cyrus and Silas were very excited. They had 188 00:15:00,863 --> 00:15:08,143 Speaker 1: trained tirelessly and perfected their flying skills. Their rivals were 189 00:15:08,183 --> 00:15:13,343 Speaker 1: their friends, Olia the giant Owl and Finn, the nimble fox. 190 00:15:16,223 --> 00:15:19,983 Speaker 1: At the race, the viewing stands were full of those 191 00:15:20,063 --> 00:15:23,183 Speaker 1: from all over the Kingdom who had come to watch. 192 00:15:24,943 --> 00:15:29,343 Speaker 1: The race began and Cyrus and Silas shot into the air. 193 00:15:30,423 --> 00:15:35,263 Speaker 1: They glided through clouds, their fur and scales sparkling in 194 00:15:35,343 --> 00:15:42,023 Speaker 1: the sun. Swooping and gliding, they soared above magnificent mountains. 195 00:15:43,143 --> 00:15:49,383 Speaker 1: Challenges tested their agility, but they persevered with determination and teamwork. 196 00:15:51,183 --> 00:15:54,903 Speaker 1: Neck and neck with their friendly rivals. Only on Finn, 197 00:15:55,503 --> 00:16:00,943 Speaker 1: Cyrus and Silas surged forward. The crowd cheered as they 198 00:16:01,023 --> 00:16:07,303 Speaker 1: crossed the finish line. They had won. The crowd erupted 199 00:16:07,343 --> 00:16:14,623 Speaker 1: in celebration as Cyrus and Silas were crowned champions. As 200 00:16:14,663 --> 00:16:19,663 Speaker 1: the crowd cheered, Cyrus and Silas invited their rivals ole 201 00:16:19,863 --> 00:16:24,823 Speaker 1: On Finn to the podium to share their victory. They 202 00:16:24,903 --> 00:16:27,863 Speaker 1: might not have flown as fast as they did if 203 00:16:27,903 --> 00:16:32,863 Speaker 1: it wasn't for their remarkable effort. Both teams inspired each 204 00:16:32,903 --> 00:16:39,063 Speaker 1: other to be their best. That's a fun story, Bixie 205 00:16:39,103 --> 00:16:42,263 Speaker 1: Booboo said, I hope to hear more about life at 206 00:16:42,263 --> 00:16:47,303 Speaker 1: the Academy and cycles of old. If I am not mistaken, 207 00:16:47,743 --> 00:16:51,383 Speaker 1: it was the manner of their victory that inspired all 208 00:16:51,423 --> 00:16:54,783 Speaker 1: of us to share the podium to this day. Right, 209 00:16:54,943 --> 00:16:59,863 Speaker 1: Kai Kai Booboo asked. Kai Kai replied with a snore. 210 00:17:00,943 --> 00:17:04,503 Speaker 1: He had eaten so much that he got sleepy and 211 00:17:04,623 --> 00:17:13,263 Speaker 1: fell fast asleep. And with that, Papa Bear kissed Bernice 212 00:17:13,303 --> 00:17:17,823 Speaker 1: on the forehead, adjusted her blanket, turned off her lamp, 213 00:17:18,343 --> 00:17:22,983 Speaker 1: and quietly whispered, I love you, little bear. Good night, 214 00:17:28,783 --> 00:17:32,263 Speaker 1: and that is the end of our story. Good Night, 215 00:17:33,343 --> 00:17:34,023 Speaker 1: sleep tight.