1 00:00:08,480 --> 00:00:22,680 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Betsy and 2 00:00:22,800 --> 00:00:25,799 Speaker 1: Puddles have gone to look for the apple trees that 3 00:00:25,920 --> 00:00:29,760 Speaker 1: Betsy remembers seeing as she was wandering before she came 4 00:00:29,800 --> 00:00:34,720 Speaker 1: to farmer Vernon's farm. When they arrive, they see lots 5 00:00:34,760 --> 00:00:37,720 Speaker 1: of apples and decide to have a treat before they 6 00:00:37,760 --> 00:00:42,120 Speaker 1: get some to take back. When they are eating, Puddles 7 00:00:42,120 --> 00:00:45,880 Speaker 1: hears a noise again and turns to see some foxes 8 00:00:45,920 --> 00:00:54,680 Speaker 1: and raccoons, and they don't look happy. Huddles and splash 9 00:00:54,920 --> 00:01:02,760 Speaker 1: The Mystery of the Missing Apples, Part three. The air 10 00:01:02,840 --> 00:01:06,679 Speaker 1: in the clearing had a sudden chill to it. It 11 00:01:06,760 --> 00:01:11,280 Speaker 1: grew silent save for the rustle of leaves, the distant 12 00:01:11,360 --> 00:01:15,679 Speaker 1: calls of forest birds, and the unmistakable sound of a 13 00:01:15,760 --> 00:01:22,040 Speaker 1: low growl from the foxes and raccoons. Betsy and Puddle 14 00:01:22,120 --> 00:01:25,720 Speaker 1: stood in the center, surrounded by a circle of cranky 15 00:01:25,880 --> 00:01:31,400 Speaker 1: foxes and raccoons. There was a noticeable tension in the air, 16 00:01:31,959 --> 00:01:36,800 Speaker 1: and Puddle started to feel a little bit frightened. After all, 17 00:01:37,400 --> 00:01:42,399 Speaker 1: despite his intelligence, speed and bravery, he was but one 18 00:01:42,480 --> 00:01:47,920 Speaker 1: small piglet. Betsy was big and had more experience dealing 19 00:01:47,960 --> 00:01:52,560 Speaker 1: with unfriendly animals, but not this many and not when 20 00:01:52,600 --> 00:01:58,400 Speaker 1: she was so far from a barn. Puddles thought to himself, 21 00:01:59,040 --> 00:02:03,440 Speaker 1: I am brave. I am brave. I may not be 22 00:02:03,560 --> 00:02:05,760 Speaker 1: as big and strong as Splash, but I can do 23 00:02:05,880 --> 00:02:11,120 Speaker 1: things too. He then took a great big breath and said, 24 00:02:12,360 --> 00:02:15,359 Speaker 1: Hi there. My name is Puddles, and this is Betsy. 25 00:02:15,800 --> 00:02:20,360 Speaker 1: We are animals on farmer Vernon's farm. A fox with 26 00:02:20,440 --> 00:02:24,560 Speaker 1: a distinctive white streak across his face stepped forward from 27 00:02:24,600 --> 00:02:29,080 Speaker 1: the group. His eyes glinted with a mix of mischief 28 00:02:29,160 --> 00:02:35,120 Speaker 1: and menace. Well, well, well, he drawled, his voice dripping 29 00:02:35,160 --> 00:02:39,440 Speaker 1: with sarcasm. What do we have here, a cow and 30 00:02:39,520 --> 00:02:45,280 Speaker 1: a pig far from their barn. Betsy thought he didn't 31 00:02:45,320 --> 00:02:50,440 Speaker 1: sound like a very nice fox. Puddles shuffled his hoofs nervously. 32 00:02:51,280 --> 00:02:54,519 Speaker 1: We were just looking for more apples, he mumbled. Our 33 00:02:54,600 --> 00:03:01,600 Speaker 1: other apples mysteriously disappeared. Your apples, huh, laughed raccoon with 34 00:03:01,680 --> 00:03:09,000 Speaker 1: a crooked tail. You mean the apples weave rightfully taken. Betsy, 35 00:03:09,360 --> 00:03:14,720 Speaker 1: trying to keep her composure, spoke with authority. Those apples 36 00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:19,280 Speaker 1: and these here belong to the farm. If you took 37 00:03:19,360 --> 00:03:25,480 Speaker 1: those apples near our barns, you've stolen from us, The 38 00:03:25,520 --> 00:03:30,520 Speaker 1: fox with the white streak smirked. The forest lands and 39 00:03:30,560 --> 00:03:35,440 Speaker 1: their bounty are for everyone. Farmer Vernon fenced up lands 40 00:03:35,440 --> 00:03:38,680 Speaker 1: and claimed them. Why can't we take what's on the 41 00:03:38,720 --> 00:03:45,200 Speaker 1: ground and in the trees? Another raccoon piped up. Yeah, 42 00:03:45,320 --> 00:03:48,360 Speaker 1: and why should we go hungry while you have a feast. 43 00:03:48,840 --> 00:03:52,000 Speaker 1: It's just a treat for you animals. Some of us 44 00:03:52,040 --> 00:03:54,960 Speaker 1: have had nothing to eat for a long time, what 45 00:03:55,080 --> 00:03:58,119 Speaker 1: with that big, angry dog chasing us away from your 46 00:03:58,120 --> 00:04:05,520 Speaker 1: barns all the time. Puddles eyes widened. Huh, but we 47 00:04:05,640 --> 00:04:09,160 Speaker 1: didn't know you were hungry. There's enough on the farm 48 00:04:09,200 --> 00:04:11,960 Speaker 1: for everyone. We could have shared with you if you 49 00:04:12,240 --> 00:04:18,440 Speaker 1: just asked. The fox leaned in closer, his nose almost 50 00:04:18,480 --> 00:04:24,520 Speaker 1: touching puddles. We don't ask, We take. That's the way 51 00:04:24,560 --> 00:04:30,719 Speaker 1: of the wild. Puddles shuddered. This fox and raccoon really 52 00:04:30,800 --> 00:04:37,320 Speaker 1: weren't very friendly. Betsy gathering courage said, we might live 53 00:04:37,360 --> 00:04:40,600 Speaker 1: on a farm, but we understand the wild more than 54 00:04:40,680 --> 00:04:43,960 Speaker 1: you think. We are all animals trying to care for 55 00:04:44,080 --> 00:04:51,359 Speaker 1: our families. Stealing isn't the answer. A younger raccoon with bright, 56 00:04:51,480 --> 00:04:56,080 Speaker 1: curious eyes hesitated. I didn't want to steal. I just 57 00:04:56,160 --> 00:04:59,800 Speaker 1: followed the others. I heard tales of juicy apples lying 58 00:04:59,800 --> 00:05:04,120 Speaker 1: on the ground and falling from the trees. Who could resist? 59 00:05:04,680 --> 00:05:08,039 Speaker 1: But I didn't want anyone else to go without. We 60 00:05:08,160 --> 00:05:10,839 Speaker 1: still have most of the apples from your farm. We 61 00:05:10,880 --> 00:05:15,480 Speaker 1: could share them with you. The fox with the white 62 00:05:15,520 --> 00:05:19,440 Speaker 1: streak shot a warning glance at the young raccoon, but 63 00:05:19,480 --> 00:05:24,440 Speaker 1: then turned his attention back to Betsy. Tales of sharing 64 00:05:24,480 --> 00:05:29,279 Speaker 1: and understanding sound lovely for bedtime, but this is reality, 65 00:05:29,920 --> 00:05:34,320 Speaker 1: and in reality, we have your apples, and I don't 66 00:05:34,440 --> 00:05:38,560 Speaker 1: plan on sharing, nor do I plan on sharing these 67 00:05:41,000 --> 00:05:45,760 Speaker 1: Puddles gulped, but stood his ground. What do you want 68 00:05:45,800 --> 00:05:49,000 Speaker 1: from us? Why surround us and be so angry? 69 00:05:49,440 --> 00:05:50,200 Speaker 2: Just let us go? 70 00:05:52,040 --> 00:05:57,599 Speaker 1: The fox looked amused. You think it's that simple. Maybe 71 00:05:57,640 --> 00:06:01,839 Speaker 1: we want more than apples, Maybe we want all the 72 00:06:01,880 --> 00:06:07,279 Speaker 1: food on the farm, Puddles frowned. But that's not for 73 00:06:07,360 --> 00:06:10,919 Speaker 1: you to decide. The farm belongs to Farmer Vernon and 74 00:06:10,960 --> 00:06:17,160 Speaker 1: the animals. Please reconsider sharing food is the best way 75 00:06:17,760 --> 00:06:20,760 Speaker 1: we can tell Splash and Farmer Vernon about your plight. 76 00:06:21,920 --> 00:06:26,680 Speaker 1: We have you surrounded, sneered the crooked tailed raccoon you 77 00:06:26,880 --> 00:06:34,160 Speaker 1: are in no position to negotiate. A soft voice from 78 00:06:34,200 --> 00:06:38,760 Speaker 1: the back spoke up, this time from an older raccoon 79 00:06:39,080 --> 00:06:45,560 Speaker 1: with wise, gentle eyes. Enough threats and stealing are not 80 00:06:45,960 --> 00:06:50,440 Speaker 1: our way. We have strayed from our path, driven by 81 00:06:50,600 --> 00:06:56,760 Speaker 1: hunger and tails of bountiful harvests. But this, this isn't us. 82 00:06:58,080 --> 00:07:02,480 Speaker 1: You have made your point. Let's stop this nonsense before 83 00:07:02,520 --> 00:07:08,560 Speaker 1: we scare this young piglet out of his wits. The 84 00:07:08,600 --> 00:07:12,040 Speaker 1: fox with the white streak looked ready to respond, but 85 00:07:12,160 --> 00:07:18,560 Speaker 1: the older raccoon continued, I remember days when we'd forage, 86 00:07:19,000 --> 00:07:24,280 Speaker 1: find our food, and return to our families without causing harm. 87 00:07:24,880 --> 00:07:30,400 Speaker 1: These farm animals are not our enemies. Puddles nodded, we 88 00:07:30,520 --> 00:07:34,160 Speaker 1: really aren't. There's always a middle path away to get along. 89 00:07:36,560 --> 00:07:41,160 Speaker 1: The group began murmuring among themselves. It was evident that 90 00:07:41,320 --> 00:07:46,440 Speaker 1: opinions were divided. While some foxes and raccoons seemed to 91 00:07:46,520 --> 00:07:50,960 Speaker 1: realize the gravity of their actions, others appeared restless and 92 00:07:51,040 --> 00:07:57,120 Speaker 1: eager for more. Betsy sighed, let us go and we'll 93 00:07:57,120 --> 00:08:01,040 Speaker 1: come back with help. We know about your situation now. 94 00:08:01,720 --> 00:08:05,600 Speaker 1: If foxes and raccoons can work together, then certainly we 95 00:08:05,800 --> 00:08:10,880 Speaker 1: all can. Puddles said, with a tinge of hope. The 96 00:08:10,920 --> 00:08:16,440 Speaker 1: fox with the white streak looked skeptical but intrigued. He 97 00:08:16,640 --> 00:08:20,040 Speaker 1: was a hard fox, but though he sounded scary, it 98 00:08:20,160 --> 00:08:25,160 Speaker 1: was only his way of showing leadership. His original goal 99 00:08:25,440 --> 00:08:27,680 Speaker 1: was to scare the pig and cow so that they 100 00:08:27,720 --> 00:08:32,040 Speaker 1: would never come back to eat these apples again, nor 101 00:08:32,120 --> 00:08:35,079 Speaker 1: would they try to stop them next year from taking 102 00:08:35,120 --> 00:08:39,920 Speaker 1: the ones close to the barn. He had never considered 103 00:08:40,080 --> 00:08:46,559 Speaker 1: asking for help. Fine, he said, flicking his tail dismissively. 104 00:08:47,440 --> 00:08:51,760 Speaker 1: We will be waiting for you here. As the circle 105 00:08:51,840 --> 00:08:57,719 Speaker 1: of animals began to disperse, Betsy and Puddles exchanged relieved glances. 106 00:08:58,360 --> 00:09:03,920 Speaker 1: Happy that nothing bad had had happened. Betsy and Puddles 107 00:09:03,960 --> 00:09:06,720 Speaker 1: made their way back to the barn, happy to have 108 00:09:06,880 --> 00:09:11,600 Speaker 1: solved the mystery. The raccoons and foxes were working together 109 00:09:11,760 --> 00:09:14,840 Speaker 1: to take the apples, but the reason they did so 110 00:09:15,200 --> 00:09:20,079 Speaker 1: was to feed themselves and their families. While the animals 111 00:09:20,120 --> 00:09:22,960 Speaker 1: on the farm treated the apples as nothing more than 112 00:09:23,000 --> 00:09:27,040 Speaker 1: a treat, the foxes and raccoons wanted them in order 113 00:09:27,120 --> 00:09:34,000 Speaker 1: to survive. After walking as fast as possible, they finally 114 00:09:34,040 --> 00:09:38,640 Speaker 1: saw the barn in the distance. Approaching the barn. They 115 00:09:38,640 --> 00:09:43,440 Speaker 1: were greeted with concerned faces from the other animals, including Chester, 116 00:09:44,000 --> 00:09:46,680 Speaker 1: the rooster, who got everyone up in the morning and 117 00:09:46,800 --> 00:09:51,600 Speaker 1: helped guide the chickens out the barn door. What happened? 118 00:09:51,800 --> 00:09:56,160 Speaker 1: Did you solve the mystery? Clara, a motherly henclocked as 119 00:09:56,200 --> 00:10:01,880 Speaker 1: she waddled over. Betsy and Pus relayed their encounter with 120 00:10:02,000 --> 00:10:06,800 Speaker 1: the foxes and raccoons, emphasizing the urgency of the situation. 121 00:10:08,040 --> 00:10:12,040 Speaker 1: As they spoke, a crowd of farm animals gathered around 122 00:10:12,520 --> 00:10:17,559 Speaker 1: each trying to offer their solution. We should fortify our fences, 123 00:10:18,120 --> 00:10:23,320 Speaker 1: suggested Tina, a sturdy old cow. That won't solve the 124 00:10:23,400 --> 00:10:28,079 Speaker 1: root issue. Counter Daisy, a wise old chicken. We need 125 00:10:28,080 --> 00:10:31,520 Speaker 1: to help them. We have plenty of food and they 126 00:10:32,040 --> 00:10:37,920 Speaker 1: for now do not. Ollie, another chicken perching atop of 127 00:10:37,960 --> 00:10:41,560 Speaker 1: the barn, spoke up. While you and Betsy were off 128 00:10:41,600 --> 00:10:44,680 Speaker 1: trying to find the other apple trees. I talked to 129 00:10:44,760 --> 00:10:49,520 Speaker 1: one of the barncats. Apparently there is yet another grove 130 00:10:49,600 --> 00:10:52,400 Speaker 1: of apple trees on the far side of the farm. 131 00:10:52,720 --> 00:10:58,000 Speaker 1: It's wild and vast, untouched for years. If we share 132 00:10:58,040 --> 00:11:01,160 Speaker 1: its location and help them find it, there might be 133 00:11:01,240 --> 00:11:06,720 Speaker 1: more than enough apples for them. Puddles eyes lit up. 134 00:11:07,200 --> 00:11:11,400 Speaker 1: That's a wonderful idea, and we don't really need to 135 00:11:11,480 --> 00:11:16,480 Speaker 1: have apples. It's just a treat after all. Betsy nodded. 136 00:11:16,840 --> 00:11:19,440 Speaker 1: We'll have to show them, let them know we want 137 00:11:19,440 --> 00:11:25,640 Speaker 1: to help. As they were murmuring about their idea, Splash 138 00:11:25,679 --> 00:11:29,920 Speaker 1: walked in amongst the animals that had gathered. Foxes and 139 00:11:30,040 --> 00:11:33,840 Speaker 1: raccoons can't live on apples alone. He said. It's a 140 00:11:33,840 --> 00:11:38,000 Speaker 1: great start, but they will need more. I will talk 141 00:11:38,040 --> 00:11:40,800 Speaker 1: to farmer Vernon and let him know what has been happening. 142 00:11:41,559 --> 00:11:45,000 Speaker 1: We may at times be at odds with foxes and raccoons, 143 00:11:45,720 --> 00:11:48,320 Speaker 1: but that is no reason for them to not have 144 00:11:48,559 --> 00:11:54,040 Speaker 1: enough food to eat. Chickens, why don't you create a 145 00:11:54,120 --> 00:11:56,880 Speaker 1: map of the old orchard that we can deliver to 146 00:11:57,000 --> 00:12:00,760 Speaker 1: them cows and pigs, Why don't did you gather some 147 00:12:00,920 --> 00:12:03,800 Speaker 1: excess feed and will hook up a cart to take 148 00:12:03,840 --> 00:12:07,800 Speaker 1: it to them. With that plan in mind, the farm 149 00:12:07,880 --> 00:12:11,640 Speaker 1: animals worked hard. They collected the food they were to 150 00:12:11,679 --> 00:12:15,360 Speaker 1: have for dinner, and with the help of the chickens, 151 00:12:15,400 --> 00:12:18,360 Speaker 1: made a map that marked the location of the old 152 00:12:18,480 --> 00:12:24,600 Speaker 1: apple grove. Before Puddles could retire for the evening, Splash walked. 153 00:12:24,320 --> 00:12:25,679 Speaker 2: Up to him. 154 00:12:26,400 --> 00:12:29,600 Speaker 1: You were really brave today. Trying to help a bunch 155 00:12:29,640 --> 00:12:34,319 Speaker 1: of cranky raccoons can be scary, and that fox certainly 156 00:12:34,360 --> 00:12:39,240 Speaker 1: didn't act very friendly towards you. Splash said, how did 157 00:12:39,280 --> 00:12:44,080 Speaker 1: you know? Puddles said, surprised. I had followed the fox 158 00:12:44,120 --> 00:12:48,360 Speaker 1: and raccoon tracks through the backfields of the neighboring farm, 159 00:12:48,400 --> 00:12:51,520 Speaker 1: found where they kept the apples, and then followed them 160 00:12:51,520 --> 00:12:56,440 Speaker 1: to where you all met and had your confrontation. Why 161 00:12:56,480 --> 00:12:59,560 Speaker 1: didn't you intervene one look at you and they would 162 00:12:59,600 --> 00:13:04,080 Speaker 1: have all scattered. I thought you and Betsy handled it 163 00:13:04,240 --> 00:13:09,240 Speaker 1: very well. Sometimes giving animals a chance to talk and 164 00:13:09,480 --> 00:13:13,760 Speaker 1: just listening to their concerns is the best approach. If 165 00:13:13,800 --> 00:13:16,640 Speaker 1: I had jumped in, we might never have found out 166 00:13:16,679 --> 00:13:20,520 Speaker 1: that so many of them were going hungry. What you 167 00:13:20,600 --> 00:13:25,960 Speaker 1: and Betsy did was the best approach. Splash said, thank 168 00:13:26,000 --> 00:13:29,679 Speaker 1: you for trusting us. Puddles said, I really do hope 169 00:13:29,679 --> 00:13:36,640 Speaker 1: we can help them. The next morning, after Chester announced 170 00:13:36,679 --> 00:13:39,840 Speaker 1: the start of the day, the animals walked out of 171 00:13:39,880 --> 00:13:43,800 Speaker 1: the barn with a sense of purpose. It was a 172 00:13:43,960 --> 00:13:49,400 Speaker 1: beautiful day under the watchful eyes of the sun. Betsy 173 00:13:49,440 --> 00:13:53,240 Speaker 1: and Puddles accompanied by another cow pulling a wagon full 174 00:13:53,280 --> 00:13:58,320 Speaker 1: of food, returned to the clearing in the woods. The 175 00:13:58,360 --> 00:14:02,560 Speaker 1: fox with the white streak, the older raccoon, and their 176 00:14:02,600 --> 00:14:09,040 Speaker 1: cohorts were already waiting. Without a word. Betsy offered the 177 00:14:09,080 --> 00:14:14,520 Speaker 1: wagon of food, and the map splash stood behind, watching 178 00:14:14,600 --> 00:14:20,239 Speaker 1: the proceedings from a distance. The fox's eyes widened in surprise. 179 00:14:21,960 --> 00:14:25,960 Speaker 1: This is a gesture of friendship, Huddles began. The map 180 00:14:26,080 --> 00:14:29,520 Speaker 1: leads to a grove of wild apple trees. We hope 181 00:14:29,560 --> 00:14:32,720 Speaker 1: this food will help you no longer be hungry until 182 00:14:32,760 --> 00:14:39,840 Speaker 1: a permanent solution can be found. The older raccoon stepped forward. 183 00:14:40,600 --> 00:14:45,560 Speaker 1: We were wrong, and for that we apologize. Hunger made 184 00:14:45,640 --> 00:14:51,480 Speaker 1: us forget who we are. Huddles smiled. It's a new day. 185 00:14:52,240 --> 00:14:55,000 Speaker 1: I hope we can all work together, just like you 186 00:14:55,080 --> 00:14:59,800 Speaker 1: and the foxes have learned to. I appreciate what you 187 00:14:59,840 --> 00:15:02,240 Speaker 1: have done for us, and I am sorry for how 188 00:15:02,280 --> 00:15:06,520 Speaker 1: I acted. I have learned something new today, the fox 189 00:15:06,560 --> 00:15:10,240 Speaker 1: with the white streak said. While I will always be 190 00:15:10,360 --> 00:15:13,360 Speaker 1: a fox and a fox has got to be a fox, 191 00:15:14,120 --> 00:15:16,800 Speaker 1: I am happy to know that we have new friends. 192 00:15:17,920 --> 00:15:21,920 Speaker 1: If you animals ever need help, please don't hesitate to 193 00:15:22,040 --> 00:15:28,440 Speaker 1: ask The foxes and raccoons took the food and left 194 00:15:28,520 --> 00:15:32,960 Speaker 1: for their homes. When all the food was gone, puddles, 195 00:15:33,000 --> 00:15:37,200 Speaker 1: Splash and Betsy turned and returned to the farm with 196 00:15:37,280 --> 00:15:46,360 Speaker 1: a full heart and a smile on their faces. And 197 00:15:46,400 --> 00:16:03,120 Speaker 1: that's the end of our story. Good night, sleep tight. 198 00:16:10,400 --> 00:16:25,880 Speaker 3: Sta still. 199 00:16:23,000 --> 00:16:44,280 Speaker 2: As him sat still, the 200 00:17:00,080 --> 00:17:00,120 Speaker 1: Z