1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:26,439 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Today, we 2 00:00:26,480 --> 00:00:29,840 Speaker 1: are going to start a story about a leaping goat 3 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:35,800 Speaker 1: called Lightfoot. He got his name from the way he jumps. 4 00:00:37,760 --> 00:00:40,959 Speaker 1: Lightfoot is a young goat who wants to go up 5 00:00:41,040 --> 00:00:44,279 Speaker 1: onto the rocks and eat the tender grass that the 6 00:00:44,360 --> 00:00:49,640 Speaker 1: older goats are eating. He gets up there, but finds 7 00:00:49,680 --> 00:00:53,760 Speaker 1: out that the older goats don't want the young ones 8 00:00:53,880 --> 00:01:06,240 Speaker 1: eating their sweet grass. Lightfoot, the leaping goat. Chapter one. 9 00:01:10,200 --> 00:01:15,039 Speaker 1: Lightfoot stamped his hoofs on the hard rocks, shook his horns, 10 00:01:15,800 --> 00:01:19,120 Speaker 1: wiggled the little bunch of whiskers that hung beneath his chin, 11 00:01:19,760 --> 00:01:22,919 Speaker 1: and called to another goat who was not far away. 12 00:01:24,440 --> 00:01:28,920 Speaker 1: I'm going up on the high rocks. Oh you better not, 13 00:01:29,840 --> 00:01:33,000 Speaker 1: said Blackie. If you go up there, you may slip 14 00:01:33,040 --> 00:01:36,959 Speaker 1: and fall down here and hurt yourself, or some of 15 00:01:37,000 --> 00:01:41,319 Speaker 1: the big goats may chase you back. Well, if they do, 16 00:01:41,520 --> 00:01:45,240 Speaker 1: I'll jump down again, went on Lightfoot, as he stood 17 00:01:45,600 --> 00:01:51,040 Speaker 1: on his hind legs. You can't jump that far, said Blackie, 18 00:01:51,520 --> 00:01:55,160 Speaker 1: looking up toward the high rocks, which were far above 19 00:01:55,160 --> 00:02:01,720 Speaker 1: the heads of herself and Lightfoot. Lightfoot and Blackie were 20 00:02:01,760 --> 00:02:05,160 Speaker 1: two goats, and they lived with several others on the 21 00:02:05,280 --> 00:02:12,240 Speaker 1: rocky hillside at the edge of a big city. Lightfoot 22 00:02:12,240 --> 00:02:16,080 Speaker 1: and Blackie, with four other goats, were owned by the 23 00:02:16,120 --> 00:02:21,040 Speaker 1: widow Missus Maloney. She and her son Mike had a 24 00:02:21,080 --> 00:02:23,920 Speaker 1: small shanty on the ground in the shadow of the 25 00:02:23,919 --> 00:02:28,880 Speaker 1: big rocks. The reason they kept most of the goats 26 00:02:29,280 --> 00:02:33,600 Speaker 1: was for the milk they gave, or some goats, like cows, 27 00:02:34,160 --> 00:02:37,919 Speaker 1: can be milked, and many people like goat's milk better 28 00:02:37,960 --> 00:02:41,280 Speaker 1: than the cow's kind, which your milkman might bring to 29 00:02:41,360 --> 00:02:44,320 Speaker 1: your door every morning, or which is brought to the 30 00:02:44,400 --> 00:02:47,600 Speaker 1: house from the stable or the lot where the cows 31 00:02:47,600 --> 00:02:53,239 Speaker 1: are milked. If you live in the country, you can 32 00:02:53,360 --> 00:02:56,040 Speaker 1: never jump down that far if the big goats chase 33 00:02:56,120 --> 00:02:58,919 Speaker 1: you away when you get on top of the high rocks, 34 00:02:59,600 --> 00:03:04,400 Speaker 1: went on Blackie as she looked up. Well, maybe I 35 00:03:04,440 --> 00:03:07,720 Speaker 1: can't do it all in one jump, Lightfoot said slowly. 36 00:03:08,280 --> 00:03:12,440 Speaker 1: But I can come down in two or three jumps. 37 00:03:12,760 --> 00:03:17,000 Speaker 1: If the big goats chase me away anyhow, maybe they 38 00:03:17,040 --> 00:03:22,679 Speaker 1: won't chase me. Oh, yes they will, bleated Blackie. In 39 00:03:22,800 --> 00:03:27,919 Speaker 1: the animal talk which the goats used among themselves. They 40 00:03:27,919 --> 00:03:31,920 Speaker 1: could understand a little man talk, but not much, but 41 00:03:32,000 --> 00:03:37,720 Speaker 1: they could talk and think among themselves. The big goats 42 00:03:37,760 --> 00:03:40,320 Speaker 1: will never let you come up where they are, went 43 00:03:40,400 --> 00:03:44,000 Speaker 1: on Blackie, who was called that because she was nearly 44 00:03:44,120 --> 00:03:48,400 Speaker 1: all black. Why won't the big goats let me go 45 00:03:48,560 --> 00:03:52,160 Speaker 1: up there, asked Lightfoot. I know it is nicer up 46 00:03:52,200 --> 00:03:56,680 Speaker 1: there than down here. Or I have heard grandfather Bumper, 47 00:03:57,960 --> 00:04:02,000 Speaker 1: the oldest of all us goats, tell how far he 48 00:04:02,040 --> 00:04:05,960 Speaker 1: can see from the top of the rocks, and nice 49 00:04:06,080 --> 00:04:09,800 Speaker 1: sweet grass grows up there. I'd like some of that. 50 00:04:11,080 --> 00:04:14,520 Speaker 1: The grass here is nearly all dried up and gone. 51 00:04:16,520 --> 00:04:20,760 Speaker 1: Lightfoot saw off to one side a tomato can, and 52 00:04:20,800 --> 00:04:25,680 Speaker 1: he hurried toward it. Sometimes these cans had paper pasted 53 00:04:25,760 --> 00:04:28,919 Speaker 1: on them, and the goats liked to eat the paper 54 00:04:30,120 --> 00:04:33,400 Speaker 1: or it had a sweet taste, and the paste with 55 00:04:33,440 --> 00:04:37,239 Speaker 1: which it was fastened to the can was even sweeter. 56 00:04:39,560 --> 00:04:42,159 Speaker 1: That's just the reason the big goats don't want you 57 00:04:42,240 --> 00:04:45,040 Speaker 1: to go up where they are, said Blackie, as Lightfoot 58 00:04:45,080 --> 00:04:49,240 Speaker 1: came back, looking as disappointed as a goat can look, 59 00:04:50,040 --> 00:04:55,000 Speaker 1: for there was no paper on the can. Someone had 60 00:04:55,080 --> 00:04:59,400 Speaker 1: eaten it off. The big goats want to save the 61 00:04:59,400 --> 00:05:02,960 Speaker 1: sweet grass on the high rocks for themselves. Some of 62 00:05:03,000 --> 00:05:05,640 Speaker 1: the best milk goats are there, and they have to 63 00:05:05,640 --> 00:05:11,239 Speaker 1: eat lots of grass to make milk. Well, I'm going 64 00:05:11,360 --> 00:05:15,320 Speaker 1: up anyhow, said Lightfoot. At least I'm going to try. 65 00:05:16,360 --> 00:05:18,920 Speaker 1: If they drive me back down, I'll get down all right. 66 00:05:19,400 --> 00:05:23,200 Speaker 1: I'm getting to be a pretty good jumper. See. He 67 00:05:23,279 --> 00:05:26,360 Speaker 1: gave a little run and leaped lightly over a big 68 00:05:26,480 --> 00:05:31,520 Speaker 1: rock not far from the shanty of the widow Maloney. 69 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:36,000 Speaker 1: Oh that was a fine jump, exclaimed Blackie. I'll never 70 00:05:36,080 --> 00:05:38,760 Speaker 1: be able to jump as far as you. But I 71 00:05:38,800 --> 00:05:42,960 Speaker 1: wouldn't go up there if I were you. Yes, I shall, 72 00:05:43,920 --> 00:05:48,000 Speaker 1: declared Lightfoot, as he shook his horns again and started 73 00:05:48,040 --> 00:05:51,599 Speaker 1: to climb the rocks. He was very fond of having 74 00:05:51,680 --> 00:05:59,760 Speaker 1: his own way. Lightfoot did not remember much about the 75 00:05:59,800 --> 00:06:04,560 Speaker 1: time when he was a very very small goat. He 76 00:06:04,600 --> 00:06:07,359 Speaker 1: could dimly recall that he had once lived in a 77 00:06:07,440 --> 00:06:12,799 Speaker 1: green grassy field with other goats, and then one day 78 00:06:13,279 --> 00:06:15,719 Speaker 1: that he had been taken for a long ride in 79 00:06:15,760 --> 00:06:20,640 Speaker 1: a wagon. He went to a number of places, finally 80 00:06:20,680 --> 00:06:24,119 Speaker 1: reaching the home of the widow Maloney and her son Mike, 81 00:06:24,640 --> 00:06:28,920 Speaker 1: who was a tall, strong lad with a happy, laughing 82 00:06:29,000 --> 00:06:34,120 Speaker 1: face covered with freckles, and on his head was the 83 00:06:34,160 --> 00:06:40,520 Speaker 1: reddest hair you ever saw. Lightfoot soon made himself at 84 00:06:40,560 --> 00:06:45,320 Speaker 1: home among the other goats Missus Maloney kept. At first, 85 00:06:45,360 --> 00:06:48,839 Speaker 1: these goats said very little to him. But one day, 86 00:06:49,360 --> 00:06:52,680 Speaker 1: when he was but a small kid, as little goats 87 00:06:52,680 --> 00:06:56,600 Speaker 1: are called, he surprised the other animals among the rocks 88 00:06:57,040 --> 00:06:59,840 Speaker 1: by giving a big jump to get away from a 89 00:07:00,360 --> 00:07:05,560 Speaker 1: that ran after him. That goat will be a fine jumper, 90 00:07:06,080 --> 00:07:10,080 Speaker 1: said Grandpa Bumper, who was called that because he could 91 00:07:10,080 --> 00:07:13,600 Speaker 1: bump so hard with his horns and head that all 92 00:07:13,640 --> 00:07:17,720 Speaker 1: the other goats were afraid of him. Yes, he'll be 93 00:07:17,840 --> 00:07:21,960 Speaker 1: a great jumper, went on the oldest goat of them all. 94 00:07:22,400 --> 00:07:25,880 Speaker 1: I think I shall name him Lightfoot, for he comes 95 00:07:25,920 --> 00:07:30,080 Speaker 1: down so lightly and so easily after he makes his leap, 96 00:07:32,680 --> 00:07:38,160 Speaker 1: and so Lightfoot was named. As far as he knew, 97 00:07:38,280 --> 00:07:40,880 Speaker 1: there were none of the other goats who were any 98 00:07:40,920 --> 00:07:45,800 Speaker 1: relation to him. He was a stranger among them, but 99 00:07:45,880 --> 00:07:50,760 Speaker 1: they soon became friendly with him. Among the six goats 100 00:07:50,880 --> 00:07:55,280 Speaker 1: owned by the widow Maloney, there were only two who 101 00:07:55,320 --> 00:08:00,760 Speaker 1: were of any relation. These were mister and Missus sharp Horn, 102 00:08:01,200 --> 00:08:04,360 Speaker 1: as we would call them, though of course goats don't 103 00:08:04,400 --> 00:08:08,040 Speaker 1: call each other husband and wife. They have other names 104 00:08:08,080 --> 00:08:12,640 Speaker 1: that mean the same thing. But though he had no 105 00:08:12,880 --> 00:08:16,240 Speaker 1: brothers or sisters, or father or mother that he knew, 106 00:08:17,160 --> 00:08:23,760 Speaker 1: Lightfoot was not unhappy. There was Blackie, with whom he 107 00:08:23,880 --> 00:08:29,040 Speaker 1: played and frisked about the rocks, and Grandpa Bumper. When 108 00:08:29,080 --> 00:08:32,320 Speaker 1: he had had a good meal of the sweet grass 109 00:08:32,400 --> 00:08:35,840 Speaker 1: that grew on top of the rocks, with perhaps some 110 00:08:36,080 --> 00:08:39,319 Speaker 1: sweet paste paper from the outside of a tomato can 111 00:08:39,440 --> 00:08:44,280 Speaker 1: to finish, Off would tell stories of his early life, 112 00:08:44,600 --> 00:08:48,400 Speaker 1: and he would tell of other goats in far off mountains, 113 00:08:49,160 --> 00:08:52,720 Speaker 1: some of them nearly as big as cows, with great 114 00:08:53,200 --> 00:08:58,160 Speaker 1: curved horns on their heads. Lightfoot loved to listen to 115 00:08:58,240 --> 00:09:03,720 Speaker 1: these stories. There was not much for the goats to 116 00:09:03,760 --> 00:09:07,120 Speaker 1: do at the home of the widow Maloney. They had 117 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:09,880 Speaker 1: no work to do except to jump around on the 118 00:09:10,000 --> 00:09:13,640 Speaker 1: rocks and to eat when they were hungry and could 119 00:09:13,640 --> 00:09:18,079 Speaker 1: find anything they liked. Though some of the goats were milked, 120 00:09:19,960 --> 00:09:22,280 Speaker 1: there was more milk than the widow and her son 121 00:09:22,320 --> 00:09:25,439 Speaker 1: could use, so they used to sell some to their 122 00:09:25,480 --> 00:09:30,920 Speaker 1: neighbors who did not keep goats. But many others besides 123 00:09:31,040 --> 00:09:35,280 Speaker 1: Mike and his mother kept goats. Where all the neighbors 124 00:09:35,320 --> 00:09:38,760 Speaker 1: of the Maloneys lived. Among the rocks on the edge 125 00:09:38,760 --> 00:09:42,200 Speaker 1: of the big city. They did not own the land 126 00:09:42,240 --> 00:09:45,440 Speaker 1: where they built their poor shanties, but some of them 127 00:09:45,480 --> 00:09:49,000 Speaker 1: have been there so long they thought they owned it. 128 00:09:52,000 --> 00:09:56,679 Speaker 1: Missus Maloney and her son were very poor. Sometimes, had 129 00:09:56,679 --> 00:09:59,320 Speaker 1: it not been for the milk of the goats, they 130 00:09:59,360 --> 00:10:04,280 Speaker 1: would have had nothing to eat. The widow took in washing, 131 00:10:04,800 --> 00:10:09,080 Speaker 1: and Mike earned what he could running errands. But for 132 00:10:09,200 --> 00:10:13,680 Speaker 1: all that, the widow and Mike were cheerful and tried 133 00:10:13,760 --> 00:10:18,480 Speaker 1: to be happy. They kept their shanty clean and were 134 00:10:18,559 --> 00:10:23,880 Speaker 1: clean themselves, and they took very good care of the goats. 135 00:10:25,160 --> 00:10:27,560 Speaker 1: Mike made a little shed for them to sleep in. 136 00:10:27,679 --> 00:10:30,840 Speaker 1: When winter came, and when the grass on the rocks 137 00:10:30,920 --> 00:10:34,120 Speaker 1: was scarce, Mike would get a job in the city 138 00:10:34,600 --> 00:10:38,280 Speaker 1: cutting the lawn of some big house, and he would 139 00:10:38,280 --> 00:10:43,680 Speaker 1: bring the clipped grass home to Lightfoot and the others. Yes, 140 00:10:44,320 --> 00:10:48,400 Speaker 1: I'm going up on top of the rocks, said Lightfoot 141 00:10:48,440 --> 00:10:55,720 Speaker 1: to himself, as he began to climb upward. The path 142 00:10:55,840 --> 00:10:59,160 Speaker 1: to the top was a hard and rough one to climb, 143 00:11:00,080 --> 00:11:04,920 Speaker 1: Lightfoot did not give up. I know I can do it, 144 00:11:05,160 --> 00:11:09,720 Speaker 1: he declared still to himself. I was nearly up once, 145 00:11:09,800 --> 00:11:13,160 Speaker 1: but mister sharp Porn chased me back. I was only 146 00:11:13,200 --> 00:11:18,440 Speaker 1: a little goat. Then Lightfoot knew he was much larger 147 00:11:18,440 --> 00:11:22,199 Speaker 1: and stronger now, and he certainly was a better jumper. 148 00:11:23,559 --> 00:11:27,000 Speaker 1: He really did not know how far he could jump, 149 00:11:27,520 --> 00:11:32,360 Speaker 1: for he had not had much chance on the lower rocks. 150 00:11:32,400 --> 00:11:35,960 Speaker 1: There were not many good jumping places. The ground was 151 00:11:36,000 --> 00:11:40,520 Speaker 1: too rough. Wait until I get up to the top, 152 00:11:40,920 --> 00:11:45,240 Speaker 1: thought Lightfoot to himself. Then I'll do some jumping. I 153 00:11:45,280 --> 00:11:51,520 Speaker 1: wonder if they'll chase me back. Part Way up the 154 00:11:51,640 --> 00:11:56,040 Speaker 1: rocky path, he stopped to look toward the top. He 155 00:11:56,080 --> 00:12:00,400 Speaker 1: saw mister Sharporn looking down at him, and Lightfoot tended 156 00:12:00,480 --> 00:12:03,280 Speaker 1: to be looking for some grass that grew in the 157 00:12:03,360 --> 00:12:07,880 Speaker 1: cracks of the rocks. As he did this, the widow 158 00:12:07,960 --> 00:12:13,000 Speaker 1: came to the door of her shanty, Mike, Mike, She called, 159 00:12:13,559 --> 00:12:16,720 Speaker 1: where are you? I want you to be taken home. 160 00:12:16,840 --> 00:12:22,600 Speaker 1: Missus Macintosh's wash. It's all finished, I have it. And 161 00:12:22,720 --> 00:12:26,240 Speaker 1: then as she shaded her eyes from the sun and 162 00:12:26,320 --> 00:12:31,040 Speaker 1: looked up on the rocks, Missus Maloney saw Lightfoot halfway 163 00:12:31,120 --> 00:12:34,880 Speaker 1: to the top. Would you look at that goat now? 164 00:12:35,480 --> 00:12:38,920 Speaker 1: She called, Come here, Mike and see where Lightfoot is. 165 00:12:39,559 --> 00:12:44,920 Speaker 1: Look at the climber he's gettin to be Yes, Lightfoot's 166 00:12:44,920 --> 00:12:47,560 Speaker 1: a good goat, said Mike as he came around the 167 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:50,480 Speaker 1: corner of the shanty where he had been trying to 168 00:12:50,559 --> 00:12:54,400 Speaker 1: fix a broken wheel on a small cart he had 169 00:12:54,440 --> 00:12:59,040 Speaker 1: made from a soapbox. He is a fine leaper, and 170 00:12:59,120 --> 00:13:02,280 Speaker 1: he's going to be better when he grows up. I 171 00:13:02,360 --> 00:13:05,880 Speaker 1: wonder what he's trying to do. Now, go to the 172 00:13:05,880 --> 00:13:11,040 Speaker 1: top of the rocks, isn't it, asked missus maloney. If 173 00:13:11,080 --> 00:13:13,920 Speaker 1: he does, the sharp horns are old bumper will send 174 00:13:14,000 --> 00:13:18,160 Speaker 1: him down quick enough, laughed Mike. They don't want the 175 00:13:18,240 --> 00:13:22,600 Speaker 1: small nannies and billies eatin the top grass. You'd better 176 00:13:22,679 --> 00:13:27,760 Speaker 1: come back, Lightfoot, he called to the climbing goat. But 177 00:13:28,559 --> 00:13:34,079 Speaker 1: if Lightfoot heard or understood, he gave no sign. I'd 178 00:13:34,120 --> 00:13:36,240 Speaker 1: like to stay and see what happens when he gets 179 00:13:36,280 --> 00:13:40,280 Speaker 1: to the top, laughed Mike, running his fingers through his 180 00:13:40,400 --> 00:13:45,320 Speaker 1: red hair. You've no time, called his mother. Be off 181 00:13:45,360 --> 00:13:48,680 Speaker 1: with this wash now, like a good boy. Sure it's 182 00:13:48,720 --> 00:13:50,880 Speaker 1: the money from it. I'll be needin to get meat 183 00:13:50,960 --> 00:13:55,280 Speaker 1: for Sunday dinner. Off with you now, all right, mother, 184 00:13:55,520 --> 00:13:57,959 Speaker 1: Just as soon as I fix the wheel on my cart. 185 00:14:01,640 --> 00:14:04,160 Speaker 1: While Mike went back to fix his wagon so he 186 00:14:04,200 --> 00:14:08,240 Speaker 1: could take home the basket of clean clothes. Lightfoot, the 187 00:14:08,360 --> 00:14:13,120 Speaker 1: leaping goat, once more began scrambling up the rocks toward 188 00:14:13,200 --> 00:14:18,000 Speaker 1: the top. Mister sharp Horn, who had looked over the 189 00:14:18,120 --> 00:14:21,760 Speaker 1: edge to see the smaller goat climbing up, had moved 190 00:14:21,800 --> 00:14:27,640 Speaker 1: back to eat some more grass, and he forgot about Lightfoot. 191 00:14:28,720 --> 00:14:31,600 Speaker 1: Now none of them is looking. I'll get to the top, 192 00:14:31,960 --> 00:14:35,960 Speaker 1: thought Lightfoot, And when I do, I'll have some fun 193 00:14:36,400 --> 00:14:40,840 Speaker 1: and get something good to eat. I want some long 194 00:14:41,120 --> 00:14:44,640 Speaker 1: stemmed grass that at the foot of the rocks is 195 00:14:44,800 --> 00:14:53,240 Speaker 1: dry and sour. On and on he climbed now and 196 00:14:53,320 --> 00:14:56,120 Speaker 1: then he would stop to kick up his heels. He 197 00:14:56,240 --> 00:15:00,680 Speaker 1: felt so fine, and again he would push his horns 198 00:15:00,720 --> 00:15:04,080 Speaker 1: against the hard rocks to see how strong his head 199 00:15:04,120 --> 00:15:08,280 Speaker 1: and neck were getting. Soon I'll be able to butt 200 00:15:08,360 --> 00:15:14,560 Speaker 1: as well as Grandpa Bumper, thought Lightfoot. Some neighboring children 201 00:15:14,640 --> 00:15:17,200 Speaker 1: playing in the yard of their shanty next to that 202 00:15:17,400 --> 00:15:22,600 Speaker 1: of the Maloney's saw Lightfoot kicking and butting. Oh, look 203 00:15:22,600 --> 00:15:25,440 Speaker 1: at that funny goat of Mike's, called the little girl. 204 00:15:26,040 --> 00:15:29,840 Speaker 1: Sure he's a fine goat, declared her brother. I wish 205 00:15:29,880 --> 00:15:33,120 Speaker 1: we had one like that. Our nanny is getting old, 206 00:15:33,200 --> 00:15:38,960 Speaker 1: he added. On and on went Lightfoot, cutting up such 207 00:15:39,040 --> 00:15:42,080 Speaker 1: funny capers that the little boy and girl watching him 208 00:15:42,560 --> 00:15:49,040 Speaker 1: laughed with glee. At last, the goat was close to 209 00:15:49,120 --> 00:15:51,880 Speaker 1: the top of the rocks, where there was a smooth, 210 00:15:52,160 --> 00:15:58,720 Speaker 1: level place and where sweet grass grew. Lightfoot peeped carefully 211 00:15:58,840 --> 00:16:02,400 Speaker 1: over the top. He did not want mister Sharporn or 212 00:16:02,440 --> 00:16:05,640 Speaker 1: Grandpa Bumper to rush at him the first thing, and 213 00:16:05,840 --> 00:16:09,360 Speaker 1: maybe knock him head over heels down the rocky hill. 214 00:16:10,920 --> 00:16:15,160 Speaker 1: But as it happened, all the other goats were away 215 00:16:15,200 --> 00:16:19,600 Speaker 1: from the edge and did not see Lightfoot Up. He 216 00:16:19,680 --> 00:16:26,680 Speaker 1: scrambled and began cropping the sweet grass. Oh this is fine, 217 00:16:26,840 --> 00:16:31,800 Speaker 1: he cried. He was eating the grass, when all at 218 00:16:31,800 --> 00:16:38,240 Speaker 1: once mister Sharporn looked up and saw him. Well, the idea, 219 00:16:39,080 --> 00:16:42,920 Speaker 1: cried that big goat, the idea of that kid coming 220 00:16:43,040 --> 00:16:46,640 Speaker 1: up here where only we big goats are supposed to come. 221 00:16:47,320 --> 00:16:50,400 Speaker 1: He is too young for this place, Yet I must 222 00:16:50,480 --> 00:16:55,120 Speaker 1: drive him down and teach him a lesson. Then, lowering 223 00:16:55,160 --> 00:17:02,160 Speaker 1: his head and shaking his horns, the goat rushed at Lightfoot. 224 00:17:03,240 --> 00:17:07,600 Speaker 1: Mister Sharporn did not mean to be unkind, but small 225 00:17:07,720 --> 00:17:11,080 Speaker 1: animals are always kept in their own places by the 226 00:17:11,200 --> 00:17:14,880 Speaker 1: larger ones until they have grown big enough to take 227 00:17:14,960 --> 00:17:19,400 Speaker 1: their own part. This is one of the lessons goats 228 00:17:19,400 --> 00:17:24,199 Speaker 1: and other animals have to learn. Lightfoot was soon to 229 00:17:24,320 --> 00:17:29,560 Speaker 1: have his lesson. He was eating away at the sweet grass, 230 00:17:29,600 --> 00:17:33,960 Speaker 1: thinking how good it was, when he heard a clatter 231 00:17:34,160 --> 00:17:40,320 Speaker 1: of hoofs. Looking up quickly, Lightfoot saw mister sharp Porn 232 00:17:40,480 --> 00:17:46,080 Speaker 1: running toward him. Swiftly, Lightfoot knew what the lowered head 233 00:17:46,119 --> 00:17:50,080 Speaker 1: of the older goat meant. Get on down out of here, 234 00:17:50,800 --> 00:17:55,679 Speaker 1: bleated mister sharp Porn. I don't want to, answered Lightfoot, 235 00:17:56,040 --> 00:18:00,560 Speaker 1: and stamped with his forefeet his hard hoofs rat on 236 00:18:00,760 --> 00:18:05,960 Speaker 1: the ground. But you must go down, said the older goat. 237 00:18:06,280 --> 00:18:08,760 Speaker 1: This is no place for you kids. It is for 238 00:18:08,880 --> 00:18:13,479 Speaker 1: the older goats. Keep on the rocks below. I am 239 00:18:13,520 --> 00:18:16,480 Speaker 1: old enough to come up here now, said Lightfoot. Besides, 240 00:18:17,040 --> 00:18:22,359 Speaker 1: I am hungry. That makes no difference, cried mister Sharporn. 241 00:18:22,600 --> 00:18:27,240 Speaker 1: Get down, I say. He kept on running toward Lightfoot 242 00:18:27,320 --> 00:18:32,240 Speaker 1: with lowered head. The boy goat thought the mangoat was 243 00:18:32,400 --> 00:18:36,720 Speaker 1: perhaps only trying to scare him, and did not turn 244 00:18:36,800 --> 00:18:42,440 Speaker 1: to run. But mister Sharporn was in earnest on and 245 00:18:42,480 --> 00:18:46,320 Speaker 1: on he came, and when Lightfoot turned to run, it 246 00:18:46,480 --> 00:18:52,800 Speaker 1: was almost too late. However, he did turn, and he 247 00:18:52,960 --> 00:18:56,239 Speaker 1: did run, for he did not like the idea of 248 00:18:56,320 --> 00:19:02,320 Speaker 1: being butted with those long horns. Before him was the 249 00:19:02,520 --> 00:19:06,720 Speaker 1: edge of the rocks. And then, when it was too late, 250 00:19:07,600 --> 00:19:10,800 Speaker 1: Lightfoot saw that he had run to the wrong place. 251 00:19:10,960 --> 00:19:17,400 Speaker 1: On the edge, there was here no path down which 252 00:19:17,400 --> 00:19:22,600 Speaker 1: he could scramble. The rock went straight down, and he 253 00:19:22,760 --> 00:19:26,960 Speaker 1: must either stand still and be butted over the edge, 254 00:19:27,240 --> 00:19:33,119 Speaker 1: or he must jump. He gave a bleating cry, and 255 00:19:33,400 --> 00:19:42,480 Speaker 1: over the edge of the rocks he jumped. Good Night, 256 00:19:43,600 --> 00:19:44,320 Speaker 1: Sleep tight. 257 00:20:02,440 --> 00:20:13,840 Speaker 2: I belong to eyes that see right through loads of brows, 258 00:20:15,119 --> 00:20:26,679 Speaker 2: worlds of me and you, in windows of blue wife, 259 00:20:26,760 --> 00:20:38,440 Speaker 2: flying gold,