1 00:00:01,440 --> 00:00:05,600 Speaker 1: Follows the production of my R Radio. This episode contains 2 00:00:05,640 --> 00:00:14,160 Speaker 1: depictions of drug use in mild violence a second oil. 3 00:00:35,360 --> 00:00:39,120 Speaker 1: Most of my job comes down to first impressions, a 4 00:00:39,200 --> 00:00:45,040 Speaker 1: little intimidation, the questions, the digging, the hand dirty ng 5 00:00:45,320 --> 00:00:50,280 Speaker 1: that always comes later. When I arrived at Atlas, I 6 00:00:50,400 --> 00:00:54,640 Speaker 1: arrived as a symbol for decorum's sake. I slipped a 7 00:00:54,680 --> 00:00:58,040 Speaker 1: black wool cap over my cranial tattoos. I hid my 8 00:00:58,160 --> 00:01:03,400 Speaker 1: neck with a scarf calm collected, evened out by the 9 00:01:03,440 --> 00:01:07,559 Speaker 1: basilisk drug. I strolled out into the gladious cargo bay. 10 00:01:09,160 --> 00:01:13,039 Speaker 1: Two land spoke security guards in gray and navy awaited 11 00:01:13,040 --> 00:01:17,200 Speaker 1: me just inside the loading door. Their communits were strapped 12 00:01:17,240 --> 00:01:21,759 Speaker 1: to their chests, police style you dex logos on their shoulders. 13 00:01:22,600 --> 00:01:25,720 Speaker 1: One of them brandished a squid gun. The others scrolled 14 00:01:25,760 --> 00:01:29,480 Speaker 1: the menu items on his communit's hollow display. He didn't 15 00:01:29,480 --> 00:01:37,120 Speaker 1: even look up. Sigh, nove pan sure ambassador credentials. Do 16 00:01:37,160 --> 00:01:39,320 Speaker 1: I need to ask you about firearms? Or did they 17 00:01:39,319 --> 00:01:42,280 Speaker 1: do that? On the other end, I just have knives, 18 00:01:43,440 --> 00:01:48,320 Speaker 1: a bunch of knives. An ambassador with knives. She's a 19 00:01:48,440 --> 00:01:54,720 Speaker 1: company murk Jack's according to her name tag. I ignored 20 00:01:54,840 --> 00:01:57,680 Speaker 1: her look of contempt and nodded at the blunt nosed 21 00:01:57,680 --> 00:02:02,120 Speaker 1: weapon in her hands, or more specifically, at the tape 22 00:02:02,240 --> 00:02:08,519 Speaker 1: masked sensor mounted on top of it. Nice squid gun. Yeah, well, 23 00:02:09,440 --> 00:02:13,880 Speaker 1: welcome to the bottom. Squid guns are everywhere, and I 24 00:02:13,960 --> 00:02:18,200 Speaker 1: wasn't surprised to see one on Atlas. They fire specially 25 00:02:18,240 --> 00:02:22,480 Speaker 1: designed lumps of meta gel. When it hits, it wraps 26 00:02:22,480 --> 00:02:25,799 Speaker 1: around you like a foe armed bolo, glues you right 27 00:02:25,840 --> 00:02:30,840 Speaker 1: to the floor, the wall, or whatever hapless jerk showed 28 00:02:30,919 --> 00:02:34,400 Speaker 1: up at the wrong protest scale the gel with the 29 00:02:34,440 --> 00:02:37,760 Speaker 1: side of the gun and it melts off. It's the 30 00:02:37,800 --> 00:02:42,080 Speaker 1: most popular compliance weapon on the market and non lethal, 31 00:02:42,720 --> 00:02:46,840 Speaker 1: provided you don't fire it at someone's face. That's where 32 00:02:46,919 --> 00:02:51,840 Speaker 1: the cranium recognition scanner comes in. Tape up the CRS 33 00:02:51,880 --> 00:02:55,440 Speaker 1: and you're either a psycho or someone who wants the reputation. 34 00:02:57,000 --> 00:03:00,880 Speaker 1: I wasn't entirely sure which category she fell into yet, 35 00:03:00,960 --> 00:03:05,919 Speaker 1: but I suspected the ladder. I've seen what happens when 36 00:03:05,919 --> 00:03:09,160 Speaker 1: a squid hits someone in the face, usually with enough 37 00:03:09,200 --> 00:03:14,280 Speaker 1: force to blacken both eyes, maybe break the nose. It 38 00:03:14,360 --> 00:03:18,200 Speaker 1: wraps itself around the head, even pours into the mouth. 39 00:03:19,720 --> 00:03:24,440 Speaker 1: That's when the clawing starts. The basilisk took the sting 40 00:03:24,520 --> 00:03:27,240 Speaker 1: out of the memory for me, but it still gave 41 00:03:27,280 --> 00:03:30,680 Speaker 1: me pause. Director Hoffman says he can meet with you 42 00:03:30,760 --> 00:03:35,200 Speaker 1: now or at that work, your choice. I think he 43 00:03:35,280 --> 00:03:38,000 Speaker 1: also has some time tomorrow. I'm kind of on a schedule. 44 00:03:38,480 --> 00:03:45,680 Speaker 1: Let's do it now this way, ambassador. As they led 45 00:03:45,680 --> 00:03:47,720 Speaker 1: me out of the sub bay, we ventured down the 46 00:03:47,760 --> 00:03:51,880 Speaker 1: first of many compact hallways through hatches that would auto 47 00:03:51,960 --> 00:03:55,760 Speaker 1: seal in the event of a breach. They'd dissembled the 48 00:03:55,800 --> 00:03:59,840 Speaker 1: station out of preconstructed modules like a space station, to 49 00:04:00,080 --> 00:04:03,360 Speaker 1: ubes and wires trailed through the hallway, pinned neatly to 50 00:04:03,400 --> 00:04:08,120 Speaker 1: the ceiling. They occasionally sneaked away into maintenance conduits, but 51 00:04:08,240 --> 00:04:12,480 Speaker 1: mostly remained open and serviceable. It felt more like a 52 00:04:12,560 --> 00:04:16,640 Speaker 1: trek through the bowels of some giant parasite ridden beheemoth 53 00:04:16,880 --> 00:04:22,080 Speaker 1: than a human habitat. There were no viewing portholes, of course, 54 00:04:22,720 --> 00:04:26,080 Speaker 1: With some three hundred atmospheres of pressure outside, the hull 55 00:04:26,400 --> 00:04:33,359 Speaker 1: windows were an extravagance, so was space itself. The earliest 56 00:04:33,520 --> 00:04:37,680 Speaker 1: deep sea explorers squeezed into beach ball sized steel capsules 57 00:04:37,760 --> 00:04:41,880 Speaker 1: for a reason more leg room would have required thicker structure. 58 00:04:43,640 --> 00:04:46,839 Speaker 1: Engineering has come a long way since the nineteen thirties, 59 00:04:47,240 --> 00:04:52,760 Speaker 1: but industrial design, like evolution itself, is a miser. Keep 60 00:04:52,800 --> 00:04:57,120 Speaker 1: it small, keep it cheap. The guards led me through 61 00:04:57,160 --> 00:05:01,960 Speaker 1: cramped hallways, passed doorways to chambers and offices no bigger 62 00:05:01,960 --> 00:05:07,000 Speaker 1: than bathrooms. Dolls, mobility aids would make life difficult. Here. 63 00:05:08,640 --> 00:05:14,240 Speaker 1: We passed other uniformed U DEX employees, probably landsfolk. They 64 00:05:14,279 --> 00:05:18,560 Speaker 1: walked almost hand in hand, conversed as closely as lovers 65 00:05:18,600 --> 00:05:22,880 Speaker 1: in a park. Personal space was probably the first concept 66 00:05:22,920 --> 00:05:26,800 Speaker 1: to die down here, so I was surprised when we 67 00:05:26,839 --> 00:05:30,680 Speaker 1: emerged into a much larger module. As it opened up 68 00:05:30,720 --> 00:05:34,720 Speaker 1: around us, the ceiling seemed vaulted, like the roof of 69 00:05:34,760 --> 00:05:39,680 Speaker 1: some unfinished deep sea basilica. But I quickly realized the 70 00:05:39,720 --> 00:05:45,279 Speaker 1: space consisted of several large convergent spherical chambers. Stalls and 71 00:05:45,440 --> 00:05:48,600 Speaker 1: merch stands filled the space, all of it packed so 72 00:05:48,720 --> 00:05:52,279 Speaker 1: tightly that members of the crowd frequently squeezed past and 73 00:05:52,360 --> 00:05:56,600 Speaker 1: around each other like insects in a neon hive. They 74 00:05:56,600 --> 00:06:00,520 Speaker 1: bought coffee from an automated food They stood in line 75 00:06:00,560 --> 00:06:04,000 Speaker 1: to update their communits with the latest virus free dose 76 00:06:04,080 --> 00:06:08,839 Speaker 1: of news and celebrity schadenfreude. They gobbled clam rolls from 77 00:06:08,839 --> 00:06:13,800 Speaker 1: foil pouches and conversed in tight clusters around shared hollow displays. 78 00:06:14,400 --> 00:06:18,240 Speaker 1: It was all the usual surface world crap, only stuffed 79 00:06:18,240 --> 00:06:22,719 Speaker 1: into a tighter package, less air circulation. Amid the mingled 80 00:06:22,760 --> 00:06:29,799 Speaker 1: aromas of beer, ramen and sweat, we moved through the swarm. 81 00:06:29,839 --> 00:06:32,600 Speaker 1: I had to dial down my reflexes the first time 82 00:06:32,640 --> 00:06:37,080 Speaker 1: someone squeezed past me, but I'm a professional. Out of 83 00:06:37,080 --> 00:06:40,400 Speaker 1: the corner of my eye, I noted two recombined women 84 00:06:40,480 --> 00:06:44,840 Speaker 1: in dark wetsuits. They were both bald except for tattoos 85 00:06:44,880 --> 00:06:49,440 Speaker 1: of octopods and squid arms, dolphins, and spills of phytoplate. 86 00:06:50,279 --> 00:06:52,840 Speaker 1: I noted the lines of neck frills above the high 87 00:06:52,880 --> 00:06:56,480 Speaker 1: collars of their suits, the slight ridges that protruded from 88 00:06:56,520 --> 00:07:00,400 Speaker 1: their skulls. The one on the left blink dat me 89 00:07:00,600 --> 00:07:06,599 Speaker 1: with her secondary transparent eyelids. We passed by one of 90 00:07:06,640 --> 00:07:10,000 Speaker 1: those franchise joints where you wear VR goggles in a 91 00:07:10,040 --> 00:07:13,800 Speaker 1: massage chair and a cramped bar called the barrel ee. 92 00:07:14,520 --> 00:07:18,000 Speaker 1: I was gazing at its weird neon fish sign when 93 00:07:18,520 --> 00:07:22,720 Speaker 1: a bottle of pists exploded on the steel wall behind us. 94 00:07:22,840 --> 00:07:29,360 Speaker 1: Hi free jack ass crap Jack's didn't waste any time. 95 00:07:30,160 --> 00:07:32,800 Speaker 1: He fired up the squid. As the piste thrower shoved 96 00:07:32,840 --> 00:07:37,040 Speaker 1: his way through the crowd, she missed. Of course. The 97 00:07:37,120 --> 00:07:40,400 Speaker 1: projectile crashed through the side of a sausage stand and 98 00:07:40,440 --> 00:07:44,000 Speaker 1: wrapped itself around a pair of hanging skillets. But I 99 00:07:44,120 --> 00:07:48,280 Speaker 1: marked the guy. I gave into the urge, you know, 100 00:07:49,280 --> 00:07:54,040 Speaker 1: first impressions. I left over the nearest kneeling bystander, then 101 00:07:54,160 --> 00:07:57,560 Speaker 1: used the counter as a springboard. My landing brought down 102 00:07:57,600 --> 00:08:00,400 Speaker 1: two other bystanders in the process, but I kept the 103 00:08:00,440 --> 00:08:04,200 Speaker 1: guy in my sights. Another wet suited worker dodged me, 104 00:08:04,440 --> 00:08:07,120 Speaker 1: and I followed the piss thrower into a narrow kebab 105 00:08:07,200 --> 00:08:11,200 Speaker 1: shack thick with the aroma of grilled shrimp. I planted 106 00:08:11,240 --> 00:08:13,400 Speaker 1: a knee to the square of the assailant's back and 107 00:08:13,440 --> 00:08:17,240 Speaker 1: sent him sprawling, knocking three more customers into the flimsy 108 00:08:17,360 --> 00:08:21,320 Speaker 1: prefab walls. At the joint. The piss thrower scrambled to 109 00:08:21,400 --> 00:08:25,280 Speaker 1: his feet. He was recombined, but more to the point, 110 00:08:25,360 --> 00:08:30,280 Speaker 1: he was clearly wasted. He eyed me drunkenly and reached 111 00:08:30,320 --> 00:08:35,600 Speaker 1: into his wool lined jacket. I wouldn't, but he did. 112 00:08:36,520 --> 00:08:40,280 Speaker 1: He drew a diver's knife. I don't think he'd thought 113 00:08:40,320 --> 00:08:44,880 Speaker 1: any further than that. I can tell when someone's comfortable 114 00:08:45,080 --> 00:08:48,560 Speaker 1: leveling a blade at another human being, and this guy 115 00:08:48,559 --> 00:08:52,600 Speaker 1: didn't have it. He acted out of fear, casting about 116 00:08:52,640 --> 00:08:56,000 Speaker 1: for his next move. I didn't give him the chance. 117 00:08:57,960 --> 00:09:00,880 Speaker 1: I hit him with a basic jiu jitsun defense, a 118 00:09:00,960 --> 00:09:03,520 Speaker 1: downward foe arm strike to his knife arm. Then I 119 00:09:03,600 --> 00:09:06,920 Speaker 1: locked the limb, twisted it and spun him down. I 120 00:09:07,040 --> 00:09:09,640 Speaker 1: cranked his wrists near the breaking point and pinned the 121 00:09:09,679 --> 00:09:12,000 Speaker 1: side of his head to the gritted steel floor with 122 00:09:12,080 --> 00:09:18,080 Speaker 1: my knee. Who were you aiming? Poor? He craned his 123 00:09:18,160 --> 00:09:21,720 Speaker 1: neck to avoid looking at me, opened his mouth to speak, 124 00:09:23,200 --> 00:09:30,680 Speaker 1: and that's when Jack's answered the question for me. The 125 00:09:30,720 --> 00:09:33,959 Speaker 1: squid hit the piste thrower square in the belly, knocking 126 00:09:34,000 --> 00:09:36,280 Speaker 1: the wind out of him and gluing him to the spot. 127 00:09:37,120 --> 00:09:39,679 Speaker 1: I released the hold and grabbed the dive knife up 128 00:09:39,720 --> 00:09:44,480 Speaker 1: off the floor. It's the tank for you, pal. You're 129 00:09:44,520 --> 00:09:48,720 Speaker 1: lucky she got you before I did. I scanned the bystanders. 130 00:09:49,320 --> 00:09:52,880 Speaker 1: Five of them crammed in behind us. Two of them 131 00:09:52,880 --> 00:10:02,959 Speaker 1: flinched and looked away. Some sort of need another one down. 132 00:10:04,760 --> 00:10:10,840 Speaker 1: Don't look at them before. You might want to cover 133 00:10:10,920 --> 00:10:15,040 Speaker 1: that thing up. I checked my cap and realized it 134 00:10:15,080 --> 00:10:18,760 Speaker 1: had slipped up during the scuffle. I pulled it back 135 00:10:18,800 --> 00:10:22,720 Speaker 1: down into place. I don't want to antagonize the locals. 136 00:10:29,880 --> 00:10:33,959 Speaker 1: Return to the golden age of seaside family vacations in Utah. 137 00:10:34,520 --> 00:10:38,959 Speaker 1: Enjoy breathtaking sandy beaches, Sip a delightful and culturally appropriate 138 00:10:39,040 --> 00:10:42,319 Speaker 1: tiki drink, and zone out to the crashing waves. This 139 00:10:42,400 --> 00:10:46,240 Speaker 1: is the ocean your grandparents dreamed of, recreated in America's 140 00:10:46,280 --> 00:10:49,600 Speaker 1: hard land, and finally tuned to revitalize the human spirit. 141 00:10:50,000 --> 00:10:53,480 Speaker 1: Inland Ocean Theme Park has it all, whether you're looking 142 00:10:53,520 --> 00:10:57,280 Speaker 1: for a long walk in the surf, adrenaline pumping water sports, 143 00:10:57,400 --> 00:11:00,920 Speaker 1: or old fashioned family fund for the kids. We offer 144 00:11:01,520 --> 00:11:05,640 Speaker 1: seven care gentle adventure pools and special appearances by all 145 00:11:05,720 --> 00:11:15,280 Speaker 1: your favorite marine children's characters. Salt Watch, Help Billy, I 146 00:11:15,400 --> 00:11:27,240 Speaker 1: think I'm gonna sneeze. Inland Ocean Theme Park take back 147 00:11:27,280 --> 00:11:30,440 Speaker 1: the ocean of your dreams. Preserve your holiday dates today. 148 00:11:33,920 --> 00:11:38,360 Speaker 1: Do you suffer from bouts of depression, anxiety, panic acts 149 00:11:38,960 --> 00:11:42,920 Speaker 1: and intrusive thoughts. If you're an active or former military 150 00:11:42,920 --> 00:11:45,920 Speaker 1: service person in sound physical health, then you may be 151 00:11:46,000 --> 00:11:48,520 Speaker 1: eligible to participate in a u EX funded study and 152 00:11:48,600 --> 00:11:52,960 Speaker 1: treatment plan. Ask your doctor about a path. This take 153 00:11:53,040 --> 00:11:56,199 Speaker 1: the first step toward building it better you and a 154 00:11:56,320 --> 00:12:12,480 Speaker 1: safer world. What would Vale have made of that little encounter. 155 00:12:13,559 --> 00:12:17,360 Speaker 1: It probably wasn't her idea of shared culture, but it 156 00:12:17,520 --> 00:12:21,280 Speaker 1: certainly filled in some of the blanks for me. Maybe 157 00:12:21,360 --> 00:12:25,040 Speaker 1: a recombined person was better off here than your average 158 00:12:25,080 --> 00:12:27,800 Speaker 1: coastal region, but they still had to put up with 159 00:12:27,840 --> 00:12:32,400 Speaker 1: the same sort of crap. Jack scanned and melted the squid, 160 00:12:32,760 --> 00:12:36,760 Speaker 1: then left her partner to cuff the guy. The bystanders 161 00:12:36,800 --> 00:12:40,800 Speaker 1: didn't quite disperse. I imagine it took more than a 162 00:12:40,840 --> 00:12:44,120 Speaker 1: minor scuffle to clear out a public area in this place. 163 00:12:44,920 --> 00:12:48,840 Speaker 1: But landsfolk and recombined alike averted their eyes from us. 164 00:12:48,880 --> 00:12:53,040 Speaker 1: As we exited the kebab shack. They whispered no doubt 165 00:12:53,520 --> 00:12:58,280 Speaker 1: about the woman with the elder signed tattoos. Jack's led on, 166 00:12:58,920 --> 00:13:02,960 Speaker 1: not saying another word on the matter. We took a 167 00:13:03,000 --> 00:13:06,320 Speaker 1: twisting side tunnel out of the bazaar and weaved our 168 00:13:06,440 --> 00:13:10,640 Speaker 1: way through the bowels of Atlas once more squeezing past 169 00:13:10,800 --> 00:13:16,199 Speaker 1: recombined divers suited for deep grid work landsfolk workers tending 170 00:13:16,240 --> 00:13:21,440 Speaker 1: to internal matters. After all, we can't collapse our lungs 171 00:13:21,480 --> 00:13:26,760 Speaker 1: and equalize pressure with the deep. Here we're the weirdos. 172 00:13:29,400 --> 00:13:35,600 Speaker 1: We arrived at a sealed door labeled Atrium Hoffens and there, 173 00:13:35,600 --> 00:13:39,920 Speaker 1: probably doing yoga or something. Oh and let me have 174 00:13:40,000 --> 00:13:46,760 Speaker 1: Dave's knife. You know his name, Yeah, everyone knows Dave. 175 00:13:47,880 --> 00:13:50,880 Speaker 1: She hit a switch and the circular door rolled off 176 00:13:50,920 --> 00:13:54,000 Speaker 1: into the side of the wall, opening up on yet 177 00:13:54,080 --> 00:14:01,959 Speaker 1: another of Atlas's surprises. I stepped inside onto a cobblestone 178 00:14:02,080 --> 00:14:06,959 Speaker 1: path that snaked through a large circular garden. The domed 179 00:14:07,000 --> 00:14:12,360 Speaker 1: ceiling overhead glowed with soft, pleasing light. The ferns and 180 00:14:12,400 --> 00:14:18,120 Speaker 1: bushes glistened with beaded moisture. Moss grew thick on ornamental stones, 181 00:14:18,200 --> 00:14:23,400 Speaker 1: and water trickled through a rocky stream. The occasional tree 182 00:14:23,520 --> 00:14:27,680 Speaker 1: reached for artificial sky, but most of the vegetation stopped 183 00:14:27,720 --> 00:14:33,280 Speaker 1: at waist height. It was clearly another large sphere, half 184 00:14:33,320 --> 00:14:37,920 Speaker 1: filled with soil and transformed into a terrarium space. It 185 00:14:38,040 --> 00:14:42,800 Speaker 1: was empty save the iron statue at its center. Jesus 186 00:14:42,800 --> 00:14:48,280 Speaker 1: of Nazareth. A pane of water moved beneath the statue's 187 00:14:48,320 --> 00:14:51,600 Speaker 1: feet and cascaded over the edges of the pedestal to 188 00:14:51,680 --> 00:14:56,200 Speaker 1: create the effect. I heard a voice from the ground 189 00:14:56,280 --> 00:14:59,960 Speaker 1: behind it. Yeah, I thought that was in twenty minutes. 190 00:15:01,040 --> 00:15:04,600 Speaker 1: I'm in the middle of shavasana right now, ken Hoffman. 191 00:15:06,120 --> 00:15:09,640 Speaker 1: He sat up and peeked over a hedge. I walked 192 00:15:09,760 --> 00:15:13,000 Speaker 1: closer and saw the matt underneath him, a thermis in 193 00:15:13,160 --> 00:15:17,000 Speaker 1: yoga block by his side. His face flashed a look 194 00:15:17,040 --> 00:15:22,080 Speaker 1: of disappointment before shifting into the smiley, glad hand expression 195 00:15:22,160 --> 00:15:26,600 Speaker 1: I expected. He rose to his feet, A tall man 196 00:15:26,840 --> 00:15:30,960 Speaker 1: dressed in starched white pants and a matching kurta. He 197 00:15:31,040 --> 00:15:37,920 Speaker 1: extended his hand. Ah Sin ken Hoffman, director of Operations 198 00:15:37,920 --> 00:15:41,480 Speaker 1: here on Atlas. You caught me finishing up a little yoga. 199 00:15:42,280 --> 00:15:44,960 Speaker 1: Great way to maintain a little right brain dominance. Plus, 200 00:15:45,120 --> 00:15:46,960 Speaker 1: you gotta keep moving down here the place we'll get 201 00:15:47,000 --> 00:15:54,600 Speaker 1: to you. Yeah, it's also cramp. Yeah, I know what 202 00:15:54,680 --> 00:15:57,120 Speaker 1: it looks like. The boss seals himself up in a 203 00:15:57,120 --> 00:16:00,280 Speaker 1: spacious garden while everyone else works. But no, this is 204 00:16:00,320 --> 00:16:03,560 Speaker 1: a public space. Most of the time. Five occupant macs 205 00:16:03,640 --> 00:16:06,040 Speaker 1: to maintain the chill. I just book it for a 206 00:16:06,040 --> 00:16:08,120 Speaker 1: couple of hours most mornings. I can I get your 207 00:16:08,160 --> 00:16:13,320 Speaker 1: water coffee. Someone just splashed piss on me, so I'm good. 208 00:16:15,840 --> 00:16:19,560 Speaker 1: He stared off into space for a second, clearly listening 209 00:16:19,600 --> 00:16:23,480 Speaker 1: to an inner ear feed from his communit. Then he 210 00:16:23,560 --> 00:16:28,880 Speaker 1: met my eyes again. Oh I see, Well, you know 211 00:16:28,920 --> 00:16:31,120 Speaker 1: people are gonna throw bottles of piss from time to time. 212 00:16:31,360 --> 00:16:34,720 Speaker 1: You know that with your background, at least it was piss. 213 00:16:34,960 --> 00:16:38,120 Speaker 1: Am I right? It seems Old Dave had an issue 214 00:16:38,160 --> 00:16:42,920 Speaker 1: with your head of security, interim head of security, And yes, 215 00:16:42,960 --> 00:16:46,160 Speaker 1: I'm well aware of the personnel issues involved, but really 216 00:16:46,200 --> 00:16:49,920 Speaker 1: it's it's hardly indicative of the general vibe around here. 217 00:16:50,320 --> 00:16:52,720 Speaker 1: The flare ups are always going to happen. You hope 218 00:16:52,920 --> 00:16:56,480 Speaker 1: that they happen at least in manageably small doses. But 219 00:16:57,320 --> 00:16:59,480 Speaker 1: let's have a seat and discuss what you're really here for. 220 00:17:00,640 --> 00:17:03,280 Speaker 1: He led me to a pair of opposing benches by 221 00:17:03,280 --> 00:17:07,320 Speaker 1: the Christ's statue and took one for himself. He pulled 222 00:17:07,320 --> 00:17:12,000 Speaker 1: out a communit, activated a holographic display and scrolled through 223 00:17:12,119 --> 00:17:16,480 Speaker 1: several files, as if he really had to check you 224 00:17:16,560 --> 00:17:19,919 Speaker 1: were here about Peter Booklan, son of you dex Euro's 225 00:17:20,119 --> 00:17:23,200 Speaker 1: Frederick Bookland. We filed a full report on that weeks ago. 226 00:17:23,680 --> 00:17:26,639 Speaker 1: I don't think they were happy with that report. Well, 227 00:17:26,760 --> 00:17:30,840 Speaker 1: obviously if they sent one of you down here, I 228 00:17:30,840 --> 00:17:33,840 Speaker 1: didn't think they had any Epathis agents to spare. The 229 00:17:33,880 --> 00:17:37,199 Speaker 1: Bookland name carries a lot of weight that it does. Plus, 230 00:17:37,240 --> 00:17:39,159 Speaker 1: Peter is a bit of a firebrand. You've heard his 231 00:17:39,240 --> 00:17:44,240 Speaker 1: talks deep seabiotics, hydrothermal energy could shake a lot of 232 00:17:44,280 --> 00:17:47,600 Speaker 1: things up around here. Did you meet him? No, Look, 233 00:17:47,640 --> 00:17:50,200 Speaker 1: it's all on the report. He arrived here in March 234 00:17:50,280 --> 00:17:51,919 Speaker 1: on a v I P sub with the rest of 235 00:17:51,960 --> 00:17:54,800 Speaker 1: the v I P s. We logged him, he disembarked, 236 00:17:54,840 --> 00:17:57,040 Speaker 1: maybe he had a drinks all the sites, and then 237 00:17:57,080 --> 00:18:00,520 Speaker 1: we have him boarding again an hour later. The manifest 238 00:18:00,640 --> 00:18:05,720 Speaker 1: says he never reboarded v I P subsurd intentionally discreet. 239 00:18:06,520 --> 00:18:12,440 Speaker 1: They don't have video footage, but we do. He swiped 240 00:18:12,480 --> 00:18:15,720 Speaker 1: his fingers through the air and swiveled the holographic display 241 00:18:15,760 --> 00:18:20,920 Speaker 1: around to show me alone. Jumpsuited guy with sandy blonde hair, 242 00:18:21,160 --> 00:18:27,440 Speaker 1: scanned his communit and vanished through a docking porthole. Charismatic guy, 243 00:18:27,800 --> 00:18:31,320 Speaker 1: right future, Look, we're not happy about it either I 244 00:18:31,400 --> 00:18:33,840 Speaker 1: maintain a careful balance. The last thing I want is 245 00:18:33,880 --> 00:18:37,560 Speaker 1: increased drama on Atlas. I'm already wrestling with a possible 246 00:18:37,600 --> 00:18:42,040 Speaker 1: Mariners guild strike, tech problems and sporadic vent activity. I 247 00:18:42,160 --> 00:18:45,560 Speaker 1: don't dispute the subs data, but if he's down here, 248 00:18:46,119 --> 00:18:49,560 Speaker 1: we know you keep tabs on everyone, all personnel. The 249 00:18:49,640 --> 00:18:54,800 Speaker 1: Tritons and Narret's too, well, that's a different matter. They 250 00:18:54,840 --> 00:18:59,639 Speaker 1: have embassy status and I have ambassador credentials. When can 251 00:18:59,680 --> 00:19:01,760 Speaker 1: I meet with them? I figured that's why they sent you. 252 00:19:03,760 --> 00:19:07,440 Speaker 1: You really think that Triton stole the guy away, kidnapped 253 00:19:07,520 --> 00:19:10,880 Speaker 1: him to hold one over you, Dex. The Triton's already 254 00:19:10,920 --> 00:19:13,920 Speaker 1: have the upper hand if you hadn't noticed. They didn't 255 00:19:13,920 --> 00:19:17,439 Speaker 1: want Bukelyn. They just wanted his genes, the same as 256 00:19:17,480 --> 00:19:21,520 Speaker 1: the rest of the v I P passengers. It was 257 00:19:21,560 --> 00:19:25,720 Speaker 1: all a part of the larger Triton genetics program. Their 258 00:19:25,880 --> 00:19:29,560 Speaker 1: end of the deal with you, Dex. The deep opened 259 00:19:29,640 --> 00:19:35,680 Speaker 1: up unreachable oil reserves, placated the environmentalists with vague hopes 260 00:19:35,720 --> 00:19:39,399 Speaker 1: of deep thermal but in return, we agreed to the 261 00:19:39,480 --> 00:19:44,560 Speaker 1: gene sharing program. We needed workers who could thrive in 262 00:19:44,600 --> 00:19:48,400 Speaker 1: the deep, so we let the Triton's augment those workers, 263 00:19:49,040 --> 00:19:53,920 Speaker 1: infusing them with the genetic changes they need, but they 264 00:19:54,040 --> 00:19:59,600 Speaker 1: required something from our genes as well. They continually requested 265 00:19:59,640 --> 00:20:06,320 Speaker 1: certain attributes, even particular individuals and bloodlines, often relatives of 266 00:20:06,440 --> 00:20:10,480 Speaker 1: key you Dex brass, and they were not content with 267 00:20:10,520 --> 00:20:15,480 Speaker 1: a tissue swab. There art required in person summons to 268 00:20:15,560 --> 00:20:20,000 Speaker 1: the deep. Thus, the specially designed subs for their v 269 00:20:20,119 --> 00:20:27,160 Speaker 1: I P passengers, each outfitted with every earthly luxury. Whatever 270 00:20:27,200 --> 00:20:30,760 Speaker 1: it took to ensure these fortunate sons and daughters of 271 00:20:30,800 --> 00:20:34,800 Speaker 1: the Second Oil Age fulfilled their end of the blood bargain. 272 00:20:38,400 --> 00:20:41,639 Speaker 1: Or perhaps you think it was suicide, it wouldn't be 273 00:20:41,720 --> 00:20:44,440 Speaker 1: without precedence. You're still left searching for a body. There 274 00:20:44,480 --> 00:20:47,280 Speaker 1: are a lot of ways to lose a body. Subs 275 00:20:47,280 --> 00:20:50,280 Speaker 1: aren't the only way in and out. Who speaks for 276 00:20:50,280 --> 00:20:55,000 Speaker 1: the Triton's down here, Asia marsh one of the encapsulated 277 00:20:55,640 --> 00:21:01,119 Speaker 1: old school interspecies communicator. She's perfectly sasonable, really, but I 278 00:21:01,160 --> 00:21:05,560 Speaker 1: almost never meet with her directly. You know why, because 279 00:21:05,560 --> 00:21:12,520 Speaker 1: she's always accompanied Mary. It's two of them. They venture 280 00:21:12,560 --> 00:21:15,320 Speaker 1: out among the general populations sometimes, which keeps me up 281 00:21:15,359 --> 00:21:18,000 Speaker 1: at night. Believe me, if you meet with Marsh and 282 00:21:18,040 --> 00:21:20,639 Speaker 1: she will insist upon in person meeting for something like this, 283 00:21:20,880 --> 00:21:24,320 Speaker 1: she's going to have them in tow. They will try 284 00:21:24,440 --> 00:21:28,000 Speaker 1: to influence you. They're going to put all that precious 285 00:21:28,000 --> 00:21:30,879 Speaker 1: a path is conditioning to the test. And if you 286 00:21:30,920 --> 00:21:34,240 Speaker 1: start flashing a bunch of elder signed tattoos around you, 287 00:21:34,280 --> 00:21:36,320 Speaker 1: don't think I can withstand. I don't know what you 288 00:21:36,359 --> 00:21:39,119 Speaker 1: can do, but it takes a lot of work to 289 00:21:39,200 --> 00:21:43,159 Speaker 1: keep things running around here. A lot of finesse, like 290 00:21:43,600 --> 00:21:48,399 Speaker 1: taped CRS units. Is that finesse? Yeah, actually it is. 291 00:21:49,600 --> 00:21:52,000 Speaker 1: You want to balanced cocktail, You've got to mix the 292 00:21:52,040 --> 00:21:54,720 Speaker 1: bitter with the sweet, and that's what I like here. 293 00:21:55,280 --> 00:22:03,280 Speaker 1: Balance caution, inhale exhale. Obviously, I'll arrange the meeting if 294 00:22:03,320 --> 00:22:06,479 Speaker 1: you insist on it, but you've got to promise me 295 00:22:06,560 --> 00:22:10,240 Speaker 1: you'll keep things level headed. I've already asked Marsh about 296 00:22:10,240 --> 00:22:15,080 Speaker 1: Booklands whereabouts and she flat out told me they don't know. Again, 297 00:22:15,200 --> 00:22:19,560 Speaker 1: it's all in the report. Who's lying you or her? 298 00:22:19,920 --> 00:22:23,000 Speaker 1: I think we're done here. I transferred your lodging details 299 00:22:23,000 --> 00:22:26,960 Speaker 1: to your calm via secure connection. Get some sleep, get 300 00:22:27,160 --> 00:22:30,880 Speaker 1: cleaned up, talk to some locals, and if you still 301 00:22:30,920 --> 00:22:33,119 Speaker 1: want your meeting with Asia Marsh. I can arrange it 302 00:22:33,160 --> 00:22:35,919 Speaker 1: for tomorrow, but I'll sleep a lot easier if you 303 00:22:35,960 --> 00:22:42,000 Speaker 1: give me that promise. No, seriously, I need to hear 304 00:22:42,040 --> 00:22:52,800 Speaker 1: you say it. I promise good. He smiled, But I 305 00:22:52,840 --> 00:22:57,320 Speaker 1: saw the worry in his eyes. It made sense. He 306 00:22:57,400 --> 00:23:02,080 Speaker 1: didn't want to rock the boat or unbalanced his cocktail, 307 00:23:02,680 --> 00:23:07,320 Speaker 1: whatever the metaphor. But it was too late. They'd sent 308 00:23:07,480 --> 00:23:12,840 Speaker 1: me and I was going to get answers. The Christ's 309 00:23:12,840 --> 00:23:17,200 Speaker 1: statue is a nice touch. Oh yeah, well he walked 310 00:23:17,240 --> 00:23:21,920 Speaker 1: on water. Some of the recombined the Christians. Anyway, They 311 00:23:21,960 --> 00:23:24,560 Speaker 1: say he walked under the water. Did you know that 312 00:23:25,720 --> 00:23:32,080 Speaker 1: they depict the spear wound as a gill slit. I 313 00:23:32,200 --> 00:23:35,480 Speaker 1: finally noticed the inscription on the base of the statue, 314 00:23:36,000 --> 00:23:44,119 Speaker 1: the words blurred by tendrils of cascading water, A New Covenant. 315 00:23:55,240 --> 00:23:58,560 Speaker 1: The second oil age was produced by Robert Lamb, Alex Williams, 316 00:23:58,600 --> 00:24:02,640 Speaker 1: Lauren Vogelbaumb and Josh Stay. This episode featured on Joe 317 00:24:02,720 --> 00:24:07,240 Speaker 1: Masters Is snov Pan, Robin Bloodworth is Kim Hoffman, Andy 318 00:24:07,359 --> 00:24:11,960 Speaker 1: Reese as Jack's and Jonathan Strickland as Salty Squid. Supporting 319 00:24:12,040 --> 00:24:16,640 Speaker 1: voice work by Jed Drummond, Nicholas Takoski, Gina Rikiki, Eden 320 00:24:16,720 --> 00:24:21,400 Speaker 1: Brown and Bim Bolan intro, outro and supporting music created 321 00:24:21,400 --> 00:24:26,480 Speaker 1: by the Weirding Module. Learn more at Module dot band 322 00:24:26,520 --> 00:24:54,240 Speaker 1: camp dot com. From our podcasts, from my Heart Radio, 323 00:24:54,400 --> 00:24:57,960 Speaker 1: visit the IRN radio app, Apple Podcasts, or whinever we 324 00:24:58,160 --> 00:24:59,160 Speaker 1: listen to your favorite