1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:23,160 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Bernice made 2 00:00:23,160 --> 00:00:26,640 Speaker 1: a big mistake, and when she tells Papa Bear about it, 3 00:00:27,200 --> 00:00:30,800 Speaker 1: they agree that maybe they need to be more careful. 4 00:00:32,960 --> 00:00:36,440 Speaker 1: Bernice asks Papa Bear for a short story as she 5 00:00:36,600 --> 00:00:40,040 Speaker 1: is tired, and he decides to tell her a story 6 00:00:40,080 --> 00:00:43,760 Speaker 1: about Booboo and Kaikai and how they decide to go 7 00:00:43,840 --> 00:00:50,920 Speaker 1: and try to find the Whispering Tree. Booboo and Kai 8 00:00:51,040 --> 00:00:59,680 Speaker 1: Kai visit the Whispering Tree. Papa, I think I made 9 00:00:59,720 --> 00:01:03,840 Speaker 1: a mistake tonight, Bernice said, as she came out of 10 00:01:03,880 --> 00:01:09,320 Speaker 1: the bathroom. That's okay, little Bear. We all make mistakes, 11 00:01:09,760 --> 00:01:14,720 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said, but then decided perhaps it was best 12 00:01:14,760 --> 00:01:22,640 Speaker 1: to ask more. But what kind of mistake did you make? Well? 13 00:01:23,120 --> 00:01:26,000 Speaker 1: I am getting older and can take care of myself 14 00:01:26,040 --> 00:01:29,560 Speaker 1: at bedtime. I put my clothes out for the morning, 15 00:01:30,280 --> 00:01:33,800 Speaker 1: did my stretches and deep breathing just like in the 16 00:01:33,880 --> 00:01:39,080 Speaker 1: story you told me, brushed my teeth and all that stuff. 17 00:01:40,240 --> 00:01:43,640 Speaker 1: I even made sure my friends Twigger, Wolfe and Madeline 18 00:01:43,680 --> 00:01:49,000 Speaker 1: were ready for bed. Except Wolfy has bad breath, so 19 00:01:49,120 --> 00:01:55,279 Speaker 1: I think he needs to go to the dentist. And 20 00:01:55,400 --> 00:02:01,480 Speaker 1: Papa Bear asked, waiting to hear what the mistake was. Yeah, well, 21 00:02:01,680 --> 00:02:04,960 Speaker 1: I put some bubbles in my bath, Papa, and I 22 00:02:05,080 --> 00:02:08,799 Speaker 1: put in the same amount as always, but I didn't 23 00:02:08,800 --> 00:02:11,440 Speaker 1: read on the outside of the bottle where it said 24 00:02:12,040 --> 00:02:17,280 Speaker 1: super concentrated. Then there were so many bubbles that the 25 00:02:17,360 --> 00:02:21,320 Speaker 1: whole bathroom was covered. It was like a bubble fog. 26 00:02:21,919 --> 00:02:25,480 Speaker 1: I couldn't even see where I was going. I tried 27 00:02:25,520 --> 00:02:28,760 Speaker 1: to clean up all the bubbles, Papa, but some got 28 00:02:28,760 --> 00:02:32,240 Speaker 1: on the ceiling, and no matter how hard I tried, 29 00:02:32,880 --> 00:02:37,040 Speaker 1: I couldn't jump up high enough to clean that part. 30 00:02:38,040 --> 00:02:42,160 Speaker 1: With a sigh, Papa Bear laughed and said, it's okay, 31 00:02:42,240 --> 00:02:46,880 Speaker 1: little bear. It's easy to miss these words on packaging sometimes. 32 00:02:47,400 --> 00:02:50,160 Speaker 1: I bet Mama didn't even know the bottle of bubble 33 00:02:50,200 --> 00:02:54,160 Speaker 1: bath was different when she bought it. But you are 34 00:02:54,280 --> 00:02:59,120 Speaker 1: still squeaky clean, right, Yeah, and maybe the rest of 35 00:02:59,200 --> 00:03:03,760 Speaker 1: the bathroom is too. But you know what, Papa, even 36 00:03:03,800 --> 00:03:06,680 Speaker 1: though it was a mistake, it was kind of a 37 00:03:06,720 --> 00:03:10,919 Speaker 1: fun mistake. Lots of bubbles in the bath are fun, 38 00:03:11,440 --> 00:03:16,240 Speaker 1: and you can play so many games with bubbles. Ha ha, Yes, 39 00:03:16,639 --> 00:03:19,720 Speaker 1: I bet it is fun. Maybe I should try it 40 00:03:19,760 --> 00:03:24,120 Speaker 1: when I have a bath, Papa. You can't have a 41 00:03:24,160 --> 00:03:27,639 Speaker 1: bubble bath with my bubbles. You are all grown up. 42 00:03:29,600 --> 00:03:34,000 Speaker 1: Can't grown ups have fun too? Papa Bear asked, Yes, 43 00:03:34,639 --> 00:03:38,960 Speaker 1: I guess so, But then you would smell like I do. 44 00:03:40,320 --> 00:03:44,880 Speaker 1: Stinky you mean, Papa Bear said, with a laugh, Hey, 45 00:03:45,920 --> 00:03:52,640 Speaker 1: Bernice said, trying not to laugh. Okay, I'll clean up 46 00:03:52,680 --> 00:03:56,000 Speaker 1: the bathroom before I go to bed, which might be 47 00:03:56,360 --> 00:04:00,000 Speaker 1: very soon. Papa Bear said, with a great big yawn. 48 00:04:01,080 --> 00:04:07,400 Speaker 1: I'm a super sleepy bear tonight. Getting into bed, Bernice said, 49 00:04:08,120 --> 00:04:12,040 Speaker 1: I'm still super full from that super yummy lasagna we 50 00:04:12,120 --> 00:04:16,760 Speaker 1: had at dinner time. Yes, it was very tasty. Your 51 00:04:16,800 --> 00:04:20,359 Speaker 1: mama makes the best lasagna in the whole wide world. 52 00:04:20,440 --> 00:04:26,920 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said, yeah, I think so. Bernice put her 53 00:04:26,960 --> 00:04:31,440 Speaker 1: friends in just the right places, puld her covers up tight, 54 00:04:32,040 --> 00:04:38,440 Speaker 1: and said to Papa with a big yawn, it's that time, Papa. 55 00:04:39,040 --> 00:04:42,800 Speaker 1: And what time is that? Little Bear replied her, Papa 56 00:04:43,080 --> 00:04:51,520 Speaker 1: yawning again. Yawns are very infectious. Well, it's time for 57 00:04:51,640 --> 00:04:58,119 Speaker 1: a bedtime story? Can you tell me a short story tonight? Sure? 58 00:04:58,200 --> 00:05:01,039 Speaker 1: Little Bear? Should I tell you you a story about 59 00:05:01,080 --> 00:05:05,080 Speaker 1: the bubble trees? Or should I continue the whispering wind? 60 00:05:07,000 --> 00:05:11,920 Speaker 1: How about something with booboo? And Kai Kai. Okay, I 61 00:05:11,960 --> 00:05:15,760 Speaker 1: can tell one about our brave friends. Maybe they can 62 00:05:15,800 --> 00:05:20,719 Speaker 1: go in search of the whispering tree. Mama used to 63 00:05:20,720 --> 00:05:24,599 Speaker 1: whisper to me Papa when I was young, but now 64 00:05:24,640 --> 00:05:27,600 Speaker 1: that I am almost grown up, she doesn't do it 65 00:05:27,680 --> 00:05:31,720 Speaker 1: so much. Bobby tried to whisper a secret to me 66 00:05:31,839 --> 00:05:35,880 Speaker 1: in class once, but he got in trouble because the 67 00:05:35,960 --> 00:05:40,240 Speaker 1: teacher said whispering is the same as talking in class. 68 00:05:40,800 --> 00:05:46,680 Speaker 1: Ha ha ha that Bobby. Are you comfy, yes, Papa. 69 00:05:47,160 --> 00:05:50,320 Speaker 1: How about Twigger, Wolfy and Madeleine? Are they ready for 70 00:05:50,400 --> 00:05:55,960 Speaker 1: a story too? They say they are ready. Okay, give 71 00:05:56,000 --> 00:05:58,280 Speaker 1: me a hug and a kiss, and I'll tell you 72 00:05:58,320 --> 00:06:08,880 Speaker 1: a short story. Thank you. Once upon a time, in 73 00:06:08,960 --> 00:06:12,640 Speaker 1: a world full of magic and fun, there lived a 74 00:06:12,760 --> 00:06:17,600 Speaker 1: brave little bear named Booboo. She lived in a large 75 00:06:17,720 --> 00:06:22,080 Speaker 1: castle at the edge of a mystical forest. In this 76 00:06:22,320 --> 00:06:30,159 Speaker 1: forest were unicorns, fairies, pixies, gnomes, and all manner of insects, 77 00:06:30,279 --> 00:06:37,880 Speaker 1: birds and animals. It was a wonderful place. Her best 78 00:06:37,880 --> 00:06:42,159 Speaker 1: friend was a young dragon called Kai Kai, and they 79 00:06:42,320 --> 00:06:46,560 Speaker 1: liked to play as much as they could. The kingdom 80 00:06:46,680 --> 00:06:49,320 Speaker 1: they lived in was full of people who lived in 81 00:06:49,400 --> 00:06:53,839 Speaker 1: the meadows, those who lived in the hills and those 82 00:06:53,880 --> 00:06:58,400 Speaker 1: who lived in the forest, and they all lived in harmony. 83 00:07:01,080 --> 00:07:05,040 Speaker 1: On this day, Bubu and Kai Kai met after school 84 00:07:05,160 --> 00:07:09,600 Speaker 1: in Booboo's garden to enjoy some tea and sweets the 85 00:07:09,680 --> 00:07:14,680 Speaker 1: gardener had made for them. The gardener waved at me 86 00:07:14,760 --> 00:07:18,640 Speaker 1: as I arrived. Kai Kai said, do you think maybe 87 00:07:18,680 --> 00:07:24,240 Speaker 1: we can be friends? He certainly has softened his opinion 88 00:07:24,280 --> 00:07:27,880 Speaker 1: of you and all dragons. The more he gets to 89 00:07:27,960 --> 00:07:31,440 Speaker 1: know you, the greater the chance he will realize you 90 00:07:31,520 --> 00:07:35,480 Speaker 1: are a nice dragon. Just don't stomp on any of 91 00:07:35,520 --> 00:07:40,920 Speaker 1: his plants, Booboo said, with a smile. Since we started 92 00:07:40,960 --> 00:07:45,960 Speaker 1: meeting here after school, my landing skills have improved immensely, 93 00:07:46,440 --> 00:07:50,640 Speaker 1: Kai Kai said with a laugh. Otherwise the gardener might 94 00:07:50,720 --> 00:07:57,160 Speaker 1: chase me away. These sweets sure are really yummy. Don't 95 00:07:57,160 --> 00:08:03,120 Speaker 1: forget to thank him, Bubu said, I won't so how 96 00:08:03,160 --> 00:08:08,720 Speaker 1: a school today anything exciting? My classes seemed like they 97 00:08:08,760 --> 00:08:12,480 Speaker 1: could have been more interesting. I can't wait for the 98 00:08:12,520 --> 00:08:20,520 Speaker 1: next cycle to practice flying again. I prefer claws on activities. Well, 99 00:08:21,000 --> 00:08:24,080 Speaker 1: we are still getting started in most of my classes, 100 00:08:24,640 --> 00:08:28,960 Speaker 1: But in history, the teacher encouraged us to go outside 101 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:35,840 Speaker 1: and find some history for ourselves. That sounds fun. He 102 00:08:35,960 --> 00:08:40,199 Speaker 1: told us the myth of the Whispering Tree, a tree 103 00:08:40,320 --> 00:08:43,920 Speaker 1: so old that it's said to have witnessed the dawn 104 00:08:44,080 --> 00:08:49,840 Speaker 1: of the mystical forest only at twilight, and only to 105 00:08:49,960 --> 00:08:55,040 Speaker 1: those pure of heart. It whispers ancient secrets and tales. 106 00:08:56,920 --> 00:09:02,800 Speaker 1: That sounds exciting. I have a big heart. Does that count? Ha ha? 107 00:09:03,160 --> 00:09:07,920 Speaker 1: Everything about you is big, so I don't know, But 108 00:09:07,960 --> 00:09:11,720 Speaker 1: the professor said, it's difficult to find because it takes 109 00:09:11,760 --> 00:09:14,400 Speaker 1: a long time to get to the part of the 110 00:09:14,440 --> 00:09:18,440 Speaker 1: forest it is in. You have to go over a ravine. 111 00:09:19,040 --> 00:09:24,119 Speaker 1: Apparently the bridge is broken, there are waterfalls to traverse, 112 00:09:24,559 --> 00:09:28,600 Speaker 1: and it's up near the mountains in the east. Good thing, 113 00:09:28,720 --> 00:09:34,120 Speaker 1: you have a best friend who can fly, Kai Kai said. Also, 114 00:09:34,280 --> 00:09:38,000 Speaker 1: the guardians of the tree are gnomes, and they won't 115 00:09:38,080 --> 00:09:41,679 Speaker 1: let you visit unless you can answer a riddle or 116 00:09:41,880 --> 00:09:45,520 Speaker 1: some kind of question. The teacher wasn't too clear with 117 00:09:45,600 --> 00:09:49,000 Speaker 1: that part. Good thing, you have the smartest friend in 118 00:09:49,080 --> 00:09:52,640 Speaker 1: the world, Kai Kai said. It sounds like you are 119 00:09:52,679 --> 00:09:57,840 Speaker 1: interested in going. Booboo said, if we fly super fast, 120 00:09:58,360 --> 00:10:01,240 Speaker 1: we can get there before it's too late and still 121 00:10:01,280 --> 00:10:05,360 Speaker 1: be back just in time for dinner. You wouldn't want 122 00:10:05,400 --> 00:10:08,640 Speaker 1: to miss dinner, Booboo said, with a laugh. No one 123 00:10:08,679 --> 00:10:11,720 Speaker 1: in the kingdom would be able to sleep tonight because 124 00:10:11,760 --> 00:10:16,720 Speaker 1: of the sound of your growling stomach. You know me well, 125 00:10:17,240 --> 00:10:22,199 Speaker 1: Kai Kai said, with a big smile. After finishing at 126 00:10:22,320 --> 00:10:26,760 Speaker 1: least ten large suites, Kai Kai said, why don't you 127 00:10:26,800 --> 00:10:29,400 Speaker 1: hop on and we'll start the trip to the tree. 128 00:10:31,280 --> 00:10:34,640 Speaker 1: As Bobo hopped on Kai Kai's back and got comfortable, 129 00:10:35,280 --> 00:10:39,520 Speaker 1: Kai Kai laughed and asked where exactly am I flying 130 00:10:39,559 --> 00:10:43,239 Speaker 1: to again? I guess that's an important piece of information, 131 00:10:43,600 --> 00:10:47,400 Speaker 1: Booboo laughed. The teacher read from a book which said 132 00:10:47,440 --> 00:10:52,760 Speaker 1: that it's passed where the unicorns and fairies play, beyond 133 00:10:52,960 --> 00:10:58,200 Speaker 1: the unicorns grazing grounds, by the shimmering streams, you must go, 134 00:10:58,920 --> 00:11:03,120 Speaker 1: he recited, which is pretty vague, but we know it's 135 00:11:03,200 --> 00:11:07,160 Speaker 1: due the east, near the mountains and a middle shimmering stream. 136 00:11:07,960 --> 00:11:11,200 Speaker 1: It's always the middle, and there should be a beautiful meadow. 137 00:11:12,080 --> 00:11:14,880 Speaker 1: If we see a group of gnomes guarding a tree, 138 00:11:15,400 --> 00:11:17,760 Speaker 1: that might be a good indication that we found the 139 00:11:17,840 --> 00:11:23,000 Speaker 1: right place. I think I have an idea. We flew 140 00:11:23,080 --> 00:11:26,440 Speaker 1: past a field once by a shallow stream. I think 141 00:11:26,480 --> 00:11:33,120 Speaker 1: I know where to take us. Great, let's go. Kai 142 00:11:33,240 --> 00:11:36,559 Speaker 1: Kai spread his wings and took to the air, and 143 00:11:36,600 --> 00:11:40,520 Speaker 1: Booboo felt the familiar excitement as he went higher and 144 00:11:40,679 --> 00:11:45,920 Speaker 1: higher in the sky. Initially, the powerful flaps of Kai 145 00:11:46,040 --> 00:11:50,280 Speaker 1: Kai's wings echoed loudly, but as he began to coast, 146 00:11:50,760 --> 00:11:56,880 Speaker 1: their rhythmic sound became soothing. Looking below, Booboo watched the 147 00:11:57,000 --> 00:12:02,840 Speaker 1: landscape become small, with trees, these beings and magical creatures 148 00:12:02,880 --> 00:12:09,240 Speaker 1: of the forest turning into mere specks. Bobo always loved 149 00:12:09,280 --> 00:12:13,120 Speaker 1: flying with Kai Kai, except when it rained, of course. 150 00:12:16,000 --> 00:12:19,720 Speaker 1: Lying back down closer to the ground, a patchwork of 151 00:12:19,840 --> 00:12:25,520 Speaker 1: green treetops came into view. They spotted herds of unicorns 152 00:12:25,960 --> 00:12:30,520 Speaker 1: beside a fast moving stream, their manes reflecting the sun. 153 00:12:33,120 --> 00:12:36,920 Speaker 1: Bobu waved because they often played with the unicorns, and 154 00:12:37,080 --> 00:12:40,040 Speaker 1: most creatures of the Kingdom were friends with each other. 155 00:12:42,040 --> 00:12:46,600 Speaker 1: Now we fly east. Kaikai continued to where mountains touched 156 00:12:46,640 --> 00:12:54,240 Speaker 1: the clouds. Kai Kai adjusted his direction, heading straight for 157 00:12:54,360 --> 00:13:00,040 Speaker 1: the majestic mountains. Their peaks were draped in clouds and 158 00:13:00,080 --> 00:13:04,800 Speaker 1: at their base lay dark caves. There is a ravine below, 159 00:13:05,080 --> 00:13:11,160 Speaker 1: Booboo said. As they neared the mountains, flying over the ravine, 160 00:13:11,840 --> 00:13:17,720 Speaker 1: they saw a series of waterfalls. Still one stood out, 161 00:13:18,280 --> 00:13:24,600 Speaker 1: splitting into three shimmering streams. Kai Kai hovered above, letting 162 00:13:24,640 --> 00:13:29,440 Speaker 1: Boboo survey the land. Now follow the middle stream till 163 00:13:29,480 --> 00:13:35,880 Speaker 1: it meets the golden meadow. They trailed the central stream, 164 00:13:36,240 --> 00:13:40,760 Speaker 1: which led them to an expansive meadow, its grasses shining 165 00:13:40,880 --> 00:13:47,199 Speaker 1: as if sprinkled with rain. And finally, Boboo said, excitement 166 00:13:47,320 --> 00:13:51,800 Speaker 1: evident in her voice, search for the tallest tree with 167 00:13:52,000 --> 00:13:57,760 Speaker 1: leaves that glow even without the sun's touch. And there 168 00:13:58,000 --> 00:14:03,400 Speaker 1: at the heart of the golden meadow stood the Whispering Tree, 169 00:14:03,600 --> 00:14:08,000 Speaker 1: taller and older than its counterparts. Its leaves emitted a 170 00:14:08,080 --> 00:14:12,679 Speaker 1: soft glow, inviting them to come closer and discover the 171 00:14:12,800 --> 00:14:18,800 Speaker 1: tales it held within. But first they would have to 172 00:14:18,880 --> 00:14:26,000 Speaker 1: talk to the gnomes. Approaching the gnomes, Boobu said, Hi there, 173 00:14:26,680 --> 00:14:30,240 Speaker 1: my name is Booboo and this is Kai Kai, and 174 00:14:30,280 --> 00:14:35,000 Speaker 1: we have come to see the Whispering Tree. Please to 175 00:14:35,080 --> 00:14:38,760 Speaker 1: meet you both, The eldest looking gnome said in response, 176 00:14:39,760 --> 00:14:44,160 Speaker 1: before you can visit the tree, you must answer one riddle. 177 00:14:45,400 --> 00:14:50,440 Speaker 1: I'm ready, Kai Kai said, with confidence in his voice. 178 00:14:51,080 --> 00:14:57,040 Speaker 1: A younger looking gnome stepped forward and said, in the daytime, 179 00:14:57,560 --> 00:15:02,720 Speaker 1: I'm with you, but at night I am gone. I'm 180 00:15:02,760 --> 00:15:07,040 Speaker 1: not a star or the moon's glow. But without me, 181 00:15:07,600 --> 00:15:16,840 Speaker 1: you can't go on. What am i? Kai Kai froze, 182 00:15:17,440 --> 00:15:23,200 Speaker 1: and if he could, he might have blushed. He didn't 183 00:15:23,480 --> 00:15:27,000 Speaker 1: know the answer, and, as he usually does when he 184 00:15:27,080 --> 00:15:34,840 Speaker 1: needs to think, he started pacing back and forth. Booboo 185 00:15:34,880 --> 00:15:38,800 Speaker 1: stood still except for her pause, which she moved around, 186 00:15:39,000 --> 00:15:43,720 Speaker 1: casting patterns from the setting sun on the ground. Wait, 187 00:15:44,200 --> 00:15:49,560 Speaker 1: Kai Kai, I know my teacher wanted us to experience history, 188 00:15:50,000 --> 00:15:53,280 Speaker 1: and the answer to this is something we could experience 189 00:15:53,720 --> 00:15:57,160 Speaker 1: as the sun sets and changes the light on the ground. 190 00:15:58,440 --> 00:16:00,560 Speaker 1: Do you see the effect the light it is having 191 00:16:00,600 --> 00:16:07,680 Speaker 1: on the space under my paws? Yes? But shadow? The 192 00:16:07,800 --> 00:16:13,040 Speaker 1: answer is shadow, Booboo exclaimed. You are a very smart 193 00:16:13,200 --> 00:16:19,920 Speaker 1: young bear. Your friend is well very tall, Booboo laughed. 194 00:16:21,800 --> 00:16:25,080 Speaker 1: You may approach the tree, and if it feels you 195 00:16:25,160 --> 00:16:32,960 Speaker 1: are worthy, it will whisper to you a special message. 196 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:37,400 Speaker 1: Booboo and Kai Kai walked towards the tree, and as 197 00:16:37,440 --> 00:16:42,960 Speaker 1: they settled beneath its towering branches, its leaves rustled. Even 198 00:16:43,000 --> 00:16:48,520 Speaker 1: without a breeze. A soft whisper emerged from the very 199 00:16:48,680 --> 00:16:52,120 Speaker 1: center of the tree, sounding like it was coming from 200 00:16:52,280 --> 00:16:59,280 Speaker 1: all directions, Dear Booboo and Kai Kai, it began in 201 00:16:59,440 --> 00:17:03,960 Speaker 1: all of the mystical forest. Every creature has its tail, 202 00:17:04,640 --> 00:17:11,119 Speaker 1: every leaf its story. Yet among them all, your bond 203 00:17:11,520 --> 00:17:17,000 Speaker 1: stands unique and true. The friendship you share is a 204 00:17:17,119 --> 00:17:21,879 Speaker 1: kind of magic. Even the oldest trees like me admire. 205 00:17:23,119 --> 00:17:30,560 Speaker 1: Remember no adventure is too daunting, no challenge insurmountable, as 206 00:17:30,640 --> 00:17:34,879 Speaker 1: long as you stand by each other's side, For in 207 00:17:35,040 --> 00:17:40,680 Speaker 1: unity you have strength, and in friendship the most potent 208 00:17:40,920 --> 00:17:47,800 Speaker 1: magic of all. After thanking the gnomes, Bubu and Kai 209 00:17:47,920 --> 00:17:52,920 Speaker 1: Kai flew home with only the sound of flapping wings 210 00:17:52,960 --> 00:18:01,439 Speaker 1: and the grumbling of Kai Kai's stomach. And with that, 211 00:18:02,359 --> 00:18:06,760 Speaker 1: Papa Bear gave Bernice a kiss on her forehead, adjusted 212 00:18:06,760 --> 00:18:12,240 Speaker 1: her blanket, turned off her lamp, and quietly whispered, I 213 00:18:12,359 --> 00:18:18,679 Speaker 1: love you, little bear, and that is the end of 214 00:18:18,760 --> 00:18:23,120 Speaker 1: our story. Good night, sleep tight.