1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:16,720 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Puddles and 2 00:00:16,880 --> 00:00:20,840 Speaker 1: Splash are back and heading out to enjoy a sunny 3 00:00:20,920 --> 00:00:26,000 Speaker 1: day after way too much rain. It has been raining 4 00:00:26,160 --> 00:00:28,960 Speaker 1: far more than normal on the farm, and when the 5 00:00:29,040 --> 00:00:32,920 Speaker 1: animals wake up and see the sun they can't wait 6 00:00:33,240 --> 00:00:37,919 Speaker 1: to get out of the barn and enjoy it. Puddles 7 00:00:37,920 --> 00:00:40,720 Speaker 1: and Splash get them all out of the barn safely 8 00:00:41,200 --> 00:00:44,080 Speaker 1: and then start their rounds to check on the stream 9 00:00:44,240 --> 00:00:49,320 Speaker 1: to make sure it hasn't overflown. As they are enjoying 10 00:00:49,320 --> 00:00:53,480 Speaker 1: a walk in the sunshine, Bubbles comes running towards them 11 00:00:53,840 --> 00:01:03,279 Speaker 1: and they both wonder what now Huddles and Splash the 12 00:01:03,320 --> 00:01:10,680 Speaker 1: mystery of the missing apples. It was early morning and 13 00:01:10,720 --> 00:01:15,560 Speaker 1: the animals were shuffling about waiting for Chester, the old rooster, 14 00:01:16,240 --> 00:01:19,760 Speaker 1: to announce the only way he knew how that it 15 00:01:19,880 --> 00:01:24,280 Speaker 1: was time to wake up and start the day. This morning, 16 00:01:24,319 --> 00:01:26,560 Speaker 1: the light was not as bright as it was at 17 00:01:26,600 --> 00:01:30,640 Speaker 1: the start of summer, but everyone still looked forward to 18 00:01:30,720 --> 00:01:34,840 Speaker 1: having the chance to go out and play, especially this 19 00:01:34,959 --> 00:01:39,400 Speaker 1: morning because the sun was shining bright for the first 20 00:01:39,440 --> 00:01:44,720 Speaker 1: time in what felt like ages. It had been an 21 00:01:44,920 --> 00:01:50,000 Speaker 1: unusually wet summer on the Hampshire farm. Though most of 22 00:01:50,040 --> 00:01:53,240 Speaker 1: the animals liked to play in the mud. With the 23 00:01:53,360 --> 00:01:58,160 Speaker 1: constant rain, the animals' moods had turned dreary and down. 24 00:02:00,040 --> 00:02:03,160 Speaker 1: With the sight of sunbeams shining through the cracks in 25 00:02:03,240 --> 00:02:09,400 Speaker 1: the barn door, their spirits immediately lifted. Talk of a 26 00:02:09,440 --> 00:02:12,920 Speaker 1: game of ball in the field started to mingle amongst 27 00:02:13,040 --> 00:02:17,320 Speaker 1: the gentle sounds of the chickens cooing, the pigs snuffling 28 00:02:17,400 --> 00:02:24,280 Speaker 1: and oinking, and the cows lowing and mooing. Cock a 29 00:02:24,360 --> 00:02:30,880 Speaker 1: doodle doo yelled chester suns a rising, days begun, rise 30 00:02:30,919 --> 00:02:35,639 Speaker 1: and shine. Let's have some fun. Feathers fluff and hoofs 31 00:02:35,680 --> 00:02:39,560 Speaker 1: a hop. Time to play a game, don't you stop. 32 00:02:42,560 --> 00:02:46,760 Speaker 1: As Splash pulled open the squeaky barn door, the fresh 33 00:02:46,800 --> 00:02:51,200 Speaker 1: smell of wet muddy grass wafted in, and the sounds 34 00:02:51,240 --> 00:02:56,519 Speaker 1: of chirping birds, buzzing bees, and all manner of insects 35 00:02:56,560 --> 00:03:02,000 Speaker 1: filled the air. All the air. Animals and insects outside 36 00:03:02,360 --> 00:03:05,960 Speaker 1: were also excited to see the sun shining so brightly. 37 00:03:07,720 --> 00:03:11,639 Speaker 1: Every summer morning, rain or shine was much the same, 38 00:03:12,280 --> 00:03:15,600 Speaker 1: with the big animals walking out of the barn first, 39 00:03:16,120 --> 00:03:21,680 Speaker 1: followed by the pigs, and finally the chickens splash. The 40 00:03:21,760 --> 00:03:26,400 Speaker 1: strongest farm dog you might ever meet guided them safely 41 00:03:26,480 --> 00:03:30,000 Speaker 1: out the door lest someone get underneath a large cow's 42 00:03:30,040 --> 00:03:36,280 Speaker 1: hoofs splash. His young pig helper helped from the inside, 43 00:03:36,880 --> 00:03:40,880 Speaker 1: reminding everyone to be patient and take their time as 44 00:03:40,920 --> 00:03:47,360 Speaker 1: they went outside to have their morning meal. Okay, you 45 00:03:47,480 --> 00:03:51,040 Speaker 1: know the drill big animals out first. We don't want 46 00:03:51,040 --> 00:03:56,800 Speaker 1: any cow stepping on the small animals. Bark, splash, Please hurry, 47 00:03:57,520 --> 00:03:59,880 Speaker 1: one of the chickens said, trying to get in front 48 00:03:59,880 --> 00:04:03,240 Speaker 1: of the cows. I feel like I have been stuck 49 00:04:03,280 --> 00:04:06,880 Speaker 1: in a chicken coop. I need some fresh air. The 50 00:04:07,040 --> 00:04:14,760 Speaker 1: pigs were making stinks all night long. Be patient, Jester, 51 00:04:14,880 --> 00:04:18,039 Speaker 1: the rooster said, from his station on top of a 52 00:04:18,080 --> 00:04:23,120 Speaker 1: bale of hay. Are you sure it wasn't you chickens 53 00:04:23,200 --> 00:04:26,680 Speaker 1: making all the stinks, puddle said, as he guided the 54 00:04:26,720 --> 00:04:31,320 Speaker 1: piglets towards the door. Yeah, us pigs are the cleanest 55 00:04:31,360 --> 00:04:36,400 Speaker 1: animals on the farm, said another. You might be clean, 56 00:04:36,880 --> 00:04:40,240 Speaker 1: but you sure do make big stinks. One of the 57 00:04:40,279 --> 00:04:43,400 Speaker 1: cows said, just before she hopped towards a bale of 58 00:04:43,480 --> 00:04:50,720 Speaker 1: fresh hay left out by farmer Vernon as the chickens 59 00:04:50,720 --> 00:04:55,320 Speaker 1: and pigs slowly made their way. The cows excitedly jumped 60 00:04:55,400 --> 00:04:58,800 Speaker 1: one by one out the barn door, just like a 61 00:04:58,839 --> 00:05:03,680 Speaker 1: pack of puppies, and started immediately enjoying their breakfast of 62 00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:09,599 Speaker 1: fresh hay and clover. The fastest cow was Bubbles, a young, 63 00:05:09,800 --> 00:05:18,119 Speaker 1: mischievous calf who was always hungry. Next, the chickens fluttered out, 64 00:05:18,560 --> 00:05:22,479 Speaker 1: followed by the pigs. Led by puddles, splashes, Helper and 65 00:05:22,560 --> 00:05:28,359 Speaker 1: the youngest of the drove. The chickens stayed close to 66 00:05:28,480 --> 00:05:33,039 Speaker 1: the barn where farmer Vernon spread some seed. The pigs 67 00:05:33,040 --> 00:05:37,320 Speaker 1: stayed together, drinking water from the outside trough and enjoying 68 00:05:37,360 --> 00:05:42,599 Speaker 1: all the different vegetables left for them to eat. All 69 00:05:42,720 --> 00:05:47,719 Speaker 1: the animals were excited to see the sun, especially the chickens, 70 00:05:48,080 --> 00:05:51,560 Speaker 1: who preferred to keep their feathers free from rain and mud. 71 00:05:52,440 --> 00:05:59,680 Speaker 1: They were always too concerned with their appearance. The farm, 72 00:06:00,120 --> 00:06:03,880 Speaker 1: located on Prince Edward Island, was like a big, cozy 73 00:06:03,920 --> 00:06:08,520 Speaker 1: home for all the animals. It was surrounded by wide 74 00:06:08,720 --> 00:06:12,960 Speaker 1: open fields, which this time of the year looked like 75 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:17,560 Speaker 1: a sea of grass swaying in the wind. The island 76 00:06:17,640 --> 00:06:22,000 Speaker 1: is known for its rich, fertile soil, which yields tons 77 00:06:22,080 --> 00:06:27,040 Speaker 1: of potatoes, something for which it is famous, and when 78 00:06:27,120 --> 00:06:31,000 Speaker 1: the sun sets, the sky turns all sorts of beautiful 79 00:06:31,080 --> 00:06:36,560 Speaker 1: colors like oranges, pinks, and purples, making the farm feel 80 00:06:36,720 --> 00:06:42,200 Speaker 1: extra cozy as the animals go to bed, Huddles walked 81 00:06:42,240 --> 00:06:45,599 Speaker 1: over to where Splash was sitting and watching over the 82 00:06:45,680 --> 00:06:50,800 Speaker 1: animals as they went about their morning routine. Did you 83 00:06:50,839 --> 00:06:55,040 Speaker 1: have enough breakfast this morning? Splash asked. We have a 84 00:06:55,040 --> 00:06:57,520 Speaker 1: full day ahead of us, and you are a young 85 00:06:57,680 --> 00:07:03,039 Speaker 1: growing pig, so you need your bedgetables. I'm a fast eater, 86 00:07:03,320 --> 00:07:09,039 Speaker 1: Puddles said, so what are we doing today? Well, we 87 00:07:09,080 --> 00:07:12,160 Speaker 1: should check the stream that runs through the pasture over 88 00:07:12,280 --> 00:07:16,000 Speaker 1: yonder and make sure it hasn't swollen over its banks. 89 00:07:16,800 --> 00:07:19,520 Speaker 1: We wouldn't want the cows getting stuck in the mud, 90 00:07:19,920 --> 00:07:22,720 Speaker 1: and they might want to wander off in that direction 91 00:07:22,880 --> 00:07:28,080 Speaker 1: today since it's so sunny out. Yes, that field usually 92 00:07:28,120 --> 00:07:31,240 Speaker 1: has lots of sweet clover that the cows love, and 93 00:07:31,360 --> 00:07:34,600 Speaker 1: they might be hungry if they play ball. Puddles replied, 94 00:07:35,800 --> 00:07:40,520 Speaker 1: that's right. After we check on the stream. Farmer Vernon 95 00:07:40,600 --> 00:07:43,840 Speaker 1: might want us to stick close to the chickens. There 96 00:07:43,840 --> 00:07:47,640 Speaker 1: have been some crafty foxes and sneaky raccoons in the 97 00:07:47,720 --> 00:07:51,280 Speaker 1: area lately. We should be present to let them know 98 00:07:51,360 --> 00:07:55,080 Speaker 1: the rules in case they come for a visit, Splash said, 99 00:07:55,480 --> 00:07:58,240 Speaker 1: as he stretched out his front paws to get ready 100 00:07:58,280 --> 00:08:03,640 Speaker 1: for their walk. Huddles was getting better at keeping up 101 00:08:03,680 --> 00:08:07,040 Speaker 1: with Splash, but it was still a challenge for him 102 00:08:07,080 --> 00:08:10,760 Speaker 1: to move his short little legs fast enough to keep 103 00:08:10,880 --> 00:08:16,920 Speaker 1: up with the brisk pace that Splash set. After running 104 00:08:16,960 --> 00:08:20,920 Speaker 1: across the soft grassy field, they quickly came upon a 105 00:08:20,960 --> 00:08:25,720 Speaker 1: bubbling stream that was surrounded in part by old pine trees. 106 00:08:27,120 --> 00:08:30,320 Speaker 1: It was a waypoint for the animals, a place they 107 00:08:30,360 --> 00:08:33,760 Speaker 1: would come to enjoy a fresh drink of water on 108 00:08:33,880 --> 00:08:37,320 Speaker 1: their way toward the other fields that contained this sweet 109 00:08:37,360 --> 00:08:41,760 Speaker 1: clover they loved. Farmer Vernon used to come and sit 110 00:08:41,800 --> 00:08:45,040 Speaker 1: here and enjoy a break in the morning, bringing treats 111 00:08:45,040 --> 00:08:48,520 Speaker 1: for him and Splash, but it had been raining so 112 00:08:48,800 --> 00:08:51,920 Speaker 1: much this summer that he hadn't yet had the chance. 113 00:08:55,040 --> 00:08:59,040 Speaker 1: There's the stream up ahead, Splash said. It looks fine. 114 00:08:59,280 --> 00:09:02,960 Speaker 1: No major day images, but the ground feels pretty soft. 115 00:09:03,720 --> 00:09:06,080 Speaker 1: It might be best if the cow stayed away for 116 00:09:06,200 --> 00:09:09,040 Speaker 1: a couple of days. We wouldn't want one of the 117 00:09:09,120 --> 00:09:14,439 Speaker 1: calves getting stuck in the mud. Huddles wanted to reply, 118 00:09:14,679 --> 00:09:17,760 Speaker 1: but he was out of breath and was busy cleaning 119 00:09:17,800 --> 00:09:21,560 Speaker 1: his feet after trotting through two cow pies on the way. 120 00:09:22,920 --> 00:09:26,480 Speaker 1: Why couldn't cows do their business in one place, he 121 00:09:26,600 --> 00:09:32,839 Speaker 1: complained to himself. Why don't we take the direct route 122 00:09:32,880 --> 00:09:36,079 Speaker 1: back across the field and avoid the trails and fences. 123 00:09:36,600 --> 00:09:38,959 Speaker 1: It's been a while since we could enjoy the sun. 124 00:09:39,000 --> 00:09:44,400 Speaker 1: While we walked through the tall grass, Splash announced, sounds good, 125 00:09:44,480 --> 00:09:48,320 Speaker 1: Puddles said, finally catching his breath as he continued to 126 00:09:48,360 --> 00:09:52,480 Speaker 1: wipe his feet on the grass. The ground got drier 127 00:09:52,559 --> 00:09:55,720 Speaker 1: as they walked up from the hollow that contained the stream, 128 00:09:56,400 --> 00:09:59,280 Speaker 1: allowing them to walk a little bit easier and faster. 129 00:10:01,160 --> 00:10:04,040 Speaker 1: Puddles liked the mud, but it made it much more 130 00:10:04,160 --> 00:10:08,559 Speaker 1: challenging to keep up with Splash and his big padded feet. 131 00:10:09,600 --> 00:10:13,200 Speaker 1: Puddles often wondered if he wasn't part lyon the pads 132 00:10:13,240 --> 00:10:17,719 Speaker 1: on his feet were so large. They walked in silence. 133 00:10:18,520 --> 00:10:21,320 Speaker 1: Splash wasn't much of a talker when he was working, 134 00:10:21,920 --> 00:10:24,760 Speaker 1: and when they reached the crest of a hill roughly 135 00:10:24,840 --> 00:10:28,920 Speaker 1: halfway across the field, they saw Bubbles, the young calf, 136 00:10:29,080 --> 00:10:35,080 Speaker 1: running quickly to meet them. What trouble did he get into? Now, 137 00:10:35,520 --> 00:10:40,239 Speaker 1: Splash side. Everyone liked Bubbles, but he had a tendency 138 00:10:40,320 --> 00:10:44,720 Speaker 1: to cause all kinds of trouble, which in turn made 139 00:10:44,800 --> 00:10:49,199 Speaker 1: more work for Splash and Puddles. I hope he didn't 140 00:10:49,280 --> 00:10:52,120 Speaker 1: lead any of the other young calves into some kind 141 00:10:52,160 --> 00:10:58,000 Speaker 1: of mischief, Puddles replied. Meeting them in the field, Bubbles 142 00:10:58,000 --> 00:11:02,240 Speaker 1: said excitedly, we have a a really big problem, a 143 00:11:02,360 --> 00:11:08,040 Speaker 1: disaster even what Splash asked with a look of concern. 144 00:11:09,120 --> 00:11:13,280 Speaker 1: Puddles was worried. What could have happened while they were gone? 145 00:11:13,960 --> 00:11:17,640 Speaker 1: They were only gone an hour. What could possibly have 146 00:11:17,760 --> 00:11:21,320 Speaker 1: happened in such a short period of time. Even Bubbles 147 00:11:21,360 --> 00:11:25,880 Speaker 1: couldn't cause trouble that quickly, could he? Letting out a sigh, 148 00:11:26,240 --> 00:11:30,560 Speaker 1: Splash said, in a serious tone, calm down and tell 149 00:11:30,640 --> 00:11:38,400 Speaker 1: us what happened. Well, we were about to have a 150 00:11:38,440 --> 00:11:41,400 Speaker 1: game of soccer when one of the cows suggested that 151 00:11:41,480 --> 00:11:44,040 Speaker 1: we go eat a few apples from the apple grove 152 00:11:44,120 --> 00:11:48,120 Speaker 1: that borders the field next to where we play. As 153 00:11:48,160 --> 00:11:52,320 Speaker 1: you both know, the apples fall gradually throughout late summer 154 00:11:52,360 --> 00:11:55,640 Speaker 1: and into fall from the trees, which makes them quite 155 00:11:55,679 --> 00:11:59,200 Speaker 1: easy to reach on this side of the fence. As 156 00:11:59,280 --> 00:12:03,079 Speaker 1: has been our tradition, all the animals get a chance 157 00:12:03,160 --> 00:12:07,400 Speaker 1: to have a taste. It's an incredibly important treat for us, 158 00:12:07,880 --> 00:12:10,319 Speaker 1: and one that we have been enjoying for as long 159 00:12:10,360 --> 00:12:13,880 Speaker 1: as Farmer Vernon has had the farm. Bubble said, with 160 00:12:13,960 --> 00:12:18,560 Speaker 1: a tone of concern. We know all this, Bubbles, please 161 00:12:18,600 --> 00:12:23,280 Speaker 1: get to the point, Splash said, Right right when we 162 00:12:23,480 --> 00:12:29,280 Speaker 1: arrived to have our treat, all of the apples were gone. 163 00:12:30,120 --> 00:12:33,920 Speaker 1: Did you look up, Puddles asked. Maybe they just haven't 164 00:12:33,960 --> 00:12:38,120 Speaker 1: fallen from the tree yet. It's been wet. Maybe that 165 00:12:38,320 --> 00:12:41,920 Speaker 1: has delayed there dropping from the trees. All it will 166 00:12:41,960 --> 00:12:46,640 Speaker 1: take is a bit more time and a stiff wind. No, 167 00:12:47,000 --> 00:12:50,040 Speaker 1: that's just it. I mean the apples were there the 168 00:12:50,080 --> 00:12:54,800 Speaker 1: other day because well, I went and had a couple 169 00:12:54,880 --> 00:13:00,160 Speaker 1: when everybody was eating hay, Bubble said, sheepishly, knowing that 170 00:13:00,200 --> 00:13:03,720 Speaker 1: he was supposed to share the trees and not be selfish. 171 00:13:04,160 --> 00:13:08,640 Speaker 1: But now they are all gone, and not just the 172 00:13:08,640 --> 00:13:11,480 Speaker 1: ones on the ground, but all the ones on the 173 00:13:11,559 --> 00:13:16,960 Speaker 1: trees on both sides of the fence. How could that 174 00:13:17,000 --> 00:13:21,680 Speaker 1: be possible, Puddles asked. The trees were full of small apples. 175 00:13:21,720 --> 00:13:24,920 Speaker 1: The last time Splash and I walked by there last week, 176 00:13:26,080 --> 00:13:29,480 Speaker 1: Farmer Vernon leaves them for us, and I have only 177 00:13:29,480 --> 00:13:32,320 Speaker 1: heard of him picking apples from the trees close to 178 00:13:32,400 --> 00:13:39,440 Speaker 1: his house. No, I'm sure it wasn't Farmer Vernon. Well, 179 00:13:39,720 --> 00:13:42,920 Speaker 1: this is pretty serious, so let's get over there quickly 180 00:13:42,960 --> 00:13:46,520 Speaker 1: and have a look for ourselves, Splash said, as he 181 00:13:46,600 --> 00:13:52,320 Speaker 1: started to walk ever more briskly than normal. Puddles ran 182 00:13:52,440 --> 00:13:54,840 Speaker 1: as fast as he could to try and keep up 183 00:13:54,920 --> 00:14:00,079 Speaker 1: with Bubbles, the fastest cow on the farm, and Splash 184 00:14:00,160 --> 00:14:05,400 Speaker 1: seemed to be good at just about everything. Huddles considered 185 00:14:05,480 --> 00:14:09,440 Speaker 1: himself very intelligent and hoped to be smarter than doctor 186 00:14:09,520 --> 00:14:14,680 Speaker 1: Julius Strange Pork one day. However, keeping up with Bubbles 187 00:14:14,679 --> 00:14:22,200 Speaker 1: and Splash was always a challenge. When they arrived, a 188 00:14:22,280 --> 00:14:25,480 Speaker 1: small crowd had gathered where the apples should have been. 189 00:14:26,760 --> 00:14:30,760 Speaker 1: What happened to all the apples? Do you have any ideas, Splash, 190 00:14:31,160 --> 00:14:35,240 Speaker 1: one of the older cows said. I just got here 191 00:14:35,640 --> 00:14:38,480 Speaker 1: and am as surprised as you all looked to be, 192 00:14:39,160 --> 00:14:42,720 Speaker 1: Splash said, as he surveyed the area. This is our 193 00:14:42,840 --> 00:14:46,680 Speaker 1: yearly tradition. A pig said, where could the apples have 194 00:14:46,800 --> 00:14:51,520 Speaker 1: gone after all this rain? A sweet treat like this 195 00:14:51,600 --> 00:14:53,880 Speaker 1: would have been a great way to bring some cheer, 196 00:14:54,400 --> 00:14:58,200 Speaker 1: said a chicken hopping about. The rest of the animals 197 00:14:58,280 --> 00:15:03,600 Speaker 1: mumbled in agreement. Okay, give us some time and we 198 00:15:03,640 --> 00:15:07,000 Speaker 1: will see if we can find an answer. Why don't 199 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:09,200 Speaker 1: you all go back and play a game of soccer 200 00:15:09,560 --> 00:15:14,240 Speaker 1: while we find an answer to the mystery. As all 201 00:15:14,320 --> 00:15:17,400 Speaker 1: the animals that had gathered started to make their way 202 00:15:17,440 --> 00:15:21,240 Speaker 1: back to the other field to play soccer, Betsy, the 203 00:15:21,280 --> 00:15:24,680 Speaker 1: lonely cow that was left behind by a farmer next door, 204 00:15:25,200 --> 00:15:29,240 Speaker 1: came over to talk to Puddles. I'm not familiar with 205 00:15:29,280 --> 00:15:32,000 Speaker 1: the traditions that we have on the farm yet, but 206 00:15:32,400 --> 00:15:35,960 Speaker 1: while I was roaming through the backfields, I did come 207 00:15:36,080 --> 00:15:39,600 Speaker 1: upon a grove of apple trees hidden amongst the forest 208 00:15:39,720 --> 00:15:42,480 Speaker 1: at the back of the farm. I could show you 209 00:15:42,560 --> 00:15:46,080 Speaker 1: where the trees are, I think, But how we could 210 00:15:46,120 --> 00:15:48,800 Speaker 1: get the apples back to where we could all eat them, 211 00:15:49,280 --> 00:15:56,480 Speaker 1: I don't know, Betsy said. Before Puddles could reply, Splash 212 00:15:56,600 --> 00:16:00,000 Speaker 1: quickly bounded back. It looks like we have a clue. 213 00:16:00,640 --> 00:16:03,920 Speaker 1: I found many many tracks around the tree, and not 214 00:16:04,080 --> 00:16:08,080 Speaker 1: tracks from our chickens, cows, or pigs. What could it be, 215 00:16:08,160 --> 00:16:12,720 Speaker 1: Puddles asked, The scent I smell is fox and raccoon, 216 00:16:13,360 --> 00:16:18,040 Speaker 1: and not just a couple, but many. Splash replied, But 217 00:16:18,360 --> 00:16:22,560 Speaker 1: foxes and raccoons don't get along, Puddles said with surprise. 218 00:16:23,640 --> 00:16:27,360 Speaker 1: If what I suspect is true, then we have a big, 219 00:16:28,160 --> 00:16:37,080 Speaker 1: big problem, and that is the end of this part. 220 00:16:38,240 --> 00:16:55,200 Speaker 1: Good Night, sleep tight. 221 00:17:00,160 --> 00:17:14,200 Speaker 2: The vere staters mastrit sat. 222 00:17:17,800 --> 00:17:25,840 Speaker 1: The data. 223 00:17:26,760 --> 00:17:35,399 Speaker 2: The Mastritis 224 00:17:37,440 --> 00:17:37,480 Speaker 1: The