1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,440 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:18,640 Speaker 1: to say hello to four year old Sydney. Hello to 3 00:00:18,760 --> 00:00:26,120 Speaker 1: Audren who lives in Dublin, Ireland. Hello to Ella in Boston, Massachusetts. 4 00:00:26,720 --> 00:00:31,520 Speaker 1: Hello to Daniel who is seven and lives in Midwest City, Oklahoma. 5 00:00:33,640 --> 00:00:37,680 Speaker 1: Hello to Freddie and Watson who live in Roseville, Minnesota. 6 00:00:39,560 --> 00:00:43,040 Speaker 1: Hello to Cora who turned six on November twenty second, 7 00:00:43,520 --> 00:00:50,280 Speaker 1: and her brother Lucas, who is three from Minnesota. Hello 8 00:00:50,320 --> 00:00:55,760 Speaker 1: to Mi Hail and Maya, and hello to ryu Zia 9 00:00:56,240 --> 00:01:05,000 Speaker 1: and Zoey. A happy belated birthday to Olivia Todd, who 10 00:01:05,040 --> 00:01:11,400 Speaker 1: celebrated a birthday on December ninth. A Happy blated birthday 11 00:01:11,400 --> 00:01:18,680 Speaker 1: to Casey from Melbourne, Canada, who turned five on December tenth. 12 00:01:19,000 --> 00:01:22,720 Speaker 1: A happy belated birthday to Grace, who lives in Buffalo, 13 00:01:22,840 --> 00:01:29,119 Speaker 1: New York, who turned seven on December twelfth. A happy 14 00:01:29,160 --> 00:01:33,880 Speaker 1: belated birthday to Antonia who turned six on December fourteenth, 15 00:01:34,560 --> 00:01:39,480 Speaker 1: and Marie who turned eight on December sixteenth. They both 16 00:01:39,560 --> 00:01:47,000 Speaker 1: live in Warsaw, Poland. A happy belated birthday to Ezekiel 17 00:01:47,360 --> 00:01:53,960 Speaker 1: who turned nine on December fifteenth. A happy belated birthday 18 00:01:54,000 --> 00:01:57,919 Speaker 1: to Lila, who lives in San Francisco who turned six. 19 00:02:00,800 --> 00:02:04,280 Speaker 1: A Happy belated birthday to Henry who turned six on 20 00:02:04,320 --> 00:02:12,280 Speaker 1: December sixteenth. A Happy belated birthday to Ruby mcdeviitt from Hoboken, 21 00:02:12,400 --> 00:02:20,919 Speaker 1: New Jersey who turned seven on December seventeenth. Happy birthday 22 00:02:20,960 --> 00:02:24,840 Speaker 1: to Eden Surai from Albany, California, who has a birthday 23 00:02:24,880 --> 00:02:30,760 Speaker 1: on December nineteenth. Happy birthday to Revel from Cherry Hill, 24 00:02:30,840 --> 00:02:34,799 Speaker 1: New Jersey, who will be turning seven on December twenty. First, 25 00:02:37,400 --> 00:02:40,840 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Lena who is turning ten on December 26 00:02:40,880 --> 00:02:47,320 Speaker 1: twenty first. Happy birthday to Charlie from Long Beach, California, 27 00:02:47,639 --> 00:02:54,280 Speaker 1: who is turning four on December twenty. Second, Happy birthday 28 00:02:54,280 --> 00:02:58,919 Speaker 1: to Sybil from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada who is turning four 29 00:02:59,240 --> 00:03:07,120 Speaker 1: on December twenty second. Happy birthday to Matthew from Mommy, Daddy, 30 00:03:07,360 --> 00:03:11,440 Speaker 1: big Sister, Victoria and the two cats Buffy and Orange, 31 00:03:11,680 --> 00:03:18,240 Speaker 1: who is turning six on December twenty second, Happy birthday 32 00:03:18,280 --> 00:03:22,160 Speaker 1: to Joshua from the Gold Coast in Australia who is 33 00:03:22,200 --> 00:03:28,280 Speaker 1: turning seven on December twenty second. And Happy birthday to 34 00:03:28,400 --> 00:03:33,480 Speaker 1: Siddarth who is turning four on December twenty second. Lots 35 00:03:33,480 --> 00:03:39,240 Speaker 1: of love from Siona, Mama and Papa. Happy birthday to 36 00:03:39,400 --> 00:03:56,680 Speaker 1: you all. I hope you have a wonderful day. George 37 00:03:56,680 --> 00:04:00,680 Speaker 1: has been busy writing letters to Santa EV every day, 38 00:04:01,280 --> 00:04:04,960 Speaker 1: asking for a massage for mummy and a puppy for 39 00:04:05,040 --> 00:04:10,760 Speaker 1: himself for Christmas. He thinks if he writes lots of letters, 40 00:04:11,240 --> 00:04:14,160 Speaker 1: then his chances of getting what he wants is better. 41 00:04:15,960 --> 00:04:18,799 Speaker 1: Cooper is a puppy that was left in an alley 42 00:04:18,880 --> 00:04:22,680 Speaker 1: when his owners realized he would grow up and be 43 00:04:22,800 --> 00:04:27,040 Speaker 1: bigger than they had hoped. Cooper cannot find any food 44 00:04:27,160 --> 00:04:30,960 Speaker 1: or warmth around him because all the normal places he 45 00:04:31,080 --> 00:04:39,440 Speaker 1: visits are closed, so he heads farther into town the 46 00:04:39,600 --> 00:04:47,400 Speaker 1: Santa Puppy. It was Saturday, the day before Christmas, and 47 00:04:47,520 --> 00:04:52,120 Speaker 1: George was at his desk writing a letter to Santa. 48 00:04:52,680 --> 00:04:55,960 Speaker 1: He knew it was late to write, but he hoped 49 00:04:56,080 --> 00:04:59,640 Speaker 1: that if he kept writing letters, it might increase his 50 00:04:59,760 --> 00:05:05,200 Speaker 1: chance that his wish would come true. He had been 51 00:05:05,240 --> 00:05:10,039 Speaker 1: writing letters every day since the start of December, and 52 00:05:10,160 --> 00:05:14,880 Speaker 1: they all said the same thing. He had been good 53 00:05:15,040 --> 00:05:19,920 Speaker 1: all year, studied hard, and helped his mother when he could. 54 00:05:21,640 --> 00:05:24,720 Speaker 1: He asked that Santa give his mother a massage at 55 00:05:24,760 --> 00:05:29,520 Speaker 1: the spa because she always complained of having sore muscles 56 00:05:29,839 --> 00:05:35,520 Speaker 1: from standing all day, and if at all possible, a 57 00:05:35,600 --> 00:05:41,320 Speaker 1: puppy dog for him. George had been asking for a 58 00:05:41,400 --> 00:05:46,200 Speaker 1: puppy since his fifth birthday. He was six now, and 59 00:05:46,240 --> 00:05:49,400 Speaker 1: since he felt he was all grown up, it was 60 00:05:49,520 --> 00:05:53,960 Speaker 1: time to have one, but his mother always said that 61 00:05:54,080 --> 00:06:01,120 Speaker 1: he wasn't ready for the responsibility. George and his mom 62 00:06:01,240 --> 00:06:06,480 Speaker 1: lived on a quiet street in a small town. Outside 63 00:06:06,520 --> 00:06:10,719 Speaker 1: their house were snow covered evergreen trees that George and 64 00:06:10,760 --> 00:06:16,280 Speaker 1: his mom had decorated with blinking lights. The inside had 65 00:06:16,320 --> 00:06:20,960 Speaker 1: all kinds of decorations, including a big Christmas tree and 66 00:06:21,120 --> 00:06:30,520 Speaker 1: various ornaments. George's mother loved decorating this time of year. Mommy, 67 00:06:30,760 --> 00:06:33,400 Speaker 1: I'm just going outside to the mailbox so that the 68 00:06:33,400 --> 00:06:37,440 Speaker 1: post office can deliver this letter to Santa, George yelled 69 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:42,600 Speaker 1: as he put on his winter boots and coat. Oh, Georgie, 70 00:06:42,880 --> 00:06:44,960 Speaker 1: I don't think the post office will be able to 71 00:06:45,040 --> 00:06:53,120 Speaker 1: deliver it in time. It's okay, mummy, I believe in magic. Okay, dear, 72 00:06:53,520 --> 00:06:57,960 Speaker 1: make sure you dress warm and stay on the sidewalk. Yes, mommy, 73 00:06:58,400 --> 00:07:01,919 Speaker 1: George yelled as he closed the front door and walked 74 00:07:02,080 --> 00:07:05,279 Speaker 1: to the nearest post office box to deposit his letter. 75 00:07:06,440 --> 00:07:15,640 Speaker 1: He was sure that Santa would read this one. Cooper 76 00:07:15,880 --> 00:07:19,920 Speaker 1: was cold. He couldn't remember what being warm felt like 77 00:07:20,520 --> 00:07:23,600 Speaker 1: because he had lived alone in this alley for most 78 00:07:23,640 --> 00:07:28,280 Speaker 1: of his life. He was a labrador, and his owners 79 00:07:28,360 --> 00:07:31,400 Speaker 1: left him here once they realized that he would grow 80 00:07:31,560 --> 00:07:36,120 Speaker 1: up and be a big dog. The owner of the 81 00:07:36,160 --> 00:07:39,760 Speaker 1: restaurant that bordered the alley was very friendly to him, 82 00:07:40,320 --> 00:07:43,200 Speaker 1: building a shelter for him out of scraps of wood 83 00:07:43,720 --> 00:07:48,040 Speaker 1: and bringing him leftovers most days. But she had been 84 00:07:48,080 --> 00:07:51,640 Speaker 1: away for a while and it had since snowed and 85 00:07:51,760 --> 00:07:58,520 Speaker 1: gotten much colder. I must really find another place to sleep, 86 00:07:58,560 --> 00:08:03,600 Speaker 1: Cooper thought. Too cold outside, and all the friendly people 87 00:08:03,640 --> 00:08:06,520 Speaker 1: that used to feed me have not been around for 88 00:08:06,600 --> 00:08:12,920 Speaker 1: a long time. Cooper remembered his mother on the farm, 89 00:08:13,120 --> 00:08:18,000 Speaker 1: always telling him to remain positive whenever he faced problems, 90 00:08:18,840 --> 00:08:23,960 Speaker 1: and he was trying very hard to be. So if 91 00:08:24,000 --> 00:08:27,960 Speaker 1: I leave this place and can't find anywhere warm, what 92 00:08:28,040 --> 00:08:33,240 Speaker 1: will I do? If I stay, I might be much 93 00:08:33,360 --> 00:08:37,679 Speaker 1: too cold. But if I go in search of another 94 00:08:37,800 --> 00:08:41,720 Speaker 1: place to stay, at least I have a chance, Cooper thought, 95 00:08:42,200 --> 00:08:47,040 Speaker 1: I must try. Cooper left his shelter where he was 96 00:08:47,200 --> 00:08:50,960 Speaker 1: curled up in a ball, shook all the snow off 97 00:08:51,000 --> 00:08:54,240 Speaker 1: his fur, and started to walk out of the snow 98 00:08:54,320 --> 00:08:58,920 Speaker 1: covered alley towards the street, leaving a trail of dog 99 00:08:59,000 --> 00:09:08,040 Speaker 1: prints in the su snow. George came back into the 100 00:09:08,120 --> 00:09:11,720 Speaker 1: house after dropping his letter off at the post office box. 101 00:09:12,720 --> 00:09:16,000 Speaker 1: He took off his coat and boots, putting them neatly away, 102 00:09:16,679 --> 00:09:19,600 Speaker 1: and walked into the kitchen where his mother was drinking 103 00:09:19,679 --> 00:09:26,480 Speaker 1: that yucky coffee she seemed to always be drinking. Did 104 00:09:26,480 --> 00:09:30,600 Speaker 1: you have a good walk, Georgie, his mother asked, Yes, Mummy, 105 00:09:31,160 --> 00:09:35,400 Speaker 1: the sidewalk was cleared and it wasn't too cold. I 106 00:09:35,440 --> 00:09:38,200 Speaker 1: shoveled our walkway as best I could before I came 107 00:09:38,280 --> 00:09:43,440 Speaker 1: back in. Wow, thank you, little man. You are such 108 00:09:43,480 --> 00:09:48,240 Speaker 1: a big help. I was procrastinating going outside to do 109 00:09:48,400 --> 00:09:53,800 Speaker 1: that very thing. It's okay, mummy. I know your muscles 110 00:09:53,800 --> 00:09:57,640 Speaker 1: are sore and you need a rest. That's why I 111 00:09:57,679 --> 00:10:02,920 Speaker 1: asked Santa to bring you a massage for a Wouldn't 112 00:10:03,000 --> 00:10:08,400 Speaker 1: that be nice? His mother laughed. You know, Georgie, Santa 113 00:10:08,559 --> 00:10:11,200 Speaker 1: may not be able to deliver the other wish you 114 00:10:11,280 --> 00:10:15,880 Speaker 1: asked for in your letter. Sometimes he waits until kids 115 00:10:15,920 --> 00:10:22,440 Speaker 1: are older, even kids as helpful as you. I know, mommy, 116 00:10:22,760 --> 00:10:35,199 Speaker 1: but I believe in magic. George's mom sighed. Oh. Cooper 117 00:10:35,280 --> 00:10:38,360 Speaker 1: had left the alley and was walking along one of 118 00:10:38,400 --> 00:10:42,640 Speaker 1: the main streets in the town. He didn't know why, 119 00:10:42,800 --> 00:10:46,240 Speaker 1: but unlike other times he went for a walk, there 120 00:10:46,280 --> 00:10:50,160 Speaker 1: were very few cars on the road and few people 121 00:10:50,240 --> 00:10:55,600 Speaker 1: out walking. All the usual places Cooper might drop in 122 00:10:55,720 --> 00:10:59,599 Speaker 1: to get a snack or get his head scratched or closed. 123 00:11:02,440 --> 00:11:06,400 Speaker 1: Where did everyone go? He thought, I guess I will 124 00:11:06,400 --> 00:11:11,160 Speaker 1: have to walk farther than I originally planned. The kind 125 00:11:11,280 --> 00:11:14,600 Speaker 1: shop owners on this street were always nice to Cooper, 126 00:11:15,320 --> 00:11:18,680 Speaker 1: so he had hoped they would help him keep warm 127 00:11:18,960 --> 00:11:26,199 Speaker 1: until the restaurant owner returned. After walking around the neighborhood 128 00:11:26,240 --> 00:11:30,559 Speaker 1: for a while looking for a friendly face, Cooper crossed 129 00:11:30,679 --> 00:11:34,400 Speaker 1: the once busy street and started walking down one of 130 00:11:34,440 --> 00:11:38,840 Speaker 1: the side streets where there were many warm looking houses. 131 00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:44,240 Speaker 1: It was already starting to get dark, and Cooper was 132 00:11:44,240 --> 00:11:48,480 Speaker 1: getting nervous. I need to find a place to stay soon, 133 00:11:48,960 --> 00:11:55,240 Speaker 1: he thought. Cooper walked down the street, marveling at all 134 00:11:55,400 --> 00:11:58,600 Speaker 1: the bright lights that filled every yard he walked by. 135 00:11:59,800 --> 00:12:03,160 Speaker 1: In the distance, he saw a large man wearing a 136 00:12:03,200 --> 00:12:08,000 Speaker 1: scarf and hat who had a strange looking orange colored nose. 137 00:12:10,040 --> 00:12:13,600 Speaker 1: Isn't that human cold standing there wearing just a scarf 138 00:12:13,600 --> 00:12:19,480 Speaker 1: and hat. As Cooper approached the man, his hair started 139 00:12:19,520 --> 00:12:23,800 Speaker 1: to stand up straight. He didn't know why, but he 140 00:12:23,880 --> 00:12:28,640 Speaker 1: started to bark at him. Cooper slowly approached the man, 141 00:12:29,240 --> 00:12:33,520 Speaker 1: ready to run away if he had to. Cooper got 142 00:12:33,559 --> 00:12:37,920 Speaker 1: closer and closer until he reached out with his nose 143 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:45,240 Speaker 1: and boop. His nose touched snow. How strange, Cooper thought 144 00:12:45,280 --> 00:12:49,320 Speaker 1: as he walked away. A human made of cold snow 145 00:12:51,240 --> 00:12:55,400 Speaker 1: walking farther Cooper's eigh house with all the lights on 146 00:12:55,760 --> 00:13:00,000 Speaker 1: and the front door open. He walked up there, walks 147 00:13:00,120 --> 00:13:05,080 Speaker 1: way to their door and sat there. Whenever Cooper sat 148 00:13:05,200 --> 00:13:09,800 Speaker 1: quietly at the door of a business. Eventually someone would 149 00:13:09,880 --> 00:13:13,280 Speaker 1: come out and say hello, give him a pet, and 150 00:13:13,480 --> 00:13:20,719 Speaker 1: often something to eat. So he waited and waited. No 151 00:13:20,760 --> 00:13:25,680 Speaker 1: one came. I hope they come soon, he thought, I 152 00:13:25,760 --> 00:13:30,160 Speaker 1: am so cold. Maybe I need to try something else. 153 00:13:32,320 --> 00:13:39,400 Speaker 1: So Cooper barked, and he barked. Finally someone noticed him 154 00:13:39,440 --> 00:13:44,160 Speaker 1: and walked towards the door. Cooper got excited and started 155 00:13:44,200 --> 00:13:48,839 Speaker 1: wagging his tail. Finally, I can get warm and maybe 156 00:13:48,880 --> 00:13:53,960 Speaker 1: have something to eat, he thought. The person closed the 157 00:13:54,040 --> 00:13:58,880 Speaker 1: door and turned out the light without saying a word. 158 00:14:00,600 --> 00:14:05,920 Speaker 1: Cooper was sad. I can't give up. I'm sure someone 159 00:14:06,000 --> 00:14:09,240 Speaker 1: on this street will help me, Hooper thought, as he 160 00:14:09,360 --> 00:14:13,240 Speaker 1: walked down the street to find another house where the 161 00:14:13,360 --> 00:14:24,320 Speaker 1: humans might help him. Okay, little man, it's time for bed, 162 00:14:24,760 --> 00:14:28,640 Speaker 1: George's mother said. I left a cookie and some milk 163 00:14:28,720 --> 00:14:31,720 Speaker 1: on the table, Mummy, and a carrot for Rudolph in 164 00:14:31,720 --> 00:14:35,800 Speaker 1: case he is hungry too. George said, as he jumped 165 00:14:35,840 --> 00:14:39,840 Speaker 1: into his bed and pulled up the covers to get warm. 166 00:14:40,840 --> 00:14:46,600 Speaker 1: I'm sure Santa and Rudolph will appreciate the snack. Now, remember, 167 00:14:46,720 --> 00:14:49,600 Speaker 1: little man, you must stay in bed and go to 168 00:14:49,640 --> 00:14:54,880 Speaker 1: sleep so Santa will come. I will try my very best, Mummy, 169 00:14:55,320 --> 00:15:02,040 Speaker 1: really I will, George said with excitement. It took George 170 00:15:02,040 --> 00:15:07,120 Speaker 1: a while, but he eventually went to sleep. Some time later, 171 00:15:07,240 --> 00:15:11,680 Speaker 1: he was woken by a noise. The house was really quiet. 172 00:15:13,720 --> 00:15:18,040 Speaker 1: What was that noise? George said to himself, Is it Santa. 173 00:15:18,960 --> 00:15:21,400 Speaker 1: I'd better keep my eyes closed in case it is. 174 00:15:24,640 --> 00:15:29,160 Speaker 1: He heard the noise again. Mommy isn't watching one of 175 00:15:29,200 --> 00:15:32,560 Speaker 1: her shows that she sometimes watches. When he goes to bed. 176 00:15:34,200 --> 00:15:41,480 Speaker 1: What could it be the noise came again? Is that 177 00:15:41,600 --> 00:15:47,120 Speaker 1: a bark? George wondered. George quietly got out of bed 178 00:15:47,480 --> 00:15:52,640 Speaker 1: and tiptoed to the house's front door. As he walked 179 00:15:52,640 --> 00:15:55,480 Speaker 1: by the living room, he noticed the lights on the 180 00:15:55,560 --> 00:15:59,920 Speaker 1: Christmas tree were still on and there were many more presents. 181 00:16:01,880 --> 00:16:04,000 Speaker 1: He went to the front door and looked out the 182 00:16:04,080 --> 00:16:09,080 Speaker 1: small window. Sitting on the front step was a dog. 183 00:16:10,960 --> 00:16:14,480 Speaker 1: Why would Santa leave my puppy on the step, he wondered. 184 00:16:16,280 --> 00:16:21,240 Speaker 1: George opened the door and invited Cooper in. Hello, puppy, 185 00:16:21,720 --> 00:16:25,320 Speaker 1: George said, why did Santa leave you out in the cold. 186 00:16:26,120 --> 00:16:29,320 Speaker 1: It must have been a mistake. Come with me into 187 00:16:29,360 --> 00:16:35,680 Speaker 1: my room so that you can get warm. The next morning, 188 00:16:35,760 --> 00:16:38,840 Speaker 1: George's mother came into his bedroom to wake him up 189 00:16:38,920 --> 00:16:43,160 Speaker 1: so they could have their special morning breakfast and open presents. 190 00:16:45,040 --> 00:16:47,320 Speaker 1: She was a bit puzzled as to why he wasn't 191 00:16:47,400 --> 00:16:50,360 Speaker 1: up yet, as he always woke her early in the 192 00:16:50,440 --> 00:16:56,680 Speaker 1: morning whenever there were presents to open. Georgie, it's time 193 00:16:56,720 --> 00:17:01,400 Speaker 1: to get up, sleepyhead. It's Christmas morning, and what is 194 00:17:01,440 --> 00:17:07,040 Speaker 1: that stinky smell? George pulled the covers over his head 195 00:17:07,080 --> 00:17:10,639 Speaker 1: and said, I know it's time to get up. Mummy. 196 00:17:11,359 --> 00:17:14,880 Speaker 1: Guess what Santa came last night while I was asleep. 197 00:17:16,840 --> 00:17:19,760 Speaker 1: Cooper's head popped out from under the covers as he 198 00:17:19,840 --> 00:17:26,600 Speaker 1: said that, A bit shocked, she said, Mmmm, Georgie, where 199 00:17:26,600 --> 00:17:32,000 Speaker 1: did this dog come from? Santa? Mummy? But he made 200 00:17:32,040 --> 00:17:35,840 Speaker 1: a mistake and he wasn't under the tree. He was 201 00:17:35,920 --> 00:17:39,080 Speaker 1: on our front step last night, so I took him 202 00:17:39,080 --> 00:17:41,919 Speaker 1: in so that he wouldn't be there all night in 203 00:17:42,000 --> 00:17:45,960 Speaker 1: the cold. I told you, mummy that Santa would read 204 00:17:46,040 --> 00:17:55,040 Speaker 1: my letters. But Georgie. Before George's mother could say another word, 205 00:17:55,520 --> 00:17:59,439 Speaker 1: Cooper jumped out of bed, ran over to her, and 206 00:17:59,560 --> 00:18:03,479 Speaker 1: sat at her feet, tail wagging, looking up at her 207 00:18:03,520 --> 00:18:08,840 Speaker 1: with big puppy dog eyes. Let me look at you, 208 00:18:08,960 --> 00:18:12,159 Speaker 1: little pup, George's mother said, as she got down on 209 00:18:12,200 --> 00:18:15,280 Speaker 1: her knees to pet Cooper and make sure he was 210 00:18:15,320 --> 00:18:19,800 Speaker 1: all right. In return, Cooper gave her a kiss on 211 00:18:19,880 --> 00:18:25,040 Speaker 1: the nose, then the cheek, and then quickly all over 212 00:18:25,080 --> 00:18:32,320 Speaker 1: her face. Look, Mommy, our Santa puppy loves you. Are 213 00:18:32,400 --> 00:18:35,720 Speaker 1: you sure you are able to look after this puppy? Georgie, 214 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:40,840 Speaker 1: his mother asked, Yes, Mommy, I'm six now, and you 215 00:18:41,040 --> 00:18:46,639 Speaker 1: always say I am your best helper. I'll tell you what, 216 00:18:47,720 --> 00:18:50,680 Speaker 1: Why don't you take our Santa puppy into the bathroom 217 00:18:50,680 --> 00:18:53,440 Speaker 1: and give him a bath. He has gotten a bit 218 00:18:53,480 --> 00:18:57,119 Speaker 1: dirty on his way here. While you are doing that, 219 00:18:57,800 --> 00:19:03,439 Speaker 1: I will get your breakfast ready. Okay, okay, mommy, this 220 00:19:03,680 --> 00:19:13,760 Speaker 1: is the best Christmas ever. Cooper agreed, and that's the 221 00:19:13,920 --> 00:19:18,480 Speaker 1: end of our story. Good Night, sleep tight.