1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,640 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Every week 2 00:00:14,760 --> 00:00:18,919 Speaker 1: we celebrate our supporters through shout outs and personal birthday messages. 3 00:00:19,760 --> 00:00:22,079 Speaker 1: We think this is also a fun way for us 4 00:00:22,560 --> 00:00:25,919 Speaker 1: to hear about all the amazing places that you our 5 00:00:26,040 --> 00:00:32,800 Speaker 1: listeners come from. Happy belated seventh birthday to Claire Bear 6 00:00:33,200 --> 00:00:38,600 Speaker 1: in Bloomington, Indiana. Mommy, Daddy and Andrew love you so much. 7 00:00:41,120 --> 00:00:45,720 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to sisters Camilla and Naomi from Augusta, Georgia. 8 00:00:46,600 --> 00:00:50,600 Speaker 1: Camilla turned five on June seventh, and Naomi is turning 9 00:00:50,640 --> 00:00:54,760 Speaker 1: eight on June eleventh. Mama and Dada love you so much. 10 00:00:56,200 --> 00:01:00,920 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Alice and Zelda, and congratulations on finishing 11 00:01:01,040 --> 00:01:04,920 Speaker 1: kindergarten and second grade. Mom and dad love you to 12 00:01:05,000 --> 00:01:09,920 Speaker 1: the moon and back. Happy ninth birthday to Ila from 13 00:01:10,000 --> 00:01:14,759 Speaker 1: your mom Jamie and your two sisters, Sasha and Paris. 14 00:01:15,160 --> 00:01:20,360 Speaker 1: They all love you so much. Happy birthday to Elijah 15 00:01:20,400 --> 00:01:24,479 Speaker 1: from Canada, who is turning ten on June eleventh. Your 16 00:01:24,480 --> 00:01:27,640 Speaker 1: mom is so proud of what a creative, kind and 17 00:01:27,760 --> 00:01:31,560 Speaker 1: brave kid you are. Happy birthday to you to May 18 00:01:31,600 --> 00:01:35,919 Speaker 1: Finter from New Zealand, who will be eleven on June eleventh. 19 00:01:36,560 --> 00:01:39,360 Speaker 1: Mommy and Daddy love you more than you will ever know. 20 00:01:39,920 --> 00:01:44,679 Speaker 1: Hope you have the best birthday. Happy birthday to Lucy 21 00:01:44,840 --> 00:01:49,400 Speaker 1: in San Jose, California, who is turning seven on June thirteenth. 22 00:01:49,960 --> 00:01:54,640 Speaker 1: Hello to your cat chatter, Lucy. Happy birthday to Maddie 23 00:01:54,840 --> 00:02:02,880 Speaker 1: from Sierra Madre, California, who is turning ten on June sixteenth. Mommy, Daddy, Everett, Max, 24 00:02:02,960 --> 00:02:08,040 Speaker 1: and Zoe love you so much. And Happy seventh birthday 25 00:02:08,160 --> 00:02:12,120 Speaker 1: from Mom, Dad and Alex to their sweet Eleise on 26 00:02:12,240 --> 00:02:16,120 Speaker 1: June nineteenth. They love you so much and are so 27 00:02:16,320 --> 00:02:21,880 Speaker 1: proud of you. Elise. Happy birthday to you all. To 28 00:02:21,960 --> 00:02:26,200 Speaker 1: reserve your special shout out, please visit sleeptightstories dot org 29 00:02:26,440 --> 00:02:32,000 Speaker 1: slash support. We can't wait to celebrate with you. Now 30 00:02:32,639 --> 00:02:48,680 Speaker 1: on to our story. Red is at school and it 31 00:02:48,760 --> 00:02:54,720 Speaker 1: is her least favorite day with two English classes. Alexa 32 00:02:54,840 --> 00:02:57,720 Speaker 1: told Red about the box she found in her backyard, 33 00:02:58,320 --> 00:03:01,160 Speaker 1: and they are all hoping to go over after school 34 00:03:01,160 --> 00:03:04,840 Speaker 1: and open it up and see what is inside. Will 35 00:03:04,840 --> 00:03:12,560 Speaker 1: this be a new mystery for them to solve? Transfer 36 00:03:12,680 --> 00:03:21,359 Speaker 1: Student Part fifteen. This day in the cycle was Redd's 37 00:03:21,520 --> 00:03:25,200 Speaker 1: least favorite because she had two periods of English in 38 00:03:25,240 --> 00:03:30,920 Speaker 1: the morning, and a period of history. History was easy 39 00:03:31,040 --> 00:03:34,520 Speaker 1: enough and didn't require much in the way of writing yet, 40 00:03:35,040 --> 00:03:40,320 Speaker 1: but English was just impossible. Back on Mars, it was 41 00:03:40,400 --> 00:03:45,240 Speaker 1: fun learning new things often is, but the emphasis was 42 00:03:45,280 --> 00:03:50,280 Speaker 1: on communication, not reading. These old, boring books full of 43 00:03:50,360 --> 00:03:56,280 Speaker 1: even more difficult language. Sciences were her favorite, and she 44 00:03:56,560 --> 00:04:00,280 Speaker 1: enjoyed reading and talking about it, even when she found 45 00:04:00,320 --> 00:04:05,400 Speaker 1: it incredibly easy. Red's communication ability was as good as 46 00:04:05,480 --> 00:04:11,400 Speaker 1: most except for Rachel, and certainly better than Charlie. Most 47 00:04:11,480 --> 00:04:14,360 Speaker 1: mistakes she made came across as more of a quirk 48 00:04:14,720 --> 00:04:20,600 Speaker 1: than any kind of deficiency. The morning seemed to move 49 00:04:20,720 --> 00:04:25,479 Speaker 1: in slow motion, with her English teacher droning on and on, 50 00:04:26,320 --> 00:04:30,440 Speaker 1: always followed by someone having to read a passage and 51 00:04:30,600 --> 00:04:35,600 Speaker 1: explain what they read. Red was relieved that she escaped 52 00:04:35,680 --> 00:04:40,160 Speaker 1: the teacher's attention this time, and contented herself with daydreaming 53 00:04:40,200 --> 00:04:43,599 Speaker 1: of time spent on the outer rings with her friends, 54 00:04:44,200 --> 00:04:47,320 Speaker 1: at least until the lunch bell rang, which meant she 55 00:04:47,400 --> 00:04:55,919 Speaker 1: could escape. Sometimes she felt she almost had Kurt's appetite. 56 00:04:56,040 --> 00:04:59,960 Speaker 1: When Red arrived at the cafeteria, Alexa and Rachel were 57 00:05:00,120 --> 00:05:04,400 Speaker 1: already at their table. Red brought her own lunch again 58 00:05:04,560 --> 00:05:07,479 Speaker 1: because the food they served her looked worse than the 59 00:05:07,520 --> 00:05:11,880 Speaker 1: survival rations on Mars, and students would even line up 60 00:05:11,920 --> 00:05:16,400 Speaker 1: to eat it. Yach, I saw you daydreaming a lot 61 00:05:16,440 --> 00:05:20,240 Speaker 1: this morning in English, not enjoying the book we are discussing, 62 00:05:20,880 --> 00:05:24,159 Speaker 1: Rachel asked, as Red sat and opened her lunch bag. 63 00:05:25,120 --> 00:05:29,360 Speaker 1: You noticed, Red asked, her cheeks turning even more. Red, 64 00:05:30,120 --> 00:05:34,760 Speaker 1: I thought I managed to hide it. Holding your book 65 00:05:34,839 --> 00:05:38,039 Speaker 1: up in front of you is an old trick. Kurt 66 00:05:38,120 --> 00:05:39,839 Speaker 1: used to do it all the time when she was 67 00:05:39,920 --> 00:05:43,800 Speaker 1: tired from practice. You are lucky that the teacher didn't 68 00:05:43,800 --> 00:05:46,600 Speaker 1: catch you, or you would have had to stand in 69 00:05:46,600 --> 00:05:50,840 Speaker 1: front of the class and recite poetry. Rachel said, her 70 00:05:50,880 --> 00:05:56,120 Speaker 1: glass is almost falling off her nose. Isn't English your 71 00:05:56,160 --> 00:06:00,600 Speaker 1: weakest subject? Alexa asked, with her mouth full of peanut butter. 72 00:06:01,600 --> 00:06:06,040 Speaker 1: Her parents seldom made her anything fancy for lunch. Don't 73 00:06:06,080 --> 00:06:11,039 Speaker 1: remind me. Maybe I am preoccupied with the latest mystery 74 00:06:11,080 --> 00:06:14,160 Speaker 1: for the club, Red said, taking a bite of her 75 00:06:14,200 --> 00:06:21,400 Speaker 1: dessert first honey waffles achew Charlie sneezed as he approached 76 00:06:21,400 --> 00:06:26,880 Speaker 1: the table. I felt that, Rachel complained. You know I 77 00:06:26,880 --> 00:06:33,160 Speaker 1: can't afford to get sick. I have books to read. Sorry, guys, 78 00:06:33,880 --> 00:06:37,440 Speaker 1: does anybody want my bone broth? My mother got it 79 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:40,320 Speaker 1: for me for lunch. She thinks it will cure me 80 00:06:40,440 --> 00:06:47,159 Speaker 1: of whatever I have, Charlie said, almost sneezing again. Ew gross, 81 00:06:47,880 --> 00:06:52,520 Speaker 1: No way would I drink that, Alexa replied. Just then, 82 00:06:53,000 --> 00:06:57,960 Speaker 1: Kurt walked by, eating one of her six sandwiches. Guys, 83 00:06:58,240 --> 00:06:59,960 Speaker 1: I have a meeting with the coach, so I can't 84 00:07:00,160 --> 00:07:04,600 Speaker 1: sit and eat lunch, she said, trying to wave. I 85 00:07:04,640 --> 00:07:10,040 Speaker 1: think Kurt's biceps are bigger than my legs. Charlie complained, well, 86 00:07:10,080 --> 00:07:14,800 Speaker 1: you do have chicken legs, Alexa laughed. Red, what is 87 00:07:14,840 --> 00:07:18,600 Speaker 1: that you are having for lunch? It looks like sickly jello? 88 00:07:20,200 --> 00:07:24,640 Speaker 1: My honeycakes. You've had them before. They are my favorite food, 89 00:07:25,360 --> 00:07:31,680 Speaker 1: Red replied, somewhat confused. No, the other grayish thingy, Alexa said, 90 00:07:31,680 --> 00:07:36,280 Speaker 1: with a disgusted look on her face. That's tofu. I 91 00:07:36,400 --> 00:07:39,559 Speaker 1: like how it's so squishy, soggy and kind of gray. 92 00:07:40,200 --> 00:07:42,960 Speaker 1: It reminds me of home, Red said, as she took 93 00:07:42,960 --> 00:07:46,800 Speaker 1: a bite. It looks kind of gross and about as 94 00:07:46,840 --> 00:07:52,600 Speaker 1: exciting as a wet paper towel, Alexa replied. Red just shrugged. 95 00:07:55,800 --> 00:07:58,920 Speaker 1: So are we still meeting after school. I'll have to 96 00:07:58,960 --> 00:08:02,880 Speaker 1: message my mom, Red asked, after she licked her fingers, 97 00:08:03,440 --> 00:08:07,280 Speaker 1: a habit she acquired from Kurt, who never seemed to 98 00:08:07,360 --> 00:08:12,040 Speaker 1: want to waste one single calorie when she ate. I can't. 99 00:08:12,680 --> 00:08:16,040 Speaker 1: My mother is worried about co infection, so she wants 100 00:08:16,120 --> 00:08:18,800 Speaker 1: me to come right home after school to do some studying, 101 00:08:19,560 --> 00:08:24,040 Speaker 1: Charlie said, with a disappointed look. Rachel looked up from 102 00:08:24,040 --> 00:08:27,440 Speaker 1: her book and said, you study a lot. You should 103 00:08:27,480 --> 00:08:34,800 Speaker 1: read more instead. That's disappointing. What is this coinfection? Sounds 104 00:08:34,880 --> 00:08:38,920 Speaker 1: very serious, Alexa asked with difficulty. The roof of her 105 00:08:38,960 --> 00:08:45,199 Speaker 1: mouth was covered in peanut butter. Not necessarily. Co infection 106 00:08:45,440 --> 00:08:49,360 Speaker 1: occurs when a host is simultaneously infected by two or 107 00:08:49,400 --> 00:08:53,400 Speaker 1: more pathogens, which can interact in ways that exasperate the 108 00:08:53,600 --> 00:08:58,440 Speaker 1: recipient's illness. Red started to say, okay, okay, she sh 109 00:08:59,080 --> 00:09:04,920 Speaker 1: you are like a sign. It's encyclopedia. Alexa interrupted. I'll 110 00:09:04,960 --> 00:09:07,800 Speaker 1: send out a message in the group chat and maybe 111 00:09:07,800 --> 00:09:10,520 Speaker 1: we can all meet at my place after Kurt's practice 112 00:09:10,559 --> 00:09:14,040 Speaker 1: this Saturday. That will give Charlie some time to get 113 00:09:14,080 --> 00:09:21,520 Speaker 1: over his latest case of the sniffles. Everyone agreed. The 114 00:09:21,520 --> 00:09:24,480 Speaker 1: rest of Red's week was mostly full of science and 115 00:09:24,559 --> 00:09:28,880 Speaker 1: gym classes and chatting at night, oh and a lecture 116 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:31,600 Speaker 1: about the rules of moving to Earth from her mother, 117 00:09:32,080 --> 00:09:36,400 Speaker 1: who got a reminder from the aid. Red had their 118 00:09:36,440 --> 00:09:39,559 Speaker 1: attention forever after she let it slip in front of 119 00:09:39,600 --> 00:09:43,520 Speaker 1: the class that she was from Mars. If people knew 120 00:09:43,600 --> 00:09:47,400 Speaker 1: there was a settlement program for Martians on Earth, there 121 00:09:47,480 --> 00:09:51,640 Speaker 1: might be a panic. Sometimes, Red thought that might be 122 00:09:51,679 --> 00:09:56,040 Speaker 1: a good thing. Be open about everything. If they had 123 00:09:56,080 --> 00:10:01,560 Speaker 1: to return to Mars, Red wouldn't complain, would miss honeycakes. Though. 124 00:10:05,120 --> 00:10:08,120 Speaker 1: Red was woken on Saturday morning by the sound of 125 00:10:08,240 --> 00:10:13,080 Speaker 1: rocket ships blaster fire and the sound of feet running 126 00:10:13,240 --> 00:10:18,160 Speaker 1: up and down the hallway. That could mean only one thing. 127 00:10:19,320 --> 00:10:24,440 Speaker 1: Blue was awake before her ugh. Then the door to 128 00:10:24,559 --> 00:10:28,880 Speaker 1: Red's room opened, Blue Phoenix coming into attack. Grumpy old monster, 129 00:10:29,160 --> 00:10:33,400 Speaker 1: pew pew, turbo lasers firing, Blue yelled as he ran 130 00:10:33,480 --> 00:10:37,240 Speaker 1: around her room. Get out of my room, you stinker, 131 00:10:37,880 --> 00:10:41,280 Speaker 1: Red yelled, upset that Blue was in her room and 132 00:10:41,480 --> 00:10:44,920 Speaker 1: upset that he was making her wake up faster than normal. 133 00:10:46,120 --> 00:10:49,640 Speaker 1: You're the stinker now, Blue yelled as he ran out 134 00:10:49,679 --> 00:10:53,160 Speaker 1: of Red's room, laughing all the way down the stairs, 135 00:10:54,800 --> 00:10:59,679 Speaker 1: pee you, mom. Blue came into my room and made 136 00:10:59,720 --> 00:11:05,079 Speaker 1: a stinky stink. Red yelled at the top of her lungs. Red, 137 00:11:05,679 --> 00:11:09,079 Speaker 1: please don't yell. It's not polite to raise your voice, 138 00:11:09,640 --> 00:11:12,800 Speaker 1: her mother said from the bottom of the stairs. If 139 00:11:12,800 --> 00:11:15,679 Speaker 1: you get ready soon, there will be some hot breakfast 140 00:11:15,760 --> 00:11:21,679 Speaker 1: left for you. Hm. Red said to herself. Since they 141 00:11:21,840 --> 00:11:26,040 Speaker 1: moved to Earth, Blue has become more and more impossible. 142 00:11:27,080 --> 00:11:31,160 Speaker 1: That stinker loves that we moved here. I guess it 143 00:11:31,200 --> 00:11:34,559 Speaker 1: gives him more space to run around without being told 144 00:11:34,600 --> 00:11:40,600 Speaker 1: to slow down, and more opportunities to bother me. Red 145 00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:44,280 Speaker 1: quickly dressed, cleaned up the mess in the bathroom, and 146 00:11:44,400 --> 00:11:50,560 Speaker 1: went downstairs for breakfast. You really need to learn to 147 00:11:50,640 --> 00:11:53,800 Speaker 1: start your days on a happy note instead of yelling 148 00:11:53,840 --> 00:11:57,439 Speaker 1: at Blue or being grumpy about the sun or all 149 00:11:57,520 --> 00:12:01,560 Speaker 1: the beautiful green Plants's mother said, as she placed a 150 00:12:01,559 --> 00:12:05,920 Speaker 1: bowl of hot cereal in front of her. Blue made 151 00:12:05,920 --> 00:12:10,640 Speaker 1: a stink in my room that would upset anyone, Red said, 152 00:12:10,640 --> 00:12:13,840 Speaker 1: as she stirred the cereal around, trying to find the 153 00:12:13,920 --> 00:12:18,920 Speaker 1: tastiest piece to start with. Are you still going to 154 00:12:18,960 --> 00:12:22,240 Speaker 1: Alexa's house this morning? Her mother asked as she cleaned 155 00:12:22,320 --> 00:12:27,200 Speaker 1: up the kitchen. Yeah, Kurt should be finishing early morning 156 00:12:27,240 --> 00:12:30,960 Speaker 1: practice just about now, and we all plan on meeting 157 00:12:31,040 --> 00:12:34,240 Speaker 1: there and looking at what Alexa found in her backyard. 158 00:12:36,000 --> 00:12:41,679 Speaker 1: That's interesting, I guess, her mother replied. That was Red's 159 00:12:41,760 --> 00:12:45,160 Speaker 1: mother's way of saying it wasn't interesting, but that she 160 00:12:45,320 --> 00:12:49,680 Speaker 1: was happy for Red all the same. It's an old house, 161 00:12:50,120 --> 00:12:53,040 Speaker 1: so I guess there might be things to find. I 162 00:12:53,080 --> 00:12:57,120 Speaker 1: don't really understand, but often we have these fun little 163 00:12:57,160 --> 00:13:00,520 Speaker 1: puzzles to solve nothing that couldn't be so with a 164 00:13:00,600 --> 00:13:04,720 Speaker 1: query to a pad on Mars, but we aren't allowed 165 00:13:04,760 --> 00:13:10,080 Speaker 1: to use those here. I'm just happy you are making 166 00:13:10,160 --> 00:13:15,080 Speaker 1: friends and having fun. I could order some university textbooks 167 00:13:15,080 --> 00:13:17,840 Speaker 1: for you to study if you want. I'm worried that 168 00:13:17,920 --> 00:13:22,040 Speaker 1: you aren't being challenged enough, her mother said, stopping her 169 00:13:22,080 --> 00:13:26,880 Speaker 1: cleaning for a moment. Don't worry. I don't mind taking 170 00:13:26,880 --> 00:13:30,040 Speaker 1: a break anyway. I have to get going or I 171 00:13:30,080 --> 00:13:33,800 Speaker 1: will be late. Red said, as she finished her breakfast 172 00:13:33,880 --> 00:13:39,080 Speaker 1: with a big, final mouthful. Oh Red, it's not polite 173 00:13:39,120 --> 00:13:41,720 Speaker 1: to stuff so much food in your mouth at once. 174 00:13:42,520 --> 00:13:49,280 Speaker 1: Please pay attention to local customs, her mother sighed. Red 175 00:13:49,400 --> 00:13:51,680 Speaker 1: ran out the door, and most of the way to 176 00:13:51,760 --> 00:13:55,400 Speaker 1: Alexis house. It wasn't really that far if you knew 177 00:13:55,400 --> 00:13:59,000 Speaker 1: the shortcuts through the neighborhood and didn't mind running through 178 00:13:59,000 --> 00:14:04,800 Speaker 1: someone's backyard. Red still wasn't used to Earth's customs around 179 00:14:04,880 --> 00:14:10,480 Speaker 1: personal space. Everything was owned collectively on Mars, while it 180 00:14:10,559 --> 00:14:15,000 Speaker 1: was mostly individual here on Earth. She got a few 181 00:14:15,080 --> 00:14:18,520 Speaker 1: angry looks when she ran through some of the neighbor's backyards. 182 00:14:20,160 --> 00:14:23,400 Speaker 1: Red arrived in no time and ran down the stone 183 00:14:23,440 --> 00:14:27,119 Speaker 1: walkway to a Lexi's house, which was lined with flowers 184 00:14:27,200 --> 00:14:35,680 Speaker 1: like Rachel's yech. Red thought, so much color. When she arrived, 185 00:14:36,160 --> 00:14:40,840 Speaker 1: everyone was standing around a small gold accented wooden box 186 00:14:41,400 --> 00:14:45,640 Speaker 1: intricately carved with strange symbols and designs, sitting on a 187 00:14:45,680 --> 00:14:50,600 Speaker 1: picnic table near where the hole had been dug. Why 188 00:14:50,640 --> 00:14:54,280 Speaker 1: am i the last person to arrive? Yet again? Red 189 00:14:54,320 --> 00:15:00,080 Speaker 1: thought decided to come digit slope. Poke, Charlie joked, without sneezing, 190 00:15:01,240 --> 00:15:04,880 Speaker 1: How did you get here before me? Red asked, I 191 00:15:05,040 --> 00:15:10,680 Speaker 1: ran super fast, Charlie laughed, His mother drove him, Kurt said, 192 00:15:10,720 --> 00:15:15,520 Speaker 1: with an eye roll. Okay, so as you can see, 193 00:15:16,040 --> 00:15:18,840 Speaker 1: that is the hole that this little box came out of. 194 00:15:19,240 --> 00:15:24,280 Speaker 1: Rachel said, pointing to the hole in Alexi's backyard. Alexa 195 00:15:24,360 --> 00:15:27,280 Speaker 1: has already taken it out and cleaned it off a bit, 196 00:15:27,960 --> 00:15:30,200 Speaker 1: so all that is left is to open it and 197 00:15:30,280 --> 00:15:34,480 Speaker 1: see what treasure might be inside. The top is a 198 00:15:34,480 --> 00:15:37,840 Speaker 1: little damaged from when my dad dug the hole. He 199 00:15:37,920 --> 00:15:40,480 Speaker 1: wants to make some kind of pond in the backyard, 200 00:15:40,880 --> 00:15:46,440 Speaker 1: Alexi said, raising ducks. Kurt said, laughing, I don't know. 201 00:15:47,120 --> 00:15:51,160 Speaker 1: My father always has these crazy projects, gets busy at 202 00:15:51,200 --> 00:15:56,840 Speaker 1: work and leaves them for ages. So who gets to 203 00:15:56,920 --> 00:16:01,000 Speaker 1: open the chest? Charlie asked, a hint of an incoming 204 00:16:01,080 --> 00:16:05,880 Speaker 1: cough in his voice. Alexa should have the honor, Kurt replied. 205 00:16:06,160 --> 00:16:11,440 Speaker 1: While eating a protein bar, Alexa went to the small 206 00:16:11,560 --> 00:16:13,920 Speaker 1: chest and tried to turn the lock on the front, 207 00:16:14,280 --> 00:16:18,880 Speaker 1: but it was stuck. Alexa turned to Kurt and said, please, 208 00:16:19,400 --> 00:16:23,480 Speaker 1: I can't budget. Kurt grabbed the chest and quickly and 209 00:16:23,600 --> 00:16:27,880 Speaker 1: easily opened the latch. Kurt then set the chest back 210 00:16:27,960 --> 00:16:32,880 Speaker 1: down so everyone could see its contents. The gang let 211 00:16:32,960 --> 00:16:37,840 Speaker 1: out a collective sigh, not a sigh of amazement, but 212 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:44,680 Speaker 1: of disappointment. No money, gold, or diamonds, Charlie said, with 213 00:16:44,760 --> 00:16:51,600 Speaker 1: another large sigh. Inside the box except for some old coins. 214 00:16:52,200 --> 00:16:55,400 Speaker 1: All that could be found was an old, yellowed piece 215 00:16:55,440 --> 00:16:59,760 Speaker 1: of paper sealed with wax. That's not what I was 216 00:17:00,000 --> 00:17:04,000 Speaker 1: expecting at all, Alexa said, with a voice of surprise. 217 00:17:05,280 --> 00:17:10,600 Speaker 1: Should we order pizza? Kurt asked, her stomach rumbling. Let's 218 00:17:10,640 --> 00:17:13,959 Speaker 1: not be too disappointed. The coins might be worth something 219 00:17:14,400 --> 00:17:19,000 Speaker 1: and the paper might be really interesting. Alexa, why don't 220 00:17:19,000 --> 00:17:22,040 Speaker 1: you break the seal and see if it says something interesting? 221 00:17:22,480 --> 00:17:27,400 Speaker 1: Rachel said, Maybe it says don't dig up old chests 222 00:17:27,800 --> 00:17:31,600 Speaker 1: thinking that there is gold inside, Charlie said, trying to 223 00:17:31,600 --> 00:17:37,040 Speaker 1: be funny, Alexa broke the seal on the paper and 224 00:17:37,200 --> 00:17:41,439 Speaker 1: carefully opened it to reveal a cryptic rhyme written in 225 00:17:41,480 --> 00:17:46,439 Speaker 1: an elegant old fashioned script. I don't know what this 226 00:17:46,560 --> 00:17:50,800 Speaker 1: is supposed to mean, Alexa said, with a confused look 227 00:17:50,800 --> 00:17:54,320 Speaker 1: on her face. Are you going to read it or what? 228 00:17:55,200 --> 00:18:02,159 Speaker 1: Kurt said? Hunger made her impatient. Alexa cleared her throat 229 00:18:02,240 --> 00:18:07,119 Speaker 1: and started from the red planet. They did descend in 230 00:18:07,200 --> 00:18:11,000 Speaker 1: shadows where the branches bend, seek the place where the 231 00:18:11,080 --> 00:18:17,880 Speaker 1: stars aligne proof awaits in Earth's design. That's rather mysterious, 232 00:18:18,640 --> 00:18:23,760 Speaker 1: Charlie said, with a sniffle. Yeah, interesting, I think this 233 00:18:23,880 --> 00:18:26,760 Speaker 1: might be a fun mystery for the club, Rachel said, 234 00:18:27,160 --> 00:18:30,960 Speaker 1: closing the book she brought. Can we order a pizza 235 00:18:31,000 --> 00:18:35,560 Speaker 1: and talk about it? Kurt asked. Red didn't like where 236 00:18:35,680 --> 00:18:43,480 Speaker 1: this mystery might lead them, and that is the end 237 00:18:43,520 --> 00:18:47,960 Speaker 1: of this part. Good night, sleep tight.