1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,640 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,720 --> 00:00:20,200 Speaker 1: to say hello again to Avery, Hello to Addie from Seattle. 3 00:00:20,880 --> 00:00:25,759 Speaker 1: Hello to Ariella, who is six years old. Hello to 4 00:00:25,920 --> 00:00:31,840 Speaker 1: Tennessee and Juliet who live in Lawrence, Kansas. Hello to 5 00:00:32,000 --> 00:00:37,400 Speaker 1: Hugo Ronan Hart who is three years old from Colchester, England. 6 00:00:39,200 --> 00:00:44,680 Speaker 1: Hello to Savannah Jade who lives in Oak Creek. Hello 7 00:00:44,760 --> 00:00:51,240 Speaker 1: to Connie and her brother Theo. Hello to Ava, Hello 8 00:00:51,360 --> 00:00:56,040 Speaker 1: to Livy and Addie, and Hello to Crash and his 9 00:00:56,200 --> 00:01:04,000 Speaker 1: baby brother Jet who live in Houston, Texas. I'd like 10 00:01:04,080 --> 00:01:07,920 Speaker 1: to say a happy belated birthday to Camille, who turned 11 00:01:08,000 --> 00:01:14,720 Speaker 1: five on April twentieth. Happy birthday to Teresa from Chicago 12 00:01:15,080 --> 00:01:20,840 Speaker 1: who will be turning six on April twenty fifth. Happy 13 00:01:20,880 --> 00:01:24,520 Speaker 1: birthday to Ivy and Hawk who is turning eight on 14 00:01:24,600 --> 00:01:30,000 Speaker 1: April twenty six, And a happy birthday to Journer who 15 00:01:30,080 --> 00:01:34,080 Speaker 1: will be four years old on May third and is 16 00:01:34,120 --> 00:01:39,360 Speaker 1: having a lamb themed birthday party at a farm in Minnesota. 17 00:01:40,400 --> 00:01:43,640 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to you all. I hope you have a 18 00:01:43,800 --> 00:01:50,760 Speaker 1: wonderful day. Shout Outs and birthday wishes are one way 19 00:01:50,880 --> 00:01:54,880 Speaker 1: we give thanks to our supporters. If you would like 20 00:01:54,960 --> 00:01:58,800 Speaker 1: to support us and receive more bedtime entertainment like this, 21 00:01:59,640 --> 00:02:04,200 Speaker 1: all ad free. Please visit our support page at sleep 22 00:02:04,280 --> 00:02:17,440 Speaker 1: tightstories dot org slash support. Thank you. This is a 23 00:02:17,480 --> 00:02:23,000 Speaker 1: story about a cat named Yuki. Yuki loves living with 24 00:02:23,080 --> 00:02:28,040 Speaker 1: her mom. She has the best of everything and loves 25 00:02:28,080 --> 00:02:32,440 Speaker 1: her life. One day, her mom says she is bringing 26 00:02:32,520 --> 00:02:39,040 Speaker 1: Yuki a great, big surprise. Yuki can't wait. What could 27 00:02:39,040 --> 00:02:51,279 Speaker 1: it be? Yuki and coro Yum yum yum yum yum. Oh. 28 00:02:51,919 --> 00:02:57,600 Speaker 1: Mom has certainly outdone herself this morning. This is absolutely 29 00:02:57,720 --> 00:03:00,880 Speaker 1: the best breakfast I have ever had had in my 30 00:03:01,120 --> 00:03:06,120 Speaker 1: whole life, Yuki thought, as she gobbled down everything in 31 00:03:06,200 --> 00:03:12,200 Speaker 1: her bowl as fast as possible. The raspberries, the coconut, 32 00:03:12,400 --> 00:03:16,280 Speaker 1: and the banana flavors are simply the best, she thought 33 00:03:16,960 --> 00:03:21,200 Speaker 1: as she slowly walked away, licking her nose as she went. 34 00:03:26,000 --> 00:03:29,040 Speaker 1: After a breakfast like that, I think it best that 35 00:03:29,120 --> 00:03:32,040 Speaker 1: I make my way to the living room window and 36 00:03:32,120 --> 00:03:35,800 Speaker 1: take a rest on the sofa. I do need my 37 00:03:36,000 --> 00:03:39,960 Speaker 1: beauty sleep and the sun is shining just perfectly in 38 00:03:40,040 --> 00:03:48,960 Speaker 1: the window. Princess. I hope you enjoyed your breakfast, said Nico, 39 00:03:49,080 --> 00:03:51,800 Speaker 1: her mom, as she took a photo of her for 40 00:03:51,880 --> 00:03:57,440 Speaker 1: her social account. Don't be too lonely while I am gone. 41 00:03:58,080 --> 00:04:01,080 Speaker 1: I'll be back from work with some new food from 42 00:04:01,160 --> 00:04:05,240 Speaker 1: Chalmet for you to try, and a great big surprise 43 00:04:05,400 --> 00:04:11,520 Speaker 1: for you. Be good and see you later. Nko gave 44 00:04:11,600 --> 00:04:14,200 Speaker 1: Yuki a quick scratch on her head as she went 45 00:04:14,280 --> 00:04:18,320 Speaker 1: out the door to catch a taxi to work. Yuki 46 00:04:18,360 --> 00:04:30,600 Speaker 1: stretched me out and promptly fell asleep. Yuki was a 47 00:04:30,680 --> 00:04:35,560 Speaker 1: young cat who ate nothing but ice cream. She ate 48 00:04:35,720 --> 00:04:40,640 Speaker 1: ice cream for breakfast and dinner every single day of 49 00:04:40,800 --> 00:04:47,440 Speaker 1: the week. Her favorite was Abaloni flavored, but lately she 50 00:04:47,640 --> 00:04:53,640 Speaker 1: was leaning towards meso at least for dinner. Breakfast was 51 00:04:53,920 --> 00:04:57,560 Speaker 1: always fruit flavored because her mom wanted her to be 52 00:04:57,680 --> 00:05:05,560 Speaker 1: healthy and fruit is good. For being the princess and 53 00:05:05,640 --> 00:05:10,159 Speaker 1: a popular cat on social media, she was pampered and 54 00:05:10,360 --> 00:05:14,600 Speaker 1: spoiled with all the toys and luxuries that a cat 55 00:05:14,640 --> 00:05:20,880 Speaker 1: of her station could desire. She had all manner of toys, 56 00:05:21,480 --> 00:05:26,440 Speaker 1: scratching posts, brand name clothes, and a comfy bed in 57 00:05:26,600 --> 00:05:30,240 Speaker 1: every room. One was even in the shape of an 58 00:05:30,279 --> 00:05:35,839 Speaker 1: ice cream coat, which she could climb inside of. She 59 00:05:36,040 --> 00:05:38,720 Speaker 1: used to have a climbing track that she could use 60 00:05:38,800 --> 00:05:42,839 Speaker 1: to explore the whole apartment, but she started finding it 61 00:05:42,960 --> 00:05:47,880 Speaker 1: difficult to climb and jump when she got a little older. Besides, 62 00:05:48,560 --> 00:05:52,640 Speaker 1: as a princess, should she need to climb and jump. 63 00:05:56,360 --> 00:06:01,120 Speaker 1: Today was going to be just like any other day. First, 64 00:06:01,640 --> 00:06:04,560 Speaker 1: Yuki would sleep in the living room while the sun 65 00:06:04,720 --> 00:06:09,080 Speaker 1: shone on her bed. Then she would slowly make her 66 00:06:09,120 --> 00:06:12,159 Speaker 1: way into the dining room, where she would lay in 67 00:06:12,240 --> 00:06:18,919 Speaker 1: another bed and clean herself. Cleanliness was very important to Yuki, 68 00:06:19,320 --> 00:06:22,680 Speaker 1: and she would groom herself for a couple of hours 69 00:06:22,880 --> 00:06:27,280 Speaker 1: every day. One time, she had missed a spot of 70 00:06:27,279 --> 00:06:31,080 Speaker 1: ice cream on her coat and Niko gave her a shower. 71 00:06:32,080 --> 00:06:39,520 Speaker 1: She never wanted to experience that again. After a day 72 00:06:39,560 --> 00:06:45,320 Speaker 1: of relaxation, Yuki's stomach, which was her internal clock, started 73 00:06:45,360 --> 00:06:49,719 Speaker 1: to make noises. She knew her human mother would soon 74 00:06:49,800 --> 00:06:53,520 Speaker 1: be home and it would be time to eat, followed 75 00:06:53,520 --> 00:06:56,719 Speaker 1: by an evening of being pet and talked to in 76 00:06:56,800 --> 00:07:01,680 Speaker 1: the soft tones she loved. It also meant dressing up 77 00:07:01,720 --> 00:07:05,000 Speaker 1: in various costumes that her human mom would make her 78 00:07:05,040 --> 00:07:10,720 Speaker 1: wear and all the photos that would follow. She didn't 79 00:07:10,760 --> 00:07:13,480 Speaker 1: mind too much as long as she didn't have to 80 00:07:13,520 --> 00:07:16,240 Speaker 1: wear that costume that made her look like a dog. 81 00:07:17,280 --> 00:07:25,080 Speaker 1: She did not like dogs. Yuki heard the door handle 82 00:07:25,200 --> 00:07:28,440 Speaker 1: and the door chime. That could only mean one thing. 83 00:07:29,160 --> 00:07:33,880 Speaker 1: It would soon be time to eat again more ice cream. 84 00:07:35,120 --> 00:07:37,720 Speaker 1: I wonder what flavor it will be tonight, she thought 85 00:07:38,360 --> 00:07:43,640 Speaker 1: as she slowly got up and stretched. Oh yeah, it 86 00:07:43,720 --> 00:07:46,520 Speaker 1: also meant that her mom was home, which was nice, 87 00:07:47,000 --> 00:07:53,520 Speaker 1: but Yuki always thought of her stomach first. As she 88 00:07:53,600 --> 00:07:57,160 Speaker 1: slowly walked to the front door, she noticed her mom 89 00:07:57,360 --> 00:08:02,080 Speaker 1: was carrying a strange box and the box was moving, 90 00:08:03,280 --> 00:08:09,080 Speaker 1: and then she noticed the smell. No, it couldn't be. 91 00:08:09,880 --> 00:08:14,800 Speaker 1: It couldn't hi, Yuki. I have a big surprise for you, 92 00:08:15,080 --> 00:08:18,600 Speaker 1: just like I promised this morning, said Niko as she 93 00:08:18,720 --> 00:08:22,720 Speaker 1: bent down to pet Yuki as she rubbed against her hair, 94 00:08:22,880 --> 00:08:27,720 Speaker 1: standing straight up. I have to work in the office 95 00:08:27,760 --> 00:08:30,520 Speaker 1: again and will only be working from home a couple 96 00:08:30,640 --> 00:08:33,680 Speaker 1: times a week. And I am worried that you might 97 00:08:33,720 --> 00:08:36,680 Speaker 1: be lonely while I am gone. So I got you 98 00:08:36,840 --> 00:08:39,560 Speaker 1: a little brother to keep you company during the day. 99 00:08:40,520 --> 00:08:44,440 Speaker 1: He's still very young, but he has already been trained. 100 00:08:47,280 --> 00:08:53,160 Speaker 1: Oh no, it's true, Yuki thought. She could see his eyes, 101 00:08:53,800 --> 00:08:59,600 Speaker 1: hear his yelping, and smell that awful scent. It was 102 00:08:59,760 --> 00:09:06,120 Speaker 1: a dog. Why I'm not lonely. In fact, I love 103 00:09:06,360 --> 00:09:10,960 Speaker 1: having this whole apartment to myself all day. If she 104 00:09:11,120 --> 00:09:14,200 Speaker 1: was so worried, she could have gotten me another stuffed 105 00:09:14,240 --> 00:09:21,320 Speaker 1: toy to cuddle with, but not this. And then the 106 00:09:21,400 --> 00:09:25,920 Speaker 1: situation got worse as Nico opened the crate to let 107 00:09:25,960 --> 00:09:31,360 Speaker 1: the puppy out. Yuki, I want you to meet Ko, 108 00:09:32,520 --> 00:09:37,319 Speaker 1: and the labrador puppy ran out and headed straight for Yuki, 109 00:09:38,200 --> 00:09:41,880 Speaker 1: and before she could protest, arch her back or hiss, 110 00:09:42,760 --> 00:09:46,040 Speaker 1: Kor was on top of her, licking her head and 111 00:09:46,160 --> 00:09:50,440 Speaker 1: chewing on her ears before leaving her alone to run 112 00:09:50,600 --> 00:09:56,720 Speaker 1: all over the apartment. So cute, look, Yuki, he loves 113 00:09:56,760 --> 00:10:04,240 Speaker 1: you already. Yeah, no way, I am letting that happen again. 114 00:10:04,920 --> 00:10:07,920 Speaker 1: As she ran to the relative safety of her ice 115 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:13,640 Speaker 1: cream shaped bed. When Koro came over, she hissed, which 116 00:10:13,679 --> 00:10:18,240 Speaker 1: made him stop at first, but eventually, with all the 117 00:10:18,320 --> 00:10:23,280 Speaker 1: happiness that only a puppy has, he ignored Yuki's protests 118 00:10:23,760 --> 00:10:27,840 Speaker 1: and squeezed right in there with her, licking her head 119 00:10:28,400 --> 00:10:35,360 Speaker 1: before falling to sleep. Oh my, you two look so 120 00:10:35,640 --> 00:10:39,520 Speaker 1: cute together, said Niko as she was taking pictures to 121 00:10:39,600 --> 00:10:45,239 Speaker 1: share with her friends and on her social account. Oh, 122 00:10:45,320 --> 00:10:53,320 Speaker 1: thought Yuki, Why must I be tortured? So sometime through 123 00:10:53,360 --> 00:10:55,960 Speaker 1: the night, the puppy must have gotten up and left 124 00:10:56,040 --> 00:11:02,000 Speaker 1: Yuki alone. Maybe he ran away, she hoped. Her stomach 125 00:11:02,080 --> 00:11:07,800 Speaker 1: started making rumbling noises as she was extremely hungry, as 126 00:11:07,800 --> 00:11:13,960 Speaker 1: she was at every meal time. Yuki and Korro, your 127 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:19,800 Speaker 1: breakfasts are ready. Just then, Yuki heard what sounded to 128 00:11:19,920 --> 00:11:24,920 Speaker 1: her ears like a herd of elephants slipping and sliding 129 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:30,200 Speaker 1: down the hall. Kor got there first and was eating 130 00:11:30,440 --> 00:11:36,160 Speaker 1: so fast that his mouth was almost a blur. Yuki 131 00:11:36,280 --> 00:11:40,400 Speaker 1: arrived and started eating her bowl of fruit flavored ice cream, 132 00:11:40,840 --> 00:11:45,040 Speaker 1: this time strawberry. As Nico came by and said, I 133 00:11:45,120 --> 00:11:47,080 Speaker 1: have to rush out the door this morning as I 134 00:11:47,120 --> 00:11:52,840 Speaker 1: have an early meeting. You two be good together. At 135 00:11:52,840 --> 00:11:56,319 Speaker 1: the same time she went out the apartment door, Kro 136 00:11:56,600 --> 00:12:00,080 Speaker 1: had finished his bowl of kibble and was licking the 137 00:12:00,120 --> 00:12:07,160 Speaker 1: bowl vigorously with food all over his face. Ah, no manners, 138 00:12:07,760 --> 00:12:12,280 Speaker 1: thought Yuki as she carefully but quickly gobbled down her food. 139 00:12:13,440 --> 00:12:18,040 Speaker 1: But before she could finish, Coro's head was in her bowl, 140 00:12:18,559 --> 00:12:22,280 Speaker 1: quickly finishing the ice cream and then proceeding to lick 141 00:12:22,360 --> 00:12:26,040 Speaker 1: the bowl clean before he ran off into the living room. 142 00:12:28,640 --> 00:12:33,760 Speaker 1: Yuki stood in shock, not believing what had just happened. 143 00:12:35,520 --> 00:12:39,040 Speaker 1: She shook the tension from her body and slowly walked 144 00:12:39,120 --> 00:12:42,360 Speaker 1: out to the living room, hoping that if she had 145 00:12:42,400 --> 00:12:45,760 Speaker 1: a nap, perhaps this nightmare she was in would end. 146 00:12:48,520 --> 00:12:51,080 Speaker 1: She walked to the living room and was about to 147 00:12:51,200 --> 00:12:54,240 Speaker 1: climb up onto her bed on the sofa when she 148 00:12:54,400 --> 00:12:59,480 Speaker 1: saw that the dog was already there asleep. Syh with 149 00:12:59,640 --> 00:13:06,200 Speaker 1: this no nightmare ever, and Yuki was forced to lay 150 00:13:06,360 --> 00:13:12,840 Speaker 1: on the floor. Imagine me, a princess, a star of 151 00:13:12,960 --> 00:13:16,720 Speaker 1: social media, being forced to lay on the floor while 152 00:13:16,720 --> 00:13:20,800 Speaker 1: that stinky dog gets to lay in my bed. What 153 00:13:21,000 --> 00:13:27,280 Speaker 1: is my world coming to? Something must be done. As 154 00:13:27,320 --> 00:13:34,600 Speaker 1: she lay there, she started formulating a plan. Yuki looked 155 00:13:34,679 --> 00:13:39,080 Speaker 1: up to make sure Cora was still asleep. Ugh he 156 00:13:39,240 --> 00:13:42,000 Speaker 1: was lying on his back with his head hanging off 157 00:13:42,080 --> 00:13:47,960 Speaker 1: the edge of the couch. She slowly got up and 158 00:13:48,160 --> 00:13:52,960 Speaker 1: slinked to the kitchen to hatch her plan. She was 159 00:13:53,040 --> 00:13:56,000 Speaker 1: going to get him to come into the kitchen while 160 00:13:56,080 --> 00:13:59,360 Speaker 1: she hid behind the fridge, and as soon as he 161 00:13:59,440 --> 00:14:03,480 Speaker 1: came in, she would scare him so badly he would 162 00:14:03,600 --> 00:14:08,800 Speaker 1: hide in the bedroom until dinner. To get his attention, 163 00:14:09,040 --> 00:14:13,440 Speaker 1: she rattled his food dish, a sound no dog can resist. 164 00:14:14,240 --> 00:14:18,200 Speaker 1: As she quickly ran to her hiding place with a 165 00:14:18,240 --> 00:14:21,640 Speaker 1: great big thump. She heard him rushing out to see 166 00:14:21,680 --> 00:14:26,040 Speaker 1: if there was more food as he sniffed around. She 167 00:14:26,280 --> 00:14:33,000 Speaker 1: waited and waited, and then just as he turned his 168 00:14:33,080 --> 00:14:36,600 Speaker 1: back to her, she jumped out and led out as 169 00:14:36,720 --> 00:14:41,400 Speaker 1: loud a hiss as she could muster. He ran off, 170 00:14:41,520 --> 00:14:47,360 Speaker 1: barking loudly down the hallway towards the bedrooms. Huh, that 171 00:14:47,480 --> 00:14:50,640 Speaker 1: will do it, she thought, He'll hide in there all 172 00:14:50,840 --> 00:14:54,880 Speaker 1: day and I can have my bed back and have 173 00:14:55,000 --> 00:15:02,120 Speaker 1: a proper beauty sleep. But before she could leave the kitchen, 174 00:15:02,800 --> 00:15:06,440 Speaker 1: Koro came running back as fast as he had left 175 00:15:07,160 --> 00:15:11,520 Speaker 1: and started running around Yuki. Jumped on top of her, 176 00:15:12,040 --> 00:15:16,440 Speaker 1: pulled on her ear, and gave her a great big lick. 177 00:15:17,880 --> 00:15:20,640 Speaker 1: He then ran out to the living room, jumped up 178 00:15:20,720 --> 00:15:24,880 Speaker 1: on Yuki's bed, and smiled at her before he promptly 179 00:15:24,920 --> 00:15:31,800 Speaker 1: fell back to sleep. That night, Yuki had a terrible sleep. 180 00:15:32,920 --> 00:15:37,120 Speaker 1: She had the worst nightmare. She dreamed that she was 181 00:15:37,160 --> 00:15:42,000 Speaker 1: in a room full of labrador puppies who were constantly 182 00:15:42,080 --> 00:15:52,600 Speaker 1: licking her, making her whole body wet, so disgusting. Yuki 183 00:15:52,640 --> 00:15:57,480 Speaker 1: and Koro, your breakfasts are ready, Yuki heard yet again 184 00:15:58,040 --> 00:16:01,240 Speaker 1: what sounded like a herd of elephants slipping and sliding 185 00:16:01,280 --> 00:16:05,440 Speaker 1: down the hall. Yuki made it to her dish in 186 00:16:05,520 --> 00:16:09,080 Speaker 1: time to see Coro finish up his food and lick 187 00:16:09,200 --> 00:16:13,440 Speaker 1: the bowl around the floor. She settled in to enjoy 188 00:16:13,480 --> 00:16:17,720 Speaker 1: her breakfast, keeping one eye on the dog and the 189 00:16:17,760 --> 00:16:22,320 Speaker 1: other on her bowl. Coro ran off down the hallway, 190 00:16:22,360 --> 00:16:27,960 Speaker 1: ignoring Yuki as she quickly ate good, maybe now I 191 00:16:28,000 --> 00:16:32,240 Speaker 1: can eat in peace. Before she could finish her thought, 192 00:16:32,720 --> 00:16:37,320 Speaker 1: Coro ran back into the kitchen, slipped on the floor, 193 00:16:38,080 --> 00:16:41,720 Speaker 1: banged into Yuki, and dumped what was left of her 194 00:16:41,720 --> 00:16:47,880 Speaker 1: ice cream all over the place. He then proceeded to 195 00:16:47,960 --> 00:16:52,000 Speaker 1: quickly lick it all up before running into the living room, 196 00:16:52,360 --> 00:16:55,680 Speaker 1: where he laid down on the couch to have a nap. 197 00:16:59,000 --> 00:17:03,760 Speaker 1: This time, Yuki was angry and was determined to scare 198 00:17:03,840 --> 00:17:07,080 Speaker 1: him badly enough that he would hide in the bedroom 199 00:17:07,520 --> 00:17:14,040 Speaker 1: all day, so she carefully picked up his bowl and 200 00:17:14,359 --> 00:17:19,960 Speaker 1: silently carried it into the bathroom. This time, I will 201 00:17:20,080 --> 00:17:24,960 Speaker 1: jump on top of him. That will surely work. She 202 00:17:25,160 --> 00:17:29,000 Speaker 1: rattled his bowl and with great effort, jumped on top 203 00:17:29,119 --> 00:17:32,679 Speaker 1: of the bathroom counter and crouched down low so that 204 00:17:32,760 --> 00:17:37,480 Speaker 1: he couldn't see her. She heard him run first to 205 00:17:37,520 --> 00:17:41,840 Speaker 1: the kitchen, slipping and sliding, and then turn around and 206 00:17:41,920 --> 00:17:47,000 Speaker 1: run down the hallway towards the bathroom. Wiggling her body. 207 00:17:47,359 --> 00:17:53,440 Speaker 1: She was poised to strike in he came, and as 208 00:17:53,480 --> 00:17:58,840 Speaker 1: she pushed off to jump, she slipped and promptly fell 209 00:17:58,880 --> 00:18:05,399 Speaker 1: straight in to the toilet. She started me owing loudly. 210 00:18:06,119 --> 00:18:11,119 Speaker 1: This is so terrible, she thought. The toilet the water, 211 00:18:12,040 --> 00:18:15,240 Speaker 1: and I can't get out. I could be stuck in 212 00:18:15,280 --> 00:18:19,280 Speaker 1: here until Mom comes back, which could be seemingly forever. 213 00:18:22,080 --> 00:18:27,360 Speaker 1: And then Kro reached into the toilet, grabbed Yuki's neck 214 00:18:27,400 --> 00:18:30,760 Speaker 1: with his mouth and pulled her out onto the floor, 215 00:18:31,880 --> 00:18:38,520 Speaker 1: grabbed a nearby towel and covered her. Yuki let out 216 00:18:38,560 --> 00:18:46,359 Speaker 1: a long meow of thanks. That night, when Niko came home, 217 00:18:46,440 --> 00:18:50,359 Speaker 1: she noticed the huge mess and called Yuki and Korro 218 00:18:50,520 --> 00:18:53,840 Speaker 1: to the bathroom and asked which one of you made 219 00:18:53,880 --> 00:18:58,080 Speaker 1: this mess in the bathroom? Was it you kor was 220 00:18:58,119 --> 00:19:03,320 Speaker 1: it you Yuki. Yuki had never been in trouble before 221 00:19:03,359 --> 00:19:06,280 Speaker 1: and wasn't sure what to expect from her human mom. 222 00:19:07,240 --> 00:19:12,920 Speaker 1: Would it affect the ice cream supply? Then Kroo stepped 223 00:19:12,960 --> 00:19:17,879 Speaker 1: forward with his head down. You naughty dog, Nico said, 224 00:19:18,200 --> 00:19:21,960 Speaker 1: don't do this again. Okay, I will close the bathroom 225 00:19:22,000 --> 00:19:24,600 Speaker 1: door from now on, but try harder to be a 226 00:19:24,640 --> 00:19:31,160 Speaker 1: good pop. He took the blame and saved me from 227 00:19:31,240 --> 00:19:37,520 Speaker 1: my mistake. Yuki thought, maybe he isn't so bad after all. 228 00:19:40,520 --> 00:19:44,919 Speaker 1: The next morning, during breakfast, Yuki offered Coro some of 229 00:19:44,960 --> 00:19:48,760 Speaker 1: her ice cream, and they both shared the bed in 230 00:19:48,840 --> 00:20:01,840 Speaker 1: the living room, and over time became inseparable friends. And 231 00:20:01,960 --> 00:20:07,480 Speaker 1: that's the end of our story. Good Night, sleep tight.