1 00:00:13,503 --> 00:00:17,743 Speaker 1: Or an ad free listening experience and more stories, please 2 00:00:17,863 --> 00:00:20,983 Speaker 1: check out sleep Tight Premium. A link can be found 3 00:00:21,023 --> 00:00:34,863 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you, hello friends, and welcome 4 00:00:34,983 --> 00:00:40,583 Speaker 1: to sleep Tight Stories. This is a story about two 5 00:00:40,783 --> 00:00:46,663 Speaker 1: cats named Pepper and Luna. Their owners have gone out 6 00:00:46,703 --> 00:00:49,903 Speaker 1: for the day and Pepper is ready for some fun. 7 00:00:51,543 --> 00:00:55,383 Speaker 1: Pepper goes looking for Luna to play, but she does 8 00:00:55,423 --> 00:01:00,903 Speaker 1: not want to play. She is sad. Pepper tries to 9 00:01:00,943 --> 00:01:04,783 Speaker 1: figure out how she can help Luna feel better. Let's 10 00:01:04,823 --> 00:01:15,623 Speaker 1: see what happens Luna and Pepper. Part one. Lah, Lah, 11 00:01:16,663 --> 00:01:20,063 Speaker 1: we'll be back soon. Don't get into any trouble while 12 00:01:20,063 --> 00:01:27,743 Speaker 1: we are gone. And the door shut. Okay, they have left. 13 00:01:28,183 --> 00:01:31,263 Speaker 1: Now it's time to run around, jump up on the chairs, 14 00:01:31,423 --> 00:01:36,823 Speaker 1: the beds, and maybe the kitchen table. And I don't know. 15 00:01:37,103 --> 00:01:41,703 Speaker 1: The possibilities are endless, said Pepper as she ran from 16 00:01:41,743 --> 00:01:49,663 Speaker 1: one room to the next as fast as she possibly could. Luna, Luna, 17 00:01:50,063 --> 00:01:56,703 Speaker 1: where are you? Pepper loved her family very much, but 18 00:01:56,823 --> 00:02:00,583 Speaker 1: whenever they left the house, she and Luna could talk 19 00:02:00,783 --> 00:02:04,263 Speaker 1: and play in their way. They would play when their 20 00:02:04,263 --> 00:02:07,223 Speaker 1: family was home, of course, but they had to do 21 00:02:07,263 --> 00:02:12,303 Speaker 1: so without revealing to them their special talents. Would they 22 00:02:12,503 --> 00:02:15,303 Speaker 1: react if they knew we were so smart and could 23 00:02:15,303 --> 00:02:21,263 Speaker 1: communicate so well. Someday they might be able to teach 24 00:02:21,303 --> 00:02:25,063 Speaker 1: them cat language, but until then it was best to 25 00:02:25,143 --> 00:02:30,503 Speaker 1: keep it secret. Besides, it's very enjoyable to be pampered. 26 00:02:32,503 --> 00:02:38,823 Speaker 1: But where was Luna? Luna would sometimes hide and suddenly 27 00:02:38,983 --> 00:02:43,663 Speaker 1: jump out an attack when you least expected it. But 28 00:02:43,783 --> 00:02:50,223 Speaker 1: after running everywhere around the house, no attack happened. Luna, 29 00:02:51,023 --> 00:02:57,583 Speaker 1: where are you? Pepper slowly walked into the living room 30 00:02:57,863 --> 00:03:01,503 Speaker 1: at the ready in case this was some elaborate ploy 31 00:03:01,623 --> 00:03:06,303 Speaker 1: to catch her when she wasn't prepared. Luna was sitting 32 00:03:06,383 --> 00:03:09,103 Speaker 1: on the top of the couch behind a pillow, out 33 00:03:09,103 --> 00:03:12,943 Speaker 1: of view, with her head in between her paws. She 34 00:03:13,063 --> 00:03:18,343 Speaker 1: didn't look like her normal self. Hey, Luna, what's wrong? 35 00:03:18,663 --> 00:03:23,663 Speaker 1: Why don't you want to play well? Luna sighed, I 36 00:03:23,743 --> 00:03:29,783 Speaker 1: feel kind of sad today. Sad? Why would you feel sad? 37 00:03:30,303 --> 00:03:32,943 Speaker 1: It's such a beautiful day outside and the sun is 38 00:03:32,983 --> 00:03:36,623 Speaker 1: coming in the window. Our family is out for the day, 39 00:03:36,983 --> 00:03:40,663 Speaker 1: and we have so much food to eat. What could 40 00:03:40,743 --> 00:03:47,023 Speaker 1: possibly make you sad? Well, I've been having bad dreams 41 00:03:47,103 --> 00:03:52,223 Speaker 1: lately and I can't stop thinking about them. Oh, I 42 00:03:52,263 --> 00:03:54,863 Speaker 1: don't like bad dreams either, But I know what might 43 00:03:54,943 --> 00:03:58,023 Speaker 1: cheer you up. How but we order some sushi. You 44 00:03:58,103 --> 00:04:02,223 Speaker 1: love sushi, right, or would fish pizza make you feel better? 45 00:04:02,623 --> 00:04:08,703 Speaker 1: Asked Pepper. No, I don't think so, Luna said. Are 46 00:04:08,703 --> 00:04:13,543 Speaker 1: you sure I know the password to their phone? Luna 47 00:04:13,623 --> 00:04:18,983 Speaker 1: shook her head. Okay, I know, I know. How about 48 00:04:19,143 --> 00:04:23,223 Speaker 1: fish flavored ice cream? That would definitely make you feel better, 49 00:04:23,423 --> 00:04:31,903 Speaker 1: Pepper said. Luna still didn't perk up. Luna and Pepper 50 00:04:31,943 --> 00:04:36,983 Speaker 1: were sisters and the absolute best of friends. They both 51 00:04:37,063 --> 00:04:43,103 Speaker 1: had thick, plush coats and beautiful green eyes. You wouldn't 52 00:04:43,143 --> 00:04:46,023 Speaker 1: be able to tell them apart except that Pepper was 53 00:04:46,103 --> 00:04:51,503 Speaker 1: black and Luna gray. Being so close meant that they 54 00:04:51,583 --> 00:04:55,663 Speaker 1: each knew each other's moods very well, and Pepper knew 55 00:04:55,703 --> 00:05:02,143 Speaker 1: that Luna must really be down. Wow, you must really 56 00:05:02,223 --> 00:05:07,063 Speaker 1: be feeling sad if you refuse our favorite foods, Pepper said, 57 00:05:07,223 --> 00:05:11,903 Speaker 1: as she climbed up the couch to sit beside Luna. 58 00:05:12,463 --> 00:05:16,143 Speaker 1: So what is in these dreams that is making you 59 00:05:16,303 --> 00:05:21,743 Speaker 1: so sad? Well? Do you remember when we were adopted? 60 00:05:22,263 --> 00:05:26,183 Speaker 1: Luna asked, yes, of course, it was one of the 61 00:05:26,383 --> 00:05:30,743 Speaker 1: happiest days in my life right up there with when 62 00:05:30,823 --> 00:05:34,743 Speaker 1: that bully tomcat Digby fell into a bucket of water. 63 00:05:37,183 --> 00:05:40,663 Speaker 1: Well before I was in the shelter and found our 64 00:05:40,743 --> 00:05:44,183 Speaker 1: new family, we lived with a number of cats who 65 00:05:44,263 --> 00:05:48,583 Speaker 1: also had no home. When we were found, there were 66 00:05:48,623 --> 00:05:51,903 Speaker 1: still so many there, but they were scared and hid 67 00:05:52,063 --> 00:05:56,543 Speaker 1: when the kind people came to help us. I just 68 00:05:56,623 --> 00:06:00,023 Speaker 1: keep dreaming about how they don't have all the comforts 69 00:06:00,063 --> 00:06:04,903 Speaker 1: we have, a loving family, so much food to eat 70 00:06:05,263 --> 00:06:09,863 Speaker 1: and ah, and I guess it really bothers me. I 71 00:06:09,903 --> 00:06:14,743 Speaker 1: wish I could do something about it. I guess with 72 00:06:14,783 --> 00:06:17,423 Speaker 1: all the joy we have with our current family, I 73 00:06:17,503 --> 00:06:21,103 Speaker 1: had forgotten how difficult it was in the beginning, Pepper said. 74 00:06:22,303 --> 00:06:25,863 Speaker 1: I know I had too before I had these bad dreams, 75 00:06:25,863 --> 00:06:30,623 Speaker 1: said Luna, is there anything I can do to help you? 76 00:06:30,823 --> 00:06:35,143 Speaker 1: Pepper asked, I'm not sure. I'm sure the bad dreams 77 00:06:35,183 --> 00:06:43,463 Speaker 1: will go away. Eventually, Pepper started pacing back and forth, thinking, 78 00:06:44,583 --> 00:06:48,143 Speaker 1: thinking about what she could do to help Luna feel better. 79 00:06:48,943 --> 00:06:52,903 Speaker 1: Then it came to her, by helping those in need, 80 00:06:53,503 --> 00:06:56,823 Speaker 1: Not only could we help those other cats, it would 81 00:06:56,823 --> 00:07:01,983 Speaker 1: make Luna feel better too, But how could we help them? 82 00:07:02,183 --> 00:07:06,783 Speaker 1: Thought Pepper, Luna, I have an idea, but I don't 83 00:07:06,823 --> 00:07:10,023 Speaker 1: know how to do it, Pepper said, what's your idea? 84 00:07:10,143 --> 00:07:14,343 Speaker 1: Luna asked, what if we could help those cats in 85 00:07:14,383 --> 00:07:19,863 Speaker 1: some way? Okay, how what if we help them have 86 00:07:19,943 --> 00:07:26,383 Speaker 1: a home? Pepper said, do you think we could? Luna asked, well, 87 00:07:26,863 --> 00:07:29,463 Speaker 1: I think we could try, and if we don't at 88 00:07:29,543 --> 00:07:33,583 Speaker 1: least try, we will never know. I think if we 89 00:07:33,743 --> 00:07:36,903 Speaker 1: talked to them instead of those kind people who came 90 00:07:36,943 --> 00:07:39,743 Speaker 1: to help us, we could convince them to go to 91 00:07:39,783 --> 00:07:45,023 Speaker 1: a safer place. Pepper said, it's a great idea, but 92 00:07:45,103 --> 00:07:50,623 Speaker 1: there is only one problem. What we are inside this 93 00:07:50,823 --> 00:07:56,903 Speaker 1: house and the door is shut. Luna said, well, I 94 00:07:56,943 --> 00:08:00,463 Speaker 1: think I have an answer to that problem. When I 95 00:08:00,583 --> 00:08:03,503 Speaker 1: was running about, I noticed that one of the bedroom 96 00:08:03,503 --> 00:08:07,663 Speaker 1: windows was open. If we crawled out that window and 97 00:08:07,783 --> 00:08:11,023 Speaker 1: down to the street, then we would have no problem 98 00:08:11,103 --> 00:08:14,383 Speaker 1: finding our way to where they are. It would be 99 00:08:14,463 --> 00:08:17,983 Speaker 1: a bit of a journey, an adventure, but I bet 100 00:08:17,983 --> 00:08:22,583 Speaker 1: we could do it well. As you said, if we 101 00:08:22,663 --> 00:08:28,103 Speaker 1: don't try, we won't know. But there is another problem. 102 00:08:28,343 --> 00:08:32,783 Speaker 1: What's that? Pepper asked, Well, our family is out for 103 00:08:32,903 --> 00:08:35,423 Speaker 1: the day, so we don't have a lot of time. 104 00:08:36,263 --> 00:08:38,423 Speaker 1: We don't want them to think that we left them 105 00:08:38,543 --> 00:08:41,903 Speaker 1: that we ran away, because that would make them feel 106 00:08:41,983 --> 00:08:45,623 Speaker 1: so sad, and I wouldn't want that. They are too 107 00:08:45,783 --> 00:08:49,463 Speaker 1: nice to us. I think that means that we should 108 00:08:49,503 --> 00:08:56,383 Speaker 1: be very quick. Then let's get started. So Luna and 109 00:08:56,423 --> 00:08:59,543 Speaker 1: Pepper ran to the bedroom window and jumped on the 110 00:08:59,623 --> 00:09:04,663 Speaker 1: ledge like only a cat can. Then they slowly opened 111 00:09:04,663 --> 00:09:08,903 Speaker 1: the window screen so they could get outside, walked onto 112 00:09:08,943 --> 00:09:12,383 Speaker 1: the ledge, and jumped onto a tree branch that was 113 00:09:12,463 --> 00:09:16,943 Speaker 1: close to the window. They slowly walked across the branch 114 00:09:17,223 --> 00:09:20,343 Speaker 1: to the trunk of the tree, and from there it 115 00:09:20,503 --> 00:09:24,623 Speaker 1: was an easy climb down to the grass. Luna and 116 00:09:24,663 --> 00:09:29,663 Speaker 1: Pepper's claws were excellent for climbing, and they were excellent climbers. 117 00:09:31,743 --> 00:09:34,663 Speaker 1: Now all we have left to do is to go 118 00:09:34,783 --> 00:09:37,823 Speaker 1: to where we first lived and get back before our 119 00:09:37,863 --> 00:09:43,223 Speaker 1: family gets here. Pepper said, well, that sounds easy enough, 120 00:09:43,263 --> 00:09:46,983 Speaker 1: at least in theory. But do you know where that is? 121 00:09:47,783 --> 00:09:53,103 Speaker 1: I'm not sure I remember exactly. Yeah. Uh, that's a 122 00:09:53,103 --> 00:09:56,383 Speaker 1: good point, But I do remember that there were a 123 00:09:56,503 --> 00:10:02,143 Speaker 1: lot of seagulls nearby, the sound of water, great smelling food, 124 00:10:02,263 --> 00:10:07,143 Speaker 1: and places for people to walk, right, I remember that, 125 00:10:08,023 --> 00:10:10,583 Speaker 1: So that must mean that where we lived was near 126 00:10:10,623 --> 00:10:15,183 Speaker 1: the water, perhaps the waterfront. I have heard our family 127 00:10:15,263 --> 00:10:18,503 Speaker 1: talk about going for a walk along the water many times, 128 00:10:19,343 --> 00:10:22,023 Speaker 1: and we can't be too far away because I've seen 129 00:10:22,063 --> 00:10:24,783 Speaker 1: a few seagulls in the neighborhood when I have been 130 00:10:24,823 --> 00:10:31,263 Speaker 1: sitting at the window. Since we have so little time, 131 00:10:31,503 --> 00:10:34,183 Speaker 1: I think it might be best to ask for directions, 132 00:10:34,783 --> 00:10:38,783 Speaker 1: or we might not be back in time. Let's run 133 00:10:38,823 --> 00:10:40,823 Speaker 1: to the park up the street and see if anyone 134 00:10:40,863 --> 00:10:48,023 Speaker 1: can help us. Let's go the Luna and Pepper looked 135 00:10:48,063 --> 00:10:51,943 Speaker 1: both ways, walked across the street, and ran on the 136 00:10:52,023 --> 00:10:56,063 Speaker 1: sidewalk towards the park, where they saw a number of dogs. 137 00:10:57,943 --> 00:11:02,383 Speaker 1: Contrary to what many people think, dogs and cats mostly 138 00:11:02,423 --> 00:11:06,543 Speaker 1: get along really well, so they were confident that they 139 00:11:06,543 --> 00:11:13,183 Speaker 1: would be willing to help. Arriving at the park, Luna 140 00:11:13,263 --> 00:11:16,783 Speaker 1: walked up to a big, imposing mastiff who was sitting 141 00:11:16,823 --> 00:11:19,423 Speaker 1: with its human while she sat on a bench and 142 00:11:19,503 --> 00:11:24,303 Speaker 1: drank her coffee and asked, Hi, there, friend, I'm wondering 143 00:11:24,343 --> 00:11:27,343 Speaker 1: if you could give us some directions to the waterfront. 144 00:11:28,663 --> 00:11:33,743 Speaker 1: The waterfront, let me think, I haven't been there in 145 00:11:33,823 --> 00:11:36,863 Speaker 1: a long time, not since my human used to go 146 00:11:36,943 --> 00:11:40,023 Speaker 1: for walks with a friend. She used to have but 147 00:11:40,343 --> 00:11:43,703 Speaker 1: since he didn't like dogs very much, they didn't remain 148 00:11:43,823 --> 00:11:49,623 Speaker 1: friends for long. Hmm, if you run towards that high 149 00:11:49,703 --> 00:11:52,823 Speaker 1: church steeple in the distance, I think you should be 150 00:11:52,863 --> 00:11:56,703 Speaker 1: going in the right direction. At least that's the direction 151 00:11:56,863 --> 00:11:59,863 Speaker 1: we used to go on our walks, said the giant dog. 152 00:12:02,423 --> 00:12:04,903 Speaker 1: You know, I think I have seen the two of 153 00:12:04,943 --> 00:12:07,223 Speaker 1: you looking out the window of a house just up 154 00:12:07,263 --> 00:12:10,303 Speaker 1: the street. What would make you want to leave that 155 00:12:10,503 --> 00:12:15,303 Speaker 1: nice place and go to the waterfront, he continued, Well, 156 00:12:15,743 --> 00:12:17,903 Speaker 1: we just want to help other cats who aren't as 157 00:12:17,983 --> 00:12:20,903 Speaker 1: lucky as we are, so we thought we could find 158 00:12:20,943 --> 00:12:24,023 Speaker 1: our old friends down by the waterfront and see if 159 00:12:24,023 --> 00:12:28,943 Speaker 1: we could help them find a home. Replied Pepper, Well, 160 00:12:29,663 --> 00:12:32,863 Speaker 1: that certainly is very nice of you. I wish you 161 00:12:32,903 --> 00:12:37,463 Speaker 1: the best of luck. It sounds wonderful. Thank you, and 162 00:12:37,543 --> 00:12:39,583 Speaker 1: thank you very much for your help. I hope you 163 00:12:39,583 --> 00:12:42,823 Speaker 1: have a nice day, Luna said, I hope to see 164 00:12:42,823 --> 00:12:51,103 Speaker 1: you both again. Safe travels. So Luna and Pepper raced off, 165 00:12:51,583 --> 00:12:57,023 Speaker 1: leaving the park and running down sidewalk after sidewalk towards 166 00:12:57,063 --> 00:13:00,863 Speaker 1: the direction of the church and the start of their 167 00:13:00,983 --> 00:13:09,503 Speaker 1: day long adventure. And that is the end of this part. 168 00:13:10,663 --> 00:13:13,303 Speaker 1: I can't wait to see what's going to happen next. 169 00:13:16,663 --> 00:14:12,983 Speaker 1: Good Night, sleep tight, B.