1 00:00:29,724 --> 00:00:33,724 Speaker 1: Never want to miss a story. Please ask your parents 2 00:00:33,764 --> 00:00:38,044 Speaker 1: to subscribe. You can find us on Apple Podcasts or 3 00:00:38,084 --> 00:00:42,684 Speaker 1: wherever your parents listen to podcasts. And please, if you 4 00:00:42,924 --> 00:00:46,324 Speaker 1: love our stories, take a moment to leave us a review. 5 00:00:47,044 --> 00:01:04,284 Speaker 1: It may help others find our show. Thank you, hello friends, 6 00:01:04,324 --> 00:01:17,884 Speaker 1: and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Solomon Owl listened to 7 00:01:17,964 --> 00:01:21,924 Speaker 1: Aunt Polly's advice and didn't eat for a whole week 8 00:01:22,444 --> 00:01:24,924 Speaker 1: while bumping into trees to try to get rid of 9 00:01:24,964 --> 00:01:28,804 Speaker 1: the wishbone. And now he is going back to see 10 00:01:28,844 --> 00:01:33,644 Speaker 1: if he is better. Aunt Polly checks him over and 11 00:01:33,724 --> 00:01:39,844 Speaker 1: he leaves very unhappy and very hungry. She tells him 12 00:01:39,844 --> 00:01:42,884 Speaker 1: he should not eat for another week, but he does 13 00:01:42,964 --> 00:01:49,884 Speaker 1: not listen to what she has to say. The Tale 14 00:01:49,964 --> 00:01:58,484 Speaker 1: of Solomon Owl, Part four, How do you feel now, 15 00:01:58,804 --> 00:02:02,964 Speaker 1: Aunt Pollywood Chuck, asked Solomon Owl when he had come 16 00:02:03,044 --> 00:02:08,724 Speaker 1: back to her house after a week's absence. No better, 17 00:02:09,204 --> 00:02:13,244 Speaker 1: he groaned. I still have pains, but they seem to 18 00:02:13,244 --> 00:02:18,924 Speaker 1: have moved and scattered all over me. Good, she exclaimed 19 00:02:18,964 --> 00:02:22,724 Speaker 1: with a smile. You are much better, though you didn't 20 00:02:22,764 --> 00:02:26,684 Speaker 1: know it. The wishbone is broken. You broke it by 21 00:02:26,724 --> 00:02:29,924 Speaker 1: flying again against the trees, and you ought not to 22 00:02:30,004 --> 00:02:34,364 Speaker 1: have any more trouble. But let me examine you, she said, 23 00:02:34,924 --> 00:02:39,524 Speaker 1: prodding him in the waistcoat once more. This is odd, 24 00:02:40,124 --> 00:02:43,404 Speaker 1: she continued a bit later. I can feel the wishbone 25 00:02:43,404 --> 00:02:50,884 Speaker 1: more plainly than ever. That's my own wishbone, Solomon cried, indignantly. 26 00:02:51,644 --> 00:02:55,004 Speaker 1: I've grown so thin from not eating that it's a 27 00:02:55,004 --> 00:03:00,524 Speaker 1: wonder you can't feel my backbone too, Aunt Polly Woodchuck 28 00:03:00,604 --> 00:03:05,484 Speaker 1: looks surprised. Perhaps you're right, she said, not having a 29 00:03:05,524 --> 00:03:11,244 Speaker 1: wishbone of my own. I forgot that you had one. 30 00:03:11,524 --> 00:03:16,564 Speaker 1: A look of disgust came over Solomon Owl's face. You 31 00:03:16,604 --> 00:03:20,284 Speaker 1: are a very poor doctor, he told her. Here you've 32 00:03:20,364 --> 00:03:23,684 Speaker 1: kept me from eating for a whole week, and I 33 00:03:23,724 --> 00:03:28,084 Speaker 1: don't believe it was necessary at all. Well you're better, 34 00:03:28,124 --> 00:03:32,084 Speaker 1: aren't you, she asked him. I will be as soon 35 00:03:32,124 --> 00:03:36,244 Speaker 1: as I have a good meal, replied Solomon Owl. Hopefully 36 00:03:37,164 --> 00:03:40,964 Speaker 1: you should not eat anything for another week. Aunt Polly 37 00:03:41,044 --> 00:03:46,404 Speaker 1: told him seriously, nonsense, he cried. I'm a doctor and 38 00:03:46,564 --> 00:03:51,764 Speaker 1: I know best, she insisted, But Solomon Owl hooted rudely. 39 00:03:52,844 --> 00:03:56,404 Speaker 1: I'll never come to you for advice any more, he declared. 40 00:03:57,124 --> 00:04:00,764 Speaker 1: I firmly believe that my whole trouble was simply that 41 00:04:00,844 --> 00:04:03,844 Speaker 1: I've been eating too little, and I will take care 42 00:04:03,884 --> 00:04:09,324 Speaker 1: to see that that doesn't happen again. No one had 43 00:04:09,444 --> 00:04:13,804 Speaker 1: ever spoken to Aunt Polly quite that way, though Old 44 00:04:13,884 --> 00:04:17,444 Speaker 1: mister Crow had complained one time that she had cured 45 00:04:17,524 --> 00:04:21,364 Speaker 1: him too quickly, But she did not lose her temper 46 00:04:21,884 --> 00:04:26,644 Speaker 1: in spite of Solomon's words. You'll be back here again 47 00:04:26,764 --> 00:04:29,924 Speaker 1: the next time you're ill, she remarked, and if you 48 00:04:30,084 --> 00:04:35,604 Speaker 1: continue to swallow your food whole. But Solomon Owl did 49 00:04:35,644 --> 00:04:39,684 Speaker 1: not even wait to hear what she said. He was 50 00:04:39,884 --> 00:04:43,804 Speaker 1: so impolite that he flew away while she was talking. 51 00:04:45,044 --> 00:04:48,364 Speaker 1: And since it was almost dark and a good time 52 00:04:48,404 --> 00:04:52,284 Speaker 1: to look for field mice, he began his night's hunting 53 00:04:52,964 --> 00:05:01,084 Speaker 1: right there in Farmer Green's pasture. By morning, Solomon was 54 00:05:01,204 --> 00:05:04,484 Speaker 1: so plump that Aunt Polly Woodchuck would have had a 55 00:05:04,564 --> 00:05:09,364 Speaker 1: good deal of trouble finding his wishbone. But since he 56 00:05:09,444 --> 00:05:12,724 Speaker 1: did not visit her again, she had no further chance 57 00:05:12,804 --> 00:05:17,884 Speaker 1: to prod him in the waistcoat. Afterward, Solomon heard a 58 00:05:17,884 --> 00:05:21,804 Speaker 1: bit of gossip that annoyed him. A friend of his 59 00:05:22,084 --> 00:05:26,444 Speaker 1: reported that Aunt Polly Woodchuck was going around telling everyone 60 00:05:26,924 --> 00:05:33,204 Speaker 1: how had saved Solomon's life mice, he exclaimed. He often 61 00:05:33,244 --> 00:05:36,564 Speaker 1: said that when someone would have said rats, there's not 62 00:05:36,684 --> 00:05:39,804 Speaker 1: a word of truth in her claim. And if people 63 00:05:39,844 --> 00:05:43,444 Speaker 1: in this neighborhood keep on taking her advice and her 64 00:05:43,484 --> 00:05:47,084 Speaker 1: cat nipped tea, they're going to be sorry someday, for 65 00:05:47,284 --> 00:05:50,564 Speaker 1: they'll be really ill the first thing they know, and 66 00:05:50,604 --> 00:05:55,164 Speaker 1: then what will they do. Solomon Owl was by no 67 00:05:55,404 --> 00:06:00,204 Speaker 1: means the only night prowler and pleasant valley. He had 68 00:06:00,244 --> 00:06:03,764 Speaker 1: neighbors that chose to sleep in the daytime so they 69 00:06:03,844 --> 00:06:08,444 Speaker 1: might roam through the woods and fields after dark. One 70 00:06:08,484 --> 00:06:12,964 Speaker 1: of these was Benjamin Bat, and also he was the 71 00:06:12,964 --> 00:06:19,204 Speaker 1: color of night itself. Now, Benjamin Bat was an odd fellow. 72 00:06:20,044 --> 00:06:22,524 Speaker 1: When he was still, he liked to hang by his 73 00:06:22,644 --> 00:06:27,484 Speaker 1: feet upside down, and when he was flying he sailed 74 00:06:27,524 --> 00:06:32,284 Speaker 1: about in a zigzag, careless fashion. He went in so 75 00:06:32,524 --> 00:06:37,444 Speaker 1: many different directions, turning this way and that one could 76 00:06:37,524 --> 00:06:41,604 Speaker 1: never tell where he was going. One might say that 77 00:06:41,684 --> 00:06:46,164 Speaker 1: his life was just one continual dodge. When he wasn't 78 00:06:46,204 --> 00:06:48,524 Speaker 1: resting with his heels where his head ought to be 79 00:06:50,604 --> 00:06:54,124 Speaker 1: a good Many of Benjamin Bats's friends said he certainly 80 00:06:54,244 --> 00:06:57,604 Speaker 1: must be crazy because he didn't do as they did, 81 00:06:58,724 --> 00:07:03,564 Speaker 1: but that never made the slightest difference in Benjamin Bat's habits. 82 00:07:04,764 --> 00:07:08,444 Speaker 1: He continued to zigzag through life and hang by his 83 00:07:08,564 --> 00:07:13,524 Speaker 1: heels just the same. Perhaps he thought that all the 84 00:07:13,604 --> 00:07:20,164 Speaker 1: other people were crazy because they didn't do likewise. Benjamin 85 00:07:20,324 --> 00:07:24,844 Speaker 1: often dodged across Solomon Owl's path when Solomon was hunting 86 00:07:24,884 --> 00:07:28,444 Speaker 1: for field mice, and since men, Benjamin was the least 87 00:07:28,444 --> 00:07:32,284 Speaker 1: bit like a mouse himself except for his wings. There 88 00:07:32,404 --> 00:07:35,444 Speaker 1: was a time once when Solomon tried to catch him, 89 00:07:37,124 --> 00:07:41,324 Speaker 1: but Solomon Owl soon found that chasing Benjamin Bat made 90 00:07:41,404 --> 00:07:46,124 Speaker 1: him dizzy. If Benjamin Bat hadn't been used to hanging 91 00:07:46,204 --> 00:07:50,964 Speaker 1: head downward, maybe he would have been dizzy too. Though 92 00:07:51,004 --> 00:07:54,924 Speaker 1: the two often saw each other, Benjamin Bat never seemed 93 00:07:54,924 --> 00:07:57,724 Speaker 1: to care to stop for a chat with Solomon Owl. 94 00:07:59,524 --> 00:08:03,964 Speaker 1: One night, however, Benjamin actually called to Solomon and asked 95 00:08:04,004 --> 00:08:08,084 Speaker 1: for his advice. He was in trouble, and he knew 96 00:08:08,124 --> 00:08:11,564 Speaker 1: that Solomon Owl was thought by some to be the 97 00:08:11,604 --> 00:08:18,204 Speaker 1: wisest old fellow for miles around. It was almost morning, 98 00:08:18,644 --> 00:08:23,164 Speaker 1: and Solomon Owl was hurrying home because a terrible storm 99 00:08:23,204 --> 00:08:28,484 Speaker 1: had started. The lightning was flashing, and heels of thunder 100 00:08:28,564 --> 00:08:33,524 Speaker 1: crashed through the woods. Big drops of rain were already 101 00:08:33,604 --> 00:08:38,324 Speaker 1: pattering down, but Solomon Owl did not care, for he 102 00:08:38,484 --> 00:08:42,484 Speaker 1: had almost reached his house in the hollow hemlock near 103 00:08:42,524 --> 00:08:47,364 Speaker 1: the foot of Blue Mountain. It was different with Benjamin 104 00:08:47,444 --> 00:08:51,764 Speaker 1: Bat that night. He had strayed a long distance from 105 00:08:51,764 --> 00:08:54,644 Speaker 1: his home in Cedar Swamp, and he didn't know what 106 00:08:54,804 --> 00:08:59,244 Speaker 1: to do. I want to get undercover somewhere, he told 107 00:08:59,324 --> 00:09:02,564 Speaker 1: Solomon Owl. You don't know of a good place nearby? 108 00:09:02,684 --> 00:09:04,724 Speaker 1: Do you where I can get out of the storm 109 00:09:04,764 --> 00:09:10,484 Speaker 1: and take a nap? Why? Yes, answered Solomon Owl. Come 110 00:09:10,564 --> 00:09:12,924 Speaker 1: right along to my house and spend the day with me. 111 00:09:14,884 --> 00:09:18,164 Speaker 1: But Benjamin Bat did not like that suggestion at all. 112 00:09:19,444 --> 00:09:22,804 Speaker 1: I'm afraid I might crowd you, he said. He was 113 00:09:22,884 --> 00:09:26,004 Speaker 1: thinking of the time when Solomon Owl had chased him, 114 00:09:26,644 --> 00:09:30,244 Speaker 1: and sleeping in Solomon Owl's house seemed far from a 115 00:09:30,284 --> 00:09:35,724 Speaker 1: safe thing to do. Solomon was wise enough to guess 116 00:09:35,804 --> 00:09:41,364 Speaker 1: what was going on inside Benjamin's head. Come along, he said, 117 00:09:41,724 --> 00:09:45,084 Speaker 1: we'll both be asleep before we know it. I'm sorry 118 00:09:45,124 --> 00:09:48,084 Speaker 1: I can't offer you something to eat, but I don't 119 00:09:48,124 --> 00:09:51,604 Speaker 1: have a morsel of food in my house, no doubt, 120 00:09:51,604 --> 00:09:55,564 Speaker 1: though you've just had a good meal I ate seven 121 00:09:55,604 --> 00:10:01,964 Speaker 1: mice tonight, and I certainly couldn't eat anything more. When 122 00:10:02,044 --> 00:10:06,524 Speaker 1: Solomon Owl told him that, Benjamin Bat thought perhaps there 123 00:10:06,604 --> 00:10:10,484 Speaker 1: was no danger after all, and since the rain was 124 00:10:10,524 --> 00:10:15,164 Speaker 1: falling harder and harder every moment, he thanked Solomon and 125 00:10:15,204 --> 00:10:20,404 Speaker 1: said he would be glad to accept his invitation. Follow me, then, 126 00:10:20,964 --> 00:10:23,884 Speaker 1: said Solomon Owl, and he led the way to his 127 00:10:24,004 --> 00:10:28,164 Speaker 1: home in the hemlock. For once, Benjamin and Bat flew 128 00:10:28,204 --> 00:10:31,204 Speaker 1: in a fairly straight line, though he did a little 129 00:10:31,284 --> 00:10:35,364 Speaker 1: dodging because he couldn't help it. There was more room 130 00:10:35,564 --> 00:10:41,044 Speaker 1: inside Solomon's house than Benjamin Bat had supposed. While Benjamin 131 00:10:41,124 --> 00:10:43,924 Speaker 1: was looking around and telling Solomon that he had a 132 00:10:44,004 --> 00:10:47,724 Speaker 1: fine home, his host quickly made a bed of leaves 133 00:10:47,764 --> 00:10:51,524 Speaker 1: in one corner of the room. There was only one room, 134 00:10:51,564 --> 00:10:56,724 Speaker 1: of course, that's for you, said Solomon Owl. I always 135 00:10:56,804 --> 00:10:59,964 Speaker 1: sleep on the other side of the house, And without 136 00:11:00,044 --> 00:11:04,204 Speaker 1: waiting even to make sure his guest was comfortable, Solomon 137 00:11:04,244 --> 00:11:07,964 Speaker 1: Owl lay down and began to snore, for he was 138 00:11:08,244 --> 00:11:13,564 Speaker 1: very sleepy. It was so cozy there that Benjamin Bat 139 00:11:13,604 --> 00:11:19,484 Speaker 1: was glad already that he had accepted Solomon's invitation. In 140 00:11:19,564 --> 00:11:23,284 Speaker 1: the middle of the day, Solomon Owl happened to wake up. 141 00:11:24,404 --> 00:11:27,804 Speaker 1: He was sorry that he hadn't slept until sunset because 142 00:11:27,844 --> 00:11:32,444 Speaker 1: he was very hungry. Knowing that it was light outside 143 00:11:32,444 --> 00:11:35,404 Speaker 1: his hollow tree, he didn't want to leave home to 144 00:11:35,444 --> 00:11:41,244 Speaker 1: find something to eat. Then suddenly he remembered that he 145 00:11:41,364 --> 00:11:44,764 Speaker 1: had brought Benjamin Bat to his house early that morning 146 00:11:45,364 --> 00:11:51,404 Speaker 1: so Benjamin might escape the storm. Why not eat Benjamin Bat? 147 00:11:52,404 --> 00:11:56,124 Speaker 1: As soon as the thought occurred to him, Solomon Owl 148 00:11:56,404 --> 00:11:59,604 Speaker 1: liked it, and he moved quietly over to the bed 149 00:11:59,644 --> 00:12:03,364 Speaker 1: of leaves he had made for his guest just before daybreak. 150 00:12:04,844 --> 00:12:09,524 Speaker 1: But Benjamin Bat was not there. Though Solomon looked in 151 00:12:09,724 --> 00:12:13,044 Speaker 1: every nook and cranny of his one room house, he 152 00:12:13,164 --> 00:12:17,164 Speaker 1: did not find him. He must have left as soon 153 00:12:17,204 --> 00:12:21,524 Speaker 1: as it stopped raining, said Solomon Owl to himself. He 154 00:12:21,644 --> 00:12:24,084 Speaker 1: might at least have waited to thank me for giving 155 00:12:24,124 --> 00:12:27,244 Speaker 1: him a day's lodging. It's the last time I'll ever 156 00:12:27,444 --> 00:12:30,724 Speaker 1: bring him into my house, and I ought to have 157 00:12:30,844 --> 00:12:33,524 Speaker 1: known better than to have anything to do with a 158 00:12:33,684 --> 00:12:40,604 Speaker 1: crazy person like Benjamin Bat. Anybody can see that Solomon 159 00:12:40,644 --> 00:12:43,964 Speaker 1: Owl was not happy, but it was not at all 160 00:12:44,004 --> 00:12:47,604 Speaker 1: surprising if one stops to remember how hungry he was 161 00:12:48,244 --> 00:12:51,364 Speaker 1: and that he had expected to enjoy a good meal 162 00:12:51,564 --> 00:12:54,604 Speaker 1: without the trouble of going away from home to get it. 163 00:12:56,244 --> 00:12:58,804 Speaker 1: Solomon Owl went to the door of his house and 164 00:12:58,924 --> 00:13:03,924 Speaker 1: looked out. The sun was shining so brightly that after 165 00:13:04,004 --> 00:13:07,364 Speaker 1: blinking in his doorway for a few minutes, he decided 166 00:13:07,404 --> 00:13:09,684 Speaker 1: that he would go to bed again and try to 167 00:13:09,764 --> 00:13:16,044 Speaker 1: sleep until dusk. He never liked bright days, They're so dismal, 168 00:13:16,324 --> 00:13:19,804 Speaker 1: he used to say. Give me a good dark night, 169 00:13:20,124 --> 00:13:26,884 Speaker 1: and I'm happy, for there's nothing more cheering than gloom. 170 00:13:27,324 --> 00:13:30,164 Speaker 1: The right of the hunger pangs that nod inside him. 171 00:13:30,724 --> 00:13:36,084 Speaker 1: Solomon at last succeeded in falling asleep once more, and 172 00:13:36,124 --> 00:13:40,204 Speaker 1: he dreamed that he chased Benjamin Bat three times around 173 00:13:40,244 --> 00:13:44,124 Speaker 1: Blue Mountain, and then three times back again in the 174 00:13:44,164 --> 00:13:49,204 Speaker 1: opposite direction, But he could never catch him because Benjamin 175 00:13:49,324 --> 00:13:53,924 Speaker 1: Bat simply wouldn't fly straight. His zigzag course was so 176 00:13:54,164 --> 00:14:01,724 Speaker 1: confusing that even in his dream Solomon Owl grew dizzy. Now, 177 00:14:02,244 --> 00:14:07,244 Speaker 1: Benjamin Bat was in Solomon's house all the time, and 178 00:14:07,284 --> 00:14:10,804 Speaker 1: the reason why Solomon Owl hadn't found him was a 179 00:14:10,964 --> 00:14:15,164 Speaker 1: very simple one. It was merely that Solomon hadn't looked 180 00:14:15,164 --> 00:14:20,084 Speaker 1: in the right place. Benjamin Bat was hidden, as you 181 00:14:20,164 --> 00:14:23,564 Speaker 1: might say, where his hungry host never once thought to 182 00:14:23,644 --> 00:14:28,244 Speaker 1: look for him, and being asleep all the while, Benjamin 183 00:14:28,284 --> 00:14:32,244 Speaker 1: didn't once move or make the slightest noise. If he 184 00:14:32,324 --> 00:14:37,164 Speaker 1: had snored or sneezed or rustled his wings, no doubt 185 00:14:37,204 --> 00:14:43,204 Speaker 1: Solomon Owl would have found him. When Benjamin awoke late 186 00:14:43,324 --> 00:14:48,564 Speaker 1: in the afternoon, Solomon was still sleeping, and Benjamin crept 187 00:14:48,604 --> 00:14:51,764 Speaker 1: through the door and went out into the gathering twilight 188 00:14:52,204 --> 00:14:56,444 Speaker 1: without waking Solomon. I'll thank him the next time I 189 00:14:56,564 --> 00:15:00,604 Speaker 1: meet him, Benjamin Bat decided, and he staggered away through 190 00:15:00,604 --> 00:15:03,764 Speaker 1: the air, as if he did not quite know himself 191 00:15:04,204 --> 00:15:08,124 Speaker 1: where he was going. But of course that was only 192 00:15:08,164 --> 00:15:12,844 Speaker 1: his strange way of flying. When he told his friends 193 00:15:12,884 --> 00:15:17,324 Speaker 1: where he had spent the day, they were astonished. How 194 00:15:17,364 --> 00:15:21,164 Speaker 1: did you ever dare do anything so dangerous as sleeping 195 00:15:21,244 --> 00:15:25,924 Speaker 1: in Solomon Owl's house, they all asked him, But Benjamin 196 00:15:26,004 --> 00:15:30,204 Speaker 1: Bat only said, oh, there was nothing to be afraid of, 197 00:15:31,284 --> 00:15:38,324 Speaker 1: and he began to feel quite important. And that is 198 00:15:38,364 --> 00:15:43,164 Speaker 1: the end of this part. Good Night, sleep tight,