1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,480 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:20,480 Speaker 1: to say hello to Karunya from Greater Noida, India. Happy 3 00:00:20,480 --> 00:00:24,560 Speaker 1: belated birthday to Poppy in Mere Machine, New Brunswick, who 4 00:00:24,600 --> 00:00:30,200 Speaker 1: turned six on February seventeenth. Mommy, Daddy, Avery, Sawyer and 5 00:00:30,280 --> 00:00:33,600 Speaker 1: Elliott think you are an amazing girl and wish you 6 00:00:33,720 --> 00:00:39,000 Speaker 1: the best day ever. Happy belated birthday to Wyatt Wolf 7 00:00:39,120 --> 00:00:43,120 Speaker 1: who turned nine on March third. Happy ninth birthday, Wyat, 8 00:00:43,120 --> 00:00:47,720 Speaker 1: We love you, sleep Tight and good night, and happy 9 00:00:47,760 --> 00:00:52,240 Speaker 1: belated birthday to Catherine from Waukee, Iowa, who turned seven 10 00:00:52,320 --> 00:00:56,800 Speaker 1: on March third. Mom, Dad and Maddie love your jokes 11 00:00:56,800 --> 00:01:02,800 Speaker 1: and hugs. Happy birthday to Leanna, who turned four on 12 00:01:02,920 --> 00:01:07,720 Speaker 1: March fourth, Love mommy, Daddy and Olivia. Happy birthday to 13 00:01:07,800 --> 00:01:11,319 Speaker 1: Frankie from Gold Coast, Australia, who is turning eight on 14 00:01:11,440 --> 00:01:15,080 Speaker 1: March fourth. Mom, dad and your sister Indy think you 15 00:01:15,160 --> 00:01:19,440 Speaker 1: are the best and they love you very much. Happy 16 00:01:19,480 --> 00:01:23,200 Speaker 1: birthday to Baby Zoe from Ottawa who is turning twenty 17 00:01:23,240 --> 00:01:27,399 Speaker 1: five on March fifth. Your mom, dad and sister Maya 18 00:01:27,520 --> 00:01:32,760 Speaker 1: love you so much. Happy birthday to the twin ssses 19 00:01:33,000 --> 00:01:37,080 Speaker 1: Casey and Cameron from Henderson, Nevada, who are turning nine 20 00:01:37,160 --> 00:01:40,360 Speaker 1: on March fifth. You both bring so much joy to 21 00:01:40,440 --> 00:01:44,319 Speaker 1: our lives. We love you girls so much. Love mommy Daddy, 22 00:01:44,360 --> 00:01:49,480 Speaker 1: Brandon and Isaiah and Callie. Happy birthday to Soriah who 23 00:01:49,560 --> 00:01:52,720 Speaker 1: is turning eight on March fourth. We love you to 24 00:01:52,880 --> 00:01:58,120 Speaker 1: forever and back from mom and Dad. Happy birthday to 25 00:01:58,280 --> 00:02:02,600 Speaker 1: Tiago who was turning eight on March fifth. Mommy, Daddy 26 00:02:02,680 --> 00:02:05,680 Speaker 1: and your dogs Kara and Loki are so proud of 27 00:02:05,720 --> 00:02:10,440 Speaker 1: you and they love you so much. Happy birthday to Esa, 28 00:02:10,639 --> 00:02:16,200 Speaker 1: who is turning nine on March sixth. Mommy Daddy, Emiliano, 29 00:02:16,240 --> 00:02:21,800 Speaker 1: Sparky and Gummy love you so much. Sweet Lisa. Happy 30 00:02:21,800 --> 00:02:25,840 Speaker 1: birthday to Ella in Grandview Heights, Ohio, who is turning 31 00:02:25,880 --> 00:02:30,920 Speaker 1: eight on March seventh. Happy birthday to Ethan who is 32 00:02:30,960 --> 00:02:36,000 Speaker 1: turning seven on March eighth, and Happy birthday to Riley 33 00:02:36,080 --> 00:02:41,400 Speaker 1: Happy who is turning seven on March eighth. Shout Outs 34 00:02:41,400 --> 00:02:44,000 Speaker 1: and birthday wishes are one way we give thanks to 35 00:02:44,120 --> 00:02:48,280 Speaker 1: you our community. For information on how to receive a 36 00:02:48,320 --> 00:02:52,560 Speaker 1: shout out or birthday wish, please visit sleeptightstories dot org 37 00:02:52,840 --> 00:03:07,800 Speaker 1: slash support. Thank you. Sarah cannot believe that the picture 38 00:03:07,880 --> 00:03:11,480 Speaker 1: her mother hung in the dining room is actually real. 39 00:03:13,280 --> 00:03:18,000 Speaker 1: When Sparky introduces himself, Sarah pinches herself to see if 40 00:03:18,040 --> 00:03:23,840 Speaker 1: she is dreaming. Sparky asks Sarah if she believes in magic, 41 00:03:24,760 --> 00:03:28,320 Speaker 1: and when she says yes, they go outside for their 42 00:03:28,480 --> 00:03:43,880 Speaker 1: first adventure. Sarah and Sparky meet the storyteller Tree. I 43 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:47,600 Speaker 1: wonder if I am having some kind of vivid dream. 44 00:03:48,320 --> 00:03:52,840 Speaker 1: It's a pretty cool dream so far, and well, my 45 00:03:52,960 --> 00:03:56,840 Speaker 1: mother says, I have the best imagination, so it could 46 00:03:56,840 --> 00:04:01,280 Speaker 1: be all in my mind. But what if I am 47 00:04:01,320 --> 00:04:05,480 Speaker 1: awake and I am seeing things that wouldn't be good? 48 00:04:06,240 --> 00:04:09,080 Speaker 1: It could be from all those green vegetables my mother 49 00:04:09,120 --> 00:04:12,800 Speaker 1: made me eat at dinner. I'm sure I heard somewheres 50 00:04:12,800 --> 00:04:16,040 Speaker 1: that eating too many healthy vegetables can cause you to 51 00:04:16,040 --> 00:04:23,800 Speaker 1: see dragons. Maybe if I am asleep and this is 52 00:04:24,080 --> 00:04:27,520 Speaker 1: just the greatest dream anyone has ever heard of, then 53 00:04:27,560 --> 00:04:31,880 Speaker 1: there is only one way to know for sure. Sarah 54 00:04:31,920 --> 00:04:37,000 Speaker 1: pinched her cheek again, really hard this time. Ouch, She 55 00:04:37,120 --> 00:04:43,360 Speaker 1: said out loud. Are you okay? Sparky asked, yeah, So 56 00:04:44,360 --> 00:04:48,400 Speaker 1: where shall we begin? Can we fly somewhere far away 57 00:04:48,400 --> 00:04:52,080 Speaker 1: and have sweet treats? I didn't get so many treats 58 00:04:52,120 --> 00:04:56,240 Speaker 1: at dinner, so I think I can have more. I 59 00:04:56,279 --> 00:04:59,760 Speaker 1: hear the ice cream in Italy is delicious, or there 60 00:04:59,760 --> 00:05:04,240 Speaker 1: are good burgers in California, but I'm not really hungry. 61 00:05:05,000 --> 00:05:08,800 Speaker 1: Oh and I have always wanted to try Dutch chocolate 62 00:05:08,920 --> 00:05:12,679 Speaker 1: ever since my classmate Isabelle brought some with her to share. 63 00:05:13,279 --> 00:05:18,479 Speaker 1: Sarah said in almost one breath. I mean, dragons can fly, right, 64 00:05:19,200 --> 00:05:21,880 Speaker 1: and I'm not heavy, so I could fly on your back. 65 00:05:22,520 --> 00:05:24,960 Speaker 1: I rode a pony once and the pony didn't complain. 66 00:05:27,680 --> 00:05:32,600 Speaker 1: I can fly, though I have never been to Italy, California, 67 00:05:32,800 --> 00:05:36,720 Speaker 1: or wherever you find Dutch chocolates. I thought we might 68 00:05:36,760 --> 00:05:41,400 Speaker 1: walk in your backyard, Sparky said, his scales softly glowing. 69 00:05:42,920 --> 00:05:47,360 Speaker 1: Oh okay. Sarah still had a big smile on her face, 70 00:05:47,400 --> 00:05:52,160 Speaker 1: but she had been hoping for some ice cream. Sarah 71 00:05:52,240 --> 00:05:56,680 Speaker 1: followed the labrador size dragon out into the kitchen and 72 00:05:56,800 --> 00:05:59,680 Speaker 1: through the back door to the backyard of her home. 73 00:06:00,600 --> 00:06:04,560 Speaker 1: At least she thought it was her backyard. It had 74 00:06:04,640 --> 00:06:07,240 Speaker 1: changed a lot since the last time she saw it. 75 00:06:09,160 --> 00:06:13,720 Speaker 1: As Sarah followed Sparky, the change she saw was magical. 76 00:06:15,360 --> 00:06:19,359 Speaker 1: The wooden fence surrounding her yard seemed to disappear into 77 00:06:19,400 --> 00:06:23,520 Speaker 1: the night, making her backyard look like it went on forever. 78 00:06:24,920 --> 00:06:28,320 Speaker 1: Instead of the short grass and the few flowers she remembered, 79 00:06:29,080 --> 00:06:33,039 Speaker 1: now there was a big, beautiful garden that seemed to 80 00:06:33,080 --> 00:06:39,000 Speaker 1: glow and sparkle under the moonlight. The grass under her 81 00:06:39,040 --> 00:06:42,719 Speaker 1: feet fell softer and kind of funny, as if it 82 00:06:42,800 --> 00:06:46,839 Speaker 1: was happy she was there. It was a bright green 83 00:06:47,000 --> 00:06:51,120 Speaker 1: color even in the dark, and seemed to be whispering, 84 00:06:52,080 --> 00:06:56,640 Speaker 1: though it could have been the wind. Flowers that shone 85 00:06:56,720 --> 00:07:00,400 Speaker 1: with their own light were everywhere, in colors she had 86 00:07:00,440 --> 00:07:07,400 Speaker 1: never seen before. These weren't ordinary flowers, but special, magical 87 00:07:07,440 --> 00:07:13,560 Speaker 1: ones that lit up the night. Her backyard didn't have 88 00:07:13,800 --> 00:07:17,960 Speaker 1: much in the way of trees, but now there were many, 89 00:07:18,280 --> 00:07:21,600 Speaker 1: and they were very tall, almost like they were reaching 90 00:07:21,680 --> 00:07:26,760 Speaker 1: toward the clouds, or maybe up to the stars. The 91 00:07:26,800 --> 00:07:30,640 Speaker 1: bark on the trees also glowed, making it look like 92 00:07:30,680 --> 00:07:34,920 Speaker 1: they were lit from within, and the leaves rustled softly 93 00:07:35,360 --> 00:07:41,640 Speaker 1: and talked like the grass she walked on. The air 94 00:07:41,840 --> 00:07:46,080 Speaker 1: was different, too, thicker and filled with the sweet smell 95 00:07:46,200 --> 00:07:53,040 Speaker 1: of jasmine and something wild she couldn't name. She liked jasmine. 96 00:07:53,200 --> 00:07:56,120 Speaker 1: It felt like the garden was giving her a big, 97 00:07:56,680 --> 00:08:03,320 Speaker 1: warm hug. Hugs were even better than ice cream. There 98 00:08:03,440 --> 00:08:07,560 Speaker 1: was also a little stream that wasn't there before, bubbling 99 00:08:07,680 --> 00:08:11,640 Speaker 1: and flowing gently, sparkling as if it was full of stars. 100 00:08:12,880 --> 00:08:16,440 Speaker 1: Looking closer, Sarah could see it was full of little 101 00:08:16,480 --> 00:08:23,520 Speaker 1: fish that looked like goldfish or miniature coy and the 102 00:08:23,640 --> 00:08:29,200 Speaker 1: night sky looked amazing. The moon seemed bigger and closer, 103 00:08:29,800 --> 00:08:35,080 Speaker 1: shining so bright it was like daylight, but softer. It 104 00:08:35,200 --> 00:08:38,320 Speaker 1: was so close she thought she might be able to 105 00:08:38,360 --> 00:08:42,559 Speaker 1: touch it. If the moon really was made of cheese, 106 00:08:43,120 --> 00:08:47,680 Speaker 1: that would be convenient, she thought, cheese snacks whenever she wanted. 107 00:08:49,080 --> 00:08:54,320 Speaker 1: The stars even twinkled in patterns like flashing Christmas lights. 108 00:08:56,559 --> 00:09:02,160 Speaker 1: Sarah's backyard had turned into an endless, magical garden, full 109 00:09:02,240 --> 00:09:07,440 Speaker 1: of glowing flowers that followed her movements, giant trees, and 110 00:09:07,559 --> 00:09:14,800 Speaker 1: a starry stream. Where are we going, Sarah asked, sounding 111 00:09:14,920 --> 00:09:19,240 Speaker 1: excited and amazed as she looked around at all the changes. 112 00:09:21,360 --> 00:09:25,080 Speaker 1: We're going to a magical place where the ground and 113 00:09:25,240 --> 00:09:29,360 Speaker 1: stars make music together, Sparky said, with a big smile. 114 00:09:30,240 --> 00:09:34,440 Speaker 1: It's a hidden garden that glows in the dark. Come on, 115 00:09:34,920 --> 00:09:42,480 Speaker 1: let's go As they walked further, Sarah's backyard continued to 116 00:09:42,640 --> 00:09:46,559 Speaker 1: change into a magical place that was hard to believe. 117 00:09:48,440 --> 00:09:51,720 Speaker 1: She found herself in the center of a garden full 118 00:09:51,840 --> 00:09:56,840 Speaker 1: of glowing flowers lighting up paths under big old trees 119 00:09:57,360 --> 00:10:01,800 Speaker 1: that reached the sky like the roofs of huge natural houses. 120 00:10:04,400 --> 00:10:08,920 Speaker 1: Sarah was full of questions. How could such a magical 121 00:10:09,000 --> 00:10:12,920 Speaker 1: place be right next to her house? Is this real? 122 00:10:14,200 --> 00:10:19,360 Speaker 1: Are those flowers that are shaped like candy edible? With 123 00:10:19,600 --> 00:10:25,400 Speaker 1: every step they saw amazing things, leaves that sparkled like 124 00:10:25,520 --> 00:10:29,199 Speaker 1: tiny stars, and the quiet sounds of the garden that 125 00:10:29,360 --> 00:10:35,160 Speaker 1: sounded like music. It feels like we are in a dream, 126 00:10:35,720 --> 00:10:41,600 Speaker 1: Sarah said, quietly, amazed by everything around them. She pinched 127 00:10:41,640 --> 00:10:50,920 Speaker 1: herself again, it's still hurt, Sparky smiled. Here, dreams and 128 00:10:51,080 --> 00:10:55,240 Speaker 1: real life are the same. This garden is full of 129 00:10:55,360 --> 00:10:58,839 Speaker 1: magic at night and is a home for special creatures. 130 00:11:01,440 --> 00:11:07,040 Speaker 1: As they walked, Sarah kept asking questions. Sparky told her 131 00:11:07,240 --> 00:11:10,840 Speaker 1: all about the magic keeping the garden alive and the 132 00:11:10,880 --> 00:11:15,120 Speaker 1: special spirits that looked after it, which only some people 133 00:11:15,160 --> 00:11:20,960 Speaker 1: could see. Soon they found a place with trees that 134 00:11:21,080 --> 00:11:25,320 Speaker 1: had leaves that glowed green, and if you listened, it 135 00:11:25,480 --> 00:11:31,559 Speaker 1: sounded like they were telling old stories. Sarah touched one 136 00:11:31,600 --> 00:11:35,640 Speaker 1: tree and felt a warm buzz. What are they saying, 137 00:11:35,720 --> 00:11:41,040 Speaker 1: she asked. They're talking about the Earth's old memories, the 138 00:11:41,160 --> 00:11:45,800 Speaker 1: happy and sad times. Sparky said, each tree has a 139 00:11:45,880 --> 00:11:52,160 Speaker 1: story for those who listen. As Sarah and Sparky walked 140 00:11:52,200 --> 00:11:57,920 Speaker 1: deeper into the Magic Garden, they found a very special tree. 141 00:11:58,000 --> 00:12:02,559 Speaker 1: This tree was taller and sparkled even brighter than the others, 142 00:12:03,240 --> 00:12:09,319 Speaker 1: with leaves that glowed like tiny suns. Sparky told Sarah 143 00:12:09,400 --> 00:12:14,679 Speaker 1: this was the storyteller Tree, an ancient and wise tree 144 00:12:15,200 --> 00:12:21,680 Speaker 1: that knew lots of stories. Would you like to hear 145 00:12:21,720 --> 00:12:26,360 Speaker 1: a story from it, Sparky asked. Sarah nodded, excited to 146 00:12:26,440 --> 00:12:32,600 Speaker 1: hear a story from the tree itself. The air around 147 00:12:32,679 --> 00:12:38,280 Speaker 1: them grew quiet, and they heard a deep, gentle voice. 148 00:12:38,400 --> 00:12:44,640 Speaker 1: It was the tree talking a long time ago. The 149 00:12:44,679 --> 00:12:48,439 Speaker 1: tree began there was a young girl much like you. 150 00:12:49,280 --> 00:12:53,559 Speaker 1: Her name was a Rury, and she loved the world deeply, 151 00:12:54,120 --> 00:12:59,440 Speaker 1: but didn't know how she could help it. Sarah listened 152 00:12:59,480 --> 00:13:02,280 Speaker 1: carefully as the tree told the story of a Rury 153 00:13:02,720 --> 00:13:07,480 Speaker 1: who decided to plant a tiny seed. Some people didn't 154 00:13:07,520 --> 00:13:10,320 Speaker 1: think it was a big deal, but a Rory took 155 00:13:10,400 --> 00:13:15,600 Speaker 1: care of it with lots of love. A Rury watered 156 00:13:15,640 --> 00:13:19,880 Speaker 1: the seed every day, talking to it and making sure 157 00:13:19,920 --> 00:13:25,559 Speaker 1: it got enough sunlight. Even when her neighbors didn't understand 158 00:13:25,640 --> 00:13:29,439 Speaker 1: why she cared so much about a single seed, A 159 00:13:29,600 --> 00:13:36,280 Speaker 1: Rory knew something special was happening. As days turned into 160 00:13:36,360 --> 00:13:40,520 Speaker 1: weeks and weeks into months, A Rury watched as her 161 00:13:40,559 --> 00:13:45,520 Speaker 1: seed sprouted into a tiny plant. She protected it from 162 00:13:45,559 --> 00:13:48,840 Speaker 1: the harsh weather and made sure it was never lonely, 163 00:13:49,559 --> 00:13:56,800 Speaker 1: placing colorful stones and small figures around it. Over the years, 164 00:13:56,880 --> 00:14:01,240 Speaker 1: the plant grew taller and stronger, until it grew into 165 00:14:01,280 --> 00:14:06,080 Speaker 1: a beautiful tree that created a home for animals, gave 166 00:14:06,200 --> 00:14:10,559 Speaker 1: shade to people, and made everyone who saw it happy. 167 00:14:13,000 --> 00:14:16,440 Speaker 1: A rury small act of planting a seed made a 168 00:14:16,480 --> 00:14:20,520 Speaker 1: big difference in the world, showing that even the smallest 169 00:14:20,640 --> 00:14:25,360 Speaker 1: act of kindness can grow into something wonderful and bring 170 00:14:25,400 --> 00:14:31,880 Speaker 1: beauty and happiness to the world. The story made Sarah 171 00:14:31,920 --> 00:14:36,320 Speaker 1: feel warm inside. She looked at Sparky and said, I 172 00:14:36,400 --> 00:14:39,600 Speaker 1: want to do something good too, like a Rury. I 173 00:14:39,680 --> 00:14:45,480 Speaker 1: want to plant my own seed of change. Sparky's smile 174 00:14:45,760 --> 00:14:49,560 Speaker 1: was as bright as the glowing flowers around them, and 175 00:14:49,680 --> 00:14:54,520 Speaker 1: you will, Sarah, this garden's magic isn't just in its beauty, 176 00:14:54,760 --> 00:14:58,960 Speaker 1: but in also inspiring kind hearts like yours to make 177 00:14:59,000 --> 00:15:06,240 Speaker 1: the world a better place. After hearing the storyteller trees tale, 178 00:15:06,320 --> 00:15:11,600 Speaker 1: Sarah felt inspired. They talked about all the good, small 179 00:15:11,720 --> 00:15:16,400 Speaker 1: things they could do as they walked back home. Sarah 180 00:15:16,480 --> 00:15:20,000 Speaker 1: was full of ideas, ready to start making a difference, 181 00:15:20,400 --> 00:15:25,320 Speaker 1: starting with planting a tree. This tree would be her 182 00:15:25,520 --> 00:15:29,240 Speaker 1: first step in helping the world, just like the girl 183 00:15:29,280 --> 00:15:33,640 Speaker 1: in the story. As Sparky and Sarah returned to the 184 00:15:33,680 --> 00:15:37,360 Speaker 1: back door of her house, Sarah's mind was filled with 185 00:15:37,520 --> 00:15:41,800 Speaker 1: thoughts about how she could make a difference by being kind. 186 00:15:43,800 --> 00:15:47,720 Speaker 1: When they reached the spot where her adventure began, Sparky 187 00:15:47,800 --> 00:15:52,560 Speaker 1: turned to her and smiled. Remember, Sarah, the magic you 188 00:15:52,600 --> 00:15:56,800 Speaker 1: have seen tonight is always around you, waiting for you 189 00:15:57,040 --> 00:16:01,840 Speaker 1: to bring it to life, he said softly. Sarah nodded, 190 00:16:02,320 --> 00:16:04,920 Speaker 1: feeling a little sad that she was saying goodbye to 191 00:16:05,000 --> 00:16:10,040 Speaker 1: her new friend. She hugged Sparky, feeling the warmth of 192 00:16:10,080 --> 00:16:15,760 Speaker 1: his glowing scales. I'll never forget the fun we had 193 00:16:15,800 --> 00:16:20,240 Speaker 1: tonight and I'll start by planting a tree tomorrow, she whispered, 194 00:16:23,160 --> 00:16:26,880 Speaker 1: with a fine old twinkle in his eye. Sparky faded 195 00:16:26,920 --> 00:16:30,760 Speaker 1: into the night, leaving Sarah standing alone in her backyard. 196 00:16:32,560 --> 00:16:36,200 Speaker 1: She looked around, half expecting the magical garden to still 197 00:16:36,240 --> 00:16:41,240 Speaker 1: be there, but everything looked as it always did, quiet 198 00:16:41,600 --> 00:16:48,960 Speaker 1: and still under the night sky. Sarah headed back to bed, 199 00:16:49,400 --> 00:16:53,480 Speaker 1: her thoughts full of plans and dreams. As she went 200 00:16:53,560 --> 00:16:56,440 Speaker 1: back to sleep, she wondered if it had all been 201 00:16:56,480 --> 00:17:01,560 Speaker 1: a wonderful dream, a figment of her imagination. But she 202 00:17:01,680 --> 00:17:10,040 Speaker 1: pinched herself again, and it's still hurt. The next morning, 203 00:17:10,480 --> 00:17:13,760 Speaker 1: Sarah woke up with the sun streaming through her window, 204 00:17:14,240 --> 00:17:19,200 Speaker 1: casting warm patterns on her walls. She lay in bed 205 00:17:19,280 --> 00:17:23,440 Speaker 1: for a moment, the memories of the night's adventure feeling distant, 206 00:17:24,000 --> 00:17:29,080 Speaker 1: like a dream. That was the most vivid dream I 207 00:17:29,119 --> 00:17:32,680 Speaker 1: have ever had in my whole life, she said to herself. 208 00:17:33,560 --> 00:17:39,920 Speaker 1: Dragons and magical gardens, trees that tell stories, and plants 209 00:17:39,960 --> 00:17:43,720 Speaker 1: that glow in the dark. It must have been all 210 00:17:43,760 --> 00:17:49,720 Speaker 1: those healthy vegetables that I ate. Dream or not, I 211 00:17:49,760 --> 00:17:53,600 Speaker 1: will do something kind today, she decided, throwing back the 212 00:17:53,640 --> 00:17:57,359 Speaker 1: covers to get out of bed. The first thing will 213 00:17:57,359 --> 00:18:00,920 Speaker 1: be to plant a tree in our backyard. There aren't 214 00:18:00,960 --> 00:18:04,520 Speaker 1: that many trees in the neighborhood. Then I will find 215 00:18:04,640 --> 00:18:10,040 Speaker 1: something else kind to do. As Sarah got out of bed, 216 00:18:10,480 --> 00:18:15,840 Speaker 1: she noticed something odd. Her feet were dirty, and not 217 00:18:16,000 --> 00:18:20,119 Speaker 1: just some stinky dust. There was real dirt sticking to 218 00:18:20,200 --> 00:18:26,200 Speaker 1: her skin, like from the garden. Surprised, she looked down 219 00:18:26,240 --> 00:18:29,199 Speaker 1: at her pajamas and saw they were smeared with dirt 220 00:18:29,520 --> 00:18:35,040 Speaker 1: and grass stains. Maybe it hadn't been a dream after all, 221 00:18:35,960 --> 00:18:41,840 Speaker 1: the adventure, the magical garden, Sparky, and the storyteller tree, 222 00:18:41,880 --> 00:18:47,320 Speaker 1: all of it had been real. She rushed to her window, 223 00:18:47,800 --> 00:18:52,000 Speaker 1: half expecting to see the magical plants and the whispering trees, 224 00:18:53,080 --> 00:18:57,840 Speaker 1: but her backyard looked the same as it always did. Smiling, 225 00:18:58,280 --> 00:19:02,520 Speaker 1: Sarah knew what she had to do today. She would 226 00:19:02,600 --> 00:19:07,000 Speaker 1: plant a tree in her backyard, just as she promised Sparky. 227 00:19:07,800 --> 00:19:10,320 Speaker 1: It would be her way of bringing a piece of 228 00:19:10,359 --> 00:19:14,960 Speaker 1: that magic into the world, her first step in making 229 00:19:15,000 --> 00:19:24,640 Speaker 1: a difference, just like a rory. And that is the 230 00:19:24,760 --> 00:19:46,959 Speaker 1: end of this part. Good Night, sleep tight.