1 00:00:14,000 --> 00:00:17,239 Speaker 1: I'm barely keeping my head up in my arms from twitching. Here. 2 00:00:17,280 --> 00:00:20,160 Speaker 1: It is last family dinner before I started my new 3 00:00:20,200 --> 00:00:22,799 Speaker 1: school and after pulling an all night with Marcos. So 4 00:00:22,880 --> 00:00:24,960 Speaker 1: the first episode of our pode can drop right away. 5 00:00:25,720 --> 00:00:28,240 Speaker 1: I accidentally took an adder all instead of my climbing pin. 6 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:31,920 Speaker 1: I am wired. My inner freak out has been going 7 00:00:31,960 --> 00:00:37,920 Speaker 1: strong all day. Yo, Reuben jay z or Nas. Oh God, 8 00:00:38,040 --> 00:00:42,160 Speaker 1: this game again for the million times He's trying to relate. 9 00:00:42,240 --> 00:00:46,080 Speaker 1: But come on, dad, this game is so ancient. We'll 10 00:00:46,080 --> 00:00:51,320 Speaker 1: try one on me. Okay, Inderson, Pack of Future. Okay, 11 00:00:51,320 --> 00:00:53,800 Speaker 1: I don't know who those people are. Oh do they 12 00:00:53,840 --> 00:00:57,280 Speaker 1: have beef? No? This is just so he has to 13 00:00:57,280 --> 00:01:01,360 Speaker 1: pick between artists from this decade. Okay, okay, fine, point 14 00:01:01,400 --> 00:01:04,840 Speaker 1: taker and your old man is old. So are you 15 00:01:04,880 --> 00:01:09,840 Speaker 1: ready ready for school? First Stand, Washington Stand Academy? No nerves, 16 00:01:10,160 --> 00:01:14,320 Speaker 1: Oh yeah, no, I don't know. I guess I don't 17 00:01:14,319 --> 00:01:17,640 Speaker 1: know when I get there. Nerves. They don't know the 18 00:01:17,680 --> 00:01:21,120 Speaker 1: half of it. I'm on my last one. You know 19 00:01:21,160 --> 00:01:23,200 Speaker 1: that feeling when you have a secret and all you 20 00:01:23,200 --> 00:01:24,679 Speaker 1: want to do is talk about it, but at the 21 00:01:24,720 --> 00:01:26,280 Speaker 1: same time, all you want to do is keep it 22 00:01:26,319 --> 00:01:29,520 Speaker 1: to yourself. That's how I'm feeling right now. But the podcast, 23 00:01:30,000 --> 00:01:33,759 Speaker 1: it's out there, live on the internet. All I can 24 00:01:33,760 --> 00:01:35,839 Speaker 1: think about is finding out how many listeners we school? 25 00:01:36,760 --> 00:01:40,959 Speaker 1: How is last night at Marcus? Here we go? Now 26 00:01:41,040 --> 00:01:43,720 Speaker 1: I gotta lie. What if one of the co workers 27 00:01:43,720 --> 00:01:45,840 Speaker 1: saw me in the city last night. What if they 28 00:01:45,840 --> 00:01:47,840 Speaker 1: spoke to Marco's parents and found out we went to 29 00:01:47,880 --> 00:01:50,160 Speaker 1: the city. What if this is a trap? I can 30 00:01:50,240 --> 00:01:53,040 Speaker 1: feel that judgment already, even as they smile at me, 31 00:01:53,320 --> 00:01:55,760 Speaker 1: trying to coax me out of my shell. I can 32 00:01:55,840 --> 00:01:59,400 Speaker 1: hear my mom called the podcast a little project or 33 00:01:59,600 --> 00:02:03,000 Speaker 1: a little hobby. She has a way of belittling anything 34 00:02:03,000 --> 00:02:05,160 Speaker 1: outside her hopes and dreams of me attending college and 35 00:02:05,280 --> 00:02:08,280 Speaker 1: entering in the corporate America. Their vision of my future 36 00:02:08,320 --> 00:02:11,480 Speaker 1: is so specific it feels like a straight jacket. But 37 00:02:11,560 --> 00:02:13,560 Speaker 1: I can't seem like I'm bursting at the seams right now. 38 00:02:15,760 --> 00:02:20,200 Speaker 1: It's fun. He's staying in bene watching Netflix. Oh that 39 00:02:20,280 --> 00:02:25,120 Speaker 1: sounds nice. Oh okay, no signs of entrapman. They just 40 00:02:25,160 --> 00:02:27,600 Speaker 1: want to know what I'm up to. But I'm barely 41 00:02:27,600 --> 00:02:31,120 Speaker 1: holding together. It's been an endless weekend and they cannot 42 00:02:31,200 --> 00:02:36,360 Speaker 1: know about it. What movies did you watch? Uh? Just 43 00:02:36,600 --> 00:02:42,320 Speaker 1: some comedies, old stuff, House Party, Friday, Half bab You know, 44 00:02:42,960 --> 00:02:48,200 Speaker 1: Dave Chappelle is hilarious. You know who's going on school now? 45 00:02:49,120 --> 00:02:51,280 Speaker 1: I remember when I was in college, my buddies and 46 00:02:51,280 --> 00:02:56,040 Speaker 1: I used to smoke, watch Half Baked. It's fun times, 47 00:02:56,280 --> 00:02:58,639 Speaker 1: It's good for you and Marco best butts to the end. 48 00:02:59,400 --> 00:03:02,360 Speaker 1: Oh and so out of touch. They don't even know it. 49 00:03:03,240 --> 00:03:06,200 Speaker 1: My dad used to smoke. It drives me nuts that 50 00:03:06,320 --> 00:03:08,680 Speaker 1: I get words of encouragement for my life about staying 51 00:03:08,720 --> 00:03:11,160 Speaker 1: in and watching stoner movies, but I can't trust them 52 00:03:11,160 --> 00:03:13,200 Speaker 1: to react. Similarly, if I tell them the truth about 53 00:03:13,240 --> 00:03:16,480 Speaker 1: my much more ambitious plans, it's worse because I'm freaking 54 00:03:16,480 --> 00:03:20,640 Speaker 1: out inside and they can't even tell. It's like I 55 00:03:20,639 --> 00:03:22,520 Speaker 1: don't want them to know, and I'm mad at them 56 00:03:22,520 --> 00:03:24,400 Speaker 1: for not seeing through the light. At the same time, 57 00:03:25,360 --> 00:03:27,240 Speaker 1: and now I felt a way guilt for being so 58 00:03:27,280 --> 00:03:30,799 Speaker 1: annoyed at than when I'm the one hiding something and 59 00:03:31,040 --> 00:03:34,040 Speaker 1: come on, you know, no phones at the table. I 60 00:03:34,080 --> 00:03:36,080 Speaker 1: try to still a glance of the notification when I 61 00:03:36,120 --> 00:03:40,040 Speaker 1: go to Sidnce my phone the Texas from Marco. My bad? 62 00:03:40,280 --> 00:03:43,360 Speaker 1: Who was it? Just a text from Marco. They can 63 00:03:43,360 --> 00:03:47,040 Speaker 1: tell I'm distracting that I'm not sharing everything, but I 64 00:03:47,080 --> 00:03:49,240 Speaker 1: know they won't pry. They'll chalk it up the good 65 00:03:49,240 --> 00:03:52,480 Speaker 1: old fashioned teenage rebellion. And they know as well as 66 00:03:52,520 --> 00:03:54,080 Speaker 1: I do that Marco and I are trying to figure 67 00:03:54,080 --> 00:03:55,880 Speaker 1: out what our friendship looks like now that we're going 68 00:03:55,920 --> 00:03:58,240 Speaker 1: to separate schools. I'll tell you what looks like. You're 69 00:03:58,240 --> 00:04:03,600 Speaker 1: about done with Danna. You can be excused. Thank God, 70 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:07,600 Speaker 1: I do not need to be told twice. I thank 71 00:04:07,680 --> 00:04:09,720 Speaker 1: them both and rush up the stairs to my room, 72 00:04:09,720 --> 00:04:13,400 Speaker 1: slamming the door behind me. I blast my own music 73 00:04:13,440 --> 00:04:15,840 Speaker 1: and whip out my phone, eager for the latest news 74 00:04:16,520 --> 00:04:21,600 Speaker 1: and Yo downloads in less than twenty four hours. I 75 00:04:21,800 --> 00:04:26,640 Speaker 1: told you this was gonna be big ship. That's an audience. 76 00:04:27,160 --> 00:04:31,039 Speaker 1: This is gonna catch on, like for real enough that 77 00:04:31,080 --> 00:04:35,000 Speaker 1: we can score more interviews, maybe even advertisers. My mouth 78 00:04:35,080 --> 00:04:38,559 Speaker 1: is literally hanging open. I can feel my jangling nerves 79 00:04:38,600 --> 00:04:41,719 Speaker 1: light up inside of me. Whether I'm ready or not, 80 00:04:43,200 --> 00:05:01,600 Speaker 1: here comes the break. The numbers are un believable. An 81 00:05:01,640 --> 00:05:04,320 Speaker 1: audience this big, so fast, was not what I was expecting. 82 00:05:05,320 --> 00:05:08,080 Speaker 1: I feel excited and worried at the same time. This 83 00:05:08,160 --> 00:05:10,039 Speaker 1: must have been how Ice j J fishing Shiggy felt 84 00:05:10,040 --> 00:05:12,479 Speaker 1: when then my feelings dance blew up. I need to 85 00:05:12,480 --> 00:05:15,400 Speaker 1: talk to Mark about what all this means, what's next? 86 00:05:16,000 --> 00:05:18,080 Speaker 1: I keep telling myself we were just doing this for fun. 87 00:05:18,839 --> 00:05:22,520 Speaker 1: That episode was just testing the water, but that was 88 00:05:22,600 --> 00:05:24,960 Speaker 1: just a way of calming my own nerves. This is 89 00:05:24,960 --> 00:05:32,320 Speaker 1: happening faster than I thought. Yo, twelve thousand in a day. 90 00:05:32,720 --> 00:05:35,560 Speaker 1: That's crazy, man, right right, It's not just people who 91 00:05:35,560 --> 00:05:38,240 Speaker 1: saw it in my feet either. It's Novellas fans. They 92 00:05:38,279 --> 00:05:40,640 Speaker 1: found it and sped around everywhere. I'm surprised it even 93 00:05:40,640 --> 00:05:43,600 Speaker 1: blew up so quick. So what do we do now? 94 00:05:44,240 --> 00:05:46,000 Speaker 1: All right? I set up an email link til here 95 00:05:46,040 --> 00:05:48,160 Speaker 1: comes to break account in the episode description, and I 96 00:05:48,160 --> 00:05:50,520 Speaker 1: already got a message from ma Seo guns pressed people. 97 00:05:51,920 --> 00:05:53,599 Speaker 1: He's a nice New York rapper. He wants to be 98 00:05:53,600 --> 00:05:55,800 Speaker 1: our next guest. Are you free to do a phone 99 00:05:55,800 --> 00:05:58,240 Speaker 1: interview tomorrow? You gotta keep booking these if you want 100 00:05:58,240 --> 00:06:02,040 Speaker 1: to post regularly and build the phone man, So tomorrow, 101 00:06:02,800 --> 00:06:05,240 Speaker 1: I mean, yes, yes, yes, I can make it work. 102 00:06:06,279 --> 00:06:10,400 Speaker 1: Bad strike while is hard and all that. Right, God damn, 103 00:06:10,440 --> 00:06:12,800 Speaker 1: my parents are calling for we'll talk tomorrow. Man sleep, 104 00:06:12,839 --> 00:06:21,920 Speaker 1: bro you earned it, Mr podcast host. Ye Sleep. There's 105 00:06:22,040 --> 00:06:24,440 Speaker 1: no way I'm sleeping after that news, and I've been 106 00:06:24,480 --> 00:06:27,800 Speaker 1: on a two day tear. I'm practically delirious right now. 107 00:06:28,279 --> 00:06:31,480 Speaker 1: I can't even sit down. I immediately begin pacing around 108 00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:33,200 Speaker 1: my room thinking of how I'm going to record this 109 00:06:33,240 --> 00:06:38,080 Speaker 1: interview without my parents figuring it out. Maybe use the basement, No, no, no, no, 110 00:06:38,200 --> 00:06:41,799 Speaker 1: my classes. Yeah, better sound protection. And I need questions 111 00:06:41,800 --> 00:06:45,000 Speaker 1: from macyr Guns. Not the obvious stuff the other interviewers 112 00:06:45,040 --> 00:06:48,560 Speaker 1: are asking, you know, the basics, who's your biggest influences, 113 00:06:48,600 --> 00:06:51,400 Speaker 1: what's your next project? No way, I have to dig 114 00:06:51,480 --> 00:06:54,520 Speaker 1: deeper and ask questions about things that matter, you know, 115 00:06:55,240 --> 00:06:58,480 Speaker 1: about their family and and fears, the stuff that our 116 00:06:58,480 --> 00:07:08,159 Speaker 1: listeners can relate to. Oh shit, we have listeners. Mom, 117 00:07:08,360 --> 00:07:12,000 Speaker 1: you sure you don't want to come downstairs or a dessert? Yeah, 118 00:07:12,040 --> 00:07:17,040 Speaker 1: I'm good, Thanks, Okay, see you in the morning. My 119 00:07:17,120 --> 00:07:19,480 Speaker 1: son thinks he's too cool for mom's apple pie with 120 00:07:19,720 --> 00:07:25,880 Speaker 1: cream damn vibe killer. I can't blame her for trying, 121 00:07:26,000 --> 00:07:28,640 Speaker 1: but there's too much going on with me now that 122 00:07:28,720 --> 00:07:31,680 Speaker 1: she and dad just wouldn't understand. Now that I'm pursuing 123 00:07:31,680 --> 00:07:34,760 Speaker 1: internet fame on my own. I feel like our relationship 124 00:07:34,800 --> 00:07:36,920 Speaker 1: is harmed by their reaction when I went viral before 125 00:07:38,200 --> 00:07:40,400 Speaker 1: the twittiness and my limbs from the midstime that of 126 00:07:40,440 --> 00:07:44,200 Speaker 1: all his fating, and I'm crashing down hard. It's dawning 127 00:07:44,240 --> 00:07:46,000 Speaker 1: on me that I'm being funneled into this new stem 128 00:07:46,080 --> 00:07:48,920 Speaker 1: school to keep my future on the safe, predictable path. 129 00:07:49,680 --> 00:07:53,120 Speaker 1: To them. I've been the obedient son, taking the transference stride, 130 00:07:53,600 --> 00:07:56,480 Speaker 1: not doing anything out of the ordinary. But I become 131 00:07:56,520 --> 00:07:59,440 Speaker 1: distant and making here comes to break with Marco is 132 00:07:59,480 --> 00:08:02,240 Speaker 1: already turning out to be out of the ordinary. It's 133 00:08:02,240 --> 00:08:04,120 Speaker 1: flirting with the same kind of future that had them 134 00:08:04,160 --> 00:08:07,800 Speaker 1: so confused and rattled back in my buying days. I 135 00:08:07,880 --> 00:08:10,160 Speaker 1: started to feel dizzy. I think back to the Navey 136 00:08:10,280 --> 00:08:13,080 Speaker 1: Jolie interview and what was their advice to kids trying 137 00:08:13,080 --> 00:08:18,240 Speaker 1: to get their parents support, keep your grades up? Even 138 00:08:18,280 --> 00:08:24,480 Speaker 1: better advice for me starting at a new school and all. So, 139 00:08:24,520 --> 00:08:26,080 Speaker 1: I take a deep breath and turn to one of 140 00:08:26,080 --> 00:08:28,040 Speaker 1: the coping mechanisms that I've been taught for dealing with 141 00:08:28,080 --> 00:08:41,960 Speaker 1: this dress. I decided to meditate. I'm not a very 142 00:08:42,040 --> 00:08:45,679 Speaker 1: well practiced meditator. I'm usually too amped up to settle 143 00:08:45,760 --> 00:08:48,520 Speaker 1: down like that and stop thinking. But even if I'm 144 00:08:48,520 --> 00:08:51,040 Speaker 1: still experiencing racing thoughts while I closed my eyes and 145 00:08:51,080 --> 00:09:01,160 Speaker 1: focus on my breathing, the practice helps m. I feel 146 00:09:01,160 --> 00:09:12,000 Speaker 1: the pressure in my chest lighting up. I remind myself 147 00:09:12,040 --> 00:09:15,720 Speaker 1: to let the thoughts speed past me without latching onto them, 148 00:09:15,720 --> 00:09:18,120 Speaker 1: to be mindful but not caught up in all the 149 00:09:18,160 --> 00:09:30,040 Speaker 1: contents of my mind. It's a lot harder than it sounds. 150 00:09:30,080 --> 00:09:32,199 Speaker 1: The first wave of thoughts is happily about the interview, 151 00:09:32,880 --> 00:09:35,800 Speaker 1: figuring out where to record it, what questions I should ask. 152 00:09:36,520 --> 00:09:39,160 Speaker 1: Those thoughts are pleasant, and letting them drift past me 153 00:09:39,240 --> 00:09:42,320 Speaker 1: is nice too. It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something, 154 00:09:42,360 --> 00:09:52,760 Speaker 1: even in my passive state. The second wave of thoughts 155 00:09:52,800 --> 00:09:56,000 Speaker 1: is a thorn of your family stuff. I imagine my 156 00:09:56,040 --> 00:09:59,839 Speaker 1: mom and dad finding out them blowing their tops how 157 00:10:00,000 --> 00:10:03,439 Speaker 1: and You're not gonna tell us about this, You're shutting 158 00:10:03,440 --> 00:10:07,320 Speaker 1: this account down right away. Man. I can't help but 159 00:10:07,360 --> 00:10:09,959 Speaker 1: cling onto these starts and feel my own anger. Even 160 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:12,040 Speaker 1: though I'm just imagining it, it feels real to me. 161 00:10:12,600 --> 00:10:15,520 Speaker 1: I have so many unresolved frustrations from when they shut 162 00:10:15,520 --> 00:10:17,880 Speaker 1: down my fine account. But I was too young to 163 00:10:17,960 --> 00:10:19,959 Speaker 1: understand them then, and it's been too long to flip 164 00:10:19,960 --> 00:10:23,959 Speaker 1: out on him about it now. It's like this landmine 165 00:10:23,960 --> 00:10:26,840 Speaker 1: of emotional damage buried in our family history, and I'm 166 00:10:26,960 --> 00:10:30,200 Speaker 1: dancing around it trying to make this podcast. I kept 167 00:10:30,200 --> 00:10:32,280 Speaker 1: beginning to explain what I'm doing to them until I'm 168 00:10:32,360 --> 00:10:35,120 Speaker 1: less angry at the thought of it. Kind of diffused 169 00:10:35,120 --> 00:10:38,960 Speaker 1: this land mind somehow. Eventually I'm able to let these 170 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:47,720 Speaker 1: thoughts pass from my mind too. I can feel the younger. 171 00:10:48,640 --> 00:10:51,680 Speaker 1: That's okay. I just I don't want to be caught 172 00:10:51,720 --> 00:10:54,360 Speaker 1: up in it, running in circles in my own head, 173 00:10:55,280 --> 00:10:58,400 Speaker 1: pink punking back and forth between my excitement and my frustration. 174 00:10:59,600 --> 00:11:04,880 Speaker 1: M hm see. I can only sit and meditate for 175 00:11:04,920 --> 00:11:08,720 Speaker 1: a few minutes at a time. Like I said, not 176 00:11:09,080 --> 00:11:13,960 Speaker 1: very good at it, but it was enough panic attack 177 00:11:14,000 --> 00:11:16,120 Speaker 1: fades and to keep it at bay for the rest 178 00:11:16,160 --> 00:11:18,160 Speaker 1: of the night. I turned the right in my interview questions, 179 00:11:18,760 --> 00:11:24,120 Speaker 1: researching my subject the work. Tomorrow's phone call with Maze 180 00:11:24,160 --> 00:11:29,040 Speaker 1: your guns be here before I know it, and I'm 181 00:11:29,040 --> 00:11:55,120 Speaker 1: gonna crash hard any oh. I jumped up from my 182 00:11:55,160 --> 00:11:58,520 Speaker 1: desk hours later, woken up by light peeking through the windows. 183 00:11:59,559 --> 00:12:03,120 Speaker 1: Mhm it I finally crashed from my pill mix up. 184 00:12:03,640 --> 00:12:07,520 Speaker 1: No time is it at six o'clock? Damn? I have 185 00:12:07,600 --> 00:12:09,840 Speaker 1: to interview Mazie this afternoon, and I haven't done any 186 00:12:09,880 --> 00:12:13,120 Speaker 1: prep in my foggy half a week state. It only 187 00:12:13,160 --> 00:12:18,440 Speaker 1: occurs to me now, shit, I have school today. The 188 00:12:18,440 --> 00:12:20,360 Speaker 1: whole wee can has been such a blur, and I've 189 00:12:20,360 --> 00:12:22,840 Speaker 1: been so caught up in Here comes the break. I 190 00:12:22,960 --> 00:12:25,880 Speaker 1: rush around my room, putting together a bag and stuffing 191 00:12:25,880 --> 00:12:29,839 Speaker 1: it with notebooks, pencils, all the usual crack. There was 192 00:12:29,880 --> 00:12:32,559 Speaker 1: an orientation packet that came in the mail. I'll need that. 193 00:12:33,280 --> 00:12:35,679 Speaker 1: Where did I put it? I pull it out from 194 00:12:35,679 --> 00:12:37,240 Speaker 1: the drawer of folders, where I must have thrown it 195 00:12:37,320 --> 00:12:39,839 Speaker 1: weeks ago. That's about right for the amount of head 196 00:12:39,840 --> 00:12:42,520 Speaker 1: space that I've given school lately. I feel like I've 197 00:12:42,520 --> 00:12:45,439 Speaker 1: been on an autopilot in my own life. I passed 198 00:12:45,480 --> 00:12:48,160 Speaker 1: for a beat not taking the welled photo of the 199 00:12:48,200 --> 00:12:52,680 Speaker 1: STEM campus, complete with stock photography full of smiling multicultural 200 00:12:52,720 --> 00:12:57,480 Speaker 1: students photoshopped across the front page. Uh, I can barely 201 00:12:57,480 --> 00:13:01,319 Speaker 1: stand and look at it. Reminds me of my frustration 202 00:13:01,400 --> 00:13:06,480 Speaker 1: with my parents. Now I'm headed to the belly of 203 00:13:06,520 --> 00:13:10,440 Speaker 1: the beast book or t itself, and I'm gonna have 204 00:13:10,480 --> 00:13:12,400 Speaker 1: to find time to do my interview prep during the 205 00:13:12,400 --> 00:13:15,320 Speaker 1: school day. The first school day of the new year 206 00:13:15,400 --> 00:13:24,640 Speaker 1: in an entirely new school, off with my backpack loaded, 207 00:13:25,000 --> 00:13:26,640 Speaker 1: I grabbed some toasts from the kitchen and hit the 208 00:13:26,679 --> 00:13:31,439 Speaker 1: train station. I can't forget to make my transfer. I 209 00:13:31,520 --> 00:13:33,160 Speaker 1: make it's a home room, just in time to bust 210 00:13:33,160 --> 00:13:35,199 Speaker 1: out my notepad and pull up some Amazing Your Guns 211 00:13:35,280 --> 00:13:38,559 Speaker 1: music on my phone for inspiration, but not enough time 212 00:13:38,600 --> 00:13:41,160 Speaker 1: to actually get any work done. They all rings the 213 00:13:41,240 --> 00:13:44,040 Speaker 1: first period. I cram everything back in my bag and 214 00:13:44,120 --> 00:13:47,600 Speaker 1: keep an eye towards study hall. I gotta admit it. 215 00:13:48,360 --> 00:13:50,160 Speaker 1: I don't know if it's the fresh green juices that 216 00:13:50,200 --> 00:13:54,280 Speaker 1: they make in the cofeteria, the fab labs, or recording studios, 217 00:13:54,320 --> 00:13:58,320 Speaker 1: but this school is a vibe. The teachers here are 218 00:13:58,360 --> 00:14:02,760 Speaker 1: progressive there y'all and woke. That helps make classes less 219 00:14:02,760 --> 00:14:05,880 Speaker 1: of a snooze, and the lectures and conversations are more 220 00:14:05,920 --> 00:14:10,640 Speaker 1: than interesting, they're actually invigorating. But Mrs Donnelly, isn't it 221 00:14:10,720 --> 00:14:15,160 Speaker 1: also true with the democratization of the news perception, they're uh, 222 00:14:16,120 --> 00:14:18,720 Speaker 1: this is cute girl with locks of my audio lab class. 223 00:14:19,320 --> 00:14:21,000 Speaker 1: I catch your size and me yet While the teacher 224 00:14:21,040 --> 00:14:24,760 Speaker 1: goes on about the semester long project. For a first day, 225 00:14:24,880 --> 00:14:30,320 Speaker 1: this is going pretty well. Accept the interview. Prep bell 226 00:14:30,440 --> 00:14:33,800 Speaker 1: rings again for study hall. Finally I got a chance 227 00:14:33,840 --> 00:14:35,840 Speaker 1: to sit with my notepad and headphones and write out 228 00:14:35,880 --> 00:14:40,520 Speaker 1: my questions. The day is almost over, but not for me. 229 00:14:41,440 --> 00:14:44,360 Speaker 1: The bell rings one last time, but I've still got 230 00:14:44,400 --> 00:14:46,360 Speaker 1: the interview with head of me. I have to get 231 00:14:46,360 --> 00:14:48,560 Speaker 1: home fast enough to record this in my closet before 232 00:14:48,600 --> 00:14:51,720 Speaker 1: mom calls me down for dinner. For school out, I 233 00:14:51,840 --> 00:14:54,080 Speaker 1: book it for the train station and make my way 234 00:14:54,080 --> 00:14:56,880 Speaker 1: back out too far rockaway. The train rides at the 235 00:14:56,960 --> 00:14:59,120 Speaker 1: end of the line has never felt longer and more 236 00:14:59,200 --> 00:15:02,680 Speaker 1: drawn out. When I'm finally off the subway, I rushed 237 00:15:02,720 --> 00:15:05,640 Speaker 1: back home through the door and straight up the stairs. 238 00:15:08,840 --> 00:15:11,960 Speaker 1: Finally a breather, I paused for a minute and take 239 00:15:12,000 --> 00:15:15,480 Speaker 1: the whole day in. I'm loving this podcast work so far, 240 00:15:15,600 --> 00:15:18,960 Speaker 1: but it's definitely already putting a strain on my attention 241 00:15:19,000 --> 00:15:21,800 Speaker 1: and energy for my family and school work. Mom and 242 00:15:21,880 --> 00:15:25,000 Speaker 1: Dad are gonna notice eventually. I guess I'll just have 243 00:15:25,080 --> 00:15:27,520 Speaker 1: to play it off and struggling to adjusting my new school. 244 00:15:28,840 --> 00:15:31,000 Speaker 1: Of course, that plan is complicated by the fact that 245 00:15:31,640 --> 00:15:35,880 Speaker 1: I'm actually enjoying my new school so far. But I 246 00:15:35,880 --> 00:15:38,840 Speaker 1: guess it'll do for a cover story with a little 247 00:15:38,880 --> 00:15:40,960 Speaker 1: bit more time on my hands. I started symboling my 248 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:44,080 Speaker 1: closet studio, shoving all the hanging shirts to one side, 249 00:15:44,480 --> 00:15:47,640 Speaker 1: awkwardly squeezing my desk chair until it fits inside the closet. 250 00:15:48,280 --> 00:15:51,400 Speaker 1: For now, we're still pretty bootleg quality. I'll record the 251 00:15:51,400 --> 00:15:53,560 Speaker 1: call on my phone and send Marco the audio file. 252 00:15:54,240 --> 00:15:56,840 Speaker 1: I checked the time and the views coming up close. 253 00:15:57,680 --> 00:16:03,760 Speaker 1: Fifteen minutes, grubing your Hey, mom, you shot right up 254 00:16:03,760 --> 00:16:08,680 Speaker 1: the stairs. Is everything okay? Can I come in? I 255 00:16:08,760 --> 00:16:11,320 Speaker 1: hate that she asked if she can come in and 256 00:16:11,320 --> 00:16:14,800 Speaker 1: then opens the door without a response. It's a small thing, 257 00:16:14,840 --> 00:16:17,520 Speaker 1: but speaks to the lack of freedom and privacy I 258 00:16:17,520 --> 00:16:20,200 Speaker 1: have in this house. Of course, it gets under my skin. 259 00:16:21,080 --> 00:16:23,360 Speaker 1: I freeze up, hoping she doesn't see the chair in 260 00:16:23,400 --> 00:16:26,120 Speaker 1: my closet, and masts, what's up? Your father's making short rips. 261 00:16:26,160 --> 00:16:29,240 Speaker 1: You want to hear how your first day went. Great's 262 00:16:29,280 --> 00:16:34,320 Speaker 1: dinner almost ready? Fifteen minutes, half an hour tops okay, 263 00:16:34,480 --> 00:16:37,760 Speaker 1: oh man, that's gonna overlap with the interview. I'm really 264 00:16:37,760 --> 00:16:40,200 Speaker 1: gonna have to keep it tight. Text me when it's ready. 265 00:16:40,560 --> 00:16:43,880 Speaker 1: That should keep from accidentally interrupting an interview. I see 266 00:16:43,920 --> 00:16:47,040 Speaker 1: a flicker of concern passed through my mom's eyes, and 267 00:16:47,080 --> 00:16:49,720 Speaker 1: I get it. I've been running around like a madman 268 00:16:49,840 --> 00:16:52,360 Speaker 1: for the past four days. I'm just starting to book 269 00:16:52,360 --> 00:16:54,680 Speaker 1: of t and I'm keeping here. It comes to break 270 00:16:54,720 --> 00:16:58,080 Speaker 1: from her. Her spidy sense is going on, but she 271 00:16:58,120 --> 00:17:05,760 Speaker 1: doesn't push. Not now I will, and she walks away. 272 00:17:06,400 --> 00:17:09,560 Speaker 1: I feel a fresh wave of anger, but this time 273 00:17:09,560 --> 00:17:13,720 Speaker 1: it set myself. I'm mad at her and my dad 274 00:17:13,760 --> 00:17:15,640 Speaker 1: that I can't talk to them about here comes to break. 275 00:17:15,880 --> 00:17:18,480 Speaker 1: Sure angry they shut down my first shot at the 276 00:17:18,480 --> 00:17:21,480 Speaker 1: internet family. We never really talked about it. I'm mad 277 00:17:21,480 --> 00:17:23,359 Speaker 1: they transferred me to the STEMP school and I just 278 00:17:23,359 --> 00:17:26,240 Speaker 1: went along with it. I'm just all around piste off 279 00:17:26,280 --> 00:17:27,720 Speaker 1: and I don't know how to express any of it 280 00:17:27,800 --> 00:17:32,280 Speaker 1: to them. It's just a shitty situation all around. But 281 00:17:32,400 --> 00:17:36,080 Speaker 1: I not theres something else about my reaction. I'm not panicking. 282 00:17:36,920 --> 00:17:39,440 Speaker 1: I've got an interview coming up any minute. I spent 283 00:17:39,480 --> 00:17:42,119 Speaker 1: the days scrambling at school and mom and dad are 284 00:17:42,160 --> 00:17:47,639 Speaker 1: knocking down the door, and yet I'm excited. I feel good. 285 00:17:48,119 --> 00:17:49,600 Speaker 1: It's not like it was at the show the other 286 00:17:49,720 --> 00:17:51,879 Speaker 1: night when I almost had a panic attack at the door. 287 00:17:52,920 --> 00:17:58,200 Speaker 1: I'm exhilarated. This podcast is good for me. Now, I've 288 00:17:58,200 --> 00:18:00,160 Speaker 1: just got to keep it growing under the radar long 289 00:18:00,280 --> 00:18:02,080 Speaker 1: enough that my parents can't shut it down when the 290 00:18:02,080 --> 00:18:07,720 Speaker 1: truth comes out there. It is our second interview calling 291 00:18:07,760 --> 00:18:13,199 Speaker 1: me personally. Here comes to break, episode two. Here we go. 292 00:18:16,200 --> 00:18:25,600 Speaker 1: We'll be right back and now back to the show. 293 00:18:31,840 --> 00:18:35,200 Speaker 1: So tell our listeners, who is Mazio Guns? What is 294 00:18:35,240 --> 00:18:37,960 Speaker 1: your music about? Oh? Yeah, Like we don't see stuff 295 00:18:38,000 --> 00:18:39,400 Speaker 1: like well I'm from like we see the same thing 296 00:18:39,440 --> 00:18:42,040 Speaker 1: like you can come outside from East New York too, 297 00:18:42,280 --> 00:18:47,240 Speaker 1: called cousinuinning this down? Feel me is that's murders and 298 00:18:47,240 --> 00:18:49,679 Speaker 1: all of that. So I'll just be doing it for that. 299 00:18:49,800 --> 00:18:51,920 Speaker 1: Like the show, people like you ain't got it? Did? 300 00:18:52,000 --> 00:18:55,119 Speaker 1: This gets more to liftedness stuff. So that's why I 301 00:18:55,240 --> 00:18:57,720 Speaker 1: kind of come over the way I do with my music. 302 00:18:58,240 --> 00:19:01,240 Speaker 1: I'm only twenty years old, so I haven't seen a 303 00:19:01,320 --> 00:19:03,680 Speaker 1: lot and it's just like certain ways you can't that 304 00:19:03,800 --> 00:19:05,879 Speaker 1: coming from one from it East New York. You can't 305 00:19:05,880 --> 00:19:07,600 Speaker 1: move with a certain way of the carless you know 306 00:19:07,720 --> 00:19:10,480 Speaker 1: the stuff at one time and it's over do the 307 00:19:10,560 --> 00:19:13,119 Speaker 1: room thing and may cast you a lot, feel me. 308 00:19:13,160 --> 00:19:16,840 Speaker 1: So we can't move crazy anyway. So that just come 309 00:19:16,920 --> 00:19:18,959 Speaker 1: with it. You just learned that as be growing up, 310 00:19:19,240 --> 00:19:22,240 Speaker 1: I ain't gonna front sometimes I do begin quote up 311 00:19:22,320 --> 00:19:24,960 Speaker 1: a little mix up and all that, but I'll be 312 00:19:25,000 --> 00:19:27,399 Speaker 1: having people around me let me. Thank God, like I 313 00:19:27,400 --> 00:19:29,800 Speaker 1: got the people around me that boys keep me on focus. 314 00:19:29,920 --> 00:19:32,119 Speaker 1: But when they come to stuff like that. You know, 315 00:19:32,200 --> 00:19:34,840 Speaker 1: everybody want to be a rapper. Everybody want to do 316 00:19:34,960 --> 00:19:37,119 Speaker 1: something like but you want to be let But when 317 00:19:37,119 --> 00:19:38,880 Speaker 1: they kind of meet, that's what I really doing any 318 00:19:38,920 --> 00:19:41,520 Speaker 1: kind of music that's me all the way I feel that, 319 00:19:41,560 --> 00:19:43,040 Speaker 1: I feel that you know what it really is about 320 00:19:43,040 --> 00:19:45,520 Speaker 1: the people around you, and can you speak a little 321 00:19:45,560 --> 00:19:48,040 Speaker 1: more to your circle of trust? You know those people 322 00:19:48,080 --> 00:19:50,080 Speaker 1: around you when they come to that. But as the 323 00:19:50,160 --> 00:19:52,440 Speaker 1: artist and the artist part coming a longest, it's crazy 324 00:19:52,480 --> 00:19:55,320 Speaker 1: because and be a lot of love. People that never 325 00:19:55,400 --> 00:19:58,159 Speaker 1: showed you love before start to show you. Like when 326 00:19:58,160 --> 00:20:01,840 Speaker 1: we start getting up the hood, right, I'd be like, damn, 327 00:20:01,880 --> 00:20:04,639 Speaker 1: I was the same person before even I was doing 328 00:20:04,680 --> 00:20:06,959 Speaker 1: the same ship before, so why charging me? Someone love now? 329 00:20:07,200 --> 00:20:08,520 Speaker 1: People that have been with me, A lot of people 330 00:20:08,520 --> 00:20:10,800 Speaker 1: have been with me. And then iwas down. I wass broke, 331 00:20:10,840 --> 00:20:13,520 Speaker 1: I wass I have money? I spent on my money. 332 00:20:13,520 --> 00:20:15,960 Speaker 1: They have the more money, so they know what's up 333 00:20:16,080 --> 00:20:19,240 Speaker 1: is genuinely ain't faking it, you see me vice versa 334 00:20:19,880 --> 00:20:22,080 Speaker 1: what she set up? Like, do you most to record 335 00:20:22,080 --> 00:20:24,720 Speaker 1: a studio or do you have a set up at home? Now, 336 00:20:24,760 --> 00:20:28,040 Speaker 1: I'll be in the studio four seven. I don't like 337 00:20:28,160 --> 00:20:30,000 Speaker 1: being outside the studio because when I'm outside of the 338 00:20:30,000 --> 00:20:32,520 Speaker 1: studio it's easy for me to get in trouble. So 339 00:20:32,560 --> 00:20:34,359 Speaker 1: I like being in the studio like a lot myself 340 00:20:34,359 --> 00:20:37,639 Speaker 1: in the studio. But before I really started being on 341 00:20:37,680 --> 00:20:40,159 Speaker 1: some studio ship, I was recording all my studs in 342 00:20:40,160 --> 00:20:42,399 Speaker 1: the crib. No I still got as soon that's coming out, 343 00:20:42,440 --> 00:20:44,119 Speaker 1: that's from the crib. That's crazy. But yeah, I used 344 00:20:44,119 --> 00:20:46,720 Speaker 1: to recording my room save me living at my mown. 345 00:20:47,119 --> 00:20:48,600 Speaker 1: Now I feel like that got a lot to do 346 00:20:48,640 --> 00:20:50,679 Speaker 1: with how I found my sound because I was engineering 347 00:20:50,760 --> 00:20:53,320 Speaker 1: my own stuff for a little minute. So once I 348 00:20:53,359 --> 00:20:55,119 Speaker 1: got back in the studio and I started recording what 349 00:20:55,119 --> 00:20:57,080 Speaker 1: engine is like, I know how I want everything to sound. 350 00:20:57,400 --> 00:21:00,200 Speaker 1: I got pinpoint where this go, where that go off? 351 00:21:00,200 --> 00:21:02,720 Speaker 1: Like that. I've heard you have an archive music you 352 00:21:02,800 --> 00:21:05,480 Speaker 1: make but don't have a release. How many songs do 353 00:21:05,480 --> 00:21:07,840 Speaker 1: you think you've written? Yo, I ain't even go a lit. 354 00:21:09,320 --> 00:21:12,720 Speaker 1: I probably got right now, like at this moment. That's 355 00:21:12,760 --> 00:21:14,720 Speaker 1: crazy that you asked me that, because I just was 356 00:21:14,800 --> 00:21:20,240 Speaker 1: thinking about that at this moment. I probably got gotta say, 357 00:21:20,760 --> 00:21:24,880 Speaker 1: like seven hundred songs you got just got to beat. However, 358 00:21:24,880 --> 00:21:27,080 Speaker 1: I'm feeling at the moment I say I've failed come 359 00:21:27,240 --> 00:21:30,399 Speaker 1: or something. You mix it master the case may be, 360 00:21:30,760 --> 00:21:33,480 Speaker 1: but I would saying, listen to it. If I like it, 361 00:21:33,880 --> 00:21:35,800 Speaker 1: I'll put it. I got like my sertain folders, so 362 00:21:35,880 --> 00:21:38,040 Speaker 1: I got my favorite folders. Then I got the I'll 363 00:21:38,080 --> 00:21:41,280 Speaker 1: go back to a folder. Yeah, these times I'll just 364 00:21:41,320 --> 00:21:44,000 Speaker 1: do a hook and lead a verse open and then 365 00:21:44,040 --> 00:21:45,840 Speaker 1: put it in the acount folder and then go back 366 00:21:45,840 --> 00:21:47,639 Speaker 1: to it probably like three months later, and then put 367 00:21:47,680 --> 00:21:51,040 Speaker 1: it verse only and then they come out fired. So mean, 368 00:21:51,200 --> 00:21:53,320 Speaker 1: just like a little work process that I got seven 369 00:21:53,359 --> 00:21:57,280 Speaker 1: hundred songs. That is a lot, man, And your track 370 00:21:57,359 --> 00:22:00,240 Speaker 1: whispers in my head. You say the voices in your head, 371 00:22:00,280 --> 00:22:03,080 Speaker 1: maybe the demons. I think we all have inner critics. 372 00:22:03,640 --> 00:22:05,800 Speaker 1: So how do you cork with the voices in your head? Well, 373 00:22:05,800 --> 00:22:08,080 Speaker 1: we all got a demon that we fight. My dealers 374 00:22:08,080 --> 00:22:10,199 Speaker 1: really get the streets and stuff and choose the room. 375 00:22:10,240 --> 00:22:12,359 Speaker 1: Bet we were right, because you could want to do 376 00:22:12,400 --> 00:22:15,800 Speaker 1: it right and the only thing is for you to 377 00:22:15,840 --> 00:22:17,760 Speaker 1: go home. I got a lot. A lot of people 378 00:22:18,080 --> 00:22:20,360 Speaker 1: don't really talk about it like that, but I don't 379 00:22:20,359 --> 00:22:23,560 Speaker 1: really care though, but I do it anxiety too. Sometimes 380 00:22:23,600 --> 00:22:25,439 Speaker 1: I gotta be a move like I gotta shake my 381 00:22:25,560 --> 00:22:27,080 Speaker 1: leg or something like that when I go to sleep. 382 00:22:27,119 --> 00:22:28,960 Speaker 1: Me for me, because I didn't been through mad ship 383 00:22:29,000 --> 00:22:31,720 Speaker 1: for me, took him out, get shot at like you 384 00:22:31,760 --> 00:22:34,920 Speaker 1: should like that's gonna through crazy ship for me? Voches 385 00:22:34,960 --> 00:22:37,000 Speaker 1: in my head. I did that like at a crazy time. 386 00:22:37,080 --> 00:22:38,720 Speaker 1: That's why I couldn't make it out because I really 387 00:22:38,720 --> 00:22:41,240 Speaker 1: wanted to get out the log. It's like, damn, I'm 388 00:22:41,280 --> 00:22:44,640 Speaker 1: tired of that ship. Last question, what do you want 389 00:22:44,680 --> 00:22:47,200 Speaker 1: your legacy to be a legacy to day? I want 390 00:22:47,200 --> 00:22:50,560 Speaker 1: to be don't one that people think about and be 391 00:22:50,680 --> 00:22:54,000 Speaker 1: like he really stood on his ground, he really knew 392 00:22:54,000 --> 00:22:56,680 Speaker 1: what he wanted to do and did it and put 393 00:22:57,600 --> 00:23:00,359 Speaker 1: that before anything. He really put a hunt sending the 394 00:23:00,400 --> 00:23:06,080 Speaker 1: way he did and change the atmosphere around this music ship. 395 00:23:06,160 --> 00:23:10,720 Speaker 1: Like anybody, not even music, just life period like that. 396 00:23:10,840 --> 00:23:13,280 Speaker 1: Anybody feel like they could do something, just put a 397 00:23:13,680 --> 00:23:17,800 Speaker 1: percent into it and do it. All of adversities, all 398 00:23:17,840 --> 00:23:21,359 Speaker 1: the obstacles and all of that. For me, just stick 399 00:23:21,440 --> 00:23:23,159 Speaker 1: through it, like if that's really what you want to do, 400 00:23:23,280 --> 00:23:27,280 Speaker 1: give it your heart and whatever achievements that come out 401 00:23:27,280 --> 00:23:30,600 Speaker 1: of that. For me, that's just yellow Wolf for staying 402 00:23:30,640 --> 00:23:33,040 Speaker 1: loyal to what you were, laev In, staying with what 403 00:23:33,080 --> 00:23:34,760 Speaker 1: you're staying on. That's what I want people to give 404 00:23:34,840 --> 00:23:37,480 Speaker 1: me for Like yo, Now it was our interview and 405 00:23:37,680 --> 00:23:40,359 Speaker 1: Mazeo has blessed us with a fresh track to break 406 00:23:40,400 --> 00:23:42,800 Speaker 1: for you right here on here it comes to break 407 00:23:43,359 --> 00:23:46,520 Speaker 1: as always. You know the drill that's coming right up. 408 00:23:46,840 --> 00:23:49,320 Speaker 1: This is mask On time to get your listening on 409 00:23:49,680 --> 00:23:57,440 Speaker 1: and now an exclusive track from Mazio guns here we 410 00:23:57,480 --> 00:24:13,640 Speaker 1: are my secual. No, he don't so alone. I'm sorry. 411 00:24:13,840 --> 00:24:18,760 Speaker 1: I touch on me and kiss on you. I got 412 00:24:18,800 --> 00:24:23,120 Speaker 1: some things that we can do and sweet you so alone, 413 00:24:23,119 --> 00:24:28,000 Speaker 1: I'm slily kiss on me. I'm gonna touch on you. 414 00:24:28,600 --> 00:24:31,600 Speaker 1: I got something, then we can do it. Sneak you 415 00:24:32,359 --> 00:24:35,200 Speaker 1: doing new things and go skirts girt. I mean you know, 416 00:24:35,359 --> 00:24:37,479 Speaker 1: but she know to make it work work, I mean 417 00:24:37,600 --> 00:24:40,520 Speaker 1: head it off from picking up there and don't normal 418 00:24:40,680 --> 00:24:43,879 Speaker 1: up back on my up bergain. I can't bearing open bridges. 419 00:24:43,920 --> 00:24:47,960 Speaker 1: I'm curving. I still shooting mental like a turban and 420 00:24:48,200 --> 00:24:51,520 Speaker 1: on the parkway swerving and didn't got a bed and 421 00:24:51,600 --> 00:24:57,800 Speaker 1: it's worth so alone, Mama. Sorry, I touch on me, 422 00:24:58,280 --> 00:25:01,600 Speaker 1: kiss on you, talk to some things that we can do, 423 00:25:01,880 --> 00:25:08,000 Speaker 1: and sneak you so long. I'm sorry, Just soon me, 424 00:25:08,200 --> 00:25:11,240 Speaker 1: I'm gonna touch on you. I've got something there. We 425 00:25:11,480 --> 00:25:15,399 Speaker 1: can do it me because that's gotta coming back like 426 00:25:15,520 --> 00:25:17,840 Speaker 1: I add it. I don't, mama, never been in love 427 00:25:17,920 --> 00:25:21,280 Speaker 1: with the says you know you're only going over the baggage. 428 00:25:21,440 --> 00:25:24,200 Speaker 1: All these other kisses on my phone, bringing baggage because 429 00:25:24,240 --> 00:25:26,440 Speaker 1: in near don't know when she wore for the fashion 430 00:25:26,640 --> 00:25:28,960 Speaker 1: anything she want o, Mamma know she can't have it. 431 00:25:29,280 --> 00:25:31,160 Speaker 1: And nice jetty to me, you don't know when she's 432 00:25:31,200 --> 00:25:33,960 Speaker 1: passing and she'll patting on the loation he got me 433 00:25:34,000 --> 00:25:38,240 Speaker 1: in my song to me not to the sordy. I 434 00:25:38,320 --> 00:25:41,879 Speaker 1: touch on me ps soon you pok got some things 435 00:25:41,920 --> 00:25:46,560 Speaker 1: that we can do with meat and so along. I'm sorry, 436 00:25:48,600 --> 00:25:51,680 Speaker 1: it's so me. I'm gonna touch on you. I got 437 00:25:51,680 --> 00:26:17,600 Speaker 1: something there we can do it. Sneak you Here Comes 438 00:26:17,600 --> 00:26:20,080 Speaker 1: to Break is produced by Double Elvis and partnership with 439 00:26:20,119 --> 00:26:23,800 Speaker 1: I Heart Radio Executive produced by Deaf Jam Recordings Executive 440 00:26:23,840 --> 00:26:27,159 Speaker 1: produced by and starring Asanti Black Is Ruben, Produced by 441 00:26:27,240 --> 00:26:31,760 Speaker 1: Danielle Perkins who plays Janelle, Bobby cs is Marco, Christopher V. 442 00:26:31,960 --> 00:26:35,600 Speaker 1: Edwards as Dad, Raymie Cornell is Mom, and Taylor Bettenson. 443 00:26:35,800 --> 00:26:39,040 Speaker 1: Written by Taylor Bettenson and the Kia Hill Artist Interviews 444 00:26:39,040 --> 00:26:43,320 Speaker 1: conducted by Nikia Hill, directed by Christopher V. Edwards, mixed 445 00:26:43,359 --> 00:26:46,359 Speaker 1: and edited by Matt Ta Hainey. Sound recording by Colin 446 00:26:46,400 --> 00:26:50,720 Speaker 1: Fleming Music Elements and production by Ryan's Breaker. Additional production 447 00:26:50,720 --> 00:26:54,359 Speaker 1: support by Jamie Demons. Executive produced by Jake Brennan and 448 00:26:54,400 --> 00:26:58,560 Speaker 1: Grady Sadler for Double Elvis. Special thanks to Oren Rosenbaum, 449 00:26:58,560 --> 00:27:03,240 Speaker 1: Shelby Shankman, say Aaron Kaine and Jordan Guerilla, United Talent Agency, 450 00:27:03,480 --> 00:27:07,920 Speaker 1: Beck Comedian Marketing, Barack Muffett and Universal Music Group, Rich Isaacson, 451 00:27:08,200 --> 00:27:13,479 Speaker 1: lind Gonzalez, Charlene Thomas, Marissa Pizarro Gabriel to Serrierio, Jessica 452 00:27:13,600 --> 00:27:17,720 Speaker 1: Manarino and Narya Fleming at deaf Jam Recordings and Conald Burn, 453 00:27:18,040 --> 00:27:21,840 Speaker 1: Carrie Lieberman, Will Pearson, Noel Brown and the entire I 454 00:27:21,920 --> 00:27:24,760 Speaker 1: Heeart Media team to hear bonus content, meet the cast, 455 00:27:24,880 --> 00:27:26,800 Speaker 1: and go behind the scenes of Here It Comes to Break. 456 00:27:26,960 --> 00:27:29,919 Speaker 1: Follow with double Elvis on Instagram or visit double elvis 457 00:27:29,960 --> 00:27:54,360 Speaker 1: dot com.