1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:16,400 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:16,440 --> 00:00:24,000 Speaker 1: to say hello to Amirah, Selma and Camelia, Hello to Maddie, 3 00:00:24,400 --> 00:00:30,720 Speaker 1: Kiara and Athena, and hello to Anika, who is four. 4 00:00:32,840 --> 00:00:43,320 Speaker 1: Thank you so much for supporting us. In the last 5 00:00:43,400 --> 00:00:47,320 Speaker 1: chapter we read, Susan was in the city center and 6 00:00:47,400 --> 00:00:51,640 Speaker 1: the council was listening to Tucker explain why he brought 7 00:00:51,640 --> 00:00:56,800 Speaker 1: her to cat City. When Tucker said the word rats, 8 00:00:57,480 --> 00:01:04,240 Speaker 1: the silence was broken and the crowd went wild. In 9 00:01:04,319 --> 00:01:08,039 Speaker 1: this chapter, we find out what happened with Tucker when 10 00:01:08,080 --> 00:01:11,440 Speaker 1: they entered city center and Susan went to see the 11 00:01:11,480 --> 00:01:16,800 Speaker 1: council with his mom. Tucker thinks back about the reaction 12 00:01:16,959 --> 00:01:22,000 Speaker 1: that councilor Kai had when he mentioned the rats. Kai 13 00:01:22,160 --> 00:01:43,959 Speaker 1: had seen them before. Why hasn't anything been done? Chapter seven? 14 00:01:47,319 --> 00:01:50,280 Speaker 1: Tucker thought he was ready for anything when he entered 15 00:01:50,280 --> 00:01:56,640 Speaker 1: the square. He was wrong. The last thing he expected 16 00:01:56,760 --> 00:01:59,600 Speaker 1: was to be taken hostage by a group of guards 17 00:01:59,800 --> 00:02:02,960 Speaker 1: and and whisked off to the side without the chance 18 00:02:03,040 --> 00:02:09,320 Speaker 1: to tell Susan what was happening. Tucker's attempts to escape 19 00:02:09,360 --> 00:02:12,800 Speaker 1: were immediately shut down by the largest of the guards, 20 00:02:13,120 --> 00:02:15,880 Speaker 1: who grabbed him harshly, by the scruff of the neck. 21 00:02:18,280 --> 00:02:22,200 Speaker 1: You'll be staying out of this mess you made, boy, Harold, 22 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:26,280 Speaker 1: the leader of Tucker's least favorite gang of guards, said, 23 00:02:26,320 --> 00:02:32,320 Speaker 1: harshly round a mouthful of Tucker's fur. He was horrified. 24 00:02:32,440 --> 00:02:35,760 Speaker 1: It was Harold and his crew appointed to escort Susan 25 00:02:35,800 --> 00:02:41,760 Speaker 1: to the square. The other guards all hissed at Tucker, 26 00:02:41,840 --> 00:02:44,880 Speaker 1: who sagged for a moment in the strong grip of 27 00:02:44,919 --> 00:02:50,800 Speaker 1: his captor. They were obviously angry. He recruited Vinnie to 28 00:02:50,919 --> 00:02:54,920 Speaker 1: dismiss them, and knew if they had a chance, they 29 00:02:54,960 --> 00:02:57,840 Speaker 1: would take him somewhere private where they could show him 30 00:02:58,040 --> 00:03:04,360 Speaker 1: just how upset they were. But Tucker wasn't thinking of himself. 31 00:03:05,600 --> 00:03:09,120 Speaker 1: In fact, for the first time in a long time, 32 00:03:09,560 --> 00:03:14,720 Speaker 1: he was far more concerned with someone else's welfare. He 33 00:03:14,800 --> 00:03:17,000 Speaker 1: always had Vinnie to look out for him when the 34 00:03:17,080 --> 00:03:21,399 Speaker 1: pure bred bullies came calling, but Susan had no one 35 00:03:22,720 --> 00:03:26,240 Speaker 1: he needed to be with her. None of this was 36 00:03:26,320 --> 00:03:32,320 Speaker 1: her fault. Tucker's heart pounded with anxiety as he managed 37 00:03:32,320 --> 00:03:37,720 Speaker 1: to wriggle slightly sideways in Harold's strong grip, winning himself 38 00:03:37,760 --> 00:03:41,880 Speaker 1: a clear, if slim view of the center of the square. 39 00:03:41,960 --> 00:03:48,760 Speaker 1: Between one guard and a stone pillar. He watched Susan 40 00:03:48,840 --> 00:03:52,800 Speaker 1: being led to the pedestal, saw Vinnie sit and let 41 00:03:52,840 --> 00:03:57,480 Speaker 1: her continue on alone. Knowing his friend already did way 42 00:03:57,520 --> 00:04:03,280 Speaker 1: more than he was supposed to do keep Susan's safe, 43 00:04:03,440 --> 00:04:06,760 Speaker 1: Tucker held out little hope as the counselors leaped up 44 00:04:07,120 --> 00:04:10,720 Speaker 1: and took their places, that his mother would do much 45 00:04:10,800 --> 00:04:18,320 Speaker 1: to defend his human friend. When the gong sounded, Tucker tensed, 46 00:04:18,960 --> 00:04:23,440 Speaker 1: gathering his strength. He knew if he was going to 47 00:04:23,520 --> 00:04:26,320 Speaker 1: break free of the guards, he would have to do 48 00:04:26,400 --> 00:04:31,880 Speaker 1: it in his first attempt. He held still, waiting for 49 00:04:32,000 --> 00:04:35,480 Speaker 1: the right moment, determined to tell what he had been 50 00:04:35,520 --> 00:04:41,760 Speaker 1: asked to keep to himself. Tucker was still shocked by 51 00:04:41,839 --> 00:04:48,280 Speaker 1: Kay's reaction the night before, You've seen the rats? Tucker 52 00:04:48,320 --> 00:04:52,679 Speaker 1: had stared open mouthed at the counselor for a long time, 53 00:04:53,520 --> 00:04:59,800 Speaker 1: unable to speak any further. I have Kai had said, 54 00:05:00,080 --> 00:05:04,839 Speaker 1: much more calmly than Tucker was feeling. He finally found 55 00:05:04,880 --> 00:05:11,599 Speaker 1: his voice again. If you've seen them, Tucker said, why 56 00:05:11,640 --> 00:05:17,039 Speaker 1: hasn't anyone done anything about it? Kai slowly blinked his 57 00:05:17,240 --> 00:05:23,680 Speaker 1: huge golden eyes. Why do you think nothing is being done? 58 00:05:23,880 --> 00:05:30,800 Speaker 1: He asked his own question. Tucker was embarrassed. Of course, 59 00:05:30,839 --> 00:05:35,320 Speaker 1: the council were planning something. Oh that's a big relief, 60 00:05:35,400 --> 00:05:39,359 Speaker 1: Tucker said, feeling the most optimistic he had since he 61 00:05:39,480 --> 00:05:43,160 Speaker 1: discovered the first rat two and a half weeks earlier. 62 00:05:44,920 --> 00:05:47,039 Speaker 1: I didn't know who to tell, and no one wanted 63 00:05:47,080 --> 00:05:50,680 Speaker 1: to listen to me, because because of your half blood, 64 00:05:51,600 --> 00:06:01,040 Speaker 1: Kai said softly, exactly, Tucker said. Kai moved closer, large ears, 65 00:06:01,080 --> 00:06:06,880 Speaker 1: sharply forward. This is very important, the counselor said to Tucker, 66 00:06:07,839 --> 00:06:11,640 Speaker 1: I need to know who you told, or tried to tell. 67 00:06:13,800 --> 00:06:18,479 Speaker 1: Tucker shook his head in disgust. No one, none of 68 00:06:18,520 --> 00:06:21,880 Speaker 1: them would even give me a moment to talk, not 69 00:06:22,080 --> 00:06:27,599 Speaker 1: even the gate Captain. Tucker hadn't as yet gotten over 70 00:06:27,680 --> 00:06:32,839 Speaker 1: that particular disappointment. He always trusted the judgment of the 71 00:06:33,000 --> 00:06:39,200 Speaker 1: large silver tabby with the gruff manner and big heart monster, 72 00:06:39,720 --> 00:06:42,680 Speaker 1: Tucker thought was the closest friend he had in the 73 00:06:42,760 --> 00:06:46,920 Speaker 1: gate keeper's ranks, and even he brushed off Tucker's warning, 74 00:06:49,839 --> 00:06:54,080 Speaker 1: Kai seemed to relax a little just as well, He said, 75 00:06:54,279 --> 00:06:58,240 Speaker 1: the fewer who know, the better, at least for the moment. 76 00:07:00,240 --> 00:07:04,479 Speaker 1: What is the council planning to do, Tucker asked, not 77 00:07:04,640 --> 00:07:10,920 Speaker 1: the council, Kai said, me and a few others. Tucker 78 00:07:11,080 --> 00:07:18,400 Speaker 1: was shocked. But they need to know, do they, Kai 79 00:07:18,560 --> 00:07:23,320 Speaker 1: shook his head, whiskers twitching. Do you honestly think they 80 00:07:23,360 --> 00:07:29,960 Speaker 1: will do anything? Even believe at Tucker? They will spend 81 00:07:30,200 --> 00:07:34,200 Speaker 1: hours and hours debating the truth of it, while the 82 00:07:34,280 --> 00:07:38,680 Speaker 1: rats get closer and closer, and will do nothing until 83 00:07:38,720 --> 00:07:44,080 Speaker 1: it is too late. Tucker couldn't help but agree. The 84 00:07:44,120 --> 00:07:49,120 Speaker 1: council was notorious for doing nothing. Still, he thought, they 85 00:07:49,200 --> 00:07:54,200 Speaker 1: deserve to know. This is too big. I need you 86 00:07:54,280 --> 00:07:57,960 Speaker 1: to promise me you will keep this to yourself, Kai 87 00:07:58,080 --> 00:08:03,400 Speaker 1: said to Tucker, for the good of the city. For 88 00:08:03,440 --> 00:08:11,040 Speaker 1: the first time ever, Tucker found himself doubting. Kai. I 89 00:08:11,080 --> 00:08:17,400 Speaker 1: can't do that, counselor, Tucker said, softly, but firmly. Kai 90 00:08:17,680 --> 00:08:23,480 Speaker 1: was silent for a moment. I can't change your mind. 91 00:08:23,520 --> 00:08:29,080 Speaker 1: Then I'm sorry, No, Tucker said, they need to know, 92 00:08:29,240 --> 00:08:33,440 Speaker 1: no matter what, not only to help the city, but 93 00:08:33,559 --> 00:08:37,160 Speaker 1: so they know why I had to help Susan. Her 94 00:08:37,200 --> 00:08:41,280 Speaker 1: safety is at risk because of the rats. I trust 95 00:08:41,320 --> 00:08:45,880 Speaker 1: you're doing what you can, he added, hastily, realizing how 96 00:08:45,920 --> 00:08:48,960 Speaker 1: close he was to losing the only real friend he 97 00:08:49,120 --> 00:08:53,560 Speaker 1: had on the council. But if you fail, the others 98 00:08:53,679 --> 00:08:56,319 Speaker 1: have to be prepared to pick up where you left off. 99 00:08:59,040 --> 00:09:04,800 Speaker 1: Kai nodded very well, he said. He stared at Tucker 100 00:09:04,920 --> 00:09:09,040 Speaker 1: for another long moment, so long that Tucker began to 101 00:09:09,120 --> 00:09:15,800 Speaker 1: feel uncomfortable and actually blinked himself. You have a good heart, 102 00:09:15,800 --> 00:09:21,600 Speaker 1: my boy, Kai said. Finally, I wish if only the 103 00:09:21,720 --> 00:09:27,800 Speaker 1: situation were different. Tucker tried not to be bitter. He 104 00:09:27,880 --> 00:09:32,920 Speaker 1: knew his parents decisions limited his choices. Thank you, sir, 105 00:09:33,640 --> 00:09:37,960 Speaker 1: Tucker said, And now it seemed it didn't matter what 106 00:09:38,120 --> 00:09:42,800 Speaker 1: Tucker wanted. Thanks to the council's orders. He was being 107 00:09:42,920 --> 00:09:46,480 Speaker 1: kept from telling them what they needed to know, and 108 00:09:46,679 --> 00:09:53,120 Speaker 1: Kai was getting his wish after all, not if I 109 00:09:53,240 --> 00:09:58,120 Speaker 1: can help it, thought Tucker. He listened as the counselor's 110 00:09:58,200 --> 00:10:05,520 Speaker 1: demanded answers. Albert spoke, his voice carrying perfectly, as we 111 00:10:05,640 --> 00:10:11,400 Speaker 1: are all now aware. There was an event yesterday. There 112 00:10:11,480 --> 00:10:15,280 Speaker 1: was an event because the half Blood's gone nuts, one 113 00:10:15,320 --> 00:10:20,080 Speaker 1: of the guards said. The others laughed. Tucker tried not 114 00:10:20,240 --> 00:10:23,400 Speaker 1: to listen, focusing on the grip on the back of 115 00:10:23,440 --> 00:10:27,280 Speaker 1: his neck. Had he felt Harold's teeth loosen? Just a 116 00:10:27,320 --> 00:10:32,800 Speaker 1: little bit. We will hear now from the one responsible 117 00:10:32,880 --> 00:10:38,120 Speaker 1: for the perpetrator. Tucker heard from the square. He held 118 00:10:38,160 --> 00:10:43,120 Speaker 1: his breath, hoping Cynthia wouldn't just toss Susan to the crowd. 119 00:10:43,200 --> 00:10:47,920 Speaker 1: Because of her anger and ambition, Tucker knew she craved 120 00:10:47,920 --> 00:10:51,600 Speaker 1: a seat on the council, and also knew his existence 121 00:10:51,880 --> 00:10:55,680 Speaker 1: and her marriage to his common father held her back. 122 00:10:57,080 --> 00:11:00,000 Speaker 1: He wondered most of his life if she resented him 123 00:10:59,880 --> 00:11:07,200 Speaker 1: for that. I realize how troubling this is, Cynthia was saying, 124 00:11:07,400 --> 00:11:13,000 Speaker 1: but it was unavoidable, and because of Tucker's actions, the 125 00:11:13,120 --> 00:11:20,000 Speaker 1: girl is safe and sound. His mother was actually defending him. 126 00:11:20,520 --> 00:11:24,200 Speaker 1: Tucker wasn't sure if he was happy or not. What 127 00:11:24,360 --> 00:11:30,160 Speaker 1: defense would she use, and would it help Susan? And 128 00:11:30,320 --> 00:11:33,960 Speaker 1: why exactly was this child in danger in the first place. 129 00:11:34,920 --> 00:11:41,280 Speaker 1: Miku's voice was unmistakable. Tucker tried not to flinch. The 130 00:11:41,280 --> 00:11:45,480 Speaker 1: Siamese pair was notorious for their cruelty to those they 131 00:11:45,520 --> 00:11:50,600 Speaker 1: thought guilty, whether they were or not. She went into 132 00:11:50,640 --> 00:11:56,959 Speaker 1: the forest, Cynthia said, and found the grove all by herself. 133 00:11:59,160 --> 00:12:03,240 Speaker 1: Tucker recognized his aunt Tabitha's voice and knew how much 134 00:12:03,280 --> 00:12:07,520 Speaker 1: pleasure the golden Persian was getting from his mother's discomfort. 135 00:12:08,679 --> 00:12:12,400 Speaker 1: There was no love lost there since they were kittens together, 136 00:12:13,000 --> 00:12:17,360 Speaker 1: and Tabitha took every chance she had to torture Cynthia 137 00:12:17,440 --> 00:12:22,920 Speaker 1: about her choice of husband. This time, when the crowd 138 00:12:23,040 --> 00:12:27,839 Speaker 1: yowled and growled, Tucker felt the guard's teeth loosen in response. 139 00:12:29,400 --> 00:12:36,120 Speaker 1: Knowing he had only one chance, Tucker prepared to take it. Indeed, 140 00:12:36,920 --> 00:12:43,680 Speaker 1: Albert said, do you have an explanation, Cynthia. As Albert finished, 141 00:12:43,880 --> 00:12:48,400 Speaker 1: Tucker felt Harold loosen one last little bit, and in 142 00:12:48,440 --> 00:12:55,040 Speaker 1: a flash he acted. Tucker twisted sideways, sharply, rolling over 143 00:12:55,120 --> 00:12:59,720 Speaker 1: on his side. Breaking free of Harold's grip, he rolled 144 00:12:59,720 --> 00:13:02,320 Speaker 1: for between one of the other guards in the stone 145 00:13:02,360 --> 00:13:07,760 Speaker 1: post he had been watching from. As Harold yowled, Tucker 146 00:13:07,840 --> 00:13:10,640 Speaker 1: leaped through the gap, not before a set of claws 147 00:13:10,679 --> 00:13:14,679 Speaker 1: locked on his tail. He couldn't help the cry that 148 00:13:14,880 --> 00:13:19,280 Speaker 1: escaped as he tore his tail free and raced to 149 00:13:19,400 --> 00:13:26,280 Speaker 1: Susan's side. I would speak to the council. Tucker's heart 150 00:13:26,400 --> 00:13:29,920 Speaker 1: raced as he landed beside his friend, Struggling to catch 151 00:13:29,920 --> 00:13:34,320 Speaker 1: his breath. He knew they could still silence him if 152 00:13:34,360 --> 00:13:37,520 Speaker 1: they chose to but hoped the council would try to 153 00:13:37,720 --> 00:13:41,720 Speaker 1: humiliate him instead giving him the time he needed to 154 00:13:41,800 --> 00:13:48,160 Speaker 1: tell them about the rats. Tucker ignored the fury in 155 00:13:48,200 --> 00:13:51,880 Speaker 1: his mother's eyes as she spun on him. She could 156 00:13:51,880 --> 00:13:56,600 Speaker 1: be angry with him later. This was too important and 157 00:13:56,800 --> 00:14:02,000 Speaker 1: he was doing what he was told. Tucker was shocked 158 00:14:02,000 --> 00:14:08,040 Speaker 1: when his gambol paid off very well. Albert said, we 159 00:14:08,120 --> 00:14:14,320 Speaker 1: will hear from Tucker, son of Cynthia, Relief flooding him. 160 00:14:14,520 --> 00:14:20,520 Speaker 1: Tucker tried to stay focused. Thank you, Tucker said. He 161 00:14:20,600 --> 00:14:24,160 Speaker 1: knew he couldn't show any affection to Susan in that moment, 162 00:14:24,760 --> 00:14:28,760 Speaker 1: for fear they wouldn't listen, but couldn't leave her feeling 163 00:14:28,840 --> 00:14:34,240 Speaker 1: so alone. Looking up at her, at the tear stains 164 00:14:34,280 --> 00:14:37,480 Speaker 1: on her face and the plain fear in her eyes, 165 00:14:38,120 --> 00:14:40,880 Speaker 1: his heart went out to his human friend and he 166 00:14:40,960 --> 00:14:48,160 Speaker 1: reached out, placing one paw on her foot. This is Susan, 167 00:14:48,840 --> 00:14:56,200 Speaker 1: Tucker said, then waited. He knew how important his information was. 168 00:14:56,920 --> 00:15:02,720 Speaker 1: He wanted them to understand. When silence fell again, he 169 00:15:02,800 --> 00:15:07,840 Speaker 1: went on Susan and her parents, as you know, just 170 00:15:07,960 --> 00:15:18,840 Speaker 1: moved into the house above. Yes, Tucker, Albert said, continue, Tucker, afraid, 171 00:15:18,920 --> 00:15:22,800 Speaker 1: but knowing they needed the full truth, confessed his crime. 172 00:15:23,960 --> 00:15:26,440 Speaker 1: I have been living with them for two weeks now. 173 00:15:28,520 --> 00:15:31,760 Speaker 1: The reaction was understandable, and he tried not to reach 174 00:15:31,800 --> 00:15:35,280 Speaker 1: out to Susan in sympathy as he watched her clamp 175 00:15:35,280 --> 00:15:40,360 Speaker 1: her hands over her ears, making a face. He waited 176 00:15:41,640 --> 00:15:47,400 Speaker 1: and waited. Finally, the orderly in charge ran back up 177 00:15:47,440 --> 00:15:51,640 Speaker 1: the stairs and rang the gong for silence. Tucker was 178 00:15:51,800 --> 00:15:55,440 Speaker 1: trembling and hoped no one knew it. He did his 179 00:15:55,560 --> 00:16:02,320 Speaker 1: best to stay calm. Tucker, son of Cynthia, you have 180 00:16:02,480 --> 00:16:08,480 Speaker 1: broken one of our most important rules. Albert was visibly upset, 181 00:16:09,120 --> 00:16:13,160 Speaker 1: his fur standing on end tail twitching. We are not 182 00:16:13,440 --> 00:16:17,880 Speaker 1: common cats to be playthings of the humans. What possessed 183 00:16:17,920 --> 00:16:23,080 Speaker 1: you to do such a thing? This was it? Tucker 184 00:16:23,120 --> 00:16:29,360 Speaker 1: didn't hesitate to keep Susan safe, he said, from what? 185 00:16:29,680 --> 00:16:35,280 Speaker 1: Dear boy? Tabitha asked what threat could possibly make exposing 186 00:16:35,360 --> 00:16:41,920 Speaker 1: us to humans again worth it? Only one thing? Tucker 187 00:16:41,960 --> 00:16:47,560 Speaker 1: told them. He knew they were listening, knew they might 188 00:16:47,680 --> 00:16:52,040 Speaker 1: hear him at last. Belief might be a little longer coming, 189 00:16:52,080 --> 00:16:55,400 Speaker 1: he thought, but hopefully in time to save them all. 190 00:16:57,080 --> 00:17:01,880 Speaker 1: And that is I stared at him with his large 191 00:17:01,880 --> 00:17:06,560 Speaker 1: golden eyes, and for a moment, Tucker wondered if he 192 00:17:06,800 --> 00:17:11,360 Speaker 1: was really doing the right thing, but he shook off 193 00:17:11,400 --> 00:17:16,240 Speaker 1: any doubt and took a deep breath. Rats, Tucker said, 194 00:17:17,920 --> 00:17:23,359 Speaker 1: Kai finally blinked slowly once as the silent crowd of 195 00:17:23,520 --> 00:17:31,080 Speaker 1: casts burst into sound. Tucker the Truth finally out looked 196 00:17:31,160 --> 00:17:33,560 Speaker 1: up at his human friend and tried to keep the 197 00:17:33,600 --> 00:17:37,040 Speaker 1: fear of what would come next from her, But, knowing 198 00:17:37,119 --> 00:17:41,120 Speaker 1: the danger they all faced from their old enemy, wasn't 199 00:17:41,160 --> 00:17:43,800 Speaker 1: sure if it was fair that she had no idea 200 00:17:44,480 --> 00:17:49,720 Speaker 1: how much danger they were in. The Rats were back 201 00:17:50,800 --> 00:18:05,600 Speaker 1: and kat City was their target. Good Night, sleep Tight,