1 00:00:08,720 --> 00:00:14,480 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,520 --> 00:00:19,360 Speaker 1: to say hello to Bonnie Rose, Hello to Josephine Kerr. 3 00:00:20,640 --> 00:00:24,239 Speaker 1: Hello to Eli who is turning eight and Simon who 4 00:00:24,320 --> 00:00:32,240 Speaker 1: is turning four. Hello to Claire in Macolito, Washington. Hello 5 00:00:32,280 --> 00:00:36,760 Speaker 1: to Elena Delgado and her friends from Ida Nason, Roonica 6 00:00:36,760 --> 00:00:40,720 Speaker 1: Elementary School that will be traveling to fifth grade camp 7 00:00:40,800 --> 00:00:45,320 Speaker 1: on Wednesday, May third, to fifth Mom, dad and sister 8 00:00:45,440 --> 00:00:48,440 Speaker 1: Eva Luna love you and wish you an amazing time 9 00:00:48,520 --> 00:00:57,960 Speaker 1: at camp. And Hello to Margaret from Arlington, Virginia. Happy 10 00:00:58,000 --> 00:01:02,360 Speaker 1: belated birthday to August who turned six on April ninth. 11 00:01:03,880 --> 00:01:08,240 Speaker 1: Happy belated birthday to Lily from Nelson, British Columbia who 12 00:01:08,319 --> 00:01:15,080 Speaker 1: turned nine on April eleventh. Happy belated birthday to Laana 13 00:01:15,160 --> 00:01:21,600 Speaker 1: who turned ten on April seventeenth. Happy belated birthday to 14 00:01:21,720 --> 00:01:27,119 Speaker 1: Wyatt in Macalito, Washington who turned eight on April twenty six. 15 00:01:29,800 --> 00:01:33,560 Speaker 1: Happy belated birthday to Eli who turned eight on April 16 00:01:33,600 --> 00:01:39,080 Speaker 1: twenty six. Happy belated birthday to Natalia from Royal Oak, 17 00:01:39,200 --> 00:01:46,480 Speaker 1: Michigan who turned nine on April twenty sixth. Happy birthday 18 00:01:46,520 --> 00:01:50,880 Speaker 1: to Georgia from Melbourne, Australia. Who is turning four on 19 00:01:51,000 --> 00:01:54,600 Speaker 1: May one and is looking forward to celebrating with her 20 00:01:54,640 --> 00:02:02,040 Speaker 1: big sister Alah. Happy birthday to Luca from Birkhamsted, UK, 21 00:02:02,480 --> 00:02:09,680 Speaker 1: who is turning six on May second. Happy first birthday 22 00:02:09,720 --> 00:02:15,000 Speaker 1: to Diego from Lovesby, Maryland. Mommy, Daddy and Chris love you. 23 00:02:17,840 --> 00:02:21,200 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Arthur B who is turning six on 24 00:02:21,360 --> 00:02:27,800 Speaker 1: May second. Happy birthday to Simon, who is turning four 25 00:02:28,040 --> 00:02:35,400 Speaker 1: on May third. Happy birthday to Aarham Khalili who is 26 00:02:35,440 --> 00:02:42,440 Speaker 1: turning nine on May third. Happy birthday to Ava Lee 27 00:02:42,600 --> 00:02:46,720 Speaker 1: from Arizona who is turning ten on May sixth from 28 00:02:46,800 --> 00:02:53,320 Speaker 1: mom and dad. And Happy birthday to Grossa, who is 29 00:02:53,440 --> 00:02:58,040 Speaker 1: turning eight on May seventh. Happy birthday to you all. 30 00:02:58,320 --> 00:03:02,480 Speaker 1: I hope you have a wonderful day. Shout Outs and 31 00:03:02,560 --> 00:03:05,799 Speaker 1: birthday wishes are one way we give thanks to our supporters. 32 00:03:06,480 --> 00:03:08,720 Speaker 1: If you would like to support us and receive more 33 00:03:08,760 --> 00:03:13,160 Speaker 1: bedtime entertainment like this I'll add free, please visit our 34 00:03:13,200 --> 00:03:18,320 Speaker 1: support page at sleep tightstories dot org slash support Thank you. 35 00:03:28,200 --> 00:03:31,720 Speaker 1: Esther's mother has the book and is spending some time 36 00:03:31,760 --> 00:03:35,320 Speaker 1: thinking about her husband and all the memories that are 37 00:03:35,360 --> 00:03:40,560 Speaker 1: coming up. Should she keep reading the book, or should 38 00:03:40,560 --> 00:03:45,240 Speaker 1: she put it aside and go to bed. She decides 39 00:03:45,320 --> 00:03:50,640 Speaker 1: to be practical and put it aside for now. The 40 00:03:50,680 --> 00:03:55,160 Speaker 1: next morning, all of them are restless, and Esther asks 41 00:03:55,280 --> 00:04:00,000 Speaker 1: if they can't stay home and read more. They decide 42 00:04:00,200 --> 00:04:03,080 Speaker 1: to go to school, but stay up later that night 43 00:04:03,160 --> 00:04:13,160 Speaker 1: to read, as the next day is a holiday. The 44 00:04:13,240 --> 00:04:22,640 Speaker 1: Magical Book of Dreams Part ten. That night, while everyone 45 00:04:22,920 --> 00:04:26,679 Speaker 1: was asleep, Esther's mother sat in the chair in her room, 46 00:04:27,240 --> 00:04:33,440 Speaker 1: staring at the subtle glow emanating from the book. It 47 00:04:33,520 --> 00:04:37,120 Speaker 1: had been many years since Elic left her on yet 48 00:04:37,160 --> 00:04:44,640 Speaker 1: another of his many adventures to raise their kids alone. 49 00:04:44,680 --> 00:04:49,120 Speaker 1: The emotions she felt still ranged from sadness to anger, 50 00:04:49,839 --> 00:04:55,080 Speaker 1: depending on the time of day. To think that this 51 00:04:55,240 --> 00:04:59,679 Speaker 1: book might actually hold the key to his disappearance brought 52 00:04:59,720 --> 00:05:07,880 Speaker 1: forth the most foolish of emotions, hope. She decided to 53 00:05:08,000 --> 00:05:11,720 Speaker 1: not let temptation take hold and open the book for answers. 54 00:05:12,880 --> 00:05:15,880 Speaker 1: They would discover what secrets the book held. Together as 55 00:05:15,920 --> 00:05:21,080 Speaker 1: a family, it was time for sleep, and the practicality 56 00:05:21,120 --> 00:05:24,320 Speaker 1: of her life bid her to get a good night's rest. 57 00:05:25,839 --> 00:05:30,240 Speaker 1: It was always her that held the family together, and 58 00:05:30,360 --> 00:05:33,880 Speaker 1: she was not offered the luxuries of adventure or a 59 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:42,200 Speaker 1: night of reading, as was becoming a habit. Sleep had 60 00:05:42,200 --> 00:05:45,960 Speaker 1: come slowly the night before, with images of travel in 61 00:05:46,000 --> 00:05:52,680 Speaker 1: her mind. Esther just couldn't settle herself to sleep, and 62 00:05:52,760 --> 00:05:55,960 Speaker 1: when it did come, it was full of dreams of 63 00:05:56,000 --> 00:06:00,719 Speaker 1: her father a magical portal, and of Este riding on 64 00:06:00,760 --> 00:06:03,840 Speaker 1: the back of a dragon in a realm full of 65 00:06:03,920 --> 00:06:09,560 Speaker 1: color and wonder like in the books her father used 66 00:06:09,600 --> 00:06:12,479 Speaker 1: to read to her, Where Elf magic is real and 67 00:06:12,640 --> 00:06:19,040 Speaker 1: dreams come true? Will this dream come true? Will the 68 00:06:19,080 --> 00:06:22,560 Speaker 1: glow coming from the book leader to the answers she sought? 69 00:06:24,200 --> 00:06:29,880 Speaker 1: But first she had to start her day. Esther dragged 70 00:06:29,880 --> 00:06:32,719 Speaker 1: herself out of bed and called out to her little 71 00:06:32,760 --> 00:06:38,320 Speaker 1: brother to make sure he was awake. Walking into the bathroom, 72 00:06:38,839 --> 00:06:44,040 Speaker 1: it was obvious that he was. There was water everywhere. 73 00:06:45,560 --> 00:06:50,600 Speaker 1: He swam more in the basin than washed. The picture 74 00:06:50,600 --> 00:06:54,000 Speaker 1: of her father still hung near the mirror, a reminder 75 00:06:54,040 --> 00:06:58,240 Speaker 1: of times that were different. It had been so long 76 00:06:58,320 --> 00:07:01,960 Speaker 1: ago that she couldn't decide whether she was happier than 77 00:07:03,720 --> 00:07:06,480 Speaker 1: It wouldn't be fair to say yes, as her mother 78 00:07:06,560 --> 00:07:10,920 Speaker 1: had devoted herself to them, but there had been a 79 00:07:10,960 --> 00:07:14,640 Speaker 1: great loss that never seemed to be filled in his absence. 80 00:07:17,840 --> 00:07:21,280 Speaker 1: Stop dilly dallying, Esther, Your brother is going to eat 81 00:07:21,320 --> 00:07:24,280 Speaker 1: all the gooseberry jam before you even sit down at 82 00:07:24,280 --> 00:07:30,000 Speaker 1: the table, her mother called, coming, mother, Esther yelled as 83 00:07:30,000 --> 00:07:34,920 Speaker 1: she quickly finished washing up. Having jam instead of the 84 00:07:35,080 --> 00:07:39,120 Speaker 1: usual cheese with bread was a treat, and from the 85 00:07:39,160 --> 00:07:46,200 Speaker 1: smell wafting from the cooking room, there might also be eggs. 86 00:07:47,280 --> 00:07:50,160 Speaker 1: As Esther sat at the table, her mother put a 87 00:07:50,160 --> 00:07:53,880 Speaker 1: plate in front of her full of the glorious purple 88 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:58,720 Speaker 1: color that leathered duck eggs give off when cooked. She 89 00:07:58,920 --> 00:08:03,080 Speaker 1: scooped out a spoonoonful of gooseberry jam and tore off 90 00:08:03,120 --> 00:08:07,440 Speaker 1: a piece of bread before saying a word. Her lack 91 00:08:07,480 --> 00:08:12,840 Speaker 1: of sleep hadn't diminished her appetite. So what are you 92 00:08:12,920 --> 00:08:17,800 Speaker 1: working on in class today, squirt, Esther asked, Oh, you know, 93 00:08:18,320 --> 00:08:22,720 Speaker 1: the usual boring stuff. He replied with a mouthful of 94 00:08:22,760 --> 00:08:30,160 Speaker 1: egg jam and bread he was okay with mixing flavors. Well, 95 00:08:30,240 --> 00:08:33,480 Speaker 1: make sure that you apply yourself in the academic subjects. 96 00:08:34,040 --> 00:08:36,280 Speaker 1: Their mother said, as she sat at the table with 97 00:08:36,400 --> 00:08:40,480 Speaker 1: a cup of hot tea. I haven't seen any grades 98 00:08:40,520 --> 00:08:45,400 Speaker 1: from you lately. Are you doing well in all your courses? Yeah, 99 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:49,560 Speaker 1: I'm doing well enough, he said, which caused Esther to 100 00:08:49,679 --> 00:08:53,880 Speaker 1: raise her eyebrows. He had recently gotten a perfect score 101 00:08:53,920 --> 00:08:57,160 Speaker 1: on his math exam, but didn't want anyone to know 102 00:08:57,240 --> 00:09:03,960 Speaker 1: about it. The glowing page that she missed inside the 103 00:09:04,000 --> 00:09:08,439 Speaker 1: book returned to her thoughts, leading to an unusual break 104 00:09:08,480 --> 00:09:13,120 Speaker 1: in their morning decorum. What if the map leads to 105 00:09:13,160 --> 00:09:18,160 Speaker 1: where father is? What if he didn't disappear? Maybe he 106 00:09:18,280 --> 00:09:22,000 Speaker 1: needs our help. Shouldn't we stay home from school and 107 00:09:22,080 --> 00:09:27,319 Speaker 1: finish the book to find out? Esther blurted. There was 108 00:09:27,360 --> 00:09:36,320 Speaker 1: a short, uncomfortable silence before Esther's mother spoke, I understand 109 00:09:37,040 --> 00:09:40,280 Speaker 1: nightly reads may not be fast enough for you for 110 00:09:40,480 --> 00:09:45,640 Speaker 1: any of us. Still with the difficulty we have understanding 111 00:09:45,679 --> 00:09:51,000 Speaker 1: its tax and well, up until now, I didn't expect 112 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:56,120 Speaker 1: any connection to Shrewood or your father. It reads just 113 00:09:56,240 --> 00:10:00,600 Speaker 1: like an old traveler's travel journal, a story book using 114 00:10:00,640 --> 00:10:06,520 Speaker 1: old language. Now maybe it is more, Esther's mother said, 115 00:10:06,600 --> 00:10:12,880 Speaker 1: pondering out loud. Expecting her mother to take her usual 116 00:10:13,000 --> 00:10:16,880 Speaker 1: insistence on going to school, Esther was a bit surprised. 117 00:10:17,920 --> 00:10:24,079 Speaker 1: So shall we stay home then? I'm not staying home 118 00:10:24,120 --> 00:10:30,120 Speaker 1: to read some silly book, her brother interrupted, No, We 119 00:10:30,280 --> 00:10:33,960 Speaker 1: need to be patient. Let's try another night of reading. 120 00:10:35,080 --> 00:10:38,040 Speaker 1: It's a holiday tomorrow for you both, so we can 121 00:10:38,080 --> 00:10:42,640 Speaker 1: stay up later tonight. There is no guarantee that what 122 00:10:42,840 --> 00:10:45,840 Speaker 1: is in the book has anything to do with Eleric. 123 00:10:47,200 --> 00:10:51,319 Speaker 1: We've waited this long. We can wait a short time longer. 124 00:10:54,360 --> 00:10:57,959 Speaker 1: If it wasn't so difficult to read, we probably would 125 00:10:58,000 --> 00:11:01,160 Speaker 1: know by now, Esther said with a sigh as she 126 00:11:01,280 --> 00:11:05,800 Speaker 1: got up from the table. Let's go, squirt. You don't 127 00:11:05,800 --> 00:11:14,280 Speaker 1: want to be late for school Lest the headmaster get angry. Caspian, 128 00:11:14,840 --> 00:11:18,160 Speaker 1: please don't tell me you inherited your sister's pension for 129 00:11:18,280 --> 00:11:25,800 Speaker 1: daydreaming and class pay attention. Head Master Eiland said he 130 00:11:25,840 --> 00:11:30,439 Speaker 1: normally didn't find himself daydreaming, but the excitement at home 131 00:11:30,559 --> 00:11:36,080 Speaker 1: had broken his usually strict routine. Even his friends he 132 00:11:36,200 --> 00:11:39,800 Speaker 1: hung out with eating dragon candy had noticed a difference 133 00:11:39,800 --> 00:11:47,600 Speaker 1: in him. Lately. Caspian relied upon routine, getting up, going 134 00:11:47,600 --> 00:11:53,280 Speaker 1: to school, studying, hanging out with his friends, doing chores 135 00:11:53,320 --> 00:12:01,920 Speaker 1: at home, studying, and then sleeping. Now, his silly sister 136 00:12:02,480 --> 00:12:08,400 Speaker 1: and that even sillier book had disrupted everything. Why can't 137 00:12:08,400 --> 00:12:12,760 Speaker 1: she just leave the past in the past. The elders 138 00:12:12,880 --> 00:12:16,640 Speaker 1: always advise us to live in the present and prepare 139 00:12:16,760 --> 00:12:25,520 Speaker 1: for the future. Why must Esther ignore their advice? He thought, 140 00:12:25,960 --> 00:12:29,880 Speaker 1: other than stories told by mother, I don't even know Eleric. 141 00:12:30,800 --> 00:12:33,760 Speaker 1: He left shortly after I was born, so I don't 142 00:12:33,760 --> 00:12:37,480 Speaker 1: have any memory of him, and without that old picture 143 00:12:37,520 --> 00:12:40,319 Speaker 1: in the bathroom, I wouldn't know what he looked like 144 00:12:40,440 --> 00:12:45,080 Speaker 1: at all. What do you think the answer to the 145 00:12:45,160 --> 00:12:51,080 Speaker 1: problem is, head Master, Eiland boomed. The headmaster's voice brought 146 00:12:51,120 --> 00:12:54,520 Speaker 1: Caspian back to the present moment as he tried to 147 00:12:54,640 --> 00:13:03,160 Speaker 1: answer her question. With the exception of Caspian, Esther's little brother, 148 00:13:03,880 --> 00:13:08,800 Speaker 1: everyone ate dinner that night quickly. He wasn't a slow 149 00:13:08,840 --> 00:13:12,800 Speaker 1: eater and preferred to shove everything in his mouth at once, 150 00:13:13,920 --> 00:13:16,480 Speaker 1: so the fact that he was taking so much time 151 00:13:16,559 --> 00:13:22,760 Speaker 1: to finish a simple soup and bread frustrated Esther. This 152 00:13:22,880 --> 00:13:27,760 Speaker 1: caused him to drink his soup with slow and deliberate slurps, 153 00:13:27,960 --> 00:13:33,199 Speaker 1: causing Esther to get even more upset. Their mother, sensing 154 00:13:33,240 --> 00:13:38,720 Speaker 1: the rising tension, intervened, finish up, Caspian, I have something 155 00:13:38,760 --> 00:13:43,440 Speaker 1: sweet for you to eat with your hot tea. Esther's 156 00:13:43,480 --> 00:13:46,560 Speaker 1: mother knew how to convince him to do most things, 157 00:13:47,280 --> 00:13:49,800 Speaker 1: so he cleaned his bowl of soup and put his 158 00:13:49,840 --> 00:13:56,040 Speaker 1: bowl aside to be cleaned. After he sat down, Esther 159 00:13:56,200 --> 00:13:59,160 Speaker 1: took a bite of her dream drop, a sweet made 160 00:13:59,200 --> 00:14:03,160 Speaker 1: from a local that supposedly helped you have pleasant dreams, 161 00:14:04,160 --> 00:14:07,160 Speaker 1: and a big drink of her herbal tea, which had 162 00:14:07,240 --> 00:14:13,160 Speaker 1: hints of the same fruit. She opened the book to 163 00:14:13,200 --> 00:14:18,040 Speaker 1: the next page, which revealed an illustration of Avara, Selina 164 00:14:18,120 --> 00:14:22,600 Speaker 1: and Gimbal standing in what Esther assumed was the market 165 00:14:22,840 --> 00:14:28,560 Speaker 1: in the town of Knots. The following few pages featured 166 00:14:28,600 --> 00:14:34,080 Speaker 1: even more sketches, most crudely drawn, of various towns, people, 167 00:14:34,520 --> 00:14:40,720 Speaker 1: and interesting architecture. Each time Esther turned the pages, the 168 00:14:40,800 --> 00:14:46,160 Speaker 1: paper in the back glowed even brighter. Should I take 169 00:14:46,200 --> 00:14:48,600 Speaker 1: it out so we can look at it, mother, she 170 00:14:48,760 --> 00:14:53,720 Speaker 1: asked nervously. Yes, let's have a look, her mother said quietly. 171 00:14:54,840 --> 00:14:58,200 Speaker 1: Caspian just sat there with a bored look on his face. 172 00:15:00,720 --> 00:15:03,760 Speaker 1: As Esther pulled the page out from the book, its 173 00:15:03,840 --> 00:15:09,920 Speaker 1: glow grew noticeably more intense, and the room became illuminated 174 00:15:10,120 --> 00:15:14,800 Speaker 1: with a soft ethereal light that cast intricate patterns across 175 00:15:14,840 --> 00:15:19,560 Speaker 1: the walls of the room. The candle flickered like a 176 00:15:19,600 --> 00:15:25,480 Speaker 1: gentle wind had blown across its flame. As Esther unfolded 177 00:15:25,520 --> 00:15:30,640 Speaker 1: the map, the glow intensified, casting shadows across the room 178 00:15:31,400 --> 00:15:38,000 Speaker 1: and illuminating every detail of the parchment. The map is 179 00:15:38,120 --> 00:15:42,800 Speaker 1: covered in intricate designs and markings, depicting a world that 180 00:15:42,920 --> 00:15:47,840 Speaker 1: no one has seen before. Yet, it revealed no names 181 00:15:47,920 --> 00:15:52,320 Speaker 1: or details. It showed only the most general of information. 182 00:15:55,000 --> 00:16:00,920 Speaker 1: It's beautiful, but the page is blank, Esther exclaimed. It 183 00:16:01,000 --> 00:16:04,880 Speaker 1: obviously has magic of some sort. Maybe the key to 184 00:16:05,040 --> 00:16:08,320 Speaker 1: unlocking what it is supposed to show is within the 185 00:16:08,320 --> 00:16:14,320 Speaker 1: book itself. Her mother added. Esther's brother, now looking somewhat 186 00:16:14,360 --> 00:16:18,000 Speaker 1: more interested, said let's read more and see if there 187 00:16:18,080 --> 00:16:20,840 Speaker 1: is something said in the story that tells us the 188 00:16:20,840 --> 00:16:28,040 Speaker 1: map's purpose and how to unlock its secrets. Okay, Esther said, 189 00:16:28,520 --> 00:16:31,840 Speaker 1: surprised at how much sense her brother had been making lately. 190 00:16:33,120 --> 00:16:36,800 Speaker 1: I should give him more credit than I do, she thought. 191 00:16:38,120 --> 00:16:41,840 Speaker 1: Esther turned more pages until she came to text and 192 00:16:42,000 --> 00:16:49,680 Speaker 1: slowly started reading aloud. I have felt little like writing 193 00:16:49,720 --> 00:16:53,400 Speaker 1: with pen these past few days. Since leaving Selina and 194 00:16:53,440 --> 00:16:58,880 Speaker 1: Avara at the town of Knots, I've traveled a great 195 00:16:58,960 --> 00:17:03,200 Speaker 1: distance these pasts cycles mostly alone, and I am quite 196 00:17:03,240 --> 00:17:07,720 Speaker 1: accustomed to my own company, but I do miss having 197 00:17:07,760 --> 00:17:12,960 Speaker 1: them as travel companions. If fate allows, I am sure 198 00:17:13,000 --> 00:17:19,280 Speaker 1: we will see each other again. Selina gave me a 199 00:17:19,359 --> 00:17:22,680 Speaker 1: map that should lead me first to Shirewood, a town 200 00:17:22,760 --> 00:17:26,040 Speaker 1: at the very edge of the cultivated Kingdom and a 201 00:17:26,080 --> 00:17:31,639 Speaker 1: place long considered a gateway to the unknown Kingdom. I 202 00:17:31,800 --> 00:17:35,199 Speaker 1: was to meet an acquaintance there called Eleric, whom she 203 00:17:35,359 --> 00:17:39,480 Speaker 1: had met before on her travels. He held some position 204 00:17:39,600 --> 00:17:43,920 Speaker 1: with the local authorities. He had been helping wayward travelers 205 00:17:43,960 --> 00:17:51,440 Speaker 1: for many years, perhaps unbeknownst to them. Selina described him 206 00:17:51,480 --> 00:17:56,120 Speaker 1: as the adventurous type and something of a scholar. Hopefully 207 00:17:56,440 --> 00:18:01,920 Speaker 1: he will be able to provide some aid. The map 208 00:18:02,080 --> 00:18:05,800 Speaker 1: also led the way to a portal that should transport 209 00:18:05,880 --> 00:18:10,359 Speaker 1: me to my destination. What kind of wondrous magic this 210 00:18:10,520 --> 00:18:14,680 Speaker 1: portal contained that would allow for the transport between realms 211 00:18:15,359 --> 00:18:19,440 Speaker 1: I do not know. I have heard of similar magic 212 00:18:19,880 --> 00:18:23,439 Speaker 1: used by the unicorns, but nothing has been said of 213 00:18:23,480 --> 00:18:30,600 Speaker 1: such magic in my home or the mystical forest. Selina 214 00:18:30,680 --> 00:18:33,800 Speaker 1: told me the location of this portal was a long 215 00:18:34,000 --> 00:18:39,520 Speaker 1: held secret. Many assumed it was near Shirewood, which might 216 00:18:39,600 --> 00:18:45,240 Speaker 1: partly explain its popularity with travelers, but most travelers have 217 00:18:45,440 --> 00:18:50,280 Speaker 1: never found it, and instead took what has been characterized 218 00:18:50,640 --> 00:18:55,400 Speaker 1: as a very long and difficult journey through incredibly rough 219 00:18:55,520 --> 00:19:04,160 Speaker 1: terrain on foot. Unfortunately, the map had its own magic. 220 00:19:05,359 --> 00:19:08,960 Speaker 1: It would only reveal its secret by the breath of 221 00:19:09,040 --> 00:19:13,520 Speaker 1: a deserved viewer. I have been blowing on the map 222 00:19:13,600 --> 00:19:17,480 Speaker 1: for days, with nothing but dizzyness to show for it. 223 00:19:20,520 --> 00:19:24,399 Speaker 1: I have I guess a further seven cycles journey to 224 00:19:24,520 --> 00:19:28,199 Speaker 1: Shirewood if I can find a unicorn or dragon to 225 00:19:28,240 --> 00:19:32,960 Speaker 1: give me passage. By that time, I hope to figure 226 00:19:32,960 --> 00:19:39,280 Speaker 1: out what makes one worthy of it revealing its secrets. 227 00:19:40,440 --> 00:19:46,639 Speaker 1: At that moment, Esther stopped reading, further, unfolded the map, 228 00:19:47,200 --> 00:19:53,040 Speaker 1: and gently blew across its golden page, as if a 229 00:19:53,080 --> 00:19:59,440 Speaker 1: decision was being made. Nothing happened until but a few 230 00:19:59,520 --> 00:20:04,960 Speaker 1: seconds later the room was filled with a brilliant burst 231 00:20:05,160 --> 00:20:09,200 Speaker 1: of light, as if a hundred candles had suddenly been 232 00:20:09,280 --> 00:20:14,040 Speaker 1: lit all at once. The map seems to come alive, 233 00:20:14,800 --> 00:20:18,920 Speaker 1: pulsing and shimmering with a magical energy that has Esther, 234 00:20:19,480 --> 00:20:25,280 Speaker 1: her brother, and her mother transfixed on the page. As 235 00:20:25,320 --> 00:20:28,480 Speaker 1: the light fades, they see that the map is now 236 00:20:28,560 --> 00:20:33,680 Speaker 1: covered in even more intricate designs and symbols, each glowing 237 00:20:33,840 --> 00:20:39,520 Speaker 1: with a soft light. The symbols are moving and shifting, 238 00:20:40,040 --> 00:20:45,520 Speaker 1: as if alive and animated by some unknown magic. They 239 00:20:45,600 --> 00:20:52,440 Speaker 1: reveal locations and roots, all culminating into the most vivid 240 00:20:52,520 --> 00:21:04,040 Speaker 1: symbol of all, the portal to the unknown realm. And 241 00:21:04,080 --> 00:21:09,200 Speaker 1: that is the end of this part. Good Night, Leap 242 00:21:09,320 --> 00:21:09,560 Speaker 1: Tight