1 00:00:13,503 --> 00:00:17,783 Speaker 1: Or an ad free listening experience and more stories, please 2 00:00:17,863 --> 00:00:20,983 Speaker 1: check out sleep Tight Premium. A link can be found 3 00:00:21,023 --> 00:00:34,943 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you, hello friends, and welcome 4 00:00:35,103 --> 00:00:44,183 Speaker 1: to sleep Tight Stories. The day has arrived for the 5 00:00:44,263 --> 00:00:49,783 Speaker 1: school play and Bernice is super nervous. She can't sleep, 6 00:00:50,183 --> 00:00:55,263 Speaker 1: even after trying her deep breathing exercises. She goes to 7 00:00:55,383 --> 00:01:00,383 Speaker 1: Papa and Mama's room to ask for help. Papa gets 8 00:01:00,423 --> 00:01:04,183 Speaker 1: her back into bed and she finally falls back to sleep. 9 00:01:06,263 --> 00:01:09,543 Speaker 1: When Bernice gets home from school, she sits and tells 10 00:01:09,583 --> 00:01:13,223 Speaker 1: Papa Bear all about her day and what happened at 11 00:01:13,263 --> 00:01:24,623 Speaker 1: the play. Bernice is super nervous. Bernice opened her eyes 12 00:01:24,743 --> 00:01:28,863 Speaker 1: and looked around her room. It was dark, but not 13 00:01:29,143 --> 00:01:32,983 Speaker 1: super dark because her light kind of glowed like magic. 14 00:01:34,303 --> 00:01:36,463 Speaker 1: Papa told her it was like the good magic in 15 00:01:36,503 --> 00:01:41,503 Speaker 1: the bedtime stories. He told her. It was quiet except 16 00:01:41,583 --> 00:01:45,383 Speaker 1: for the sound of Cookie purring. She knew that Bernice 17 00:01:45,383 --> 00:01:49,383 Speaker 1: had woken up. Oh, and you could hear Papa Bear 18 00:01:49,463 --> 00:01:52,943 Speaker 1: snoring a bit from down the hall, or it might 19 00:01:53,023 --> 00:01:57,063 Speaker 1: have been Mama Bear, But Mama says she never snores. 20 00:01:57,943 --> 00:02:04,663 Speaker 1: She just says she breathes heavily sometimes. Hi, Cookie, how 21 00:02:04,663 --> 00:02:07,463 Speaker 1: did you know that I woke up. Are you really 22 00:02:07,543 --> 00:02:11,463 Speaker 1: that smart? Or is it because you are my bestest friend? 23 00:02:12,023 --> 00:02:17,263 Speaker 1: With Bernice, Cookie purred louder and curled up closer to her. 24 00:02:18,543 --> 00:02:21,703 Speaker 1: I can't seem to stay asleep, Cookie. I go to 25 00:02:21,743 --> 00:02:25,023 Speaker 1: sleep and then I wake up. Then I go back 26 00:02:25,063 --> 00:02:28,983 Speaker 1: to sleep, and I wake up again. I think it's 27 00:02:29,023 --> 00:02:32,783 Speaker 1: because I have my play today and I feel super nervous. 28 00:02:33,623 --> 00:02:37,103 Speaker 1: I don't know why. It's just for the kids and 29 00:02:37,183 --> 00:02:41,343 Speaker 1: Mama and Papa won't even be there. I have memorized 30 00:02:41,423 --> 00:02:45,423 Speaker 1: all my lines and stuff, and I'm always super prepared, Cookie, 31 00:02:46,103 --> 00:02:52,063 Speaker 1: but I am still nervous. Do you know why? Cookie 32 00:02:52,143 --> 00:02:56,943 Speaker 1: heard in reply. I've tried to take deep breaths like 33 00:02:57,023 --> 00:03:00,863 Speaker 1: Papa always says, but I can't seem to take my time. 34 00:03:01,623 --> 00:03:06,583 Speaker 1: I rush through it and I don't relax. Maybe I 35 00:03:06,583 --> 00:03:10,383 Speaker 1: should try it again. What do you think? Cookie made 36 00:03:10,383 --> 00:03:17,383 Speaker 1: a short me out sound. Bernice tried her breathing exercise again. 37 00:03:18,823 --> 00:03:22,623 Speaker 1: She took a deep breath in through her nose, filling 38 00:03:22,703 --> 00:03:27,143 Speaker 1: her belly up with air, and then she slowly released 39 00:03:27,143 --> 00:03:31,623 Speaker 1: the air through her mouth. I did it again and 40 00:03:31,703 --> 00:03:36,303 Speaker 1: took my time, but I still feel nervous. Cookie, I 41 00:03:36,343 --> 00:03:41,303 Speaker 1: think I'd better go ask Papa for help. Bernice slid 42 00:03:41,343 --> 00:03:44,463 Speaker 1: out of bed and slowly made her way to Mama 43 00:03:44,503 --> 00:03:48,343 Speaker 1: and Papa Bear's bedroom, rubbing her eyes as she walked. 44 00:03:51,623 --> 00:03:54,663 Speaker 1: Night lights guided her way, but she could walk to 45 00:03:54,743 --> 00:03:57,543 Speaker 1: Mama and Papa's room with her eyes closed if she 46 00:03:57,623 --> 00:04:05,183 Speaker 1: had to. Papa Papa, Bernice whispered. After she walked up 47 00:04:05,183 --> 00:04:09,463 Speaker 1: to their bed. Papa Bear opened his eyes and whispered, 48 00:04:09,943 --> 00:04:12,743 Speaker 1: what's wrong, little bear? Why are you not a s sleep? 49 00:04:14,743 --> 00:04:20,343 Speaker 1: I don't know, Papa. I think I feel nervous and stuff. Okay, 50 00:04:20,983 --> 00:04:24,383 Speaker 1: I get nervous sometimes too. I'll walk you back to 51 00:04:24,463 --> 00:04:26,983 Speaker 1: bed and you can tell me all about what is 52 00:04:27,023 --> 00:04:33,223 Speaker 1: making you feel the way you do. Thank you, Papa. 53 00:04:33,903 --> 00:04:37,343 Speaker 1: After tucking Bernice under the covers in her bed, Papa 54 00:04:37,343 --> 00:04:40,783 Speaker 1: Bear asked, so, what has you feeling out of sorts? 55 00:04:41,143 --> 00:04:45,863 Speaker 1: Like you have butterflies in your stomach? Papa. I would 56 00:04:45,943 --> 00:04:50,183 Speaker 1: never eat butterflies, nor would I want them in my stomach. 57 00:04:50,943 --> 00:04:55,503 Speaker 1: Bernice said, with a strange look on her face. I know, 58 00:04:55,703 --> 00:04:59,583 Speaker 1: little Bear, it's just a figure of speech. Papa Bear said, 59 00:04:59,583 --> 00:05:05,143 Speaker 1: in a hushed tone. Yeah, I'm just kidding. Sometimes Bobby 60 00:05:05,183 --> 00:05:08,423 Speaker 1: will say something like he has a t rex dancing 61 00:05:08,423 --> 00:05:12,863 Speaker 1: in his tummy to mean the same thing. On time, 62 00:05:13,343 --> 00:05:15,863 Speaker 1: he told the teacher that he has aunts in his 63 00:05:15,983 --> 00:05:18,903 Speaker 1: pants and that's why he couldn't sit in his chair. 64 00:05:19,863 --> 00:05:22,703 Speaker 1: The teacher didn't find it very funny, but I think 65 00:05:22,783 --> 00:05:28,543 Speaker 1: some of us did. So what has you feeling like 66 00:05:28,663 --> 00:05:34,703 Speaker 1: dinosaurs are dancing inside your stomach, little bear? Papa Bear asked, well, 67 00:05:35,183 --> 00:05:38,423 Speaker 1: tomorrow is our play and I don't know why, but 68 00:05:38,543 --> 00:05:43,423 Speaker 1: I feel really nervous. I have memorized all my lines 69 00:05:43,703 --> 00:05:47,663 Speaker 1: and I know what to do. I practiced and practiced, 70 00:05:48,263 --> 00:05:50,943 Speaker 1: and it's just a play for the kids, not a 71 00:05:50,943 --> 00:05:54,623 Speaker 1: big performance or anything, and I feel confident that I 72 00:05:54,663 --> 00:05:58,823 Speaker 1: will do well. But I still feel weird, and that 73 00:05:58,943 --> 00:06:02,303 Speaker 1: makes it hard for me to stay asleep. Bernice said 74 00:06:02,303 --> 00:06:07,943 Speaker 1: with a sigh. I know you have prepared, little bear. 75 00:06:08,583 --> 00:06:12,423 Speaker 1: I heard you practicing your lines, and I was always 76 00:06:12,423 --> 00:06:16,823 Speaker 1: told that when we practice and prepare really well, those 77 00:06:16,863 --> 00:06:21,863 Speaker 1: feelings in our belly calm down a lot. I think 78 00:06:22,303 --> 00:06:25,663 Speaker 1: nervousness can actually be a sign that you care a 79 00:06:25,703 --> 00:06:30,783 Speaker 1: lot about what you're going to do. It doesn't necessarily 80 00:06:30,863 --> 00:06:35,983 Speaker 1: mean a lack of self confidence. Even confident people get 81 00:06:36,023 --> 00:06:40,863 Speaker 1: nervous sometimes. It shows that what you're doing is important 82 00:06:40,863 --> 00:06:46,263 Speaker 1: to you, and that's a good thing. With good preparation, 83 00:06:46,823 --> 00:06:51,063 Speaker 1: you can turn that nervousness into excitement and do your best. 84 00:06:52,343 --> 00:06:55,183 Speaker 1: It's a chance to show others how much you care, 85 00:06:55,503 --> 00:07:00,663 Speaker 1: Papa Beer said, I do care, Papa. It's a fun play, 86 00:07:01,023 --> 00:07:03,423 Speaker 1: and Bobby is going to be in it too, and 87 00:07:03,463 --> 00:07:09,943 Speaker 1: Gertrude and Ethan. Even though I'm an old bear, I 88 00:07:10,023 --> 00:07:14,663 Speaker 1: don't have all the answers, just lots of advice and experience. 89 00:07:15,623 --> 00:07:18,423 Speaker 1: But you should know that your Mama and I support 90 00:07:18,583 --> 00:07:22,543 Speaker 1: and love you no matter what, and all your friends 91 00:07:22,623 --> 00:07:29,423 Speaker 1: want you to succeed too. Everything will be okay, thank you, Papa. 92 00:07:30,103 --> 00:07:34,343 Speaker 1: I hope I don't make any mistakes, Brittany said quietly, yawning. 93 00:07:35,543 --> 00:07:41,263 Speaker 1: We all make mistakes. Imagine if everything was perfect all 94 00:07:41,383 --> 00:07:46,223 Speaker 1: the time, it would be kind of boring. Right, Making 95 00:07:46,263 --> 00:07:50,543 Speaker 1: mistakes means you're trying new things and being brave, Papa 96 00:07:50,543 --> 00:07:54,463 Speaker 1: Bear said, with a bigger yawn. You sound like you 97 00:07:54,543 --> 00:07:58,183 Speaker 1: might be tired, Papa. I think you might be right, 98 00:07:58,503 --> 00:08:01,863 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said, with a laugh. Are you ready to 99 00:08:01,943 --> 00:08:07,023 Speaker 1: try and go back to sleep? I think so. Are 100 00:08:07,063 --> 00:08:12,263 Speaker 1: you comfy, yes, Papa? How about Twigger, Wolfy and Madam. 101 00:08:12,903 --> 00:08:16,503 Speaker 1: Are they ready to go back to sleep too? They 102 00:08:16,543 --> 00:08:19,423 Speaker 1: say they are ready, and Cookie wants to go back 103 00:08:19,463 --> 00:08:23,263 Speaker 1: to sleep too, or maybe she wants to go eat. 104 00:08:24,063 --> 00:08:29,583 Speaker 1: She is her own cat. Papa, can we have chocolate 105 00:08:29,623 --> 00:08:32,823 Speaker 1: chip cookies tomorrow for our treat? They are one of 106 00:08:32,823 --> 00:08:35,663 Speaker 1: my favorites, and I think it would be a fun 107 00:08:35,703 --> 00:08:41,823 Speaker 1: treat after the play, Bernice said with a big yawn yawning. 108 00:08:41,903 --> 00:08:46,583 Speaker 1: Papa Bear replied, sure thing, little Bear, chocolate chip cookies 109 00:08:46,783 --> 00:08:51,983 Speaker 1: and milk. My yawns are infectious. Bernice whispered with a 110 00:08:51,983 --> 00:08:56,943 Speaker 1: great big yawn, They are, Papa Bear laughed. Give me 111 00:08:57,023 --> 00:09:01,863 Speaker 1: a hug and a kiss. Love you, Papa, I love 112 00:09:01,903 --> 00:09:10,823 Speaker 1: you too, Little Bear. Hi, Papa, I'm home, yelled Bernice 113 00:09:11,023 --> 00:09:13,863 Speaker 1: as she ran in the front door of their small house, 114 00:09:14,343 --> 00:09:20,423 Speaker 1: closing the door super fast. Papa, I smell chocolate chip cookies. 115 00:09:21,143 --> 00:09:24,103 Speaker 1: I think I could smell them all the way from school. 116 00:09:25,903 --> 00:09:28,503 Speaker 1: They just came out of the oven, Little Bear, and 117 00:09:28,663 --> 00:09:32,263 Speaker 1: I think they might be super yummy, Papa Bear said, 118 00:09:32,303 --> 00:09:35,943 Speaker 1: in his really deep voice. Come quickly and have some 119 00:09:36,143 --> 00:09:40,223 Speaker 1: before I eat them all up. As Bernice sat down 120 00:09:40,303 --> 00:09:44,063 Speaker 1: to take off her sneakers, they weren't as stubborn as before, 121 00:09:44,103 --> 00:09:48,023 Speaker 1: but the knots were always too tight. Cookie came running 122 00:09:48,023 --> 00:09:52,863 Speaker 1: around the corner to say hello, Hi, Cookie. You should 123 00:09:52,863 --> 00:09:56,863 Speaker 1: have seen me in the play today. I made some mistakes, 124 00:09:57,343 --> 00:10:00,903 Speaker 1: but everyone said the play was good and I tried 125 00:10:01,103 --> 00:10:07,463 Speaker 1: super super hard. My super strict teacher even congratulated me 126 00:10:07,583 --> 00:10:12,303 Speaker 1: on my performance. She smiled too, which is just about 127 00:10:12,503 --> 00:10:16,423 Speaker 1: only the second time anyone has seen her smile. I 128 00:10:16,463 --> 00:10:22,223 Speaker 1: think maybe she is not as scary as I thought. 129 00:10:22,503 --> 00:10:27,463 Speaker 1: Cookie rubbed up against Bernice, purring loudly. This was her 130 00:10:27,543 --> 00:10:33,063 Speaker 1: way of saying she was proud of Bernice anyway. Cookie, 131 00:10:33,263 --> 00:10:36,263 Speaker 1: Papa is just kidding about eating all the cookies, but 132 00:10:37,023 --> 00:10:39,823 Speaker 1: I still have to rush to get some because I 133 00:10:39,903 --> 00:10:44,343 Speaker 1: am super hungry today from all my hard work. I 134 00:10:44,383 --> 00:10:47,183 Speaker 1: hope we can chat later, or maybe we can play 135 00:10:47,183 --> 00:10:54,463 Speaker 1: with your pet mouse. Running into the kitchen, Bernice said excitedly. 136 00:10:55,223 --> 00:10:59,103 Speaker 1: The cookie smells super duper yummy, Papa, and they look 137 00:10:59,223 --> 00:11:04,303 Speaker 1: nice too. Thank you, Little Bear. Wash your hands while 138 00:11:04,343 --> 00:11:06,703 Speaker 1: I put our cookies on the table with some milk. 139 00:11:07,663 --> 00:11:10,463 Speaker 1: I can't wait to hear all about your day today, 140 00:11:11,063 --> 00:11:16,263 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said, with a great big smile, Sitting down 141 00:11:16,423 --> 00:11:20,343 Speaker 1: and after taking a great big drink of milk, Bernice said, 142 00:11:21,183 --> 00:11:24,663 Speaker 1: it was a good day, Papa, and I am thirsty 143 00:11:24,703 --> 00:11:29,983 Speaker 1: and almost starving. I think, so, how was your performance, 144 00:11:30,343 --> 00:11:34,703 Speaker 1: Papa Bear asked. Papa Bear had to wait a bit 145 00:11:34,903 --> 00:11:38,903 Speaker 1: as Bernice took a few bites of her cookie. The 146 00:11:38,983 --> 00:11:42,343 Speaker 1: teachers said they were proud of us all, so that's 147 00:11:42,343 --> 00:11:47,743 Speaker 1: pretty good. My performance went really well too. I was 148 00:11:47,903 --> 00:11:51,823 Speaker 1: super super nervous, Papa, but I took some deep breaths 149 00:11:51,983 --> 00:11:56,423 Speaker 1: which helped a lot. After I got started, it just 150 00:11:56,463 --> 00:11:59,623 Speaker 1: felt like a lot of fun. I think I made 151 00:11:59,663 --> 00:12:04,223 Speaker 1: a couple of mistakes, but nobody noticed and everyone clapped. 152 00:12:05,223 --> 00:12:08,023 Speaker 1: It was fun to do a play with our class. 153 00:12:10,183 --> 00:12:13,703 Speaker 1: It's wonderful to hear that you feel happy about the experience. 154 00:12:14,543 --> 00:12:17,663 Speaker 1: You can do anything you set your mind to, Papa 155 00:12:17,663 --> 00:12:21,703 Speaker 1: Bear said, with a big smile. After taking a drink 156 00:12:21,743 --> 00:12:26,503 Speaker 1: of tea, he said, so tell me more. Sorry, Papa, 157 00:12:26,903 --> 00:12:30,703 Speaker 1: my tummy keeps telling me to finish more cookies. The 158 00:12:30,783 --> 00:12:35,303 Speaker 1: play went so well, Papa, that missus Lawson smiled at 159 00:12:35,303 --> 00:12:39,183 Speaker 1: me again. I think this might be only the second 160 00:12:39,223 --> 00:12:44,423 Speaker 1: time that she has smiled and congratulated me. She may 161 00:12:44,463 --> 00:12:47,863 Speaker 1: be super tough, but I guess she is kind too. 162 00:12:49,583 --> 00:12:52,903 Speaker 1: Bobby during the performance got a case of the giggles, 163 00:12:53,463 --> 00:12:57,663 Speaker 1: and then he just continued with a smile like nothing happened. 164 00:12:58,463 --> 00:13:01,303 Speaker 1: It was funny, and I think the audience thought it 165 00:13:01,383 --> 00:13:04,703 Speaker 1: was just a part of the play. Bobby is good 166 00:13:04,783 --> 00:13:11,223 Speaker 1: at ad libbing. I think that's the word. Afterwards, we 167 00:13:11,343 --> 00:13:16,463 Speaker 1: all celebrate it. At lunchtime, the kitchen prepared special desserts 168 00:13:16,743 --> 00:13:20,503 Speaker 1: and we could all have one for free. I didn't 169 00:13:20,543 --> 00:13:23,583 Speaker 1: eat mine, so I gave it to Gertrude, and I 170 00:13:23,623 --> 00:13:26,143 Speaker 1: think one of the other kids gave theirs to Bobby. 171 00:13:26,983 --> 00:13:32,023 Speaker 1: Somehow he had three. The rest of the day was okay, 172 00:13:32,103 --> 00:13:35,943 Speaker 1: I guess, but I ate my lunch so fast I 173 00:13:35,983 --> 00:13:40,743 Speaker 1: can't even remember what it was. Ethan brought extra, so 174 00:13:40,903 --> 00:13:43,903 Speaker 1: he gave me half a sandwich because I was still 175 00:13:43,943 --> 00:13:48,343 Speaker 1: a bit hungry. It was a peanut butter and jam sandwich. 176 00:13:49,183 --> 00:13:52,303 Speaker 1: He said he only gets them on special occasions and stuff. 177 00:13:53,183 --> 00:13:58,983 Speaker 1: It was yummy because the peanut butter was crunchy. That 178 00:13:59,143 --> 00:14:03,103 Speaker 1: was nice of Ethan. Papa Bear said, yeah, I think so. 179 00:14:04,583 --> 00:14:08,063 Speaker 1: Then we had some classes in the afternoon, but the 180 00:14:08,103 --> 00:14:11,183 Speaker 1: teachers said they weren't going to cover any new material 181 00:14:11,583 --> 00:14:16,223 Speaker 1: because they we would be super excited and stuff. Missus 182 00:14:16,303 --> 00:14:20,343 Speaker 1: Lawson didn't even give us homework because she said we 183 00:14:20,423 --> 00:14:24,303 Speaker 1: had worked hard to prepare for the play. She really 184 00:14:24,343 --> 00:14:27,983 Speaker 1: seemed more friendly today and not so super strict and 185 00:14:28,063 --> 00:14:32,903 Speaker 1: scary ha. She just wants the best for her students. 186 00:14:33,783 --> 00:14:36,343 Speaker 1: I talked to her recently, and I think she is 187 00:14:36,423 --> 00:14:40,263 Speaker 1: not only a good teacher, but also a kind person. 188 00:14:41,463 --> 00:14:45,183 Speaker 1: You are lucky to be in her class. While you 189 00:14:45,263 --> 00:14:47,823 Speaker 1: finish your cookie, I am going to start dinner a 190 00:14:47,903 --> 00:14:52,583 Speaker 1: little early. Okay, Papa, thank you for the delicious cookies. 191 00:14:53,463 --> 00:15:01,863 Speaker 1: You are welcome, little Bear. It's that time, Papa yonned Bernice. 192 00:15:02,383 --> 00:15:05,623 Speaker 1: And what time is that, little bear? Papa Bear replied, 193 00:15:06,663 --> 00:15:12,143 Speaker 1: time for sleep. I am tired tonight, Papa, I was. 194 00:15:12,303 --> 00:15:15,063 Speaker 1: I'm so tired that Mama had to help me with 195 00:15:15,143 --> 00:15:19,143 Speaker 1: my bedtime routine. She said, I was walking around like 196 00:15:19,223 --> 00:15:24,263 Speaker 1: a zombie in those movies I am not allowed to watch. Huh. 197 00:15:24,903 --> 00:15:29,103 Speaker 1: That's pretty tired. You had a big day and not 198 00:15:29,223 --> 00:15:32,583 Speaker 1: as much sleep as usual, so it's good that you 199 00:15:32,663 --> 00:15:37,503 Speaker 1: are going to bed early tonight. Yeah, Bernice whispered with 200 00:15:37,543 --> 00:15:40,863 Speaker 1: a yawn. I'm happy you had a good day, little Bear. 201 00:15:41,263 --> 00:15:45,703 Speaker 1: And we are proud of how brave you are. Thank you, Papa. 202 00:15:47,423 --> 00:15:52,383 Speaker 1: Are you comfy and warm? Yes? How about Twiggle, Wolfy 203 00:15:52,423 --> 00:15:56,583 Speaker 1: and Madeleine are they comfy and warm too? They are, 204 00:15:57,023 --> 00:16:01,423 Speaker 1: Bernice whispered, Cookie looks ready to sleep too. Papa Bear said, 205 00:16:02,463 --> 00:16:08,583 Speaker 1: love you, Papa, Love you too, little bear. Papa Bear 206 00:16:08,663 --> 00:16:12,263 Speaker 1: gave Bernice a big hug and a kiss, and before 207 00:16:12,423 --> 00:16:15,623 Speaker 1: or he could even finish tucking her in tight, she 208 00:16:15,863 --> 00:16:26,303 Speaker 1: was fast asleep. Sweet dreams, Bernice, And that is the 209 00:16:26,423 --> 00:16:31,223 Speaker 1: end of our story. Good Night, sleep Tight,