1 00:00:01,240 --> 00:00:05,920 Speaker 1: For more interruption free bedtime stories and access to our 2 00:00:06,240 --> 00:00:11,880 Speaker 1: entire catalog of calming bedtime stories, please consider subscribing to 3 00:00:12,000 --> 00:00:18,560 Speaker 1: sleep Type Premium. Visit sleep Typepremium dot com to start 4 00:00:18,560 --> 00:00:40,159 Speaker 1: a free trial. Thank you. This is a story about 5 00:00:40,200 --> 00:00:46,000 Speaker 1: some lazy worms. There are many different kinds of worms 6 00:00:46,040 --> 00:00:49,760 Speaker 1: in our story who are eating in the farmer's garden. 7 00:00:51,600 --> 00:00:57,040 Speaker 1: These worms think they know everything and tell the earthworms 8 00:00:57,360 --> 00:01:04,000 Speaker 1: and june bug larvae on true stories. The worms are 9 00:01:04,120 --> 00:01:09,360 Speaker 1: selfish and lazy, and in the end find out they 10 00:01:09,400 --> 00:01:13,400 Speaker 1: should have been willing to do a bit more for themselves. 11 00:01:18,880 --> 00:01:27,119 Speaker 1: The lazy cutworms. Now that spring had come and all 12 00:01:27,160 --> 00:01:31,240 Speaker 1: the green things were growing, the cutworms crawled out of 13 00:01:31,280 --> 00:01:35,280 Speaker 1: their winter sleeping places in the ground and began to 14 00:01:35,360 --> 00:01:39,240 Speaker 1: eat the tenderest and best things that they could find. 15 00:01:41,280 --> 00:01:46,840 Speaker 1: They felt rested and hungry after their quiet winter, where 16 00:01:46,880 --> 00:01:51,440 Speaker 1: they had slept without awakening ever since the first really 17 00:01:51,600 --> 00:02:00,400 Speaker 1: cold days of fall. There were many different kinds of cutworms, 18 00:02:00,480 --> 00:02:06,560 Speaker 1: and sisters, cousins and second cousins, so of course they 19 00:02:06,560 --> 00:02:12,000 Speaker 1: did not all look alike. They had hatched the summer 20 00:02:12,080 --> 00:02:15,920 Speaker 1: before from eggs laid by the owl at moths. Their 21 00:02:15,960 --> 00:02:19,920 Speaker 1: mothers and had spent the time from then until cold 22 00:02:20,000 --> 00:02:27,639 Speaker 1: weather in eating and sleeping and eating some more. Of course, 23 00:02:27,680 --> 00:02:32,000 Speaker 1: they grew a great deal. But then you know, one 24 00:02:32,040 --> 00:02:37,080 Speaker 1: can grow without taking time especially for it. It is 25 00:02:37,160 --> 00:02:41,000 Speaker 1: well that this is so. If people had to say, 26 00:02:41,520 --> 00:02:44,480 Speaker 1: I can do nothing else, now I must sit down 27 00:02:44,560 --> 00:02:48,760 Speaker 1: and grow a while, there would not be so many 28 00:02:48,880 --> 00:02:53,800 Speaker 1: grown up people in the world as there are. They 29 00:02:53,840 --> 00:02:57,600 Speaker 1: would become so interested in doing other things that they 30 00:02:57,639 --> 00:03:05,239 Speaker 1: would not take the time to grow as they should now. 31 00:03:05,280 --> 00:03:09,520 Speaker 1: The cutworms were fine and fat, and just as heedless 32 00:03:09,560 --> 00:03:14,919 Speaker 1: as cutworms have been since the world began. They had 33 00:03:14,960 --> 00:03:18,640 Speaker 1: never seen their parents and had hatched without anyone to 34 00:03:18,760 --> 00:03:23,520 Speaker 1: look after them. They did not look like their parents, 35 00:03:23,720 --> 00:03:27,200 Speaker 1: for they were only worms as yet, but they had 36 00:03:27,240 --> 00:03:31,000 Speaker 1: the same habit of sleeping all day and going out 37 00:03:31,040 --> 00:03:35,520 Speaker 1: at night, and never thought of eating breakfast until the 38 00:03:35,600 --> 00:03:41,720 Speaker 1: sun had gone down. They were quite popular in underground society, 39 00:03:42,440 --> 00:03:47,200 Speaker 1: and were very much liked by the earthworms and junebug larvae, 40 00:03:47,600 --> 00:03:52,480 Speaker 1: who enjoyed hearing stories of what the cutworms saw above ground. 41 00:03:55,280 --> 00:03:58,280 Speaker 1: The june bug larvae did not go out at all 42 00:03:58,320 --> 00:04:02,280 Speaker 1: because they were too young, and the earthworms never knew 43 00:04:02,360 --> 00:04:06,680 Speaker 1: what was going on outside unless someoney told them. They 44 00:04:06,720 --> 00:04:09,680 Speaker 1: often put their heads up into the air, but they 45 00:04:09,680 --> 00:04:17,240 Speaker 1: had no eyes and could not see for themselves. The 46 00:04:17,279 --> 00:04:26,000 Speaker 1: cutworms were bold, saucy, selfish, and wasteful. They were not 47 00:04:26,640 --> 00:04:31,880 Speaker 1: good children, although when they tried, they could be very entertaining, 48 00:04:32,520 --> 00:04:36,080 Speaker 1: and one always hoped that they would improve before they 49 00:04:36,120 --> 00:04:42,800 Speaker 1: became moths. Sometimes they even told the earthworms and joombug 50 00:04:42,920 --> 00:04:47,000 Speaker 1: larvae stories that were not so, and that shows what 51 00:04:47,279 --> 00:04:51,960 Speaker 1: sort of children they were. It was dreadful to tell 52 00:04:52,040 --> 00:04:55,040 Speaker 1: such things to people who could never find out the difference. 53 00:04:56,360 --> 00:05:00,480 Speaker 1: One spotted cutworm heard a couple of earthworms talking about 54 00:05:00,640 --> 00:05:05,440 Speaker 1: ground moles and told them that ground moles were large 55 00:05:05,560 --> 00:05:11,960 Speaker 1: birds with four wings apiece and legs like a caterpillar's. 56 00:05:13,360 --> 00:05:16,400 Speaker 1: They did not try to be entertaining because they wanted 57 00:05:16,400 --> 00:05:20,560 Speaker 1: to make the underground people happy, but because they enjoyed 58 00:05:20,640 --> 00:05:25,640 Speaker 1: hearing them say, what, bright fellows, those cutworms are really 59 00:05:25,760 --> 00:05:30,560 Speaker 1: exceedingly clever, and doing it for that reason took all 60 00:05:30,720 --> 00:05:38,839 Speaker 1: the goodness out of it. One bright moonlit night, the 61 00:05:38,880 --> 00:05:42,520 Speaker 1: cutworms awakened and crawled out on top of the ground 62 00:05:42,839 --> 00:05:48,919 Speaker 1: to feed. They lived in the farmer's vegetable garden so 63 00:05:49,040 --> 00:05:53,920 Speaker 1: there were many things to choose from young beats just 64 00:05:54,040 --> 00:05:59,800 Speaker 1: showing their red veined leaves above their shining red stems, turnips, 65 00:06:01,040 --> 00:06:06,800 Speaker 1: clean looking onions holding their slender leaves, very stiff and straight, 66 00:06:08,279 --> 00:06:12,239 Speaker 1: radishes with just a bit of their rosy roots peeping 67 00:06:12,279 --> 00:06:18,000 Speaker 1: out from the earth, and crisp, pale green lettuce crinkled 68 00:06:18,120 --> 00:06:24,280 Speaker 1: and shaking in every passing breeze. It was a lovely 69 00:06:24,480 --> 00:06:28,520 Speaker 1: growing time, and all the vegetables were making the most 70 00:06:28,600 --> 00:06:32,919 Speaker 1: of the fine nights, for you know, that is the 71 00:06:33,000 --> 00:06:38,920 Speaker 1: time when everything grows best. Sunshiny days are the best 72 00:06:39,040 --> 00:06:43,240 Speaker 1: for coloring leaves and blossoms, but the time for sinking 73 00:06:43,320 --> 00:06:48,200 Speaker 1: roots deeper and sending shoots higher and unfolding new leaves 74 00:06:49,040 --> 00:06:57,520 Speaker 1: is at night, in the beautiful stillness. Some cutworms chose beets, 75 00:06:57,960 --> 00:07:03,320 Speaker 1: and some chose radishes. Two or three liked lettuce best, 76 00:07:03,800 --> 00:07:06,600 Speaker 1: and a couple crawled off to nibble on the sweet 77 00:07:06,600 --> 00:07:12,400 Speaker 1: peas which the farmer's wife had planted. They never ate 78 00:07:12,840 --> 00:07:17,360 Speaker 1: all of a plant, oh no, And that was one 79 00:07:17,400 --> 00:07:22,000 Speaker 1: way in which they were wasteful. They nibbled through the 80 00:07:22,040 --> 00:07:24,840 Speaker 1: stock where it came out of the ground, and then 81 00:07:24,920 --> 00:07:29,520 Speaker 1: the plant tumbled down and withered, while the cutworm went 82 00:07:29,600 --> 00:07:36,680 Speaker 1: on to treat another in the same way. Well, exclaimed 83 00:07:36,720 --> 00:07:39,720 Speaker 1: one spotted cutworm as he crawled out from his hole. 84 00:07:40,480 --> 00:07:43,960 Speaker 1: I must have overslept. Guess I stayed up too late 85 00:07:44,000 --> 00:07:49,360 Speaker 1: this morning. You better look out, said one of his friends, 86 00:07:49,560 --> 00:07:52,720 Speaker 1: or the ground mole will get you. He likes to 87 00:07:52,800 --> 00:07:56,080 Speaker 1: find nice, fat little cutworms who sleep too late in 88 00:07:56,160 --> 00:08:02,280 Speaker 1: the evening. You needn't tell me, answered the spotted cutworm. 89 00:08:02,840 --> 00:08:07,440 Speaker 1: It's the early mole that catches the cutworm. I don't 90 00:08:07,480 --> 00:08:11,640 Speaker 1: know when I have overslept myself. So have you fellows 91 00:08:11,680 --> 00:08:18,120 Speaker 1: been up ever since sunset? Yes, they answered, and one 92 00:08:18,160 --> 00:08:23,280 Speaker 1: saucy fellow added, I got up too early. I woke 93 00:08:23,400 --> 00:08:26,480 Speaker 1: up and felt hungry and thought i'd just come out 94 00:08:26,560 --> 00:08:31,160 Speaker 1: for a lunch. I supposed the birds had finished their supper. 95 00:08:31,880 --> 00:08:35,360 Speaker 1: But the first thing I saw was a robin out hunting. 96 00:08:36,720 --> 00:08:39,079 Speaker 1: She was not more than the length of a bean 97 00:08:39,160 --> 00:08:41,920 Speaker 1: pole from me, And when I saw her turn her 98 00:08:41,960 --> 00:08:45,680 Speaker 1: head on one side and look toward me, I was 99 00:08:45,800 --> 00:08:51,000 Speaker 1: sure she saw me. But she didn't after all, lucky 100 00:08:51,040 --> 00:08:54,080 Speaker 1: for me that I am green, and came up beside 101 00:08:54,120 --> 00:08:58,040 Speaker 1: the lettuce. I kept still, and she took me for 102 00:08:58,120 --> 00:09:04,319 Speaker 1: a leaf, sh said, somebody else, There comes the ground mole. 103 00:09:07,240 --> 00:09:10,600 Speaker 1: They all kept still while the mole scampered to and 104 00:09:10,640 --> 00:09:14,840 Speaker 1: fro on the dewy grass near them, going faster than 105 00:09:14,880 --> 00:09:18,760 Speaker 1: one would think he could with such very very short legs. 106 00:09:20,480 --> 00:09:24,160 Speaker 1: His pink digging hands flashed in the moonlight, and his 107 00:09:24,280 --> 00:09:28,600 Speaker 1: pink snout showed also, But the dark soft fur of 108 00:09:28,679 --> 00:09:32,160 Speaker 1: the rest of his body could hardly be seen against 109 00:09:32,160 --> 00:09:36,079 Speaker 1: the brown earth of the garden. It may have been 110 00:09:36,200 --> 00:09:39,640 Speaker 1: because he was not hungry, or it may have been 111 00:09:39,720 --> 00:09:43,240 Speaker 1: because his fur covered his eyes. So but he went 112 00:09:43,320 --> 00:09:50,960 Speaker 1: back to his underground runway without having caught a single cutworm. 113 00:09:51,040 --> 00:09:56,520 Speaker 1: Then the cutworms felt very, very relieved. They crawled toward 114 00:09:56,600 --> 00:09:59,720 Speaker 1: the hole into his home and made faces at it 115 00:10:00,120 --> 00:10:04,000 Speaker 1: as though he was standing in the doorway. They called 116 00:10:04,120 --> 00:10:07,560 Speaker 1: names after him, and pretended to say them very loudly, 117 00:10:08,240 --> 00:10:16,080 Speaker 1: yet really spoke quite softly. Then they began to boast 118 00:10:16,120 --> 00:10:20,280 Speaker 1: that they were not afraid of anybody. And while they 119 00:10:20,320 --> 00:10:25,520 Speaker 1: were boasting, they ate and ate and ate and ate. 120 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:31,040 Speaker 1: Here and there the young plants drooped and fell over, 121 00:10:31,920 --> 00:10:35,080 Speaker 1: and as soon as one did that, the cutworm, who 122 00:10:35,160 --> 00:10:40,240 Speaker 1: had eaten on it, crawled off. To another. Guess the 123 00:10:40,320 --> 00:10:43,720 Speaker 1: farmer will know that we've been here. They said, Ah, 124 00:10:43,760 --> 00:10:47,400 Speaker 1: we don't care. He doesn't need all these vegetables. What 125 00:10:47,520 --> 00:10:50,280 Speaker 1: if he did plant them, Let him plant some more 126 00:10:50,320 --> 00:10:53,600 Speaker 1: if he wants to. What business does he have to 127 00:10:53,679 --> 00:10:57,400 Speaker 1: have so many? Anyhow, if he won't share with other people, 128 00:10:58,400 --> 00:11:01,360 Speaker 1: you would have thought to hear them that they were 129 00:11:01,440 --> 00:11:05,720 Speaker 1: exceedingly kind to leave any vegetables at all for the farmer. 130 00:11:08,520 --> 00:11:12,120 Speaker 1: In among the sweet peas were many little tufts of perslin. 131 00:11:12,800 --> 00:11:17,280 Speaker 1: And perslin is very good to eat, as anybody knows 132 00:11:17,280 --> 00:11:21,120 Speaker 1: who has tried it. But do you think the cutworms 133 00:11:21,320 --> 00:11:25,959 Speaker 1: ate it? Not a bit of it. We can have 134 00:11:26,040 --> 00:11:30,320 Speaker 1: perslin any day, they said, And now we shall eat 135 00:11:30,400 --> 00:11:35,960 Speaker 1: sweet peas. One little fellow added, you won't catch me 136 00:11:36,120 --> 00:11:41,920 Speaker 1: eating perslin. It's a weed. Now. Cutworms do eat weeds, 137 00:11:42,400 --> 00:11:45,720 Speaker 1: but they always seem to like the best things which 138 00:11:45,720 --> 00:11:50,760 Speaker 1: have been carefully planted and tended. If the perslin had 139 00:11:50,800 --> 00:11:54,160 Speaker 1: been set out in straight rows, and the sweet peas 140 00:11:54,200 --> 00:11:57,840 Speaker 1: had just come up by themselves everywhere, it is quite 141 00:11:58,000 --> 00:12:01,440 Speaker 1: likely that this young cutworm would have said, you won't 142 00:12:01,440 --> 00:12:09,040 Speaker 1: catch me eating sweet peas. They are weeds. As the 143 00:12:09,080 --> 00:12:13,120 Speaker 1: moon rose higher, and higher in the sky. The cutworms 144 00:12:13,160 --> 00:12:18,839 Speaker 1: boasted more and more. They said there were no robins 145 00:12:18,920 --> 00:12:22,240 Speaker 1: clever enough to find them, and that the ground mole 146 00:12:22,400 --> 00:12:25,520 Speaker 1: dared not touch them when they were together, and that 147 00:12:25,600 --> 00:12:29,280 Speaker 1: it was only when he found one alone underground that 148 00:12:29,360 --> 00:12:33,880 Speaker 1: he was brave enough to do so. They talked very 149 00:12:33,920 --> 00:12:38,640 Speaker 1: loudly now and bragged dreadfully until they noticed that the 150 00:12:38,679 --> 00:12:42,320 Speaker 1: moon was setting and a faint yellow light showed over 151 00:12:42,360 --> 00:12:47,520 Speaker 1: the tree tops in the east. Time to go to 152 00:12:47,559 --> 00:12:50,960 Speaker 1: bed for the day, called the spotted cutworm. Where are 153 00:12:51,000 --> 00:12:55,600 Speaker 1: you going to crawl in? They had no regular homes, 154 00:12:55,640 --> 00:12:58,880 Speaker 1: you know, but crawled into the earth wherever they wanted 155 00:12:58,880 --> 00:13:03,680 Speaker 1: to and slept until the next night. Here are some 156 00:13:03,840 --> 00:13:08,200 Speaker 1: fine holes already made, said a green cutworm, and big 157 00:13:08,360 --> 00:13:12,319 Speaker 1: enough for a garter snake. They are smooth and deep, 158 00:13:12,760 --> 00:13:14,920 Speaker 1: and a lot of us can cuddle down into each. 159 00:13:15,640 --> 00:13:21,720 Speaker 1: I'm going into one of them. Who made these holes, 160 00:13:22,000 --> 00:13:26,440 Speaker 1: asked the spotted cutworm. And why are they here? Oh? 161 00:13:26,480 --> 00:13:30,800 Speaker 1: Who cares? Who made them? Answered the green cutworm? Guess 162 00:13:30,800 --> 00:13:35,600 Speaker 1: they're ours if we want to use them. Perhaps the 163 00:13:35,679 --> 00:13:39,360 Speaker 1: farmer made them, said the spotted cutworm. And if he did, 164 00:13:39,600 --> 00:13:43,920 Speaker 1: I don't want to go into them. Oh, who's afraid 165 00:13:43,960 --> 00:13:49,480 Speaker 1: of him? Cried the other cutworms come along, No, answered 166 00:13:49,520 --> 00:13:52,480 Speaker 1: the spotted cutworm. I won't, I don't want to, and 167 00:13:52,559 --> 00:13:56,440 Speaker 1: I won't do it. The hole I make to sleep 168 00:13:56,440 --> 00:13:59,560 Speaker 1: in will not be so large, nor will it have 169 00:13:59,679 --> 00:14:03,720 Speaker 1: such smooth sides. But I'll know all about it and 170 00:14:03,840 --> 00:14:10,200 Speaker 1: feel safe. Good morning. Then he crawled into the earth 171 00:14:10,920 --> 00:14:15,160 Speaker 1: and went to sleep. The others went into the smooth 172 00:14:15,320 --> 00:14:19,400 Speaker 1: deep holes made by the farmer with his hoe handle. 173 00:14:23,200 --> 00:14:26,680 Speaker 1: The next night, there was only one cut worm in 174 00:14:26,720 --> 00:14:33,040 Speaker 1: the garden, and that was the spotted cutworm. Nobody has 175 00:14:33,160 --> 00:14:36,640 Speaker 1: ever seen the lazy ones who chose to use the 176 00:14:36,680 --> 00:14:43,960 Speaker 1: smooth deep holes which were already made. The spotted cutworm 177 00:14:44,040 --> 00:14:47,640 Speaker 1: lived quite alone until he was full grown, and then 178 00:14:47,640 --> 00:14:50,240 Speaker 1: he made a little oval room for himself in the 179 00:14:50,280 --> 00:14:53,720 Speaker 1: ground and slept in it while he changed into a 180 00:14:53,880 --> 00:14:59,880 Speaker 1: black owl lip moth. He always told other worms when 181 00:14:59,920 --> 00:15:03,760 Speaker 1: he you saw them, not to be very lazy, but 182 00:15:03,880 --> 00:15:06,600 Speaker 1: make sure that they took time to make their own 183 00:15:06,920 --> 00:15:12,040 Speaker 1: sleeping holes, and not rely on anyone else to help them, 184 00:15:12,160 --> 00:15:16,160 Speaker 1: or they might never be able to become an owl 185 00:15:16,160 --> 00:15:26,360 Speaker 1: at moth. And that is the end of this story. 186 00:15:28,000 --> 00:15:38,080 Speaker 1: Good night, sleep tight,