1 00:00:00,040 --> 00:00:20,040 Speaker 1: M h. Come in this. I was just pally. Wings 2 00:00:20,079 --> 00:00:28,400 Speaker 1: will get better. I'm not worrying. We'll be fine. I 3 00:00:28,440 --> 00:00:30,920 Speaker 1: have known you since the moment your first through breath. 4 00:00:32,640 --> 00:00:36,560 Speaker 1: You're sad. I can see it. I always know with 5 00:00:36,640 --> 00:00:42,040 Speaker 1: you and Ima. Is it the boy? The kite boy? 6 00:00:42,440 --> 00:00:47,199 Speaker 1: It's nothing, so it is him. It's always about the 7 00:00:47,240 --> 00:00:50,239 Speaker 1: boys with girls of your age. When you have to 8 00:00:50,280 --> 00:00:54,040 Speaker 1: forget him, he's gone. That's how it is with these people. 9 00:00:54,400 --> 00:00:57,080 Speaker 1: He's not like that. Well he's not here, is he? 10 00:00:59,120 --> 00:01:02,960 Speaker 1: I was a girl. I know what it's like. But 11 00:01:03,240 --> 00:01:06,680 Speaker 1: the street boys, how could it ever be? Here's nothing, 12 00:01:07,360 --> 00:01:10,840 Speaker 1: here's no one. Your mother wouldn't have wanted this for you. 13 00:01:11,600 --> 00:01:14,959 Speaker 1: My mother is dead. Do you think she still doesn't 14 00:01:15,000 --> 00:01:20,080 Speaker 1: watch over you, care for you, guard you. I know 15 00:01:20,200 --> 00:01:27,080 Speaker 1: he'll come back, he promised. What was that? I thought 16 00:01:27,760 --> 00:01:30,000 Speaker 1: all the servants had gone when we couldn't pay them anymore? 17 00:01:30,440 --> 00:01:36,640 Speaker 1: They did? You know they did? Then? What's that? I'd gone? See? 18 00:01:37,440 --> 00:01:57,920 Speaker 1: It's like we'll go together. M hm. Thieves, it must be. 19 00:01:58,720 --> 00:02:02,000 Speaker 1: What shall we do? Mh. We need to see what's happening. 20 00:02:02,800 --> 00:02:05,360 Speaker 1: We need to run. This is my house. I'm not 21 00:02:05,440 --> 00:02:10,200 Speaker 1: running away. Come on, where the kitchen. We need a knife. 22 00:02:12,880 --> 00:02:26,440 Speaker 1: Follow me. No, this is madness. Stop. No, come on, father, 23 00:02:28,400 --> 00:02:32,920 Speaker 1: where's the money? Master? Is it really you welcome home? 24 00:02:32,960 --> 00:02:38,720 Speaker 1: It doesn't Where is the money? There is none When 25 00:02:38,720 --> 00:02:41,200 Speaker 1: you went away, they were bills to pay the tradesmen, 26 00:02:41,240 --> 00:02:44,360 Speaker 1: the city tuk, the servants wages. Even then we couldn't 27 00:02:44,400 --> 00:02:49,760 Speaker 1: keep them. We didn't know how long way? Father? Are 28 00:02:49,800 --> 00:02:51,880 Speaker 1: you all right? Do I look like I'm all right? 29 00:02:52,720 --> 00:02:56,359 Speaker 1: Everything has gone wrong. The gods are against the band, 30 00:02:56,800 --> 00:03:00,639 Speaker 1: against us. We've lost everything. But you said it was 31 00:03:00,680 --> 00:03:03,000 Speaker 1: going to be a prosperous voyage and that everything would 32 00:03:03,000 --> 00:03:07,760 Speaker 1: be I said, said, said. We were attacked at sea, 33 00:03:08,520 --> 00:03:12,880 Speaker 1: and and that bitch, that that slave woman, she cheated 34 00:03:12,919 --> 00:03:15,240 Speaker 1: me out of my share and left me fighting for 35 00:03:15,320 --> 00:03:17,880 Speaker 1: my life on a deserted shore. I did everything for her, 36 00:03:17,919 --> 00:03:20,920 Speaker 1: and she repaid me. And there's no slaves to sell, 37 00:03:21,919 --> 00:03:26,800 Speaker 1: no slaves, no ship, no nothing. Please, father six, you 38 00:03:26,840 --> 00:03:31,440 Speaker 1: look hungry. We haven't bereater of knowledge, chickpeas. Some welcome home, chickpeas. 39 00:03:32,240 --> 00:03:36,120 Speaker 1: At least we have the house I've borrowed against the house, 40 00:03:36,200 --> 00:03:39,160 Speaker 1: you fall. How do you think I raised the money 41 00:03:39,280 --> 00:03:42,920 Speaker 1: that bitch stole from me? You know, once they know 42 00:03:43,040 --> 00:03:45,200 Speaker 1: I'm back, the creditors will be here like like like 43 00:03:45,400 --> 00:03:51,360 Speaker 1: hungry rats, and we won't have anything. Think about it, think, 44 00:03:51,520 --> 00:03:54,080 Speaker 1: think what can we do? There must there must be 45 00:03:54,160 --> 00:03:56,760 Speaker 1: there always all that away out that has to be. 46 00:03:57,240 --> 00:04:02,440 Speaker 1: Perhaps we could sell some of the furniture in the market. Ciscopylar. 47 00:04:03,000 --> 00:04:08,320 Speaker 1: Of course, what a fool fan. You're losing your touch 48 00:04:08,840 --> 00:04:11,640 Speaker 1: this very day. As soon as it's like, we'll go 49 00:04:11,760 --> 00:04:13,880 Speaker 1: and see him, we'll draw up an agreement, have it 50 00:04:13,920 --> 00:04:18,760 Speaker 1: all signed and sealed by the evening, the marriage, your 51 00:04:18,839 --> 00:04:23,760 Speaker 1: marriage to Ciscopylar. Shame of you'll sell me to him? 52 00:04:24,400 --> 00:04:27,560 Speaker 1: That monster? Is that a monster? Is a very successful 53 00:04:27,600 --> 00:04:30,760 Speaker 1: business associate and a family friend. What about me? I'm 54 00:04:30,800 --> 00:04:34,479 Speaker 1: your daughter exactly, and what I daughter us for making 55 00:04:34,560 --> 00:04:38,680 Speaker 1: alliances through marriage? Ciscopilar is rich, he won't need a 56 00:04:38,760 --> 00:04:41,360 Speaker 1: bride price. He'll pay me. But master, look at her? 57 00:04:41,839 --> 00:04:45,480 Speaker 1: Are you blind? She's a child and he's seventy. You 58 00:04:45,600 --> 00:04:49,559 Speaker 1: can't father? You are all I have left to sell. 59 00:04:55,279 --> 00:05:02,560 Speaker 1: Human B Series three, episode six, Fatima by Mike Walker. 60 00:05:11,920 --> 00:05:17,800 Speaker 1: You know, oh, I'm just starving you. I was just 61 00:05:19,960 --> 00:05:27,680 Speaker 1: thinking a statue to her, to the alkin gold. It 62 00:05:28,080 --> 00:05:37,120 Speaker 1: could could be gold here. See it's it's beautiful. But 63 00:05:39,080 --> 00:05:42,040 Speaker 1: maybe now as things are, you know, perhaps you did 64 00:05:42,120 --> 00:05:46,640 Speaker 1: me to celebrate her life, what she was. They can 65 00:05:46,680 --> 00:05:57,919 Speaker 1: all see her, see what was lost. That's your loss, 66 00:05:58,880 --> 00:06:08,800 Speaker 1: your pain. But life must, life must go on every 67 00:06:08,920 --> 00:06:12,960 Speaker 1: moment that passes. She's there in my mind, in my heart, 68 00:06:13,440 --> 00:06:17,839 Speaker 1: and not there beside me, and never will be there again. 69 00:06:18,080 --> 00:06:23,480 Speaker 1: She is there in you every day, every moment I 70 00:06:23,560 --> 00:06:31,119 Speaker 1: can see that. Thank you, Harod. A messenger has arrived. 71 00:06:31,400 --> 00:06:35,120 Speaker 1: Your father, General Corline is returning with an army. They'll 72 00:06:35,160 --> 00:06:39,880 Speaker 1: behave before sunset. Who is army? My stepfather th govering 73 00:06:39,920 --> 00:06:44,920 Speaker 1: over she in province, This army that has no loyalty 74 00:06:45,000 --> 00:06:47,880 Speaker 1: to tumd me. My father took it upon himself to 75 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:51,320 Speaker 1: just wasn't doing the right thing. The Balarua coming. We 76 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:54,839 Speaker 1: have no army to speak of. We need help, something 77 00:06:54,880 --> 00:06:59,760 Speaker 1: to set against them. Yes, that's what she would have 78 00:06:59,800 --> 00:07:07,599 Speaker 1: said it. The messenger said, my mother is with the army. Mother, 79 00:07:08,600 --> 00:07:12,160 Speaker 1: my stepfather is away on a hunting trip. Apparently a 80 00:07:12,360 --> 00:07:15,840 Speaker 1: hunting trip is more important than his duty to Tuban Bay. 81 00:07:18,880 --> 00:07:22,800 Speaker 1: What is it? Something's not right? What do you mean? 82 00:07:24,000 --> 00:07:29,640 Speaker 1: My stuff father didn't like hunting. He never went hunting anyway. 83 00:07:29,760 --> 00:07:33,880 Speaker 1: She's with them, she's with the army, she's um with her. 84 00:07:34,640 --> 00:07:38,400 Speaker 1: You have to you can't look away, not for one moment. 85 00:07:39,520 --> 00:07:42,240 Speaker 1: And she's coming and we and we have to meet her. 86 00:07:49,840 --> 00:07:53,040 Speaker 1: A grand reception waits to welcome Coolan and this army 87 00:07:53,200 --> 00:07:57,920 Speaker 1: he's bringing home. Only it's not very grand. A few chamberlains, 88 00:07:58,000 --> 00:08:01,120 Speaker 1: a gaggle of palace guards, and are Sultana and her 89 00:08:01,200 --> 00:08:05,560 Speaker 1: husband like to worry children waiting for who knows what 90 00:08:06,520 --> 00:08:12,280 Speaker 1: how long? Now I can't see clearly the dust. As 91 00:08:12,360 --> 00:08:15,720 Speaker 1: they stand there. I see he touches her arm and 92 00:08:15,880 --> 00:08:24,080 Speaker 1: she brushes her hand against his. How times change? Mother, 93 00:08:25,280 --> 00:08:30,600 Speaker 1: Welcome to tuban Bay. Hi, pray, pray, boy, just save you, 94 00:08:31,040 --> 00:08:36,920 Speaker 1: Tuban Bay. Help me down someone? Yeah, that new mother, 95 00:08:40,880 --> 00:08:43,760 Speaker 1: what he remics you have performed. I did my duty, mother, 96 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:47,559 Speaker 1: nothing more. I always knew you would achieve greatness, that 97 00:08:47,679 --> 00:08:50,480 Speaker 1: you had steal in you, even when you refuse to 98 00:08:50,520 --> 00:08:54,680 Speaker 1: hold a sword. It's a child. Now look at these hands, 99 00:08:55,640 --> 00:09:05,520 Speaker 1: the hands of a sultan, mother, my the Sultana, man 100 00:09:05,920 --> 00:09:11,000 Speaker 1: of the house. Yes, yes, your majesty, it is an 101 00:09:11,040 --> 00:09:14,719 Speaker 1: honor to share our forces with you. To protect our 102 00:09:14,760 --> 00:09:18,320 Speaker 1: great and wonderful city of tuman Bay. We in turn 103 00:09:18,480 --> 00:09:21,839 Speaker 1: offer you are thanks. Her retinue of women makes the 104 00:09:21,920 --> 00:09:24,960 Speaker 1: few slaves I've been able to gather holding their bowls 105 00:09:25,000 --> 00:09:28,880 Speaker 1: of rose water look shabby and second. Right now, I 106 00:09:29,160 --> 00:09:32,760 Speaker 1: would like to change to bathe. Of course I can 107 00:09:32,920 --> 00:09:36,959 Speaker 1: show you to your and you are Gregor, my lady, 108 00:09:37,559 --> 00:09:43,079 Speaker 1: master of the palace, guard brother of General Coulan, uncle 109 00:09:43,200 --> 00:09:46,520 Speaker 1: to the Sultana. Yes, I have heard much about you, 110 00:09:46,720 --> 00:09:50,600 Speaker 1: and I have you take my horse. Of course, Madam 111 00:09:51,600 --> 00:09:54,959 Speaker 1: Herod will walk with me. We have so much to 112 00:09:55,040 --> 00:09:57,959 Speaker 1: talk about. I have an uneasy feeling that a new 113 00:09:58,080 --> 00:10:01,360 Speaker 1: and dangerous piece has been introduced to the board at 114 00:10:01,400 --> 00:10:03,240 Speaker 1: a point when we hardly know what the game is, 115 00:10:03,920 --> 00:10:11,439 Speaker 1: never mind who might win or lose bother it. No, 116 00:10:11,640 --> 00:10:19,200 Speaker 1: now I grieve for your loss, and I feels shall 117 00:10:19,280 --> 00:10:23,360 Speaker 1: we father and daughter, who both mourned the same lover. 118 00:10:23,840 --> 00:10:27,440 Speaker 1: Did she die a well? How tangled the web we weave? 119 00:10:28,000 --> 00:10:30,160 Speaker 1: She did? And we laid her on a ship and 120 00:10:30,240 --> 00:10:33,120 Speaker 1: said her ashes out to sea. It seemed in keeping 121 00:10:33,160 --> 00:10:37,360 Speaker 1: with her life as a traveler. Father, are you all right? 122 00:10:38,600 --> 00:10:45,280 Speaker 1: We are united in grief, my daughter, as we should 123 00:10:45,320 --> 00:10:49,360 Speaker 1: be united. In our suspicion of this woman Fatima. She is, 124 00:10:49,559 --> 00:10:54,720 Speaker 1: without question. The day he's being held for trial, he escaped. 125 00:10:54,960 --> 00:10:59,040 Speaker 1: I'm afraid how is that possible? Why have you not 126 00:10:59,200 --> 00:11:03,199 Speaker 1: taken control of the situation here it You must be ruthless. 127 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:07,240 Speaker 1: Cut out the poison. Then maybe we will find him 128 00:11:07,280 --> 00:11:09,360 Speaker 1: and he will pay. I can assure you assurance is 129 00:11:09,360 --> 00:11:12,880 Speaker 1: a cheap coin. Majesty, who has been assigned this task? 130 00:11:13,720 --> 00:11:18,719 Speaker 1: I have, my lady. I see well, Gregor, master of 131 00:11:18,760 --> 00:11:22,760 Speaker 1: the Palace Guard. Your record so far isn't exactly shining. 132 00:11:23,840 --> 00:11:26,719 Speaker 1: You will have to do better for me. I'll want 133 00:11:26,760 --> 00:11:37,240 Speaker 1: a full report what Gregor reports to me. Of course, 134 00:11:38,480 --> 00:11:42,199 Speaker 1: of course, I'm only trying to help my dear. This way, 135 00:11:42,360 --> 00:11:52,520 Speaker 1: my lady, follow me, and if it pleases you, my lady, 136 00:11:54,360 --> 00:11:56,599 Speaker 1: are these were the apartments of the chief wife of 137 00:11:56,760 --> 00:12:01,440 Speaker 1: Sultan Algori, who is strangled here? Yes, I must say 138 00:12:01,840 --> 00:12:06,599 Speaker 1: your record is becoming more tarnished by the moment. You know, 139 00:12:06,760 --> 00:12:09,600 Speaker 1: a great deal, a great deal too much for comfort. 140 00:12:10,000 --> 00:12:14,160 Speaker 1: I am interested in dynasties. Tommba has a troubled history. 141 00:12:15,240 --> 00:12:20,120 Speaker 1: Some say it's a poisoned throne. Who would want such 142 00:12:20,160 --> 00:12:24,480 Speaker 1: a seat in such a city. Well, I'm sure my 143 00:12:24,640 --> 00:12:29,120 Speaker 1: son Herod does and has proved himself worthy to sit 144 00:12:29,200 --> 00:12:33,040 Speaker 1: beside our Sultana. I'm sure I will leave you to 145 00:12:33,200 --> 00:12:37,880 Speaker 1: arrange yourself and your women. My guard will ensure your safety. 146 00:12:38,000 --> 00:12:41,400 Speaker 1: My own guard will take care of that with my son, 147 00:12:41,720 --> 00:12:44,959 Speaker 1: the palace guard. He doesn't need your army, Excellency, I 148 00:12:45,040 --> 00:12:47,840 Speaker 1: brought him one of his own. Is there anything else 149 00:12:49,040 --> 00:12:55,679 Speaker 1: the apartments for your husband? When he arrived, you may go. 150 00:12:56,720 --> 00:13:00,600 Speaker 1: I will bathe, wash away the dust of the journey. Oh, 151 00:13:00,600 --> 00:13:02,319 Speaker 1: when you may ask my son to come and see me, 152 00:13:03,360 --> 00:13:07,480 Speaker 1: we shall consult, of course, my living as you wish, 153 00:13:08,440 --> 00:13:26,720 Speaker 1: as I Wash'm not her damned messenger. Mm hmm. Mother, 154 00:13:27,640 --> 00:13:35,839 Speaker 1: you called for me, yes, come, I she was stay No, 155 00:13:36,720 --> 00:13:45,160 Speaker 1: I say yes, oh yes, m hmm. Sit my dear, 156 00:13:47,200 --> 00:13:53,840 Speaker 1: m h There have been rumors about your marriage, please mother, 157 00:13:54,160 --> 00:13:58,720 Speaker 1: So it's true you and your wife have not bed it. Mother. 158 00:13:59,160 --> 00:14:02,880 Speaker 1: You can't expect to produce children if you don't. So 159 00:14:04,240 --> 00:14:08,200 Speaker 1: who is this woman? Your wife weeps over her adviser 160 00:14:08,559 --> 00:14:16,679 Speaker 1: or her lover m hm both. Of course, if you 161 00:14:16,800 --> 00:14:19,920 Speaker 1: had been more of a man, you could have. But 162 00:14:20,120 --> 00:14:27,160 Speaker 1: now you're my dear sweet gentle boy and when it counted, Yes, 163 00:14:28,120 --> 00:14:33,760 Speaker 1: you stood up. She's dead. It doesn't matter anymore. Everything matters, 164 00:14:33,960 --> 00:14:37,280 Speaker 1: my dear, and all this may be for the best 165 00:14:38,160 --> 00:14:44,160 Speaker 1: or what you know, everything that happened, it makes your position, 166 00:14:44,520 --> 00:14:51,320 Speaker 1: our position more solid. That's enough. Now I need to rest. 167 00:14:55,040 --> 00:14:57,920 Speaker 1: I will leave you. Mother. You may fetch me a tab. 168 00:14:59,520 --> 00:15:03,680 Speaker 1: Don't look way you're ashamed of your mother. Look at me. 169 00:15:05,000 --> 00:15:10,240 Speaker 1: We are one flesh. You are eying herod? Am I 170 00:15:10,320 --> 00:15:17,120 Speaker 1: not still beautiful? Do you like what you see? Yeah? 171 00:15:18,320 --> 00:15:22,280 Speaker 1: Copy yourself. When you're a boy used to like looking 172 00:15:22,360 --> 00:15:28,240 Speaker 1: at me. I'm not a boy. More so I see 173 00:15:29,680 --> 00:15:32,600 Speaker 1: you are a man with the desires of a man 174 00:15:33,640 --> 00:15:39,600 Speaker 1: that I can see also, So act on it. Demand 175 00:15:39,720 --> 00:15:43,840 Speaker 1: your rights as a husband. You are destined for greenness. 176 00:15:44,440 --> 00:15:48,680 Speaker 1: A sultan of Tommy. You will found a great dynasty 177 00:15:48,840 --> 00:15:52,600 Speaker 1: that will last as long as the city stands. Get 178 00:15:53,000 --> 00:16:00,360 Speaker 1: that girl with child, she needs a heavy belly. Mhm. 179 00:16:01,000 --> 00:16:04,240 Speaker 1: There is to be a council meeting this afternoon. Go. 180 00:16:05,600 --> 00:16:09,280 Speaker 1: I wish to prepare myself. Perhaps you won't be invited 181 00:16:10,400 --> 00:16:15,200 Speaker 1: With ten thou armed men at my command? Isn't General Coolan, 182 00:16:15,480 --> 00:16:30,200 Speaker 1: Who's General Coulan? M These projects have been held up 183 00:16:30,200 --> 00:16:33,440 Speaker 1: awaiting finance and supplies. Herold seems to have taken the 184 00:16:33,480 --> 00:16:37,680 Speaker 1: trouble to inform himself. Maybe he really will make a difference. 185 00:16:38,240 --> 00:16:41,960 Speaker 1: Pull Mannell back into things. May I draw the council's 186 00:16:42,040 --> 00:16:46,320 Speaker 1: attention to the matter of the oldie respective Who are 187 00:16:46,400 --> 00:16:53,600 Speaker 1: you mother? Who are you the clerk of the town clerk? Right? 188 00:16:55,200 --> 00:16:58,200 Speaker 1: Are there not more important matters for this council to discuss. 189 00:16:59,160 --> 00:17:03,800 Speaker 1: I'm sorry my capturing the traitor Gordani the approaching armies 190 00:17:03,840 --> 00:17:09,520 Speaker 1: of the Ballarak uh so Um. I have heard a 191 00:17:09,600 --> 00:17:14,560 Speaker 1: message of congratulations from the Ballarak, congratulations for repelling the 192 00:17:14,720 --> 00:17:18,160 Speaker 1: cool and restoring or. They say they want to protect 193 00:17:18,320 --> 00:17:22,040 Speaker 1: to man Beer from further troubles and are sending a 194 00:17:22,200 --> 00:17:27,200 Speaker 1: delegation of advisors, which the Sultana and I considered to 195 00:17:27,280 --> 00:17:32,359 Speaker 1: be more menace than friendships. They are not noted for 196 00:17:32,480 --> 00:17:36,439 Speaker 1: their philanthropy. They you expect to be welcomed, and if 197 00:17:36,480 --> 00:17:40,600 Speaker 1: they are not, they presumably won't be best pleased. Wow, 198 00:17:41,440 --> 00:17:44,639 Speaker 1: thank you for sharing your experience in foreign affairs, Herod. 199 00:17:45,880 --> 00:17:48,719 Speaker 1: We must make a stand. I agree with General Coulan. 200 00:17:49,440 --> 00:17:52,840 Speaker 1: Really a general, now, are you? I was only trying 201 00:17:52,960 --> 00:17:59,520 Speaker 1: to No, No, Coula my friend. If you don't want 202 00:17:59,560 --> 00:18:02,639 Speaker 1: to see each you welcome them to the city. You 203 00:18:03,119 --> 00:18:08,440 Speaker 1: smile to their faces and hang her followers something like that. Yes, 204 00:18:09,520 --> 00:18:14,000 Speaker 1: victory does not always go to the iron fist, sometimes 205 00:18:14,320 --> 00:18:19,320 Speaker 1: to the silken noose. My lord, you have a guess 206 00:18:19,320 --> 00:18:22,679 Speaker 1: waiting in your rooms. I guess, he said, to let 207 00:18:22,760 --> 00:18:29,320 Speaker 1: you know. Is something wrong theret No, If you excuse me, 208 00:18:30,320 --> 00:18:44,280 Speaker 1: something I must deal with. I'll be actually m yes, hello, 209 00:18:45,200 --> 00:18:53,080 Speaker 1: is there anyone here? Sell them the door? God, you 210 00:18:53,200 --> 00:18:59,560 Speaker 1: may go and somehow you it is you? Who have 211 00:18:59,640 --> 00:19:06,840 Speaker 1: you been hiding? I thought it best. I am the 212 00:19:06,920 --> 00:19:11,600 Speaker 1: son of Tumana's greatest traitor. Hey, hey, hey, hey, it's 213 00:19:11,640 --> 00:19:15,239 Speaker 1: all right. It wasn't your fault. We can't choose who 214 00:19:15,280 --> 00:19:17,440 Speaker 1: our fathers are. I didn't know where to go. I 215 00:19:17,560 --> 00:19:19,800 Speaker 1: didn't know what to do. I just knew how to 216 00:19:19,800 --> 00:19:22,919 Speaker 1: see you. Come on, get up off your knees. We're friends. 217 00:19:23,359 --> 00:19:27,159 Speaker 1: It wasn't your fault. I mean to be honest. It 218 00:19:27,280 --> 00:19:30,560 Speaker 1: all turned out rather well for me, Thank god. I 219 00:19:30,720 --> 00:19:33,200 Speaker 1: was so concerned, but I couldn't do anything. It's that 220 00:19:33,400 --> 00:19:36,000 Speaker 1: like the whole city was against me, everyone looking for me. 221 00:19:36,200 --> 00:19:37,639 Speaker 1: I had no one to go to, no one to 222 00:19:37,760 --> 00:19:42,239 Speaker 1: don't worry. I won't tell anyone. I know what it's 223 00:19:42,280 --> 00:19:45,239 Speaker 1: like to be alone when I came to human Bey. 224 00:19:45,359 --> 00:19:47,600 Speaker 1: You are my only friend. I won't ever forget that. 225 00:19:47,720 --> 00:19:50,320 Speaker 1: But my father he I know you didn't have anything 226 00:19:50,400 --> 00:19:53,160 Speaker 1: to do with what your father did. He uses people. 227 00:19:53,560 --> 00:19:56,719 Speaker 1: We are friends and that's all that matters, all right. 228 00:20:00,000 --> 00:20:04,399 Speaker 1: What are you saying at Umslas Brusthel? You remember? How 229 00:20:04,480 --> 00:20:08,280 Speaker 1: could I forget? I just had to come and see 230 00:20:08,320 --> 00:20:12,760 Speaker 1: you to be sure you were all right. Now you're 231 00:20:12,800 --> 00:20:15,920 Speaker 1: on the council. Well, I'm so glad everything works out 232 00:20:15,960 --> 00:20:20,480 Speaker 1: for you. Oh they still look at me with narrow 233 00:20:20,560 --> 00:20:23,320 Speaker 1: eyes and with my mother here, it's you look tired, 234 00:20:23,480 --> 00:20:28,080 Speaker 1: my dear friend. Yes, well it's been a difficult time. 235 00:20:29,760 --> 00:20:33,280 Speaker 1: Perhaps you need a plaque so them no, hear me out, 236 00:20:33,800 --> 00:20:37,240 Speaker 1: because I have found a really amazing place with great people. 237 00:20:37,400 --> 00:20:39,960 Speaker 1: So then things have changed. I can't do that sort 238 00:20:40,000 --> 00:20:44,440 Speaker 1: of stuff anymore. Of course, of course I shouldn't have. 239 00:20:44,960 --> 00:20:47,000 Speaker 1: I shouldn't have spoken out of turn. Now it's fine. 240 00:20:47,240 --> 00:20:53,520 Speaker 1: I'm sorry. Have responsibilities. So what if if you brought 241 00:20:53,640 --> 00:21:08,400 Speaker 1: them the head of tuman Bas greatest traitor, my lord 242 00:21:08,680 --> 00:21:13,080 Speaker 1: the merchant bab I tell them to bring in the 243 00:21:13,240 --> 00:21:18,200 Speaker 1: tea and gigs now, ciscopular effinthing. How generous of you 244 00:21:18,280 --> 00:21:20,879 Speaker 1: to invite us, and how good to see you again, 245 00:21:21,440 --> 00:21:29,840 Speaker 1: old friends, old business rivers. Ah, lovely of course, Mattila 246 00:21:30,200 --> 00:21:34,240 Speaker 1: Ciscopila here always got the better of me, trewdest bargainer 247 00:21:34,520 --> 00:21:43,840 Speaker 1: in gigs ship's ship, both of you, if you'll forgive me, 248 00:21:44,000 --> 00:21:46,879 Speaker 1: cisco effinthy. I thought first, you thought making a public 249 00:21:46,960 --> 00:21:49,119 Speaker 1: display of your support for Tayland. Why it was a 250 00:21:49,200 --> 00:21:53,360 Speaker 1: good idea. But look where that got you and your 251 00:21:53,480 --> 00:21:57,240 Speaker 1: latest venture. Ah. Of course, I've only just returned from 252 00:21:57,280 --> 00:22:03,040 Speaker 1: business across the seat. I heard the was a disaster. No, no, 253 00:22:03,440 --> 00:22:06,760 Speaker 1: not at all. I just had need my help, my dear, Please, 254 00:22:06,960 --> 00:22:11,440 Speaker 1: I don't you eat? No? Thank you? Sing you sure cake, 255 00:22:12,440 --> 00:22:17,960 Speaker 1: honey kick, I'm not hungry, thank you. M hmm. Cast 256 00:22:18,040 --> 00:22:20,159 Speaker 1: your eyes down, dear when a man looks at you. 257 00:22:21,840 --> 00:22:25,159 Speaker 1: But she has a good temperament. But I hope you 258 00:22:25,200 --> 00:22:31,000 Speaker 1: haven't spoilt her. No, no, and she read, of course 259 00:22:31,080 --> 00:22:35,920 Speaker 1: not good. Your jewels are most becoming, my dear, My 260 00:22:36,080 --> 00:22:41,960 Speaker 1: mother's they were a gift, a loving gift that she perhaps, 261 00:22:42,600 --> 00:22:45,480 Speaker 1: if my sweet you were to go into the with 262 00:22:45,600 --> 00:22:49,800 Speaker 1: your permission, Cisco said, then we could talk the boarding stuff. 263 00:22:49,840 --> 00:22:53,080 Speaker 1: You know, perhaps your daughter would care to see the 264 00:22:53,160 --> 00:22:57,960 Speaker 1: fish in the pond? Yes, good show her the fish pond. 265 00:23:00,640 --> 00:23:05,640 Speaker 1: Mm hmm, she walks. Well, thank you. You're a fortunate 266 00:23:05,760 --> 00:23:10,320 Speaker 1: man baband to have a daughter who soon market plan, 267 00:23:11,960 --> 00:23:14,720 Speaker 1: of course, and for such a jewel, I will give 268 00:23:14,760 --> 00:23:19,520 Speaker 1: you one, assuming the jewels are part of the package. 269 00:23:20,840 --> 00:23:23,160 Speaker 1: Let's let's don't take too long, because I'm being very 270 00:23:23,240 --> 00:23:46,080 Speaker 1: generous given your circumstances. Please sit, excellency sir. Is he ready? 271 00:23:47,200 --> 00:23:50,600 Speaker 1: He's always ready? Then let's not waste time? Are you 272 00:23:52,480 --> 00:23:57,560 Speaker 1: What does that mean? Am I ready? Does it mean 273 00:23:57,600 --> 00:24:04,440 Speaker 1: anything at all? Huh? Did I make a mistake? Was 274 00:24:04,520 --> 00:24:13,040 Speaker 1: it to do with greg Or Herold? What should I do? 275 00:24:14,600 --> 00:24:17,840 Speaker 1: You know? He cannot tell you what to do? Should 276 00:24:17,880 --> 00:24:27,920 Speaker 1: I stay in hiding? Should I attempt a reconciliation? Really? 277 00:24:30,520 --> 00:24:36,160 Speaker 1: With who? You know? He cannot with the Sultana? Why 278 00:24:36,240 --> 00:24:40,960 Speaker 1: isn't the answering stupid question? With someone in the palace 279 00:24:43,800 --> 00:24:50,800 Speaker 1: a man, a woman, but not the Sultana, a woman 280 00:24:50,880 --> 00:25:00,600 Speaker 1: who has no history here? Mistress Fatima? H How can 281 00:25:00,680 --> 00:25:03,240 Speaker 1: I reach out to her to tell her I've I 282 00:25:03,320 --> 00:25:07,200 Speaker 1: have so much to offer, so many secrets. Ah, the 283 00:25:07,320 --> 00:25:13,200 Speaker 1: Golds do they know now, What, excellency, do they know 284 00:25:13,280 --> 00:25:20,560 Speaker 1: about the other places, the rest of the gold. Ah. 285 00:25:23,160 --> 00:25:27,840 Speaker 1: I need someone who understands the way the world turns 286 00:25:27,920 --> 00:25:32,959 Speaker 1: and has it, Gregor, he will be my go between. 287 00:25:35,040 --> 00:25:39,480 Speaker 1: It can be done a meeting, A meeting, Yes, yes, yess. 288 00:25:39,520 --> 00:25:42,120 Speaker 1: I begin to see everything is possible to the man 289 00:25:42,440 --> 00:25:47,800 Speaker 1: who sees the possibility of everything. So this is a 290 00:25:47,880 --> 00:25:51,639 Speaker 1: stop upon the way. That is all. But the journey 291 00:25:51,760 --> 00:26:05,440 Speaker 1: is not ended. What what now? Yah? He says, you 292 00:26:05,600 --> 00:26:11,200 Speaker 1: must not leave the city today. It is not propitious, Lee, 293 00:26:14,320 --> 00:26:23,240 Speaker 1: I hope only just begun sort of exciting. You know 294 00:26:23,880 --> 00:26:28,119 Speaker 1: what is? Come on three here skulking through the streets 295 00:26:28,160 --> 00:26:35,480 Speaker 1: and disguise. I'll miss it. I'm miss being with you. Well, 296 00:26:36,240 --> 00:26:40,200 Speaker 1: once we're settled, and I mean ellis looking after the babies. 297 00:26:40,280 --> 00:26:47,800 Speaker 1: And it doesn't look very promising. It's just a cafe. 298 00:26:48,280 --> 00:26:51,840 Speaker 1: He's upstairs. He's been hiding it ever since it's happened. 299 00:26:54,359 --> 00:26:59,080 Speaker 1: Looks and um, I just thought of something. I mean, 300 00:26:59,119 --> 00:27:02,160 Speaker 1: here we are, but yeah, I mean I don't even 301 00:27:02,160 --> 00:27:08,080 Speaker 1: have a sword. I do and Herod, we have to 302 00:27:08,160 --> 00:27:13,320 Speaker 1: do this. We have to finish what we started. You mean, 303 00:27:13,440 --> 00:27:19,520 Speaker 1: actually cut his head off. He's fat and sick. There 304 00:27:19,520 --> 00:27:23,840 Speaker 1: won't be any trouble. You will be the true and 305 00:27:24,000 --> 00:27:26,359 Speaker 1: only hero of tuman Bab. You have to find a 306 00:27:26,359 --> 00:27:32,040 Speaker 1: college to do this. How are you ready? I'm ready. 307 00:27:36,960 --> 00:27:46,840 Speaker 1: They've probably put on a statue to you. He's sleep. 308 00:27:47,160 --> 00:27:54,200 Speaker 1: Come on, herold now, I'll be ready for your drink 309 00:27:54,200 --> 00:27:58,160 Speaker 1: after this. What do they mean? This there so narrow? 310 00:28:00,080 --> 00:28:07,800 Speaker 1: M hm h m hm, oh, don't I tell her 311 00:28:07,840 --> 00:28:17,960 Speaker 1: the egg dot? I don't understand. Where is he tonight? 312 00:28:18,040 --> 00:28:20,359 Speaker 1: You drink the wine of paradise and dream of paid 313 00:28:20,480 --> 00:28:33,480 Speaker 1: virgins my foot? M hm, I'm sleep. M h I'm sorry. 314 00:28:45,480 --> 00:28:48,320 Speaker 1: I sit in my tower and look down over the city, 315 00:28:48,520 --> 00:28:51,040 Speaker 1: and I feel it's life, like a million lights in 316 00:28:51,120 --> 00:28:55,720 Speaker 1: the darkness, so bright, some mere glimmers in the far distance. 317 00:28:59,600 --> 00:29:13,719 Speaker 1: M hm m hey, stop, who are you? A cafe 318 00:29:13,840 --> 00:29:19,880 Speaker 1: of the tree of Sorrows and narrow stairs? Come alone? Day? 319 00:29:23,360 --> 00:29:26,800 Speaker 1: He must be desperate to take such a risk, or 320 00:29:26,880 --> 00:29:43,640 Speaker 1: is this just another move on the board sillium? Father, 321 00:29:45,360 --> 00:29:50,560 Speaker 1: I did it? What are you talking about? I killed him? 322 00:29:51,600 --> 00:29:57,280 Speaker 1: M hm, who do you? I thought I thought it 323 00:29:57,280 --> 00:30:02,200 Speaker 1: would be easy, but horribly. He took so long, so 324 00:30:02,600 --> 00:30:09,560 Speaker 1: so much blood. So you stupid, stupid idiot, the idiot 325 00:30:09,680 --> 00:30:12,560 Speaker 1: son of an idiot. Mother. May the gods curse the 326 00:30:12,640 --> 00:30:14,480 Speaker 1: day I had her, and double curse the day she 327 00:30:14,640 --> 00:30:17,960 Speaker 1: had you. Do you have any idea of what you 328 00:30:18,080 --> 00:30:22,600 Speaker 1: have done? And sent word to Gregor to come here 329 00:30:22,680 --> 00:30:26,920 Speaker 1: and meet me alone to make a deal. And now 330 00:30:27,080 --> 00:30:34,600 Speaker 1: he's going to find this. We we could he came. 331 00:30:36,520 --> 00:30:40,120 Speaker 1: The boy has an idea. Let's kill the most dangerous 332 00:30:40,160 --> 00:30:46,080 Speaker 1: man in two men by no, no, well, there's only 333 00:30:47,360 --> 00:30:51,240 Speaker 1: one thing to do. What's that? You will do what 334 00:30:51,480 --> 00:30:55,320 Speaker 1: you do? I don't understand you clean things up, So 335 00:30:55,560 --> 00:31:00,440 Speaker 1: clean this up. Let's let's no but nothing do it? 336 00:31:01,800 --> 00:31:05,200 Speaker 1: Make it go away, and then go away yourself, and 337 00:31:05,280 --> 00:31:08,200 Speaker 1: then meet me at the water, go to dawn with 338 00:31:08,760 --> 00:31:15,520 Speaker 1: a camel. Do you understand? Yes? Yes, father, yes, father. 339 00:31:29,960 --> 00:31:33,880 Speaker 1: I'm intrigued by this message. Can Dally calls me here? 340 00:31:35,000 --> 00:31:43,719 Speaker 1: And here there is nothing except the faint aroma of blood? 341 00:31:45,600 --> 00:31:52,800 Speaker 1: What has been done in this place? Ah? Sit sit, excellency. 342 00:31:53,320 --> 00:31:57,320 Speaker 1: How can I serve you sweet tea and mint tea, safronteer, 343 00:31:57,360 --> 00:32:01,840 Speaker 1: information and coffee to eat? I think not serve it 344 00:32:01,920 --> 00:32:08,760 Speaker 1: as you would for a funeral, boy, funeral coffee, one said, 345 00:32:12,320 --> 00:32:17,200 Speaker 1: the room at the back up the stairs, excellency, Yeah, 346 00:32:17,440 --> 00:32:21,240 Speaker 1: young fellow and other men are big heavy anyone Else's 347 00:32:21,280 --> 00:32:27,000 Speaker 1: not my business, of course, I just want it good coffee, 348 00:32:27,520 --> 00:32:32,120 Speaker 1: h not too hot. I am known for my funeral 349 00:32:32,160 --> 00:32:36,480 Speaker 1: gold flapper. Do you know whose funeral? Excellency? Perhaps the 350 00:32:36,560 --> 00:32:45,920 Speaker 1: room is your business, after all, this has developed solo. 351 00:32:46,000 --> 00:32:49,200 Speaker 1: The cafe is named after many centuries ago they used 352 00:32:49,240 --> 00:32:52,360 Speaker 1: to be. That doesn't interest me. You said the water 353 00:32:52,480 --> 00:32:54,960 Speaker 1: was foul this morning. Yes, we had to use a 354 00:32:55,040 --> 00:33:02,800 Speaker 1: system at the crossroads. Oh, still doesn't spend so good. 355 00:33:03,800 --> 00:33:06,040 Speaker 1: This is where the young man was seen. No longer 356 00:33:06,160 --> 00:33:09,800 Speaker 1: faint now an odor I know all too well. The 357 00:33:09,920 --> 00:33:15,160 Speaker 1: boy will send him down. He'll need a torch, some animal, 358 00:33:15,440 --> 00:33:17,719 Speaker 1: you think what I'd be wasting my time with an animal? 359 00:33:18,640 --> 00:33:33,760 Speaker 1: No sort, the excellency, the boy why well, what smells bad? 360 00:33:35,320 --> 00:33:42,440 Speaker 1: What he was deady? Of course? No? Stop? Stop? What 361 00:33:42,880 --> 00:33:55,760 Speaker 1: what what is it? Why? Why you what? Look? I 362 00:33:55,880 --> 00:33:59,680 Speaker 1: never knew a head would be as heavy. M hm 363 00:34:00,040 --> 00:34:09,200 Speaker 1: m h. The fury of the bereaved mother has often 364 00:34:09,239 --> 00:34:12,160 Speaker 1: been written about in the great tragedies of ancient times, 365 00:34:13,239 --> 00:34:18,920 Speaker 1: but here she's coming and now my lady, I am 366 00:34:19,640 --> 00:34:28,120 Speaker 1: so later Gregor where is he? Where is my soul? Madame? 367 00:34:28,200 --> 00:34:35,000 Speaker 1: De body was say the condition in pieces, my shock 368 00:34:35,080 --> 00:34:51,319 Speaker 1: in a basket to what she says, Yes, the Sultana 369 00:34:51,440 --> 00:35:06,640 Speaker 1: should I never like this like like but chess stool, 370 00:35:07,680 --> 00:35:16,799 Speaker 1: excellency madame. Yes, we can help me and my assistant yes, 371 00:35:17,840 --> 00:35:24,839 Speaker 1: who I um. We are artists, madam, artists after death. 372 00:35:26,000 --> 00:35:28,759 Speaker 1: What my assistant means is that we make the dead 373 00:35:28,800 --> 00:35:32,520 Speaker 1: look as they were in in life. It's what we do. 374 00:35:34,400 --> 00:35:43,960 Speaker 1: You can bring him back to life, no no, no no, 375 00:35:44,680 --> 00:35:47,320 Speaker 1: But we can restore everything short of the breath of 376 00:35:47,400 --> 00:35:53,880 Speaker 1: life itself, with tread and wax, baste and powder, and 377 00:35:54,320 --> 00:35:57,279 Speaker 1: then you can send him off on his journey as 378 00:35:57,320 --> 00:36:00,080 Speaker 1: you would wish to see him go. It will be 379 00:36:00,320 --> 00:36:05,040 Speaker 1: as if the sultan head intersparadise in his sleep, well 380 00:36:05,719 --> 00:36:08,200 Speaker 1: more or less, since there are a few bits missing, 381 00:36:08,280 --> 00:36:11,160 Speaker 1: But there's nothing we can't do. We have a pen 382 00:36:11,360 --> 00:36:15,560 Speaker 1: of slaves for anything we might need to add. I 383 00:36:15,719 --> 00:36:18,840 Speaker 1: know some of the grieving like them. Have that gentleman 384 00:36:18,880 --> 00:36:25,239 Speaker 1: a little enhanced, as it were. But do your best work. 385 00:36:26,640 --> 00:36:30,359 Speaker 1: You will be well rewarded, of course. But of course, 386 00:36:31,640 --> 00:36:36,040 Speaker 1: in the end, no matter how old or how far away, 387 00:36:37,000 --> 00:36:41,719 Speaker 1: what does happen between you? Or do you? They are 388 00:36:42,520 --> 00:36:51,680 Speaker 1: your little boy? Put this in aside. Yes he loved 389 00:36:51,760 --> 00:36:55,680 Speaker 1: it as a baby. Let him hold it, but let 390 00:36:55,920 --> 00:37:02,600 Speaker 1: no one see. Of course, m your best work, mind 391 00:37:06,040 --> 00:37:18,120 Speaker 1: my name. I do not accept your explanations. Commander your 392 00:37:18,160 --> 00:37:22,920 Speaker 1: son yet dangerous company, madam? As do you? I am 393 00:37:23,080 --> 00:37:26,320 Speaker 1: used to handling thieves and spies. I wasn't referring to 394 00:37:26,520 --> 00:37:30,880 Speaker 1: thieves and spies, even so I warnt him time and 395 00:37:31,000 --> 00:37:34,520 Speaker 1: time again. The city is a dangerous place at night. 396 00:37:35,560 --> 00:37:40,240 Speaker 1: There are factions, the blues, the yellows. There are the guilds, 397 00:37:40,320 --> 00:37:43,360 Speaker 1: not all of them trades, mora artists. There are darker, 398 00:37:43,440 --> 00:37:46,759 Speaker 1: more dangerous arts. And was it not your job to 399 00:37:46,920 --> 00:37:51,520 Speaker 1: protect your sultan wherever he might be, a silent presence, 400 00:37:52,080 --> 00:37:56,400 Speaker 1: never disturbing, always at hand. Isn't that what people like 401 00:37:56,640 --> 00:38:01,680 Speaker 1: you are supposed to do? What are you standing there for? 402 00:38:02,000 --> 00:38:09,680 Speaker 1: Open the door? I have only now heard the news. 403 00:38:10,520 --> 00:38:12,439 Speaker 1: My heart is with you in this moment of pain 404 00:38:12,640 --> 00:38:15,920 Speaker 1: and sorrow, the whole of I don't want your pity. 405 00:38:16,880 --> 00:38:21,040 Speaker 1: I won't accept it. He saved your life, He saved 406 00:38:21,080 --> 00:38:25,800 Speaker 1: your throne, and you used him, all of you. I 407 00:38:25,920 --> 00:38:30,319 Speaker 1: can assure of nothing. Those who did this, those who 408 00:38:30,680 --> 00:38:35,879 Speaker 1: allowed this to happen, will pay. The city will pay 409 00:38:36,040 --> 00:38:41,520 Speaker 1: for my son's life. It is my loss too. Gregor, 410 00:38:41,680 --> 00:38:46,680 Speaker 1: go find out who Commander Gregor, a man of fearsome reputation, 411 00:38:46,800 --> 00:38:50,760 Speaker 1: Why I dare say in the far provinces, mother's scared 412 00:38:50,840 --> 00:38:56,960 Speaker 1: disobedient children with his name. I can assure you I 413 00:38:57,680 --> 00:39:06,080 Speaker 1: don't want to hear. Indulge me, majesty. Let me tell 414 00:39:06,120 --> 00:39:10,160 Speaker 1: you a story from when I was a child. Of course, 415 00:39:11,440 --> 00:39:14,840 Speaker 1: in the forest around our village there was a terrible ogre. 416 00:39:16,320 --> 00:39:19,239 Speaker 1: It was said that once he came roaring out of 417 00:39:19,320 --> 00:39:22,200 Speaker 1: the trees and took a whole family and ate them 418 00:39:22,719 --> 00:39:27,120 Speaker 1: live stock, and all this happened in the time of 419 00:39:27,200 --> 00:39:31,280 Speaker 1: my grandfather's grandfather. And after his terrible meal, the ogre 420 00:39:31,360 --> 00:39:33,800 Speaker 1: sat down with his back against a mighty fur and 421 00:39:33,880 --> 00:39:37,960 Speaker 1: went to sleep. The villagers all lived in fear of 422 00:39:38,160 --> 00:39:43,120 Speaker 1: waking him, so they crept around, never used hammers, built cottages, 423 00:39:43,200 --> 00:39:46,960 Speaker 1: held dances, or ran the temple bell or even kept 424 00:39:47,120 --> 00:39:56,960 Speaker 1: noisy goats for years and years and years. And then 425 00:39:57,040 --> 00:40:02,480 Speaker 1: one day a child running through the forest came upon 426 00:40:02,520 --> 00:40:07,000 Speaker 1: the terrible Logo, but she knew nothing about him. And 427 00:40:07,160 --> 00:40:11,359 Speaker 1: she approached and reached out a finger and tweaked one 428 00:40:11,600 --> 00:40:19,759 Speaker 1: terrible toe, and it crumbled away into dust, as did 429 00:40:19,800 --> 00:40:24,839 Speaker 1: the terrible Ogre, because he had rotted away from inside 430 00:40:25,760 --> 00:40:33,840 Speaker 1: and was merely a shell, and nothing more like to 431 00:40:33,960 --> 00:40:41,560 Speaker 1: mend me. Let us stop playing these games. Power rest 432 00:40:41,640 --> 00:40:45,200 Speaker 1: in the hand that holds the hilt and wields the sword. 433 00:40:46,080 --> 00:40:49,000 Speaker 1: Ask your father. He will tell you it is true. 434 00:40:50,239 --> 00:40:54,359 Speaker 1: And I have ten thousand hands, and ten thousand hills, 435 00:40:54,960 --> 00:41:00,360 Speaker 1: and ten thousand swords. And now, if you're most acious 436 00:41:00,440 --> 00:41:05,400 Speaker 1: Majesty will allow me, I shall withdraw to mourn for 437 00:41:05,520 --> 00:41:17,840 Speaker 1: my son. What happened to my sweet? Why are you crying? 438 00:41:17,920 --> 00:41:20,120 Speaker 1: It's all like a slave, not a slave, a wife. 439 00:41:20,160 --> 00:41:26,800 Speaker 1: It's an honorable position. Day here, girl, you will obey 440 00:41:26,880 --> 00:41:29,640 Speaker 1: me your master, don't. She's only a child. I have 441 00:41:29,719 --> 00:41:33,880 Speaker 1: no intention of her together, because I'm valuable kids. You 442 00:41:34,360 --> 00:41:37,480 Speaker 1: are a disobedient daughter. You will stay in your room 443 00:41:37,640 --> 00:41:41,560 Speaker 1: until you can behave properly. You'll get used to it. 444 00:41:42,400 --> 00:41:54,000 Speaker 1: Everyone does. I won't. I won't. I'd rather die. I 445 00:41:54,080 --> 00:41:59,640 Speaker 1: can't die. He would look after Emma, help me someone 446 00:41:59,719 --> 00:42:09,160 Speaker 1: else me. Their stars have smooth to hurt me. The 447 00:42:09,360 --> 00:42:19,480 Speaker 1: sky itself looks down on my suffering. The mountains are distant, 448 00:42:20,920 --> 00:42:27,319 Speaker 1: the snow glitters on the summons, But he is ever 449 00:42:27,600 --> 00:42:45,920 Speaker 1: denight to me. Oh what, m frock? I told you 450 00:42:45,960 --> 00:42:59,560 Speaker 1: I'd come back, didn't I didn't I? Season three, Episode 451 00:42:59,640 --> 00:43:04,479 Speaker 1: six of tuman Bay, Fatima, featuring Tara Fitzgerald, Rufus Wright, 452 00:43:04,960 --> 00:43:08,800 Speaker 1: Finn Elliott, and Humera Said, was written by Mike Walker, 453 00:43:09,400 --> 00:43:12,400 Speaker 1: with music by Sasha Putnam and editing and sound design 454 00:43:12,560 --> 00:43:16,759 Speaker 1: by Eloise Whitmore. Tuman Bay is directed by Me, John 455 00:43:16,800 --> 00:43:20,480 Speaker 1: Scott Dryden, created by Me and Mike Walker, and produced 456 00:43:20,520 --> 00:43:24,280 Speaker 1: by Emma Herne and Nadia Khan. For more details, including 457 00:43:24,320 --> 00:43:27,520 Speaker 1: scripts and castle list, visit tumuan Bay dot com