1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:23,959 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. This is 2 00:00:24,040 --> 00:00:29,360 Speaker 1: part two of the Princess of Prince Street. In this chapter, 3 00:00:29,680 --> 00:00:33,919 Speaker 1: Princess takes Ignatius on a tour of the town on 4 00:00:34,000 --> 00:00:41,000 Speaker 1: their way to her favorite spot, Victoria Park. Along the way, 5 00:00:41,080 --> 00:00:44,640 Speaker 1: she takes him to a restaurant by a large church 6 00:00:45,320 --> 00:00:50,239 Speaker 1: and introduces him to a friend. When they arrive at 7 00:00:50,280 --> 00:00:54,240 Speaker 1: the park, they meet some other dogs. Let's see what 8 00:00:54,360 --> 00:01:05,240 Speaker 1: happens the Princess of Prince Street Part two. I must 9 00:01:05,319 --> 00:01:09,200 Speaker 1: really apologize again for my friends. They really are nice 10 00:01:09,200 --> 00:01:12,479 Speaker 1: once you get to know them, Princess said, as they 11 00:01:12,480 --> 00:01:16,440 Speaker 1: were walking to the sidewalk. Well, it's no big deal. 12 00:01:16,840 --> 00:01:18,880 Speaker 1: I'm just happy to have the chance to make a 13 00:01:18,920 --> 00:01:24,080 Speaker 1: new friend. Ignacious quietly replied, So where are we off to? 14 00:01:26,640 --> 00:01:28,480 Speaker 1: I thought I might take you on a walk to 15 00:01:28,560 --> 00:01:33,720 Speaker 1: the largest park in town, Princess said, with her tail wagging, which, 16 00:01:33,760 --> 00:01:37,360 Speaker 1: when she was as excited as she was now, caused 17 00:01:37,360 --> 00:01:42,960 Speaker 1: her whole body to shake. It's called Victoria Park and 18 00:01:43,040 --> 00:01:47,760 Speaker 1: it has paths through trees, lots of grassy fields to 19 00:01:47,880 --> 00:01:51,920 Speaker 1: roll on, tennis courts where we can watch the balls bounce, 20 00:01:52,560 --> 00:01:55,400 Speaker 1: an ice cream stand where sometimes you can get some 21 00:01:55,600 --> 00:02:01,640 Speaker 1: free ice cream and a splashing pool. Though the splashy 22 00:02:01,680 --> 00:02:05,640 Speaker 1: pool I don't usually visit until the very end, Princess added, 23 00:02:07,040 --> 00:02:12,880 Speaker 1: why at the end, asked Ignacious curiously, Well, we dogs 24 00:02:12,919 --> 00:02:19,360 Speaker 1: aren't actually allowed in the pool, humans only. Apparently. One 25 00:02:19,400 --> 00:02:21,800 Speaker 1: time a lady got upset at me once for not 26 00:02:21,880 --> 00:02:25,840 Speaker 1: reading some sign that said no dog's aloud. I just 27 00:02:25,880 --> 00:02:28,960 Speaker 1: wagged my tail because I haven't learned to read yet, 28 00:02:31,200 --> 00:02:35,960 Speaker 1: Ignacious smiled. So each time I go in and splash, 29 00:02:36,200 --> 00:02:40,239 Speaker 1: the kids are always overjoyed and laughing, but the adults 30 00:02:40,280 --> 00:02:46,800 Speaker 1: get scared and chase me away. Princess finished with a sigh. Ah. Yes, 31 00:02:46,960 --> 00:02:52,440 Speaker 1: humans can sometimes act pretty strange, said Ignacious. My owners 32 00:02:52,480 --> 00:02:55,240 Speaker 1: won't even let me roll around in the mud. They 33 00:02:55,280 --> 00:02:58,200 Speaker 1: don't like me to get dirty, like getting dirty is 34 00:02:58,240 --> 00:03:04,800 Speaker 1: a bad thing or something, added Princess laughed. As they 35 00:03:04,840 --> 00:03:10,160 Speaker 1: started walking towards the crosswalk. They stopped at the crosswalk. 36 00:03:10,800 --> 00:03:14,360 Speaker 1: They were, after all, very smart dogs and waited for 37 00:03:14,440 --> 00:03:19,239 Speaker 1: the walk signal before crossing the street. Then they looked 38 00:03:19,280 --> 00:03:23,720 Speaker 1: both ways before stepping on the street. Princess knew that 39 00:03:23,880 --> 00:03:27,640 Speaker 1: island drivers are always very nice, but it's wise to 40 00:03:27,680 --> 00:03:31,480 Speaker 1: be extra careful in case someone driving a car makes 41 00:03:31,520 --> 00:03:38,840 Speaker 1: a mistake. Their first stop was the seafood restaurant in 42 00:03:38,880 --> 00:03:43,520 Speaker 1: a small wooden house across from the park. The windows 43 00:03:43,560 --> 00:03:46,800 Speaker 1: were covered in all kinds of pictures of delicious food 44 00:03:47,560 --> 00:03:54,680 Speaker 1: like lobster, fish and shrimp. This is my favorite restaurant 45 00:03:54,760 --> 00:03:58,200 Speaker 1: on the street, said Princess, with more than a little 46 00:03:58,200 --> 00:04:02,680 Speaker 1: bit of drool dripping from her mouth. Their garbage cans 47 00:04:02,760 --> 00:04:06,640 Speaker 1: are by far the stinkiest and full of all kinds 48 00:04:06,680 --> 00:04:14,280 Speaker 1: of wonderful smelling, spoiled food. I'm not a seafood person myself, 49 00:04:14,920 --> 00:04:18,200 Speaker 1: said Ignacious as they both spent time smelling around the 50 00:04:18,240 --> 00:04:22,480 Speaker 1: garbage cans. But I do agree that this smells great. 51 00:04:23,440 --> 00:04:27,599 Speaker 1: Do the owners ever give you something to eat? No, 52 00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:32,279 Speaker 1: not usually, said Princess. But Tom, the waiter will sometimes 53 00:04:32,320 --> 00:04:35,559 Speaker 1: come outside on break and give us dogs some water 54 00:04:35,839 --> 00:04:39,680 Speaker 1: and left over biscuits. He likes to scratch the back 55 00:04:39,720 --> 00:04:43,760 Speaker 1: of my ears, which I like, Princess said, while finding 56 00:04:43,839 --> 00:04:48,080 Speaker 1: something particularly delicious smelling at the back of one garbage can, 57 00:04:50,560 --> 00:04:53,719 Speaker 1: Breaking herself from the scent, she said, are you ready 58 00:04:53,760 --> 00:04:58,400 Speaker 1: to continue on our way? Yes, let's go, said Ignacious, 59 00:04:58,800 --> 00:05:05,680 Speaker 1: tired of the smell of seafood, as they slowly made 60 00:05:05,680 --> 00:05:08,640 Speaker 1: their way up Prince Street. They walked past a number 61 00:05:08,680 --> 00:05:14,000 Speaker 1: of old wooden houses, said hello to Jester, a labrador 62 00:05:14,040 --> 00:05:17,760 Speaker 1: mix who was always tied outside under a tree by 63 00:05:17,760 --> 00:05:21,799 Speaker 1: the Pink apartment building, and stopped to smell a bag 64 00:05:21,839 --> 00:05:25,520 Speaker 1: that was dropped on the sidewalk. Ignatius gave it a 65 00:05:25,560 --> 00:05:30,560 Speaker 1: smell and said, yech tune a fish sandwich. Definitely not 66 00:05:30,680 --> 00:05:37,640 Speaker 1: my favorite, not mine either, Princess said, but I'm going 67 00:05:37,680 --> 00:05:39,479 Speaker 1: to pick up this bag and put it in the 68 00:05:39,560 --> 00:05:46,120 Speaker 1: garbage It helps to keep our neighborhood clean. Princess carefully 69 00:05:46,200 --> 00:05:50,160 Speaker 1: picked up the paper bag containing the sandwich and placed 70 00:05:50,160 --> 00:05:53,520 Speaker 1: it in the nearby garbage can. As they continued on 71 00:05:53,600 --> 00:05:59,760 Speaker 1: their way. It was a quiet time of day when 72 00:05:59,760 --> 00:06:03,039 Speaker 1: they were walking, as most humans were working in the 73 00:06:03,160 --> 00:06:08,560 Speaker 1: various offices that were scattered about the city. There wasn't 74 00:06:08,640 --> 00:06:12,600 Speaker 1: much traffic and only a few people walking on the sidewalks. 75 00:06:14,240 --> 00:06:17,039 Speaker 1: No one took much notice of the two dogs out 76 00:06:17,080 --> 00:06:23,919 Speaker 1: walking without their owners. As they passed the Great Church 77 00:06:24,000 --> 00:06:27,360 Speaker 1: that rose up high on the corner across from where 78 00:06:27,400 --> 00:06:31,600 Speaker 1: they were walking, Princess pointed out that the church often 79 00:06:31,640 --> 00:06:35,359 Speaker 1: put bowls full of water on the steps or dogs 80 00:06:35,360 --> 00:06:41,120 Speaker 1: that might be thirsty. Princess told Ignatius as they stopped 81 00:06:41,120 --> 00:06:44,320 Speaker 1: to look at the church about how many businesses put 82 00:06:44,360 --> 00:06:47,520 Speaker 1: bowls of water outside their door for dogs to drink 83 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:56,240 Speaker 1: when they were out walking. Humans can be very kind, okay, 84 00:06:56,360 --> 00:06:59,480 Speaker 1: Princess said, we are going to turn left here and 85 00:06:59,560 --> 00:07:02,880 Speaker 1: up this street that leads toward the park. It's one 86 00:07:02,920 --> 00:07:07,640 Speaker 1: of my favorite places in the city. Why is that, 87 00:07:08,200 --> 00:07:12,800 Speaker 1: Ignacius asked, Well, in the summer, they close off the 88 00:07:12,840 --> 00:07:17,560 Speaker 1: street from traffic so that everyone, dogs included, can walk 89 00:07:17,600 --> 00:07:23,320 Speaker 1: safely on the street. She said, oh, this looks so nice. 90 00:07:23,720 --> 00:07:27,640 Speaker 1: I haven't experienced anything like this in Toronto, except for 91 00:07:27,720 --> 00:07:33,560 Speaker 1: maybe the boardwalk. Ignacius replied, our city is pretty special. 92 00:07:33,880 --> 00:07:38,920 Speaker 1: Princess said, we have a boardwalk that follows the waterfront, 93 00:07:39,400 --> 00:07:41,880 Speaker 1: but I prefer to walk through the city as the 94 00:07:41,920 --> 00:07:48,320 Speaker 1: smells are so much more varied. The dogs walked up 95 00:07:48,360 --> 00:07:52,320 Speaker 1: towards Victoria Row, passing the sounds of the bowling Alley, 96 00:07:52,840 --> 00:07:56,320 Speaker 1: the people sitting on park benches eating a snack, and 97 00:07:56,440 --> 00:08:02,400 Speaker 1: others working with their laptops outside a cafe. As they walked, 98 00:08:02,640 --> 00:08:05,880 Speaker 1: they approached a man sitting on the side of the street. 99 00:08:07,080 --> 00:08:11,560 Speaker 1: Princess beckoned towards Ignacius, whose attention had been diverted at 100 00:08:11,600 --> 00:08:14,400 Speaker 1: the sight of someone eating French fries at a table. 101 00:08:15,880 --> 00:08:20,720 Speaker 1: French fries were one of his favorite treats. Come, Ignacious, 102 00:08:20,800 --> 00:08:23,040 Speaker 1: I want to introduce you to one of my best 103 00:08:23,120 --> 00:08:26,720 Speaker 1: human friends. Whenever I go out for a walk, I 104 00:08:26,800 --> 00:08:32,559 Speaker 1: always stop and say hello to Simon. Princess barked a 105 00:08:32,640 --> 00:08:36,280 Speaker 1: hello to Simon, who responded with a scratch and rub 106 00:08:36,320 --> 00:08:40,320 Speaker 1: of her head. He then pulled a surprise from his jacket, 107 00:08:40,800 --> 00:08:45,800 Speaker 1: a dog biscuit, proceeded to break it into, giving one 108 00:08:45,840 --> 00:08:51,640 Speaker 1: half to Princess and the other half to Ignacious. I 109 00:08:51,679 --> 00:08:54,120 Speaker 1: often sit here with Simon when I am out walking, 110 00:08:54,440 --> 00:08:58,160 Speaker 1: she said to Ignacious. He doesn't seem to have many friends, 111 00:08:58,240 --> 00:09:01,000 Speaker 1: and he sits here all day, so I like to 112 00:09:01,040 --> 00:09:03,840 Speaker 1: come and spend time with him as much as I can. 113 00:09:04,760 --> 00:09:08,600 Speaker 1: That's nice of you, said Ignacius. Why doesn't he have 114 00:09:08,720 --> 00:09:13,400 Speaker 1: many friends? I'm not really sure, Princess said, with a 115 00:09:13,520 --> 00:09:17,760 Speaker 1: sad expression in her eyes. I know he sits here 116 00:09:17,880 --> 00:09:21,160 Speaker 1: all day, and he has said he has nowhere to go. 117 00:09:22,440 --> 00:09:25,280 Speaker 1: Being a dog, I can't really help him, but we 118 00:09:25,360 --> 00:09:28,200 Speaker 1: are friends, and me sitting here with him seems to 119 00:09:28,280 --> 00:09:34,480 Speaker 1: make him happier. Ignatius sat with Simon for a while, 120 00:09:34,760 --> 00:09:39,920 Speaker 1: watching people walk by, taking short naps and enjoying lots 121 00:09:39,920 --> 00:09:47,440 Speaker 1: of rubs. After a while, Princess got up, stretched, gave 122 00:09:47,520 --> 00:09:50,120 Speaker 1: Simon a lick on the nose, and said to Ignatius, 123 00:09:50,840 --> 00:09:53,680 Speaker 1: we should continue on our way before it gets too late. 124 00:09:54,400 --> 00:09:57,600 Speaker 1: If we stay too long sitting with Simon, I won't 125 00:09:57,600 --> 00:09:59,600 Speaker 1: be able to show you the park before I have 126 00:09:59,679 --> 00:10:05,600 Speaker 1: to go home. Ignatius said goodbye to Simon, and onward 127 00:10:05,679 --> 00:10:11,720 Speaker 1: they went. They walked by a theater, a library, and 128 00:10:11,800 --> 00:10:17,319 Speaker 1: an art gallery. Both Princess and Ignacius loved the painting 129 00:10:17,400 --> 00:10:20,160 Speaker 1: of a flying dog and a rabbit in the art 130 00:10:20,160 --> 00:10:26,520 Speaker 1: galley's window. They continued their walk past a coffee shop 131 00:10:26,600 --> 00:10:31,319 Speaker 1: with the strange smells of roasting beans, sneezed a little bit, 132 00:10:31,840 --> 00:10:35,480 Speaker 1: and continued until they came to a large group of 133 00:10:35,559 --> 00:10:39,720 Speaker 1: concrete buildings just across the street from a small park. 134 00:10:41,840 --> 00:10:45,040 Speaker 1: We don't want to walk in there amongst those tall buildings, 135 00:10:45,320 --> 00:10:51,640 Speaker 1: warned Princess. Why, asked Ignacius, I mean they aren't very attractive, 136 00:10:51,720 --> 00:10:57,240 Speaker 1: but it seems pretty safe and clean. Well, the security 137 00:10:57,280 --> 00:11:00,720 Speaker 1: guard that walks around the outside of the building, seems 138 00:11:00,840 --> 00:11:05,000 Speaker 1: cranky all the time and doesn't like seeing dogs very often, 139 00:11:05,760 --> 00:11:09,199 Speaker 1: she continued, while keeping an eye out for the security guard. 140 00:11:11,080 --> 00:11:13,280 Speaker 1: One time, when I was out for a walk with 141 00:11:13,400 --> 00:11:16,200 Speaker 1: my owners, he got upset at them for taking me 142 00:11:16,320 --> 00:11:19,000 Speaker 1: through the buildings as we were on our way to 143 00:11:19,040 --> 00:11:22,840 Speaker 1: the park. I didn't understand what my owner and the 144 00:11:22,880 --> 00:11:29,000 Speaker 1: security guard said, but we haven't walked through there since. Well, 145 00:11:29,040 --> 00:11:32,040 Speaker 1: it's best to avoid it. Then, he replied, I don't 146 00:11:32,080 --> 00:11:35,040 Speaker 1: want to make any one upset, especially since we are 147 00:11:35,080 --> 00:11:40,480 Speaker 1: having so much fun on this sunny day. And they 148 00:11:40,520 --> 00:11:44,520 Speaker 1: continued to walk a short way side by side until 149 00:11:44,559 --> 00:11:51,320 Speaker 1: they got to the park. Wow, this really is a 150 00:11:51,440 --> 00:11:55,480 Speaker 1: nice view, Ignatius said, as they walked along the board 151 00:11:55,520 --> 00:12:01,080 Speaker 1: walk that surrounded the park. Yes, my owners sometimes take 152 00:12:01,160 --> 00:12:04,839 Speaker 1: me for walks along here at sunset. It's very beautiful. 153 00:12:07,800 --> 00:12:10,920 Speaker 1: The harbor reminds me a lot of Toronto without the 154 00:12:10,960 --> 00:12:14,640 Speaker 1: tall buildings, of course, Ignacius said, as he looked out 155 00:12:14,679 --> 00:12:19,160 Speaker 1: over the calm water. Yes, there aren't many tall buildings 156 00:12:19,200 --> 00:12:23,440 Speaker 1: in this city, Princess said with a smirk. There's the 157 00:12:23,480 --> 00:12:26,600 Speaker 1: main field of the park over there, and the tennis 158 00:12:26,600 --> 00:12:31,000 Speaker 1: court and the ice cream stand and the woods. Let's 159 00:12:31,040 --> 00:12:36,640 Speaker 1: run over, she said excitedly. Ignacious and Princess quickly ran 160 00:12:36,720 --> 00:12:40,160 Speaker 1: across the street, looking both ways, first out of habit 161 00:12:40,760 --> 00:12:43,360 Speaker 1: since there were no cars allowed in this part of 162 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:46,680 Speaker 1: the park, and made their way to the main field 163 00:12:46,760 --> 00:12:53,280 Speaker 1: to play. As they started to chase each other, roll 164 00:12:53,360 --> 00:12:57,520 Speaker 1: on their backs, jump up and down, and generally act goofy, 165 00:12:58,120 --> 00:13:01,440 Speaker 1: they saw in the distance a group of dogs approaching. 166 00:13:03,320 --> 00:13:09,480 Speaker 1: It was Sarge and the gang. Ignacious stopped playing and said, 167 00:13:09,679 --> 00:13:12,280 Speaker 1: uh oh, I hope they are not angry at me 168 00:13:12,400 --> 00:13:17,200 Speaker 1: for some reason. No, don't be silly, Princess said, with 169 00:13:17,280 --> 00:13:23,400 Speaker 1: a half smile. Sarge trotted over first and gave Princess 170 00:13:23,440 --> 00:13:31,439 Speaker 1: the customary sniff greeting and walked stiffly towards Ignacious. Ignacious 171 00:13:31,559 --> 00:13:37,320 Speaker 1: was nervous and expected the worse. Sarge was such a 172 00:13:37,360 --> 00:13:41,240 Speaker 1: big dog and looked so serious. Would he be angry 173 00:13:41,240 --> 00:13:46,920 Speaker 1: at me? He thought? Now, look here, Ignacious, Sarge said, 174 00:13:47,400 --> 00:13:51,680 Speaker 1: I have something I want to say to you. Ignacious 175 00:13:51,720 --> 00:13:56,640 Speaker 1: swallowed hard and got ready to run. I want to 176 00:13:56,720 --> 00:14:01,080 Speaker 1: apologize for being so unfriendly earlier today. I made a 177 00:14:01,120 --> 00:14:04,120 Speaker 1: mistake and I was wrong to judge you without first 178 00:14:04,160 --> 00:14:09,000 Speaker 1: getting to know you. Sarge said in an apologetic tone. 179 00:14:09,440 --> 00:14:13,480 Speaker 1: Just then, Lulu and Pepper came over, tails wagging and said, 180 00:14:13,600 --> 00:14:17,480 Speaker 1: in almost unison, Yeah, do you think you can forgive 181 00:14:17,600 --> 00:14:22,080 Speaker 1: us and give us a chance to be your friend? Yeah? Micky, 182 00:14:22,160 --> 00:14:25,520 Speaker 1: Lucy and Otto said together, can we hang out together 183 00:14:25,560 --> 00:14:33,000 Speaker 1: and play in the field. Ignacious, visibly relieved, said of course, 184 00:14:33,320 --> 00:14:38,120 Speaker 1: don't worry about it, and they all played until it 185 00:14:38,200 --> 00:14:41,080 Speaker 1: was time to get home before their own nurs did. 186 00:14:45,880 --> 00:14:51,760 Speaker 1: And that's the end of this chapter. Good night, sleep tight, 187 00:15:00,320 --> 00:15:00,360 Speaker 1: h