1 00:00:13,503 --> 00:00:17,783 Speaker 1: Or an ad free listening experience and more stories, please 2 00:00:17,863 --> 00:00:20,983 Speaker 1: check out sleep Tight Premium. A link can be found 3 00:00:21,023 --> 00:00:34,943 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you, hello friends, and welcome 4 00:00:35,063 --> 00:00:46,383 Speaker 1: to sleep Tight Stories. When Nicole walked back through the garden, 5 00:00:46,743 --> 00:00:50,983 Speaker 1: she heard her mother calling her. When she arrived at 6 00:00:50,983 --> 00:00:56,303 Speaker 1: the house, she smelled something amazing. As she and her 7 00:00:56,343 --> 00:01:00,423 Speaker 1: mom discussed what Nicole did all morning, they started talking 8 00:01:00,463 --> 00:01:04,983 Speaker 1: about the history of the house and Nicole's mom mentioned 9 00:01:05,343 --> 00:01:12,103 Speaker 1: a secret room Nicole and the box in the bar. 10 00:01:12,783 --> 00:01:13,463 Speaker 2: Part eight. 11 00:01:17,503 --> 00:01:20,783 Speaker 1: Nicole walked into the house and was greeted by the 12 00:01:20,823 --> 00:01:26,063 Speaker 1: smell of garlic and tomato sauce. Her stomach started grumbling 13 00:01:26,103 --> 00:01:29,223 Speaker 1: as soon as she smelled it. It was one of 14 00:01:29,223 --> 00:01:33,023 Speaker 1: her favorite smells and reminded her of them many times 15 00:01:33,023 --> 00:01:35,903 Speaker 1: her mother would cook for her in their old house 16 00:01:35,943 --> 00:01:40,783 Speaker 1: in Montreal. Each night of the week they would celebrate 17 00:01:40,823 --> 00:01:44,743 Speaker 1: a different place they had visited in their travels. This 18 00:01:44,903 --> 00:01:50,983 Speaker 1: smelled like Italian food night. She quickly took off her 19 00:01:51,023 --> 00:01:54,303 Speaker 1: grass stained sneakers and walked into the kitchen from the porch, 20 00:01:55,343 --> 00:01:59,063 Speaker 1: What are we eating? It smells delicious, she said to 21 00:01:59,103 --> 00:02:02,423 Speaker 1: her mother, standing over the stove and stirring a pot 22 00:02:02,463 --> 00:02:06,383 Speaker 1: with a large wooden spoon. I stopped in at the 23 00:02:06,383 --> 00:02:08,983 Speaker 1: grocery store and got some hamburger to make a meat 24 00:02:08,983 --> 00:02:12,583 Speaker 1: sauce for spaghetti. I think it turned out pretty well. Oh, 25 00:02:13,023 --> 00:02:15,503 Speaker 1: why don't you wash your hands? You can put the 26 00:02:15,503 --> 00:02:18,303 Speaker 1: garlic bread on the table. You look like you were 27 00:02:18,383 --> 00:02:21,823 Speaker 1: rolling in the dirt, her mother replied as she looked 28 00:02:21,823 --> 00:02:28,383 Speaker 1: at Nichole's dusty appearance. The sauce looks delicious, Nichole said, 29 00:02:28,383 --> 00:02:33,423 Speaker 1: as she washed her hands. So how was egg shopping 30 00:02:33,463 --> 00:02:38,263 Speaker 1: at the drug store? Ha? Ha, Well, they were out of eggs, 31 00:02:38,623 --> 00:02:42,023 Speaker 1: so I went to the grocery store instead. I thought 32 00:02:42,103 --> 00:02:45,743 Speaker 1: we might restart our nightly ritual of having meals from 33 00:02:45,823 --> 00:02:49,663 Speaker 1: around the world. In all the confusion of our move 34 00:02:50,063 --> 00:02:54,143 Speaker 1: I had forgotten the tradition. I also bought a small 35 00:02:54,183 --> 00:02:55,983 Speaker 1: treat for us later while I was there. 36 00:02:57,463 --> 00:02:58,703 Speaker 2: Is the treat eggs? 37 00:02:59,183 --> 00:03:02,143 Speaker 1: Nicole asked with a laugh as she sat down at 38 00:03:02,143 --> 00:03:03,943 Speaker 1: the table with a plate of spaghetti. 39 00:03:05,263 --> 00:03:07,023 Speaker 2: I've missed this meat sauce. 40 00:03:08,983 --> 00:03:12,583 Speaker 1: No. I got us some ice cream to eat phaps. 41 00:03:12,583 --> 00:03:16,943 Speaker 1: We can enjoy it while watching a show. So tell 42 00:03:16,943 --> 00:03:20,423 Speaker 1: me all about your day. You seem to disappear. I 43 00:03:20,463 --> 00:03:24,183 Speaker 1: didn't see you outside when I went looking for you. Yeah, 44 00:03:24,223 --> 00:03:26,903 Speaker 1: there wasn't much to do in the garden today, so 45 00:03:27,023 --> 00:03:29,903 Speaker 1: I spent a lot of time exploring different parts of 46 00:03:29,943 --> 00:03:33,383 Speaker 1: the farm. It's bigger than I thought, and you might 47 00:03:33,423 --> 00:03:36,623 Speaker 1: have missed me. And there is some history to this 48 00:03:36,783 --> 00:03:40,023 Speaker 1: old place. Did you know that there was once a 49 00:03:40,063 --> 00:03:45,223 Speaker 1: smaller barn here? Yes, only because when I walked the 50 00:03:45,263 --> 00:03:49,143 Speaker 1: property before we moved, I saw the remnants of the foundation. 51 00:03:50,383 --> 00:03:53,903 Speaker 1: It's a shame that such a beautiful farm could turn 52 00:03:53,943 --> 00:03:58,823 Speaker 1: into such a state of disrepair. Still, I'm sure we 53 00:03:58,903 --> 00:04:01,383 Speaker 1: can bring it back to something similar to what it 54 00:04:01,463 --> 00:04:08,343 Speaker 1: was before, her mother replied, surprised at Nichole's interest. Do 55 00:04:08,423 --> 00:04:11,903 Speaker 1: you know anything about the history of the farm, Nicole asked, 56 00:04:11,943 --> 00:04:16,903 Speaker 1: after she slurped some spaghetti into her mouth. Well, I 57 00:04:17,023 --> 00:04:20,143 Speaker 1: know it has been in your father's family for generations. 58 00:04:21,103 --> 00:04:24,423 Speaker 1: He wasn't interested in working on the farm, which is 59 00:04:24,583 --> 00:04:29,263 Speaker 1: probably partly why it has slipped into disrepair. He always 60 00:04:29,303 --> 00:04:33,103 Speaker 1: planned to come back, but then he fell ill. It's 61 00:04:33,143 --> 00:04:36,263 Speaker 1: part of the reason we moved here, not just to 62 00:04:36,263 --> 00:04:39,463 Speaker 1: start a new life, but also to try and fulfill 63 00:04:39,583 --> 00:04:43,303 Speaker 1: his dream of bringing his family's homestead back to life. 64 00:04:44,063 --> 00:04:47,903 Speaker 1: Nichole's mother said quietly, you have been against moving here 65 00:04:47,983 --> 00:04:49,223 Speaker 1: from the very beginning. 66 00:04:51,223 --> 00:04:51,983 Speaker 2: I guess. 67 00:04:52,503 --> 00:04:55,543 Speaker 1: I guess after walking around the farm today and seeing 68 00:04:55,703 --> 00:04:59,223 Speaker 1: so many different things, I would just like to know more. 69 00:05:00,463 --> 00:05:04,663 Speaker 1: It's not Montreal, but there is magic here. It would 70 00:05:04,703 --> 00:05:07,863 Speaker 1: be better if we had WiFi, though, Nicole added with 71 00:05:07,903 --> 00:05:08,383 Speaker 1: a smirk. 72 00:05:09,983 --> 00:05:11,463 Speaker 2: A place like this has. 73 00:05:11,343 --> 00:05:15,663 Speaker 1: Lots of stories to tell if you are interested. There 74 00:05:15,743 --> 00:05:19,543 Speaker 1: is a room in the attic with all kinds of photos, knickknacks, 75 00:05:19,543 --> 00:05:22,703 Speaker 1: and books. It might give you some ideas about the 76 00:05:22,743 --> 00:05:26,343 Speaker 1: farm's history. Besides all the stories your father told me, 77 00:05:27,263 --> 00:05:31,623 Speaker 1: and some of those were pretty crazy, The room itself 78 00:05:31,663 --> 00:05:34,183 Speaker 1: is pretty fun because it was considered. 79 00:05:33,703 --> 00:05:34,663 Speaker 2: A secret room. 80 00:05:35,703 --> 00:05:37,663 Speaker 1: You would have a hard time noticing it if you 81 00:05:37,743 --> 00:05:43,343 Speaker 1: didn't know it was there. A secret room that sounds 82 00:05:43,383 --> 00:05:48,223 Speaker 1: mysterious and fun, Nichole said, putting her fork down in interest. 83 00:05:49,023 --> 00:05:52,823 Speaker 1: Ha ha, your father told me all kinds of stories. 84 00:05:53,623 --> 00:05:57,143 Speaker 1: Luckily none of those stories involved ghosts in the attic, 85 00:05:57,583 --> 00:06:00,983 Speaker 1: or I would have never moved here. Why don't you 86 00:06:01,023 --> 00:06:02,863 Speaker 1: run up and have a look for yourself after you 87 00:06:02,983 --> 00:06:06,463 Speaker 1: finish the food on your plate, and then you can 88 00:06:06,543 --> 00:06:08,903 Speaker 1: share what you found over a bowl of ice cream. 89 00:06:09,543 --> 00:06:14,383 Speaker 1: Her mother said with a smile. After rinsing her plate, 90 00:06:14,703 --> 00:06:17,583 Speaker 1: Nichole first went up the creaky stairs to the second 91 00:06:17,663 --> 00:06:20,823 Speaker 1: floor of their house, and then down the hallway to 92 00:06:20,943 --> 00:06:24,743 Speaker 1: the attic entrance. She flicked on the light at the 93 00:06:24,743 --> 00:06:28,303 Speaker 1: bottom of the stairs. There is no way I am 94 00:06:28,343 --> 00:06:32,223 Speaker 1: going into a dark attic alone. I've watched too many 95 00:06:32,263 --> 00:06:38,263 Speaker 1: scary movies to fall for that trick, she whispered. She 96 00:06:38,423 --> 00:06:42,303 Speaker 1: slowly walked up the creaky stairs to the attic. The 97 00:06:42,383 --> 00:06:45,943 Speaker 1: house was quiet, except for the occasional groan of old 98 00:06:45,943 --> 00:06:51,223 Speaker 1: woods settling. She could hear her mother's footsteps downstairs, a 99 00:06:51,263 --> 00:06:54,743 Speaker 1: comforting reminder that she wasn't alone in this adventure. 100 00:06:57,223 --> 00:06:57,983 Speaker 2: At the top of. 101 00:06:57,983 --> 00:07:02,903 Speaker 1: The stairs, the attic door was already slightly open. Nicholl's 102 00:07:02,943 --> 00:07:08,383 Speaker 1: heart beat faster. This was kind of exciting. She pushed 103 00:07:08,383 --> 00:07:13,863 Speaker 1: the door fully open, and it squeaked loudly. Nichole laughed, 104 00:07:14,423 --> 00:07:20,143 Speaker 1: that's the spookiest squeak I have ever heard. Looking inside, 105 00:07:20,223 --> 00:07:24,183 Speaker 1: she saw a large space filled with dust boxes and 106 00:07:24,303 --> 00:07:31,063 Speaker 1: trunks stacked haphazardly, cobwebs hung in the corners, and beams 107 00:07:31,103 --> 00:07:37,503 Speaker 1: of sunlight filtered through small, grimy windows. There is no 108 00:07:37,623 --> 00:07:41,063 Speaker 1: way I'm cleaning this place, She said out loud, what 109 00:07:41,263 --> 00:07:47,463 Speaker 1: a mess. Nichole stepped carefully, her bare feet crunching on 110 00:07:47,543 --> 00:07:52,183 Speaker 1: the wooden floor. She sighed, I should have put on 111 00:07:52,223 --> 00:07:56,343 Speaker 1: my sneakers. Looking back at where she had already walked, 112 00:07:56,623 --> 00:07:59,063 Speaker 1: she could see her footprints in the dust and dirt. 113 00:08:00,223 --> 00:08:04,463 Speaker 1: Walking in further, she moved aside some boxes, looking for 114 00:08:04,543 --> 00:08:09,503 Speaker 1: anything that might hint at the farm's past. Then she 115 00:08:09,703 --> 00:08:13,343 Speaker 1: saw it, a small door in the far corner of 116 00:08:13,383 --> 00:08:19,023 Speaker 1: the attic, left slightly open. Nichole's pulse quickened again. This 117 00:08:19,143 --> 00:08:23,623 Speaker 1: must be the hidden room her mother mentioned. She approached 118 00:08:23,663 --> 00:08:28,023 Speaker 1: the door and pushed it open. The door creaked, revealing 119 00:08:28,103 --> 00:08:35,503 Speaker 1: a small, stuffy room. Inside she saw old trunks, faded photographs, 120 00:08:35,863 --> 00:08:41,663 Speaker 1: and a large wooden chest with intricate carvings. The carvings 121 00:08:41,663 --> 00:08:43,943 Speaker 1: looked similar to the ones on the box she had 122 00:08:43,983 --> 00:08:50,223 Speaker 1: found in the barn. Nichole stepped inside, walked over to 123 00:08:50,303 --> 00:08:54,503 Speaker 1: the chest, and traced the carvings with her fingers. It 124 00:08:54,583 --> 00:08:57,583 Speaker 1: felt warm to the touch, just like the box in 125 00:08:57,663 --> 00:09:03,863 Speaker 1: the barn. She lifted the lid carefully. Inside there were 126 00:09:03,983 --> 00:09:10,423 Speaker 1: old letters, maps, and a leather bound journal. Nicole picked 127 00:09:10,503 --> 00:09:14,303 Speaker 1: up the journal and opened it. The pages were filled 128 00:09:14,303 --> 00:09:18,503 Speaker 1: with neat handwriting and sketches of the farm and its surroundings. 129 00:09:21,383 --> 00:09:25,423 Speaker 1: This might be it, she whispered to herself, some answers 130 00:09:25,463 --> 00:09:30,223 Speaker 1: as to what is going on in the garden. Nichole 131 00:09:30,423 --> 00:09:33,983 Speaker 1: turned the pages of the leather bound journal, her eyes 132 00:09:34,103 --> 00:09:38,583 Speaker 1: widening with each new entry. The journal belonged to some 133 00:09:38,743 --> 00:09:43,583 Speaker 1: one she assumed was her great grandfather. He had documented 134 00:09:43,783 --> 00:09:49,263 Speaker 1: everything about the farm. His neat handwriting filled the pages, 135 00:09:49,703 --> 00:09:55,943 Speaker 1: accompanied by sketches that brought his words to life. One 136 00:09:56,183 --> 00:10:00,263 Speaker 1: entry described the construction of the original barn, complete with 137 00:10:00,343 --> 00:10:05,503 Speaker 1: a detailed sketch of its layout. Nicholl recognized the sturdy 138 00:10:05,503 --> 00:10:08,703 Speaker 1: beams and the big doors that still stood to day, 139 00:10:09,343 --> 00:10:15,343 Speaker 1: though now weathered and worn. Another entry detailed the planting 140 00:10:15,463 --> 00:10:18,783 Speaker 1: of the first crops, with notes on the soil and 141 00:10:18,863 --> 00:10:21,423 Speaker 1: the best times to plant each type of seed. 142 00:10:22,583 --> 00:10:24,223 Speaker 2: There were even sketches. 143 00:10:23,743 --> 00:10:28,343 Speaker 1: Of the fields showing how they had changed over the years. 144 00:10:29,503 --> 00:10:32,703 Speaker 1: But it was the entry about the magical box that 145 00:10:32,863 --> 00:10:38,863 Speaker 1: truly captured Nichole's attention. Her great grandfather had written about 146 00:10:38,903 --> 00:10:42,823 Speaker 1: finding the box in the very same barn, hidden under 147 00:10:42,863 --> 00:10:47,223 Speaker 1: a pile of hay. He described the carvings the warm touch, 148 00:10:47,703 --> 00:10:51,063 Speaker 1: and the way the locks seemed to recognize him, just 149 00:10:51,223 --> 00:10:56,703 Speaker 1: like her experience. The box is a keeper of secrets, 150 00:10:56,943 --> 00:11:00,783 Speaker 1: he had written. Its contents are magical and meant to 151 00:11:00,823 --> 00:11:05,303 Speaker 1: be used wisely. It connects our family to the past 152 00:11:05,463 --> 00:11:11,903 Speaker 1: and future. Nicole shivered with excitement. She had to share 153 00:11:11,943 --> 00:11:16,263 Speaker 1: this and all she had experienced with her mother. She 154 00:11:16,303 --> 00:11:22,663 Speaker 1: couldn't keep it a secret any longer. Carefully, she picked 155 00:11:22,703 --> 00:11:26,063 Speaker 1: up the journal and a few faded photographs showing the 156 00:11:26,143 --> 00:11:30,543 Speaker 1: farm in its early days. One photo showed a group 157 00:11:30,583 --> 00:11:33,983 Speaker 1: of people standing in front of the freshly built barn, 158 00:11:34,463 --> 00:11:40,503 Speaker 1: smiling proudly. Another showed the garden, lush and full of vegetables, 159 00:11:41,063 --> 00:11:44,663 Speaker 1: much like the one she had seen in the past. 160 00:11:46,023 --> 00:11:50,023 Speaker 1: She hurried downstairs, clutching the journal and photos tightly in 161 00:11:50,103 --> 00:11:53,943 Speaker 1: her hands. Her mother was in the kitchen, humming to 162 00:11:54,023 --> 00:11:57,343 Speaker 1: herself as she dried some dishes that she had washed 163 00:11:57,863 --> 00:12:02,423 Speaker 1: instead of putting them in the dishwasher. Mom, you won't 164 00:12:02,463 --> 00:12:07,103 Speaker 1: believe what I found, Nichole exclaimed, almost tripping over her 165 00:12:07,103 --> 00:12:12,743 Speaker 1: own feet in her excitement. Her mother turned, raising an eye. 166 00:12:13,263 --> 00:12:18,983 Speaker 1: What's got you so excited? Nichole spread the photos and 167 00:12:19,063 --> 00:12:23,463 Speaker 1: the journal on the kitchen table. Look, this journal belonged 168 00:12:23,503 --> 00:12:26,823 Speaker 1: to who I think must be my great grandfather. He 169 00:12:26,863 --> 00:12:31,343 Speaker 1: wrote about the farm, the barn, and even a magical box. 170 00:12:32,103 --> 00:12:35,743 Speaker 1: And look at these photos. This is our farm, but 171 00:12:35,783 --> 00:12:40,223 Speaker 1: from a long time ago. Her mother wiped her hands 172 00:12:40,223 --> 00:12:43,863 Speaker 1: on a towel and came over, her eyes widening as 173 00:12:43,903 --> 00:12:48,543 Speaker 1: she took in the journal and the old photographs. She 174 00:12:48,623 --> 00:12:51,783 Speaker 1: picked up the journal and began to read, a smile 175 00:12:51,983 --> 00:12:57,183 Speaker 1: forming across her face. Niicole, this is really interesting, she 176 00:12:57,263 --> 00:13:00,663 Speaker 1: said softly. In all the hustle and bustle of our 177 00:13:00,703 --> 00:13:03,463 Speaker 1: move I didn't give but a quick glance at what 178 00:13:03,583 --> 00:13:06,503 Speaker 1: was in the attic. It seems you have found some 179 00:13:06,663 --> 00:13:10,823 Speaker 1: family history here. But what is this of a magical box? 180 00:13:11,663 --> 00:13:11,823 Speaker 2: Now? 181 00:13:11,943 --> 00:13:18,943 Speaker 1: That must be an interesting story. Nicole hesitated, then took 182 00:13:18,943 --> 00:13:23,863 Speaker 1: a deep breath. Yes, Mom, it is interesting, but it's 183 00:13:23,943 --> 00:13:27,383 Speaker 1: not just a story. In this journal, I found a 184 00:13:27,423 --> 00:13:30,143 Speaker 1: box like the one in the attic, out in the barn. 185 00:13:31,343 --> 00:13:34,703 Speaker 1: Her mother looked at her with concern. You know, I 186 00:13:34,703 --> 00:13:38,383 Speaker 1: don't like you exploring that old barn. But why didn't 187 00:13:38,423 --> 00:13:42,543 Speaker 1: you tell me what you found sooner? I didn't tell 188 00:13:42,543 --> 00:13:46,063 Speaker 1: you before because I wasn't sure you'd believe me. But 189 00:13:46,183 --> 00:13:50,783 Speaker 1: the box is there and it's magical. The journal talks 190 00:13:50,823 --> 00:13:55,943 Speaker 1: about how it connects our family through time. Okay, this 191 00:13:56,143 --> 00:13:59,183 Speaker 1: is all really interesting, and I'd love to learn more 192 00:13:59,223 --> 00:14:03,903 Speaker 1: about our family's history. But let's slow down and start 193 00:14:03,943 --> 00:14:10,063 Speaker 1: from the beginning. Nicole took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts. 194 00:14:10,823 --> 00:14:14,743 Speaker 1: All right, when we first moved here, I was upset 195 00:14:14,823 --> 00:14:17,863 Speaker 1: and bored, and I went out to explore the barn, 196 00:14:18,023 --> 00:14:21,463 Speaker 1: even though you told me not to. That's when I 197 00:14:21,503 --> 00:14:25,703 Speaker 1: found this old wooden box. It was hidden under some straw, 198 00:14:26,303 --> 00:14:29,463 Speaker 1: but the carvings on it were so beautiful that I 199 00:14:29,503 --> 00:14:33,023 Speaker 1: couldn't help but take a closer look. Her mother nodded, 200 00:14:33,343 --> 00:14:38,983 Speaker 1: listening intently. Nicole continued. When I opened the box, I 201 00:14:39,063 --> 00:14:41,623 Speaker 1: found all sorts of amazing things. 202 00:14:41,663 --> 00:14:42,863 Speaker 2: Inside. 203 00:14:42,903 --> 00:14:46,663 Speaker 1: There was a cape and an old compass, unlike any 204 00:14:46,703 --> 00:14:48,143 Speaker 1: compass I've seen before. 205 00:14:48,983 --> 00:14:50,983 Speaker 2: There was also a key and a. 206 00:14:50,983 --> 00:14:57,423 Speaker 1: Strange pack of seeds. Her mother's eyes widened with curiosity. 207 00:14:58,303 --> 00:15:02,023 Speaker 1: That's quite a discovery, Nicole. But it's not just that 208 00:15:02,103 --> 00:15:04,823 Speaker 1: the box upstairs in the attic is similar to the 209 00:15:04,863 --> 00:15:08,583 Speaker 1: one in the barn, or the interesting things I found 210 00:15:08,583 --> 00:15:14,063 Speaker 1: in both. It's what those objects did you won't get angry, 211 00:15:14,063 --> 00:15:18,663 Speaker 1: will you. I can't guarantee I won't get angry, Nicole, 212 00:15:19,143 --> 00:15:21,663 Speaker 1: but I love and care for you. You can tell 213 00:15:21,703 --> 00:15:27,303 Speaker 1: me anything, her mother said. The seeds in the box 214 00:15:27,503 --> 00:15:33,303 Speaker 1: were magic. When I planted them, the whole garden transformed overnight. 215 00:15:34,063 --> 00:15:37,383 Speaker 1: And then I found a door in the far side 216 00:15:37,423 --> 00:15:40,223 Speaker 1: of the garden that only the key would open. 217 00:15:40,863 --> 00:15:43,263 Speaker 2: And well, that's. 218 00:15:42,983 --> 00:15:52,503 Speaker 1: When things get really interesting, and that is the end 219 00:15:52,543 --> 00:16:02,023 Speaker 1: of this part. Good Night, sleep tight.