1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:15,360 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. If you 2 00:00:15,480 --> 00:00:19,959 Speaker 1: haven't already, be sure to subscribe to sleep Tight Stories 3 00:00:20,440 --> 00:00:27,400 Speaker 1: on Apple Podcasts or Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Also, 4 00:00:27,960 --> 00:00:31,120 Speaker 1: if you have a moment, please consider leaving a review. 5 00:00:31,960 --> 00:00:36,839 Speaker 1: Your review might help introduce others to our podcast. Thank you. 6 00:00:39,000 --> 00:00:43,839 Speaker 1: We are continuing with Kat City today. Remember in the 7 00:00:43,960 --> 00:00:47,720 Speaker 1: last episode, Tucker was trying to make his way to 8 00:00:47,720 --> 00:00:51,559 Speaker 1: where Susan was being kept, but ran into Harold and 9 00:00:51,640 --> 00:00:55,760 Speaker 1: his friends. Finny showed up and was happy to help. 10 00:00:56,400 --> 00:00:59,760 Speaker 1: Finnie and Tucker talked about what to do next when 11 00:00:59,800 --> 00:01:04,640 Speaker 1: so someone else joined them. Susan heard a noise at 12 00:01:04,640 --> 00:01:07,039 Speaker 1: her door and decided to try and get a jump 13 00:01:07,120 --> 00:01:10,959 Speaker 1: on whoever was coming in. It turned out to be 14 00:01:11,120 --> 00:01:16,040 Speaker 1: Vinnie and Tucker. They rescued her, she told them what 15 00:01:16,120 --> 00:01:19,199 Speaker 1: she had heard, and they came up with a plan. 16 00:01:21,720 --> 00:01:28,440 Speaker 1: In these chapters, Susan is upset and very unhappy with Kai. 17 00:01:29,400 --> 00:01:32,800 Speaker 1: Tucker is being held by some rats, and Kai is 18 00:01:32,840 --> 00:01:38,840 Speaker 1: not very happy with either Susan or Tucker. Tucker and 19 00:01:38,920 --> 00:01:42,440 Speaker 1: Kai have an argument about what is going on, and 20 00:01:42,480 --> 00:01:47,440 Speaker 1: then the rats take Tucker and Susan away. Tucker and 21 00:01:47,520 --> 00:01:51,640 Speaker 1: Susan hear water and realized that maybe where they are 22 00:01:51,720 --> 00:01:58,440 Speaker 1: being taken is not a good place. Let's see what happens. 23 00:02:00,280 --> 00:02:12,840 Speaker 1: Cat City, Chapter fourteen and fifteen. The pink light flashed 24 00:02:12,840 --> 00:02:18,040 Speaker 1: into existence again, but this time Susan didn't really need it. 25 00:02:19,160 --> 00:02:23,240 Speaker 1: The illumination from the eyes surrounding her lit up the 26 00:02:23,320 --> 00:02:28,960 Speaker 1: passage with a glow. She spotted Tucker almost immediately and 27 00:02:29,080 --> 00:02:33,600 Speaker 1: realized why he hadn't warned her. He was pinned under 28 00:02:33,639 --> 00:02:37,920 Speaker 1: a dozen rats, one holding very tightly to his muzzle 29 00:02:38,000 --> 00:02:42,480 Speaker 1: to keep him quiet. Tucker struggled, but there were too 30 00:02:42,639 --> 00:02:48,280 Speaker 1: many rats holding him down. Susan looked up at Kai, 31 00:02:49,480 --> 00:02:54,880 Speaker 1: his glowing pink light bobbing by one large ear. He 32 00:02:54,960 --> 00:02:59,120 Speaker 1: stared down at her with his huge eyes, calm and 33 00:02:59,320 --> 00:03:05,800 Speaker 1: almost relaxed. You have caused me no end of trouble, Susan, 34 00:03:06,440 --> 00:03:10,920 Speaker 1: Kai said. In fact, if it weren't for you, the 35 00:03:11,040 --> 00:03:17,800 Speaker 1: plan would have worked out perfectly. Traitor Tucker managed to 36 00:03:17,919 --> 00:03:21,520 Speaker 1: free his muzzle and howled at Kai. I trusted you. 37 00:03:23,400 --> 00:03:28,120 Speaker 1: Kay's tail twitched as he looked at Tucker. I had 38 00:03:28,280 --> 00:03:34,840 Speaker 1: such hopes for you, Kai said. Likewise, Tucker said, bitterly, 39 00:03:35,240 --> 00:03:43,040 Speaker 1: guess we're both disappointed. Indeed, Kai murmured, but perhaps if 40 00:03:43,080 --> 00:03:49,840 Speaker 1: you understood my reasoning, you would see things differently. I 41 00:03:49,840 --> 00:03:54,200 Speaker 1: wouldn't bother Kai, Julian laughed. As he came into the light. 42 00:03:54,960 --> 00:03:58,920 Speaker 1: He smirked at Tucker, upper lip raised to reveal his 43 00:03:59,080 --> 00:04:03,280 Speaker 1: sharp teeth. You've wasted enough time and effort on this 44 00:04:03,440 --> 00:04:09,120 Speaker 1: half breed. Kai didn't say anything, but Susan wondered at 45 00:04:09,160 --> 00:04:15,320 Speaker 1: the long stare he gave Julian. Instead, she found the 46 00:04:15,360 --> 00:04:19,200 Speaker 1: strength to speak up, What are you going to do 47 00:04:19,279 --> 00:04:25,200 Speaker 1: with us? Kai looked at her, the pink light above him, 48 00:04:25,240 --> 00:04:31,080 Speaker 1: giving his golden eyes a strange cast. I'm afraid your 49 00:04:31,160 --> 00:04:34,560 Speaker 1: journey ends here, my dear, Kai told her in a 50 00:04:34,680 --> 00:04:39,719 Speaker 1: soft voice. As soon as Julian reaches the gate, the 51 00:04:39,880 --> 00:04:43,919 Speaker 1: rats will attack from both the front and from this 52 00:04:44,080 --> 00:04:49,200 Speaker 1: hidden passage. My fellow cats will be taken completely by 53 00:04:49,279 --> 00:04:55,960 Speaker 1: surprise and will be surrounded within minutes. I am hoping, 54 00:04:56,440 --> 00:05:00,880 Speaker 1: he bowed his head once, the cats will surrend and quietly. 55 00:05:03,080 --> 00:05:08,440 Speaker 1: Susan shook her head. Did he actually sound remorseful? If 56 00:05:08,480 --> 00:05:14,280 Speaker 1: you're so worried about them, she said, why betray them? 57 00:05:15,080 --> 00:05:18,039 Speaker 1: Kai looked up at her again, a fire in his 58 00:05:18,160 --> 00:05:22,320 Speaker 1: eyes she hadn't seen before, a fire similar to the 59 00:05:22,440 --> 00:05:27,599 Speaker 1: light in the eyes of the rats surrounding them. Power, 60 00:05:27,680 --> 00:05:31,039 Speaker 1: of course, he said. The rat king has made me 61 00:05:31,080 --> 00:05:38,080 Speaker 1: an offer I cannot refuse. Julian chuckled, while Tucker stilled. 62 00:05:39,120 --> 00:05:43,960 Speaker 1: What offer? Tucker looked back and forth. He plans to 63 00:05:44,080 --> 00:05:50,240 Speaker 1: make me cat King, Kai said. The rats squeaked and 64 00:05:50,400 --> 00:05:55,800 Speaker 1: chattered around them, making Susan's skin crawl. He'll just betray 65 00:05:55,920 --> 00:05:59,600 Speaker 1: you too, don't you see that, Tucker said. He wants 66 00:05:59,680 --> 00:06:03,200 Speaker 1: Cat's City for himself. He's part of the reason we 67 00:06:03,360 --> 00:06:08,200 Speaker 1: moved the city in the first place. Kai stood up 68 00:06:08,200 --> 00:06:12,640 Speaker 1: and stretched, fire fading from his eyes as he returned 69 00:06:13,040 --> 00:06:20,000 Speaker 1: to his normal calm. I wish things could have been different, Tucker, 70 00:06:20,480 --> 00:06:27,400 Speaker 1: Kai said, Now I have no choice, Julian. He turned 71 00:06:27,440 --> 00:06:31,320 Speaker 1: to his fellow traitor set the plan in motion. We 72 00:06:31,400 --> 00:06:37,880 Speaker 1: will attack within the half hour. Julian nodded and bounded 73 00:06:37,960 --> 00:06:41,560 Speaker 1: off with a parting slap at Tucker on the way by. 74 00:06:44,360 --> 00:06:48,800 Speaker 1: Tucker began to struggle again, harder this time, but the 75 00:06:48,920 --> 00:06:52,680 Speaker 1: rats had larger numbers, and soon he was panting from 76 00:06:52,760 --> 00:06:59,360 Speaker 1: the effort. Enough. Kai said, we must prepare, and these 77 00:06:59,400 --> 00:07:03,000 Speaker 1: two are in away take them and deal with them. 78 00:07:03,040 --> 00:07:09,479 Speaker 1: As we discussed, one of the rats nodded and squeaked 79 00:07:09,480 --> 00:07:13,600 Speaker 1: at his mates. They lifted Tucker and started to carry 80 00:07:13,680 --> 00:07:20,560 Speaker 1: him off. Susan, certain they planned to hurt both her 81 00:07:20,600 --> 00:07:25,320 Speaker 1: friend and herself, had every intention of fighting back. Kai 82 00:07:25,560 --> 00:07:28,600 Speaker 1: must have known it. I would go with them like 83 00:07:28,640 --> 00:07:31,840 Speaker 1: a good girl, he said, if you give them any trouble, 84 00:07:32,320 --> 00:07:38,720 Speaker 1: they have orders to deal with Tucker immediately. Susan's heart stilled. 85 00:07:39,520 --> 00:07:44,560 Speaker 1: She nodded once to Kai. Fine, she said, I'll go. 86 00:07:46,280 --> 00:07:49,480 Speaker 1: She got up and brushed herself off, before looking down 87 00:07:49,520 --> 00:07:55,520 Speaker 1: at Kai one last time. Susan turned and walked away. 88 00:07:56,080 --> 00:07:58,960 Speaker 1: Knowing she would have no luck trying to convince the 89 00:07:59,000 --> 00:08:03,680 Speaker 1: counselor no matter what, he would go through with his 90 00:08:03,880 --> 00:08:07,080 Speaker 1: mad plan, and the cats he shared his home with 91 00:08:07,680 --> 00:08:14,560 Speaker 1: were of little consequence. She went meekly, trusting the rats 92 00:08:14,600 --> 00:08:18,240 Speaker 1: would do exactly as Kai warned, and not wanting Tucker 93 00:08:18,280 --> 00:08:24,120 Speaker 1: to get hurt because she did something wrong. She clung 94 00:08:24,200 --> 00:08:28,480 Speaker 1: to the hope of Vinny, knowing he was already raising 95 00:08:28,520 --> 00:08:32,120 Speaker 1: the alarm and keeping her fingers crossed he would save 96 00:08:32,280 --> 00:08:38,040 Speaker 1: the city in time. Susan caught up with Tucker after 97 00:08:38,080 --> 00:08:44,240 Speaker 1: a few moments, are you okay? He was no longer restrained, 98 00:08:44,559 --> 00:08:48,960 Speaker 1: but was surrounded by rats. One even sat on his back, 99 00:08:49,080 --> 00:08:56,600 Speaker 1: pulling his ears. Tucker, however, ignored it, head down, tail dragging. 100 00:08:58,080 --> 00:09:02,440 Speaker 1: When he didn't answer, she let him be, knowing he 101 00:09:02,559 --> 00:09:07,760 Speaker 1: must be blaming himself for what was happening, but unable 102 00:09:07,880 --> 00:09:13,400 Speaker 1: to come up with a way to help. They walked 103 00:09:13,520 --> 00:09:17,160 Speaker 1: only a short distance when Susan began to hear water. 104 00:09:18,480 --> 00:09:22,439 Speaker 1: The slow, heavy sounds of fat drops hitting a lake 105 00:09:22,720 --> 00:09:28,920 Speaker 1: or pond echoed toward them, quickly getting louder. She strained 106 00:09:28,960 --> 00:09:31,880 Speaker 1: to see ahead, but the glow of the rat's eyes 107 00:09:32,000 --> 00:09:37,120 Speaker 1: only carried so far, and then they were out of 108 00:09:37,160 --> 00:09:41,320 Speaker 1: the passage and into a large open space that felt 109 00:09:41,360 --> 00:09:47,080 Speaker 1: like it went on forever. Susan could hear the water, 110 00:09:47,679 --> 00:09:51,000 Speaker 1: and when the rats turned, could see the edge of 111 00:09:51,080 --> 00:09:55,000 Speaker 1: a lapping lake as the water rippled in waves toward 112 00:09:55,120 --> 00:10:01,760 Speaker 1: the stone shore. Had she not been in so much trouble, 113 00:10:02,200 --> 00:10:06,560 Speaker 1: she would have thought it was cool. Instead, she started 114 00:10:06,559 --> 00:10:09,760 Speaker 1: to be afraid and was pretty sure she knew how 115 00:10:09,800 --> 00:10:13,959 Speaker 1: the rats planned for her and Tucker to spend their 116 00:10:14,040 --> 00:10:20,320 Speaker 1: last moments. Tucker, Susan said, feeling desperate as she and 117 00:10:20,360 --> 00:10:25,000 Speaker 1: her friend were surrounded and slowly forced backward towards the water. 118 00:10:26,559 --> 00:10:30,520 Speaker 1: I'm sorry, Susan, he said sadly. I never meant for 119 00:10:30,559 --> 00:10:36,520 Speaker 1: this to happen. I just wanted to keep you safe. 120 00:10:36,760 --> 00:10:40,640 Speaker 1: We have to fight. She looked down at him and 121 00:10:40,800 --> 00:10:45,440 Speaker 1: saw the complete despair and sadness in his eyes. I 122 00:10:45,520 --> 00:10:50,640 Speaker 1: love you, Susan Tucker said. She felt the water splash 123 00:10:50,679 --> 00:10:53,720 Speaker 1: against the back of her boots as she was forced 124 00:10:53,800 --> 00:11:01,400 Speaker 1: further by the advancing rats. I love you too, she said. Together. 125 00:11:01,880 --> 00:11:09,560 Speaker 1: They stepped back into the water. As soon as the 126 00:11:09,640 --> 00:11:15,400 Speaker 1: water closed over her boots, Susan felt the undertoe. She 127 00:11:15,480 --> 00:11:20,720 Speaker 1: took one further step and slipped on a rock. Her 128 00:11:20,760 --> 00:11:23,880 Speaker 1: feet flew out from under her, and she fell back 129 00:11:23,960 --> 00:11:28,600 Speaker 1: into the lake. She went under the water and felt 130 00:11:28,600 --> 00:11:33,480 Speaker 1: herself being pulled by a strong current in over her 131 00:11:33,520 --> 00:11:38,120 Speaker 1: head almost immediately as the bottom dropped out from under her. 132 00:11:40,000 --> 00:11:42,600 Speaker 1: She clawed her way to the surface and caught a 133 00:11:42,679 --> 00:11:47,160 Speaker 1: glimpse of a patch of glowing eyes already a distance 134 00:11:47,200 --> 00:11:54,160 Speaker 1: from her. Before going under again. Susan kicked off her 135 00:11:54,200 --> 00:11:58,080 Speaker 1: rubber boots, knowing they would pull her deeper. At the 136 00:11:58,160 --> 00:12:03,040 Speaker 1: same time, she shed her her raincoat She was suddenly 137 00:12:03,280 --> 00:12:06,920 Speaker 1: very thankful for the swimming lessons Mom forced her to 138 00:12:06,960 --> 00:12:10,880 Speaker 1: take and the years of playing in the cold North Atlantic. 139 00:12:12,360 --> 00:12:16,600 Speaker 1: The water was cold, but not icy, and only took 140 00:12:16,640 --> 00:12:20,680 Speaker 1: her a minute to get used to. Now on the 141 00:12:20,760 --> 00:12:25,000 Speaker 1: surface and able to maneuver, Susan began to look frantically 142 00:12:25,080 --> 00:12:29,719 Speaker 1: around for Tucker. She started to panic as she realized 143 00:12:29,760 --> 00:12:34,120 Speaker 1: she couldn't see him anywhere. It was only by sheer 144 00:12:34,280 --> 00:12:39,559 Speaker 1: luck her hand brushed against soft fur. She locked her 145 00:12:39,559 --> 00:12:44,440 Speaker 1: fingers around his tail and pulled him to her. Poor 146 00:12:44,480 --> 00:12:48,439 Speaker 1: Tucker gasped water, and she was certain he would have 147 00:12:48,559 --> 00:12:53,240 Speaker 1: drowned if she hadn't found him. When she did, Susan, 148 00:12:53,440 --> 00:12:59,079 Speaker 1: he choked, I can't swim. She got a hold of 149 00:12:59,160 --> 00:13:03,000 Speaker 1: him as best she could with the strong currant buffeting her, 150 00:13:03,480 --> 00:13:07,720 Speaker 1: and lifted his front paws to her shoulder. He dug 151 00:13:07,760 --> 00:13:10,640 Speaker 1: in his claws so hard she had to bite her 152 00:13:10,679 --> 00:13:14,320 Speaker 1: lip to keep from crying out, but he managed to 153 00:13:14,360 --> 00:13:18,920 Speaker 1: pull himself onto her back and cling on for dear life. 154 00:13:19,360 --> 00:13:25,079 Speaker 1: As she tried to figure out what to do. There 155 00:13:25,160 --> 00:13:28,880 Speaker 1: was little light in the river passage, but Susan knew 156 00:13:28,960 --> 00:13:32,320 Speaker 1: Tucker could see better than her. How close are we 157 00:13:32,400 --> 00:13:37,640 Speaker 1: to the side close, he said, I could almost touch it. 158 00:13:37,679 --> 00:13:41,280 Speaker 1: Is there a beach or a ledge? Her teeth chattered 159 00:13:41,320 --> 00:13:46,520 Speaker 1: a little. That worried her. She was already losing body heat. 160 00:13:47,360 --> 00:13:50,480 Speaker 1: It wouldn't be long before she started to feel tired. 161 00:13:51,360 --> 00:13:56,079 Speaker 1: They had to get out of the water. No, Tucker said, 162 00:13:56,200 --> 00:14:00,680 Speaker 1: just rock. Wait. He looked up ahead of them. Do 163 00:14:00,760 --> 00:14:06,520 Speaker 1: you hear that? Susan couldn't hear anything above the rushing 164 00:14:06,600 --> 00:14:12,400 Speaker 1: of the current. What is it? A roaring sound? Tucker 165 00:14:12,440 --> 00:14:16,120 Speaker 1: said softly, Susan, I think I know where we are. 166 00:14:17,440 --> 00:14:22,560 Speaker 1: His voice was panicked. What is it, Susan repeated Tucker. 167 00:14:23,960 --> 00:14:25,960 Speaker 1: We have to get out of here, He told her. 168 00:14:26,200 --> 00:14:30,880 Speaker 1: We're heading right for the waterfall. As he said the word, 169 00:14:31,440 --> 00:14:36,720 Speaker 1: Susan suddenly heard the roaring, rushing sound of water cascading 170 00:14:36,760 --> 00:14:41,280 Speaker 1: over the edge of the river. How far I don't know, 171 00:14:41,920 --> 00:14:46,360 Speaker 1: he said, Desperation in his whole body. His claws dug 172 00:14:46,400 --> 00:14:52,640 Speaker 1: in deeper. Close. Is there a beach before it, Susan asked, yes, 173 00:14:52,960 --> 00:14:56,960 Speaker 1: and a lot of rocks. Tell me when you see one, 174 00:14:57,000 --> 00:14:59,320 Speaker 1: she said, I'll try to grab it and you can 175 00:14:59,360 --> 00:15:04,000 Speaker 1: climb out. I'm not leaving you. Tucker had to shout 176 00:15:04,080 --> 00:15:06,200 Speaker 1: now to be heard over the roar of the water. 177 00:15:06,840 --> 00:15:12,320 Speaker 1: I'll be okay, Susan yelled back. You need to get help. 178 00:15:12,800 --> 00:15:17,600 Speaker 1: Tucker didn't answer. Susan felt something hard brush against her leg. 179 00:15:18,480 --> 00:15:21,680 Speaker 1: I felt a rock, She said, we must be really close. 180 00:15:23,360 --> 00:15:27,480 Speaker 1: And then the passage opened up and Susan could see 181 00:15:27,640 --> 00:15:36,040 Speaker 1: more clearly and wished for a moment she couldn't. The 182 00:15:36,160 --> 00:15:41,760 Speaker 1: cavern the water rushed into was huge and full of rocks. 183 00:15:42,440 --> 00:15:47,240 Speaker 1: The water crashed over them, turning white and frothy. She 184 00:15:47,400 --> 00:15:52,680 Speaker 1: was suddenly very afraid one wrong move and they would 185 00:15:52,680 --> 00:15:58,080 Speaker 1: slam into a rock. Hang on, Susan yelled as a 186 00:15:58,240 --> 00:16:02,400 Speaker 1: large rock loomed. She kicked as hard as she could 187 00:16:02,480 --> 00:16:06,520 Speaker 1: out of the way and made it just in time. 188 00:16:08,520 --> 00:16:11,640 Speaker 1: She continued to kick her way on an angle toward 189 00:16:11,720 --> 00:16:15,480 Speaker 1: the shore, all the while the edge of the falls 190 00:16:15,520 --> 00:16:22,400 Speaker 1: got closer and closer. Susan was getting very tired, but 191 00:16:22,520 --> 00:16:26,800 Speaker 1: refused to quit. It wasn't just her life she was 192 00:16:26,840 --> 00:16:33,480 Speaker 1: responsible for. She had to save Tucker. Susan was close, 193 00:16:34,120 --> 00:16:37,000 Speaker 1: so close to the shore when she heard some one 194 00:16:37,040 --> 00:16:43,240 Speaker 1: shout her name. She looked about wildly and concentration gone 195 00:16:43,600 --> 00:16:49,040 Speaker 1: lost Her momentum and collided full on with a large rock. 196 00:16:51,920 --> 00:16:54,560 Speaker 1: She felt the smooth stone hit her in the chest 197 00:16:54,720 --> 00:17:00,120 Speaker 1: and almost passed out. Luckily, she wasn't hurt, just d 198 00:17:00,160 --> 00:17:05,200 Speaker 1: winded and got a grip on the stone. She felt 199 00:17:05,200 --> 00:17:08,440 Speaker 1: Tucker's weight leave her and looked up to see him 200 00:17:08,480 --> 00:17:13,840 Speaker 1: perched on the rock looking down at her. She felt 201 00:17:13,880 --> 00:17:18,960 Speaker 1: relief flood her that her friend was safe. Tucker, however, 202 00:17:19,480 --> 00:17:27,560 Speaker 1: wasn't so relieved Susan. He yelled, hang on. Her grip slipped. 203 00:17:28,440 --> 00:17:32,720 Speaker 1: The rock was smooth, battered by who knew how much water, 204 00:17:33,320 --> 00:17:37,960 Speaker 1: the edges long since worn away. She struggled to hold on, 205 00:17:38,640 --> 00:17:43,800 Speaker 1: but she was so tired. She felt claws hook into 206 00:17:43,840 --> 00:17:47,760 Speaker 1: her shirt and looked up. Tucker had one paw on 207 00:17:47,880 --> 00:17:54,840 Speaker 1: her shoulder. Don't let go, he said. Susan nodded, too 208 00:17:54,960 --> 00:17:59,960 Speaker 1: tired even to talk. The water continued to push again 209 00:18:00,000 --> 00:18:04,080 Speaker 1: against her, shoving her sideways across the surface of the rock. 210 00:18:05,160 --> 00:18:08,000 Speaker 1: She looked up at Tucker again, just as her grip 211 00:18:08,119 --> 00:18:12,800 Speaker 1: let go, and did the most unselfish thing she had 212 00:18:12,880 --> 00:18:17,440 Speaker 1: ever done in her whole life. With the last bit 213 00:18:17,520 --> 00:18:21,320 Speaker 1: of her strength, Susan pulled his paw free of her 214 00:18:21,320 --> 00:18:30,359 Speaker 1: shirt and let the water take her, and that's the 215 00:18:30,560 --> 00:18:35,760 Speaker 1: end of this chapter. Susan will be back wet but 216 00:18:35,960 --> 00:19:01,480 Speaker 1: okay in our next chapter. Good Night, sleep tight, bo.