1 00:00:00,080 --> 00:00:22,840 Speaker 1: M I bid. Welcome to General cooland commander of the 2 00:00:23,040 --> 00:00:30,000 Speaker 1: armies of the Empire. Where is the governor? My husband, 3 00:00:30,080 --> 00:00:33,199 Speaker 1: Lord oss Man, will be with us shortly, as well 4 00:00:33,240 --> 00:00:39,840 Speaker 1: our dear friends, the governors of our neighboring provinces. Your 5 00:00:40,120 --> 00:00:50,519 Speaker 1: officers can wait here, Come stay here. M hm. Do 6 00:00:50,560 --> 00:00:56,080 Speaker 1: you like the chandeliers, the finest crystal. We had them 7 00:00:56,200 --> 00:00:59,800 Speaker 1: especially made in winter and brought here, very delicate. It 8 00:01:00,080 --> 00:01:03,360 Speaker 1: quite an enterprise, actually by sea, then on the back 9 00:01:03,360 --> 00:01:10,920 Speaker 1: of a camel across the desert, and amazingly no brickages anything. General, 10 00:01:11,520 --> 00:01:15,080 Speaker 1: here in the provinces we are much less formal than 11 00:01:15,120 --> 00:01:19,360 Speaker 1: in the great city. Yes, well, ask why you did 12 00:01:19,400 --> 00:01:22,839 Speaker 1: not bring your goods through to Muan Bay. My husband says, 13 00:01:22,880 --> 00:01:25,680 Speaker 1: the import taxes so high when goods come through to 14 00:01:25,800 --> 00:01:29,440 Speaker 1: men Bay. Supposed I shouldn't say such a thing to you, General, 15 00:01:29,520 --> 00:01:32,600 Speaker 1: but it's no secret as it really. We already pay 16 00:01:32,720 --> 00:01:35,160 Speaker 1: so many taxes to the Sultan. Why should he take 17 00:01:35,160 --> 00:01:41,520 Speaker 1: it all? Don't you feel the same? General, All this, 18 00:01:42,920 --> 00:01:46,959 Speaker 1: your husband's positioned, this palace, the very provincy governments is 19 00:01:47,000 --> 00:01:52,520 Speaker 1: all at the discretion of the Sultan and the Sultan alone. Now, General, 20 00:01:52,920 --> 00:01:56,280 Speaker 1: we all know that's not true, don't we. The Sultan 21 00:01:56,440 --> 00:02:01,480 Speaker 1: is nothing without the provincial governors. They serve each those interests. Oh, 22 00:02:01,720 --> 00:02:08,440 Speaker 1: here you are, m I hope you will be comfortable here, 23 00:02:09,840 --> 00:02:14,240 Speaker 1: my lord? Come? What is this? Oh? I thought you 24 00:02:14,320 --> 00:02:18,280 Speaker 1: might like a little company after your long march with 25 00:02:18,360 --> 00:02:21,880 Speaker 1: all your horses and men. The empire is at war. 26 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:26,760 Speaker 1: I've come here to gather the provincial armies. Your husband 27 00:02:26,880 --> 00:02:30,400 Speaker 1: should be here reporting to me. Get him, yes, of course, 28 00:02:30,480 --> 00:02:34,600 Speaker 1: But get him and you tell him and all the 29 00:02:34,639 --> 00:02:40,560 Speaker 1: other governors to report to my camp immediately. Now get 30 00:02:40,560 --> 00:02:54,839 Speaker 1: out of my site. General, governors here were in your tent. 31 00:03:00,760 --> 00:03:06,120 Speaker 1: Commander Gulan your grace. Firstly, let me apologize for my lateness. 32 00:03:06,160 --> 00:03:07,960 Speaker 1: I had meant to meet you at the gates, but 33 00:03:08,120 --> 00:03:11,119 Speaker 1: I got called away on business. I hope my good 34 00:03:11,120 --> 00:03:14,679 Speaker 1: wife provided you with a warm welcome to our humble home. 35 00:03:16,000 --> 00:03:18,959 Speaker 1: Where are your men? Don't worry, they will be here 36 00:03:19,680 --> 00:03:25,840 Speaker 1: ready to serve our Sultan. General. How is our good friend, 37 00:03:26,280 --> 00:03:30,400 Speaker 1: the Sultan? Where are the other provincial governors? You need 38 00:03:30,440 --> 00:03:34,880 Speaker 1: to relax, Commander, Remember you are my guest here. I've 39 00:03:35,000 --> 00:03:37,440 Speaker 1: organized a banquet to night in the Great Hall. Forget 40 00:03:37,480 --> 00:03:41,560 Speaker 1: the banquet we will meet here at camp at sunset. 41 00:03:42,720 --> 00:03:46,040 Speaker 1: Send me your masters. I want to see it before 42 00:03:46,080 --> 00:03:51,720 Speaker 1: we meet. But yes, under whose authority the Sultan can 43 00:03:51,800 --> 00:03:59,320 Speaker 1: I see it? See what your authority? Sergeant thank Governor 44 00:03:59,440 --> 00:04:04,320 Speaker 1: Ushman to see the Sultan seal. This is exactly why 45 00:04:04,440 --> 00:04:26,720 Speaker 1: Tummby has allowed Maya to flourish. I bid welcome to 46 00:04:26,880 --> 00:04:31,719 Speaker 1: the governors of the Eastern and Southern provinces, and also 47 00:04:31,800 --> 00:04:37,440 Speaker 1: to the commanders of the border regiments. I have news. 48 00:04:38,920 --> 00:04:42,400 Speaker 1: The garrison town of Cariber has fallen to Maya's forces. 49 00:04:44,360 --> 00:04:50,960 Speaker 1: She's on the move. The war has begun, and I 50 00:04:51,040 --> 00:04:55,760 Speaker 1: have been looking at your master's and they are a disgrace. 51 00:04:58,080 --> 00:05:03,400 Speaker 1: You are all got used to peace. You have not 52 00:05:03,720 --> 00:05:09,320 Speaker 1: kept up your records, Governor Usman, you don't even have 53 00:05:09,400 --> 00:05:12,080 Speaker 1: a glimmering of the number of men fighting age in 54 00:05:12,120 --> 00:05:16,800 Speaker 1: your district. Never mind oxen, horses and camels and foodstuffs. 55 00:05:17,920 --> 00:05:23,280 Speaker 1: The army leads arrows by the hundred thousand, and you 56 00:05:23,320 --> 00:05:29,839 Speaker 1: are supposed to keep a ready supply. With respect General Coulan, 57 00:05:31,400 --> 00:05:35,559 Speaker 1: the Sultan seems quite happy with the taxes we raised 58 00:05:35,600 --> 00:05:39,520 Speaker 1: for him. And besides, haven't these threats been rather exaggerated? 59 00:05:39,560 --> 00:05:43,560 Speaker 1: The General. Of course, readiness should be our watch. Please 60 00:05:43,680 --> 00:05:47,719 Speaker 1: do assure the Sultan of our support, but we would 61 00:05:47,760 --> 00:05:53,360 Speaker 1: like in return be assured of what do you expect? General? 62 00:05:54,360 --> 00:06:00,400 Speaker 1: These are not men. They are fat, pink grub that 63 00:06:00,520 --> 00:06:03,560 Speaker 1: you put on a hook cruise to catch fish. Who 64 00:06:03,600 --> 00:06:08,720 Speaker 1: do you think you are, young man? Yes? Who are you? 65 00:06:09,440 --> 00:06:14,120 Speaker 1: I am Wolf? I come from the hill country with 66 00:06:14,200 --> 00:06:18,279 Speaker 1: my cavalry for centuries we have fought for Tuman Bay. 67 00:06:18,680 --> 00:06:21,760 Speaker 1: I summoned you, but I didn't know if you would come. 68 00:06:21,960 --> 00:06:24,680 Speaker 1: We don't come at any man's care. We come when 69 00:06:24,720 --> 00:06:27,760 Speaker 1: we want to for the fight. And Maya the grim 70 00:06:27,800 --> 00:06:30,960 Speaker 1: is an enemy worthy of our time, unlike these grubs. 71 00:06:34,360 --> 00:06:37,120 Speaker 1: So what do you want me to do with him? 72 00:06:37,720 --> 00:06:44,240 Speaker 1: Hang them? Waste of good rope? Stop him? I demand 73 00:06:44,360 --> 00:06:50,279 Speaker 1: to do something, General coolan very well, that one, commander Wolf, 74 00:06:51,000 --> 00:06:54,480 Speaker 1: the fat one. You say he's a grub. Spit him 75 00:06:54,520 --> 00:06:57,599 Speaker 1: on your no. No, please, I am the governor of 76 00:06:57,680 --> 00:07:09,840 Speaker 1: the province at your service, General, take that away. The 77 00:07:09,880 --> 00:07:13,040 Speaker 1: rest of you. You listen to me. Your masters will 78 00:07:13,080 --> 00:07:16,800 Speaker 1: be complete within three days. Three days after that you 79 00:07:16,840 --> 00:07:21,120 Speaker 1: will deliver men and all supplies. If not, each one 80 00:07:21,160 --> 00:07:23,440 Speaker 1: of you will fight himself on the hook as well. 81 00:07:24,960 --> 00:07:33,440 Speaker 1: Any questions good now, Commander Wolf, I would like to 82 00:07:33,480 --> 00:07:42,000 Speaker 1: inspect some men who are ready to fight Tuman by 83 00:07:43,320 --> 00:07:54,440 Speaker 1: episode five Stranglehold by John Drydon. They say, if you 84 00:07:54,520 --> 00:07:59,160 Speaker 1: want peace, you should prepare for war. But what happens 85 00:07:59,160 --> 00:08:03,520 Speaker 1: when your enemy offers your piece? Perhaps then you should 86 00:08:03,520 --> 00:08:06,840 Speaker 1: remember that the most beautiful flowers have the sharpest thorns. 87 00:08:07,360 --> 00:08:10,360 Speaker 1: Just one pet, yes, your majesty, just one, That's all 88 00:08:10,400 --> 00:08:22,000 Speaker 1: that is required. H Ah, Your Highness, I have some views. Yes, yes, God, 89 00:08:22,480 --> 00:08:38,760 Speaker 1: smell this. It's a um wonderful, delightful. H it's supposed 90 00:08:38,800 --> 00:08:41,760 Speaker 1: to be terrible. One sip of it and you would 91 00:08:41,760 --> 00:08:44,760 Speaker 1: be dead. Isn't that the right doctor? Without a doubt, 92 00:08:44,760 --> 00:08:49,720 Speaker 1: your majesty, without a doubt. Yes, I have something I 93 00:08:49,760 --> 00:08:56,960 Speaker 1: need to tell you. This here, Your excellency sniffles. Well, 94 00:08:57,360 --> 00:09:04,560 Speaker 1: it's it's it's her, it's yes, but put the two together, 95 00:09:05,360 --> 00:09:11,400 Speaker 1: and oh, yes, it's very good, your highness. Yes, it's 96 00:09:11,480 --> 00:09:15,120 Speaker 1: the balance of the opposing forces. It's like you and Gregor. 97 00:09:17,640 --> 00:09:20,920 Speaker 1: As long as we can keep the balance, well, your Highness, 98 00:09:20,960 --> 00:09:23,680 Speaker 1: I have found a way to do that. It's good news. 99 00:09:24,000 --> 00:09:28,400 Speaker 1: This so called Queen Maya. She wants to negotiate. What 100 00:09:28,440 --> 00:09:31,920 Speaker 1: are you talking about? Well, I have my contacts, of 101 00:09:31,960 --> 00:09:34,439 Speaker 1: course I do. It's my job. She wants to send 102 00:09:34,520 --> 00:09:37,880 Speaker 1: a delegation to two men bay to negotiate, beg more 103 00:09:37,960 --> 00:09:41,440 Speaker 1: like for mercy, No doubt. She's heard about our armies 104 00:09:41,520 --> 00:09:46,000 Speaker 1: marching out to the provinces. She's awed by our Sultan's power. 105 00:09:46,160 --> 00:09:49,640 Speaker 1: Let her beg me in person, tell that her delegation. Yes, 106 00:09:49,720 --> 00:09:52,439 Speaker 1: your managed to keep them waiting. The bitch, who does 107 00:09:52,480 --> 00:09:54,920 Speaker 1: she think she is? Shall I get the smelling salts? 108 00:09:55,400 --> 00:09:58,120 Speaker 1: I gave her dead husband a province to government. I 109 00:09:58,200 --> 00:10:01,160 Speaker 1: put him there, and now she wants to challenge me magetically? 110 00:10:01,559 --> 00:10:06,200 Speaker 1: Sit down, you tire me. I am sorry, your majesty. 111 00:10:06,320 --> 00:10:10,360 Speaker 1: What is the point of view? I have no point. 112 00:10:10,600 --> 00:10:14,359 Speaker 1: I merely exist. Yes, you merely exist. That's the problem, 113 00:10:14,440 --> 00:10:16,920 Speaker 1: your majesty. I am sorry if I have offended you 114 00:10:16,960 --> 00:10:19,640 Speaker 1: in any way. I am your physician, your health and 115 00:10:19,679 --> 00:10:23,200 Speaker 1: well being. Yes, yes, then shut your mouth. Yes, yes, 116 00:10:23,200 --> 00:10:27,400 Speaker 1: your majesty, I am sorry. Yes, yes, I will go 117 00:10:30,640 --> 00:10:33,560 Speaker 1: play a game with him, make them think we are grateful, 118 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:38,680 Speaker 1: will organize your reception, of course, your majesty, But why 119 00:10:38,920 --> 00:10:41,960 Speaker 1: let them beg us for mercy and then and then 120 00:10:42,280 --> 00:10:45,439 Speaker 1: we'll kill them. Send a message to my first wife 121 00:10:45,480 --> 00:11:08,079 Speaker 1: shall just to attend she will enjoy it. M ha ha, doctor, 122 00:11:09,520 --> 00:11:11,400 Speaker 1: I told you not to disturb me when I'm working. 123 00:11:12,120 --> 00:11:16,800 Speaker 1: What do you want the lady shat is here? Sha? Yes? 124 00:11:17,720 --> 00:11:20,960 Speaker 1: What does she want at this time? I need your help? 125 00:11:21,520 --> 00:11:24,360 Speaker 1: But of course, my lady, are you one with no? 126 00:11:24,920 --> 00:11:29,120 Speaker 1: I have business I need to deal with discreetly. Business. 127 00:11:29,840 --> 00:11:32,439 Speaker 1: There are two ways we can do this. Either we 128 00:11:32,480 --> 00:11:34,800 Speaker 1: can talk in a roundabout way with me saying such 129 00:11:34,840 --> 00:11:38,440 Speaker 1: things as I have a friend who needs help, or 130 00:11:38,800 --> 00:11:40,760 Speaker 1: we could get straight to it. What would you prefer, 131 00:11:42,640 --> 00:11:45,240 Speaker 1: my lady? I we both know what I'm talking about. 132 00:11:45,440 --> 00:11:49,000 Speaker 1: A woman in my position has many enemies. I need 133 00:11:49,000 --> 00:11:55,559 Speaker 1: to protect myself. I want to talk to you about poison. Poison, lady, 134 00:11:55,840 --> 00:12:00,480 Speaker 1: I am a physician. I know what you are. What 135 00:12:00,559 --> 00:12:03,079 Speaker 1: do you think the Sultan would do if he realized 136 00:12:03,400 --> 00:12:09,640 Speaker 1: he was treated by a slave of the poppy? Does 137 00:12:09,679 --> 00:12:12,720 Speaker 1: it matter if it is discovered afterwards that the victim 138 00:12:12,840 --> 00:12:17,000 Speaker 1: was poisoned? M no, I don't care what happens afterwards. 139 00:12:17,559 --> 00:12:27,760 Speaker 1: That makes it easier. There's something I've been working on. Yeah, 140 00:12:29,920 --> 00:12:33,559 Speaker 1: what are you doing? Perfume? You spray it like a perfume. 141 00:12:33,600 --> 00:12:41,680 Speaker 1: You spray it on the face. Simple, surprising, effective m hm. 142 00:12:46,520 --> 00:12:52,000 Speaker 1: The first wife, Shajar ruthless. As far as she's concerned, 143 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:54,840 Speaker 1: her son could have died in the army. Better a 144 00:12:54,880 --> 00:12:57,600 Speaker 1: dead son than a weak son. I need to be 145 00:12:57,640 --> 00:13:00,520 Speaker 1: ahead of her. I need to move far southern. She 146 00:13:00,600 --> 00:13:13,040 Speaker 1: can move and then stop her. Where is his holiness? 147 00:13:13,080 --> 00:13:20,719 Speaker 1: This way? My lord? What are you doing here? No 148 00:13:20,720 --> 00:13:23,440 Speaker 1: one is supposed to be here. How are your eminence? 149 00:13:24,160 --> 00:13:28,680 Speaker 1: Are they looking after you well? Iraq? The best I 150 00:13:28,800 --> 00:13:32,480 Speaker 1: hear you, like the best I know you. You're our 151 00:13:32,600 --> 00:13:35,960 Speaker 1: guries dog. When there's dirty work to be done, you 152 00:13:36,160 --> 00:13:44,480 Speaker 1: do it. Gregor, your name is Gregory. It's not poisoned. 153 00:13:45,280 --> 00:13:51,440 Speaker 1: I'll drink with stuff. When you gave me here, Russell 154 00:13:51,520 --> 00:13:55,200 Speaker 1: Dan gave you sanctuary. You're the spiritual guide to all believers, 155 00:13:55,240 --> 00:13:58,000 Speaker 1: the Jewel and the sortans Turban. Why would he want 156 00:13:58,000 --> 00:14:04,880 Speaker 1: to kill you? What do you want, Gregor? Just to talk? 157 00:14:06,120 --> 00:14:09,160 Speaker 1: I have no objection? Would it change anything? If I had? 158 00:14:11,120 --> 00:14:15,520 Speaker 1: I thought not? Were you making your way here? A 159 00:14:16,960 --> 00:14:21,280 Speaker 1: long journey and hard too? And were you alone? Alone? 160 00:14:21,760 --> 00:14:27,280 Speaker 1: Just me and bellow, bellow, my priest, my lord and 161 00:14:27,280 --> 00:14:32,520 Speaker 1: how did you travel on foot? Yes, and if we 162 00:14:32,640 --> 00:14:36,240 Speaker 1: found a sympathetic traveler, sometimes there was a donkey for 163 00:14:36,360 --> 00:14:39,400 Speaker 1: an old man. And as for resting, the hard ground, 164 00:14:39,640 --> 00:14:46,840 Speaker 1: so cold, the nights so cold, and your burden, burden, 165 00:14:47,760 --> 00:14:51,840 Speaker 1: the things you carried with you, no, no, nothing. I 166 00:14:51,920 --> 00:14:54,280 Speaker 1: had to leave quickly. There was no time, not time 167 00:14:54,320 --> 00:15:00,840 Speaker 1: at all. Bellow, tell him there was nothing we talk, nothing, nothing, 168 00:15:01,320 --> 00:15:03,520 Speaker 1: not any little keepsake to ensure you have a warm 169 00:15:03,600 --> 00:15:08,520 Speaker 1: welcome wherever you might end up. Nothing, nothing, We were 170 00:15:08,560 --> 00:15:12,840 Speaker 1: wonderers on the face of the cold. Is that not so, Bellow? 171 00:15:13,080 --> 00:15:16,880 Speaker 1: It is as you say, eminence, wisdom was our only fraid, 172 00:15:17,160 --> 00:15:20,000 Speaker 1: as the poet has it. But now you've come to 173 00:15:20,040 --> 00:15:25,760 Speaker 1: rest unfortunately. Well, I should take no more of your time. 174 00:15:27,280 --> 00:15:31,120 Speaker 1: A blessing perhaps before I go, Yes, yes, go, and 175 00:15:31,200 --> 00:15:35,800 Speaker 1: being give the fortune God, But just in case God 176 00:15:35,840 --> 00:15:38,400 Speaker 1: withholds his gifts. It is wise, is it not to 177 00:15:38,520 --> 00:15:42,040 Speaker 1: take what may not be given? And you are generally 178 00:15:42,080 --> 00:15:45,320 Speaker 1: accounted a wise man, are you not? Bellow, will see 179 00:15:45,320 --> 00:16:00,200 Speaker 1: you out? Or a drunk m my Lord. In our 180 00:16:00,320 --> 00:16:03,720 Speaker 1: holy books there is a verse about the wise sortan 181 00:16:03,840 --> 00:16:07,360 Speaker 1: who does not venture into the dark without a lantern. 182 00:16:07,960 --> 00:16:10,960 Speaker 1: So that when he needs, he may see what is 183 00:16:11,040 --> 00:16:16,360 Speaker 1: hidden and what he is hidden, Master Priest, many things, 184 00:16:16,400 --> 00:16:19,960 Speaker 1: but that wise or time with the lamb may find 185 00:16:20,040 --> 00:16:24,160 Speaker 1: them out and be well rewarded for his full sign. 186 00:16:25,040 --> 00:16:36,840 Speaker 1: He might hope, so you might hush, Master Priest, it's 187 00:16:36,880 --> 00:16:44,840 Speaker 1: merely a rat. They are everywhere here. He is the thing. 188 00:16:46,080 --> 00:16:51,880 Speaker 1: Service and betrayal, rewards and punishments. Serve me well, bellow, 189 00:16:52,440 --> 00:17:01,240 Speaker 1: and you would prosper serve me ill, Good night, lamplighter. 190 00:17:10,760 --> 00:17:12,720 Speaker 1: You see it spins like this. No, this is to 191 00:17:12,800 --> 00:17:15,119 Speaker 1: advance for her. How old is your child? She's just 192 00:17:15,200 --> 00:17:19,080 Speaker 1: the debut and something soft like this. I went to 193 00:17:19,119 --> 00:17:22,040 Speaker 1: your house, he said, I would find you here. What 194 00:17:22,200 --> 00:17:25,960 Speaker 1: is this? It is? What it is, your excellency. I'm 195 00:17:26,000 --> 00:17:28,320 Speaker 1: touched by your devotion to that ask I gave you. 196 00:17:28,720 --> 00:17:30,760 Speaker 1: While while she's in my care, she would want for nothing, 197 00:17:30,760 --> 00:17:33,359 Speaker 1: Excellency good. My advice is not to get too close. 198 00:17:33,400 --> 00:17:35,000 Speaker 1: The child will not be with you for long. No, 199 00:17:35,119 --> 00:17:37,960 Speaker 1: of course not. I realized I need your help. Yes, 200 00:17:38,200 --> 00:17:41,480 Speaker 1: a little mystery. Remember the scrolls I described to you. 201 00:17:42,560 --> 00:17:45,240 Speaker 1: Come with me now, But the child is waiting for me. 202 00:17:45,320 --> 00:17:46,760 Speaker 1: When I told you to take care of it, I 203 00:17:46,760 --> 00:17:50,800 Speaker 1: didn't tell you to become its wetness. Come. They all 204 00:17:50,840 --> 00:17:53,640 Speaker 1: look old. That's the whole point of scrolls. That's what 205 00:17:53,680 --> 00:17:57,600 Speaker 1: people want. These artisans, they use every trick in the book. 206 00:17:57,600 --> 00:17:59,840 Speaker 1: But I have a feeling these might be different. What's 207 00:18:00,240 --> 00:18:04,080 Speaker 1: in the market. Just wait, see them and decide. You 208 00:18:04,119 --> 00:18:06,159 Speaker 1: know about these things I don't. This might be an 209 00:18:06,160 --> 00:18:10,639 Speaker 1: opportunity for you. Can I ask you something? Then? What? 210 00:18:11,240 --> 00:18:14,399 Speaker 1: Why are you so interested in them? Do you know 211 00:18:14,480 --> 00:18:18,399 Speaker 1: what I do for the sort of time? I know? 212 00:18:18,480 --> 00:18:21,000 Speaker 1: You're not responsible for his collection of art and calligraphy? 213 00:18:22,600 --> 00:18:31,480 Speaker 1: M hm ah, this is it? How many brothers? No 214 00:18:31,600 --> 00:18:34,680 Speaker 1: one homes all? Why don't we one of them will 215 00:18:34,720 --> 00:18:40,240 Speaker 1: always be here? You're an eccentric couple brothers and believe 216 00:18:40,400 --> 00:18:49,600 Speaker 1: from Yeah. Hello, workshops like these. They're all over tom 217 00:18:49,680 --> 00:18:58,000 Speaker 1: and Bay churning out reproductions. Hello, ah, gentlemen, here we 218 00:18:58,040 --> 00:19:00,760 Speaker 1: are again. I apologize for the intrusion. Your door was open. 219 00:19:01,400 --> 00:19:04,960 Speaker 1: This is my associate. He is a scholar. You might say. 220 00:19:05,000 --> 00:19:07,080 Speaker 1: I brought him with me so that we might examine 221 00:19:07,160 --> 00:19:12,960 Speaker 1: the pieces again, a gentleman, perhaps you would be so 222 00:19:13,040 --> 00:19:26,040 Speaker 1: kind as that that's movie they wait? Wake up, wake up? Oh? 223 00:19:26,600 --> 00:19:30,520 Speaker 1: What was that? The place what are you doing covering 224 00:19:30,560 --> 00:19:34,200 Speaker 1: onr face? Those aren't playing pustules. There was a struggle 225 00:19:34,640 --> 00:19:37,280 Speaker 1: here and then they were carefully propped back up onto 226 00:19:37,320 --> 00:19:43,280 Speaker 1: their chairs. Pison must have happened recently. No sign of bloating. 227 00:19:43,320 --> 00:19:46,800 Speaker 1: Yet you would be a wiser man not to ask 228 00:19:48,040 --> 00:19:53,679 Speaker 1: what about the scrolls? They won't be here anymore. That 229 00:19:53,760 --> 00:19:57,920 Speaker 1: moment is past. Come, it's better not to be discovered here. 230 00:20:02,400 --> 00:20:05,560 Speaker 1: I shouldn't have come. I shouldn't have come, pretty, hide 231 00:20:05,600 --> 00:20:10,160 Speaker 1: your face. I should have warned nor what she wanted 232 00:20:10,160 --> 00:20:12,520 Speaker 1: me to go to see that feast? She wanted to 233 00:20:12,520 --> 00:20:15,639 Speaker 1: delay me so she could do her work here. And 234 00:20:15,960 --> 00:20:19,880 Speaker 1: this this woman, whoever she is, You think she has 235 00:20:19,920 --> 00:20:23,919 Speaker 1: the scrolls? Now of that? I am certain. Look at 236 00:20:23,960 --> 00:20:28,680 Speaker 1: the market. It's busy and full of life. Yes, yes, 237 00:20:30,160 --> 00:20:33,280 Speaker 1: But have you ever seen a bee hive when it's dying. 238 00:20:34,840 --> 00:20:40,439 Speaker 1: It looks busy, but the bees are anglers. No, I haven't, 239 00:20:40,480 --> 00:20:44,040 Speaker 1: But I don't understand when the queen's dead. The bees 240 00:20:44,040 --> 00:20:48,840 Speaker 1: are everywhere flying around. To the outside observer, it looks 241 00:20:48,880 --> 00:20:53,720 Speaker 1: as though the higher is healthy, but it's not. It's 242 00:20:53,800 --> 00:20:56,480 Speaker 1: dying because the heart of it is dead and it 243 00:20:56,560 --> 00:21:01,560 Speaker 1: just doesn't know it yet come back to your home, 244 00:21:02,160 --> 00:21:04,440 Speaker 1: take care of the baby. You will hear from me 245 00:21:04,480 --> 00:21:13,760 Speaker 1: in du course sha ja. That's the trouble with ex lovers. 246 00:21:14,200 --> 00:21:17,080 Speaker 1: They know you too well, and no one has the 247 00:21:17,119 --> 00:21:24,080 Speaker 1: capacity to hate you quite like an ex lover. Who 248 00:21:24,200 --> 00:21:28,960 Speaker 1: is it my learning? I need to talk to you. 249 00:21:29,640 --> 00:21:31,879 Speaker 1: My maid isn't here. Please come back later when I 250 00:21:31,880 --> 00:21:34,880 Speaker 1: can receive you properly. I'm afraid that it's not possible. 251 00:21:35,080 --> 00:21:41,439 Speaker 1: The Sutan sent me, Yes, may I come in? It 252 00:21:41,520 --> 00:21:55,840 Speaker 1: would be easier. Wait one moment. It is quite inappropriate 253 00:21:55,960 --> 00:21:58,920 Speaker 1: for you to come here to my quarters without an appointment. Yes, 254 00:21:59,240 --> 00:22:05,440 Speaker 1: my apology is well, yes, you said the Sultan. Yes, 255 00:22:06,400 --> 00:22:09,439 Speaker 1: this peace delegation from my The Sultan asked me to 256 00:22:09,520 --> 00:22:12,000 Speaker 1: inform you that your presence will be required at the 257 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:16,320 Speaker 1: reception tonight. Is that all? Yes? Then I will be there. 258 00:22:16,359 --> 00:22:22,760 Speaker 1: Good good. There was just one other thing, yes, greg Or, 259 00:22:23,920 --> 00:22:26,520 Speaker 1: what of him? I was hoping you might know of 260 00:22:26,640 --> 00:22:31,160 Speaker 1: his whereabouts? And why would that be? No reason except 261 00:22:31,240 --> 00:22:35,439 Speaker 1: will weren't you close ones? Now? Now, cad Ali, I 262 00:22:35,440 --> 00:22:37,119 Speaker 1: didn't think you were the sort of man to listen 263 00:22:37,119 --> 00:22:42,399 Speaker 1: to idle gossip. No, not idle gossip. I am the 264 00:22:42,400 --> 00:22:48,119 Speaker 1: Sultan's chief wife. My husband is all my delight, always 265 00:22:48,119 --> 00:22:51,080 Speaker 1: has been and always will be. Everything I do is 266 00:22:51,119 --> 00:22:54,440 Speaker 1: for him, of course, of course, But you and Gregor 267 00:22:54,800 --> 00:22:58,480 Speaker 1: I serve one master Cadali, the Sultan, as do we all. 268 00:22:58,720 --> 00:23:02,920 Speaker 1: I was merely inquired after Gregor. After all, he's been 269 00:23:03,000 --> 00:23:05,720 Speaker 1: rooting out the spies here in the palace. Is keeping 270 00:23:05,760 --> 00:23:10,320 Speaker 1: us all safe? Well he's not here, my point, precisely, 271 00:23:10,680 --> 00:23:13,160 Speaker 1: he never seems to be around. I want to believe 272 00:23:13,200 --> 00:23:16,520 Speaker 1: he has rooted out all the spies. I wouldn't know 273 00:23:16,880 --> 00:23:22,000 Speaker 1: about anything like that. Well, no, no, you wouldn't. We 274 00:23:22,040 --> 00:23:25,000 Speaker 1: can but trust that Gregor is doing his job the 275 00:23:25,119 --> 00:23:30,040 Speaker 1: sort and trusts him. That's good enough for me. Well, 276 00:23:30,080 --> 00:23:35,320 Speaker 1: I must be off, goodbye, my lady. Of course, if 277 00:23:35,359 --> 00:23:43,720 Speaker 1: Gregor himself were disloyal in any way, m hmm what way? Precisely, 278 00:23:44,440 --> 00:23:47,119 Speaker 1: I don't know. He talks to a lot of people. 279 00:23:48,359 --> 00:23:52,440 Speaker 1: Perhaps that's his job, watching everyone, looking for spies. As 280 00:23:52,440 --> 00:23:59,159 Speaker 1: you say, but who watches the spy catcher? Just be 281 00:23:59,480 --> 00:24:04,280 Speaker 1: vigil it, Virgilance, especially now with all that is happening. 282 00:24:05,040 --> 00:24:10,760 Speaker 1: Better to be suspicious than to you're shure, But my lady, yes, 283 00:24:10,840 --> 00:24:15,720 Speaker 1: put it down. There is there anything else, madam? No, 284 00:24:16,160 --> 00:24:20,359 Speaker 1: go wait, yes, tell the wardrobe master the time to 285 00:24:20,400 --> 00:24:26,240 Speaker 1: attend a reception tonight. Yes, my lady. So this delegation, 286 00:24:26,400 --> 00:24:29,399 Speaker 1: it may mean everything, it may mean nothing, but we 287 00:24:29,480 --> 00:24:33,280 Speaker 1: have to show our unity, our might. You are the queen, 288 00:24:34,200 --> 00:24:38,640 Speaker 1: where your best jewels? What do they want? They say 289 00:24:38,720 --> 00:24:43,560 Speaker 1: they want peace? And what do you think they want? Cadi? Well, 290 00:24:44,960 --> 00:24:48,119 Speaker 1: perhaps we are like the child on his birthday morning, 291 00:24:48,119 --> 00:24:51,800 Speaker 1: waiting for his present, and there it is all wrapped up. 292 00:24:51,920 --> 00:24:55,119 Speaker 1: What is it? He can barely wait? He unwraps it, 293 00:24:55,600 --> 00:24:59,159 Speaker 1: he reaches in. Is it a beautiful model cannon that 294 00:24:59,200 --> 00:25:02,440 Speaker 1: you will be able to? It is model soldiers? Or 295 00:25:02,680 --> 00:25:15,359 Speaker 1: is it the deadly scorpion? Where are you going? I 296 00:25:15,440 --> 00:25:17,520 Speaker 1: have some duties to attend to for my lady. Go 297 00:25:17,640 --> 00:25:22,359 Speaker 1: to my rooms, my lord, you heard me. I have 298 00:25:22,440 --> 00:25:42,160 Speaker 1: some news your baby. Mh you are serving your lady? Well, 299 00:25:42,880 --> 00:25:44,840 Speaker 1: what news of my child? You will come to that? 300 00:25:45,080 --> 00:25:49,560 Speaker 1: Has something happened? Just said we need to talk. We 301 00:25:49,600 --> 00:25:51,680 Speaker 1: will talk about what I want to talk about. First, 302 00:25:51,880 --> 00:26:01,040 Speaker 1: all right, sit, nothing to worry about. I prefer being 303 00:26:01,040 --> 00:26:10,080 Speaker 1: down here. It's peaceful, No one will disturb us. Two 304 00:26:10,119 --> 00:26:13,880 Speaker 1: man bear is under attack. There is grave danger from 305 00:26:13,880 --> 00:26:19,719 Speaker 1: this maya, my lord, not by her armies. General Coolan 306 00:26:19,760 --> 00:26:23,240 Speaker 1: will see to that. I'm talking about an enemy within. 307 00:26:24,960 --> 00:26:29,000 Speaker 1: I am responsible for that, my lord. If you think that, 308 00:26:29,080 --> 00:26:31,600 Speaker 1: what do I think that I am? Are you? No? 309 00:26:32,800 --> 00:26:35,119 Speaker 1: I'm a slave, my lord. You put me in her 310 00:26:35,200 --> 00:26:39,960 Speaker 1: lady's chamber. I am loyal to you. I have reason 311 00:26:40,040 --> 00:26:44,560 Speaker 1: to believe that Lady Shajar is hiding something, something that 312 00:26:44,640 --> 00:26:48,920 Speaker 1: may harm us. I need you to search for them. 313 00:26:49,000 --> 00:26:54,480 Speaker 1: What are they? Two scrolls? About so long? They've been restored, 314 00:26:54,720 --> 00:27:00,399 Speaker 1: ornately decorated in a jeweled box. I've seen them, you have. 315 00:27:01,280 --> 00:27:03,720 Speaker 1: She brought them back from the market. She keeps them 316 00:27:03,720 --> 00:27:10,480 Speaker 1: in there. Yes, that's all right. I don't need to 317 00:27:10,520 --> 00:27:12,400 Speaker 1: know where they are. I just need you to bring 318 00:27:12,440 --> 00:27:16,520 Speaker 1: them to me. But how take them when she's not there? 319 00:27:16,640 --> 00:27:19,200 Speaker 1: And when she discovers there, I'm missing. I only want 320 00:27:19,240 --> 00:27:20,879 Speaker 1: to see them for a short while and then you 321 00:27:20,920 --> 00:27:23,080 Speaker 1: can return them. I can't. She keeps them in the 322 00:27:23,119 --> 00:27:25,240 Speaker 1: safe and get the key. She carries it with her 323 00:27:25,640 --> 00:27:33,080 Speaker 1: on her gold chain. I saw your child today. How 324 00:27:33,200 --> 00:27:36,600 Speaker 1: is she worry about that man? The one is looking 325 00:27:36,600 --> 00:27:39,320 Speaker 1: after her for you? Worry? Why? I don't know if 326 00:27:39,359 --> 00:27:43,000 Speaker 1: he's taking proper care of her. She cries a lot. 327 00:27:44,560 --> 00:27:48,640 Speaker 1: She's looking very thin. I wonder if he's feeding her. 328 00:27:50,960 --> 00:27:57,680 Speaker 1: Perhaps you would like me to intervene, of course, anything 329 00:27:57,720 --> 00:28:04,000 Speaker 1: to help. If the wild were to die, I could 330 00:28:04,119 --> 00:28:09,760 Speaker 1: never forget. I'm bringing you the scrolls. Good now, both 331 00:28:09,760 --> 00:28:18,600 Speaker 1: of us need to be somewhere else. Ah late, antly 332 00:28:19,520 --> 00:28:23,560 Speaker 1: you are, But as it happens, so are they busy 333 00:28:23,600 --> 00:28:27,880 Speaker 1: catching spies, and the work goes on. Excuse me, Cadi, 334 00:28:28,480 --> 00:28:36,800 Speaker 1: are you there? Good? They have arrived and up being 335 00:28:36,880 --> 00:28:41,840 Speaker 1: escorted through the imperial gates by the palace guard. You 336 00:28:41,880 --> 00:28:44,560 Speaker 1: appear to be spending more time outside the palace than in, 337 00:28:44,680 --> 00:28:47,360 Speaker 1: greg Or, What do you have out there? A secret family? 338 00:28:47,640 --> 00:28:50,560 Speaker 1: I love? The security of the palace requires a long 339 00:28:50,640 --> 00:28:54,400 Speaker 1: reach day. And yes, if I have to work day 340 00:28:54,400 --> 00:28:56,480 Speaker 1: and night in the service of my sortan, that is 341 00:28:56,520 --> 00:28:59,760 Speaker 1: my honor. Of course. Well, it is a great honor 342 00:28:59,800 --> 00:29:03,240 Speaker 1: for all to serve under such a wise and benevolent ruler. 343 00:29:04,320 --> 00:29:14,000 Speaker 1: It is it is. Why are we laughing? You laughed? First? 344 00:29:15,920 --> 00:29:18,920 Speaker 1: We are very like you and I, Gregor. We don't 345 00:29:18,960 --> 00:29:21,040 Speaker 1: have wives, we don't have children. We live only for 346 00:29:21,080 --> 00:29:25,040 Speaker 1: the glory of two men by and we are ambitious too. 347 00:29:25,840 --> 00:29:28,320 Speaker 1: It's just unfortunate things have not worked out for you 348 00:29:28,920 --> 00:29:33,560 Speaker 1: or your brother so well, clearly Mayer is defeated. Or 349 00:29:33,560 --> 00:29:35,920 Speaker 1: why has she sent her envoy to beggars for mercy? 350 00:29:36,800 --> 00:29:41,480 Speaker 1: That is my triumph, a triumph of diplomacy. Well, you've 351 00:29:41,520 --> 00:29:44,160 Speaker 1: been sneaking around the palace doing well. I have no 352 00:29:44,240 --> 00:29:48,640 Speaker 1: idea what you've been doing. And your brother, the Great General, 353 00:29:48,680 --> 00:29:51,040 Speaker 1: has been wasting his time in the provinces building an 354 00:29:51,120 --> 00:30:00,600 Speaker 1: army that isn't required. I have been ah here. Welcome, welcome, 355 00:30:04,200 --> 00:30:10,640 Speaker 1: Welcome back to tuman Bay. If endy red take the reins, yes, 356 00:30:12,800 --> 00:30:17,080 Speaker 1: this is her, rather me go welcome one fat man, 357 00:30:17,080 --> 00:30:21,400 Speaker 1: a spy catcher, a bunch of slaves. Well, after last time, 358 00:30:21,400 --> 00:30:25,520 Speaker 1: perhaps we are a little less open hearted. How is 359 00:30:25,600 --> 00:30:29,560 Speaker 1: your Queen Maya? Let's get on with us. Where is 360 00:30:29,600 --> 00:30:33,160 Speaker 1: the Sultan? All in good time, All in good time? 361 00:30:33,280 --> 00:30:42,760 Speaker 1: Come come, you will excuse me. I have business elsewhere. 362 00:30:43,440 --> 00:30:48,120 Speaker 1: And have you found your master's spy yet? What isn't 363 00:30:48,120 --> 00:30:51,160 Speaker 1: that what you're looking for? I think you have been misinformed, Sir, 364 00:30:52,640 --> 00:30:56,720 Speaker 1: your gregor, head of the palace guard. I am come 365 00:30:56,760 --> 00:30:58,360 Speaker 1: and talk to me if you want to know things. 366 00:30:58,800 --> 00:31:03,760 Speaker 1: What things. Come and talk to me. I can save 367 00:31:03,800 --> 00:31:07,120 Speaker 1: you time and effort. It doesn't matter to us anymore. 368 00:31:08,800 --> 00:31:13,880 Speaker 1: Excuse me through here. If Endy read yes, your men 369 00:31:14,080 --> 00:31:18,560 Speaker 1: can wait here, Officer, I see that they're made comfortable. Certainly, excellency, 370 00:31:18,600 --> 00:31:29,440 Speaker 1: would you like to follow the egg? I see you 371 00:31:29,480 --> 00:31:34,520 Speaker 1: have brought no gifts with you this time. M you 372 00:31:34,560 --> 00:31:37,080 Speaker 1: know the palace? Well, it seems you know what time 373 00:31:37,120 --> 00:31:40,320 Speaker 1: we get up, what we have for lunch, what we do. 374 00:31:41,920 --> 00:31:45,960 Speaker 1: You are like a conjurer. You conjure up illusions for us, 375 00:31:45,960 --> 00:31:48,240 Speaker 1: and we, like children at a party, are supposed to 376 00:31:48,480 --> 00:31:52,280 Speaker 1: believe that you have these great powers. You are right. 377 00:31:53,080 --> 00:31:55,680 Speaker 1: I have no power at all. I'm merely the messenger 378 00:31:55,800 --> 00:31:58,880 Speaker 1: for my queen, and I only know what my informance 379 00:31:58,920 --> 00:32:03,280 Speaker 1: told me. I rely entirely on the quality of their information. 380 00:32:04,520 --> 00:32:08,160 Speaker 1: Their future depends on it. Their future depends on his 381 00:32:08,240 --> 00:32:12,800 Speaker 1: Excellency Gregor. If he finds them, they have no future. 382 00:32:14,640 --> 00:32:18,920 Speaker 1: I don't think you saw the Sultan's fine collection of 383 00:32:19,000 --> 00:32:27,880 Speaker 1: ancient sculptures last time. They're just in here. Some are 384 00:32:28,000 --> 00:32:33,760 Speaker 1: very old. They depict the gods of ancient times, before 385 00:32:33,880 --> 00:32:39,000 Speaker 1: men knew there was but one god. I want to 386 00:32:39,040 --> 00:32:43,840 Speaker 1: see the Sultan, not his stones, of course, of course, 387 00:32:44,080 --> 00:32:47,240 Speaker 1: and he wants to see you that we have prepared 388 00:32:47,440 --> 00:32:52,760 Speaker 1: some light refreshments for you here after such a long journey. 389 00:32:52,920 --> 00:32:57,800 Speaker 1: I don't need anything, and just wait here. We have 390 00:32:57,920 --> 00:33:03,920 Speaker 1: arranged well, a little entertainment for your amusement, some local 391 00:33:03,960 --> 00:33:22,240 Speaker 1: flavor our custom enjoy. Mm hmm it's hot enough, yes, 392 00:33:22,320 --> 00:33:35,520 Speaker 1: my lady. More ungents pour it in here. Mm hmmm. 393 00:33:37,440 --> 00:33:39,760 Speaker 1: City is so empty now with all the soldiers gone. 394 00:33:42,120 --> 00:33:45,880 Speaker 1: It's quieter. Two must be all the men who make 395 00:33:45,880 --> 00:33:52,800 Speaker 1: the noise. What's the marketplace like? It's a quieter there too. 396 00:33:53,920 --> 00:33:58,680 Speaker 1: I haven't been to the market. No, don't go out. 397 00:33:59,320 --> 00:34:07,760 Speaker 1: You don't have any friends that you meet. Yes, In 398 00:34:07,800 --> 00:34:11,480 Speaker 1: the end, it all comes down to who your friends 399 00:34:11,640 --> 00:34:19,640 Speaker 1: are and to loyalty. You remember what I said about loyalty, Yes, 400 00:34:19,719 --> 00:34:22,879 Speaker 1: my lady. It's important that you look after your own 401 00:34:22,960 --> 00:34:28,160 Speaker 1: people and that you know you can count on them. 402 00:34:28,280 --> 00:34:30,160 Speaker 1: Do you remember when you first came to me what 403 00:34:30,239 --> 00:34:36,759 Speaker 1: I said? What did I say? You said, if I 404 00:34:36,840 --> 00:34:40,439 Speaker 1: was loyal, you'd be kind to me. And if you're 405 00:34:40,480 --> 00:34:45,160 Speaker 1: not loyal, do you remember what I said? I think 406 00:34:45,200 --> 00:34:48,160 Speaker 1: you said you would be unkind to me. No, I 407 00:34:48,280 --> 00:34:53,240 Speaker 1: think I said you would suffer like you've never suffered before. 408 00:34:57,080 --> 00:35:00,840 Speaker 1: I see you watching me. H. You keep a close 409 00:35:00,840 --> 00:35:06,080 Speaker 1: watch on me, of course, my lady, of course, to 410 00:35:06,239 --> 00:35:10,880 Speaker 1: serve me better. Yes, but you are being watched too, 411 00:35:11,040 --> 00:35:16,080 Speaker 1: you know, my lady. I don't know, my lady. No, 412 00:35:16,239 --> 00:35:20,640 Speaker 1: I don't want to hear it. Now. You can go 413 00:35:20,680 --> 00:35:23,800 Speaker 1: and prepare my dress. Should it be the blue silk 414 00:35:23,920 --> 00:35:28,640 Speaker 1: or the goldbners have to meet a peace delegation. We 415 00:35:28,680 --> 00:35:33,399 Speaker 1: will have to make decisions in this world, don't Yes, 416 00:35:33,480 --> 00:35:41,399 Speaker 1: my lady, you slavery? Who mess? You can't be someone 417 00:35:41,440 --> 00:35:44,799 Speaker 1: I can talk to. Yes, of course, but why don't 418 00:35:44,800 --> 00:35:49,319 Speaker 1: you relax? Don't tell me what to do, your excellency, 419 00:35:49,440 --> 00:35:52,520 Speaker 1: how are you enjoying the entertainment? I don't care for it. 420 00:35:53,719 --> 00:35:55,479 Speaker 1: I will speak to the Sultan and I will speak 421 00:35:55,520 --> 00:35:59,640 Speaker 1: to him now. His Majesty Sultan Algori is eager to 422 00:35:59,680 --> 00:36:04,680 Speaker 1: see too. Let me huh, gregor, the Sultan apologizes for 423 00:36:04,800 --> 00:36:10,400 Speaker 1: keeping you waiting affairs of state. Please follow me after 424 00:36:10,480 --> 00:36:19,680 Speaker 1: you offended? Where do you come from, Sarah? With your 425 00:36:19,760 --> 00:36:25,040 Speaker 1: lovely blue eyes? Who are you? I told you, my lady, 426 00:36:25,440 --> 00:36:29,279 Speaker 1: Where do you come from? Really, my lady? Far from 427 00:36:29,280 --> 00:36:32,880 Speaker 1: here a small country. I told you, yes, yes, but 428 00:36:33,040 --> 00:36:39,200 Speaker 1: I don't believe you. Well, my lady, what can I say? 429 00:36:40,280 --> 00:36:44,319 Speaker 1: I'm telling you the truth? Are you? I came from 430 00:36:44,320 --> 00:36:47,200 Speaker 1: a country in the north Cassock. I was sent with 431 00:36:47,239 --> 00:36:50,560 Speaker 1: my brother as a gift. Where were you sent? Far away? 432 00:36:50,960 --> 00:36:54,719 Speaker 1: We were captured by pirates. Where were you sent? Where 433 00:36:54,719 --> 00:36:58,600 Speaker 1: did you learn all your graces and languages, your skills? 434 00:36:59,640 --> 00:37:05,640 Speaker 1: You know, ordinary slave? Where were you educated? Don't worry? 435 00:37:07,200 --> 00:37:10,719 Speaker 1: I worked this out some time ago. Why do you 436 00:37:10,760 --> 00:37:14,359 Speaker 1: think I've kept you so close to me? You can 437 00:37:14,400 --> 00:37:17,760 Speaker 1: be useful. Never throw anything away that can be useful. 438 00:37:20,239 --> 00:37:25,080 Speaker 1: See my gold chain. It's useful. It looks beautiful, and 439 00:37:25,120 --> 00:37:30,080 Speaker 1: if I need to sell it I can. Okay? Can 440 00:37:30,120 --> 00:37:36,040 Speaker 1: I hold it to my lady? Yes, if you wish, 441 00:37:36,520 --> 00:37:41,000 Speaker 1: I dare say you once more? Such fine chains? Yes, 442 00:37:42,440 --> 00:37:45,759 Speaker 1: I knew it. You see you can talk to me. 443 00:37:46,560 --> 00:37:51,640 Speaker 1: I can help you. Shall I put it on for you? Please? 444 00:37:54,680 --> 00:37:59,560 Speaker 1: And may I ask something? Go on the box in 445 00:37:59,600 --> 00:38:04,560 Speaker 1: the if? Oh, that you brought it back from the market. 446 00:38:05,160 --> 00:38:10,239 Speaker 1: You keep it hidden away? What is it that, my 447 00:38:10,360 --> 00:38:14,720 Speaker 1: dear girl? Is my insurance and that of my son 448 00:38:15,200 --> 00:38:19,960 Speaker 1: mat think of it? Is our future? If you like. 449 00:38:23,000 --> 00:38:27,280 Speaker 1: I'm sorry, my lady, but you don't have a future. 450 00:38:35,520 --> 00:38:41,000 Speaker 1: Your majesty iffendy Red, so I've got to see you again, 451 00:38:41,120 --> 00:38:46,359 Speaker 1: offended Red. How is your queen she as well? Your 452 00:38:46,400 --> 00:38:52,120 Speaker 1: majesty good. I'm so pleased you look flustered. Far from it. 453 00:38:53,160 --> 00:38:56,400 Speaker 1: I hope you have been enjoying the modest entertainment we 454 00:38:56,480 --> 00:39:00,600 Speaker 1: have arranged for you. A banquet is, as I speak, 455 00:39:00,840 --> 00:39:04,880 Speaker 1: being prepared in our kitchens. We had to replace the 456 00:39:04,920 --> 00:39:07,919 Speaker 1: kitchen staff last time you were here, so I can't 457 00:39:07,960 --> 00:39:16,200 Speaker 1: guarantee the quality. Now, I understand you wish to discuss 458 00:39:16,520 --> 00:39:22,880 Speaker 1: terms for peace. That is right, well, Queen Maya has 459 00:39:22,920 --> 00:39:25,680 Speaker 1: instructed me to inform you that she will withdraw her 460 00:39:25,800 --> 00:39:36,640 Speaker 1: armies and cease all hostilities. Queen Maya good on these conditions. Conditions? 461 00:39:37,480 --> 00:39:41,600 Speaker 1: What conditions would they be? That you hand over the 462 00:39:41,600 --> 00:39:45,600 Speaker 1: reliquary and that the Huffies, currently under your protection comes 463 00:39:45,640 --> 00:39:48,480 Speaker 1: with us. He will live in Maya's court under her 464 00:39:48,480 --> 00:39:53,160 Speaker 1: protection and be her spiritual guide. This reliquy we have 465 00:39:53,280 --> 00:39:55,480 Speaker 1: no knowledge of it. It is our information that the 466 00:39:55,520 --> 00:39:59,520 Speaker 1: reliquary was carried out from Bakur by the Huffies. Bakur 467 00:39:59,680 --> 00:40:03,920 Speaker 1: is now under myas protection. It was therefore stolen from us. 468 00:40:04,239 --> 00:40:08,160 Speaker 1: We want it back. I'm sorry, what how dare you 469 00:40:08,280 --> 00:40:11,960 Speaker 1: dictate terms to me? Our army is in the field. 470 00:40:12,400 --> 00:40:14,880 Speaker 1: We will destroy you and hang your queen from the 471 00:40:14,920 --> 00:40:20,680 Speaker 1: imperial gates? Are you insane getting terms to me? We 472 00:40:20,719 --> 00:40:23,520 Speaker 1: are ready to destroy your queen and raise your whole 473 00:40:23,920 --> 00:40:31,600 Speaker 1: damn province. I'm not paying this game anymore. I want 474 00:40:31,600 --> 00:40:34,919 Speaker 1: your majesty think about this. Yes, you have your army 475 00:40:34,960 --> 00:40:37,680 Speaker 1: in the field. You are on a war footing all 476 00:40:37,680 --> 00:40:41,200 Speaker 1: for what? Because I threw the severed head of something. 477 00:40:41,400 --> 00:40:44,320 Speaker 1: You need to come down now? Could you see you 478 00:40:44,840 --> 00:40:49,000 Speaker 1: come now? Or was he Perhaps it was something that 479 00:40:49,080 --> 00:40:51,000 Speaker 1: just gave him a belly ache, and he was never 480 00:40:51,040 --> 00:40:54,480 Speaker 1: in any danger at all. Perhaps this has all been 481 00:40:54,520 --> 00:40:57,840 Speaker 1: an illusion. It is the pairing of the nail of 482 00:40:57,880 --> 00:41:02,280 Speaker 1: the smallest finger of Maya's left hand. If she really 483 00:41:02,320 --> 00:41:05,880 Speaker 1: wanted human be she would take it. All she wants 484 00:41:06,920 --> 00:41:12,840 Speaker 1: is the reliquary who found her one of the unux. Excellency, 485 00:41:12,960 --> 00:41:16,000 Speaker 1: I can't get you at once? And the maid where 486 00:41:16,040 --> 00:41:32,319 Speaker 1: is she? I don't know, Excellency in here m hm? 487 00:41:35,600 --> 00:41:49,120 Speaker 1: Is she? Yes? Shares? Get out? Get out? She was 488 00:41:49,160 --> 00:41:56,880 Speaker 1: beautiful once. She still is even in death. You're clever, bitch. 489 00:41:58,640 --> 00:42:00,680 Speaker 1: If you knew what myer want it and you had 490 00:42:00,719 --> 00:42:10,719 Speaker 1: it right, someone was even cleverer than you, Excellency the Physician. 491 00:42:12,280 --> 00:42:14,279 Speaker 1: I came as soon as I could. You're too late, 492 00:42:14,360 --> 00:42:21,200 Speaker 1: Dr Ladies. Maid Sarah, we can't find her. Shall let 493 00:42:21,239 --> 00:42:24,640 Speaker 1: send for the pan of scar Yes, do that. When 494 00:42:24,680 --> 00:42:29,799 Speaker 1: you find her, bring her to me. If I'm still 495 00:42:29,840 --> 00:42:32,680 Speaker 1: in this world, if the Sultan hasn't put my head 496 00:42:32,719 --> 00:42:35,160 Speaker 1: on a spear for failing to keep the palace safe 497 00:42:35,320 --> 00:42:39,719 Speaker 1: from spies and assassins, you know I must informed the 498 00:42:39,800 --> 00:42:54,400 Speaker 1: Sultan that his favorite wife is dead. Episode five of 499 00:42:54,480 --> 00:42:59,640 Speaker 1: timan Bay Stranglehold, featuring Rufus Wright, Sarah Beck, mother Nina 500 00:42:59,719 --> 00:43:03,279 Speaker 1: yin Is, and Alexander Siddek, was written and directed by 501 00:43:03,320 --> 00:43:06,840 Speaker 1: Me John Scott Dryden, with music by Sasha Putnam and 502 00:43:07,000 --> 00:43:10,640 Speaker 1: editing and sound designed by Steve Bond. Tuman Bay is 503 00:43:10,640 --> 00:43:14,160 Speaker 1: created by Me and Mike Walker and produced by Emma 504 00:43:14,200 --> 00:43:18,000 Speaker 1: Herne and Nadia Khan. For more details, including a cast list, 505 00:43:18,320 --> 00:43:46,439 Speaker 1: visit to Muanbay dot com