1 00:00:08,480 --> 00:00:14,800 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. This week, 2 00:00:14,920 --> 00:00:19,120 Speaker 1: we are super excited because we have so many special 3 00:00:19,200 --> 00:00:24,960 Speaker 1: birthday shout outs to celebrate. Wishing Connor from a Cushnet, 4 00:00:25,079 --> 00:00:31,120 Speaker 1: Massachusetts and amazing year ahead as he starts second grade. Mommy, Daddy, 5 00:00:31,240 --> 00:00:34,519 Speaker 1: Graham and Graham's are so excited for you and what 6 00:00:34,640 --> 00:00:40,680 Speaker 1: you'll learn this year. And Hello to Aubreyance and good 7 00:00:40,800 --> 00:00:47,280 Speaker 1: luck in first grade. Happy belated birthday to Zoe Danish 8 00:00:47,320 --> 00:00:54,560 Speaker 1: from New Zealand Auckland. Happy belated birthday to Lilliana from Whittier, California, 9 00:00:54,720 --> 00:00:58,600 Speaker 1: who turned ten on August second and is enjoying her 10 00:00:58,680 --> 00:01:03,320 Speaker 1: new school dance and soccer. And Happy belated birthday to 11 00:01:03,400 --> 00:01:07,600 Speaker 1: her little sister Grace, who turned seven on August sixteenth 12 00:01:08,080 --> 00:01:12,560 Speaker 1: and is loving school, reading and gaming. Mom and Dad 13 00:01:12,600 --> 00:01:17,680 Speaker 1: are so very proud of their brave, kind, strong, smart 14 00:01:17,840 --> 00:01:24,000 Speaker 1: and magical girls. Happy belated birthday to Mason from Lake Stephens, 15 00:01:24,160 --> 00:01:29,240 Speaker 1: Washington on August seventeenth. Mommy, Daddy and Charlie love you 16 00:01:29,440 --> 00:01:34,680 Speaker 1: so much, sweet girl. Happy belated birthday to Elsie Farnsworth 17 00:01:34,840 --> 00:01:39,880 Speaker 1: from Cannes, Australia on August twenty second, from Mom, Dad 18 00:01:39,920 --> 00:01:45,160 Speaker 1: and Owen who love you so much. Happy belated birthday 19 00:01:45,200 --> 00:01:49,680 Speaker 1: to Luca from Raydondo Beach, who turned seven and had 20 00:01:49,720 --> 00:01:52,880 Speaker 1: his first day of Grade two on August twenty second. 21 00:01:53,680 --> 00:01:56,520 Speaker 1: Mom and Dad love you so much and are proud 22 00:01:56,560 --> 00:02:04,640 Speaker 1: of your Jedi skills. Happy belated birthday to Ariella from Sebastopol, California, 23 00:02:04,960 --> 00:02:08,880 Speaker 1: who turned seven on August twenty second. Mommy loves you 24 00:02:09,080 --> 00:02:14,360 Speaker 1: so so much, sweet girl. And Happy belated birthday to 25 00:02:14,520 --> 00:02:19,680 Speaker 1: Hazel from Falcon, Western Australia, who turned eight on August 26 00:02:19,720 --> 00:02:23,760 Speaker 1: twenty third. Mom, Dad and Felix love you very much. 27 00:02:25,919 --> 00:02:29,680 Speaker 1: Happy seventh birthday to Ziad. Mom and Dad are so 28 00:02:29,880 --> 00:02:33,160 Speaker 1: proud of the amazing boy and big brother you are becoming. 29 00:02:34,280 --> 00:02:37,720 Speaker 1: And Happy ninth birthday to Amir. Thank you for being 30 00:02:37,760 --> 00:02:41,760 Speaker 1: the best role model and big brother for Ziad and Layela. 31 00:02:42,320 --> 00:02:47,000 Speaker 1: We are so proud of you. Happy eighth birthday to 32 00:02:47,200 --> 00:02:53,000 Speaker 1: Vincent from Chittingfold, England on August twenty sixth. Mommy, Daddy, 33 00:02:53,160 --> 00:02:59,079 Speaker 1: Casper and all your teddies love you so much. Happy 34 00:02:59,120 --> 00:03:02,959 Speaker 1: sixth birthday took Clark from Dallas on August twenty sixth, 35 00:03:03,600 --> 00:03:07,280 Speaker 1: and Happy belated birthday to his sister Mary Lou, who 36 00:03:07,320 --> 00:03:11,200 Speaker 1: turned eight on August third. Hope you love your new 37 00:03:11,280 --> 00:03:15,840 Speaker 1: furry friend and take good care of it. Happy birthday 38 00:03:15,880 --> 00:03:19,400 Speaker 1: to Goop and Moose. Your Mama and Papa are very 39 00:03:19,440 --> 00:03:22,640 Speaker 1: proud of the sweet boys you are becoming. Keep doing 40 00:03:22,680 --> 00:03:25,600 Speaker 1: great things. They love you to the moon and back. 41 00:03:26,800 --> 00:03:31,320 Speaker 1: Happy eleventh birthday to our silly, sweet kind and beautiful 42 00:03:31,400 --> 00:03:35,760 Speaker 1: dancer Menen. Mommy and Daddy love you so much and 43 00:03:35,880 --> 00:03:40,400 Speaker 1: hope you will have the best day ever. Happy ninth 44 00:03:40,440 --> 00:03:45,640 Speaker 1: birthday to Eduardo. Your mom, Dad, Bono, and Gunda love 45 00:03:45,640 --> 00:03:49,760 Speaker 1: you to infinity plus one. You're the most amazing kid. 46 00:03:51,560 --> 00:03:55,880 Speaker 1: Happy sixth birthday to Logan on August thirtieth, Love Mama 47 00:03:55,920 --> 00:03:58,960 Speaker 1: and Dadda. They're so proud of who you are and 48 00:03:59,040 --> 00:04:04,320 Speaker 1: who you're growing. Happy birthday to Lali, who was turning 49 00:04:04,400 --> 00:04:08,960 Speaker 1: nine on August twenty eighth. Mom, Dad, Kya and Coopy 50 00:04:09,280 --> 00:04:12,360 Speaker 1: wish you the best fourth grade year ever and love 51 00:04:12,400 --> 00:04:18,080 Speaker 1: you so much. And Happy fifth birthday to Sal on 52 00:04:18,200 --> 00:04:22,880 Speaker 1: August thirty first. Love Mama, Papa and Frieda. They are 53 00:04:23,040 --> 00:04:28,080 Speaker 1: so proud of the person you are becoming. Happy birthday 54 00:04:28,120 --> 00:04:42,119 Speaker 1: to you all. Now onto our story. Heernice is back 55 00:04:42,160 --> 00:04:45,400 Speaker 1: at school and cannot wait to tell Cookie and Papa 56 00:04:45,400 --> 00:04:50,159 Speaker 1: Bear all about her first day. She had some trouble 57 00:04:50,279 --> 00:04:53,160 Speaker 1: going to sleep the night before because she was feeling 58 00:04:53,320 --> 00:04:57,359 Speaker 1: nervous or excited, and was worried that she would be 59 00:04:57,440 --> 00:05:06,640 Speaker 1: too tired at school. She felt okay all day. Bernice 60 00:05:06,920 --> 00:05:15,480 Speaker 1: has a great first day at school. Hi, Papa and Cookie, 61 00:05:15,640 --> 00:05:19,120 Speaker 1: I am home, Bernice said as she jumped in the 62 00:05:19,160 --> 00:05:23,120 Speaker 1: front door of their small house, almost forgetting to close 63 00:05:23,160 --> 00:05:27,839 Speaker 1: the door. She was so excited. Papa, I had my 64 00:05:27,920 --> 00:05:32,000 Speaker 1: first day at school and it was super awesome. I'm 65 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:35,479 Speaker 1: happy to hear that, little Bear. I'm in the kitchen 66 00:05:35,560 --> 00:05:38,839 Speaker 1: taking a special treat out of the oven. Don't be 67 00:05:38,880 --> 00:05:42,320 Speaker 1: too long or I might eat them all up, Papa 68 00:05:42,320 --> 00:05:48,440 Speaker 1: Bear called out in his super deep, warm voice. Bernice 69 00:05:48,480 --> 00:05:52,440 Speaker 1: started to quickly take off her sneakers until she heard 70 00:05:52,520 --> 00:05:57,360 Speaker 1: a familiar thump. Cookie had jumped down from her hiding 71 00:05:57,400 --> 00:06:00,200 Speaker 1: place and was on her way to welcome her home. 72 00:06:01,800 --> 00:06:05,400 Speaker 1: Bernice sat down to take off her other sneaker just 73 00:06:05,440 --> 00:06:08,880 Speaker 1: as Cookie came trotting around the corner to say hello 74 00:06:09,240 --> 00:06:14,919 Speaker 1: in her favorite way, a head butt. Hi, Cookie, I 75 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:19,159 Speaker 1: think you missed me today, didn't you, Bernice said, smiling 76 00:06:19,279 --> 00:06:23,559 Speaker 1: as she scratched behind Cookie's ears. This is the first 77 00:06:23,640 --> 00:06:27,719 Speaker 1: day we have been apart for like forever. Well maybe 78 00:06:27,760 --> 00:06:31,080 Speaker 1: not forever, because I did a lot of things over 79 00:06:31,120 --> 00:06:33,960 Speaker 1: the summer that you couldn't do, But you know what 80 00:06:34,000 --> 00:06:39,680 Speaker 1: I mean. Cookie cuddled up to Bernice and then promptly 81 00:06:39,760 --> 00:06:42,640 Speaker 1: lay down so that she could get her belly rubbed. 82 00:06:45,720 --> 00:06:48,200 Speaker 1: Today was my first day at school, and I was 83 00:06:48,360 --> 00:06:54,120 Speaker 1: really nervous. Bernice continued, her voice softening. I even had 84 00:06:54,120 --> 00:06:58,479 Speaker 1: a hard time sleeping last night. I tried doing all 85 00:06:58,640 --> 00:07:02,320 Speaker 1: the deep breathing exercise Papa taught me, but I just 86 00:07:02,440 --> 00:07:07,159 Speaker 1: couldn't relax. The good thing about that, though, is that 87 00:07:07,360 --> 00:07:11,840 Speaker 1: I got to listen to more stories than usual. I 88 00:07:11,840 --> 00:07:14,720 Speaker 1: guess I wasn't a wake too long. But I didn't 89 00:07:14,760 --> 00:07:17,920 Speaker 1: want to bother Mama or Papa either, because they had 90 00:07:17,960 --> 00:07:21,920 Speaker 1: busy days today too. I was worried that I would 91 00:07:21,960 --> 00:07:25,840 Speaker 1: be too tired, though, but it was okay. I only 92 00:07:25,960 --> 00:07:29,080 Speaker 1: yawned once so far, and that was because one of 93 00:07:29,080 --> 00:07:35,120 Speaker 1: my classes was kind of boring. Bernice paused, smiling as 94 00:07:35,200 --> 00:07:40,000 Speaker 1: Cookie purred even louder. Do you ever get nervous, Cookie, 95 00:07:40,920 --> 00:07:44,440 Speaker 1: I guess you don't. Sometimes it's hard to tell the 96 00:07:44,480 --> 00:07:49,680 Speaker 1: difference between being nervous and excited. I think I was 97 00:07:49,760 --> 00:07:53,280 Speaker 1: mostly excited today, though, because I got to see my 98 00:07:53,360 --> 00:07:57,920 Speaker 1: friends again. I haven't seen Ethan or Gertrude in so long. 99 00:07:59,120 --> 00:08:02,840 Speaker 1: They seemed old, But that could just be my imagination, 100 00:08:03,640 --> 00:08:06,800 Speaker 1: and you know I have almost the best imagination in 101 00:08:06,840 --> 00:08:14,000 Speaker 1: the whole world. Suddenly, a loud gurgling noise interrupted them, 102 00:08:14,560 --> 00:08:20,880 Speaker 1: making Cookie jump up in surprise. Oops. Sorry, Cookie, that's 103 00:08:20,920 --> 00:08:23,679 Speaker 1: my stomach telling me it's time for a snack again. 104 00:08:24,480 --> 00:08:26,840 Speaker 1: We can talk more later, if you like. I have 105 00:08:27,080 --> 00:08:30,880 Speaker 1: so many things to share with you. You wouldn't believe 106 00:08:31,000 --> 00:08:35,200 Speaker 1: all the different food that we had at lunch. Even Bobby, 107 00:08:35,559 --> 00:08:39,600 Speaker 1: who has the biggest appetite ever, said he was full. 108 00:08:42,600 --> 00:08:46,640 Speaker 1: After putting her sneakers away, Bernice grabbed her backpack and 109 00:08:46,840 --> 00:08:51,439 Speaker 1: dashed into the kitchen. Sorry I took so long, Papa. 110 00:08:51,840 --> 00:08:54,600 Speaker 1: Cookie missed me and wanted to chat for a really 111 00:08:54,679 --> 00:08:59,400 Speaker 1: long time. But I'm super starving and the kitchen smells 112 00:08:59,440 --> 00:09:05,120 Speaker 1: like the most delicious place in the world. Cookie missed 113 00:09:05,120 --> 00:09:08,319 Speaker 1: you today. I think she kept walking around the house, 114 00:09:08,440 --> 00:09:12,520 Speaker 1: meowing like she was calling out your name. I even 115 00:09:12,600 --> 00:09:15,200 Speaker 1: saw her in your bedroom checking under the bed to 116 00:09:15,240 --> 00:09:18,200 Speaker 1: see if you were playing hide and seek, Papa Bear 117 00:09:18,280 --> 00:09:24,080 Speaker 1: said with a chuckle. Yeah, she's my bestest friend. Did 118 00:09:24,160 --> 00:09:28,520 Speaker 1: you miss me today, Papa Bernice asked, smiling as she 119 00:09:28,760 --> 00:09:33,200 Speaker 1: washed her hands in the sink. I always miss my 120 00:09:33,320 --> 00:09:37,360 Speaker 1: little Bear. I made some super special cookies today for 121 00:09:37,480 --> 00:09:41,600 Speaker 1: your first day back at school, Papa Bear said, placing 122 00:09:41,600 --> 00:09:45,199 Speaker 1: a plate of cookies on the table. And I even 123 00:09:45,320 --> 00:09:51,760 Speaker 1: had time to make some special milk. They look yummy delicious, Papa. 124 00:09:51,880 --> 00:09:57,280 Speaker 1: What kind are they? Oatmeal cookies with cranberries and white chocolate. 125 00:09:58,080 --> 00:10:01,080 Speaker 1: So they have the sweetness of white chalkchocolate and the 126 00:10:01,160 --> 00:10:06,560 Speaker 1: tartness of dried cranberries. So tell me all about your day. 127 00:10:07,000 --> 00:10:09,600 Speaker 1: You seem pretty happy, so I guess it was a 128 00:10:09,640 --> 00:10:12,920 Speaker 1: good one, Papa Bear asked, as he sat down with 129 00:10:13,000 --> 00:10:18,440 Speaker 1: his own drink. He was having special milk too. It 130 00:10:18,640 --> 00:10:22,560 Speaker 1: was a super fun day, Papa. I didn't think it 131 00:10:22,600 --> 00:10:25,520 Speaker 1: would be at first, and I didn't tell you last 132 00:10:25,640 --> 00:10:28,680 Speaker 1: night because I didn't want you to worry. But I 133 00:10:28,840 --> 00:10:33,480 Speaker 1: was kind of nervous or maybe excited. I'm not sure. 134 00:10:34,640 --> 00:10:39,520 Speaker 1: I couldn't sleep at first, but luckily, Bernice yawned, I'm 135 00:10:39,559 --> 00:10:44,000 Speaker 1: not tired. I thought you might have been awake listening 136 00:10:44,000 --> 00:10:47,840 Speaker 1: to stories. I checked on you later and heard your snorts, 137 00:10:48,360 --> 00:10:51,560 Speaker 1: so I knew you must have been sleeping, Papa Bear 138 00:10:51,679 --> 00:10:56,600 Speaker 1: teased with a smile. Hey, I don't snore, that's your job. 139 00:10:57,559 --> 00:11:04,800 Speaker 1: I'm just kidding, little Bear. Bernice giggled and continued, Okay, 140 00:11:05,480 --> 00:11:09,440 Speaker 1: so first, I have a new gym teacher, Papa, because 141 00:11:09,480 --> 00:11:12,280 Speaker 1: my old one is going to teach a new subject 142 00:11:12,400 --> 00:11:15,520 Speaker 1: or something. I don't quite understand, but I think she 143 00:11:15,600 --> 00:11:18,720 Speaker 1: will be back to say hello this week. But the 144 00:11:18,840 --> 00:11:23,640 Speaker 1: new teacher, Papa, is super young, like my age or something, 145 00:11:24,200 --> 00:11:28,120 Speaker 1: and she has muscles even bigger than yours, Papa. She 146 00:11:28,360 --> 00:11:33,560 Speaker 1: is super strong. But today, because it was the first day, 147 00:11:34,040 --> 00:11:36,920 Speaker 1: we just did some stretches and played some fun games 148 00:11:36,960 --> 00:11:40,800 Speaker 1: and stuff, Bernie said, before taking a break to have 149 00:11:40,840 --> 00:11:46,800 Speaker 1: a drink of her milk, super yummy milk, Papa. And 150 00:11:46,880 --> 00:11:50,000 Speaker 1: it was so great to see my friends again. I mean, 151 00:11:50,360 --> 00:11:53,920 Speaker 1: it feels like I haven't seen Ethan in years or something. 152 00:11:54,520 --> 00:11:59,800 Speaker 1: And Gertrude was wearing two different colored sneakers and socks today. 153 00:12:00,800 --> 00:12:04,800 Speaker 1: She said it's her new style or something. She's pretty cool. 154 00:12:04,880 --> 00:12:08,840 Speaker 1: I think I also made a new friend today. Papa, 155 00:12:09,320 --> 00:12:12,600 Speaker 1: his name is Ryan, and he transferred in from another 156 00:12:12,679 --> 00:12:15,600 Speaker 1: school because they moved to a new place or something. 157 00:12:16,280 --> 00:12:19,360 Speaker 1: I don't really remember. But he was nice and I 158 00:12:19,400 --> 00:12:23,560 Speaker 1: think he and Bobby will be good friends too. Mostly 159 00:12:23,679 --> 00:12:28,240 Speaker 1: it was the same gang, though, which is nice. That's 160 00:12:28,280 --> 00:12:31,319 Speaker 1: good to hear, and it's great to meet new friends. 161 00:12:32,240 --> 00:12:34,559 Speaker 1: Do you remember when you used to have a hard 162 00:12:34,600 --> 00:12:40,880 Speaker 1: time making new friends. Now it seems easy for you. Yeah, 163 00:12:40,920 --> 00:12:44,959 Speaker 1: I'm good at that now, but I'm still quiet. Unlike Bobby. 164 00:12:45,679 --> 00:12:49,680 Speaker 1: He's loud and chatty, and he was really funny. Today. 165 00:12:51,920 --> 00:12:54,480 Speaker 1: We all had to stand up in class and say 166 00:12:54,480 --> 00:12:58,120 Speaker 1: our name and one thing about us. I was a 167 00:12:58,120 --> 00:13:01,120 Speaker 1: bit nervous since I'm out of practice, but I did it. 168 00:13:02,160 --> 00:13:06,880 Speaker 1: I said I like science, math, art, and cookies. But 169 00:13:07,080 --> 00:13:10,600 Speaker 1: Bobby said his mom packed him a big bag of 170 00:13:10,720 --> 00:13:15,720 Speaker 1: baby carrots and he doesn't like carrots. So he started 171 00:13:15,800 --> 00:13:20,120 Speaker 1: a carrot revolution and asked anyone who doesn't like carrots 172 00:13:20,160 --> 00:13:23,600 Speaker 1: to join the cause and swap them for something better, 173 00:13:23,679 --> 00:13:28,160 Speaker 1: like cookies. Some kids thought it was funny and said 174 00:13:28,200 --> 00:13:30,920 Speaker 1: they would, but the teacher didn't think it was a 175 00:13:30,960 --> 00:13:35,320 Speaker 1: good idea. I guess she forgot about Bobby's sense of humor. 176 00:13:37,080 --> 00:13:42,679 Speaker 1: Papa Bear sighed, Oh that Bobby. What about your other classes? 177 00:13:42,920 --> 00:13:49,520 Speaker 1: Any other new teachers? Well, the super strict teacher is back, 178 00:13:50,040 --> 00:13:52,920 Speaker 1: the one who made us spend hours and hours and 179 00:13:53,120 --> 00:13:58,400 Speaker 1: hours writing. Cursive Science was fun, though the teacher asked 180 00:13:58,440 --> 00:14:01,880 Speaker 1: a super hard question and no one knew the answer, 181 00:14:02,320 --> 00:14:07,160 Speaker 1: not even Bobby or Gertrude, but I did. The teacher 182 00:14:07,280 --> 00:14:11,360 Speaker 1: was really happy with me. Math was kind of boring 183 00:14:11,440 --> 00:14:15,840 Speaker 1: today though, because we just reviewed easy stuff. I think 184 00:14:15,880 --> 00:14:19,400 Speaker 1: Gertrude was bored too, and Bobby might have fallen asleep. 185 00:14:20,040 --> 00:14:23,880 Speaker 1: It's important to pay attention even during review, Little Bear. 186 00:14:24,920 --> 00:14:30,160 Speaker 1: I know, Papa, but lunch was super cool. It was 187 00:14:30,280 --> 00:14:34,440 Speaker 1: like everyone brought twice as much food as usual. We 188 00:14:34,560 --> 00:14:37,160 Speaker 1: all shared our lunch in the middle of the table, 189 00:14:37,600 --> 00:14:41,720 Speaker 1: and it felt like a fancy restaurant. I had curry 190 00:14:42,200 --> 00:14:46,360 Speaker 1: taco stuff, some of Bobby's carrots he really wanted to 191 00:14:46,400 --> 00:14:50,560 Speaker 1: trade for a cookie, and this veggie sandwich with tofu 192 00:14:50,680 --> 00:14:55,280 Speaker 1: or something. We were all so full, but I still 193 00:14:55,280 --> 00:14:59,520 Speaker 1: feel starving every time I smell your cookies, Bernice said, grinning. 194 00:15:01,160 --> 00:15:05,720 Speaker 1: Papa Bear smiled back, that sounds like an exciting lunchtime. 195 00:15:06,960 --> 00:15:11,680 Speaker 1: It was great, Papa, but I think the biggest change 196 00:15:11,720 --> 00:15:14,960 Speaker 1: this year is going to be art class. I was 197 00:15:15,080 --> 00:15:19,120 Speaker 1: kind of disappointed, though, because Bobby doesn't seem as excited 198 00:15:19,160 --> 00:15:23,240 Speaker 1: about art this time. We usually have so much fun, 199 00:15:23,840 --> 00:15:28,960 Speaker 1: especially when he paints his funny emojis. Bernice paused, then 200 00:15:29,040 --> 00:15:33,320 Speaker 1: pulled out a piece of paper. The art teacher gave 201 00:15:33,400 --> 00:15:35,280 Speaker 1: us a list of what we're going to work on 202 00:15:35,400 --> 00:15:39,920 Speaker 1: this year, and it sounds like a lot. She began 203 00:15:39,960 --> 00:15:43,560 Speaker 1: to read from the paper. First, we're going to work 204 00:15:43,600 --> 00:15:50,720 Speaker 1: on watercolor techniques, acrylic painting and charcoal and pastels. We 205 00:15:50,840 --> 00:15:53,680 Speaker 1: even have to write an essay on a famous artist 206 00:15:53,800 --> 00:15:58,800 Speaker 1: like Picasso or Georgia al Keefe. And Papa we have 207 00:15:58,880 --> 00:16:03,560 Speaker 1: to do more drawn, like learning to draw objects with pencils. 208 00:16:04,120 --> 00:16:09,080 Speaker 1: Bobby said he'd draw anything except carrots. Papa Bear chuckled 209 00:16:09,120 --> 00:16:12,920 Speaker 1: at that. And at the end of the year, we're 210 00:16:12,960 --> 00:16:16,240 Speaker 1: going to have an exhibition. It's like some kind of 211 00:16:16,320 --> 00:16:21,080 Speaker 1: exam or something. After all this work, Papa, maybe I'll 212 00:16:21,120 --> 00:16:26,080 Speaker 1: be the best artist ever. Papa Bear chuckled again. I 213 00:16:26,080 --> 00:16:31,440 Speaker 1: think you already are, little Bear. Oh, and I almost forgot. 214 00:16:32,120 --> 00:16:36,520 Speaker 1: You and Mama have so much homework. The school gave 215 00:16:36,560 --> 00:16:39,160 Speaker 1: me a ton of papers for you guys to sign. 216 00:16:39,720 --> 00:16:44,880 Speaker 1: I'm really sorry, Papa, it's a lot. That's okay, little Bear, 217 00:16:45,320 --> 00:16:49,160 Speaker 1: we were expecting it. Why don't you finish your cookies 218 00:16:49,160 --> 00:16:52,800 Speaker 1: and milk while I get started on dinner. Then when 219 00:16:52,840 --> 00:16:57,360 Speaker 1: Mama gets home, we can do our homework together. Thank 220 00:16:57,400 --> 00:17:04,680 Speaker 1: you for the yummy cookies, Papa. After dinner, as Bernice 221 00:17:04,720 --> 00:17:08,800 Speaker 1: was getting ready for bed, she called out, it's that time, Papa, 222 00:17:09,880 --> 00:17:13,240 Speaker 1: And what time is that? Little Bear replied, Papa Bear, 223 00:17:14,280 --> 00:17:17,240 Speaker 1: the time you tell me a short story. Bernice yawned. 224 00:17:18,359 --> 00:17:21,520 Speaker 1: Are you sure you can stay awake? Papa Bear teased, 225 00:17:22,280 --> 00:17:27,919 Speaker 1: I'm sure I can try. Ha ha ha. Okay, did you 226 00:17:27,960 --> 00:17:30,240 Speaker 1: do all the things you need to do before bed? 227 00:17:31,119 --> 00:17:34,359 Speaker 1: I think so. I had a soapy bath, put on 228 00:17:34,480 --> 00:17:39,960 Speaker 1: clean pajamas, brushed my teeth, and did some stretches. Are 229 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:44,600 Speaker 1: you comfy and warm? Yes, Papa. How about Twiggle, Wolfy 230 00:17:44,640 --> 00:17:48,639 Speaker 1: and Madeline? Are they ready for a story too? I 231 00:17:48,680 --> 00:17:53,240 Speaker 1: think they are. And what about you Cookie? Are you 232 00:17:53,359 --> 00:17:57,879 Speaker 1: ready for a story too? Cookie answered by giving Papa 233 00:17:57,920 --> 00:18:03,560 Speaker 1: Bear a gentle head butt. Papa Bear smiled, Okay, give 234 00:18:03,600 --> 00:18:05,960 Speaker 1: me a big hug and a kiss, and I'll tell 235 00:18:06,000 --> 00:18:11,639 Speaker 1: you a short story. Thank you, Papa, Bernice said, snuggling in. 236 00:18:17,080 --> 00:18:20,440 Speaker 1: Once upon a time, in a world full of magic 237 00:18:20,520 --> 00:18:25,399 Speaker 1: and fun, there lived a brave little bear named Booboo. 238 00:18:25,520 --> 00:18:28,080 Speaker 1: She lived in a large castle at the edge of 239 00:18:28,119 --> 00:18:35,879 Speaker 1: a mystical forest. In this forest were unicorns, fairies, pixies, gnomes, 240 00:18:36,440 --> 00:18:40,960 Speaker 1: and all manner of insects, birds and animals. It was 241 00:18:41,000 --> 00:18:46,440 Speaker 1: a wonderful place. Her best friend was a young dragon 242 00:18:46,560 --> 00:18:49,800 Speaker 1: called Kai Kai, and they liked to play as much 243 00:18:49,840 --> 00:18:53,520 Speaker 1: as they could. The kingdom they lived in was full 244 00:18:53,560 --> 00:18:56,320 Speaker 1: of people who lived in the meadows and the hills 245 00:18:56,840 --> 00:19:00,200 Speaker 1: and those who lived in the forest, and they all 246 00:19:00,240 --> 00:19:07,400 Speaker 1: lived in harmony. One late afternoon, Bubu and Kai Kai 247 00:19:07,520 --> 00:19:10,480 Speaker 1: were resting on the soft grass by the edge of 248 00:19:10,520 --> 00:19:16,320 Speaker 1: the mystical forest near Bubu's castle. The sun was setting, 249 00:19:16,800 --> 00:19:20,879 Speaker 1: painting the sky in all kinds of pretty colors, and 250 00:19:20,920 --> 00:19:25,840 Speaker 1: Bubu had just finished her first day back at school. Kaikai, 251 00:19:25,880 --> 00:19:29,280 Speaker 1: who attended a school high up in the mountains for dragons, 252 00:19:29,880 --> 00:19:34,159 Speaker 1: was eager to hear all about her day. Sorry to 253 00:19:34,200 --> 00:19:36,280 Speaker 1: make you walk all the way out here to the 254 00:19:36,440 --> 00:19:40,920 Speaker 1: edge of the forest, Kaikai began, I've been avoiding your 255 00:19:40,960 --> 00:19:44,000 Speaker 1: gardener after I made a mess of some plants during 256 00:19:44,040 --> 00:19:48,280 Speaker 1: my bad landing last time. How was your first day 257 00:19:48,280 --> 00:19:53,640 Speaker 1: back at school, Booboo smiled. The gardener isn't as cranky 258 00:19:53,680 --> 00:19:57,760 Speaker 1: as you think. You two are still good friends. We 259 00:19:57,760 --> 00:20:00,359 Speaker 1: can meet at the garden by the castle next time time, 260 00:20:00,640 --> 00:20:04,560 Speaker 1: and we can have some treats as we talk. School 261 00:20:04,680 --> 00:20:08,119 Speaker 1: was good. I was nervous at first, but it turned 262 00:20:08,160 --> 00:20:11,840 Speaker 1: out to be a great day. I always get nervous 263 00:20:11,880 --> 00:20:19,680 Speaker 1: about new things. Kai Kai nodded, So what happened well, 264 00:20:19,880 --> 00:20:24,040 Speaker 1: Booboo began. The academy looked a bit different after the summer. 265 00:20:24,760 --> 00:20:29,760 Speaker 1: The trees seemed taller, and everything felt more exciting. I 266 00:20:29,800 --> 00:20:34,080 Speaker 1: guess when we got to the classroom, I saw all 267 00:20:34,160 --> 00:20:39,639 Speaker 1: my familiar classmates again and that was nice. That sounds fun. 268 00:20:40,520 --> 00:20:44,000 Speaker 1: Did you get to see missus Sage again? Kai Kai asked, 269 00:20:44,880 --> 00:20:51,159 Speaker 1: She always has those wise eyes like she knows everything. Yes, 270 00:20:51,640 --> 00:20:55,959 Speaker 1: she was our first teacher today, Booboo replied, her eyes 271 00:20:56,040 --> 00:21:00,560 Speaker 1: lighting up. But guess what, there's a new student in 272 00:21:00,640 --> 00:21:05,480 Speaker 1: our class, a unicorn named Luna. He was really shy, 273 00:21:05,920 --> 00:21:09,879 Speaker 1: just resting in the back, not talking to anyone. A 274 00:21:10,080 --> 00:21:15,760 Speaker 1: unicorn in your school, that's rare. Usually they start learning 275 00:21:15,800 --> 00:21:20,160 Speaker 1: with the herd first, he must be super advanced, Kai 276 00:21:20,280 --> 00:21:24,240 Speaker 1: Kai said, raising an eyebrow. I know how he feels 277 00:21:24,280 --> 00:21:27,680 Speaker 1: to be the new one. Did you talk to him? 278 00:21:28,280 --> 00:21:32,800 Speaker 1: Booboo nodded. I did. At lunch, I invited him to 279 00:21:32,840 --> 00:21:36,439 Speaker 1: sit with me and the others outside by the fruit tree. 280 00:21:36,480 --> 00:21:40,880 Speaker 1: At first, he was so quiet, but once we started talking, 281 00:21:41,119 --> 00:21:45,400 Speaker 1: he opened up a little. Kai Kai laughed, you're good 282 00:21:45,400 --> 00:21:49,520 Speaker 1: at making people feel welcome. What about the classes, did 283 00:21:49,560 --> 00:21:55,879 Speaker 1: anything exciting happen? Oh? Yes, Booboo said, thinking for a moment. 284 00:21:56,560 --> 00:22:01,400 Speaker 1: In art class, we started learning new techniques. But the 285 00:22:01,440 --> 00:22:04,880 Speaker 1: best part was our last class of the day, where 286 00:22:04,920 --> 00:22:07,399 Speaker 1: we had to solve a magic puzzle as a group. 287 00:22:08,480 --> 00:22:11,760 Speaker 1: Luna was still nervous, but he came up with the 288 00:22:11,880 --> 00:22:19,160 Speaker 1: spell that solved it. Wow, that's amazing, Kai Kai said, impressed. Yeah, 289 00:22:19,320 --> 00:22:25,280 Speaker 1: I think so too, Booboo said, smiling warmly. I invited 290 00:22:25,359 --> 00:22:28,399 Speaker 1: him to join our after school studies at Bixie's house. 291 00:22:29,119 --> 00:22:34,320 Speaker 1: Maybe he can make some more friends. Great idea. It's 292 00:22:34,359 --> 00:22:37,720 Speaker 1: not always easy being the new one. I hope he 293 00:22:37,760 --> 00:22:41,280 Speaker 1: won't be scared when he hears my stomach growling. He 294 00:22:41,400 --> 00:22:44,879 Speaker 1: might run for cover because it sounds like thunder. Booboo 295 00:22:44,960 --> 00:22:50,800 Speaker 1: said with a laugh. Now, speaking of fun, how about 296 00:22:50,840 --> 00:22:53,520 Speaker 1: we walked down to the castle and have a snack 297 00:22:53,640 --> 00:22:56,800 Speaker 1: before it's dinner time. I think I might have worked 298 00:22:56,880 --> 00:23:01,000 Speaker 1: up an appetite just talking about today. I think I 299 00:23:01,080 --> 00:23:04,600 Speaker 1: smelled some chocolate on my way here. Kai Kai smirked. 300 00:23:05,760 --> 00:23:09,119 Speaker 1: I was hoping you'd say that. Maybe I'll have a 301 00:23:09,200 --> 00:23:12,320 Speaker 1: chance to apologize to the gardener again for my mistake. 302 00:23:13,520 --> 00:23:18,679 Speaker 1: Everyone makes mistakes, Kai Kai. I know you're right, but 303 00:23:18,840 --> 00:23:23,040 Speaker 1: I make dragon sized mistakes, Kai Ki said with a laugh. 304 00:23:24,560 --> 00:23:28,560 Speaker 1: Just then, Kai Kai's stomach started to rumble, making it 305 00:23:28,680 --> 00:23:33,000 Speaker 1: sound like a storm was coming. Booboo jumped up. I 306 00:23:33,000 --> 00:23:35,600 Speaker 1: think we'd better go and get some snacks before you 307 00:23:35,720 --> 00:23:40,240 Speaker 1: scare all the small animals in the forest. Kai Kai 308 00:23:40,320 --> 00:23:44,359 Speaker 1: laughed as he spread his wings and took off after Booboo, 309 00:23:45,840 --> 00:23:49,360 Speaker 1: and so Booboo and Kai Kai raced back to the castle, 310 00:23:50,080 --> 00:23:57,720 Speaker 1: laughing and teasing each other all the way, and hearing 311 00:23:57,760 --> 00:24:03,480 Speaker 1: Bernice's quiet snorts, Papa Bear stopped the story, gave Bernice 312 00:24:03,520 --> 00:24:08,000 Speaker 1: a kiss on her forehead, adjusted her blanket, turned off 313 00:24:08,000 --> 00:24:12,080 Speaker 1: her lamp, and quietly whispered, I love you, little bear, 314 00:24:17,000 --> 00:24:21,280 Speaker 1: and that is the end of our story, good Night, 315 00:24:22,720 --> 00:24:23,400 Speaker 1: sleep tight.