1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:28,920 Speaker 1: Welcome, sleep tight stories the empty pot. A long time 2 00:00:29,000 --> 00:00:34,280 Speaker 1: ago in China, there was a boy named Pink who 3 00:00:34,520 --> 00:00:45,159 Speaker 1: loved flowers. Anything he planted burst into bloom. Up came flowers, bushes, 4 00:00:45,880 --> 00:00:53,239 Speaker 1: and even big fruit trees, as if by magic. Everyone 5 00:00:53,320 --> 00:01:00,000 Speaker 1: in the kingdom loved flowers too. They planted them everywhere, 6 00:01:00,000 --> 00:01:08,720 Speaker 1: and the air smelled like perfume. The Emperor loved birds 7 00:01:09,319 --> 00:01:15,840 Speaker 1: and animals, but flowers most of all, and he tended 8 00:01:15,959 --> 00:01:24,480 Speaker 1: his own garden every day. But the Emperor was very old. 9 00:01:25,440 --> 00:01:30,880 Speaker 1: He needed to choose a successor to the throne. Who 10 00:01:30,959 --> 00:01:36,560 Speaker 1: would his successor be and how would the emperor choose. 11 00:01:39,160 --> 00:01:45,520 Speaker 1: Because the Emperor loved flowers so much, he decided to 12 00:01:45,680 --> 00:01:53,280 Speaker 1: let the flowers choose. The next day, a proclamation was issued. 13 00:01:54,840 --> 00:01:58,320 Speaker 1: All the children in the land were to come to 14 00:01:58,560 --> 00:02:04,960 Speaker 1: the palace. There they would be given special flower seeds 15 00:02:05,440 --> 00:02:10,440 Speaker 1: by the Emperor. Whoever can show me their best in 16 00:02:10,480 --> 00:02:18,280 Speaker 1: a year's time, he said, will succeed me to the throne. 17 00:02:18,600 --> 00:02:25,040 Speaker 1: This news created great excitement throughout the land. Children from 18 00:02:25,240 --> 00:02:29,720 Speaker 1: all over the country swarmed to the palace to get 19 00:02:29,760 --> 00:02:35,520 Speaker 1: their flower seeds. All the parents wanted their children to 20 00:02:35,600 --> 00:02:39,880 Speaker 1: be chosen Emperor and All the children hoped they would 21 00:02:39,919 --> 00:02:47,280 Speaker 1: be chosen too. When Ping received his seed from the Emperor, 22 00:02:48,240 --> 00:02:55,120 Speaker 1: he was the happiest child of all. He was sure 23 00:02:55,800 --> 00:03:03,160 Speaker 1: he could grow the most beautiful flower. Ping filled a 24 00:03:03,240 --> 00:03:08,920 Speaker 1: flower pot with rich soil. He planted the seed in 25 00:03:09,000 --> 00:03:16,240 Speaker 1: it very carefully. He watered it every day. He couldn't 26 00:03:16,400 --> 00:03:23,440 Speaker 1: wait to see it sprout, grow and blossom into a 27 00:03:23,720 --> 00:03:33,680 Speaker 1: beautiful flower. Day after day passed, but nothing grew in 28 00:03:33,800 --> 00:03:40,760 Speaker 1: his pot. Ping was very worried. He put new soil 29 00:03:40,880 --> 00:03:45,000 Speaker 1: into a bigger pot, and then he transferred the seed 30 00:03:45,720 --> 00:03:55,760 Speaker 1: into the rich black soil. Another two months he waited, 31 00:03:58,120 --> 00:04:08,000 Speaker 1: Still nothing happened. By and by the whole year passed. 32 00:04:10,680 --> 00:04:14,920 Speaker 1: Spring came and all the children put on their best 33 00:04:14,960 --> 00:04:20,200 Speaker 1: clothes to greet the emperor. They rushed to the palace 34 00:04:20,279 --> 00:04:27,919 Speaker 1: with their beautiful flowers, eagerly hoping to be chosen. Ping 35 00:04:28,200 --> 00:04:32,560 Speaker 1: was ashamed of his empty pot. He thought the other 36 00:04:32,640 --> 00:04:37,440 Speaker 1: children would laugh at him because for once he couldn't 37 00:04:37,720 --> 00:04:42,880 Speaker 1: get a flower to grow. His clever friend ran by 38 00:04:43,000 --> 00:04:48,120 Speaker 1: holding a great big plant. Ping. He said, you're not 39 00:04:48,320 --> 00:04:51,440 Speaker 1: really going to the emperor with an empty pot, are you, 40 00:04:52,400 --> 00:04:56,680 Speaker 1: Why couldn't you grow a great big flower? Like mine. 41 00:04:56,880 --> 00:05:01,240 Speaker 1: I've grown lots of flowers better than your. Ping said, 42 00:05:02,320 --> 00:05:09,839 Speaker 1: it's just this seed that won't grow. Ping's father overheard 43 00:05:09,920 --> 00:05:14,640 Speaker 1: this and said, you did your best, and your best 44 00:05:15,279 --> 00:05:21,000 Speaker 1: is good enough to present to the emperor. Holding the 45 00:05:21,080 --> 00:05:25,440 Speaker 1: empty pot in his hands, Ping went straight away to 46 00:05:25,560 --> 00:05:32,400 Speaker 1: the palace. The emperor was looking at the flower slowly 47 00:05:33,279 --> 00:05:41,719 Speaker 1: one by one. How beautiful all the flowers were. But 48 00:05:41,839 --> 00:05:49,880 Speaker 1: the Emperor was frowning and did not say a word. 49 00:05:49,920 --> 00:05:56,480 Speaker 1: Finally he came to Ping. Ping hung his head in shame, 50 00:05:57,160 --> 00:06:03,040 Speaker 1: expecting to be punished. The emperor asked him, why did 51 00:06:03,080 --> 00:06:08,279 Speaker 1: you bring an empty pot. Ping started to cry and replied, 52 00:06:08,760 --> 00:06:11,400 Speaker 1: I planted the seed you gave me, and I watered 53 00:06:11,440 --> 00:06:16,240 Speaker 1: it every day, but it didn't sprout. I put it 54 00:06:16,279 --> 00:06:21,440 Speaker 1: in a better pot with better soil, but it didn't sprout. 55 00:06:22,400 --> 00:06:29,880 Speaker 1: I tended it all year long, but nothing grew. So 56 00:06:30,040 --> 00:06:34,279 Speaker 1: to day I had to bring an empty pot without 57 00:06:34,320 --> 00:06:42,240 Speaker 1: a flower. It was the best I could do. When 58 00:06:42,240 --> 00:06:48,440 Speaker 1: the Emperor heard these words, a smile slowly spread over 59 00:06:48,520 --> 00:06:54,680 Speaker 1: his face, and he put his arm around Ping. Then 60 00:06:54,720 --> 00:07:00,400 Speaker 1: he exclaimed to one and all, I have found him. 61 00:07:01,600 --> 00:07:07,719 Speaker 1: I have found the one person worthy of being emperor. 62 00:07:09,520 --> 00:07:13,880 Speaker 1: Where you got your seeds from, I do not know, 63 00:07:15,520 --> 00:07:20,160 Speaker 1: for the seeds I gave you had all been cooked, 64 00:07:21,480 --> 00:07:26,400 Speaker 1: so it was impossible for any of them to grow. 65 00:07:29,320 --> 00:07:34,400 Speaker 1: I admire King's great courage to appear before me with 66 00:07:34,520 --> 00:07:40,880 Speaker 1: the empty truth, and now I reward him with my 67 00:07:41,520 --> 00:07:49,320 Speaker 1: entire kingdom and make him Emperor of all the land.