1 00:00:08,080 --> 00:00:24,639 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. This is 2 00:00:24,680 --> 00:00:28,280 Speaker 1: the second part of our story about Fuzzy and the 3 00:00:28,280 --> 00:00:34,080 Speaker 1: Stratford Academy. Fuzzy has spent his first day surrounded by 4 00:00:34,120 --> 00:00:38,120 Speaker 1: whispers and murmurs from the other students, and it didn't 5 00:00:38,120 --> 00:00:41,760 Speaker 1: make him feel very comfortable. When he went to the 6 00:00:41,920 --> 00:00:45,400 Speaker 1: art room and created his first painting with the other 7 00:00:45,560 --> 00:00:54,840 Speaker 1: students watching, things started to change for Fuzzy The Stratford 8 00:00:54,840 --> 00:01:03,279 Speaker 1: Academy for Cats and Dogs Part two. The day started 9 00:01:03,360 --> 00:01:07,120 Speaker 1: early for Fuzzy, earlier than most of the other students 10 00:01:07,120 --> 00:01:12,240 Speaker 1: at Stratford because he lived just outside of Kensington and 11 00:01:12,360 --> 00:01:15,360 Speaker 1: needed to take a bus for almost an hour to 12 00:01:15,440 --> 00:01:21,160 Speaker 1: get to school on time. While he preferred to spend 13 00:01:21,200 --> 00:01:25,600 Speaker 1: his mornings outside helping his father around the farm, riding 14 00:01:25,640 --> 00:01:28,959 Speaker 1: the bus gave him the opportunity to see parts of 15 00:01:29,040 --> 00:01:34,120 Speaker 1: the countryside he didn't often get to see, and he 16 00:01:34,160 --> 00:01:37,440 Speaker 1: could put on his headphones and listen to some of 17 00:01:37,440 --> 00:01:43,480 Speaker 1: his favorite music. He was so fixated on listening to 18 00:01:43,600 --> 00:01:47,840 Speaker 1: music he almost forgot where he was going until he 19 00:01:47,920 --> 00:01:51,240 Speaker 1: saw the buildings of the city and in the distance 20 00:01:51,760 --> 00:01:57,520 Speaker 1: the red brick spires of the Academy. Seeing the Academy 21 00:01:57,640 --> 00:02:03,800 Speaker 1: brought on mixed feelings of and excitement. He was looking 22 00:02:03,880 --> 00:02:08,000 Speaker 1: forward to pursuing art, but he didn't like being so 23 00:02:08,320 --> 00:02:13,200 Speaker 1: different from all the other students, something that many were 24 00:02:13,320 --> 00:02:16,440 Speaker 1: more than happy to point out. On the first day, 25 00:02:19,680 --> 00:02:22,600 Speaker 1: he arrived in time to see all the dogs and 26 00:02:22,720 --> 00:02:26,040 Speaker 1: cats lining up to walk up the stone steps and 27 00:02:26,320 --> 00:02:32,840 Speaker 1: enter the school. He took his place beside a Persian cat, 28 00:02:32,960 --> 00:02:37,079 Speaker 1: who immediately hissed at him, and as the large double 29 00:02:37,080 --> 00:02:41,680 Speaker 1: oak doors opened, Missus Corbin blew her whistle, and he 30 00:02:42,200 --> 00:02:46,720 Speaker 1: and all the other students walked to the auditorium, where 31 00:02:46,800 --> 00:02:52,520 Speaker 1: each day for the students begins. The doors to the 32 00:02:52,600 --> 00:02:57,639 Speaker 1: school closed behind them with a large thump that reverberated 33 00:02:57,720 --> 00:03:05,320 Speaker 1: throughout the hall, making escape impossible for most. The students 34 00:03:05,400 --> 00:03:09,960 Speaker 1: were murmuring louder than normal, pointing their paws at Fuzzy. 35 00:03:11,000 --> 00:03:14,600 Speaker 1: He could feel their eyes peering at him behind his back. 36 00:03:15,600 --> 00:03:19,360 Speaker 1: Could it be true, said a small tabby. I thought 37 00:03:19,400 --> 00:03:24,600 Speaker 1: foxes were wild and couldn't paint, murmured a long haired dashound. 38 00:03:25,639 --> 00:03:28,920 Speaker 1: I'm telling you he may be a fox, but his 39 00:03:29,160 --> 00:03:34,239 Speaker 1: art truly was incredible, said Stella. I think he is cute. 40 00:03:34,880 --> 00:03:38,520 Speaker 1: I knew he was talented from the moment I saw him, said, 41 00:03:38,560 --> 00:03:44,760 Speaker 1: Yumiko Ashiba in you doesn't seem possible, grumbled an exotic 42 00:03:44,880 --> 00:03:52,240 Speaker 1: short haired cat who was as grumpy as he looked. Okay, students, 43 00:03:52,320 --> 00:03:55,080 Speaker 1: time to be quiet and listen to everything I say, 44 00:03:55,600 --> 00:03:59,960 Speaker 1: said missus Corbin, speaking so loud that everyone could hear, 45 00:04:00,520 --> 00:04:05,560 Speaker 1: despite the mic having not yet been turned on. Good 46 00:04:05,560 --> 00:04:10,120 Speaker 1: morning and welcome. It is Tuesday and a new day, 47 00:04:10,680 --> 00:04:13,600 Speaker 1: and you can smell the freshness of the week and 48 00:04:13,680 --> 00:04:20,240 Speaker 1: the enthusiasm for learning throughout the auditorium. Mister mcaysaac, if 49 00:04:20,279 --> 00:04:23,560 Speaker 1: you please, it would seem Elsa has made a mess 50 00:04:23,600 --> 00:04:28,599 Speaker 1: in the corner. Again, speaking more intently, she said, need 51 00:04:28,760 --> 00:04:34,600 Speaker 1: I remind the labradors where the bathrooms are. Repeated accidents 52 00:04:35,279 --> 00:04:38,279 Speaker 1: will mean wearing the cone of shame for the rest 53 00:04:38,360 --> 00:04:44,119 Speaker 1: of the school week. Now that we have that mess 54 00:04:44,160 --> 00:04:48,320 Speaker 1: out of the way, I have a couple of announcements. First, 55 00:04:48,720 --> 00:04:51,880 Speaker 1: the kitchen tells me that today's lunch will be stinky 56 00:04:51,960 --> 00:04:56,960 Speaker 1: tofu burghers with broth and greens. The murmurs in the 57 00:04:57,000 --> 00:05:02,520 Speaker 1: auditorium grew a bit louder. Next, today is the last 58 00:05:02,600 --> 00:05:06,560 Speaker 1: day that submissions for the painting competition can be accepted. 59 00:05:07,600 --> 00:05:11,680 Speaker 1: This is the most important competition in the school year, 60 00:05:12,320 --> 00:05:16,279 Speaker 1: and I need not remind you just how important this 61 00:05:16,480 --> 00:05:21,800 Speaker 1: competition is to the school and myself personally, and to 62 00:05:21,839 --> 00:05:26,640 Speaker 1: you students. Of course, Birchwood took the trophy last year, 63 00:05:27,120 --> 00:05:29,640 Speaker 1: and I hope to see it in its rightful place 64 00:05:29,839 --> 00:05:37,279 Speaker 1: inside my office were all to see. Missus Carpo tells 65 00:05:37,320 --> 00:05:41,000 Speaker 1: me that our newest addition to our Stratford family, Fuzzy, 66 00:05:41,360 --> 00:05:44,640 Speaker 1: has produced a work of art that she feels will 67 00:05:44,760 --> 00:05:51,440 Speaker 1: most certainly give us an advantage over the competition. Fuzzy 68 00:05:51,480 --> 00:05:55,200 Speaker 1: didn't really like the spotlight, and now that all eyes 69 00:05:55,240 --> 00:05:58,840 Speaker 1: in the auditorium were on him, he tried to shrink 70 00:05:59,040 --> 00:06:03,880 Speaker 1: to a small as size as he could. Now. Off 71 00:06:03,920 --> 00:06:06,640 Speaker 1: to class with you all, and remember to cheer on 72 00:06:06,760 --> 00:06:10,000 Speaker 1: Fuzzy and the rest of Missus Carpo's team at the 73 00:06:10,160 --> 00:06:17,320 Speaker 1: art gallery after school. As Fuzzy was walking out of 74 00:06:17,360 --> 00:06:21,680 Speaker 1: the auditorium towards his first class, Stella walked up to 75 00:06:21,760 --> 00:06:26,080 Speaker 1: him and said, I, uh really admired the painting that 76 00:06:26,160 --> 00:06:33,719 Speaker 1: you produced yesterday after school. It was very beautiful. Thank you. 77 00:06:33,720 --> 00:06:38,000 Speaker 1: You are very kind. Fuzzy replied, anyway, see you and 78 00:06:38,080 --> 00:06:42,360 Speaker 1: mister Butler's class. Later, Stella said with a sense of relief. 79 00:06:43,400 --> 00:06:46,120 Speaker 1: She was not sure at all how he would react, 80 00:06:46,640 --> 00:06:51,080 Speaker 1: but as she found out, he was just like every 81 00:06:51,120 --> 00:06:58,560 Speaker 1: other shy artist she knew. Walking down the corridor towards 82 00:06:58,640 --> 00:07:02,719 Speaker 1: Manners class with missus Sabby, Umiko walked with him and said, 83 00:07:03,200 --> 00:07:05,880 Speaker 1: I think we are in the same class together. It's 84 00:07:05,920 --> 00:07:09,000 Speaker 1: an easy class, but she is a stickler for all 85 00:07:09,080 --> 00:07:13,040 Speaker 1: the things that most people don't care about. I'm Umiko. 86 00:07:13,120 --> 00:07:19,080 Speaker 1: By the way, Hi, I'm Fuzzy. Everyone knows your name now, Silly, 87 00:07:19,560 --> 00:07:25,160 Speaker 1: you are the topic of conversation amongst all the packs here, right. 88 00:07:26,200 --> 00:07:29,120 Speaker 1: I guess Missus Gorbin just did announce my name in 89 00:07:29,160 --> 00:07:32,640 Speaker 1: front of the whole school, Fuzzy said with a chuckle 90 00:07:32,840 --> 00:07:37,520 Speaker 1: as they walked through the door of class. Okay, class, 91 00:07:37,640 --> 00:07:41,120 Speaker 1: you can all remain standing. Today we are going to 92 00:07:41,160 --> 00:07:44,200 Speaker 1: be working on trotting, and we will work on this 93 00:07:44,360 --> 00:07:50,000 Speaker 1: by using the whole space of the room. Missus Abby said, Now, Fuzzy, 94 00:07:50,240 --> 00:07:53,000 Speaker 1: if you have any problems with this, please let me know. 95 00:07:56,440 --> 00:07:59,640 Speaker 1: This is going to be silly. Fuzzy thought, how is 96 00:07:59,760 --> 00:08:04,280 Speaker 1: how you walk important? But he, like the rest of 97 00:08:04,320 --> 00:08:08,080 Speaker 1: the class, practiced the movement, and Fuzzy earned more than 98 00:08:08,160 --> 00:08:13,960 Speaker 1: one surprised look from Miss Abbey. In mister Butter's class, 99 00:08:14,000 --> 00:08:17,600 Speaker 1: he sat in his assigned seat, but found Stella and 100 00:08:17,720 --> 00:08:23,760 Speaker 1: a pomeranium sitting beside him. Hi, Fuzzy, this is Cotton. 101 00:08:24,240 --> 00:08:29,360 Speaker 1: She isn't a painter like us, but likes to write poetry. Hi, Fuzzy, 102 00:08:29,720 --> 00:08:33,600 Speaker 1: I'm looking forward to seeing your painting later today. Hmm, 103 00:08:34,240 --> 00:08:39,480 Speaker 1: thank you. It's nice to meet you, Cotton. Fuzzy was 104 00:08:39,520 --> 00:08:43,160 Speaker 1: a little surprised at how many people were warming up 105 00:08:43,240 --> 00:08:48,200 Speaker 1: to him so quickly. There were still plenty of hisses 106 00:08:48,240 --> 00:08:52,240 Speaker 1: from cats and some almost threatening looks from some of 107 00:08:52,280 --> 00:08:57,280 Speaker 1: the larger dogs, but already the school started to take 108 00:08:57,360 --> 00:09:03,560 Speaker 1: on a more positive look in his eyes. Maybe, just 109 00:09:03,920 --> 00:09:10,840 Speaker 1: maybe this might work out, he thought. After all the 110 00:09:10,920 --> 00:09:15,040 Speaker 1: classes were done, Fuzzy, along with a large portion of 111 00:09:15,080 --> 00:09:18,560 Speaker 1: the student body, made their way through the maze of 112 00:09:18,679 --> 00:09:22,640 Speaker 1: corridors through the gallery to see the paintings on display 113 00:09:23,160 --> 00:09:28,640 Speaker 1: and to watch the judging. He walked through the huge 114 00:09:28,720 --> 00:09:32,600 Speaker 1: doors and into the large gallery space with the worn 115 00:09:32,720 --> 00:09:37,560 Speaker 1: wooden floors and high ceilings. In the distance, he could 116 00:09:37,600 --> 00:09:42,120 Speaker 1: see missus Carpo, Miss Corbin, and a group of students, 117 00:09:42,160 --> 00:09:47,720 Speaker 1: including Stella, Umiko, and Cotton, standing around what looked like 118 00:09:47,800 --> 00:09:57,960 Speaker 1: his painting, except his painting looked different, very different. As 119 00:09:58,000 --> 00:10:06,880 Speaker 1: Fuzzy walked closer, his heart sank. Someone had painted a 120 00:10:07,000 --> 00:10:14,080 Speaker 1: giant X across his painting in black paint. It looked ruined. 121 00:10:17,000 --> 00:10:20,600 Speaker 1: Fuzzy's head hung low as missus Carpole walked over to 122 00:10:20,640 --> 00:10:26,480 Speaker 1: talk to him. I'm very sorry, Fuzzy. I just don't 123 00:10:26,520 --> 00:10:30,120 Speaker 1: know why anyone would do such a thing. Your painting 124 00:10:30,360 --> 00:10:35,120 Speaker 1: is recoverable. It's just watercolor, it seems, but it will 125 00:10:35,160 --> 00:10:38,120 Speaker 1: take a great deal of time, and I'm afraid it 126 00:10:38,200 --> 00:10:43,480 Speaker 1: won't be ready for judging as the judges have already arrived. 127 00:10:44,800 --> 00:10:48,280 Speaker 1: That's okay, missus Carpole, Fuzzy said, as he walked over 128 00:10:48,440 --> 00:10:51,360 Speaker 1: to the side of the gallery to sit alone on 129 00:10:51,440 --> 00:10:56,000 Speaker 1: a bench. He knew some just wouldn't accept him in 130 00:10:56,080 --> 00:11:03,000 Speaker 1: this school. He was just too different. Fuzzy looked across 131 00:11:03,040 --> 00:11:07,120 Speaker 1: the room and saw Miss Corbin yelling at the judges. Wow, 132 00:11:07,160 --> 00:11:10,520 Speaker 1: he thought, I certainly wouldn't want her angry at me. 133 00:11:12,480 --> 00:11:15,880 Speaker 1: He continued to watch the commotion as Miss Corbin was 134 00:11:15,960 --> 00:11:19,840 Speaker 1: joined by missus Carbo and the whole art class to 135 00:11:19,960 --> 00:11:24,199 Speaker 1: talk to the judges. There was lots of paw waving, 136 00:11:24,640 --> 00:11:27,800 Speaker 1: and both cats and dogs hairs on their back were 137 00:11:27,840 --> 00:11:34,679 Speaker 1: standing up straight. After about fifteen minutes of heated discussion, 138 00:11:35,240 --> 00:11:38,920 Speaker 1: it seemed to be over and Missus Carpo walked over 139 00:11:39,040 --> 00:11:44,960 Speaker 1: to talk to Fuzzy. Buzzy, Miss Corbin couldn't convince the 140 00:11:45,040 --> 00:11:49,000 Speaker 1: judges to delay the competition because we have other entries 141 00:11:49,679 --> 00:11:54,120 Speaker 1: and well they are sticklers for the rules. But we 142 00:11:54,280 --> 00:11:58,439 Speaker 1: did convince them to let you submit another painting as 143 00:11:58,480 --> 00:12:01,040 Speaker 1: long as you can do so before for the competition 144 00:12:01,200 --> 00:12:05,920 Speaker 1: closes in one hour. That's not enough time for me 145 00:12:06,000 --> 00:12:09,600 Speaker 1: to go home and come back. Missus Carpo, I know 146 00:12:10,400 --> 00:12:14,079 Speaker 1: what you could do now what you did yesterday, haint 147 00:12:14,160 --> 00:12:22,280 Speaker 1: something on the spot. Fuzzy stood silent for a minute. 148 00:12:22,520 --> 00:12:26,440 Speaker 1: What he really felt like doing was simply going home 149 00:12:26,840 --> 00:12:32,200 Speaker 1: and not coming back, But another voice in his head 150 00:12:32,240 --> 00:12:36,880 Speaker 1: told him to try show everyone that being different is 151 00:12:36,920 --> 00:12:44,280 Speaker 1: an asset, show them just how wonderful his art could be. Okay, 152 00:12:44,280 --> 00:12:49,280 Speaker 1: missus Carpo, I'll try my best. Good I'll get everything 153 00:12:49,320 --> 00:12:55,680 Speaker 1: ready for you. As he walked again towards the middle 154 00:12:55,720 --> 00:12:59,960 Speaker 1: of the room, no cat hissed at him. The labrador 155 00:13:00,400 --> 00:13:05,040 Speaker 1: gave him their undivided attention, and even a German shepherd 156 00:13:05,480 --> 00:13:12,040 Speaker 1: gave him a friendly nod. Fuzzy was nervous, beyond belief, 157 00:13:13,040 --> 00:13:18,920 Speaker 1: so nervous his paws were shaking. Do you have everything 158 00:13:18,960 --> 00:13:27,160 Speaker 1: you need, Missus Carpo asked, It's fine, thank you, Missus Carpo. 159 00:13:27,400 --> 00:13:31,480 Speaker 1: Fuzzy closed his eyes and remembered the advice of his father, 160 00:13:32,559 --> 00:13:36,280 Speaker 1: But it was harder this time. He could feel the 161 00:13:36,320 --> 00:13:41,920 Speaker 1: eyes of the judges, the students, Missus Carpo and Ms Corbyn. 162 00:13:43,720 --> 00:13:47,400 Speaker 1: What if he failed, and in front of all these people. 163 00:13:49,920 --> 00:13:53,800 Speaker 1: Better to fail trying, his father would tell him than 164 00:13:53,840 --> 00:13:59,959 Speaker 1: to not try at all. So Fuzzy took some big, 165 00:14:00,040 --> 00:14:09,600 Speaker 1: big breaths, got focused and started painting again. Everyone watched 166 00:14:09,640 --> 00:14:15,760 Speaker 1: with amazement as his paws worked amazingly fast. The brush 167 00:14:15,920 --> 00:14:19,920 Speaker 1: was a blur against the canvas, and again, in an 168 00:14:19,960 --> 00:14:26,880 Speaker 1: incredibly short period of time, his art took form. After 169 00:14:27,120 --> 00:14:33,000 Speaker 1: thirty minutes, he was finished. That's it, he said to 170 00:14:33,040 --> 00:14:37,880 Speaker 1: Missus Carpo, but she was silent, with a single tear 171 00:14:38,080 --> 00:14:42,680 Speaker 1: dripping down from her eye. She said, it's beautiful, Fuzzy, 172 00:14:43,360 --> 00:14:50,480 Speaker 1: truly beautiful. The head judge walked over and exclaimed, I 173 00:14:50,600 --> 00:14:54,800 Speaker 1: can't believe what I just witnessed. You truly are a 174 00:14:54,880 --> 00:15:02,080 Speaker 1: gifted student. Miss Corbin, the emotion from her voice said, 175 00:15:02,640 --> 00:15:06,600 Speaker 1: so is this piece good enough for a gold It 176 00:15:06,760 --> 00:15:12,720 Speaker 1: most certainly is, The judge replied, Stratford Academy wins this year. 177 00:15:15,040 --> 00:15:20,080 Speaker 1: The gallery was filled with the sounds of relief, astonishment, 178 00:15:20,600 --> 00:15:27,520 Speaker 1: and joy at the wind. After signing papers, photographs with 179 00:15:27,640 --> 00:15:32,720 Speaker 1: the judges, then with Miss Corbin and missus Carpo, Fuzzy 180 00:15:32,880 --> 00:15:36,440 Speaker 1: was finished and started to walk out of the gallery 181 00:15:36,480 --> 00:15:40,720 Speaker 1: alone when he heard a voice, would you like to 182 00:15:40,760 --> 00:15:44,240 Speaker 1: come with Stella Cotton and I for some celebratory ice cream? 183 00:15:44,960 --> 00:15:50,120 Speaker 1: Umiko came over to ask our treat I would love to, 184 00:15:50,800 --> 00:15:58,400 Speaker 1: replied Fuzzy, and that is the end of our story. 185 00:15:59,640 --> 00:16:02,160 Speaker 1: Goodness night, sleep tight.