1 00:00:04,920 --> 00:00:10,600 Speaker 1: This is Frosted Tips with Lance Bass and iHeartRadio podcast. Hello, 2 00:00:10,800 --> 00:00:14,080 Speaker 1: my little peanuts, it's me your host, Lance Bass. This 3 00:00:14,160 --> 00:00:17,119 Speaker 1: is Frosted Tips with Me and my beautiful husband, A 4 00:00:17,200 --> 00:00:17,919 Speaker 1: Turkey Turchin. 5 00:00:18,120 --> 00:00:21,880 Speaker 2: Oh, hello there, mister Michael to some Michael Turkey to 6 00:00:21,960 --> 00:00:24,919 Speaker 2: most Turkey. 7 00:00:25,160 --> 00:00:27,520 Speaker 1: Okay, I don't I didn't know if you should be 8 00:00:27,560 --> 00:00:28,520 Speaker 1: here for this episode. 9 00:00:28,560 --> 00:00:30,640 Speaker 2: I know I'm kind of triggered, right, I. 10 00:00:30,520 --> 00:00:32,479 Speaker 1: Don't want you to be triggered. You know, when an 11 00:00:32,600 --> 00:00:35,280 Speaker 1: X comes on the show, it can be very triggering, 12 00:00:35,400 --> 00:00:38,440 Speaker 1: and I just want to make sure you're okay before 13 00:00:38,440 --> 00:00:44,240 Speaker 1: I bring my ex girlfriend, first love of my life 14 00:00:44,560 --> 00:00:45,200 Speaker 1: on the show. 15 00:00:45,320 --> 00:00:47,919 Speaker 2: No, I'm not okay, but I'm a professional, so I 16 00:00:47,960 --> 00:00:50,479 Speaker 2: will maintain my professionalism. 17 00:00:50,560 --> 00:00:53,000 Speaker 1: Okay, during this interview, I appreciate that I won't. 18 00:00:53,040 --> 00:00:55,240 Speaker 2: I won't name call, I won't try to pull her 19 00:00:55,240 --> 00:00:56,240 Speaker 2: hair through the screen. 20 00:00:56,400 --> 00:00:59,760 Speaker 1: Ever. A moment that you know you feel uncomfortable, you 21 00:00:59,800 --> 00:01:02,080 Speaker 1: can you can leave the room. I totally understand. 22 00:01:02,960 --> 00:01:06,080 Speaker 2: Okay. I'm glad you're so supportive of me and my emotions. 23 00:01:07,080 --> 00:01:10,240 Speaker 1: I'm excited. Dead Eel is amazing. She's obviously great friends 24 00:01:10,240 --> 00:01:13,240 Speaker 1: with us. We're even working on a project together about 25 00:01:13,240 --> 00:01:14,480 Speaker 1: our true story. 26 00:01:14,280 --> 00:01:17,040 Speaker 2: Our prom I hate your love affair, which. 27 00:01:17,720 --> 00:01:20,200 Speaker 1: Every gay boy out there has the same story, and 28 00:01:20,319 --> 00:01:22,399 Speaker 1: a lot of you straight women out there have this 29 00:01:22,560 --> 00:01:25,240 Speaker 1: same story. Oh yeah, it's a prom with your gay 30 00:01:25,280 --> 00:01:27,360 Speaker 1: friend that didn't you didn't know that they were gay, 31 00:01:27,400 --> 00:01:29,160 Speaker 1: and you thought you might have been in a relationship 32 00:01:29,200 --> 00:01:30,920 Speaker 1: or about to be in a relationship. 33 00:01:30,360 --> 00:01:32,920 Speaker 2: But surprise that way. 34 00:01:32,959 --> 00:01:35,800 Speaker 1: It's just a rite of passage. It is both sides. 35 00:01:35,880 --> 00:01:38,759 Speaker 1: For both sides, it's definitely a lot harder, I think 36 00:01:38,840 --> 00:01:43,760 Speaker 1: on the lady because well, obviously don't know the full story, 37 00:01:44,040 --> 00:01:46,480 Speaker 1: and then exactly and you start thinking like, what is 38 00:01:46,480 --> 00:01:50,560 Speaker 1: there something wrong with me? And you know, being seventeen eighteen, 39 00:01:50,680 --> 00:01:52,400 Speaker 1: that's hard to deal with well. 40 00:01:52,320 --> 00:01:55,520 Speaker 2: Being rejected and then you realize oh and especially at 41 00:01:55,560 --> 00:01:57,720 Speaker 2: that point you're like, oh, they hate me so much 42 00:01:57,800 --> 00:02:00,840 Speaker 2: now they're gay. Like I'm sure that goes through a 43 00:02:00,880 --> 00:02:02,440 Speaker 2: lot of women's ad Yeah, all right. 44 00:02:02,400 --> 00:02:05,440 Speaker 1: So Danielle is in the waiting room right now, So 45 00:02:05,560 --> 00:02:22,600 Speaker 1: let's get to her right now a little. D Let's 46 00:02:22,600 --> 00:02:27,320 Speaker 1: get into this. Danielle Christine Fishel is an American actress, director, 47 00:02:27,320 --> 00:02:30,240 Speaker 1: television personality. She began her career in theater appearing in 48 00:02:30,280 --> 00:02:32,960 Speaker 1: the community productions up The Wizard of Oz Peter Pan. 49 00:02:33,400 --> 00:02:36,560 Speaker 1: In ninety three, Danielle was cast for the role of 50 00:02:36,600 --> 00:02:39,839 Speaker 1: Tapanga Lawrence on the teen sitcom Boy Meets World Where 51 00:02:39,840 --> 00:02:43,200 Speaker 1: We All Fell in Love, which ran on ABC for 52 00:02:43,240 --> 00:02:46,600 Speaker 1: seven seasons. She then reprised the role and Girl Meets 53 00:02:46,639 --> 00:02:50,040 Speaker 1: World on Disney Channel, which aired twenty fourteen to twenty seventeen. Today, 54 00:02:50,160 --> 00:02:53,359 Speaker 1: Danielle mom of two directing movies and shows. One of 55 00:02:53,400 --> 00:02:56,080 Speaker 1: the hosts of iHeartRadio podcasts Pod Meets World, which is 56 00:02:56,120 --> 00:02:59,040 Speaker 1: so much fun. And I've been on an episode, daniel 57 00:03:00,080 --> 00:03:00,839 Speaker 1: Welcome to the show. 58 00:03:00,919 --> 00:03:03,280 Speaker 3: Welcome, Thank you so much for having me. 59 00:03:03,840 --> 00:03:05,200 Speaker 1: He looks out pretty. I like your heir. 60 00:03:05,919 --> 00:03:07,919 Speaker 3: Oh food, Yeah, I got my shausted tips out. 61 00:03:08,120 --> 00:03:09,360 Speaker 2: I know, very frosty. 62 00:03:09,600 --> 00:03:12,440 Speaker 1: You right, You've got the assignment and you aced it. 63 00:03:12,919 --> 00:03:15,639 Speaker 3: That's exactly right. You guys sent me the invite and 64 00:03:15,680 --> 00:03:16,880 Speaker 3: I was like, well, I know what I need to do. 65 00:03:17,000 --> 00:03:18,080 Speaker 3: Got a make hair appoint. 66 00:03:18,440 --> 00:03:21,400 Speaker 1: How has Pod Meets the World been going. I mean, 67 00:03:21,440 --> 00:03:24,680 Speaker 1: I've been listening and it's so fun to get and 68 00:03:24,800 --> 00:03:25,440 Speaker 1: go back. 69 00:03:26,240 --> 00:03:29,520 Speaker 3: Thank you. We so love doing it and we love 70 00:03:29,639 --> 00:03:32,720 Speaker 3: being together and we just I mean, it's been one 71 00:03:32,720 --> 00:03:35,560 Speaker 3: of the highlights of my career. Honestly, I'm I'm always 72 00:03:35,560 --> 00:03:38,520 Speaker 3: shocked when at this late stage, after being in the 73 00:03:38,640 --> 00:03:41,960 Speaker 3: entertainment industry for over thirty years, when something comes along 74 00:03:42,040 --> 00:03:44,240 Speaker 3: and ends up being like, Wow, this is a true 75 00:03:44,280 --> 00:03:46,920 Speaker 3: highlight of my life. I'm always like, I thought most 76 00:03:46,960 --> 00:03:49,560 Speaker 3: of those were probably behind me, but it's it's such 77 00:03:49,600 --> 00:03:52,080 Speaker 3: a nice feeling to know that there's still like so much. 78 00:03:52,360 --> 00:03:54,920 Speaker 3: There's so many great things out there to do. I 79 00:03:54,960 --> 00:03:56,960 Speaker 3: love doing the podcast. We're going on the road. We 80 00:03:57,040 --> 00:03:59,120 Speaker 3: just made the announcement we're taking the podcast on. 81 00:03:59,080 --> 00:04:01,440 Speaker 1: The road, so as you just did your first live one. 82 00:04:01,520 --> 00:04:04,800 Speaker 3: Recently exactly, we did a live show with Hyundai, which 83 00:04:04,840 --> 00:04:08,600 Speaker 3: was absolutely amazing. We did this great series of interviews 84 00:04:09,120 --> 00:04:11,800 Speaker 3: we called them the Bully Series, where we got to 85 00:04:11,840 --> 00:04:14,560 Speaker 3: talk to all the great bullies we had in season two. 86 00:04:14,760 --> 00:04:19,280 Speaker 3: And after doing those interviews, fans kept saying, we have 87 00:04:19,360 --> 00:04:20,920 Speaker 3: to get them back into the same room. We have 88 00:04:20,960 --> 00:04:22,599 Speaker 3: to see them in the same room, and it just 89 00:04:22,680 --> 00:04:25,240 Speaker 3: became like a mission for me. And so when Hundai 90 00:04:25,240 --> 00:04:26,680 Speaker 3: came to us and said, listen, we want to do 91 00:04:26,720 --> 00:04:27,880 Speaker 3: a live show. What do you guys want to do? 92 00:04:27,920 --> 00:04:30,320 Speaker 3: I was like, let's get the bullies together. And he 93 00:04:30,480 --> 00:04:33,640 Speaker 3: so low performed it. It was really great. We had 94 00:04:33,720 --> 00:04:34,240 Speaker 3: so much fun. 95 00:04:34,320 --> 00:04:37,359 Speaker 1: That is great, so real because we're interested in also 96 00:04:37,520 --> 00:04:39,400 Speaker 1: doing the road thing I would love to take for 97 00:04:39,520 --> 00:04:40,800 Speaker 1: us and tips on the road, you know, for a 98 00:04:40,839 --> 00:04:43,640 Speaker 1: couple of weeks, you know, visit all. I think comedy 99 00:04:43,640 --> 00:04:45,080 Speaker 1: clubs would be really good to go to. 100 00:04:45,200 --> 00:04:46,239 Speaker 3: That would be great. 101 00:04:46,800 --> 00:04:48,160 Speaker 1: So what is that going to look like for y'all 102 00:04:48,160 --> 00:04:49,159 Speaker 1: when you're all going to start that. 103 00:04:50,120 --> 00:04:52,880 Speaker 3: We're starting in July, and the way we planned it 104 00:04:53,000 --> 00:04:55,200 Speaker 3: I think is really smart and it's good for you 105 00:04:55,200 --> 00:04:58,200 Speaker 3: guys too as parents of small kids. We are doing 106 00:04:58,960 --> 00:05:01,840 Speaker 3: like three shows at a time over a weekend and 107 00:05:01,880 --> 00:05:04,680 Speaker 3: doing three shows a month. So we're doing three in July, 108 00:05:04,839 --> 00:05:07,640 Speaker 3: we'll be doing three in August. We've got plans for 109 00:05:07,800 --> 00:05:11,040 Speaker 3: three more in September, October, November, but we haven't released 110 00:05:11,040 --> 00:05:13,120 Speaker 3: those dates yet. But so it's really great because you 111 00:05:13,160 --> 00:05:15,320 Speaker 3: do a Friday, Saturday, Sunday, you're gone for a couple 112 00:05:15,360 --> 00:05:16,800 Speaker 3: of days and then you get to come home back 113 00:05:16,800 --> 00:05:18,960 Speaker 3: into the normal routine. It's not like going out on 114 00:05:19,000 --> 00:05:21,360 Speaker 3: the road for you know, two months at a time, 115 00:05:21,400 --> 00:05:24,560 Speaker 3: which would be really difficult as a family. So yeah, 116 00:05:24,600 --> 00:05:25,800 Speaker 3: we're really excited about it. 117 00:05:25,920 --> 00:05:26,760 Speaker 2: That is so great. 118 00:05:26,839 --> 00:05:29,800 Speaker 1: Yeah, well, I'm so excited to have you on because one, 119 00:05:29,880 --> 00:05:32,520 Speaker 1: I know everything about you, so this canna be very interesting. 120 00:05:32,640 --> 00:05:34,960 Speaker 1: I'm going to try to I'm going to try to 121 00:05:35,000 --> 00:05:37,039 Speaker 1: ask ask the questions I already know, but the people 122 00:05:37,080 --> 00:05:40,320 Speaker 1: need to hear exactly. And what's so great about you 123 00:05:40,480 --> 00:05:43,920 Speaker 1: is you lived this whole boy band era. I mean, 124 00:05:43,960 --> 00:05:46,360 Speaker 1: you were had the front seat of what was going 125 00:05:46,400 --> 00:05:48,560 Speaker 1: on in the late nineties early two thousands, of course, 126 00:05:48,640 --> 00:05:50,400 Speaker 1: with us being on the road with us and just 127 00:05:50,839 --> 00:05:52,880 Speaker 1: really hop novin with all the boy banders out there. 128 00:05:52,920 --> 00:05:58,200 Speaker 1: So I'm interested to hear your perspective on a few things. Yes, please, 129 00:05:58,600 --> 00:06:01,640 Speaker 1: all right, but let's start at the beginning. So you 130 00:06:01,680 --> 00:06:06,200 Speaker 1: started acting as a child in local theater. Now tell 131 00:06:06,279 --> 00:06:10,720 Speaker 1: us where you're born and how did you start acting professionally. 132 00:06:11,720 --> 00:06:15,160 Speaker 3: So I was actually born in Mesa, Arizona. And it's 133 00:06:15,200 --> 00:06:18,520 Speaker 3: funny because whenever there's like a political race, I started 134 00:06:18,520 --> 00:06:20,880 Speaker 3: getting these notifications on social media that are like, come 135 00:06:20,920 --> 00:06:23,880 Speaker 3: on campaign for your home state of Arizona. But I 136 00:06:23,920 --> 00:06:28,200 Speaker 3: only lived in Mesa for three whole weeks. I was 137 00:06:28,240 --> 00:06:31,240 Speaker 3: there because my dad went to Asu, and I was 138 00:06:31,240 --> 00:06:34,000 Speaker 3: born three weeks before my dad graduated college. But both 139 00:06:34,200 --> 00:06:38,400 Speaker 3: my parents are native Californians, so the minute my dad graduated, 140 00:06:38,560 --> 00:06:40,920 Speaker 3: they moved back to California, and that's where my dad 141 00:06:41,279 --> 00:06:45,599 Speaker 3: started his business. So born in Mesa didn't have anything 142 00:06:45,600 --> 00:06:48,760 Speaker 3: to do with Arizona. Three weeks there, moved to Orange County. 143 00:06:48,839 --> 00:06:50,760 Speaker 3: Was raised in Orange County and when I was in 144 00:06:50,839 --> 00:06:53,279 Speaker 3: elementary school, there was a girl who was like a 145 00:06:53,320 --> 00:06:55,920 Speaker 3: year or two older than me, and she was so 146 00:06:56,440 --> 00:06:59,560 Speaker 3: cool and she was like pretty, and she just came 147 00:06:59,600 --> 00:07:01,400 Speaker 3: to school and she was like, guess what, I got 148 00:07:01,400 --> 00:07:03,960 Speaker 3: an agent and I'm going to be a model. And 149 00:07:04,000 --> 00:07:06,760 Speaker 3: I was like, yes, I want to be like an Antisica. 150 00:07:06,920 --> 00:07:09,200 Speaker 3: I also want to be a model. So I went 151 00:07:09,240 --> 00:07:11,520 Speaker 3: home and I told my mom, Mom, Jessica got an agent. 152 00:07:11,720 --> 00:07:13,160 Speaker 3: She's going to be a model. That's what I want 153 00:07:13,160 --> 00:07:15,280 Speaker 3: to do. And my mom was like, well, sweetie, I 154 00:07:15,280 --> 00:07:20,440 Speaker 3: have some bad news for you. Models are tall. Unfortunately, 155 00:07:20,480 --> 00:07:22,560 Speaker 3: are probably barely going to be over five feet. And 156 00:07:22,600 --> 00:07:24,360 Speaker 3: I was like, all right, no big deal. So I 157 00:07:24,400 --> 00:07:26,680 Speaker 3: went back to school the next day and I told her, Unfortunately, 158 00:07:26,720 --> 00:07:28,840 Speaker 3: I'm too short to be a model. And that did 159 00:07:28,880 --> 00:07:30,960 Speaker 3: not stop, Jessica. She said, you know what, my agents 160 00:07:31,000 --> 00:07:32,360 Speaker 3: are also going to put me on TV, and I 161 00:07:32,360 --> 00:07:33,960 Speaker 3: don't think you need to be tall to be on TV. 162 00:07:34,360 --> 00:07:38,040 Speaker 3: And I thought, great, and that's where that's my calling. 163 00:07:38,160 --> 00:07:40,960 Speaker 3: And so sure enough, I just I kept persisting. I 164 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:42,840 Speaker 3: was telling my parents, please, please, I want to be 165 00:07:42,840 --> 00:07:44,880 Speaker 3: an actor, and they were like, no, We've only heard 166 00:07:44,920 --> 00:07:47,760 Speaker 3: horror stories about those kids that get into the entertainment industry. 167 00:07:47,800 --> 00:07:51,720 Speaker 3: And after a year of begging, my mom finally said, okay, fine, 168 00:07:51,880 --> 00:07:54,080 Speaker 3: we'll take some regular pictures of you. We'll send them 169 00:07:54,080 --> 00:07:56,360 Speaker 3: into agents and we'll see if we get any calls back. 170 00:07:56,800 --> 00:07:58,560 Speaker 3: And we ended up hearing back from like seven or 171 00:07:58,560 --> 00:08:00,360 Speaker 3: eight different agents, and we met with all of them 172 00:08:00,360 --> 00:08:03,160 Speaker 3: and I signed with one, and then I started going 173 00:08:03,160 --> 00:08:05,880 Speaker 3: out on auditions and I booked my first ever commercial 174 00:08:05,920 --> 00:08:09,040 Speaker 3: audition for a MATEL commercial and then the rest is history. 175 00:08:09,240 --> 00:08:11,840 Speaker 1: Well that is good. So how many because you know, 176 00:08:12,000 --> 00:08:14,560 Speaker 1: when people are auditioning, I always say ninety nine percent 177 00:08:14,560 --> 00:08:16,520 Speaker 1: of the time, you're just told no. In this business. 178 00:08:16,520 --> 00:08:17,600 Speaker 2: Oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah. 179 00:08:17,640 --> 00:08:20,240 Speaker 1: How many no's did you have until you finally got 180 00:08:20,560 --> 00:08:21,320 Speaker 1: boymous World? 181 00:08:21,360 --> 00:08:22,000 Speaker 3: How many nos? 182 00:08:22,040 --> 00:08:22,240 Speaker 2: Well? 183 00:08:22,320 --> 00:08:24,520 Speaker 3: I booked my flick I said, my very first audition, 184 00:08:24,760 --> 00:08:25,360 Speaker 3: I got a yes. 185 00:08:25,440 --> 00:08:26,440 Speaker 1: One of those. 186 00:08:26,480 --> 00:08:28,160 Speaker 3: I was one of those. It was for a Metel 187 00:08:28,160 --> 00:08:30,720 Speaker 3: commercial and I went in and I did the audition 188 00:08:30,760 --> 00:08:32,160 Speaker 3: and I came out and my mom said how did 189 00:08:32,160 --> 00:08:34,120 Speaker 3: it go? And I said great, I got it, and 190 00:08:34,160 --> 00:08:36,920 Speaker 3: she goes, they told you that, and I said, no, 191 00:08:37,000 --> 00:08:38,720 Speaker 3: they didn't tell me that, but I just I feel 192 00:08:38,720 --> 00:08:41,720 Speaker 3: really good about it. And she goes, oh, no, no, 193 00:08:43,080 --> 00:08:45,600 Speaker 3: this is not okay, Like you have to understand. You're 194 00:08:45,600 --> 00:08:48,920 Speaker 3: going to hear no so many times and I was like, okay, whatever, 195 00:08:49,120 --> 00:08:50,640 Speaker 3: and then I got a call back and she was like, okay, 196 00:08:50,640 --> 00:08:51,960 Speaker 3: so they do want to see you again, but it 197 00:08:52,000 --> 00:08:53,679 Speaker 3: still doesn't mean you got the job. And then I 198 00:08:53,720 --> 00:08:54,960 Speaker 3: did book the job and I was like, see, I 199 00:08:55,000 --> 00:08:59,240 Speaker 3: told you so. I in commercials, I did not have 200 00:08:59,320 --> 00:09:01,640 Speaker 3: that experience. But then with TV I got quite a 201 00:09:01,679 --> 00:09:04,640 Speaker 3: few no's. But I first got Full House and I 202 00:09:04,679 --> 00:09:07,200 Speaker 3: got to do my first ever speaking role on a 203 00:09:07,200 --> 00:09:08,360 Speaker 3: TV show was Full House. 204 00:09:08,360 --> 00:09:09,679 Speaker 1: Do you remember your first line? 205 00:09:10,160 --> 00:09:13,920 Speaker 3: I sure do. My first line was and I'm Jennifer two, 206 00:09:14,240 --> 00:09:18,080 Speaker 3: not the number two, but also because the other girl 207 00:09:18,160 --> 00:09:19,880 Speaker 3: was with me, her name was also Jennifer, and she 208 00:09:19,920 --> 00:09:21,680 Speaker 3: had walked in and said, Hi, I'm Jennifer, and I 209 00:09:21,720 --> 00:09:25,600 Speaker 3: then said I'm Jennifer too, and it was so much fun, 210 00:09:25,640 --> 00:09:28,760 Speaker 3: Like being on the Full House set was unbelievable. That 211 00:09:28,840 --> 00:09:31,599 Speaker 3: cast was so fun and so friendly, and it was 212 00:09:31,640 --> 00:09:33,360 Speaker 3: my first time ever working in front of a live 213 00:09:33,400 --> 00:09:38,520 Speaker 3: studio audience, so you got that enormous rush. And so 214 00:09:38,559 --> 00:09:40,920 Speaker 3: I got to do two episodes of Full House, and 215 00:09:40,920 --> 00:09:43,040 Speaker 3: then shortly thereafter I got Boy Meets World. 216 00:09:43,320 --> 00:09:46,560 Speaker 1: That's great, and everything just blew up. I mean, I remember, Look, 217 00:09:46,600 --> 00:09:49,760 Speaker 1: we were obviously kids of the nineties. Boy Meets World 218 00:09:49,920 --> 00:09:53,120 Speaker 1: was so huge, and I mean I obviously had a 219 00:09:53,200 --> 00:09:56,760 Speaker 1: huge crush on you when I saw that show. And 220 00:09:57,240 --> 00:09:59,760 Speaker 1: did y'all ever expect it to blow up that because 221 00:09:59,760 --> 00:10:02,120 Speaker 1: it was part of TGIF, Right, Yeah, it. 222 00:10:02,040 --> 00:10:04,000 Speaker 3: Was part of TGIF. And you know what's funny is 223 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:08,040 Speaker 3: that we really weren't that popular in the nineties. We 224 00:10:08,120 --> 00:10:11,360 Speaker 3: feel like we were because we've actually become so much 225 00:10:11,400 --> 00:10:14,200 Speaker 3: more popular since it's gone off the air. And Boy 226 00:10:14,240 --> 00:10:16,240 Speaker 3: Meets World is one of those shows that is just 227 00:10:16,320 --> 00:10:18,600 Speaker 3: I mean, here we are thirty years later, still talking 228 00:10:18,640 --> 00:10:19,599 Speaker 3: about it. 229 00:10:19,600 --> 00:10:23,240 Speaker 1: It's full house. Boy Meets World. Z loves those shows. 230 00:10:23,679 --> 00:10:26,120 Speaker 3: Yes, they really do, and so we just keep finding 231 00:10:26,160 --> 00:10:29,319 Speaker 3: a second and third, and fourth and fifth life as 232 00:10:29,320 --> 00:10:31,559 Speaker 3: the years have gone on. But when the show was 233 00:10:31,600 --> 00:10:34,080 Speaker 3: actually on, we were one of the lower rated shows 234 00:10:34,080 --> 00:10:36,760 Speaker 3: of TGIF. I mean, Sabrina the Teenage Witch did much 235 00:10:36,800 --> 00:10:39,240 Speaker 3: better than us. Family Matters did better than we did. 236 00:10:40,160 --> 00:10:42,160 Speaker 3: A lot of the TGIF shows did better than we did. 237 00:10:42,200 --> 00:10:44,480 Speaker 3: We always kind of felt like we were We always 238 00:10:44,480 --> 00:10:46,440 Speaker 3: felt like we were on the bubble. We never knew 239 00:10:46,480 --> 00:10:48,240 Speaker 3: at the end of one season whether or not we 240 00:10:48,240 --> 00:10:51,560 Speaker 3: were for sure picked up. But here we are, you know, 241 00:10:51,679 --> 00:10:53,800 Speaker 3: thirty years later, it's it's obviously lasted. 242 00:10:53,880 --> 00:10:56,240 Speaker 1: So yeah, you know what you were talking about, you know, 243 00:10:56,360 --> 00:11:00,240 Speaker 1: being short, I mean, I'm short. I noticed that most 244 00:11:00,280 --> 00:11:02,359 Speaker 1: people in entertainment are short. 245 00:11:03,320 --> 00:11:04,400 Speaker 3: Short, and we have big heads. 246 00:11:04,480 --> 00:11:07,600 Speaker 1: Why is that big one of the business so short? 247 00:11:07,640 --> 00:11:10,959 Speaker 2: He has a bunch of lollipops is running around. 248 00:11:11,200 --> 00:11:13,680 Speaker 1: If you want to be an actor entertainer, don't go 249 00:11:13,840 --> 00:11:15,640 Speaker 1: above six foot exactly. 250 00:11:16,120 --> 00:11:18,440 Speaker 3: I really don't know it is true, though I've noticed it. 251 00:11:18,520 --> 00:11:21,679 Speaker 3: There was, Actually we did. We took a picture of somebody, 252 00:11:21,960 --> 00:11:24,800 Speaker 3: one of the guys from brah Meat's World, and he's 253 00:11:24,920 --> 00:11:28,120 Speaker 3: very tall, and it's it's him with Will Ryder and myself, 254 00:11:28,160 --> 00:11:30,160 Speaker 3: and Will is the tallest of us, and I think 255 00:11:30,160 --> 00:11:34,560 Speaker 3: he's about five ten. It's so funny because it's like 256 00:11:34,640 --> 00:11:36,559 Speaker 3: people don't realize how short we are until they meet 257 00:11:36,600 --> 00:11:37,719 Speaker 3: us in person, and then that's always one of the 258 00:11:37,760 --> 00:11:40,160 Speaker 3: first things they say. They go, my gosh, you're so 259 00:11:40,320 --> 00:11:41,080 Speaker 3: much smaller. 260 00:11:43,200 --> 00:11:45,199 Speaker 1: I always enjoyed going to like the Grammys or something 261 00:11:45,240 --> 00:11:47,960 Speaker 1: like that because I felt so tall because again short, 262 00:11:47,960 --> 00:11:49,600 Speaker 1: but like you'd go to the Grammys and like, wow, 263 00:11:49,679 --> 00:11:51,520 Speaker 1: I am actually, I mean, you're not. 264 00:11:51,520 --> 00:11:52,480 Speaker 3: Short, you're average. 265 00:11:52,520 --> 00:11:52,800 Speaker 2: What are you? 266 00:11:52,840 --> 00:11:53,360 Speaker 3: Five eleven? 267 00:11:53,520 --> 00:11:59,040 Speaker 1: I at this point maybe five average? Yeah, shrinking shorter 268 00:11:59,240 --> 00:12:00,120 Speaker 1: and shorter. 269 00:12:00,120 --> 00:12:02,959 Speaker 3: Well compression, yeah yeah yeah. 270 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:06,920 Speaker 1: Well there would y'all ever do like a spin off 271 00:12:07,040 --> 00:12:10,439 Speaker 1: of Boy Meets World but an adult version of it? 272 00:12:10,440 --> 00:12:12,760 Speaker 3: That's a really smart idea. I mean I would never. 273 00:12:12,960 --> 00:12:15,280 Speaker 3: I would never say never. I do think for the 274 00:12:15,280 --> 00:12:18,679 Speaker 3: most part, all of us feel like, what story hasn't 275 00:12:18,679 --> 00:12:20,920 Speaker 3: been told at this point between Boy Meets World and 276 00:12:20,960 --> 00:12:23,720 Speaker 3: Girl Meets World, Like is there really enough to do 277 00:12:23,840 --> 00:12:26,440 Speaker 3: for a whole new series? But I think doing a 278 00:12:26,480 --> 00:12:29,920 Speaker 3: movie could be really fun, Like, you know, like a 279 00:12:30,000 --> 00:12:31,920 Speaker 3: movie could be really interesting. So you get a sense 280 00:12:31,960 --> 00:12:34,320 Speaker 3: of like what they're doing now and who they've grown 281 00:12:34,360 --> 00:12:36,439 Speaker 3: into being, but without needing to drag it out over 282 00:12:36,520 --> 00:12:39,920 Speaker 3: multiple seasons. I also, I keep saying this because I'm 283 00:12:39,920 --> 00:12:41,720 Speaker 3: trying to put it out into the universe. I also 284 00:12:41,920 --> 00:12:44,440 Speaker 3: really love the idea and instead of rebooting a series, 285 00:12:44,880 --> 00:12:49,640 Speaker 3: rebooting a cast, because that has never been done, that's interesting, 286 00:12:49,800 --> 00:12:53,439 Speaker 3: taking the entire cast, but having a brand new idea, 287 00:12:53,800 --> 00:12:55,360 Speaker 3: new characters. 288 00:12:54,840 --> 00:12:55,840 Speaker 2: That's amazing. 289 00:12:56,480 --> 00:12:57,120 Speaker 3: Isn't that fun? 290 00:12:57,240 --> 00:12:58,640 Speaker 2: There is that is so fun? 291 00:12:58,679 --> 00:13:01,400 Speaker 1: What's a good idea? Did that or something? Remember like 292 00:13:01,440 --> 00:13:03,079 Speaker 1: every year is kind of like the same. 293 00:13:03,120 --> 00:13:05,760 Speaker 2: Well you have like people like Christopher Guest always used 294 00:13:05,800 --> 00:13:08,480 Speaker 2: the same you know cast, but it's all different. But like, 295 00:13:08,800 --> 00:13:10,920 Speaker 2: I think that's a great idea, isn't it? 296 00:13:10,960 --> 00:13:12,640 Speaker 3: Because you know, so much of what makes a show 297 00:13:12,679 --> 00:13:15,839 Speaker 3: work is the chemistry between the people, and if you go, well, 298 00:13:15,880 --> 00:13:18,320 Speaker 3: this group of people, we already know the chemistry is there, 299 00:13:18,360 --> 00:13:20,960 Speaker 3: but we've seen the characters enough. Let's just see what 300 00:13:20,960 --> 00:13:22,480 Speaker 3: they can do when we put this group of people 301 00:13:22,559 --> 00:13:25,360 Speaker 3: together with something totally original. So I still keep trying 302 00:13:25,360 --> 00:13:25,920 Speaker 3: to make that happen. 303 00:13:26,200 --> 00:13:29,439 Speaker 1: That's a great idea. And now that you are a director, 304 00:13:30,120 --> 00:13:32,800 Speaker 1: you can direct this show. How has that been? Did 305 00:13:32,840 --> 00:13:34,960 Speaker 1: you always know that you wanted to direct? 306 00:13:35,800 --> 00:13:37,880 Speaker 3: No, I was not one of those actors that was like, 307 00:13:37,920 --> 00:13:42,240 Speaker 3: but what I really want to do? That was not me. 308 00:13:42,640 --> 00:13:45,800 Speaker 3: I didn't even it didn't even cross my mind until 309 00:13:45,920 --> 00:13:47,720 Speaker 3: I was on the set of Girl Meets World. And 310 00:13:47,760 --> 00:13:50,480 Speaker 3: then I was working with these really amazing, very well 311 00:13:50,600 --> 00:13:54,680 Speaker 3: established directors, but they were maybe more experienced with camera 312 00:13:54,720 --> 00:13:57,560 Speaker 3: because they had never been actors themselves. And so I 313 00:13:57,640 --> 00:14:01,359 Speaker 3: noticed that when we had, you know, these fantaststically incredibly 314 00:14:01,360 --> 00:14:03,880 Speaker 3: talented kids, but they were all very green, and I 315 00:14:03,960 --> 00:14:05,800 Speaker 3: noticed that I kind of just took on this role 316 00:14:05,840 --> 00:14:08,120 Speaker 3: of pulling them off to the side and explaining what 317 00:14:08,240 --> 00:14:10,360 Speaker 3: maybe some of the directors hadn't been explaining, so some 318 00:14:10,400 --> 00:14:12,640 Speaker 3: of the confusion that was there for them, I would 319 00:14:12,640 --> 00:14:14,559 Speaker 3: start explaining. And I thought, Hey, I wonder if I 320 00:14:14,600 --> 00:14:18,400 Speaker 3: would enjoy doing this, and so I asked, and Michael 321 00:14:18,480 --> 00:14:21,320 Speaker 3: Jacobs very kindly gave me the opportunity to direct four 322 00:14:21,360 --> 00:14:24,120 Speaker 3: episodes over the course of the last two seasons we 323 00:14:24,120 --> 00:14:27,160 Speaker 3: were there, and then for the next year after Girl 324 00:14:27,200 --> 00:14:29,120 Speaker 3: Meets World lended, I just made it my mission. I 325 00:14:29,160 --> 00:14:32,440 Speaker 3: went and shadowed every director I possibly could I met 326 00:14:32,440 --> 00:14:34,360 Speaker 3: with every showrunner who would take a meeting with me 327 00:14:34,480 --> 00:14:38,760 Speaker 3: and basically just begged them to understand that this was 328 00:14:38,760 --> 00:14:41,280 Speaker 3: a real passion of mine. It wasn't a vanity project. 329 00:14:42,040 --> 00:14:43,680 Speaker 3: I wasn't one of those actors who just wanted my 330 00:14:43,760 --> 00:14:46,160 Speaker 3: name on something but expected everyone else to do the work, 331 00:14:46,200 --> 00:14:49,960 Speaker 3: which also does happen. And so, yeah, I've been really lucky. 332 00:14:49,960 --> 00:14:53,400 Speaker 3: I've now directed over forty episodes of TV, which is incredible, 333 00:14:53,440 --> 00:14:55,560 Speaker 3: and then I just directed my first feature film recently 334 00:14:56,680 --> 00:15:00,040 Speaker 3: about that. Yeah, it was really fun. It's available to 335 00:15:00,080 --> 00:15:03,400 Speaker 3: watch now for free on two B It's called Classmates, 336 00:15:04,000 --> 00:15:06,400 Speaker 3: and my husband wrote it, so that was also really 337 00:15:06,440 --> 00:15:09,880 Speaker 3: fun because, as you guys know, it's really fun when 338 00:15:09,920 --> 00:15:12,200 Speaker 3: you get to be a married couple who also enjoys 339 00:15:12,240 --> 00:15:15,600 Speaker 3: working together. And so Jensen wrote it. He wrote this 340 00:15:15,800 --> 00:15:21,480 Speaker 3: very funny, heartfelt script about two college aged girls who 341 00:15:21,560 --> 00:15:25,280 Speaker 3: think they have absolutely nothing in common by appearances, and 342 00:15:25,320 --> 00:15:27,560 Speaker 3: then end up realizing that they have a lot more 343 00:15:27,600 --> 00:15:30,600 Speaker 3: in common than they thought. And it's my favorite type 344 00:15:30,640 --> 00:15:33,920 Speaker 3: of comedy where it halfway through kind of becomes a thriller. 345 00:15:34,440 --> 00:15:35,760 Speaker 2: So I love that. 346 00:15:35,880 --> 00:15:37,040 Speaker 3: It's really fun. 347 00:15:37,240 --> 00:15:39,680 Speaker 1: That's great, all right, We love Jensen we're actually working 348 00:15:39,680 --> 00:15:43,560 Speaker 1: on a project. We'll get into. Okay, but tell everyone 349 00:15:43,720 --> 00:15:46,160 Speaker 1: how you met. How do you know each other? Because 350 00:15:46,160 --> 00:15:48,360 Speaker 1: again I know this whole story, but trying to get 351 00:15:48,400 --> 00:15:52,000 Speaker 1: everyone here to hear how you fell in love with Jensen. 352 00:15:52,480 --> 00:15:55,280 Speaker 3: Yeah, so Jensen and I actually met in ninety five. 353 00:15:55,360 --> 00:15:58,400 Speaker 3: Where all good things come to fruition is in the nineties. 354 00:15:59,240 --> 00:16:02,480 Speaker 3: We went to this same high school and we were acquaintances. 355 00:16:02,560 --> 00:16:05,360 Speaker 3: We were familiar with each other, but I wouldn't say 356 00:16:05,360 --> 00:16:08,280 Speaker 3: we were friends. He was two years older than me, 357 00:16:08,360 --> 00:16:10,360 Speaker 3: and we just kept in touch over the years we 358 00:16:10,360 --> 00:16:12,920 Speaker 3: were Sometimes we'd see each other at work events, and 359 00:16:12,920 --> 00:16:15,280 Speaker 3: sometimes we'd see each other out at the clubs. And 360 00:16:15,320 --> 00:16:17,280 Speaker 3: then a few years would pass and we wouldn't see 361 00:16:17,320 --> 00:16:20,840 Speaker 3: each other for a while. And then come to twenty seventeen, 362 00:16:21,200 --> 00:16:23,560 Speaker 3: I had taken some time away from social media. I 363 00:16:23,600 --> 00:16:25,480 Speaker 3: was really trying to figure out my life. I had 364 00:16:25,520 --> 00:16:29,200 Speaker 3: had several failed relationships and I thought, man, I really 365 00:16:29,240 --> 00:16:31,800 Speaker 3: need to take myself away and figure out how how 366 00:16:31,880 --> 00:16:35,320 Speaker 3: I'm contributing to this problem of not meeting the right person. 367 00:16:35,880 --> 00:16:38,000 Speaker 3: And when I finally felt like I had a grasp 368 00:16:38,000 --> 00:16:40,280 Speaker 3: on what I had been doing wrong and why I 369 00:16:40,360 --> 00:16:43,120 Speaker 3: was picking the people I had been picking. I slowly 370 00:16:43,200 --> 00:16:45,920 Speaker 3: tip dipped my toe back into the social media world 371 00:16:46,000 --> 00:16:48,000 Speaker 3: and I had sent out a tweet and Jensen was 372 00:16:48,040 --> 00:16:50,360 Speaker 3: one of the first people who replied, and he just said, 373 00:16:50,680 --> 00:16:54,720 Speaker 3: I've missed you, and I knew it wasn't a flirty message. 374 00:16:54,760 --> 00:16:57,400 Speaker 3: It was literally just him recognizing that I had been 375 00:16:57,440 --> 00:17:00,960 Speaker 3: gone and now I was back. The minute I saw 376 00:17:01,080 --> 00:17:03,840 Speaker 3: his tweet, I thought, that's always been a good guy. 377 00:17:04,080 --> 00:17:07,359 Speaker 3: That's always been somebody who's just been consistent and there 378 00:17:07,680 --> 00:17:11,199 Speaker 3: and is never like just a good dude. And so 379 00:17:11,280 --> 00:17:13,400 Speaker 3: we ended up just kind of exchanging a few messages 380 00:17:13,400 --> 00:17:14,960 Speaker 3: back and forth, and then we had a phone call 381 00:17:15,040 --> 00:17:16,720 Speaker 3: and he said we should get together. I'm out of 382 00:17:16,720 --> 00:17:18,040 Speaker 3: town now, but when I get back, we should get 383 00:17:18,040 --> 00:17:20,080 Speaker 3: together for dinner. And I said, yeah, let's do that. 384 00:17:20,320 --> 00:17:22,760 Speaker 3: And then like it was like our dinner was two 385 00:17:22,800 --> 00:17:24,640 Speaker 3: weeks out, and then we just started texting every day 386 00:17:24,680 --> 00:17:26,360 Speaker 3: and it's one of those things that went from platonic 387 00:17:26,400 --> 00:17:28,200 Speaker 3: to now we've texted every day, and by the time 388 00:17:28,240 --> 00:17:30,200 Speaker 3: then that dinner rolled around, I was like, I think 389 00:17:30,200 --> 00:17:33,480 Speaker 3: we're flirting. And then you know, we. 390 00:17:33,520 --> 00:17:35,679 Speaker 1: Thought that when was that moment that you looked at 391 00:17:35,760 --> 00:17:38,080 Speaker 1: him and said, Oh, my gosh, I love this man. 392 00:17:38,640 --> 00:17:40,520 Speaker 1: Was that like a quick, quick thing for you or 393 00:17:40,560 --> 00:17:42,080 Speaker 1: did it have to you know? 394 00:17:41,920 --> 00:17:44,520 Speaker 3: It did happen pretty quickly, I think because we had 395 00:17:44,720 --> 00:17:46,800 Speaker 3: known each other since ninety five, there was so much 396 00:17:46,840 --> 00:17:48,919 Speaker 3: shared history. You know, so much of getting to know 397 00:17:49,000 --> 00:17:52,240 Speaker 3: somebody is is learning about where they grew up and 398 00:17:52,320 --> 00:17:54,160 Speaker 3: the kind of people they grew up with and who 399 00:17:54,200 --> 00:17:56,520 Speaker 3: their families were. And Jensen and I already knew a 400 00:17:56,560 --> 00:17:59,160 Speaker 3: lot of that stuff. So our getting to know each 401 00:17:59,160 --> 00:18:01,840 Speaker 3: other was less about getting to know our past selves 402 00:18:01,880 --> 00:18:04,320 Speaker 3: and more just about so, who have you grown into 403 00:18:04,600 --> 00:18:06,520 Speaker 3: in this stage of life as an adult? What have 404 00:18:06,600 --> 00:18:09,320 Speaker 3: you learned? What are you really looking for? And when 405 00:18:09,359 --> 00:18:12,720 Speaker 3: we realized the things we were looking for were in alignment, 406 00:18:12,880 --> 00:18:15,000 Speaker 3: it was pretty quick that we were like, Okay, then 407 00:18:15,200 --> 00:18:16,719 Speaker 3: then I really think we could have a future. 408 00:18:17,560 --> 00:18:20,679 Speaker 1: Yeah. It's so great, And we know we're working on 409 00:18:20,720 --> 00:18:23,119 Speaker 1: a project now which we're super excited about. I know 410 00:18:23,160 --> 00:18:26,080 Speaker 1: I've talked about this on the show before, but we're 411 00:18:26,200 --> 00:18:30,160 Speaker 1: recreating our prom night story for film, and I'm so 412 00:18:30,240 --> 00:18:32,879 Speaker 1: excited about. Mary Holland and Lauren Laughcus are going to 413 00:18:32,880 --> 00:18:35,960 Speaker 1: be writing it, which listeners. If you don't know Mary 414 00:18:36,000 --> 00:18:39,040 Speaker 1: Holland and Lauren Laughacas yet, go google them watch their stuff. 415 00:18:39,080 --> 00:18:41,720 Speaker 1: They're so good, incredible. You're like, oh, yeah, I know 416 00:18:41,760 --> 00:18:42,280 Speaker 1: who they are. 417 00:18:42,400 --> 00:18:45,159 Speaker 3: Of course, of course them. I know, we're so lucky 418 00:18:45,160 --> 00:18:45,680 Speaker 3: to have them. 419 00:18:45,800 --> 00:18:47,720 Speaker 1: I know, with their humor and all that. I think 420 00:18:47,720 --> 00:18:51,440 Speaker 1: this is going to be such a fun project. What 421 00:18:51,880 --> 00:18:53,240 Speaker 1: how do you see this going down? 422 00:18:53,320 --> 00:18:53,399 Speaker 2: Like? 423 00:18:53,480 --> 00:18:57,159 Speaker 1: Because to me, you know, it is it's it's a 424 00:18:57,200 --> 00:19:00,240 Speaker 1: funny story. But also you know, it hits pretty hard 425 00:19:00,280 --> 00:19:02,280 Speaker 1: for us because we did live through that, and I 426 00:19:02,320 --> 00:19:04,119 Speaker 1: know our prom night was one of the knights that 427 00:19:04,160 --> 00:19:08,760 Speaker 1: I was like, oh wait, I'm definitely gay like this, 428 00:19:08,880 --> 00:19:10,280 Speaker 1: and it was the first time I had to really 429 00:19:11,200 --> 00:19:13,840 Speaker 1: say it to myself and be like, wow, I'm now 430 00:19:13,920 --> 00:19:16,200 Speaker 1: I'm grown up. I have to deal with this right now. 431 00:19:16,280 --> 00:19:19,720 Speaker 1: So we both had very different ideas of what the 432 00:19:19,840 --> 00:19:23,639 Speaker 1: night was going to go, like yeah, but without giving 433 00:19:23,720 --> 00:19:25,800 Speaker 1: too much away because you got to go see the movie. 434 00:19:26,560 --> 00:19:28,520 Speaker 1: Tell us a little bit about prom Night from your 435 00:19:29,800 --> 00:19:30,359 Speaker 1: from your. 436 00:19:30,280 --> 00:19:33,440 Speaker 3: View, well, I mean from my perspective. You know, Lance, 437 00:19:33,480 --> 00:19:36,880 Speaker 3: you were the first like true love of my life. 438 00:19:36,520 --> 00:19:40,680 Speaker 3: I met you and I was seventeen, and you were 439 00:19:41,240 --> 00:19:44,200 Speaker 3: so sweet and so charming and so funny and all 440 00:19:44,240 --> 00:19:49,280 Speaker 3: the things you still are today. And I just I thought, 441 00:19:49,680 --> 00:19:52,520 Speaker 3: this is it, this is I'm going to marry this man. 442 00:19:53,000 --> 00:19:56,119 Speaker 3: He's you know, successful, he comes from a great family. 443 00:19:56,160 --> 00:19:58,480 Speaker 3: We have so many things in common. I could just 444 00:19:58,560 --> 00:20:01,359 Speaker 3: picture everything. I pictured our whole future together. I was 445 00:20:01,480 --> 00:20:05,720 Speaker 3: also coming from a family where my parents met at fifteen, 446 00:20:05,920 --> 00:20:08,520 Speaker 3: got married at twenty one, had children at twenty three 447 00:20:08,520 --> 00:20:12,600 Speaker 3: and twenty seven, And so from my perspective, that's what 448 00:20:12,640 --> 00:20:16,000 Speaker 3: you did, and you glanced. Being from Mississippi, people also 449 00:20:16,119 --> 00:20:21,240 Speaker 3: got married yet at years old exactly, and so in 450 00:20:21,280 --> 00:20:24,320 Speaker 3: my mind that was that was the goal. The goal 451 00:20:24,440 --> 00:20:27,920 Speaker 3: is to find someone young and to get together young 452 00:20:27,960 --> 00:20:30,960 Speaker 3: and make it work. And so when I met you, 453 00:20:31,040 --> 00:20:32,800 Speaker 3: it was like, wow, look at this, my dreams are 454 00:20:32,840 --> 00:20:37,080 Speaker 3: all coming true. And then, of course, as our relationship 455 00:20:37,119 --> 00:20:41,120 Speaker 3: progressed and we realized, wow, there's a lot of love here. 456 00:20:41,720 --> 00:20:44,720 Speaker 3: But there was definitely a lack of romance. 457 00:20:44,840 --> 00:20:46,320 Speaker 1: Yes, intimacy was lacking. 458 00:20:46,680 --> 00:20:49,160 Speaker 3: Intimacy was lacking in our relationship, which. 459 00:20:48,920 --> 00:20:51,720 Speaker 1: Again like that we didn't make out a lot. 460 00:20:52,480 --> 00:20:54,960 Speaker 3: There was so much kissing, so much guss. 461 00:20:56,800 --> 00:20:59,840 Speaker 2: But I could do that. 462 00:21:00,600 --> 00:21:03,320 Speaker 3: So yeah, there was a lot of kissing, a lot 463 00:21:03,320 --> 00:21:09,040 Speaker 3: of handholding. Yeah, and so I, you know, obviously as 464 00:21:09,040 --> 00:21:11,399 Speaker 3: the time progressed and we ended up, you know, realizing 465 00:21:11,440 --> 00:21:14,600 Speaker 3: you broke up with me in the kindest, most gentle way, 466 00:21:15,000 --> 00:21:18,040 Speaker 3: and I didn't, but I thought for sure it must 467 00:21:18,040 --> 00:21:20,720 Speaker 3: have been something I did. It was me. You know, 468 00:21:20,760 --> 00:21:23,399 Speaker 3: when you're young, you think everything is about you, and 469 00:21:23,440 --> 00:21:26,960 Speaker 3: you can't take yourself out of your own biopic viewpoint, 470 00:21:27,040 --> 00:21:29,600 Speaker 3: and you think I must have done something wrong, maybe 471 00:21:29,600 --> 00:21:32,320 Speaker 3: if what could I have done differently to make this work? 472 00:21:32,640 --> 00:21:35,000 Speaker 3: And you know, I didn't realize it at the time, 473 00:21:35,000 --> 00:21:37,080 Speaker 3: but Lance was doing the exact same thing. Lance was 474 00:21:37,119 --> 00:21:40,160 Speaker 3: saying to himself, something's wrong with me. And of course 475 00:21:40,760 --> 00:21:43,040 Speaker 3: the beautiful thing about it is that there was absolutely 476 00:21:43,119 --> 00:21:46,720 Speaker 3: nothing wrong with either one of us. And our love 477 00:21:46,880 --> 00:21:50,640 Speaker 3: story is still a love story. It's just a friendship 478 00:21:50,680 --> 00:21:53,280 Speaker 3: love story. That love has never gone away, the respect 479 00:21:53,359 --> 00:21:57,120 Speaker 3: has never gone away. And I think we're we're really lucky. 480 00:21:57,160 --> 00:21:59,119 Speaker 1: No, we are. If we have we definitely have this 481 00:21:59,160 --> 00:22:01,840 Speaker 1: connection that I don't have with many people at all. 482 00:22:02,600 --> 00:22:04,480 Speaker 1: And I think that happens a lot when when you're young, 483 00:22:04,560 --> 00:22:08,200 Speaker 1: because you really those core memories that you have when 484 00:22:08,200 --> 00:22:11,320 Speaker 1: you're a teenager, that's what really just sticks with you 485 00:22:11,400 --> 00:22:13,040 Speaker 1: for the rest of your life. Those are the ones that. 486 00:22:13,080 --> 00:22:15,320 Speaker 2: It really goes back to because it's kind of your 487 00:22:15,359 --> 00:22:18,679 Speaker 2: first memories of love and relationships and friends. It's your 488 00:22:18,680 --> 00:22:21,280 Speaker 2: first time really being like a young adult. So like 489 00:22:21,320 --> 00:22:22,439 Speaker 2: they really do stick with you. 490 00:22:22,440 --> 00:22:25,640 Speaker 1: It's kind of comfortable because with Jensen like going back 491 00:22:25,640 --> 00:22:27,600 Speaker 1: and be like, well, we went to school together, so 492 00:22:27,640 --> 00:22:30,760 Speaker 1: it's so familiar my high school friends. I mean, I still, 493 00:22:31,200 --> 00:22:33,199 Speaker 1: you know, keep in touch with all of them and 494 00:22:33,240 --> 00:22:35,600 Speaker 1: we're so close. But that those are your just that' 495 00:22:35,600 --> 00:22:38,120 Speaker 1: surcore of yourself as those teenage years. 496 00:22:38,160 --> 00:22:39,840 Speaker 3: Well, and you think about it too, it's like how 497 00:22:39,840 --> 00:22:42,800 Speaker 3: many times are you bringing someone home at that age? 498 00:22:42,880 --> 00:22:45,119 Speaker 3: How many times have you brought someone home to meet 499 00:22:45,160 --> 00:22:48,680 Speaker 3: your family? Exact Lance came and stayed in my family's home, 500 00:22:49,200 --> 00:22:52,680 Speaker 3: and it was like I was introducing this very serious 501 00:22:52,720 --> 00:22:55,200 Speaker 3: boyfriend to my family. Of course I'm going to remember 502 00:22:55,200 --> 00:22:57,600 Speaker 3: that in Lance, I'm still friends with with your college 503 00:22:57,600 --> 00:22:59,480 Speaker 3: friends that I met when I went back to Mississippi 504 00:23:00,000 --> 00:23:02,440 Speaker 3: one of then I still communicate on Instagram. And again 505 00:23:02,560 --> 00:23:05,040 Speaker 3: part of that is because that those are those core 506 00:23:05,160 --> 00:23:07,520 Speaker 3: memories from that age that just are irreplaceable. 507 00:23:07,680 --> 00:23:11,320 Speaker 1: It is being a teen idol. What was it like 508 00:23:11,720 --> 00:23:15,719 Speaker 1: for yourself being, you know, being a girl teenager on television? 509 00:23:15,760 --> 00:23:19,840 Speaker 1: I know, women definitely, especially in magazines and everything, y'all 510 00:23:19,840 --> 00:23:22,160 Speaker 1: get picked on way more than us guys, and especially 511 00:23:22,520 --> 00:23:25,439 Speaker 1: looks right, oh you know. And but you you were 512 00:23:25,480 --> 00:23:28,040 Speaker 1: known about your hair. I mean it was all the 513 00:23:28,080 --> 00:23:31,040 Speaker 1: hair with Daniel Official. Yes, You've had. 514 00:23:30,880 --> 00:23:32,200 Speaker 3: A lot of hair magazines. 515 00:23:32,359 --> 00:23:34,320 Speaker 1: Oh yeah, so you even had a whole episode on 516 00:23:34,320 --> 00:23:35,920 Speaker 1: boy Mean's World about cutting your hair. 517 00:23:36,520 --> 00:23:40,040 Speaker 3: Yes, and I really cut my hair. I really took 518 00:23:40,080 --> 00:23:42,600 Speaker 3: the scissors to my hair. And yeah, you know, it 519 00:23:42,640 --> 00:23:45,600 Speaker 3: definitely was a hairs There was a lot of there 520 00:23:45,600 --> 00:23:49,920 Speaker 3: was a big hair obsession on the showy and uh yeah, 521 00:23:50,000 --> 00:23:52,240 Speaker 3: I mean it was hard. It was hard to be 522 00:23:52,320 --> 00:23:56,240 Speaker 3: on TV, especially because you know, starting at twelve, your 523 00:23:56,320 --> 00:24:01,240 Speaker 3: twelve year old body is nothing like what your seventeen, eighteen, 524 00:24:01,320 --> 00:24:05,040 Speaker 3: nineteen year old body is like. And the way your 525 00:24:05,080 --> 00:24:08,600 Speaker 3: body metabolizes food at twelve is different than the way 526 00:24:08,640 --> 00:24:12,399 Speaker 3: your body metabolizes food at eighteen. And then also I 527 00:24:12,480 --> 00:24:15,199 Speaker 3: moved out of my parents' house at eighteen, so I 528 00:24:15,240 --> 00:24:18,439 Speaker 3: went from having these healthy home cooked meals from my 529 00:24:18,560 --> 00:24:21,359 Speaker 3: mom to now living on my own and thinking nothing 530 00:24:21,400 --> 00:24:23,720 Speaker 3: of like I'll drive through Burger King, I'll drive you 531 00:24:23,720 --> 00:24:26,040 Speaker 3: know whatever, stuff I couldn't eat necessarily when I was 532 00:24:26,080 --> 00:24:29,760 Speaker 3: at home with my parents. And I remember being on 533 00:24:29,880 --> 00:24:32,960 Speaker 3: Boy Meets World and gaining weight toward the end of 534 00:24:33,000 --> 00:24:38,400 Speaker 3: the season's there and feeling like hoping nobody noticed, and 535 00:24:38,560 --> 00:24:41,000 Speaker 3: just thinking, maybe nobody knows, maybe it's just me, maybe 536 00:24:41,000 --> 00:24:44,320 Speaker 3: nobody is noticing. And then they actually wrote an episode 537 00:24:44,320 --> 00:24:48,560 Speaker 3: about it, and the episode was that Tepega must be pregnant, 538 00:24:49,240 --> 00:24:54,200 Speaker 3: and there was I remember one joke in particular that 539 00:24:54,480 --> 00:24:56,439 Speaker 3: like really hurt me at the time, and it was 540 00:24:56,440 --> 00:24:58,560 Speaker 3: that I was struggling to put on my jeans and 541 00:24:58,600 --> 00:25:00,960 Speaker 3: when Corey came in and he said, what are you doing? 542 00:25:00,960 --> 00:25:03,240 Speaker 3: And I said, I can't get these jeenes on. They're 543 00:25:03,280 --> 00:25:05,400 Speaker 3: you know, they can't zip them up, and he said, 544 00:25:05,520 --> 00:25:10,080 Speaker 3: because they're mine. And I remember thinking like, wow, So 545 00:25:10,160 --> 00:25:14,439 Speaker 3: this joke is that I can't even fit into my 546 00:25:14,640 --> 00:25:16,160 Speaker 3: I think we were married on the show. I can't 547 00:25:16,160 --> 00:25:18,919 Speaker 3: even fit into my husband's jeans, and yet at the 548 00:25:19,000 --> 00:25:20,600 Speaker 3: time I was only a size four. 549 00:25:21,640 --> 00:25:21,880 Speaker 2: Wow. 550 00:25:22,240 --> 00:25:25,800 Speaker 3: Yeah, And so I just remember thinking like, wow, well, 551 00:25:25,840 --> 00:25:29,800 Speaker 3: not only do people definitely notice. But now they're writing 552 00:25:29,800 --> 00:25:31,400 Speaker 3: an episode about it. 553 00:25:31,400 --> 00:25:32,320 Speaker 2: It's crazy. 554 00:25:32,440 --> 00:25:35,440 Speaker 3: I have to pretend to be totally comfortable with it, 555 00:25:35,600 --> 00:25:36,080 Speaker 3: and I'm not. 556 00:25:36,480 --> 00:25:39,199 Speaker 2: I mean very insecure, but I mean that's not so 557 00:25:39,240 --> 00:25:41,600 Speaker 2: they just sprung the episode on you. You had no warning, 558 00:25:41,640 --> 00:25:43,159 Speaker 2: you're just like reading you tell. 559 00:25:43,080 --> 00:25:45,080 Speaker 3: Us ahead of time. But the way they told us 560 00:25:45,320 --> 00:25:48,760 Speaker 3: was they they called Will Fridell, who played Eric. They 561 00:25:48,800 --> 00:25:53,399 Speaker 3: called Will and I into the office and they said, so, 562 00:25:53,880 --> 00:25:56,560 Speaker 3: obviously you guys have both been gaining weight, and so 563 00:25:56,640 --> 00:25:57,920 Speaker 3: I just wanted to give you a warning that we're 564 00:25:57,920 --> 00:25:59,119 Speaker 3: going to write an episode about it. 565 00:25:59,400 --> 00:26:02,200 Speaker 2: Oh wow, can you imagine? 566 00:26:02,359 --> 00:26:06,240 Speaker 3: And I think we were both just like, oh okay, yeah. 567 00:26:06,560 --> 00:26:09,800 Speaker 3: And you have this feeling as an actor always and 568 00:26:09,920 --> 00:26:12,960 Speaker 3: really as a performer that you don't want to you 569 00:26:12,960 --> 00:26:14,960 Speaker 3: don't want to ruffle any feathers. You don't want to 570 00:26:15,000 --> 00:26:17,399 Speaker 3: say like well, I'm uncomfortable with that. You really just 571 00:26:17,440 --> 00:26:18,879 Speaker 3: want to go with the flow and be easy to 572 00:26:18,880 --> 00:26:22,000 Speaker 3: work with. So I remember very much being like, yeah, okay, great, Yeah, 573 00:26:22,000 --> 00:26:24,560 Speaker 3: that's a funny idea that that'll that'll be that'll be fine. 574 00:26:24,560 --> 00:26:26,639 Speaker 3: And you know the truth was, it was it was 575 00:26:27,119 --> 00:26:28,280 Speaker 3: very hurtful. 576 00:26:28,280 --> 00:26:31,160 Speaker 1: Of course, and you know most of us go through 577 00:26:31,160 --> 00:26:34,760 Speaker 1: that awkward teenage years, right, I definitely did. 578 00:26:35,520 --> 00:26:36,680 Speaker 3: I did, well. 579 00:26:36,840 --> 00:26:39,240 Speaker 1: You did not that I'm telling you, like you. 580 00:26:39,200 --> 00:26:43,840 Speaker 2: Know, you're you're always beautiful. You had no gawky fan, No, 581 00:26:44,680 --> 00:26:46,560 Speaker 2: that's a yeah. 582 00:26:46,640 --> 00:26:49,080 Speaker 1: Just go google Lance past nineteen ninety seven. You're going 583 00:26:49,119 --> 00:26:52,440 Speaker 1: to see that is the epitome of gawky right there. 584 00:26:53,800 --> 00:26:55,000 Speaker 1: How you fell for me. 585 00:26:56,600 --> 00:27:00,280 Speaker 3: So hands, I'm sure I don't remember. I don't remember 586 00:27:00,400 --> 00:27:02,320 Speaker 3: any awkward phase for you, Alm. 587 00:27:02,520 --> 00:27:06,120 Speaker 1: Well, I have pictures to prove it. Trust Trust, And 588 00:27:06,160 --> 00:27:09,160 Speaker 1: going back with all these episodes and rewatching them, are 589 00:27:09,200 --> 00:27:12,840 Speaker 1: there any uncomfortable moments for you with the cashier, with 590 00:27:13,080 --> 00:27:16,320 Speaker 1: or whoever you're interviewing, Like, do you ever be like, 591 00:27:16,600 --> 00:27:18,199 Speaker 1: I don't want to talk about that? That was so 592 00:27:18,400 --> 00:27:20,200 Speaker 1: awkward to rehash. 593 00:27:20,320 --> 00:27:20,679 Speaker 2: You know what. 594 00:27:20,840 --> 00:27:23,280 Speaker 3: No, we actually haven't had that happen too much yet. 595 00:27:23,320 --> 00:27:26,720 Speaker 3: There are things that we don't remember that they do remember. 596 00:27:26,800 --> 00:27:31,639 Speaker 3: Certainly when we had Adam Scott on who was he, Yes, 597 00:27:34,560 --> 00:27:38,280 Speaker 3: he remembered that. At the end of season two, we 598 00:27:38,359 --> 00:27:43,040 Speaker 3: like wrapped on the season and Blake Soaper who's now 599 00:27:43,040 --> 00:27:47,040 Speaker 3: Blake Senate, and Ethan Sipple both hugged writer, and writer 600 00:27:47,200 --> 00:27:49,119 Speaker 3: was like, you know, a congratulations end of the season, 601 00:27:49,240 --> 00:27:51,840 Speaker 3: and then Adam went to go hug writer and he 602 00:27:51,920 --> 00:27:56,200 Speaker 3: hugged him and then instantly like pushed him away and 603 00:27:56,280 --> 00:27:58,760 Speaker 3: like ran off stage. And Adam has been carrying this 604 00:27:58,880 --> 00:28:02,200 Speaker 3: around for twenty years. He like, I made this teenage 605 00:28:02,240 --> 00:28:04,760 Speaker 3: boy super uncomfortable and I don't know how I was 606 00:28:04,840 --> 00:28:06,800 Speaker 3: just I was just hugging him the same way other 607 00:28:06,840 --> 00:28:08,320 Speaker 3: people were hugging at the end of the season. I 608 00:28:08,359 --> 00:28:11,399 Speaker 3: don't understand. And he's never told anybody about it because 609 00:28:11,400 --> 00:28:14,080 Speaker 3: it was super uncomfortable for him. So when he came 610 00:28:14,119 --> 00:28:16,160 Speaker 3: on the show, he said, I have to ask you, 611 00:28:16,480 --> 00:28:18,320 Speaker 3: do you remember this? And none of us even knew 612 00:28:18,320 --> 00:28:19,840 Speaker 3: what he was going to say, so we were like, 613 00:28:20,119 --> 00:28:22,840 Speaker 3: what what is the tea you're going to smell? 614 00:28:23,200 --> 00:28:25,920 Speaker 1: I know? And was like, I don't remember that at all. 615 00:28:26,200 --> 00:28:30,119 Speaker 3: I remember that at all? Do we do really feel 616 00:28:30,160 --> 00:28:33,199 Speaker 3: like we have narrowed down the fact that Blake and 617 00:28:33,200 --> 00:28:36,200 Speaker 3: Ethan used to play like I don't wouldn't call them pranks, 618 00:28:36,480 --> 00:28:39,360 Speaker 3: but like they were really big into like goosing someone, 619 00:28:39,680 --> 00:28:42,000 Speaker 3: Like they'd come up and goose you or grab your 620 00:28:42,080 --> 00:28:44,800 Speaker 3: leg and be like, you know, or spikes your knee 621 00:28:45,000 --> 00:28:49,120 Speaker 3: and I have a feeling when Adam hugged writer, one 622 00:28:49,160 --> 00:28:52,200 Speaker 3: of them did something, grabbed his butt, you know, did 623 00:28:52,280 --> 00:28:55,960 Speaker 3: something that writer thought was Adam doing and he like 624 00:28:56,040 --> 00:29:00,800 Speaker 3: pushed Adam off, like, hey man, that's not cool. That's 625 00:29:01,120 --> 00:29:03,920 Speaker 3: maybe the only and it was a it was funny, obviously, Oudam. 626 00:29:03,920 --> 00:29:06,440 Speaker 3: There is no there were no hard feelings. It's a 627 00:29:06,520 --> 00:29:09,120 Speaker 3: it's a warm room. It was all just a funny story. 628 00:29:09,960 --> 00:29:11,719 Speaker 3: But you know that's that's one of the great things 629 00:29:11,760 --> 00:29:14,240 Speaker 3: about doing the podcast and about reliving some of the 630 00:29:14,240 --> 00:29:17,120 Speaker 3: moments of the show. Our cast, including all of the 631 00:29:17,120 --> 00:29:21,480 Speaker 3: guest stars, we got along so well. It was a 632 00:29:21,640 --> 00:29:25,800 Speaker 3: really fun, warm environment. So even when we don't remember 633 00:29:25,840 --> 00:29:28,880 Speaker 3: stuff most of the time, it's it's pretty positive. 634 00:29:29,040 --> 00:29:32,120 Speaker 1: Yeah. Yeah, you had an amazing cast, also, amazing crew, 635 00:29:32,160 --> 00:29:35,560 Speaker 1: your writers, everyone just amazing all set. 636 00:29:35,600 --> 00:29:49,000 Speaker 4: We were really lucky. 637 00:29:51,840 --> 00:29:53,880 Speaker 1: Let's get to the fans, all right, So you know, 638 00:29:53,920 --> 00:29:56,600 Speaker 1: this is a fandom show for all teen idols, and 639 00:29:56,640 --> 00:30:00,280 Speaker 1: of course we're starting with boy bands. But being a 640 00:30:00,320 --> 00:30:04,160 Speaker 1: girlfriend of a boy band member, yeah, what was that like? 641 00:30:04,200 --> 00:30:06,240 Speaker 1: Because you know, we all had girlfriends at the time. 642 00:30:06,320 --> 00:30:08,840 Speaker 1: You you obviously bonded with a lot of the girlfriends, 643 00:30:08,840 --> 00:30:11,880 Speaker 1: you know, Big D everyone, But what was it like 644 00:30:12,440 --> 00:30:14,760 Speaker 1: on the other side, is I'm on stage and all 645 00:30:14,760 --> 00:30:16,920 Speaker 1: that type of stuff. You have to be really next 646 00:30:16,920 --> 00:30:19,800 Speaker 1: to the fans a lot. Did you get any hate 647 00:30:20,000 --> 00:30:21,880 Speaker 1: from our fans? Were they nice to you? 648 00:30:22,400 --> 00:30:26,120 Speaker 3: Or everyone was so nice? There was occasionally like this 649 00:30:26,280 --> 00:30:29,960 Speaker 3: was the very early days of the internet, and Big 650 00:30:30,040 --> 00:30:33,320 Speaker 3: D was very big about finding the chat rooms and 651 00:30:33,360 --> 00:30:36,400 Speaker 3: seeing what people were saying. And every and then girlfriend 652 00:30:36,400 --> 00:30:38,080 Speaker 3: by the way, yes Chris Kirkpatrick like. 653 00:30:38,120 --> 00:30:44,040 Speaker 2: The original comment section, Yes, yeah, let's go search. Yeah exactly, And. 654 00:30:44,040 --> 00:30:46,080 Speaker 3: So every now and then she'd goes search to see 655 00:30:46,080 --> 00:30:49,200 Speaker 3: what people were saying, and uh, most of the time 656 00:30:49,240 --> 00:30:52,000 Speaker 3: people were really nice. Of course, there were always the 657 00:30:52,040 --> 00:30:54,480 Speaker 3: people who were like, ew, I don't want her to 658 00:30:54,520 --> 00:30:56,320 Speaker 3: be with him. I love Lands, And it was like, 659 00:30:56,720 --> 00:30:59,920 Speaker 3: you know, I that was always just like, no big deal. 660 00:31:00,160 --> 00:31:02,000 Speaker 3: I get that. Who doesn't want to be with Lance? 661 00:31:02,080 --> 00:31:04,200 Speaker 3: Lance is a total catch. So I always got that, 662 00:31:04,240 --> 00:31:05,640 Speaker 3: but I never really took it personally. I was like, 663 00:31:05,680 --> 00:31:07,200 Speaker 3: they would feel that way about no matter who was 664 00:31:07,240 --> 00:31:09,120 Speaker 3: in these shoes. They want to be in my shoes, 665 00:31:09,160 --> 00:31:11,760 Speaker 3: That's all it is. But for the most part, everybody 666 00:31:11,800 --> 00:31:14,200 Speaker 3: was really nice. There were also some some things though, 667 00:31:14,240 --> 00:31:17,840 Speaker 3: that were just maybe a little scary, you know, I mean, 668 00:31:18,680 --> 00:31:23,080 Speaker 3: in sync was on par with Beatlemania. There were times 669 00:31:23,080 --> 00:31:26,280 Speaker 3: when we'd hop into you know, Pantera Sarah's Cadillac, and 670 00:31:26,440 --> 00:31:31,280 Speaker 3: girls would literally be running after the car screaming bloody murder. 671 00:31:31,320 --> 00:31:34,640 Speaker 3: And you know, I was at a friend's concert recently 672 00:31:34,720 --> 00:31:37,760 Speaker 3: and we went out the same way you know, we 673 00:31:37,840 --> 00:31:39,880 Speaker 3: used to go out with you guys, like out before. 674 00:31:39,920 --> 00:31:42,520 Speaker 3: Technically the last songs you guys were still singing, like 675 00:31:42,640 --> 00:31:44,280 Speaker 3: running to the bus so that you could hop on 676 00:31:44,320 --> 00:31:49,600 Speaker 3: the bus till leave. I was just telling, just telling Jensen, 677 00:31:49,600 --> 00:31:51,440 Speaker 3: because we were kind of doing the similar walk with 678 00:31:51,480 --> 00:31:53,360 Speaker 3: our friend at his show, and I go, man, this 679 00:31:53,440 --> 00:31:56,600 Speaker 3: is really bringing me back to the Lance would still 680 00:31:56,600 --> 00:31:58,880 Speaker 3: be have his mic attached, still be in his wardrobe 681 00:31:58,960 --> 00:32:02,040 Speaker 3: running to the bus. So in some ways that was 682 00:32:02,080 --> 00:32:04,400 Speaker 3: a little that was a little crazy. But also I 683 00:32:04,520 --> 00:32:07,520 Speaker 3: was aware even in the moment of how like historical 684 00:32:07,600 --> 00:32:08,040 Speaker 3: it was. 685 00:32:08,800 --> 00:32:11,000 Speaker 1: See I was not. I was just you know, I 686 00:32:11,040 --> 00:32:12,840 Speaker 1: don't know, I was very numb to it all at 687 00:32:12,880 --> 00:32:15,239 Speaker 1: that point, because you know, we had been working for 688 00:32:15,280 --> 00:32:17,840 Speaker 1: so long and that's just all the life we knew. 689 00:32:18,360 --> 00:32:20,760 Speaker 1: I didn't realize what was happening at the moment. I 690 00:32:20,800 --> 00:32:23,440 Speaker 1: wasn't really taking it all in. And I do remember 691 00:32:23,520 --> 00:32:26,680 Speaker 1: us jumping in Sarah's convertible. It must have been after 692 00:32:26,720 --> 00:32:30,760 Speaker 1: something like Leno or because I remember my one of 693 00:32:30,800 --> 00:32:32,920 Speaker 1: my best friends from high school, Kerry Martin, was there. 694 00:32:33,160 --> 00:32:35,440 Speaker 1: And yeah, I don't know why. We thought we could 695 00:32:35,480 --> 00:32:37,680 Speaker 1: just kind of like walk outside in a massive sea 696 00:32:37,720 --> 00:32:39,160 Speaker 1: of fans, just hop. 697 00:32:39,000 --> 00:32:41,400 Speaker 3: Into a convertible where everyone could still see exactly who 698 00:32:41,400 --> 00:32:41,720 Speaker 3: you are. 699 00:32:41,920 --> 00:32:44,920 Speaker 1: Yeah, I know, good times. And those are the times too, 700 00:32:45,000 --> 00:32:48,000 Speaker 1: because you know, it was our first, you know, going 701 00:32:48,000 --> 00:32:49,920 Speaker 1: out to a club for the first time, and we're 702 00:32:49,960 --> 00:32:52,120 Speaker 1: hitting you know, we're finally becoming of age, although we 703 00:32:52,120 --> 00:32:55,160 Speaker 1: were underage for most of the time. But it was 704 00:32:55,240 --> 00:32:59,040 Speaker 1: such a fun, innocent time because no cell phone cameras, 705 00:32:59,720 --> 00:33:02,800 Speaker 1: no cell phones, really you could really just kind of 706 00:33:02,800 --> 00:33:05,720 Speaker 1: get away with anything and really be a teenager and 707 00:33:05,760 --> 00:33:06,840 Speaker 1: be a young adult. 708 00:33:07,320 --> 00:33:10,120 Speaker 3: We got to be stupid and make stupid mistakes. It's 709 00:33:10,200 --> 00:33:14,560 Speaker 3: without worrying about it being on display for everyone. You know. 710 00:33:14,760 --> 00:33:17,600 Speaker 3: It was a really sweet It was the last little 711 00:33:17,640 --> 00:33:19,479 Speaker 3: bit of that before everything changed. 712 00:33:19,640 --> 00:33:22,160 Speaker 1: And I think it's important that you do make mistakes 713 00:33:22,160 --> 00:33:24,920 Speaker 1: as I mean, we're all stupid, you know, that's how 714 00:33:24,960 --> 00:33:27,680 Speaker 1: you learn. And now this this generation that you know 715 00:33:27,880 --> 00:33:31,440 Speaker 1: as teenagers, they they can't really make mistakes because of 716 00:33:31,520 --> 00:33:34,160 Speaker 1: social media. I mean the personal, your friends, your family, 717 00:33:34,200 --> 00:33:37,160 Speaker 1: your church members, everyone's gonna be looking at everything you do. 718 00:33:37,360 --> 00:33:39,720 Speaker 1: So you do that one mistake and your your. 719 00:33:39,640 --> 00:33:43,320 Speaker 2: Whole life can just be ruined for one. It's anything. 720 00:33:43,800 --> 00:33:45,800 Speaker 3: If you're one stupid thing and nobody wants to let 721 00:33:45,800 --> 00:33:47,800 Speaker 3: you forget it, Everyone's like, I'm going to hold you 722 00:33:47,840 --> 00:33:50,480 Speaker 3: to that forever because I've got the receipts. 723 00:33:50,560 --> 00:33:50,800 Speaker 2: I know. 724 00:33:50,880 --> 00:33:53,680 Speaker 3: It's so scary. I'm so I worry about for our 725 00:33:53,760 --> 00:33:55,560 Speaker 3: kids what it's going to be like by the time 726 00:33:55,600 --> 00:33:57,440 Speaker 3: they get to be that age. And I and I 727 00:33:57,440 --> 00:34:00,520 Speaker 3: also feel so lucky for those of us who didn't 728 00:34:00,560 --> 00:34:03,120 Speaker 3: have to go through that. I do want to tell you, though, 729 00:34:03,200 --> 00:34:05,760 Speaker 3: Lance that you know, feeling like you weren't able to 730 00:34:05,760 --> 00:34:08,200 Speaker 3: take it all in back then. I also feel very 731 00:34:08,280 --> 00:34:10,239 Speaker 3: much that way about Boymet's world. I think there were 732 00:34:10,239 --> 00:34:12,680 Speaker 3: so many moments I took for granted because I couldn't 733 00:34:12,719 --> 00:34:16,600 Speaker 3: really understand one how temporary all of it is, and 734 00:34:16,640 --> 00:34:18,319 Speaker 3: two to really be able to take it in But 735 00:34:18,400 --> 00:34:20,759 Speaker 3: one of the things that I've really learned as I've 736 00:34:20,760 --> 00:34:23,239 Speaker 3: gotten older that brings me a lot of comfort is 737 00:34:23,239 --> 00:34:25,759 Speaker 3: that part of the reason why we aren't able to 738 00:34:25,800 --> 00:34:29,080 Speaker 3: be present in those moments is because ultimately, as incredible 739 00:34:29,080 --> 00:34:31,600 Speaker 3: as those moments are, they're not the moments that make 740 00:34:31,680 --> 00:34:35,120 Speaker 3: up the best aspects of your life. It's not the big, flashy, 741 00:34:35,200 --> 00:34:38,080 Speaker 3: shiny moments of performing for Madison Square Garden or doing 742 00:34:38,080 --> 00:34:40,120 Speaker 3: whatever that at the on your deathbed you're going to 743 00:34:40,160 --> 00:34:42,600 Speaker 3: be thinking about. It's going to be the quiet moments 744 00:34:42,600 --> 00:34:45,120 Speaker 3: at home, the two of you with your kids. Those 745 00:34:45,160 --> 00:34:47,400 Speaker 3: are the little things like that, like the first time 746 00:34:47,560 --> 00:34:49,800 Speaker 3: you see a little dream come true for your child, 747 00:34:50,280 --> 00:34:53,399 Speaker 3: like you're going to be like, that's it. There's nothing 748 00:34:53,440 --> 00:34:56,120 Speaker 3: that's going to top that. And so I think about 749 00:34:56,120 --> 00:34:57,359 Speaker 3: that all the time. I think, man, I wish I 750 00:34:57,360 --> 00:34:59,720 Speaker 3: had taken that in more and I think, no, ultimately 751 00:34:59,719 --> 00:35:01,400 Speaker 3: I took and as much of it as was important, 752 00:35:01,520 --> 00:35:03,600 Speaker 3: it's not the most important aspect of my life. So 753 00:35:04,000 --> 00:35:05,240 Speaker 3: just let that bring you some comfort. 754 00:35:05,480 --> 00:35:09,279 Speaker 1: Yeah, it does. And speaking of kids, all right, what 755 00:35:09,440 --> 00:35:13,440 Speaker 1: is it like being a mom? You're such a great one, yeah, 756 00:35:13,480 --> 00:35:15,600 Speaker 1: And I mean, now you know, our kids are nineteen 757 00:35:15,680 --> 00:35:18,200 Speaker 1: months old, so I get to follow in your footsteps 758 00:35:18,239 --> 00:35:20,200 Speaker 1: and be like, Okay, what's Danielle doing at this age? 759 00:35:20,200 --> 00:35:22,560 Speaker 1: Now you're kind of teaching me how to be a 760 00:35:22,640 --> 00:35:23,239 Speaker 1: parent out there. 761 00:35:23,320 --> 00:35:27,040 Speaker 3: Yeah, is Keaton's twenty months so we're just in front 762 00:35:27,040 --> 00:35:28,879 Speaker 3: of you there, and Adler is going to be four 763 00:35:29,040 --> 00:35:33,359 Speaker 3: in June. Far it just gets better all the time. 764 00:35:33,440 --> 00:35:35,200 Speaker 3: It just gets better and better and better the older 765 00:35:35,200 --> 00:35:37,200 Speaker 3: they get. I know you guys are probably feeling that 766 00:35:37,239 --> 00:35:41,319 Speaker 3: way too. It's like, oh, now that they're walking and 767 00:35:41,320 --> 00:35:44,600 Speaker 3: they're running and they're starting to say things, and it's 768 00:35:44,800 --> 00:35:48,040 Speaker 3: it's just the best. I feel very lucky when I 769 00:35:48,120 --> 00:35:50,839 Speaker 3: when I first found out Keaton was a boy, I 770 00:35:50,920 --> 00:35:52,560 Speaker 3: was a little bummed because I was really hoping to 771 00:35:52,600 --> 00:35:54,680 Speaker 3: have a boy and a girl. I wanted the experience 772 00:35:54,719 --> 00:35:56,920 Speaker 3: of both. I knew I really only wanted two kids, 773 00:35:56,920 --> 00:35:58,560 Speaker 3: and I thought, oh, I'll just you know, I want 774 00:35:58,560 --> 00:35:59,759 Speaker 3: to know what it's like to raise a daughter, and 775 00:35:59,760 --> 00:36:01,080 Speaker 3: I want know what it's like to raise the sun. 776 00:36:01,360 --> 00:36:03,560 Speaker 3: And now that I have two boys, I cannot imagine 777 00:36:03,560 --> 00:36:06,520 Speaker 3: it any other way. Like being a boy mom is 778 00:36:06,560 --> 00:36:09,720 Speaker 3: so fun. It means I'm constantly wrestling, I'm constantly jumping. 779 00:36:09,760 --> 00:36:13,319 Speaker 3: I'm constantly chasing, I'm rolling in the dirt, and you know, 780 00:36:13,440 --> 00:36:16,160 Speaker 3: it's uh, it's the best. It keeps me young, honestly. 781 00:36:17,200 --> 00:36:19,160 Speaker 1: And boys never turn on their moms. I mean, you're 782 00:36:19,160 --> 00:36:21,680 Speaker 1: always going to just be so loved. Girls I hear, 783 00:36:21,880 --> 00:36:25,000 Speaker 1: you know, around the teenage years rarely turn on moms. 784 00:36:26,200 --> 00:36:29,160 Speaker 3: Be surprised because I hear from girl moms where they're 785 00:36:29,200 --> 00:36:31,279 Speaker 3: only four or five. They're like, you'd be surprised how 786 00:36:31,280 --> 00:36:33,360 Speaker 3: early the sas starts. 787 00:36:33,640 --> 00:36:34,440 Speaker 2: It starts. 788 00:36:34,880 --> 00:36:36,880 Speaker 3: You guys will have to let me know when that starts. 789 00:36:37,360 --> 00:36:39,719 Speaker 1: I love it because you know our daughter. It's going 790 00:36:39,760 --> 00:36:43,200 Speaker 1: to be interesting. They're so their personalities are so different, 791 00:36:43,320 --> 00:36:48,480 Speaker 1: so different. Alexander is just rambunctious and needs attention and 792 00:36:48,520 --> 00:36:50,520 Speaker 1: you know, look at me, look at me, I'm so cute. 793 00:36:50,960 --> 00:36:54,160 Speaker 1: And Violet is kind of a loner. She loves kind 794 00:36:54,160 --> 00:36:56,480 Speaker 1: of her her own space. She likes to read a 795 00:36:56,480 --> 00:36:59,920 Speaker 1: book in the corner. You know, if brother does something 796 00:37:00,040 --> 00:37:01,400 Speaker 1: and then she'll do it. She kind of like follows 797 00:37:01,440 --> 00:37:04,200 Speaker 1: him around and like copies him, which at the beginning 798 00:37:04,320 --> 00:37:06,960 Speaker 1: was opposite. She was usually the leader. Yeah, through some 799 00:37:07,040 --> 00:37:09,319 Speaker 1: person he would do it. Now they switched because she's 800 00:37:09,320 --> 00:37:10,560 Speaker 1: just kind of like a little wallflower. 801 00:37:11,960 --> 00:37:13,280 Speaker 2: She's sensitive and sweet. 802 00:37:13,360 --> 00:37:16,200 Speaker 1: Yeah yeah, but she also has a I mean, I 803 00:37:16,200 --> 00:37:17,680 Speaker 1: hate to say this about my daughter, but she kind 804 00:37:17,680 --> 00:37:19,439 Speaker 1: of has a little resting bitch face. 805 00:37:19,520 --> 00:37:21,319 Speaker 2: Oh well, she definitely she does. 806 00:37:21,840 --> 00:37:23,560 Speaker 1: She does. And you know, you look at it, You're like, wait, 807 00:37:23,560 --> 00:37:24,400 Speaker 1: are you like upset? 808 00:37:24,600 --> 00:37:27,200 Speaker 3: So does Keaton. Katon has this face all the time 809 00:37:27,200 --> 00:37:29,360 Speaker 3: where he's like this, that's. 810 00:37:29,160 --> 00:37:32,120 Speaker 2: What Alexander does that lately now he's always just like 811 00:37:32,280 --> 00:37:33,320 Speaker 2: mean mugging. 812 00:37:33,000 --> 00:37:36,200 Speaker 3: Like mean muggin. I know, funny because he was actually 813 00:37:36,200 --> 00:37:39,560 Speaker 3: the smiliest, happiest baby, Like anytime I took a picture 814 00:37:39,600 --> 00:37:42,080 Speaker 3: of him, he was like cheers. And now for some reason, 815 00:37:42,080 --> 00:37:44,480 Speaker 3: he really likes a little poudy face. He's like right in, Miss. 816 00:37:44,280 --> 00:37:47,160 Speaker 2: Scooter, all right, little bad boy? 817 00:37:47,360 --> 00:37:48,319 Speaker 1: What is that? What else? 818 00:37:48,400 --> 00:37:48,680 Speaker 2: Go to? 819 00:37:50,160 --> 00:37:53,080 Speaker 1: Uh for watching? Like, so we're into Miss Rachel. We 820 00:37:53,080 --> 00:37:55,560 Speaker 1: love Miss Rachel. I don't know if you've discovered her yet, 821 00:37:55,600 --> 00:37:57,839 Speaker 1: but it's it takes a little while to get into it, 822 00:37:57,880 --> 00:37:59,640 Speaker 1: Like is this craziness? Oh my god? 823 00:37:59,640 --> 00:38:01,920 Speaker 3: Okay, I've heard a lot about it, have not watched it, 824 00:38:01,960 --> 00:38:03,799 Speaker 3: So I'm glad you're giving me the recommendation. I will 825 00:38:03,800 --> 00:38:04,440 Speaker 3: put it on good. 826 00:38:04,560 --> 00:38:06,880 Speaker 1: It's really good because she's really good about speech. So 827 00:38:07,600 --> 00:38:11,080 Speaker 1: our kids are learning so many words just from watching her. 828 00:38:11,640 --> 00:38:14,560 Speaker 1: It's very educational. And then our other go to just 829 00:38:14,600 --> 00:38:15,600 Speaker 1: for us as Blue. 830 00:38:16,560 --> 00:38:18,560 Speaker 2: Because Blue Blue's amazing. 831 00:38:18,840 --> 00:38:20,600 Speaker 1: Our kids don't even care to watch it, but we 832 00:38:20,760 --> 00:38:21,680 Speaker 1: love to watch it. 833 00:38:21,719 --> 00:38:23,000 Speaker 3: How many times have you guys cried? 834 00:38:23,280 --> 00:38:25,400 Speaker 2: Oh, I was just about to say that, I've cried 835 00:38:25,680 --> 00:38:27,120 Speaker 2: so many times watching Blue. 836 00:38:27,160 --> 00:38:29,400 Speaker 1: I'm going to be that dad, Like I am taking 837 00:38:29,440 --> 00:38:31,480 Speaker 1: every episode of Blue and I'm like, I'm playing that game. 838 00:38:31,560 --> 00:38:33,080 Speaker 1: I'm playing that game. 839 00:38:33,520 --> 00:38:35,479 Speaker 3: Well, that's the thing that I think is great about 840 00:38:35,520 --> 00:38:38,600 Speaker 3: Blue is that it really is like aspirational for every 841 00:38:39,000 --> 00:38:41,160 Speaker 3: member of the family. Oh, you learn how to be 842 00:38:41,200 --> 00:38:43,120 Speaker 3: a good mom, you learn how to be a good dad, 843 00:38:43,200 --> 00:38:45,399 Speaker 3: you learn how to be a good sibling. Like it's 844 00:38:45,760 --> 00:38:49,319 Speaker 3: a friend. It's so great. I love Blue. Wait till 845 00:38:49,360 --> 00:38:51,439 Speaker 3: you guys, wait till your kids get a little older, 846 00:38:51,480 --> 00:38:54,680 Speaker 3: and it starts to like reveal itself. It's really revealing 847 00:38:54,719 --> 00:38:57,040 Speaker 3: itself to me that I think Adler is just a 848 00:38:57,080 --> 00:39:02,360 Speaker 3: little Performer's possible to contain it. And I think, like 849 00:39:02,400 --> 00:39:04,319 Speaker 3: when I watch him, I'm like, this must have been 850 00:39:04,400 --> 00:39:05,799 Speaker 3: what it was like when I was a k and 851 00:39:05,880 --> 00:39:08,759 Speaker 3: everyone around me was like, she should be on the stage. 852 00:39:08,880 --> 00:39:10,520 Speaker 2: I'm like, oh no, no. 853 00:39:10,880 --> 00:39:16,120 Speaker 1: Going through that with Panuccino. Oh sorry, I uci Ucci Panucci. 854 00:39:16,600 --> 00:39:18,479 Speaker 1: So yeah, we're kind of going through that now. Even 855 00:39:18,520 --> 00:39:21,080 Speaker 1: at nineteen months, I mean even months ago, we're like, 856 00:39:21,200 --> 00:39:23,920 Speaker 1: uh oh, I think he's been bitten because he he 857 00:39:24,040 --> 00:39:28,760 Speaker 1: loves music. He loves playing piano, loves dancing, drums, dancing, singing. 858 00:39:28,760 --> 00:39:30,680 Speaker 2: He's oh, he was singing this morning. 859 00:39:30,880 --> 00:39:33,600 Speaker 1: Yeah, makes up songs. There's a dada song he made up. 860 00:39:37,160 --> 00:39:38,840 Speaker 1: I put it on stage for the first time with 861 00:39:38,960 --> 00:39:40,960 Speaker 1: the Bakshi Boys and he just grabbed that mic and 862 00:39:41,000 --> 00:39:42,480 Speaker 1: start as you do boxing. 863 00:39:42,680 --> 00:39:43,640 Speaker 3: Amazing. 864 00:39:44,440 --> 00:39:45,200 Speaker 2: It was pretty goot. 865 00:39:45,400 --> 00:39:48,480 Speaker 1: He's never even seen a microphone. He's like, I'm like, 866 00:39:48,520 --> 00:39:51,080 Speaker 1: what is this like a new justin Timberlake happening right now? 867 00:39:52,160 --> 00:39:56,000 Speaker 1: But yeah, he's he's a showboat, and I feel like 868 00:39:56,120 --> 00:39:58,239 Speaker 1: he needs to be on the stage. But he can 869 00:39:58,280 --> 00:40:00,720 Speaker 1: do whatever he wants. He can do whatever exactly. 870 00:40:01,040 --> 00:40:02,719 Speaker 3: That's my thing is like, listen, if this is what 871 00:40:02,719 --> 00:40:04,879 Speaker 3: you end up deciding you want to do, totally fine, 872 00:40:04,880 --> 00:40:07,080 Speaker 3: one hundred percent. I will support you, but I also 873 00:40:07,160 --> 00:40:09,640 Speaker 3: just want you to know all of the things there are, 874 00:40:09,640 --> 00:40:11,960 Speaker 3: there are so many other things. There are so many 875 00:40:11,960 --> 00:40:14,440 Speaker 3: other things. There are so many great options. So I 876 00:40:14,480 --> 00:40:16,239 Speaker 3: just want to make sure they get to dabble in 877 00:40:16,280 --> 00:40:17,520 Speaker 3: it all before they make a decision. 878 00:40:17,760 --> 00:40:19,600 Speaker 1: And that's one thing I wish I was exposed to 879 00:40:19,640 --> 00:40:21,239 Speaker 1: more as a kid. You know, living in a very 880 00:40:21,239 --> 00:40:23,880 Speaker 1: small town in Mississippi. You know, you didn't look outside 881 00:40:23,880 --> 00:40:26,480 Speaker 1: your town. You didn't really dream big, so there was 882 00:40:26,600 --> 00:40:30,239 Speaker 1: very limited things that I thought I could do. I 883 00:40:30,280 --> 00:40:35,040 Speaker 1: want my kids to just be exposed to everything, every instrument, 884 00:40:35,160 --> 00:40:38,640 Speaker 1: every religion, every just everything, so that they can just 885 00:40:38,760 --> 00:40:41,240 Speaker 1: choose what they are gravitating towards. 886 00:40:41,640 --> 00:40:43,799 Speaker 3: Couldn't agree with you more, could not agree with you more. 887 00:40:44,000 --> 00:40:47,360 Speaker 3: I want to instead of shoving my ideals and the 888 00:40:47,400 --> 00:40:49,799 Speaker 3: things that I think onto you, I want you to 889 00:40:49,880 --> 00:40:51,560 Speaker 3: just be exposed to all of it so you can 890 00:40:51,600 --> 00:40:53,000 Speaker 3: find what sings and speaks to you. 891 00:40:53,360 --> 00:40:56,560 Speaker 1: Yeah, exactly, all right. So back on the road, within Sync, 892 00:40:57,000 --> 00:40:59,240 Speaker 1: tell us some stories that I might not know about. 893 00:40:59,760 --> 00:41:03,319 Speaker 1: Was there anything that happened that you're like, oh my. 894 00:41:03,239 --> 00:41:05,319 Speaker 3: Gosh, no, I mean we one of the things I 895 00:41:05,320 --> 00:41:07,600 Speaker 3: loved about our relationship is that we were best friends. 896 00:41:07,600 --> 00:41:10,120 Speaker 3: We told each other everything, so there was never anything 897 00:41:10,200 --> 00:41:13,200 Speaker 3: that was like, you know, a secret. I think we 898 00:41:13,239 --> 00:41:15,919 Speaker 3: both remember that music video shoot where we were both 899 00:41:16,080 --> 00:41:18,640 Speaker 3: so bummed that I was like the only girlfriend not 900 00:41:18,760 --> 00:41:19,960 Speaker 3: allowed to be I. 901 00:41:20,000 --> 00:41:27,440 Speaker 1: Know, every everyone's girlfriend was kind of in the videos drama. 902 00:41:27,960 --> 00:41:31,200 Speaker 3: Well, I think you know, Brittany wasn't in it either, 903 00:41:31,520 --> 00:41:35,360 Speaker 3: right right now, And I think the idea was Brittany 904 00:41:35,400 --> 00:41:38,799 Speaker 3: and myself were probably the two they were. We were 905 00:41:38,840 --> 00:41:41,840 Speaker 3: recognizable from something else and they didn't want that to 906 00:41:41,960 --> 00:41:44,880 Speaker 3: distract from your video. That it was like it worked 907 00:41:44,880 --> 00:41:47,480 Speaker 3: out that they if it weren't for you know, the 908 00:41:47,920 --> 00:41:50,680 Speaker 3: the girlfriends being in it, they would have casted girlfriends 909 00:41:50,680 --> 00:41:53,120 Speaker 3: and so why not use Bobby and Danielle and all 910 00:41:53,239 --> 00:41:56,399 Speaker 3: and and so. But I just remember being bummed because 911 00:41:56,400 --> 00:41:59,440 Speaker 3: I was like, well but I don't care, and you. 912 00:42:00,239 --> 00:42:02,600 Speaker 1: I didn't care. But in hindsight, god, I wish we 913 00:42:02,640 --> 00:42:04,600 Speaker 1: would have done that. I wish you and Brittany were 914 00:42:04,640 --> 00:42:06,759 Speaker 1: in the video because that would have been such a 915 00:42:06,760 --> 00:42:08,320 Speaker 1: moment to look back and be like, oh my gosh, 916 00:42:08,320 --> 00:42:08,799 Speaker 1: that was fun. 917 00:42:08,800 --> 00:42:12,560 Speaker 3: We all had for sure exactly, I know, I I 918 00:42:12,600 --> 00:42:14,200 Speaker 3: love that, I think you know. And then after we 919 00:42:14,280 --> 00:42:19,400 Speaker 3: broke up, we all went to Hawaii together for y two. 920 00:42:19,280 --> 00:42:21,479 Speaker 1: K that's right when the world was ending. 921 00:42:22,239 --> 00:42:24,160 Speaker 3: The world was ending, you had to turn your computers 922 00:42:24,280 --> 00:42:27,360 Speaker 3: off because who knew at midnight. 923 00:42:30,040 --> 00:42:32,680 Speaker 2: Yeah, the fear was real. 924 00:42:33,200 --> 00:42:35,719 Speaker 3: Yeah, it really was. That was a really fun trip. 925 00:42:35,719 --> 00:42:38,080 Speaker 3: And we actually just talked about that trip because you know, 926 00:42:38,160 --> 00:42:40,440 Speaker 3: you unfortunately just lost your grandma and I had all 927 00:42:40,480 --> 00:42:42,800 Speaker 3: those great pictures your grandparents were on that trip. 928 00:42:43,000 --> 00:42:46,120 Speaker 1: Yeah, it was their fiftieth anniversary. Both of both my 929 00:42:46,160 --> 00:42:48,440 Speaker 1: sets of grandparents went to Hawaii with us for the 930 00:42:48,480 --> 00:42:51,319 Speaker 1: millennium and uh, yeah, it was their fiftieth anniversary. It 931 00:42:51,400 --> 00:42:54,960 Speaker 1: was I would say probably my favorite trip of my whole. 932 00:42:54,880 --> 00:42:57,680 Speaker 3: Entire life was that it was so much fun. I know, 933 00:42:57,800 --> 00:42:58,719 Speaker 3: that was such a good time. 934 00:42:58,840 --> 00:43:01,600 Speaker 1: And didn't you get piercings and Brittany or something. 935 00:43:01,680 --> 00:43:05,560 Speaker 3: So when Britney got her belly button pierce, okay, and yeah, 936 00:43:05,560 --> 00:43:07,319 Speaker 3: and I was there and I already had my belly 937 00:43:07,360 --> 00:43:09,360 Speaker 3: button piers Everyone got their belly button pierced, but my 938 00:43:09,400 --> 00:43:11,719 Speaker 3: belly button was already pierced, and so I was like, 939 00:43:12,239 --> 00:43:14,279 Speaker 3: and my mom was so mad at me because my 940 00:43:14,320 --> 00:43:16,280 Speaker 3: mom made a deal with me. Here's the real story. 941 00:43:16,719 --> 00:43:18,120 Speaker 3: My mom made a deal with me when I was 942 00:43:18,160 --> 00:43:20,920 Speaker 3: sixteen years old, because at some point I said, I 943 00:43:21,000 --> 00:43:22,839 Speaker 3: think I want to get a tongue piercing, and my 944 00:43:22,840 --> 00:43:27,680 Speaker 3: mom was like, don't you dare, And so she made 945 00:43:27,719 --> 00:43:29,920 Speaker 3: a deal with me where she said, I will let 946 00:43:29,960 --> 00:43:32,440 Speaker 3: you get your belly button pierced if you promise me 947 00:43:32,840 --> 00:43:36,320 Speaker 3: you never get your tongue pierced. And I said, deal, 948 00:43:37,040 --> 00:43:38,960 Speaker 3: and so she did. She let me get my belly 949 00:43:38,960 --> 00:43:41,719 Speaker 3: button pierced when I was sixteen. So then here it is, 950 00:43:42,280 --> 00:43:45,520 Speaker 3: the year nineteen ninety nine slash two thousand and everyone 951 00:43:45,719 --> 00:43:48,960 Speaker 3: Danielle Brittany, Everybody's getting their belly buttons pierced, and I'm like, 952 00:43:49,040 --> 00:43:52,080 Speaker 3: I'm missing out. I already have mine. So I thought, 953 00:43:52,400 --> 00:43:54,359 Speaker 3: I'm going to get my tongue pierced, but I'll take 954 00:43:54,400 --> 00:43:56,920 Speaker 3: it out. I just want to know what it feels 955 00:43:56,960 --> 00:43:58,480 Speaker 3: like to get your tongue pres My mom won't even 956 00:43:58,520 --> 00:44:00,319 Speaker 3: ever know. I just wanted I'll just take it out, 957 00:44:00,360 --> 00:44:00,879 Speaker 3: no big deal. 958 00:44:01,040 --> 00:44:03,279 Speaker 2: That's like the opposite of everyone else who wants to 959 00:44:03,280 --> 00:44:05,240 Speaker 2: know what it feels like to get their tongue peers. 960 00:44:05,360 --> 00:44:07,239 Speaker 2: That's the reason why I wouldn't get my tongue peers. 961 00:44:08,000 --> 00:44:09,560 Speaker 3: I don't know what I was thinking. I look back 962 00:44:09,600 --> 00:44:11,600 Speaker 3: now and I'm like, that's really kind of like so 963 00:44:11,800 --> 00:44:15,080 Speaker 3: unrelatable for Danielle, who Danielle is today, But I don't know. 964 00:44:15,120 --> 00:44:17,080 Speaker 3: I was obsessed with it. So I in order to 965 00:44:17,120 --> 00:44:19,160 Speaker 3: be with everyone and to get something done, I got 966 00:44:19,160 --> 00:44:22,080 Speaker 3: my tongue peers. I took one picture of it, and 967 00:44:22,120 --> 00:44:24,840 Speaker 3: then I took it out. And then years later I 968 00:44:24,880 --> 00:44:26,680 Speaker 3: didn't tell my mom. I said, oh, you know, I 969 00:44:26,760 --> 00:44:28,680 Speaker 3: ended up getting my tongueaists on that trip and I 970 00:44:28,680 --> 00:44:30,960 Speaker 3: took it out immediately, and my mom said, you did 971 00:44:30,960 --> 00:44:33,640 Speaker 3: what And I said, well, I wasn't planning on keeping 972 00:44:33,640 --> 00:44:35,719 Speaker 3: it in, which is all you cared about. And she said, no, 973 00:44:36,280 --> 00:44:40,200 Speaker 3: we had a deal you would never get it pierced, 974 00:44:40,200 --> 00:44:42,360 Speaker 3: and she felt so hurt and let down by it. 975 00:44:42,440 --> 00:44:44,080 Speaker 3: I was like, I guess you're right. I really did 976 00:44:44,080 --> 00:44:45,960 Speaker 3: go back on my word. But I thought because I 977 00:44:46,000 --> 00:44:47,960 Speaker 3: didn't keep it in, she wouldn't care. But boy was 978 00:44:48,000 --> 00:44:48,920 Speaker 3: she ever mad. 979 00:44:49,360 --> 00:44:54,920 Speaker 1: Mad me the snatch that belly button ring, pretended to 980 00:44:54,920 --> 00:44:57,360 Speaker 1: get a tattoo or something. I remember all trying to 981 00:44:58,239 --> 00:45:00,520 Speaker 1: play a joke on maybe Brittain. It was like, oh, 982 00:45:00,560 --> 00:45:01,320 Speaker 1: I got a tattoo. 983 00:45:01,880 --> 00:45:04,160 Speaker 3: That did you get a tattoo in Hawaii? 984 00:45:04,560 --> 00:45:08,719 Speaker 1: I did, Yeah, we all did he ate tattoos. But yeah, 985 00:45:08,760 --> 00:45:11,240 Speaker 1: I got what did I get? Oh? I got? Okay, 986 00:45:11,480 --> 00:45:14,320 Speaker 1: Remember we went to the tattoo place and I wanted 987 00:45:14,320 --> 00:45:15,760 Speaker 1: to get some Japanese. 988 00:45:15,280 --> 00:45:17,279 Speaker 3: Writing right now, Japanese writing which I had on my. 989 00:45:17,280 --> 00:45:19,920 Speaker 1: Neck, you know, and I was very you know, religious, 990 00:45:19,960 --> 00:45:22,440 Speaker 1: and so I wanted faith right on it. So we 991 00:45:22,560 --> 00:45:24,440 Speaker 1: picked the one that said faith, and you know, I 992 00:45:24,440 --> 00:45:26,320 Speaker 1: put it on my ankle. Blah blah blah blah blah. 993 00:45:26,440 --> 00:45:29,360 Speaker 1: Fent out years later from someone that actually speaks Japanese 994 00:45:29,400 --> 00:45:32,279 Speaker 1: that it did not say faith. It said instead, I 995 00:45:32,320 --> 00:45:35,359 Speaker 1: think it was fate. So the whole time I get, 996 00:45:35,640 --> 00:45:37,680 Speaker 1: oh this is faith, faith, it was fate. 997 00:45:38,680 --> 00:45:40,400 Speaker 3: That's funny. You know what I did not realize is 998 00:45:40,400 --> 00:45:42,400 Speaker 3: that I didn't realize you got you or you wanted 999 00:45:42,400 --> 00:45:44,520 Speaker 3: to get faith. The Japanese symbols I had on my neck, 1000 00:45:44,560 --> 00:45:47,600 Speaker 3: which I've now had removed, were love and faith. I 1001 00:45:47,600 --> 00:45:49,040 Speaker 3: think faith is two symbols. 1002 00:45:50,000 --> 00:45:52,200 Speaker 1: Yeah, well what I have is two symbols for sure. 1003 00:45:52,280 --> 00:45:56,040 Speaker 1: But I have no idea what give me anything. It's 1004 00:45:56,120 --> 00:45:58,400 Speaker 1: fading a lot now because I have I needed to 1005 00:45:58,480 --> 00:46:00,440 Speaker 1: work on my leg because that's where I put all 1006 00:46:00,520 --> 00:46:02,560 Speaker 1: most of my tattoos. This is kind of like I 1007 00:46:02,600 --> 00:46:04,680 Speaker 1: was thinking I was gonna eventually get like a leg 1008 00:46:04,760 --> 00:46:07,160 Speaker 1: sleeve type thing where they all kind of go together. 1009 00:46:07,960 --> 00:46:08,880 Speaker 1: It's horrible. 1010 00:46:08,960 --> 00:46:10,279 Speaker 2: I mean, it looks like you just have a bunch 1011 00:46:10,280 --> 00:46:11,960 Speaker 2: of prison tattoos. 1012 00:46:11,760 --> 00:46:13,840 Speaker 1: It's like it's like a prisoner just when it was 1013 00:46:13,880 --> 00:46:16,120 Speaker 1: like put a little velvel rope there, which is now face. 1014 00:46:16,239 --> 00:46:18,920 Speaker 3: Yeah, you either need to go forward and commit for 1015 00:46:18,960 --> 00:46:21,520 Speaker 3: the legs sleeve or just remove them. 1016 00:46:21,880 --> 00:46:25,160 Speaker 1: Joey apparently just got his last tat That's why he 1017 00:46:25,160 --> 00:46:28,919 Speaker 1: says his final test okay, which has five million of them. 1018 00:46:29,280 --> 00:46:31,640 Speaker 1: He got his Funko pop character on. 1019 00:46:31,520 --> 00:46:33,560 Speaker 2: His thumb brand thum brand. 1020 00:46:34,200 --> 00:46:35,879 Speaker 1: Wait, boys, the world has to have Funko. 1021 00:46:35,960 --> 00:46:38,439 Speaker 3: Do you have Funkos? 1022 00:46:39,080 --> 00:46:41,360 Speaker 1: I need to have accord into Panga funk because now 1023 00:46:41,400 --> 00:46:44,080 Speaker 1: I'm a collector. I've just I've become a collector this year. 1024 00:46:44,200 --> 00:46:47,040 Speaker 3: Yeah, so well guess what. I have a few of them, 1025 00:46:47,120 --> 00:46:51,359 Speaker 3: but then signed, and obviously I'll sign one for you, 1026 00:46:51,400 --> 00:46:54,160 Speaker 3: so I will send you Ben and Danielle A Corey 1027 00:46:54,239 --> 00:46:55,080 Speaker 3: into Panga. 1028 00:46:54,880 --> 00:46:57,600 Speaker 1: Signed please because you know, I'm obviously for in these 1029 00:46:57,640 --> 00:47:00,279 Speaker 1: to my kids. I have this idea. I want to 1030 00:47:00,280 --> 00:47:02,959 Speaker 1: make one of their walls in the nursery just all 1031 00:47:03,160 --> 00:47:05,080 Speaker 1: funkl pops just pushed together. 1032 00:47:05,120 --> 00:47:07,200 Speaker 2: We have so many it's like to see preposterous. 1033 00:47:07,280 --> 00:47:09,160 Speaker 3: Yeah, you know what's really funny is that they're gonna 1034 00:47:09,160 --> 00:47:11,920 Speaker 3: be like, why did my daddy's put all their friends 1035 00:47:12,320 --> 00:47:13,320 Speaker 3: on my wall? 1036 00:47:14,239 --> 00:47:14,719 Speaker 1: All of them? 1037 00:47:14,719 --> 00:47:17,280 Speaker 3: Why are all my family friends in this bedroom. 1038 00:47:17,800 --> 00:47:20,479 Speaker 1: That's That's how I'm pushing my favorite pop culture onto 1039 00:47:20,520 --> 00:47:21,239 Speaker 1: my kids, like you. 1040 00:47:21,280 --> 00:47:26,080 Speaker 3: Will, like Danielle, you will enjoy like Freddy Krueger. 1041 00:47:26,280 --> 00:47:29,920 Speaker 1: Yes, all my faves. Now, I take all my favorite 1042 00:47:30,080 --> 00:47:32,480 Speaker 1: funkos and I make them. They are my Christmas tree ornaments. 1043 00:47:32,640 --> 00:47:34,440 Speaker 1: So I have a whole Christmas tree of just all 1044 00:47:34,440 --> 00:47:36,120 Speaker 1: my favorite pop culture moments. 1045 00:47:36,600 --> 00:47:38,880 Speaker 3: Well, and you have several trees to decorate. 1046 00:47:38,520 --> 00:47:42,799 Speaker 1: So yes, I do. All right, Let's I know we're 1047 00:47:42,840 --> 00:47:44,760 Speaker 1: kind of running out of time here, but again, I could. 1048 00:47:44,960 --> 00:47:46,440 Speaker 1: I could talk to you for like five hours. We 1049 00:47:46,440 --> 00:47:49,719 Speaker 1: could have five episodes with you. But let's get to 1050 00:47:50,000 --> 00:47:54,000 Speaker 1: some fan questions for you. Tee. What is the hardest 1051 00:47:54,040 --> 00:47:57,440 Speaker 1: part about doing the pod Meats World? Rewatch? This is 1052 00:47:57,480 --> 00:48:00,560 Speaker 1: from Thellistia Oh the Heart ardest part. 1053 00:48:00,760 --> 00:48:04,439 Speaker 3: There really aren't that many hard parts, so I would 1054 00:48:04,480 --> 00:48:08,200 Speaker 3: say I think it's probably keeping ourselves on track. We 1055 00:48:08,239 --> 00:48:12,319 Speaker 3: record two episodes a week, and we usually allow an 1056 00:48:12,400 --> 00:48:15,640 Speaker 3: hour and a half for each episode, so we record 1057 00:48:15,719 --> 00:48:20,480 Speaker 3: for three hours at a time, and you'd be amazed 1058 00:48:20,520 --> 00:48:23,400 Speaker 3: that sometimes we are running way past that because we 1059 00:48:24,360 --> 00:48:26,279 Speaker 3: joke that the fact that we love each other so 1060 00:48:26,360 --> 00:48:28,680 Speaker 3: much can really be a detriment because we just do 1061 00:48:28,800 --> 00:48:32,759 Speaker 3: not shut up. We really love to hear ourselves to talk. 1062 00:48:32,880 --> 00:48:36,280 Speaker 3: So I would say the hardest part is maintaining focus 1063 00:48:36,600 --> 00:48:40,600 Speaker 3: and not getting sidetracked into tangents because we somebody brings 1064 00:48:40,600 --> 00:48:42,279 Speaker 3: something up and we're like, that reminds me, let's talk 1065 00:48:42,280 --> 00:48:44,440 Speaker 3: about that next thing. You know, it's been four hours. 1066 00:48:44,880 --> 00:48:47,279 Speaker 1: If you could have been a backup dancer on one 1067 00:48:47,280 --> 00:48:49,040 Speaker 1: of the Instinct tours, there you go. Which one would 1068 00:48:49,040 --> 00:48:51,000 Speaker 1: you have chosen? From Green archies? 1069 00:48:51,320 --> 00:48:51,839 Speaker 2: Which tour? 1070 00:48:52,280 --> 00:48:54,799 Speaker 1: Which tour would you like to be a background dancer on? Oh? 1071 00:48:54,880 --> 00:48:59,279 Speaker 3: Man, oh gosh, I don't know. What was the tour 1072 00:48:59,280 --> 00:49:01,400 Speaker 3: where you guys flew over the audience for sailing? 1073 00:49:01,480 --> 00:49:02,480 Speaker 1: That was no Strings? 1074 00:49:02,840 --> 00:49:04,520 Speaker 3: Okay, I would have been on No Strings. 1075 00:49:04,600 --> 00:49:06,560 Speaker 1: Yeah, that was my favorite tour. For sure the best 1076 00:49:06,600 --> 00:49:09,280 Speaker 1: that was a going, that was a going Besides Lance, 1077 00:49:09,680 --> 00:49:12,160 Speaker 1: what other boy band members did you have a crush on? 1078 00:49:13,080 --> 00:49:14,960 Speaker 2: JS nine escandalous? 1079 00:49:16,200 --> 00:49:20,120 Speaker 3: I had a crush on Drew lache ah h, Dru. 1080 00:49:20,960 --> 00:49:22,840 Speaker 3: Drew was so sweet and so kind. He had a 1081 00:49:22,880 --> 00:49:25,000 Speaker 3: long term girlfriend. He was like he was He was 1082 00:49:25,760 --> 00:49:28,120 Speaker 3: absolutely no way, shape or form interested in me at all, 1083 00:49:28,120 --> 00:49:32,400 Speaker 3: but he was so funny, so sweet, so kind, so considerate. 1084 00:49:32,400 --> 00:49:35,759 Speaker 3: Those ninety eight degrees guys were really just some of 1085 00:49:35,800 --> 00:49:38,040 Speaker 3: the best out there, and I got to know them 1086 00:49:38,040 --> 00:49:41,200 Speaker 3: really well when Lance and I were in Cankuon for 1087 00:49:41,360 --> 00:49:43,560 Speaker 3: MTV and he was supposed to have some days off, 1088 00:49:43,600 --> 00:49:45,279 Speaker 3: and so I went out there early so we could 1089 00:49:45,280 --> 00:49:47,880 Speaker 3: sync up our days off in cancuon And then you 1090 00:49:47,880 --> 00:49:50,960 Speaker 3: guys ended up leaving early to go do something out 1091 00:49:50,960 --> 00:49:53,400 Speaker 3: of town, and I was now alone in CanCon and 1092 00:49:53,560 --> 00:49:56,080 Speaker 3: Lance was like, this is Nick and these are in 1093 00:49:56,120 --> 00:49:58,040 Speaker 3: the ninety eight degrees guys, They'll take care of you, 1094 00:49:58,160 --> 00:50:01,080 Speaker 3: And sure enough they did. They just looked after me 1095 00:50:01,160 --> 00:50:04,279 Speaker 3: and made sure I always had something to do and 1096 00:50:04,280 --> 00:50:06,279 Speaker 3: felt comfortable and didn't feel like I was alone in 1097 00:50:06,320 --> 00:50:09,520 Speaker 3: Cancun without knowing anybody. So they were very sweet. 1098 00:50:09,840 --> 00:50:12,359 Speaker 1: Do you know Vanessa at all? Have you friends? Are 1099 00:50:12,400 --> 00:50:12,920 Speaker 1: you friends with her? 1100 00:50:13,120 --> 00:50:13,160 Speaker 2: No? 1101 00:50:13,280 --> 00:50:14,160 Speaker 3: I don't know Vanessa. 1102 00:50:14,480 --> 00:50:15,759 Speaker 1: It seems like y'all would be like, we. 1103 00:50:16,400 --> 00:50:18,879 Speaker 3: For sure have probably met and we should know each 1104 00:50:18,920 --> 00:50:20,719 Speaker 3: other because it feels like we really run in the 1105 00:50:20,760 --> 00:50:22,719 Speaker 3: same circles. But no, we don't know each other. 1106 00:50:23,080 --> 00:50:25,440 Speaker 1: Do you watch crazy reality TV like we do? Like 1107 00:50:25,520 --> 00:50:27,720 Speaker 1: Love Is Blind? Are you into that crap? 1108 00:50:27,800 --> 00:50:29,960 Speaker 3: You know what? Honestly, I go to bed at eight 1109 00:50:30,000 --> 00:50:32,000 Speaker 3: thirty the minute my children are asleep. 1110 00:50:32,160 --> 00:50:33,000 Speaker 5: I am in bed. 1111 00:50:33,080 --> 00:50:35,279 Speaker 3: My number one priority in life is getting my rest. 1112 00:50:35,960 --> 00:50:37,879 Speaker 2: Yeah that should be ours, all right? 1113 00:50:37,960 --> 00:50:41,120 Speaker 1: Okay, page wants to know what are a couple of 1114 00:50:41,160 --> 00:50:42,840 Speaker 1: your favorite in sync songs. 1115 00:50:44,040 --> 00:50:45,919 Speaker 3: Gosh, there are just too many. I have to tell 1116 00:50:45,960 --> 00:50:48,160 Speaker 3: you the in Sync Christmas album. 1117 00:50:48,600 --> 00:50:49,720 Speaker 1: Yeah, that's a good one. 1118 00:50:49,880 --> 00:50:53,480 Speaker 3: It is just one of the most iconic albums of 1119 00:50:53,520 --> 00:50:55,880 Speaker 3: all time. And I have to say that one because 1120 00:50:56,200 --> 00:50:58,200 Speaker 3: there are, obviously there are so many in sync hits, 1121 00:50:58,280 --> 00:51:00,160 Speaker 3: but that Christmas album. I don't care what I'm a 1122 00:51:00,200 --> 00:51:03,200 Speaker 3: year it is that I'm putting it on. I love 1123 00:51:03,239 --> 00:51:04,640 Speaker 3: it nice. 1124 00:51:05,000 --> 00:51:08,560 Speaker 1: Okay, we have a questionnaire from Let's See What I 1125 00:51:08,600 --> 00:51:09,640 Speaker 1: don't even know what magazine. 1126 00:51:09,640 --> 00:51:15,359 Speaker 2: This is Uh, it's Tiger B. You had a Yeah, 1127 00:51:15,400 --> 00:51:16,480 Speaker 2: you had Daniel's diary. 1128 00:51:16,640 --> 00:51:19,239 Speaker 3: Yes, I wrote Daniel's diary for sixteen magazine. 1129 00:51:19,480 --> 00:51:22,480 Speaker 1: That's right, Yes, well we have we have a Daniel's 1130 00:51:22,520 --> 00:51:25,440 Speaker 1: diary here. So uh, I'm going to ask you some 1131 00:51:25,520 --> 00:51:27,800 Speaker 1: questions and see if you can match your answers. 1132 00:51:27,880 --> 00:51:31,000 Speaker 3: Okay, let's see. I I what teenage Danielle said? 1133 00:51:31,239 --> 00:51:35,360 Speaker 1: Yes exactly. Okay, So uh with BMW on hiatus, what 1134 00:51:35,480 --> 00:51:38,240 Speaker 1: means well, uh, what are you doing to keep busy? 1135 00:51:38,440 --> 00:51:40,240 Speaker 1: What do you think you were doing to keep busy 1136 00:51:40,280 --> 00:51:41,080 Speaker 1: on hiatus? 1137 00:51:41,160 --> 00:51:43,000 Speaker 3: Did I say that I was going back to my 1138 00:51:43,040 --> 00:51:46,000 Speaker 3: regular school and also going to Hawaii with my family? 1139 00:51:46,840 --> 00:51:50,279 Speaker 1: You did not? You said it's good a lot. I 1140 00:51:50,320 --> 00:51:53,080 Speaker 1: have my own website on celebrity sidings. 1141 00:51:54,680 --> 00:51:58,280 Speaker 2: Do you still operate that? That's amazing. 1142 00:51:59,040 --> 00:52:02,200 Speaker 1: I'm doing a calendar, a poster and the show is 1143 00:52:02,200 --> 00:52:05,719 Speaker 1: really going wonderful. So yeah, so celebrity site, Well, that. 1144 00:52:05,760 --> 00:52:08,160 Speaker 3: Was the year I was shooting the calendar. Okay, yeah, 1145 00:52:08,200 --> 00:52:10,200 Speaker 3: I do know my I do you remember my calendar 1146 00:52:10,239 --> 00:52:12,920 Speaker 3: and the poster shoot? That was really fun. I posed 1147 00:52:12,920 --> 00:52:15,879 Speaker 3: on a train track for the poster, of course, yeah, 1148 00:52:15,920 --> 00:52:16,600 Speaker 3: as one does. 1149 00:52:16,920 --> 00:52:19,680 Speaker 1: Yeah, all right, what's your favorite movie TV show in 1150 00:52:19,760 --> 00:52:20,239 Speaker 1: place to. 1151 00:52:20,239 --> 00:52:24,120 Speaker 3: Vacation, Okay, place to Vacation, I definitely said Hawaii. And 1152 00:52:24,160 --> 00:52:26,240 Speaker 3: then my favorite TV show? Did I say X Files? 1153 00:52:27,600 --> 00:52:31,319 Speaker 1: Let's say you said Friends, Home Improvement, and Grace under Fire. 1154 00:52:34,640 --> 00:52:35,000 Speaker 2: Yeah? 1155 00:52:35,080 --> 00:52:36,920 Speaker 3: Who was teenage Danielle? 1156 00:52:37,400 --> 00:52:41,720 Speaker 1: But you did like you said, yeah, oh my gosh. 1157 00:52:41,760 --> 00:52:43,719 Speaker 1: How did they convince you to do Daniel's diary in 1158 00:52:43,760 --> 00:52:44,839 Speaker 1: sixteen magazine? 1159 00:52:45,000 --> 00:52:45,239 Speaker 2: Well? 1160 00:52:45,280 --> 00:52:48,600 Speaker 3: It was actually really smart on their behalf because they 1161 00:52:48,680 --> 00:52:52,399 Speaker 3: needed interviews with teen guys to fill these magazines because 1162 00:52:52,440 --> 00:52:54,560 Speaker 3: most of the readers of these magazines were teen girls, 1163 00:52:55,000 --> 00:52:57,480 Speaker 3: and so they were like, what if instead of sending 1164 00:52:57,600 --> 00:53:01,200 Speaker 3: adult women to go interview these teen boys, we just 1165 00:53:01,520 --> 00:53:05,600 Speaker 3: hire for free team Danielle to go in anytime she 1166 00:53:05,640 --> 00:53:07,880 Speaker 3: meets anybody, put a tape recorder in their face. And 1167 00:53:07,920 --> 00:53:12,000 Speaker 3: so I basically got my own column and I just 1168 00:53:12,000 --> 00:53:14,160 Speaker 3: got to interview everybody. I'm sure I interviewed you. I've 1169 00:53:14,160 --> 00:53:17,160 Speaker 3: got interviews with writer and you know, I interviewed everybody 1170 00:53:17,200 --> 00:53:19,640 Speaker 3: over the years, especially the Home improvement guys because we 1171 00:53:19,760 --> 00:53:20,879 Speaker 3: taped right next door to them. 1172 00:53:21,200 --> 00:53:21,399 Speaker 2: Yeah. 1173 00:53:21,400 --> 00:53:25,480 Speaker 1: Home Improvement was definitely one of my favorite shows growing up. 1174 00:53:26,920 --> 00:53:28,360 Speaker 1: That was like, where'd you watch for your family. My 1175 00:53:28,440 --> 00:53:30,120 Speaker 1: dad loved it. Loved that show. 1176 00:53:30,239 --> 00:53:32,000 Speaker 2: Yeah, your dad totally, I can see that. 1177 00:53:32,160 --> 00:53:34,480 Speaker 1: Oh yeah, all right, before we let you go, we 1178 00:53:34,520 --> 00:53:36,799 Speaker 1: have to know what you're watching, what you're listening to, 1179 00:53:37,040 --> 00:53:40,200 Speaker 1: give us some recommendations TV shows. What do you want? 1180 00:53:40,280 --> 00:53:43,640 Speaker 3: Oh my gosh, I swear I go to bed at 1181 00:53:43,640 --> 00:53:45,840 Speaker 3: like eight thirty. I'm like, I'm not even watching anything 1182 00:53:45,920 --> 00:53:49,759 Speaker 3: I like and exactly, I'm like, anything that's really good 1183 00:53:49,760 --> 00:53:53,560 Speaker 3: for the two to four years old range is really 1184 00:53:53,560 --> 00:53:57,880 Speaker 3: what I'm what I'm into. Yeah, man, I really do 1185 00:53:57,960 --> 00:54:00,400 Speaker 3: have a boring answer for this, because I honestly don't know. 1186 00:54:00,480 --> 00:54:01,520 Speaker 3: I haven't watched. 1187 00:54:01,840 --> 00:54:04,720 Speaker 1: Succession or any of those that everyone's like talking about. 1188 00:54:05,880 --> 00:54:09,880 Speaker 3: No, I wish I did, but I don't honestly know 1189 00:54:09,960 --> 00:54:12,200 Speaker 3: the last time I watched a TV show for myself. 1190 00:54:12,520 --> 00:54:12,800 Speaker 2: Wow. 1191 00:54:13,000 --> 00:54:13,640 Speaker 3: So I don't know. 1192 00:54:13,920 --> 00:54:15,120 Speaker 1: Music. What are you listening to? 1193 00:54:16,960 --> 00:54:17,600 Speaker 3: What am I listening to? 1194 00:54:17,640 --> 00:54:17,960 Speaker 1: It? Well? 1195 00:54:18,040 --> 00:54:21,600 Speaker 3: I have had Sabrina Carpenter's album emails I can't send 1196 00:54:21,640 --> 00:54:23,480 Speaker 3: basically on a loop. And she just performed at the 1197 00:54:23,520 --> 00:54:26,040 Speaker 3: Greek Theater and I got to go and watch that show. 1198 00:54:26,160 --> 00:54:28,480 Speaker 3: It was her first time ever performing at the Greek, 1199 00:54:28,560 --> 00:54:31,600 Speaker 3: which was like years and years and years of a 1200 00:54:31,640 --> 00:54:34,799 Speaker 3: dream in the making. So that was really fun. And 1201 00:54:34,840 --> 00:54:36,600 Speaker 3: then I love Ice Spice. 1202 00:54:36,800 --> 00:54:38,839 Speaker 2: I think she Oh yeah, we were just talking about 1203 00:54:38,840 --> 00:54:39,840 Speaker 2: her yesterday. I know. 1204 00:54:40,480 --> 00:54:40,760 Speaker 3: Cool. 1205 00:54:40,920 --> 00:54:43,000 Speaker 1: Yeah, I mean, I'm kind of nude Ice Spice. I've 1206 00:54:43,000 --> 00:54:45,840 Speaker 1: been seeing she's like the most memorable person on TikTok 1207 00:54:45,920 --> 00:54:48,399 Speaker 1: right now. I mean, I know, loving it, But yeah, 1208 00:54:48,400 --> 00:54:50,000 Speaker 1: I listened to a song for the first time this 1209 00:54:50,080 --> 00:54:51,880 Speaker 1: week and I loved it, Like, who is this? I 1210 00:54:51,920 --> 00:54:54,480 Speaker 1: thought it was the loss she is. I thought it 1211 00:54:54,520 --> 00:54:56,520 Speaker 1: was just like the sixth member of the Spice Girls 1212 00:54:56,560 --> 00:54:59,879 Speaker 1: that just didn't end up making the final bands close 1213 00:55:00,400 --> 00:55:01,040 Speaker 1: show them. 1214 00:55:01,239 --> 00:55:04,319 Speaker 3: She's Yeah, she's fantastic. Everything she touches her insta gold. 1215 00:55:04,320 --> 00:55:06,200 Speaker 3: So I'm really looking forward to what she does in 1216 00:55:06,239 --> 00:55:06,640 Speaker 3: the future. 1217 00:55:06,840 --> 00:55:09,000 Speaker 1: All right, let's end with a frosted tip from you. 1218 00:55:09,000 --> 00:55:11,400 Speaker 1: You are a full time working mom. What tips do 1219 00:55:11,400 --> 00:55:13,400 Speaker 1: you have for the moms out there who feel like 1220 00:55:13,440 --> 00:55:16,319 Speaker 1: they can't work full time doing what they love while 1221 00:55:16,440 --> 00:55:17,360 Speaker 1: raising kids. 1222 00:55:18,080 --> 00:55:20,960 Speaker 3: Oh man, my best tip would be to just give 1223 00:55:21,000 --> 00:55:23,480 Speaker 3: yourself a lot of grace. It doesn't matter whether you're 1224 00:55:23,480 --> 00:55:25,360 Speaker 3: a mom or you're a dad. If you are in 1225 00:55:25,440 --> 00:55:28,920 Speaker 3: any sort of caretaker role, you are constantly rocked with guilt. 1226 00:55:28,960 --> 00:55:31,160 Speaker 3: When you're with your children, you're guilty that you feel 1227 00:55:31,160 --> 00:55:33,000 Speaker 3: guilty that you're not getting things done in your job. 1228 00:55:33,040 --> 00:55:34,640 Speaker 3: When you're at your job, you feel guilty that you're 1229 00:55:34,680 --> 00:55:37,319 Speaker 3: not there with your kids. And I think you know, 1230 00:55:37,360 --> 00:55:39,719 Speaker 3: the number one thing I remind myself of is that 1231 00:55:39,840 --> 00:55:42,840 Speaker 3: I want my children in the future to pursue pursue 1232 00:55:42,840 --> 00:55:45,319 Speaker 3: the things that they love that bring them joy. And 1233 00:55:45,600 --> 00:55:47,960 Speaker 3: if that is their job, then you've hit the lottery. 1234 00:55:48,280 --> 00:55:50,879 Speaker 3: And so I love doing my job. And so when 1235 00:55:51,360 --> 00:55:53,880 Speaker 3: my son says to me, Mommy, why can't you pick 1236 00:55:53,920 --> 00:55:56,839 Speaker 3: me up from school today? All you do is work, work, work, work, work, 1237 00:55:57,080 --> 00:55:59,840 Speaker 3: I always say to him, Honey, Mommy loves my job. 1238 00:56:00,120 --> 00:56:01,719 Speaker 3: I love what I do, and I can't pick you 1239 00:56:01,800 --> 00:56:03,239 Speaker 3: up today. But it doesn't mean I'm not going to 1240 00:56:03,239 --> 00:56:05,319 Speaker 3: pick you up tomorrow. I can pick you up again 1241 00:56:05,360 --> 00:56:08,000 Speaker 3: in another time. But I just want my kids to 1242 00:56:08,000 --> 00:56:10,120 Speaker 3: know that when I go to work, I'm also doing 1243 00:56:10,160 --> 00:56:12,160 Speaker 3: something that brings me joy, and that's what I work 1244 00:56:12,239 --> 00:56:12,839 Speaker 3: for them as well. 1245 00:56:13,320 --> 00:56:14,240 Speaker 2: That's so important. 1246 00:56:14,320 --> 00:56:17,960 Speaker 1: You are wise beyond your years, Danielle Fischel. Thank you 1247 00:56:18,000 --> 00:56:20,240 Speaker 1: so much for being on Frosteds. Yeah, I know, everyone's 1248 00:56:20,239 --> 00:56:23,560 Speaker 1: been looking forward to this episode. I think they were 1249 00:56:23,600 --> 00:56:26,919 Speaker 1: probably one wanting more like scandalous stories, but we don't 1250 00:56:27,000 --> 00:56:27,319 Speaker 1: have any. 1251 00:56:27,360 --> 00:56:27,759 Speaker 2: We were just. 1252 00:56:31,000 --> 00:56:33,080 Speaker 1: Wish we were like fun stories. You know, you always 1253 00:56:33,080 --> 00:56:35,040 Speaker 1: hear stories on the read. Oh, sex, drugs, and rock 1254 00:56:35,040 --> 00:56:37,000 Speaker 1: and roll. We didn't have any of that, especially the 1255 00:56:37,000 --> 00:56:37,439 Speaker 1: sex part. 1256 00:56:39,200 --> 00:56:48,080 Speaker 3: Definitely not but so much kissing, so much, Yes, guys. 1257 00:56:48,160 --> 00:56:48,640 Speaker 2: So much. 1258 00:56:49,440 --> 00:56:51,520 Speaker 1: Give your family my love and I can't wait to 1259 00:56:51,520 --> 00:56:53,680 Speaker 1: see you very soon. We have a play date that 1260 00:56:53,719 --> 00:56:58,000 Speaker 1: we have to set up. Yes, absolutely, kids, seriously, all right, 1261 00:56:58,040 --> 00:57:00,000 Speaker 1: my love. So good to see you. Thank you. 1262 00:57:00,280 --> 00:57:16,520 Speaker 5: Danielle by Michael Bye bye. 1263 00:57:18,480 --> 00:57:21,560 Speaker 1: I love me some little d She's so great. I know. 1264 00:57:22,000 --> 00:57:23,520 Speaker 1: I'm so glad we got to catch up with her 1265 00:57:23,680 --> 00:57:26,800 Speaker 1: because you know, it's it's nice to have these guests 1266 00:57:26,840 --> 00:57:29,760 Speaker 1: on the show kind of reminisce and see from a 1267 00:57:29,760 --> 00:57:32,800 Speaker 1: different perspective totally, because you know, we were doing our 1268 00:57:32,920 --> 00:57:35,040 Speaker 1: thing and being in this lane a lot of the times, 1269 00:57:35,040 --> 00:57:37,200 Speaker 1: and then you know your friends and your you know, 1270 00:57:37,320 --> 00:57:40,320 Speaker 1: relationships and your family members kind of were on this 1271 00:57:40,400 --> 00:57:44,200 Speaker 1: different lane. But it's been Yeah, it's nice. I love 1272 00:57:44,240 --> 00:57:44,880 Speaker 1: catching up with her. 1273 00:57:44,960 --> 00:57:45,960 Speaker 2: I know she's great, and. 1274 00:57:45,880 --> 00:57:48,080 Speaker 1: I'm telling you this movie that is being written is 1275 00:57:48,120 --> 00:57:51,360 Speaker 1: going to be so funny. It's great. We were obviously 1276 00:57:51,400 --> 00:57:53,200 Speaker 1: not going to be playing ourselves, by the way. I 1277 00:57:53,240 --> 00:57:54,720 Speaker 1: don't know if you thought that, you know, I know 1278 00:57:54,800 --> 00:57:55,600 Speaker 1: I could still You're not. 1279 00:57:55,800 --> 00:57:57,520 Speaker 2: Yeah, you can definitely still play high school. 1280 00:57:57,600 --> 00:57:59,760 Speaker 1: Yeah, I know I could, But I'm just you know, yeah, 1281 00:58:00,000 --> 00:58:01,880 Speaker 1: I'm just gonna say that that's weird. 1282 00:58:01,920 --> 00:58:04,200 Speaker 2: You're not. I don't know. I mean, Danielle really could 1283 00:58:04,200 --> 00:58:05,080 Speaker 2: probably play herself. 1284 00:58:05,080 --> 00:58:08,160 Speaker 1: She looks exactly the same, exactly the same, and I 1285 00:58:08,200 --> 00:58:10,880 Speaker 1: was like, she did not have an awkward teenage phase 1286 00:58:10,920 --> 00:58:11,200 Speaker 1: at all. 1287 00:58:11,320 --> 00:58:13,000 Speaker 2: She never had an awkward teenage phase. 1288 00:58:13,640 --> 00:58:19,080 Speaker 1: No, God, yeah, go google me. That fun all right, guys, 1289 00:58:19,680 --> 00:58:21,600 Speaker 1: that is all the show I have for you today. 1290 00:58:21,640 --> 00:58:24,960 Speaker 1: For this extra frosting, thank you so much for listening. 1291 00:58:25,320 --> 00:58:27,600 Speaker 1: Remember we have a couple other podcasts out there if 1292 00:58:27,640 --> 00:58:31,560 Speaker 1: you're liking the scripted podcast world. We have The Last Soviet, 1293 00:58:32,240 --> 00:58:34,560 Speaker 1: which has been really fun killing it out there, and 1294 00:58:34,560 --> 00:58:37,360 Speaker 1: then we have a new show that also has entered 1295 00:58:37,360 --> 00:58:40,680 Speaker 1: the shots. I think we're number fifteen in fiction. That's great, 1296 00:58:40,760 --> 00:58:42,720 Speaker 1: that's good for us. It's called The Bedtime Stories of 1297 00:58:42,760 --> 00:58:45,600 Speaker 1: the Ingleside and a true story about this Hotel in 1298 00:58:45,680 --> 00:58:49,720 Speaker 1: nineteen seventy five and Palm Springs. Yeah, so Alexander is 1299 00:58:49,720 --> 00:58:54,400 Speaker 1: our star. I mean, it's so many incredible comedic actors 1300 00:58:55,000 --> 00:58:57,760 Speaker 1: in the show, which I think you will love. I mean, 1301 00:58:57,760 --> 00:59:00,840 Speaker 1: we got freaking George stands up, come on, come on, 1302 00:59:00,960 --> 00:59:04,640 Speaker 1: come on, and really great music, great music. Immerse yourself 1303 00:59:04,680 --> 00:59:05,480 Speaker 1: into the seventies. 1304 00:59:05,520 --> 00:59:07,720 Speaker 2: Oh, it totally takes you, like into a whole other world. 1305 00:59:07,840 --> 00:59:09,760 Speaker 1: Yeah, it's fun. It's fun. So go check that out. 1306 00:59:10,040 --> 00:59:12,400 Speaker 1: Be good to each other, don't drink and drive out there, 1307 00:59:12,880 --> 00:59:14,600 Speaker 1: be good to those animals, and. 1308 00:59:14,800 --> 00:59:17,320 Speaker 2: Remember stay frosted. 1309 00:59:19,160 --> 00:59:22,640 Speaker 1: Hey, thanks for listening. Follow us on Instagram at Frosted 1310 00:59:22,640 --> 00:59:26,439 Speaker 1: Tips with Lance and Michael Turchinard and at lance Bast 1311 00:59:26,480 --> 00:59:27,920 Speaker 1: for all your pop culture needs 1312 00:59:28,200 --> 00:59:30,080 Speaker 2: And make sure to write his review and leave us 1313 00:59:30,120 --> 00:59:32,600 Speaker 2: five stars six if you can see you next time.