1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:19,760 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. This story 2 00:00:20,040 --> 00:00:25,880 Speaker 1: is about a little girl named Ava. She is a sweet, loving, 3 00:00:26,239 --> 00:00:32,199 Speaker 1: happy girl with a little sister who is blind. Ava 4 00:00:32,320 --> 00:00:36,080 Speaker 1: knows she will never be perfectly happy as long as 5 00:00:36,080 --> 00:00:40,600 Speaker 1: her sister cannot see, so she sets out to find 6 00:00:40,680 --> 00:00:44,479 Speaker 1: an old woman who everyone says can help her with 7 00:00:44,600 --> 00:00:49,360 Speaker 1: her problem. Will the old woman be able to help 8 00:00:49,440 --> 00:00:58,080 Speaker 1: Ava and what will Ava need to do the little 9 00:00:58,560 --> 00:01:06,319 Speaker 1: blind sister. Once upon a time there lived a child 10 00:01:06,600 --> 00:01:12,680 Speaker 1: whose name was Ava. She was sweet and loving and 11 00:01:12,800 --> 00:01:17,280 Speaker 1: had everything in the world to make her happy. But 12 00:01:18,400 --> 00:01:22,600 Speaker 1: she had a little blind sister, and Ava could not 13 00:01:22,800 --> 00:01:27,360 Speaker 1: be perfectly happy as long as her sister's eyes were closed, 14 00:01:28,240 --> 00:01:32,200 Speaker 1: so that she could not see the beautiful world nor 15 00:01:32,360 --> 00:01:38,880 Speaker 1: enjoy the bright sunshine. Little Ava kept wondering if there 16 00:01:38,959 --> 00:01:42,679 Speaker 1: was not something that she could do which would open 17 00:01:43,000 --> 00:01:50,760 Speaker 1: her little sister's eyes. At last, one day she heard 18 00:01:50,880 --> 00:01:56,520 Speaker 1: of an old old woman nobody knew how old, who 19 00:01:56,520 --> 00:02:00,559 Speaker 1: had lived for hundreds of years in a dark cave 20 00:02:01,520 --> 00:02:08,800 Speaker 1: not many miles away. This peculiar old woman knew a 21 00:02:08,919 --> 00:02:14,280 Speaker 1: secret enchantment by means of which the blind could receive 22 00:02:14,440 --> 00:02:21,720 Speaker 1: their sight. The child Ava asked her parents permission to 23 00:02:21,840 --> 00:02:25,120 Speaker 1: make a journey to the cave in order that she 24 00:02:25,400 --> 00:02:29,280 Speaker 1: might try to persuade the old woman to tell her 25 00:02:29,360 --> 00:02:36,600 Speaker 1: this secret. Then she exclaimed, joyfully, my dear sister need 26 00:02:36,680 --> 00:02:42,120 Speaker 1: no longer sit in darkness. Her parents gave her a 27 00:02:42,320 --> 00:02:47,200 Speaker 1: somewhat unwilling consent, as they had heard many strange and 28 00:02:47,400 --> 00:02:55,320 Speaker 1: unsettling stories about the old woman. At last, however, one 29 00:02:55,560 --> 00:03:02,799 Speaker 1: fine spring morning, Ava started on her journey. She had 30 00:03:02,840 --> 00:03:06,640 Speaker 1: a long distance to walk, but the happy thoughts in 31 00:03:06,720 --> 00:03:11,000 Speaker 1: her heart made the time pass quickly, and the soft, 32 00:03:11,440 --> 00:03:15,079 Speaker 1: cool breeze seemed to be whispering a song to her 33 00:03:15,280 --> 00:03:21,400 Speaker 1: all the way. When she came to the mouth of 34 00:03:21,440 --> 00:03:25,160 Speaker 1: the cave, it looked so dark that she almost feared 35 00:03:25,400 --> 00:03:29,720 Speaker 1: entering it, But the thought of her little sister gave 36 00:03:29,800 --> 00:03:37,040 Speaker 1: her courage, and she walked in. At first, she could 37 00:03:37,120 --> 00:03:41,320 Speaker 1: see nothing, for all the sunshine was shut out by 38 00:03:41,360 --> 00:03:49,720 Speaker 1: the frowning rocks that guarded the entrance. Soon, however, she 39 00:03:49,800 --> 00:03:53,720 Speaker 1: could see the old woman, sitting on a stone chair, 40 00:03:54,240 --> 00:03:59,080 Speaker 1: spinning a pile of flax into a fine, fine thread. 41 00:04:01,800 --> 00:04:05,640 Speaker 1: She looked nearly bent over double with age, and her 42 00:04:05,640 --> 00:04:09,960 Speaker 1: face wore a look of worry and care, which made 43 00:04:10,000 --> 00:04:18,480 Speaker 1: her appear still older. Ava came close to her side 44 00:04:18,520 --> 00:04:21,760 Speaker 1: and thought she is so old that she must be 45 00:04:21,880 --> 00:04:26,240 Speaker 1: hard of hearing. The old woman did not turn her 46 00:04:26,320 --> 00:04:33,560 Speaker 1: head nor stop her spinning. Ava waited a moment and 47 00:04:33,680 --> 00:04:37,400 Speaker 1: then took fresh courage and said, I have come to 48 00:04:37,480 --> 00:04:39,800 Speaker 1: ask you if you will tell me how I can 49 00:04:39,920 --> 00:04:47,400 Speaker 1: cure my blind sister. The strange creature turned and stared 50 00:04:47,440 --> 00:04:51,800 Speaker 1: at her as if she were very much surprised. She 51 00:04:51,920 --> 00:04:57,400 Speaker 1: then spoke in a deep, hollow voice, so hollow that 52 00:04:57,480 --> 00:05:00,119 Speaker 1: it sounded as if she had not spoken for a 53 00:05:00,240 --> 00:05:06,200 Speaker 1: very long time. Oh, she said, with a snicker. I 54 00:05:06,320 --> 00:05:09,120 Speaker 1: can tell you well enough, but you'll not do it. 55 00:05:10,640 --> 00:05:15,520 Speaker 1: People who can see trouble themselves very little about those 56 00:05:15,600 --> 00:05:21,920 Speaker 1: who are blind. This last was said with a sigh, 57 00:05:22,839 --> 00:05:26,600 Speaker 1: and then she scowled at Ava until the child's heart 58 00:05:26,720 --> 00:05:32,000 Speaker 1: began to beat very fast. But the thought of her 59 00:05:32,080 --> 00:05:37,240 Speaker 1: little blind sister made her brave again, and she cried out, Oh, 60 00:05:37,440 --> 00:05:41,159 Speaker 1: please tell me, I will do anything to help my 61 00:05:41,320 --> 00:05:49,960 Speaker 1: dear sister. The old woman looked long and earnestly at her. 62 00:05:50,040 --> 00:05:57,000 Speaker 1: This time. She then stooped down and searched in the 63 00:05:57,040 --> 00:05:59,800 Speaker 1: heap of the fine spun thread which lay at her 64 00:05:59,800 --> 00:06:05,479 Speaker 1: see until she found the end of it. This she 65 00:06:05,680 --> 00:06:09,920 Speaker 1: held out to the child, saying, take this and carry 66 00:06:09,920 --> 00:06:14,760 Speaker 1: it all around the world, and when you have done that, 67 00:06:15,600 --> 00:06:18,440 Speaker 1: come to me, and I will show you how your 68 00:06:18,480 --> 00:06:26,800 Speaker 1: blind sister may be cured. Little Ava thanked her and 69 00:06:27,000 --> 00:06:31,839 Speaker 1: eagerly seized the tiny thread, wrapping it carefully around her 70 00:06:31,880 --> 00:06:36,320 Speaker 1: hand so that she might not lose it, turned and 71 00:06:36,480 --> 00:06:44,359 Speaker 1: hastened out of the close stamp cave. She had not 72 00:06:44,640 --> 00:06:48,039 Speaker 1: traveled far before. She looked back to be sure the 73 00:06:48,160 --> 00:06:53,800 Speaker 1: thread had not broken. It was so thin. Imagine her 74 00:06:53,880 --> 00:06:57,480 Speaker 1: surprise to see that, instead of its being a gray 75 00:06:57,640 --> 00:07:02,320 Speaker 1: thread of spaun flax, it was a thread of golden 76 00:07:02,440 --> 00:07:06,920 Speaker 1: light that glittered and shone in the sunlight as if 77 00:07:06,960 --> 00:07:10,320 Speaker 1: it were made of the most precious stuff on earth. 78 00:07:13,720 --> 00:07:16,640 Speaker 1: She felt sure that it must be a magic thread, 79 00:07:17,240 --> 00:07:19,880 Speaker 1: and that it would somehow help her to cure her 80 00:07:19,960 --> 00:07:31,160 Speaker 1: blind sister. So she kept going on, glad and happy. Soon, however, 81 00:07:31,280 --> 00:07:36,960 Speaker 1: she approached a dark, dense forest. No ray of sunlight 82 00:07:37,040 --> 00:07:40,120 Speaker 1: seemed ever to have fallen on the trunk of its trees. 83 00:07:41,480 --> 00:07:44,200 Speaker 1: In the distance, she thought she could hear the growl 84 00:07:44,280 --> 00:07:49,320 Speaker 1: of bears and the roar of lions. Her heart almost 85 00:07:49,360 --> 00:07:54,920 Speaker 1: stopped beating. Oh, I can never go through that gloomy forest, 86 00:07:55,560 --> 00:08:01,320 Speaker 1: she said to herself, and her eyes filled with tears. 87 00:08:01,440 --> 00:08:05,920 Speaker 1: She turned to retrace her steps, when the soft breeze 88 00:08:06,040 --> 00:08:10,000 Speaker 1: which still accompanied her, whispered, look at the thread you 89 00:08:10,080 --> 00:08:17,520 Speaker 1: have been carrying. Look at the golden thread. She looked back, 90 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:21,760 Speaker 1: and the bright, tiny line of light seemed to be 91 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:26,520 Speaker 1: actually smiling at her as it stretched across the soft 92 00:08:26,680 --> 00:08:32,160 Speaker 1: grass covered ground far into the distance. And strange to say, 93 00:08:33,160 --> 00:08:37,040 Speaker 1: each tiny blade of grass which it had touched had 94 00:08:37,080 --> 00:08:43,800 Speaker 1: blossomed into a flower. So as the little girl looked back, 95 00:08:44,160 --> 00:08:48,280 Speaker 1: she saw a flowery path with a glittering line of 96 00:08:48,440 --> 00:08:55,680 Speaker 1: golden light running through it. How beautiful, she exclaimed. I 97 00:08:55,800 --> 00:08:59,320 Speaker 1: did not notice the flowers as I came along, But 98 00:08:59,480 --> 00:09:06,319 Speaker 1: the chain dented thread will make the next traveler see them. 99 00:09:07,400 --> 00:09:11,000 Speaker 1: This thought filled her with such joy that she pushed 100 00:09:11,040 --> 00:09:16,040 Speaker 1: forward into the woods. Sometimes she knocked her head against 101 00:09:16,080 --> 00:09:20,680 Speaker 1: a tree which stood in her way. Sometimes she almost 102 00:09:20,760 --> 00:09:26,120 Speaker 1: felt she was lost, but every now and then she 103 00:09:26,200 --> 00:09:29,960 Speaker 1: would look back, and the sight of the tiny thread 104 00:09:30,040 --> 00:09:36,600 Speaker 1: of golden light always renewed her courage. Once in a 105 00:09:36,640 --> 00:09:39,320 Speaker 1: while she felt quite sure that she could see the 106 00:09:39,360 --> 00:09:42,720 Speaker 1: nose of some wild beast poking out in front of her, 107 00:09:43,760 --> 00:09:46,679 Speaker 1: But when she came nearer it proved to be the 108 00:09:46,800 --> 00:09:50,560 Speaker 1: joint in a tree trunk, or some strange fungus which 109 00:09:50,559 --> 00:09:55,520 Speaker 1: had grown on a low branch. Then she would laugh 110 00:09:55,559 --> 00:10:02,880 Speaker 1: at herself and go on. One of the wonderful things 111 00:10:02,960 --> 00:10:06,240 Speaker 1: about the mysterious little thread which she carried in her 112 00:10:06,320 --> 00:10:10,439 Speaker 1: hand was that it seemed to open a path behind it, 113 00:10:11,120 --> 00:10:15,200 Speaker 1: so that one could easily follow in her footsteps without 114 00:10:15,280 --> 00:10:24,160 Speaker 1: stumbling over fallen trees or bumping against living ones. Every 115 00:10:24,240 --> 00:10:27,559 Speaker 1: now and then a gray squirrel would frisk by her 116 00:10:27,720 --> 00:10:31,559 Speaker 1: in a friendly fashion, as if to remind her that 117 00:10:31,600 --> 00:10:35,640 Speaker 1: she was not alone, even in the twilight of the 118 00:10:35,720 --> 00:10:41,080 Speaker 1: dark woods. After a while she came to the part 119 00:10:41,160 --> 00:10:44,839 Speaker 1: of the forest where the trees were less dense, and 120 00:10:44,960 --> 00:10:53,640 Speaker 1: soon she was out in the glad sunshine again. But 121 00:10:53,800 --> 00:10:59,320 Speaker 1: now a new difficulty faced her. As far as she 122 00:10:59,360 --> 00:11:05,720 Speaker 1: could see stretched a low, swampy marsh of wetland. The 123 00:11:05,800 --> 00:11:10,440 Speaker 1: mud and slime did not look very inviting, but the 124 00:11:10,480 --> 00:11:13,480 Speaker 1: thought of her little blind sister came to her again, 125 00:11:14,080 --> 00:11:21,400 Speaker 1: and she bravely plunged into the mire. The dirty dripping 126 00:11:21,600 --> 00:11:25,080 Speaker 1: mud clung to her dress and made her feet so 127 00:11:25,480 --> 00:11:28,960 Speaker 1: heavy that she grew tired lifting them out of it. 128 00:11:31,120 --> 00:11:35,400 Speaker 1: Sometimes she seemed to be stuck fast, and it was 129 00:11:35,520 --> 00:11:39,160 Speaker 1: only with a great effort that she could pull out, 130 00:11:39,280 --> 00:11:45,760 Speaker 1: first one foot and then the other. A lively green 131 00:11:45,960 --> 00:11:50,040 Speaker 1: frog hopped along beside her and seemed to say, in 132 00:11:50,120 --> 00:11:54,679 Speaker 1: his funny croaking voice, never mind the mud, You'll soon 133 00:11:54,840 --> 00:12:01,000 Speaker 1: be through it. When she had at length last reached 134 00:12:01,040 --> 00:12:05,120 Speaker 1: the end of the slippery, sticky marsh and stood once 135 00:12:05,240 --> 00:12:09,480 Speaker 1: more on firm ground, she looked back at the tiny 136 00:12:09,559 --> 00:12:16,480 Speaker 1: thread of golden light which trailed along after her. What 137 00:12:16,720 --> 00:12:23,200 Speaker 1: do you think had happened? Wherever the mysterious and beautiful 138 00:12:23,280 --> 00:12:27,600 Speaker 1: thread had touched the mud, The water had dried up, 139 00:12:28,480 --> 00:12:33,280 Speaker 1: and the earth had become firm and hard, so that 140 00:12:33,400 --> 00:12:36,880 Speaker 1: any other person who might wish to cross the swampy 141 00:12:36,920 --> 00:12:44,280 Speaker 1: place could walk on firm ground. This made Ava so 142 00:12:44,679 --> 00:12:53,800 Speaker 1: happy that she began to sing softly to herself. Soon, however, 143 00:12:54,000 --> 00:12:59,280 Speaker 1: her singing stopped as the day advanced, the air grew 144 00:12:59,400 --> 00:13:05,840 Speaker 1: hotter and hotter. The trees had long ago disappeared, and 145 00:13:05,960 --> 00:13:10,880 Speaker 1: now the grass became parched and dry, Until at last 146 00:13:10,920 --> 00:13:16,600 Speaker 1: she found herself in the middle of a dreary desert. 147 00:13:18,400 --> 00:13:25,440 Speaker 1: For miles and miles, the scorching sand stretched on every side. 148 00:13:25,520 --> 00:13:28,640 Speaker 1: She could not even find a friendly rock in whose 149 00:13:28,720 --> 00:13:34,439 Speaker 1: shadow she might rest for a time. The blazing sun 150 00:13:34,640 --> 00:13:38,040 Speaker 1: hurt her eyes and made her headache, and the hot 151 00:13:38,160 --> 00:13:44,960 Speaker 1: sand burned her feet. Still she kept going, cheered by 152 00:13:44,960 --> 00:13:49,560 Speaker 1: a swarm of yellow butterflies that fluttered just ahead of her. 153 00:13:54,280 --> 00:13:57,520 Speaker 1: At last, the end of the desert was reached, just 154 00:13:57,600 --> 00:14:04,360 Speaker 1: as the sun disappeared behind a crimson cloud. Dusty and weary, 155 00:14:05,200 --> 00:14:08,480 Speaker 1: Ava was about to throw herself down on the ground 156 00:14:08,480 --> 00:14:14,160 Speaker 1: to rest. As she did so, her eyes turned to 157 00:14:14,280 --> 00:14:17,720 Speaker 1: look once more at the golden thread which had trailed 158 00:14:17,760 --> 00:14:25,000 Speaker 1: behind her all day on the hot sand lo And 159 00:14:25,040 --> 00:14:33,280 Speaker 1: behold what did she see? Tall shade trees had sprung 160 00:14:33,400 --> 00:14:37,680 Speaker 1: up along the path she had traveled, and each tiny 161 00:14:37,720 --> 00:14:41,920 Speaker 1: grain of sand that the wonderful thread had touched was 162 00:14:42,000 --> 00:14:47,760 Speaker 1: now changed into a diamond or ruby, or emerald or 163 00:14:47,800 --> 00:14:54,240 Speaker 1: some other precious stone. On one side, the pathway across 164 00:14:54,280 --> 00:14:58,840 Speaker 1: the desert shone and glittered, while on the other the 165 00:14:58,960 --> 00:15:08,400 Speaker 1: graceful tree cast a cool and refreshing shade. Little Ava 166 00:15:08,560 --> 00:15:12,760 Speaker 1: stood amazed as she looked at the beautiful trees and 167 00:15:12,800 --> 00:15:19,880 Speaker 1: the sparkling gems. All feeling of weariness was gone. The 168 00:15:19,920 --> 00:15:24,160 Speaker 1: air now seemed mild and refreshing, and she thought that 169 00:15:24,280 --> 00:15:27,720 Speaker 1: she could hear in the distance some birds singing their 170 00:15:27,800 --> 00:15:35,160 Speaker 1: evening songs. One by one, the bright stars came out 171 00:15:35,200 --> 00:15:38,400 Speaker 1: in the quiet sky above her head, as if to 172 00:15:38,520 --> 00:15:46,280 Speaker 1: keep guard while she slept through the night. The next 173 00:15:46,360 --> 00:15:50,800 Speaker 1: morning she started forward on her long journey around the world. 174 00:15:52,480 --> 00:15:56,040 Speaker 1: She traveled quite pleasantly for a while, thinking of how 175 00:15:56,080 --> 00:15:59,840 Speaker 1: cool and shady the desert path would now be, or 176 00:15:59,840 --> 00:16:03,440 Speaker 1: anyone who might have to travel it, and of the 177 00:16:03,480 --> 00:16:07,160 Speaker 1: precious jewels she had left for someone else to gather up. 178 00:16:09,880 --> 00:16:13,120 Speaker 1: She could not stop for them herself. She was too 179 00:16:13,320 --> 00:16:17,520 Speaker 1: anxious to press forward and finish her task in order 180 00:16:17,560 --> 00:16:25,080 Speaker 1: that her little blind sister might soon see. After a time, 181 00:16:25,200 --> 00:16:29,760 Speaker 1: she came to some rough rocks tumbled about in great confusion, 182 00:16:30,400 --> 00:16:33,400 Speaker 1: as if angry giants had thrown them at each other. 183 00:16:35,000 --> 00:16:39,520 Speaker 1: Soon the path grew steeper and steeper, and the rocks 184 00:16:39,800 --> 00:16:45,520 Speaker 1: sharper and sharper. Before her, she could see nothing but 185 00:16:45,720 --> 00:16:51,080 Speaker 1: more rocks, until they piled themselves into a great mountain, 186 00:16:51,640 --> 00:16:55,600 Speaker 1: which frowned down upon her, as much as to say, 187 00:16:56,160 --> 00:17:02,480 Speaker 1: how dare you attempt to climb to my summit? The 188 00:17:02,560 --> 00:17:11,040 Speaker 1: brave child hesitated. Just then, two strong eagles with outspread 189 00:17:11,080 --> 00:17:14,960 Speaker 1: wings rose from their nest of sticks on the side 190 00:17:15,000 --> 00:17:21,000 Speaker 1: of the steep cliff nearby, and soared majestically and slowly upwards. 191 00:17:23,400 --> 00:17:26,960 Speaker 1: As they passed far above her head, they uttered a 192 00:17:27,040 --> 00:17:31,640 Speaker 1: loud cry which seemed to say, be brave and strong, 193 00:17:32,080 --> 00:17:39,040 Speaker 1: and you shall meet us at the mountaintop. Sometimes the 194 00:17:39,160 --> 00:17:43,800 Speaker 1: ragged edges of the rocks tore her dress, and sometimes 195 00:17:43,840 --> 00:17:47,880 Speaker 1: they caught the tiny golden thread and tangled it so 196 00:17:47,920 --> 00:17:50,720 Speaker 1: that she had to turn back and loosen it from 197 00:17:50,760 --> 00:17:58,000 Speaker 1: their hold. The road was very steep, and she was 198 00:17:58,080 --> 00:18:04,040 Speaker 1: forced to sit down every few minutes and catch her breath. Still, 199 00:18:04,480 --> 00:18:09,000 Speaker 1: she climbed on, keeping the soaring eagles always in sight. 200 00:18:11,200 --> 00:18:14,560 Speaker 1: As she neared the top, she turned and looked back 201 00:18:14,640 --> 00:18:18,600 Speaker 1: at the enchanted thread of golden light, which she had 202 00:18:18,680 --> 00:18:25,640 Speaker 1: carried through all the long, strange journey. Another marvelous thing 203 00:18:26,040 --> 00:18:33,320 Speaker 1: had happened. The rugged path of sharp, broken rocks had 204 00:18:33,400 --> 00:18:39,160 Speaker 1: changed into broad and beautiful white marble steps, over which 205 00:18:39,280 --> 00:18:45,639 Speaker 1: trailed the shining thread of light. She knew that she 206 00:18:45,720 --> 00:18:49,680 Speaker 1: had made a pathway up this difficult mountain, and her 207 00:18:49,720 --> 00:18:57,760 Speaker 1: heart rejoiced. She turned again to continue on her journey, 208 00:18:57,880 --> 00:19:01,679 Speaker 1: when only a short distance in front of her she 209 00:19:01,880 --> 00:19:05,720 Speaker 1: saw the dark cave in which lived the strange old 210 00:19:05,760 --> 00:19:08,679 Speaker 1: woman who had told her to carry the line of 211 00:19:08,760 --> 00:19:15,000 Speaker 1: light around the world. She rushed forward, and on entering 212 00:19:15,040 --> 00:19:19,960 Speaker 1: the cave, she saw the old creature, almost bent double, 213 00:19:20,880 --> 00:19:29,120 Speaker 1: still spinning the mysterious thread. Ava ran forward and cried out, 214 00:19:29,880 --> 00:19:32,280 Speaker 1: I have done all that you have told me to do. 215 00:19:32,720 --> 00:19:39,399 Speaker 1: Now please give sight to my sister. The old woman 216 00:19:39,520 --> 00:19:43,680 Speaker 1: sprang to her feet, seized the thread of golden light, 217 00:19:43,760 --> 00:19:51,440 Speaker 1: and exclaimed, at last, at last, I am freed. Then 218 00:19:51,760 --> 00:19:56,439 Speaker 1: came so strange and wonderful a change that Ava could 219 00:19:56,440 --> 00:20:03,040 Speaker 1: hardly believe her own eyes. Instead of the ugly, angry 220 00:20:03,080 --> 00:20:08,800 Speaker 1: looking old woman, there stood a beautiful princess with long 221 00:20:08,960 --> 00:20:18,320 Speaker 1: hair and tender eyes, her face radiant with joy. Her 222 00:20:18,359 --> 00:20:23,760 Speaker 1: story was soon told. Hundreds of years ago she had 223 00:20:23,800 --> 00:20:27,480 Speaker 1: been changed into the bent old woman and put in 224 00:20:27,560 --> 00:20:32,119 Speaker 1: the dark cave on the mountain side because she, the 225 00:20:32,240 --> 00:20:36,760 Speaker 1: daughter of the king, had been selfish and idol thinking 226 00:20:36,840 --> 00:20:40,960 Speaker 1: only of herself and her punishment had been that she 227 00:20:41,040 --> 00:20:46,919 Speaker 1: must remain thus disguised and separated from all companions and 228 00:20:47,000 --> 00:20:51,600 Speaker 1: friends until she could find someone who would be generous 229 00:20:52,200 --> 00:20:57,280 Speaker 1: and brave enough to take the long, dangerous journey around 230 00:20:57,320 --> 00:21:03,800 Speaker 1: the world for the sake of others. Her mother had 231 00:21:03,800 --> 00:21:07,560 Speaker 1: been a fairy princess and had taught her many things 232 00:21:07,720 --> 00:21:14,040 Speaker 1: which we have yet to learn. She showed Ava how 233 00:21:14,480 --> 00:21:19,040 Speaker 1: by dipping the golden thread into a spring of ordinary water, 234 00:21:19,800 --> 00:21:24,440 Speaker 1: she could change the water into golden water, which glittered 235 00:21:24,920 --> 00:21:32,640 Speaker 1: and sparkled like liquid sunshine, filling a picture. With this, 236 00:21:33,040 --> 00:21:36,359 Speaker 1: they went quickly together to where the little sister sat 237 00:21:36,400 --> 00:21:40,399 Speaker 1: in darkness, waiting for someone to come and lead her home. 238 00:21:43,320 --> 00:21:47,000 Speaker 1: The beautiful princess told Ava to dip her hands into 239 00:21:47,040 --> 00:21:50,960 Speaker 1: the bowl of enchanted water and then press them upon 240 00:21:51,040 --> 00:21:57,199 Speaker 1: the closed eyes of her sister. They opened, and the 241 00:21:57,240 --> 00:22:05,879 Speaker 1: little blind girl could see. After that, the fairy princess 242 00:22:06,000 --> 00:22:10,560 Speaker 1: came and lived with little Ava and her sister, and 243 00:22:10,680 --> 00:22:20,040 Speaker 1: taught them how to do many wonderful things. And that 244 00:22:20,480 --> 00:22:26,000 Speaker 1: is the end of our story. Good Night, sleep tight.