1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:17,160 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. In this story, 2 00:00:17,440 --> 00:00:20,960 Speaker 1: there is a sea monster that lives on an island 3 00:00:21,040 --> 00:00:26,000 Speaker 1: of rocks. The sailors talk about how big and frightening 4 00:00:26,040 --> 00:00:30,360 Speaker 1: he is, but the dragon is not at all unkind. 5 00:00:32,840 --> 00:00:36,200 Speaker 1: He goes out after a storm to see if anybody 6 00:00:36,280 --> 00:00:40,720 Speaker 1: needs any help and finds a small boy floating on 7 00:00:40,800 --> 00:00:49,040 Speaker 1: a plank. How can he help him? The good sea Monster. 8 00:00:53,159 --> 00:00:57,360 Speaker 1: On an island of rocks out in the ocean lived 9 00:00:57,480 --> 00:01:02,560 Speaker 1: a sea monster. His head was large, and when he 10 00:01:02,640 --> 00:01:09,120 Speaker 1: opened his mouth it looked like a cave. It had 11 00:01:09,160 --> 00:01:12,520 Speaker 1: been said that he was so huge that he could 12 00:01:12,600 --> 00:01:17,080 Speaker 1: swallow a ship, and that on stormy nights he sat 13 00:01:17,200 --> 00:01:20,640 Speaker 1: on the rocks and the flashing of his eyes could 14 00:01:20,640 --> 00:01:28,080 Speaker 1: be seen for miles around. The sailor spoke of him 15 00:01:28,160 --> 00:01:32,600 Speaker 1: with fear and trembling. But as you can see, the 16 00:01:32,640 --> 00:01:37,000 Speaker 1: sea monster had really been a friend to them, showing 17 00:01:37,040 --> 00:01:40,000 Speaker 1: them the rock in the storm by flashing his eyes. 18 00:01:41,400 --> 00:01:45,399 Speaker 1: But because he looked so frightening to their eyes, all 19 00:01:45,480 --> 00:01:49,280 Speaker 1: who saw him thought he must be a cruel monster. 20 00:01:54,120 --> 00:01:58,680 Speaker 1: One night there was a terrible storm, and the monster 21 00:01:58,840 --> 00:02:02,200 Speaker 1: went out into the ok to see if any ship 22 00:02:02,360 --> 00:02:07,080 Speaker 1: was wrecked In the night and if possible, help anyone 23 00:02:07,120 --> 00:02:15,639 Speaker 1: that was floating about. He found one little boy floating 24 00:02:15,720 --> 00:02:20,600 Speaker 1: about on a plank. His name was Coco, and when 25 00:02:20,639 --> 00:02:26,720 Speaker 1: he saw the sea monster, he was afraid. But when 26 00:02:26,800 --> 00:02:30,040 Speaker 1: Coco saw that the monster did not try to harm him, 27 00:02:30,600 --> 00:02:33,720 Speaker 1: he climbed on the monster's back and he took him 28 00:02:33,720 --> 00:02:39,840 Speaker 1: to the rocky island. Then the monster went back into 29 00:02:39,880 --> 00:02:43,360 Speaker 1: the sea, and Coco wondered if he were to be 30 00:02:43,520 --> 00:02:49,480 Speaker 1: left alone. But after a while the monster returned and 31 00:02:49,600 --> 00:02:57,120 Speaker 1: opened his mouth very wide. Coco ran when he saw 32 00:02:57,160 --> 00:03:00,480 Speaker 1: the huge mouth, for he thought the monster intended to 33 00:03:00,639 --> 00:03:04,640 Speaker 1: swallow him, But as the monster did not follow him, 34 00:03:05,480 --> 00:03:13,240 Speaker 1: Koko went back. The monster opened his mouth again, and 35 00:03:13,400 --> 00:03:18,040 Speaker 1: Koko asked, do you want me to go inside? And 36 00:03:18,160 --> 00:03:23,800 Speaker 1: the monster nodded his head. It must be for my 37 00:03:23,919 --> 00:03:28,320 Speaker 1: own good, said Koko, or he could easily swallow me 38 00:03:28,440 --> 00:03:31,400 Speaker 1: if he wished, without waiting for me to walk in. 39 00:03:35,480 --> 00:03:39,160 Speaker 1: So Koko walked into the big mouth and down a 40 00:03:39,320 --> 00:03:43,280 Speaker 1: dark passage. But what the monster wanted him to do 41 00:03:43,720 --> 00:03:48,960 Speaker 1: he could not think. He could see very faintly now, 42 00:03:49,200 --> 00:03:53,320 Speaker 1: and after a while he saw a stove, a chair 43 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:59,040 Speaker 1: and a table. I will take these out said Koko, 44 00:03:59,320 --> 00:04:05,680 Speaker 1: for I am I can use them. He took them 45 00:04:05,760 --> 00:04:09,360 Speaker 1: to a cave on the island, and when he returned, 46 00:04:09,800 --> 00:04:15,320 Speaker 1: the monster was gone, But he soon returned, and again 47 00:04:15,480 --> 00:04:22,600 Speaker 1: he opened his mouth. Coco walked in, this time without waiting, 48 00:04:23,000 --> 00:04:26,919 Speaker 1: and he found boxes and barrels of food, which he 49 00:04:27,040 --> 00:04:33,560 Speaker 1: stored away in the cave. When Coco had removed everything, 50 00:04:34,120 --> 00:04:41,839 Speaker 1: the sea monster lay down and went to sleep. Coco 51 00:04:41,960 --> 00:04:45,080 Speaker 1: cooked his dinner, and then he woke the monster and said, 52 00:04:45,120 --> 00:04:49,760 Speaker 1: dinner is ready. But the monster shook his head and 53 00:04:49,960 --> 00:04:55,679 Speaker 1: plunged into the ocean. He soon returned with his mouth 54 00:04:55,880 --> 00:05:00,640 Speaker 1: full of fish. Then Coco knew that but the monster 55 00:05:00,760 --> 00:05:05,440 Speaker 1: had brought all the things from the sunken ship for him, 56 00:05:06,120 --> 00:05:09,120 Speaker 1: and he began to wish that the monster could talk, 57 00:05:10,040 --> 00:05:18,839 Speaker 1: for he no longer feared him. I wish you could talk, Koko, said, 58 00:05:19,680 --> 00:05:23,960 Speaker 1: I can. The monster replied, no one has ever wished 59 00:05:24,000 --> 00:05:28,800 Speaker 1: it before. An old witch changed me into a monster 60 00:05:29,279 --> 00:05:32,479 Speaker 1: and put me on this island where no one could 61 00:05:32,560 --> 00:05:36,320 Speaker 1: reach me. And the only way I can be restored 62 00:05:36,360 --> 00:05:39,719 Speaker 1: to my original form is for someone to wish it. 63 00:05:43,040 --> 00:05:47,400 Speaker 1: I wish it, said Koco. You have had your wish, 64 00:05:47,680 --> 00:05:51,840 Speaker 1: said the monster, and I can talk, But for me 65 00:05:52,000 --> 00:06:00,880 Speaker 1: to become a man, someone else must wish it. The 66 00:06:01,000 --> 00:06:05,000 Speaker 1: monster and Coko lived for a long time on the island. 67 00:06:06,440 --> 00:06:10,279 Speaker 1: He took Coco for long rides on his back, and 68 00:06:10,360 --> 00:06:13,320 Speaker 1: when the waves were too high and Coco was afraid, 69 00:06:14,240 --> 00:06:17,839 Speaker 1: the monster would open his mouth and Koko would crawl 70 00:06:17,920 --> 00:06:25,560 Speaker 1: inside and be brought back safe to the island. One night, 71 00:06:25,640 --> 00:06:29,760 Speaker 1: after a storm, Koko saw something floating on the water, 72 00:06:30,320 --> 00:06:33,560 Speaker 1: and he jumped on the monster's back and they swam 73 00:06:33,600 --> 00:06:39,480 Speaker 1: out to it. It turned out to be a little 74 00:06:39,520 --> 00:06:43,520 Speaker 1: girl about Koko's age, who had been on one of 75 00:06:43,560 --> 00:06:46,960 Speaker 1: the wrecked vessels, and they brought her to the island. 76 00:06:50,160 --> 00:06:54,560 Speaker 1: At first, she was afraid of the monster, but when 77 00:06:54,600 --> 00:06:57,680 Speaker 1: she learned that he had saved Koko as well as 78 00:06:57,760 --> 00:07:02,240 Speaker 1: her and brought them all the food, she became as 79 00:07:02,320 --> 00:07:08,960 Speaker 1: fond of him as Coco was. I wish he were 80 00:07:09,000 --> 00:07:12,040 Speaker 1: a man, she said. One day, as she sat on 81 00:07:12,120 --> 00:07:18,320 Speaker 1: his back with Coco ready for a sail, splash went 82 00:07:18,400 --> 00:07:22,520 Speaker 1: both children into the water, and there in place of 83 00:07:22,600 --> 00:07:28,600 Speaker 1: the sea monster was an old man. He caught the 84 00:07:28,680 --> 00:07:31,920 Speaker 1: children in his arms and brought them to the shore. 85 00:07:35,280 --> 00:07:37,360 Speaker 1: But what will we do for food? Now that you 86 00:07:37,400 --> 00:07:42,320 Speaker 1: are a man, asked Coco, we shall want for nothing now, 87 00:07:42,680 --> 00:07:46,520 Speaker 1: replied the old man. I am a sea god and 88 00:07:46,640 --> 00:07:49,760 Speaker 1: can do many things. Now that I have my own 89 00:07:49,920 --> 00:07:56,640 Speaker 1: form again, we will change this island into a beautiful garden. 90 00:07:57,440 --> 00:07:59,800 Speaker 1: And when the little girl and you are grown up 91 00:07:59,800 --> 00:08:03,840 Speaker 1: in married, you shall have a castle, and all the 92 00:08:03,880 --> 00:08:09,200 Speaker 1: sea gods and nymphs will care for you. You will 93 00:08:09,240 --> 00:08:14,880 Speaker 1: never want for anything again. I will take you out 94 00:08:14,960 --> 00:08:21,720 Speaker 1: on the ocean on the back of my dolphins. Cocoa 95 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:26,160 Speaker 1: and the little girl lived on the enchanted island, and 96 00:08:26,280 --> 00:08:35,120 Speaker 1: all the things that the old sea god promised came true. 97 00:08:35,640 --> 00:08:44,199 Speaker 1: And that is the end of our story. Sleep tight, 98 00:10:00,200 --> 00:10:00,240 Speaker 1: no