1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:23,759 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Puddles and 2 00:00:23,840 --> 00:00:27,800 Speaker 1: Splash are back and it is a beautiful sunny winter 3 00:00:28,000 --> 00:00:32,360 Speaker 1: day and the animals are being let outside to play. 4 00:00:33,440 --> 00:00:35,960 Speaker 1: Splash and Puddles are going to go and do their 5 00:00:36,080 --> 00:00:41,320 Speaker 1: rounds as Farmer Vernon has kept that area shoveled. As 6 00:00:41,360 --> 00:00:44,960 Speaker 1: they are walking, they see an unusual set of footprints 7 00:00:45,360 --> 00:00:48,160 Speaker 1: and decide to follow them to see who has come 8 00:00:48,159 --> 00:01:01,280 Speaker 1: to visit. Puddles and Splash have a strange visitor. Cock 9 00:01:01,320 --> 00:01:06,400 Speaker 1: a doodle doo Chester yelled once and only once, from 10 00:01:06,440 --> 00:01:10,640 Speaker 1: the top of the fence inside the main barn, signaling 11 00:01:10,720 --> 00:01:15,960 Speaker 1: that the day was to begin. Most of the animals grumbled. 12 00:01:17,120 --> 00:01:21,119 Speaker 1: They hadn't been outside in a long time, and being 13 00:01:21,200 --> 00:01:25,080 Speaker 1: so close to one another for so long, their moods 14 00:01:25,080 --> 00:01:32,240 Speaker 1: were becoming glum. Splash, the large, strong dog whose job 15 00:01:32,280 --> 00:01:35,160 Speaker 1: it was to in the morning guide the animals out 16 00:01:35,160 --> 00:01:39,240 Speaker 1: of their pens, came and announced. Farmer Vernon says, it 17 00:01:39,280 --> 00:01:42,120 Speaker 1: looks like the weather today is going to be mild 18 00:01:42,240 --> 00:01:46,399 Speaker 1: enough to go outside, so shake off your funk and 19 00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:49,200 Speaker 1: listen to Puddles as he guides you out the door. 20 00:01:50,760 --> 00:01:54,320 Speaker 1: Splash then opened the large door to let everyone out. 21 00:01:57,320 --> 00:02:01,400 Speaker 1: Animals on the Hampshire farm would normally roam freely throughout 22 00:02:01,400 --> 00:02:05,360 Speaker 1: the fields, only returning to their pen when night approached. 23 00:02:06,160 --> 00:02:09,480 Speaker 1: But it was winter and that meant that the animals 24 00:02:09,520 --> 00:02:12,320 Speaker 1: didn't always get to go outside as much as they 25 00:02:12,440 --> 00:02:17,120 Speaker 1: used to. Many of them needed encouragement to do much 26 00:02:17,120 --> 00:02:22,160 Speaker 1: of anything other than eat. Couldn't you just close that 27 00:02:22,320 --> 00:02:25,560 Speaker 1: door you were letting all the heat escape, one of 28 00:02:25,560 --> 00:02:30,520 Speaker 1: the chickens squealed. A couple more packed in agreement. Come on, 29 00:02:30,720 --> 00:02:34,760 Speaker 1: chickens and pigs, it may be cold, but exercise is important. 30 00:02:35,360 --> 00:02:38,839 Speaker 1: And look at that sun streaming through the door. All 31 00:02:38,880 --> 00:02:42,040 Speaker 1: that sunlight will do you good, Puddle said, as he 32 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:46,640 Speaker 1: tried to gently encourage them. The usual rush out the 33 00:02:46,720 --> 00:02:53,400 Speaker 1: door was replaced with the slowness of winter. It had 34 00:02:53,440 --> 00:02:56,440 Speaker 1: been very cold on the farm lately, so most of 35 00:02:56,480 --> 00:03:01,000 Speaker 1: the animals had to stay inside. There was no more soccer, 36 00:03:01,440 --> 00:03:05,920 Speaker 1: running or exploring in the backfields, and so many of 37 00:03:05,960 --> 00:03:13,079 Speaker 1: the animals were feeling especially cranky lately. Farmer Vernon gave 38 00:03:13,120 --> 00:03:16,600 Speaker 1: Puddles a special sweater so that he could continue helping 39 00:03:16,680 --> 00:03:21,880 Speaker 1: Splash even though it was cold outside. Splash had a 40 00:03:21,880 --> 00:03:26,360 Speaker 1: thick coat of fur to keep him warm. Puddles was 41 00:03:26,520 --> 00:03:31,120 Speaker 1: no ordinary piglet. He was smarter than the smartest pig 42 00:03:31,240 --> 00:03:36,240 Speaker 1: Farmer Vernon had ever seen. He had grown fast this summer, 43 00:03:36,600 --> 00:03:40,240 Speaker 1: but still had a round, fluffy body with streaks of 44 00:03:40,320 --> 00:03:44,320 Speaker 1: color on his legs and belly. Puddles thought the farm 45 00:03:44,360 --> 00:03:47,840 Speaker 1: looked beautiful in winter, with the barns red and white 46 00:03:47,920 --> 00:03:53,120 Speaker 1: colors contrasting against the blanket of white snow. And it 47 00:03:53,240 --> 00:03:59,040 Speaker 1: was so so very quiet. You could hear everything, even 48 00:03:59,120 --> 00:04:02,320 Speaker 1: the soft creaking of branches or the call of a 49 00:04:02,360 --> 00:04:05,200 Speaker 1: winter bird from the forest at the back of the farm. 50 00:04:06,920 --> 00:04:09,960 Speaker 1: Farmer Vernon's house looked like it was from one of 51 00:04:10,040 --> 00:04:14,160 Speaker 1: Puddle's story books that he used to read. A thick 52 00:04:14,240 --> 00:04:17,960 Speaker 1: blanket of snow covered the roof, and icicles hung like 53 00:04:18,040 --> 00:04:23,040 Speaker 1: crystal ornaments from the eaves. Smoke gently curled from the 54 00:04:23,160 --> 00:04:28,680 Speaker 1: chimney from the fire burning inside. Farmer Vernon even shoveled 55 00:04:28,720 --> 00:04:33,160 Speaker 1: the snow around the buildings, creating a winding path connecting 56 00:04:33,200 --> 00:04:37,560 Speaker 1: the house, barn, and the rest of the farm, making 57 00:04:37,600 --> 00:04:41,120 Speaker 1: it easier for Puddles and Splash to do their daily chores. 58 00:04:42,920 --> 00:04:47,159 Speaker 1: Even the tall evergreens that marked various fields were heavy 59 00:04:47,240 --> 00:04:54,080 Speaker 1: with snow. Most of the animals slowly left the barn, 60 00:04:54,440 --> 00:05:00,000 Speaker 1: except for the very young, who stayed behind to keep warm. 61 00:05:00,080 --> 00:05:03,359 Speaker 1: The cows jumped and leaped as they exited the door. 62 00:05:04,040 --> 00:05:08,040 Speaker 1: The pigs ran and huddled by their trough. The chickens 63 00:05:08,120 --> 00:05:11,480 Speaker 1: simply pecked the feed left on the ground for them. 64 00:05:11,920 --> 00:05:15,719 Speaker 1: They weren't that excited to get outside initially, but being 65 00:05:15,800 --> 00:05:18,600 Speaker 1: out in the sun has a way of almost instantly 66 00:05:18,680 --> 00:05:25,200 Speaker 1: improving all the animals' moods. Most of the animals are 67 00:05:25,240 --> 00:05:28,920 Speaker 1: out of the barn. Splash Puddles told the big farm dog, 68 00:05:29,920 --> 00:05:33,839 Speaker 1: what are we doing today? We have a pretty quiet 69 00:05:33,920 --> 00:05:36,920 Speaker 1: day ahead. I think we should have a walk around 70 00:05:36,920 --> 00:05:40,039 Speaker 1: the farm and make sure everything is okay, and then 71 00:05:40,120 --> 00:05:42,840 Speaker 1: we will check in with farmer Vernon and see if 72 00:05:42,880 --> 00:05:47,640 Speaker 1: he needs anything. Otherwise, it's just watching over the animals. 73 00:05:48,240 --> 00:05:54,240 Speaker 1: We have to keep them moving. Sounds perfect, Puddles always, 74 00:05:54,320 --> 00:05:58,400 Speaker 1: the optimists said, as they started their patrol, first around 75 00:05:58,400 --> 00:06:01,479 Speaker 1: the buildings and then along the trails that ringed the 76 00:06:01,520 --> 00:06:08,440 Speaker 1: first few fields. As Puddles and Splash patrolled the perimeter 77 00:06:08,600 --> 00:06:11,960 Speaker 1: of the cute red buildings, the ground covered by a 78 00:06:12,000 --> 00:06:14,960 Speaker 1: fresh blanket of snow that had fallen during the night, 79 00:06:15,520 --> 00:06:19,640 Speaker 1: their breath visible in the frosty air, they chatted about 80 00:06:19,640 --> 00:06:23,880 Speaker 1: the easy day they had ahead. With a watchful eye, 81 00:06:24,400 --> 00:06:28,479 Speaker 1: Splash remarked in his deep, reassuring bark, make sure to 82 00:06:28,560 --> 00:06:32,160 Speaker 1: keep close, Puddles. The snow can hide more than it shows. 83 00:06:32,720 --> 00:06:37,080 Speaker 1: I don't want you to get hurt. Puddles, trotting to 84 00:06:37,200 --> 00:06:41,320 Speaker 1: keep pace, snorted in agreement. Of course, Splash, I'm not 85 00:06:41,360 --> 00:06:44,440 Speaker 1: about to let a little snow slow me down, though 86 00:06:44,960 --> 00:06:50,080 Speaker 1: it sure is fluffy and deep in spots. Puddles always 87 00:06:50,080 --> 00:06:52,800 Speaker 1: had to work hard to keep up with Splash, but 88 00:06:52,920 --> 00:06:57,200 Speaker 1: he didn't mind. He knew that eventually he would be 89 00:06:57,279 --> 00:07:04,200 Speaker 1: faster as long as he kept trying. They made their 90 00:07:04,200 --> 00:07:08,000 Speaker 1: way along the shoveled path, the crisp crunch of their 91 00:07:08,080 --> 00:07:13,440 Speaker 1: steps the only sound in the quiet of winter. Splash's 92 00:07:13,480 --> 00:07:18,080 Speaker 1: nose twitched as he surveyed the area, while Puddle's curiosity 93 00:07:18,200 --> 00:07:21,920 Speaker 1: had him peering into every nook and cranny, his little 94 00:07:21,960 --> 00:07:28,800 Speaker 1: tail wiggling with excitement. It's a quiet morning, Puddles observed, 95 00:07:29,160 --> 00:07:32,320 Speaker 1: his voice muffled by the scarf farmer Vernon had tied 96 00:07:32,360 --> 00:07:37,920 Speaker 1: around his neck. Even the crows aren't calling. That's winter 97 00:07:38,080 --> 00:07:42,640 Speaker 1: for you, replied Splash, it makes for long, lazy mornings. 98 00:07:42,680 --> 00:07:48,320 Speaker 1: And but Splash's words hung unfinished in the air as 99 00:07:48,400 --> 00:07:52,920 Speaker 1: Puddles came to an abrupt halt, his small hoof pointing 100 00:07:52,960 --> 00:07:59,040 Speaker 1: toward a unique pattern in the snow. Splash look. Puddles exclaimed, 101 00:07:59,520 --> 00:08:04,640 Speaker 1: what do you think made these? Splash ambled over his 102 00:08:04,800 --> 00:08:09,440 Speaker 1: head tilting as he inspected the mysterious tracks leading away 103 00:08:09,480 --> 00:08:14,960 Speaker 1: from the area. Hm, he murmured, thoughtfully, that's something you 104 00:08:15,040 --> 00:08:19,080 Speaker 1: don't see every day. Let's first check on the animals 105 00:08:19,160 --> 00:08:21,760 Speaker 1: and come back to follow and see where they lead. 106 00:08:23,280 --> 00:08:26,560 Speaker 1: Heading back to the field outside the barn, they first 107 00:08:26,600 --> 00:08:30,040 Speaker 1: met up with Splash's sister, who was playing with Bubbles. 108 00:08:30,040 --> 00:08:34,080 Speaker 1: The cow farmer Vernon had left some toys for the 109 00:08:34,120 --> 00:08:37,760 Speaker 1: animals to play with, including the long thick rope the 110 00:08:37,800 --> 00:08:42,200 Speaker 1: cows like to use to play tug of war. What's up? 111 00:08:42,440 --> 00:08:47,080 Speaker 1: You finished your chores already, Puddle's sister said with an oink. No, 112 00:08:47,720 --> 00:08:50,120 Speaker 1: we found some strange tracks in the snow, so we 113 00:08:50,160 --> 00:08:53,760 Speaker 1: are going to go and investigate. Puddles had a hard 114 00:08:53,800 --> 00:08:58,679 Speaker 1: time hiding his excitement. Are they dinosaur tracks? Bubbles asked, 115 00:08:59,360 --> 00:09:02,719 Speaker 1: I heard farm reading a story about dinosaurs to one 116 00:09:02,720 --> 00:09:07,080 Speaker 1: of the young piglets. It can't be a coincidence. It's 117 00:09:07,240 --> 00:09:13,080 Speaker 1: not a dinosaur, Splash barked, in his characteristically serious voice. 118 00:09:13,320 --> 00:09:16,040 Speaker 1: Did I hear someone say something about a dinosaur on 119 00:09:16,080 --> 00:09:19,040 Speaker 1: the farm, one of the young piglets said, as it 120 00:09:19,120 --> 00:09:23,840 Speaker 1: was running by. No, we just found some tracks in 121 00:09:23,880 --> 00:09:28,679 Speaker 1: the snow. Dinosaurs don't exist, Splash said with a snort, 122 00:09:29,600 --> 00:09:31,720 Speaker 1: I better go tell the others that there is a 123 00:09:31,840 --> 00:09:35,880 Speaker 1: large creature stalking the farm animals. The piglet squealed as 124 00:09:35,880 --> 00:09:38,400 Speaker 1: it ran off to where the other pigs were standing 125 00:09:38,440 --> 00:09:44,559 Speaker 1: near the trough. Splash led out an audible sigh. Oh 126 00:09:45,120 --> 00:09:49,640 Speaker 1: this is how rumors start, he said gruffly. Now we 127 00:09:49,760 --> 00:09:53,120 Speaker 1: will have to make an announcement or all the animals 128 00:09:53,160 --> 00:09:57,800 Speaker 1: will run into the barn afraid. Splash trotted over to 129 00:09:57,880 --> 00:10:03,679 Speaker 1: the center of the field and, in his big booming voice, barked, Okay, everyone, 130 00:10:04,240 --> 00:10:06,600 Speaker 1: gather around if you can while I tell you what 131 00:10:06,760 --> 00:10:11,080 Speaker 1: is going on. I heard there are aliens on the 132 00:10:11,120 --> 00:10:13,920 Speaker 1: farm and that they landed last night. One of the 133 00:10:14,000 --> 00:10:17,920 Speaker 1: chickens clucked, is there really a grizzly bear? One of 134 00:10:17,960 --> 00:10:20,959 Speaker 1: the pigs oinked, I don't think pigs and grizzly bears 135 00:10:21,000 --> 00:10:26,800 Speaker 1: get along very well. No, no, it's not an alien, 136 00:10:27,200 --> 00:10:32,160 Speaker 1: or a bear or a dinosaur. Puddles found some small 137 00:10:32,240 --> 00:10:35,680 Speaker 1: tracks in the field. It's a little unusual for this 138 00:10:35,760 --> 00:10:38,640 Speaker 1: time of year to see any tracks in the snow 139 00:10:38,679 --> 00:10:41,920 Speaker 1: other than the cats, and they mostly stick close to 140 00:10:41,960 --> 00:10:45,800 Speaker 1: the house. The foxes no better than to come by, 141 00:10:46,240 --> 00:10:48,880 Speaker 1: and the raccoons have moved into town for the winter. 142 00:10:49,400 --> 00:10:54,040 Speaker 1: Splash said, so, what do you think it might be? 143 00:10:54,040 --> 00:10:56,920 Speaker 1: Betsy the cow asked, lifting her head up from the 144 00:10:57,000 --> 00:11:01,600 Speaker 1: salt block long enough to speak. I don't know. I'm 145 00:11:01,600 --> 00:11:06,200 Speaker 1: sure it's nothing serious, but it's worthy of investigation. So 146 00:11:06,440 --> 00:11:09,560 Speaker 1: all of you relax and enjoy the sun while Puddles 147 00:11:09,559 --> 00:11:14,679 Speaker 1: and I go off to investigate. Puddles and Splash left 148 00:11:14,720 --> 00:11:19,360 Speaker 1: the field with everyone chatting. The animals crowded at the 149 00:11:19,400 --> 00:11:23,000 Speaker 1: fence to watch them set off on their wintery investigation. 150 00:11:26,240 --> 00:11:30,520 Speaker 1: As they trudged through the snow, Puddles couldn't contain his excitement. 151 00:11:31,160 --> 00:11:35,680 Speaker 1: Do you think it's a new animal we've never seen before? Splash, 152 00:11:36,120 --> 00:11:41,200 Speaker 1: it's possible, Splash replied, calm and measured. The farms always 153 00:11:41,280 --> 00:11:46,240 Speaker 1: full of surprises, even when the snow falls. They followed 154 00:11:46,280 --> 00:11:49,600 Speaker 1: the tracks, which led past the familiar sights of the 155 00:11:49,600 --> 00:11:53,440 Speaker 1: frozen bog and the silent scarecrow draped in a shawl 156 00:11:53,520 --> 00:11:58,040 Speaker 1: of snow. The tracks wove between the bare trees that 157 00:11:58,200 --> 00:12:02,520 Speaker 1: lined all the fields of the fire. See how the 158 00:12:02,559 --> 00:12:06,120 Speaker 1: tracks are spaced puddles. They continue for a while and 159 00:12:06,360 --> 00:12:12,600 Speaker 1: then disappear. It's a light creature, probably small, perhaps with wings, 160 00:12:13,280 --> 00:12:17,440 Speaker 1: Splash pointed out, his tail wagging slowly as he pieced 161 00:12:17,480 --> 00:12:22,360 Speaker 1: together the clues. Puddle's pink snout steamed as he sniffed 162 00:12:22,360 --> 00:12:26,000 Speaker 1: the air. No scentse though, just the clean smell of 163 00:12:26,080 --> 00:12:31,400 Speaker 1: snow on earth. Their journey took them to the edge 164 00:12:31,440 --> 00:12:35,160 Speaker 1: of the inner fields, where the farm's tidy rose gave 165 00:12:35,240 --> 00:12:39,240 Speaker 1: way to the messy tangle of the woods. The trees 166 00:12:39,280 --> 00:12:43,480 Speaker 1: were blown about by the latest storm. The path here 167 00:12:43,640 --> 00:12:48,440 Speaker 1: was narrow, the branches overhead heavy with snow, threatening to 168 00:12:48,559 --> 00:12:53,280 Speaker 1: dust them with white if disturbed. The tracks were fresher now, 169 00:12:53,679 --> 00:12:59,439 Speaker 1: the indentations sharp and clear. They skirted around a patch 170 00:12:59,480 --> 00:13:02,679 Speaker 1: of ice, forcing Puddles and Splash to walk a little 171 00:13:02,720 --> 00:13:07,959 Speaker 1: bit slower. Be careful here, puddles, it's slippy. Splash warned 172 00:13:08,280 --> 00:13:14,320 Speaker 1: his paws spread to keep balance. I'm being whoa puddles 173 00:13:14,320 --> 00:13:18,160 Speaker 1: full of skidded, but he managed to stay upright, puffing 174 00:13:18,160 --> 00:13:25,199 Speaker 1: out a relieved breath. Oh, that was close. They pushed 175 00:13:25,240 --> 00:13:29,960 Speaker 1: on the trees, parting to reveal the back meadow. Here, 176 00:13:30,200 --> 00:13:33,679 Speaker 1: the tracks led to a thicket of berry bushes, most 177 00:13:33,679 --> 00:13:38,160 Speaker 1: of their fruit long since gone. Huddles stopped briefly for 178 00:13:38,240 --> 00:13:42,080 Speaker 1: an ice snack. Some of the berries remained, but frozen. 179 00:13:43,800 --> 00:13:48,040 Speaker 1: Walking further, the tracks ended abruptly, as if the creature 180 00:13:48,080 --> 00:13:53,600 Speaker 1: had taken flight. Huddles peered up into the branches, his 181 00:13:53,760 --> 00:13:59,040 Speaker 1: gaze searching where did it go? Splash? Look up their 182 00:13:59,120 --> 00:14:03,680 Speaker 1: puddles in the evergreens, Splash said, nodding his head toward 183 00:14:03,720 --> 00:14:09,520 Speaker 1: the green boughs. Perched silently, was a bird, its feathers 184 00:14:09,600 --> 00:14:13,560 Speaker 1: a bright blue against the winter white. It looked at 185 00:14:13,600 --> 00:14:21,040 Speaker 1: them with curious eyes. Splash, She's beautiful, she is, isn't she? 186 00:14:21,360 --> 00:14:26,880 Speaker 1: Splash agreed, his voice softening, A winter visitor gracing our 187 00:14:26,960 --> 00:14:31,840 Speaker 1: farm with her presence. The bird cocked her head, studying 188 00:14:31,880 --> 00:14:36,640 Speaker 1: them with a curious tilt. She fluffed her feathers, puffing 189 00:14:36,680 --> 00:14:42,160 Speaker 1: out against the cold puddles. Whispered do you think she's lost. 190 00:14:43,320 --> 00:14:46,680 Speaker 1: I don't think so, Splash said, watching the bird, she 191 00:14:46,840 --> 00:14:51,680 Speaker 1: looks right at home. Sometimes creatures wander far from their 192 00:14:51,800 --> 00:14:56,560 Speaker 1: usual paths. That's how they find new places, make new friends. 193 00:14:58,560 --> 00:15:02,600 Speaker 1: It's always nice to meet friends, Puddle said, quietly, not 194 00:15:02,760 --> 00:15:08,000 Speaker 1: wanting to disturb the bird. The bird then chirped a clear, 195 00:15:08,160 --> 00:15:14,320 Speaker 1: melodious sound that rang through the crisp winter air. Do 196 00:15:14,400 --> 00:15:17,360 Speaker 1: you know what kind of bird she is, Puddles asked, 197 00:15:18,560 --> 00:15:22,320 Speaker 1: not exactly. If I had to guess, I would say 198 00:15:22,360 --> 00:15:26,040 Speaker 1: she is an eastern bluebird. It's very rare to see 199 00:15:26,080 --> 00:15:29,880 Speaker 1: this kind of bird in winter. Do you think she 200 00:15:29,960 --> 00:15:35,280 Speaker 1: will talk with us? Sometimes animals just want to be 201 00:15:35,440 --> 00:15:39,400 Speaker 1: left alone. If she wants to talk, she will in 202 00:15:39,480 --> 00:15:45,360 Speaker 1: her own time, Splash said, calmly and quietly. Maybe we 203 00:15:45,400 --> 00:15:51,000 Speaker 1: should tell farmer Vernon about her, Puddles suggested, already imagining 204 00:15:51,080 --> 00:15:55,800 Speaker 1: the story he would share with the other animals. Splash nodded, 205 00:15:56,400 --> 00:16:01,000 Speaker 1: we will, but let's keep her visit our little secret 206 00:16:01,040 --> 00:16:04,240 Speaker 1: for now. Let her enjoy the farm without a fuss. 207 00:16:05,280 --> 00:16:10,920 Speaker 1: Huddles beamed, just our secrets, Blash, our beautiful winter secret, 208 00:16:12,560 --> 00:16:16,360 Speaker 1: and with that they turned back, leaving the bird to 209 00:16:16,440 --> 00:16:20,160 Speaker 1: her privacy. They made their way back to the farm, 210 00:16:20,600 --> 00:16:24,600 Speaker 1: to the animals, with a story to tell when the 211 00:16:24,720 --> 00:16:32,440 Speaker 1: time was right, and that's the end of our story. 212 00:16:33,600 --> 00:17:03,880 Speaker 1: Good Night, sleep tight to s.