00:00:00 Speaker 1: Look may oh, I see you and look over there is that the culture? Yes? Wow, loves culture. 00:00:14 Speaker 2: Hie love that away. 00:00:21 Speaker 1: Wow that was good. 00:00:24 Speaker 3: Hi everyone, Wow, Wow guys sound amazing? 00:00:36 Speaker 1: Did you guys sound amazing? 00:00:37 Speaker 3: I said, if we're gonna come to London, it has to be where we're most comfortable, in a church, a place of God. And what you just heard was the song something kind of Ooh, my girls aloud. We were toying with the idea of opening the show with us singing it live, but then we said, what do we say? We said, that's that song is not for God. It's not for God. What so many more words than you ever think it could possibly be, because really, in the song something kind of ooh, really all you need is something kind of and that's really. 00:01:16 Speaker 1: All you need. But there's so many words in it, there's so much narrative. How does that like? There? 00:01:22 Speaker 2: What's a moro? Come baby? I won't even know your name? List name is so good. 00:01:30 Speaker 3: This is for me listening to only that from my flight from l X to London, only for Boeing to say, I don't. 00:01:38 Speaker 1: Think we're gonna do it. 00:01:39 Speaker 3: It's not for Jesus. It's a lot it's a lot of words. 00:01:47 Speaker 1: Should we sit? What's it? Okay? Wow? We we had some. 00:01:57 Speaker 3: We had some tequila and red bullback stee and I've had three Guinnesses tonight. 00:02:03 Speaker 1: And you've got three Guinness. 00:02:06 Speaker 3: Well we should also say hi, I'm Matt Rogers and laws. Yeah, and I'm friend of Matt Rogers Bowen Yang. 00:02:20 Speaker 1: Thank you for having us. 00:02:21 Speaker 3: And we want to thank you so much for joining us on our tour, which today we decided is called the proper faggot Tour. 00:02:33 Speaker 1: And because we're in a church, we mean cigarettes. 00:02:38 Speaker 3: I do want you to know also, the second this show ends, you gotta run because this place is gonna burn down. 00:02:46 Speaker 1: Brimstone, will Raine. 00:02:48 Speaker 3: It is not saved from the clearest story architecture majors in here, anybody? No, Okay, Well, we're in a Gothic Revival church and that you see this a wide transept and a wide nave nave. Oh, you guys know, talk dirty to me, talk dirty to me. We don't have this in America. We don't have churches. 00:03:12 Speaker 1: You know. I went to a church once in America. 00:03:14 Speaker 3: Yeah, and it was for a funeral. Oh, and I was sitting in the back with my mother because it was like we didn't know the person, but we knew the person. It was like you had to attend, but certainly you weren't going to take space in the front because that's for the people that are really heaving sob and grieving, and we didn't care that much. So we were sort of in the back. And it was to the point of the mass where they're like, okay, now everyone come up and receive communion. 00:03:40 Speaker 1: Where are my Catholics at? 00:03:44 Speaker 3: So at this point, I'm like twenty three, like two years into being like fully gay to my mother three two or three years, and I say to her, I'm like, I don't think I can go up there and receive communion. And she turned to me and said, yeah, if you go up there, this place is going to burn to the ground. And we laughed so hard, and one of the heaving, sobbing, grieving women turned around in the front and goes, wow. And we felt bad and sat right in our seat and did not receive communion on the day. 00:04:28 Speaker 1: That's okay, you didn't get you didn't get. 00:04:30 Speaker 3: The body, but no, and I was always addicted to the taste. Right, you didn't did you spend a lot of time in a Catholic. 00:04:36 Speaker 1: Jo was not Catholic, So you never received the body of Christ. I never orally did not receive. I might have gotten. 00:04:45 Speaker 4: I might have gotten like the cuticle, you know. I we got a thin wafer one day and it was like so delicate that I was like, Christ is skinny? 00:04:53 Speaker 3: Christ is Christ is actually acceptable in the zone? 00:04:58 Speaker 1: Diet the zone? What's the zone? Do do people know what the zone? Wait? 00:05:06 Speaker 3: The zone is truly like a nineties diet fat that Jennifer Aniston was like the face of and the whole thing was like no carbs, never a carb. 00:05:16 Speaker 1: Never. If you even think about a carb, you're not loving Joanniston. Then you're not going like her. No, you're not going to her. 00:05:22 Speaker 5: No. 00:05:22 Speaker 3: I feel like Christ, would Jesus Christ have gone on New Zempic if he were alive today. I think Jesus Christ would have turned Ozembic into yes Manjaro. Well, here's the thing. They're always like, you know, Jesus is coming back. He's coming back. First of all, it's like TikTok, bitch. It can't get much worse than. 00:05:45 Speaker 1: It is right now. Jesus is gonna come back. It needs to be now. 00:05:48 Speaker 3: But also if Jesus did come back, first of all, he'd find out about TikTok. He'd be a huge influencer, especially with those aps. He'd be so annoying Jesus, he'd. 00:06:00 Speaker 1: Show off his scars, okay, and. 00:06:06 Speaker 3: We'd all be horny about it, but mad like Logan Paul. Jesus would be Logan Paul. Are we horny bit mad for Logan Paul? If you're a horny for Logan Paul, make noise. Second, Road just rolled her eyes so aggressively, just so you know, I can see you. 00:06:33 Speaker 1: Well. 00:06:33 Speaker 3: In the words of Taylor Swift, I can see you, I can see you well. 00:06:39 Speaker 1: It's mid That's okay, that's okay. That was good. By the way. First of all, give it up for Olga Coke everybody. Yeah, you know. 00:06:53 Speaker 4: What she was talking about her friends eating ass. I was like, see, yeah, I would go on. 00:06:58 Speaker 1: It was embic. 00:06:58 Speaker 4: But I still want to eat ass, you know what I mean. I don't want to I don't want to lose my appetite. 00:07:07 Speaker 3: Listen, current events are happening as we speak, and we think, we think the best thing about London is English tabloid culture. We think it's really healthy the way you guys do things. 00:07:25 Speaker 4: Everyone's making good, noble money off of this. 00:07:30 Speaker 3: So Bowen said he was gonna go pick up some tabloids and then we'd sort of flipped through and see just how much you, page by page are ruining these people's lives and degrading them beyond belief in a way. 00:07:44 Speaker 1: That is truly unfathomable. 00:07:46 Speaker 3: So Megan Markle is on the cover of this, right, yes, and all we've well, well, it sounds like we've got some royalists in the crowd. 00:07:56 Speaker 1: Was this mattering of applause? Yeah? Who here? 00:07:58 Speaker 3: What describe themselves as a royal list? Very anti Megan Markle? 00:08:04 Speaker 4: Yeah, okay, no, wait, you're being shy now, who is it? 00:08:11 Speaker 1: Did you mean that we need to hear this? Lost? Coaches about different perspectives. 00:08:18 Speaker 3: Bowen is a centrist, leans more conservative. I'm very liberal. So it's about different views. That's why they call it the view Who hates Megan Markle and thinks she's calculated? 00:08:35 Speaker 1: Who said that? I see I see them? Who is it? Go get up here, come on, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up, get up. 00:08:48 Speaker 2: Yeah. 00:08:48 Speaker 1: Suddenly, yeah, suddenly you want to hide. 00:08:51 Speaker 3: You're like these writers, well. 00:08:57 Speaker 1: Mean theirs Cheryl speaking of girls aloud? 00:09:02 Speaker 3: This is there's Cheryl's being reported on, Megan's being reported on. I told I kind of gave Matt the condensed, abridged version of the Holly and Phil of it all. 00:09:15 Speaker 1: I received none of it. Did you don't love that? 00:09:19 Speaker 4: He? 00:09:19 Speaker 1: So he had an affair with like a twink? Is that what happens? 00:09:24 Speaker 3: So I'm so okay. So there're two morning show co hosts. He is an affair with a twink that works with the show. She's upset because they have chemistry. 00:09:33 Speaker 1: Someone's shaking her hat? What is that wrong? That was wrong? What happened? 00:09:40 Speaker 3: Then? 00:09:42 Speaker 1: Yes? Oh is it gonna mood? We'll bring it up. What what? What is it? 00:09:50 Speaker 3: And then I want to talk to her friend asked the truth of the story, and we'll make humor out of it. 00:10:01 Speaker 1: He potentially groomed. He gave him a bang. 00:10:06 Speaker 3: M literally figuratively hair wise. What about our friend back there? I saw something? 00:10:13 Speaker 1: Yes, you who? 00:10:18 Speaker 3: She pretended she didn't know. She's even worse than him. Oh, she should be in jail. She pretended she didn't know. 00:10:32 Speaker 1: Oh, she must be. 00:10:34 Speaker 3: Banished to askaband with her, to askaband with her with all making her incredibly English reference. Yeah, only only at a niche English reference. Askaman, you know what's international? What in sync is back? 00:10:52 Speaker 1: Yeah? Who here? Thinks Justin Timberlake like he drinks a lot. 00:11:04 Speaker 4: They I'm sorry, I'm sorry, and I'm gonna go on the record. Literally we're recording this for the podcast. Don't worry people at home home. 00:11:11 Speaker 3: Is in the States. We're sorry, I'm gonna go on the record. They all look bad, they all look really bad. I'm sorry. That's bringing the mood down. Is we talk about men? Aging is talking about these men? Uh that groomer needs to get over here and deal with them, give them some real I see I see one two thirty four five men in need of a good groomman, did you see? 00:11:40 Speaker 1: I was so excited they came back on the VMA. 00:11:43 Speaker 3: Say like we're back haha, and then it was like it's a song for trolls. Justin Timberlake has pivoted from international pop star to trolls, which makes me think there's I think trolls is like the new Scientology or something like they have these people like imprisoned. 00:12:07 Speaker 4: It's not good in a contract that makes them put out troll songs. 00:12:13 Speaker 3: Look at this, This says Harry, I want my old life back. 00:12:18 Speaker 1: Who thinks Harry wants his old life back? Yeah? No, No, that. 00:12:23 Speaker 3: Doesn't look fun at all. You're sitting in a big castle. Where are the outlets? 00:12:27 Speaker 1: Here's my thing? Yeah, go go. 00:12:34 Speaker 3: You see photos and videos of like the castle, even bal Moral, there's no outlets there. 00:12:40 Speaker 1: Like for what about like plugging your iPhone? 00:12:42 Speaker 3: You would have to search forty five minutes to even find somewhere to plug your iPhone fifteen pro Hey, does anyone hear work and set deck at the Crown because literally we need to see some outlets at Balmoral. 00:12:57 Speaker 1: Okay, hold on, hold on. 00:13:01 Speaker 3: I want to read this article because I was reading it today in the morning while I was waiting, I was literally waiting for Matt to land here. It says, let's let's let's just try out our boone wants to read these articles in our British accents. 00:13:15 Speaker 1: And then. 00:13:17 Speaker 3: I want to do I want to do my best rp. Okay, my best received pronunciation. 00:13:23 Speaker 1: That's what is that. 00:13:24 Speaker 4: It's standard in English. It's like BBC English, you know. 00:13:28 Speaker 3: So the difference between him and me is he knows the differences and all my British accents. 00:13:35 Speaker 1: Are yeah, yeah yeah, do it do something now? 00:13:43 Speaker 3: Would you like to hear me read about Britney Spears and my bad adel? Yeah, yeah, yeah, Brittany, Sam's not getting on a. 00:13:54 Speaker 1: Face splay last month. 00:13:56 Speaker 3: Have to one year marriage and it hasn't taken long for things to get oklay between Britney Spears and a restrained husband Sam asgry. 00:14:04 Speaker 1: It's sort of getting up. He also allegedly. 00:14:14 Speaker 3: Waived and he claims to Britney's music rights and isn't listed on the deeds of their shared home in California. 00:14:24 Speaker 1: You're joking. That's my huge joke. 00:14:26 Speaker 4: You're joking. That's my favorite British ism. You joke, you're joking. And the second favorite one is it's a bit ship ship. It's really good. 00:14:37 Speaker 3: It's a bit ship in it, bit ship in it. Okay, mine's not gonna be to do it. 00:14:41 Speaker 1: This is this is very here we go. 00:14:44 Speaker 3: While Megan's focused on the future, he's stuck in regret over the past. 00:14:50 Speaker 1: You're copying me. I'm not. You're doing Robin Lee. 00:14:54 Speaker 4: I pretend I'm on the BBC World service. I'm pretending I'm doing BBC News. 00:15:00 Speaker 3: He's been looking gloom of late, failing to even raise a smile. 00:15:06 Speaker 1: That Beyonce's l a concert. That's all I got. 00:15:14 Speaker 3: Wait, can I say something? I hate you guys. There's a photo of this. There's something in here called Torso of the Week guys, and it's like, ye, okay, okay, I mean these gays don't go to Dalston Superstore. 00:15:34 Speaker 1: They're they're. 00:15:37 Speaker 3: They're local jokes. Local is gonna get them every time. 00:15:41 Speaker 1: I know. 00:15:42 Speaker 3: This is a segment that we like to call explain Cheryl call to us. 00:15:51 Speaker 1: She now goes by the mononym of Cheryl. 00:15:54 Speaker 3: Well that's something. I okay, who here things expert. They're the biggest expert in the room at Cheryl Cole. You yes, yes, come up, Come on up, come on up? 00:16:27 Speaker 1: No, No, you know enough here here? What's your name? All right? 00:16:31 Speaker 3: Everyone give it up for tola ta see. So one thing about America is we don't know about Cheryl Cole at all. And then here in the UK, Cheryl Cole is we're told one of the biggest stars here. 00:16:48 Speaker 1: Would you agree? Huge? 00:16:51 Speaker 5: It's been up and down, but I think, yeah, we're. 00:16:55 Speaker 1: Can you describe the topography of the ups and downs? So how did Cheryl Cole start out? 00:17:00 Speaker 5: I believe it was girls allowed, if anyone was right, huge, huge girl group here in the UK. 00:17:08 Speaker 1: Obviously we do know that, yes, yes, and so the girls allowed? 00:17:14 Speaker 3: Is that supposed to be like a riff on, like like no girls allowed? And then because it's a l O U D right, so it's more girls shouting. 00:17:23 Speaker 2: Indeed, because women before that women. 00:17:28 Speaker 3: Couldn't couldn't shout yeah, yeah, and now. 00:17:35 Speaker 1: They can now. 00:17:37 Speaker 3: Would you say that as a result of girls allowed, that women felt empowered to raise their voice? 00:17:42 Speaker 2: I would say so. 00:17:43 Speaker 6: I think the response seems to yeah, because you know, would you say, Tyler, there was a vacuum of women shouting the post Spice girl's landscape. 00:17:54 Speaker 5: I think before that the only woman to shout was Margaret Thatcher and. 00:17:59 Speaker 1: We love her, love Queen, May she rest? May she well? You know? Can you be honest? 00:18:07 Speaker 3: The only reason Matt Rodgers and I know about something kind of oo by Girls Aloud is because Hue the seminal duo on respector X Factor two Shoes. Did anyone else watch the season of X Factor with sher Lloyd and One Direction. Yeah, they were, they were their season Wow shoes. 00:18:32 Speaker 2: You're familiar with Sharon and One Direction? 00:18:35 Speaker 1: Yes? Yes? What's your Lloyd up to? 00:18:37 Speaker 3: What is. 00:18:39 Speaker 2: Congrats to show? 00:18:42 Speaker 1: Wow? What's amazing? 00:18:45 Speaker 2: I still follow her on Facebook? 00:18:47 Speaker 1: Oh great, lovely? Okay, so so no, wait, taller, you're on Facebook with share? Are you a mother yourself? 00:18:54 Speaker 3: No? No, I'm. 00:18:57 Speaker 2: To my best friend. 00:18:58 Speaker 1: Hot. 00:18:59 Speaker 3: I am like your your your heart's mother, but not literally not yes, yes, yes I am a child but oh like us. 00:19:07 Speaker 1: Okay. 00:19:07 Speaker 3: So, just to get back to the trajectory of the entire career of Cheryl Cole, she starts out on Girls Allowed, and would you say she was sort of the breakout star, sort of the Justin of Girls Allowed. 00:19:19 Speaker 5: I think it was a little more even like I could barely name the other four. 00:19:23 Speaker 3: Right right, that's okay, no, stop stop that, stop stop that by now. 00:19:31 Speaker 2: Very young labor before my apparently no. 00:19:33 Speaker 1: No, no, there's some Nadine stands. 00:19:36 Speaker 3: Here and and I'm literally making up that that's one of their names, because only one of these people crossed over into the US lexicon, and that was Ryl. 00:19:48 Speaker 1: This is true. She has many last names she's had over time, so I think. 00:19:52 Speaker 5: She's back to Tweety because a big part of her story that she was married to famous English footballer As Cole, who played for my club, Chelsea. 00:20:03 Speaker 2: I say, with great shame, Hey, hey. 00:20:06 Speaker 3: Hey, the peanut gallery is restricted. 00:20:12 Speaker 1: So she's Cheryl Tweety in the beginning as a girl's allowed member. 00:20:17 Speaker 3: She meets this footballer that's probably huge for the tabloids, these motherfuckers. And then what happens she becomes Ryl Colin sort of passion bexes it. 00:20:28 Speaker 5: Up exactly, hanging out with the Coleen Rooneys of the world, Victoria Beckham's I think there was tension between her and Victoria. 00:20:37 Speaker 1: Well yeah, if. 00:20:38 Speaker 5: I recall I was about eight at the time, it's a brag, but it trickled down. 00:20:47 Speaker 3: It trickled down. So you support thatcher, So you support thatcher. Okay that's basically what you just said. Huge fan of Reagan, Yes, yes, all right, So Cheryl Cole for a while, it doesn't work out with the footballer, because when does it ever work out with the footballer? 00:21:05 Speaker 1: Am I right? So so then she becomes what. 00:21:10 Speaker 5: Then for a while she sort of disappeared. I'd say she did. She did obviously continue. 00:21:15 Speaker 1: Excuse me. 00:21:18 Speaker 2: Maybe she was around. 00:21:22 Speaker 1: When does she become the pop star Cheryl? 00:21:27 Speaker 2: She did that? She did fight for this love? 00:21:30 Speaker 5: Yeah, which, yeah, that was huge. 00:21:34 Speaker 2: I was in secondary school at the time. 00:21:36 Speaker 3: Okay, that's you gotta fa fa fve. 00:21:41 Speaker 1: Yeah, it's kind of a bop. 00:21:43 Speaker 2: I would say, it's fantastic. Yeah, seminal work. 00:21:46 Speaker 1: Seminal work. 00:21:47 Speaker 4: Now, when did Cheryl Hole the rue Paul's drag Race the UK Sees series one Queen step on the scene, Cheryl Hole and her whole? Her name is a play on Cheryl Cole, which is now an outdated moniker. 00:22:01 Speaker 1: When did Cheryl Hall enter the lexicon for you? 00:22:03 Speaker 2: I don't know in relation to Cheryl Cole. 00:22:07 Speaker 5: I don't know the story behind why she opted for that. 00:22:11 Speaker 1: Yes, would you agree that Cole rhymes with Hole? I worked? Yes, thank you? You're right? Okay, Can I just ask just a couple more questions? 00:22:26 Speaker 3: When does Fernandez versini become a thing? 00:22:32 Speaker 1: I can't answer that, you said, because can I tell you something? 00:22:35 Speaker 3: You raised your hand and you said you were an authority on Cheryl Cole? Was the lull? 00:22:43 Speaker 1: That was? 00:22:43 Speaker 2: So I wasn't keeping up with it quite as crazy. 00:22:46 Speaker 3: Do you know about her becoming pregnant with Liam Payne's child, Bear? His name is Bear Pain. If I'm lucky, I'm getting some Bare Pain tonight. 00:23:03 Speaker 1: Okay. Yeah. 00:23:09 Speaker 3: Do we believe that that child is happy in a private school somewhere? 00:23:14 Speaker 1: Yeah? I hope so too. 00:23:16 Speaker 3: What do you think the relationship is currently between Cheryl whatever the fuck she's going by. 00:23:21 Speaker 1: And Liam Pain? 00:23:24 Speaker 2: I assume that co parenting. 00:23:34 Speaker 3: And I'm gonna ask you first, and then I'm gonna ask the crowd, because this is also going to become our opinion. 00:23:39 Speaker 1: It's your opinion of Cheryl Cole. Tweety Vernanda's Varsini. 00:23:43 Speaker 3: Tweety pain, tweety positive or negative? 00:23:48 Speaker 1: Okay? Great? And what about everybody else? 00:23:55 Speaker 3: Well, welcome, Cheryl gone. 00:23:59 Speaker 1: Just kidding, We're all the same page. Everyone. Give it up for Tallow. 00:24:05 Speaker 3: You did amazing, You did amazing, You did amazing. Now you sit there there, give it up for everybody, everybody, and give it up for Sheriff Cole wherever she is. Now here's something. Here's something you may notice. We left the chair empty over here, and that was sort of me telling you that we. 00:24:44 Speaker 1: Did get the signal. We did get the signal. We got the signal. 00:24:47 Speaker 3: I'm my my sort of field division is kind of limited. I'm not able to see that you do not let me tell you something about when you have a lot of talent, but you do not have eyes in. 00:24:57 Speaker 1: The back of your head. 00:24:59 Speaker 3: And and it was on me only to get the signal. Can I tell you something what? I wouldn't change a thing about me? No, I would. 00:25:08 Speaker 1: I wouldn't want that. It's taken you a long. 00:25:11 Speaker 3: Time, yeah, to be able to say that true. I wouldn't change a thing about you. My sister, Hey, who is here with their best friend? That's so, if you're here with your best friend, I want you to stand up, and I want you to look at them. I want you to look them in the face and say, baby, I wouldn't change a thing about you, And I want you to mean it. Maybe I wouldn't change I wouldn't change a thing about you. Can everyone just connect? Can everyone just connect for a second? 00:25:40 Speaker 1: Yeah? Do it? 00:25:42 Speaker 3: Are you guys meaning it? I hope you mean it. Oh, there's a lot of love in the room. 00:25:47 Speaker 1: I wouldn't change I would. 00:25:52 Speaker 3: Now, And everyone sit down, Everyone sit because there there there is that, there is there is royalty in the room. There is true royalty in the room. You know, your nation has kind of stolen. 00:26:06 Speaker 1: Her from us. 00:26:07 Speaker 3: Yeah, and she's kind of transcended, like xpat because she kind of splits her time, yeah, between the States and the Kingdom. Well, she goes internationally wherever she needs to go. Oh yeah, you know her taxes are hell oh god, I want to ask her about her taxes. Oh, she's getting like a fucking form from because I think that's what everyone wants to hear about, is how. 00:26:33 Speaker 1: The fuck does her account? 00:26:35 Speaker 4: Oh yeah, so like you have to file an Australian tax Like, you get an Australian paycheck, you get a British paycheck exactly, you get like it's too much. 00:26:45 Speaker 3: Yeah, on top of being a noted singer, actress, reality television personality, let's just face it, one of the greatest judges in reality television history. We are so honored that she made the time to come here. This was a huge ass. I say from the beginning, one of the dream guests of this podcast, and it goes way back and tonight's the night. 00:27:14 Speaker 1: Oh wow, everyone please welcome to the stage show. 00:27:29 Speaker 2: Wow, people like you is amazing. 00:27:34 Speaker 7: What a great crowd. You guys are an amazing crowd. 00:27:37 Speaker 1: Yeah, shut up. 00:27:39 Speaker 2: I just got off the radio. 00:27:41 Speaker 1: I was gonna say, you bolted straight here. 00:27:43 Speaker 2: So I ran. 00:27:45 Speaker 7: I'm so exhausting. These and those Oh my god, they're not that high. These are kind of grandma that's. 00:27:51 Speaker 3: All right, Yeah, grandma ware is that I got jog? We were talking about today on the radio. 00:27:57 Speaker 1: Yeah, what happened? 00:27:58 Speaker 2: It was great. I have the best show on the radio. 00:28:01 Speaker 7: I'm just I'm just gonna say this. If you haven't listened, it's Friday night, seven to night. It's fabulous Fridays. And it's all the music that I get to pick. 00:28:10 Speaker 3: Is it given me a lot of nineties dance, like seventies, eighties, nineties dance. 00:28:16 Speaker 7: But in America on the radio, you don't get to pick your music. The boss tells you what you're playing, and you push the button and you talk in between. 00:28:24 Speaker 2: Here on Radio two, they get to let me pick my music. 00:28:28 Speaker 3: Freedom to make a change. Oh my god. So we're just talking out here, you being all over the world. What the hell are your Texas like? And how does your accountant do it? 00:28:45 Speaker 2: The accountant does do it? 00:28:48 Speaker 1: Goodbye? 00:28:48 Speaker 2: The account is my husband. 00:28:50 Speaker 7: Oh, he's really good with math or maths. He does the math and I just work and I keep working. So it is you do have to be responsible for this country and New Zealand and America. 00:29:07 Speaker 2: So basically I eat Ramen noodles, but I work a lot. 00:29:10 Speaker 1: So there you go. So we're on top of it. 00:29:13 Speaker 4: Yeah, but you know there's something and I hope to one day really work in a country where the queen's face is on the money. You know what I mean, don't make any sense? Yeah, because I used to be a Commonwealth baby. I was going from Australia to Canada and then you know, the States, The States are the States. 00:29:31 Speaker 2: Yeah, is it our thing to. 00:29:33 Speaker 1: Default to like hating American when I come here? I do? Yeah. 00:29:38 Speaker 7: I remember I was talking about it recently somewhere on something and somebody got really offended because I said that it's the countryside is so spectacular here, it is breathtaking, and I said, I don't really feel like we have. 00:29:52 Speaker 2: That in America. Well, I got read the Riot Act, like have. 00:29:56 Speaker 7: You ever been out state New York? And I was like, yeah, bitch, that's the problem. Have you ever been to Surrey? 00:30:03 Speaker 3: I don't think so okay, so how long have you been here on this trip to the UK. 00:30:08 Speaker 1: And also I want to know, like if you had yours? 00:30:12 Speaker 2: Oh my god, you have Mary Jane's. 00:30:14 Speaker 1: I do Mary Jane. He's always got something on his feet. 00:30:18 Speaker 2: So cute. 00:30:19 Speaker 1: You know what the new thing is? 00:30:20 Speaker 4: I think what the new thing is in Coco Schnell, like take one thing off before you leave the house. 00:30:24 Speaker 1: It's put one thing on that's slightly wrong. 00:30:27 Speaker 2: I'm down, you know, yeah, slightly fucked up. 00:30:31 Speaker 7: Yeah, like my pinky, what happened happened an unfortunate fisting accident. 00:30:37 Speaker 2: No, actually I was. You know here, we. 00:30:41 Speaker 7: Don't do this in the States. You can park anyway you want on the road. So if you're going this way, do do do do do, And there's a spot that way you can just go heaven, right, Except for the fact that my door was here and the car was coming this way. It was trying to be nice and open the door real quick and get out, and the entire sure. 00:31:02 Speaker 2: No, the entire friggin nail gone. It was a bloodbath. 00:31:13 Speaker 1: Oh I mean. 00:31:15 Speaker 2: So then I went on my Instagram and I'm like. 00:31:18 Speaker 7: I'm cutting oh my nail because I can't take it anymore. Also, every thirteen year old girl has like nails now, so I don't feel special anymore. So I thought, well, I want lesbian hands, you want hands, I'm gonna cut. 00:31:30 Speaker 3: But these are a feet of engineering though, I mean, can you show this is I'm study. 00:31:36 Speaker 2: Thank you, thank you? And I told Rue and Ruth said, well, it really is. End of days. 00:31:42 Speaker 3: That's not even a lost fingernail. That's like an insurance claim. I know. That's like, I know, I feel like instroduction days you had the naturally grown full nail. I'm sorry, the induction days you had the naturally grown full nail. 00:31:59 Speaker 7: Those were my no, yes, wow, six inches. We've all been to six inches. Yeah, well I hope, yeah, we all have those stories. So I definitely grew them myself for all that time. 00:32:13 Speaker 2: And on the cover of the Soul System record, those were. 00:32:15 Speaker 4: My yeaessm, wait a minute, Matt, and I had a really gross question. 00:32:20 Speaker 1: I have a I have a sort of ghost question. 00:32:22 Speaker 3: So you're on the Bodyguard soundtrack that is the biggest soundtrack of all time. Correct, So let's the biggest film time track of all time. 00:32:29 Speaker 1: Soul System give it up for Soul system. 00:32:32 Speaker 7: Track nine Yes track track You Are Good, the only non Whitney song that made it into the movie. 00:32:38 Speaker 1: Wowow. So how often do the check come in? 00:32:44 Speaker 7: Okay, I am glad you asked ye because I am no longer in the lawsuit. 00:32:49 Speaker 2: Oh, the checks came. 00:32:54 Speaker 7: This is full disclosure. My parents were losing their house and my first paycheck came. 00:32:59 Speaker 2: I've ever seen. 00:33:00 Speaker 7: It wasn't millions, So don't worry because I it was a remake of the Bill withersong. So guess who got most of the money estate Yeah, yeah, and then it was produced by C and C Music Factory, which we all know the history of that them. So I did well, but I didn't make millions. But the first check came in. So I bought my mom and dad house. 00:33:19 Speaker 1: Oh wow, I mean that's true. 00:33:23 Speaker 7: They were losing their house, so I bought them a house, and then I bought them a car, and I brought my brother, my brother a car. Then after like two years, the lawyer says, oh, your checks are going to get smaller and smaller, and I was like, okay, that makes sense, because you know, you sell less records and I don't know how it works. I'm twenty three years old. I have no idea. So come to find out years later, that lawyer calls me, you know, twenty thirty years later and says, oh, they told me to stop paying you. What So I was only paid on seventeen million records when forty five were sold. 00:33:53 Speaker 1: Wow, that's a third. That's a third of the record. 00:33:56 Speaker 2: So I tried to do math. 00:33:58 Speaker 1: I know, well done by it. 00:34:01 Speaker 7: There's a statute of limitations X amount of years go by. I'm fighting, fighting, and I can't do anything because I missed, because I missed the date. 00:34:09 Speaker 1: So and this is why we got right. 00:34:12 Speaker 2: This is it, This is it. 00:34:15 Speaker 3: Unbelievable though, So you're when you're told, like, as a member of Seduction, you're going to be on the Bodyguard soundtrack. 00:34:22 Speaker 2: That was Sol System, this is the next group. 00:34:25 Speaker 7: Oh yeah, after production made zero money, I then signed with them again. 00:34:29 Speaker 3: So so you're told you're going to be on the Bodyguard soundtrack? Yes, And are you thinking that's going to be the biggest thing of all time because it's. 00:34:38 Speaker 1: Whitney Houston, Kevin Cosner or were you assuming that was going to be? Well? 00:34:42 Speaker 7: I assumed that I was going to be Madonna two point zero from the beginning and that didn't happen, so I thought this next time, it was a better deal. I got to write the rap that I did on the Bodyguard, so Clive Davis himself signed me. They brought me in for the meeting. Clive was like, you are a pop staw and I was like, you're right, sir. 00:35:01 Speaker 1: Yeah, So I thought this was. 00:35:02 Speaker 2: Gonna be my moment. 00:35:04 Speaker 7: And I did actually record most of an album that never got delivered so as a Lord as Soul Assistant featuring Michelle Vissage. Yeah, so it got never got delivered on time, so they axed us. 00:35:15 Speaker 2: They dropped us. 00:35:16 Speaker 7: But when Clive said I'm gonna put that song on the Bodyguard soundtrack, it was. 00:35:20 Speaker 2: Like, we don't know. I just hear Whitney Houston. 00:35:23 Speaker 1: That's all I get. 00:35:24 Speaker 7: You don't know, really it's going to be in a movie. That's a big deal. But you know, lots of songs go in movies. Every movie has songs, but not every. 00:35:31 Speaker 2: Movie hits the way that did. 00:35:33 Speaker 7: Yeah, so that was just an honor to be able to be on anything near Whitney Houston. 00:35:38 Speaker 1: Yeah, you know, so you ever get to meet her and mix with her at that time, I did. 00:35:42 Speaker 2: I got to interview her. 00:35:43 Speaker 7: I did morning radio for a very long time for seventeen years, and I got to thank Whitney in person for for basically buying my parents. 00:35:54 Speaker 2: But really changing my life in that way. And she was like, yeah, Jersey woo and I was like. 00:35:59 Speaker 1: Oh right, yeah, that's two Jersey girls. That's beautiful. 00:36:04 Speaker 4: The bad bad Wait a minute, Okay, so Michelle and I think, well, I suggested this because you use this in conversation. 00:36:13 Speaker 3: I think it's time for us to bring Oh I heard about this. It's time for us as a culture to bring. You know, you're not going to say we're going to bring bacha be. 00:36:25 Speaker 7: Okay, yeah, but this this is how what happened. We were texting yes, and you know, can't be traced Americans. Americans don't WhatsApp. You know this, right, Americans? I message and every English person, a British person is like, why what is that thing you're doing? 00:36:47 Speaker 2: That's an I message? 00:36:48 Speaker 7: So we were voice memoing back and forth and I said, I'm gonna come see you beach. 00:36:53 Speaker 2: And I was like, g I did us. 00:37:00 Speaker 7: Yeah, you just said and I'm so ready for the return of being ready. 00:37:05 Speaker 1: I'm ready. Why did we get rid of it? 00:37:06 Speaker 2: I don't know. 00:37:07 Speaker 3: I mean he told me about it. I didn't even have to question it. I was like, yeah, for sure, back in the lexicon. Why I did it go away? 00:37:15 Speaker 1: I mean, the title of this EPP is Beyonce. 00:37:18 Speaker 3: You that's title of that beat with Michelle visage from I Love. 00:37:23 Speaker 2: This episode is Islington beyon. 00:37:29 Speaker 3: I feel like we threw the baby out with the bathwater when we all decided, you know, bitch is a hard bad word. It's very you know, and I think we've come back around on bitch as being all purpose. 00:37:38 Speaker 1: Yeah. 00:37:38 Speaker 3: And I think BA can have that same sort of like Swiss army quality to it where. 00:37:44 Speaker 2: Yes, yeah, claiming my beach Beyonce. 00:37:47 Speaker 3: Is very like metrosexual, where it's like you're saying something but only ninety percent of the way. 00:37:53 Speaker 1: Yeah. 00:37:53 Speaker 3: And then when they said bitch, it was like when metro sexuals were like, yeah, we're gay, you. 00:37:58 Speaker 1: Know what I mean? 00:38:00 Speaker 3: And now I want to bring back metro second Yeah, okay, okay, I'm going back. 00:38:05 Speaker 2: I'm in what's next? Zeek Cavalci, I was very American? Sorry, wait, what was it? Am I too old? No? No, No, I think I just misheard Zekavacci's. Do you remember them. 00:38:19 Speaker 7: They were a type of pant that were very tight here, and the straight boys, the guidos, the very It's how you knew York. Those kind of guys would wear them, and they were tight here, and then they'd kind of balloon out and then they go. 00:38:33 Speaker 2: Tight at the ankles, and you'd wear them with kipezios. 00:38:35 Speaker 3: Oh oh yeah, yeah, so tight at the waist, balloon out and they come thank you, Yeah, I gotcha. 00:38:42 Speaker 7: That was the hottest guy very International mail catalog. Hello, I'm going back to the late eighties. 00:38:47 Speaker 1: Yle it. 00:38:47 Speaker 2: You'll be very happy. 00:38:48 Speaker 1: He'll be back any second. 00:38:50 Speaker 2: The gayest men you've ever seen. And I had the hots for all of them. 00:38:54 Speaker 3: Well yeah, Now did you in your adolescence did you? Were you sort of attracted to a fleet of gay men. Yes, and so your gaitar wasn't there, but you were. You knew I want to be a. 00:39:08 Speaker 1: Part of it. 00:39:09 Speaker 7: I liked effeminine men, I see, yeah. I liked a fancy boy. 00:39:13 Speaker 1: Yeah, and. 00:39:16 Speaker 7: Who liked hair gel. I don't know a guyliner. It was like the new wave of romantic era. And I would have sex with them. You would and then they would go, Okay, I have something to tell you. 00:39:32 Speaker 1: Yeah. 00:39:33 Speaker 7: So it was that not every time, but if you know, I helped them, I help them come out. 00:39:37 Speaker 2: Oh my god, you're welcome. 00:39:39 Speaker 3: And it would be sixss it would yeah please, yes, I mean that's what I'm here to do. 00:39:46 Speaker 2: That's what I'm here too. I was a slag and a half. Yeah, I don't really honestly. 00:39:50 Speaker 7: That's people ask me how I what's the the secret the key to I've been married for twenty six years to this, to the same man. 00:39:58 Speaker 2: I was a penis to. 00:40:00 Speaker 7: The same penis, and they said, what's the secret? I was like, well, I had many years of slaggotry. 00:40:04 Speaker 3: Yeah, you're done, you're retired. 00:40:08 Speaker 1: Yes, I'm done. Yeah yeah yeah. 00:40:11 Speaker 3: Do you ever do you ever think about it? There You're like, ohy hun, let's open it up. Let's really become a part of gay culture. 00:40:21 Speaker 1: Yeah, touche. 00:40:23 Speaker 2: I don't know. 00:40:24 Speaker 7: Listen, if he I am very open, I really am. So if he said to me, I don't, I don't know, Like if he's not being fulfilled, I'm married. 00:40:33 Speaker 2: So I stopped giving head obviously, right, Wow, that's what you. 00:40:38 Speaker 1: Do and he still does your taxes. 00:40:40 Speaker 2: I know, Oh my god, oh I know, wow, I have to do other things. 00:40:46 Speaker 7: Yes, yes, but I you know, I said, He's like, it's very sad. 00:40:50 Speaker 2: I'm like, I know, I know, I'll do. 00:40:51 Speaker 7: I'm just hired, like I work all ye, like I'm tired, and you know, I really feel like I was like, just go get a rubin tug, like. 00:40:58 Speaker 2: Do go doo. 00:41:00 Speaker 1: I don't know, and he's. 00:41:01 Speaker 2: Like, seriously, I'm like, gow, I don't just go. 00:41:04 Speaker 7: That's too shy, I know, but you know it doesn't but so would I open. 00:41:08 Speaker 2: I don't know. I don't know if this is not for fishing for compliments, do not clap. I don't need it. I don't know if I could still pull. 00:41:15 Speaker 1: I don't know. 00:41:15 Speaker 2: I've been all I swear to you. 00:41:19 Speaker 7: I have been around gay people for one hundred and twenty five years. I don't know if the pussy still got power. I don't know, Shika, I don't know, you. 00:41:28 Speaker 1: Know, I don't know. 00:41:31 Speaker 2: I'm not fisher. 00:41:32 Speaker 3: I don't know. 00:41:34 Speaker 1: You know what the thing is though. 00:41:35 Speaker 3: I feel like nowadays straight men love to be around gay guys, whereas back in the day they were like, oh, I don't know gay guys. 00:41:42 Speaker 1: Yeah. 00:41:42 Speaker 3: Nowadays, straight guys they gravitate towards gay guys because A the women, yeah, the women, and b they can actually because straight men, I think, do want to talk about their feelings. They do, but they just can't do it to each other. So when they find comfort in a gay man, so many straight men will spill their guts to me. Yeah, and I'll be like, wow, it's another element of the repression. 00:42:08 Speaker 2: Yeah, no, you're right. 00:42:08 Speaker 3: So when you're surrounded by gays, these straight men in the Year of Our Lord twenty twenty three are gonna come flocking. 00:42:15 Speaker 1: And then Michelle, you're gonna be pulling. 00:42:17 Speaker 2: I don't, you're gonna be pulling. I should try a straight bar every now. Do they exist? 00:42:23 Speaker 1: They're out there. 00:42:23 Speaker 3: We were just at one across the street. 00:42:28 Speaker 1: What is it called Compton Arms. Compton Compton Arms. 00:42:32 Speaker 2: Yeah, that's straight that felt and then we went to the pub's a go team. 00:42:39 Speaker 1: Go Team. 00:42:41 Speaker 3: I drank three guinnesses before I got here, like I was in football, dude, Yeah, I know, wow bro, oh yeah, I have a coach dad and everything. 00:42:50 Speaker 7: I tell you. 00:42:50 Speaker 3: I was a code switching icon really yes, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah yeah not not now you can tell by my sort of pulled together Look, it's. 00:43:00 Speaker 8: Fabulous code switch, are you? 00:43:11 Speaker 1: You know? 00:43:12 Speaker 3: Years ago it was like one of the first conversations I ever had with Rue, and it was it was we were talking about monogamy and I was dating someone and I was like, you know, I'm wanting to bring up monogamy and my boyfriend's not into it, and we're having a conversation and Ruder's flat out. 00:43:27 Speaker 1: Goes, well, monogamy is unrealistic and doesn't exist. 00:43:33 Speaker 2: It's a tough thing to do. It's a tough it's a commitment, flat out Yes. 00:43:38 Speaker 1: Yeah. 00:43:38 Speaker 2: I love the way the world is going. I love that. 00:43:41 Speaker 7: It's like if it works for you and it works for your partner and protect yourself and be happy. 00:43:44 Speaker 2: I mean, I don't see what's wrong with that. 00:43:46 Speaker 1: I think it's beautiful. 00:43:47 Speaker 2: So you got to know what works for you and figure it out. 00:43:50 Speaker 3: Yeah, you know, we've been joking that, like this entire conversation, there's going to be like sniper red dots on us in this church, like ready. 00:43:58 Speaker 2: To get Surpris church still standing right? 00:44:01 Speaker 3: Are we? At any moment? It's gonna be burning down? So every time we have a guest on Lost Culture RASA. So this is a moment in time having you here, we have to ask the question. So the central question of last culture is thus, which is Michelle Visage? What was the culture that made you say? Culture was for you? So this is the defining like movie, piece of music, pop culture, television show that you can think back and say, wow, that is the thing that made me. 00:44:35 Speaker 1: Turn into who I am. But sex yeah, wow, now honestly for me. 00:44:45 Speaker 7: So there's a few elements of culture in my life that made me who I am today. 00:44:49 Speaker 1: Will want to hear them all. 00:44:51 Speaker 7: One of them was Broadway musicals, yes, or musical theater does it could be West End to number two, UK punk rock, the sex Pistols, the Damn the Buzzcocks. 00:45:04 Speaker 2: All of that was my shite. I wanted to marry Sid Vicious. I didn't know that he was problematic. 00:45:12 Speaker 1: I didn't. 00:45:14 Speaker 2: He were a padlock in bled I thought that was cool. 00:45:18 Speaker 7: And then hip hop nineteen seventy nine, hearing Sugarhill Gang and then get full I am so cultured in old school hip hop. People don't know that about me. That is a passion and a love. And then going into dance music. Dance music changed my life. So when dance music came around, and of course I'm talking about Madonna going forward from there because Madonna was everybody. Yeah, I mean, everybody knows how I feel about Madonna. 00:45:45 Speaker 2: And there's other ones too. Donna Summer was a game changer for me. 00:45:47 Speaker 7: There's many, many, many music because I was kind of a loner and a loser and a misfit and a rebel, and I didn't have many friends, so I spent a lot of time with the radio and it spent a lot of time with records, so well, music was very important for me. But when I moved to New York City, I went to university there. 00:46:05 Speaker 2: I went to Musical Theater College because I. 00:46:07 Speaker 7: Wanted to be on broad and in America you have to be twenty one to get into the bars. And I was seventeen when I graduated high school and moved to New York. And my mother sent me a fake ID because she's like she. 00:46:19 Speaker 2: Did because she knew. 00:46:21 Speaker 7: Believe it or not, this is going to blow a lot of people's minds. I don't drink and I never did. I don't party, I never did, never tried a drug. I know It's hard to believe because I'm a maniac, but I was always virgo, very focused in control. 00:46:34 Speaker 2: So for me, I needed to go out to be discovered. 00:46:37 Speaker 7: No cell phone, no computer, no Google, no map Quest, none of that stuff. So she sent me a fake ID and I went out to a club called the Underground, which was very big in those days, and I remember walking down. 00:46:49 Speaker 2: These dark steps. 00:46:50 Speaker 7: I grabbed a girlfriend from college as that come with me, and it was dark, and this beautiful, brown skinned boy comes up to me and he said, oh you your face, You're so beautiful, and I was like me, but nobody really ever said that. Apart from my mother. I never felt beautiful. I never felt wanted or you know what I mean. 00:47:10 Speaker 2: I never fit in. It just wasn't for me. 00:47:12 Speaker 7: And he brought me down the steps and he opened this curtain to the darkest room with the thirty or forty of the freakiest looking misfits I've ever seen in my life, and I fucking knew I was home at that moment. It was a moment of these are my people. They were voguing and I was like, what are they doing? And you know, I, being this color, was welcomed into a Latin ex house of all Dominican and Puerto Rican people with dark skin and beautiful crazy hairdoos. And they just brought me into their family. And I became a member of the House of Magnafique. And then yes, and then I was brought into the Harlem ballroom culture. Never a question asked, Never you can't sit with us, Never too white, too black, too tall, none of that shit, No cancel culture. 00:47:54 Speaker 2: You are one of us, You are our daugha. You are going to learn. 00:47:58 Speaker 7: And I became, if the first one of the first biological females to walk in a vogue category in the balls and that's how it started for me. Wow, So that moment would probably be the moment. That moment when I became a magnifique and walked in the ballroom culture and did all of that up in Harlem, where I felt that I had a family, a chosen family, was probably the biggest. 00:48:24 Speaker 2: Event for me. 00:48:25 Speaker 1: Incredible. 00:48:26 Speaker 3: So I wonder like in the past, like really ten years, but really more five years, like what is it like to see ballroom culture really be celebrated in the mainstream and now with like Beyonce's Renaissance Store, It's like completely. 00:48:42 Speaker 1: I mean, it is monoculture. 00:48:44 Speaker 3: I wonder what it's like for you, as someone that was on the ground, being really a part of that authentically, what is it like to watch it explode like this? 00:48:52 Speaker 2: It's beautiful, It's deserved. 00:48:54 Speaker 7: These kids are so talented, these kids, the magnifiques that were in my house. 00:48:58 Speaker 2: You know, you watch Poe's. 00:48:59 Speaker 7: And you learn a little about it. So interesting, you know, none of us lived together. Like there were some truths, but a lot of them were you know, made grander for TV. But it was amazing to see this culture be told and it is more known now, but more to learn of where it came from and what it was about and what it meant to these kids where a lot of them were living on the streets, a lot of them were kicked out or being raised by their grandparents and had no money, had nothing, and their way of celebrating each other was coming together and having these balls. 00:49:32 Speaker 2: These were a. 00:49:32 Speaker 7: Really big deal because we would make things for each other or steal things for each other. 00:49:37 Speaker 2: That's just the way that it was, you know. 00:49:39 Speaker 7: And we would walk and we would compete, and there was so much pride in our in our trophies and our awards, So it was a really big deal. So have people like a freakin' superstar like Beyonce pay homage to it is like, yeah, yeah, of course it's incredible and incredible. 00:49:55 Speaker 4: It's incredible because and it kind of at this point now it has to be a little educational because like you do need Pose to sort of like give people like a digestible version of like what this time was. 00:50:05 Speaker 1: You need legendary to kind of. 00:50:06 Speaker 4: Have you teach like the standards and conventions of voguing and like and like drag Race definitely and like has broken the seal on that and helped that kind of all come in. And I think like we're about to move into like hopefully we move into a future where it's like it's it's pretty shorthand and everyone kind of has an understanding of like what this is. 00:50:25 Speaker 7: Well, let's hope and let's not forget because I did live through the AIDS crisis in New York City and seeing that happen, So having POS tell that story is just as important as having Pose explain what ballroom culture is so we don't forget. We can't forget what we've been through and what our brothers and sisters have fought for. So it's really important to have all that. I would love for it to be shorthand so people understand it. But there's so much more to learn because ignorance is coming on stronger than gay education. So we need to block that and educate through love not hate. Everything could be taught, and it's people needing to realize that who a person is, who they love, who they are, gender sexuality, fluidity, whatever. I have a non binary kid who I want to make this world a better place for, and in order to do it, we need to do that through love and education. 00:51:11 Speaker 3: Absolutely absolutely. Did you get a chance to see the Renaissance store? 00:51:18 Speaker 7: I did not get a chance to see it, but I am living all of it through TikTok and the friends in ts Madison gave me the run down. 00:51:29 Speaker 1: I mean we actually came and saw it here in London. 00:51:32 Speaker 3: Was anyone at the London uh? 00:51:35 Speaker 4: And I praised Tattenham Hotspur and then people got mad. 00:51:40 Speaker 1: They were like, Dad, that's not a cloud. I'm all right, that is a whole thing. That's the whole thing. I didn't realize. 00:51:47 Speaker 3: Just keep your mouth shut, right, But it's a it's a fabulous venue that I'm sorry to shoot on New Jersey East Rutherford. 00:51:53 Speaker 1: Could never is. 00:51:57 Speaker 3: But I'm saying, like the stadium, Mett Life Stadium, it is the it's a trap, Todd and we got to walk out. We went to a pub, we killed time, and then traffic was dead, and then we went home. 00:52:07 Speaker 7: Yeah, is no better in California? 00:52:10 Speaker 1: Is no better? 00:52:12 Speaker 3: Also, you can't you go into a concert at so Far you can't hear it. 00:52:16 Speaker 1: I don't know how to. 00:52:17 Speaker 3: Explain, but it's a it's a heat conduction and you can't hear it. 00:52:22 Speaker 7: That doesn't worked very well for concerts nor annoying. 00:52:26 Speaker 3: I was really excited last year on Dragons when they did the Night of a Thousand Beyonces because I feel like that was like overdue. Is there a night of a thousand Blanks that you would like to see on drag Race that we haven't done? 00:52:37 Speaker 2: Madonna's done well? 00:52:39 Speaker 1: Yeah, it's done well? 00:52:44 Speaker 2: Was that shady? 00:52:45 Speaker 1: No? 00:52:46 Speaker 3: I like, you must have been so shook for a night of one thousand Madonna's when four kimonos came out, girl. 00:52:52 Speaker 2: And like, not, who the fuck is gonna choose that? 00:52:56 Speaker 7: Honestly, Canal Street, there is not one bridle, not one like a virsion, not one borderline. 00:53:05 Speaker 2: I had that hat made the minute that freaking song came out. 00:53:08 Speaker 1: I know, I know, we are owed a good Madonna runway. We'll do it again. Now there's a lot. 00:53:15 Speaker 7: There's a lot, ninety one thousand Eliza's thank you very much, oh terrific. 00:53:21 Speaker 1: All of them coked out singing something wearing. 00:53:25 Speaker 4: Now, before we move on to I don't think so, honey, I need to ask an essential question off of vibes alone, between Matt and I. 00:53:33 Speaker 1: Who is the Michelle and who is the Leah Remedy? Who is who is too? I know the answer to this, you do. 00:53:40 Speaker 2: I'm Leah one hundred percent, one hundred percent. You're made. 00:53:45 Speaker 4: I mean you okay, okay, and you know what? This is a Remedy impression. Are you ready. 00:53:50 Speaker 3: I'm the kind of person who tells you the kind of person I am. She always starts her sentences off with I'm the kind of person who who leaves the yeah, yeah, you know. I'm so proud of her, But I'm like, the thing is like I have always been such a Leah Reven fan, like ever since childhood, since since all of it. I mean the King of Queen's like just genius, and you have been her very best friend. 00:54:17 Speaker 2: For like how long twenty I think twenty years. 00:54:19 Speaker 1: So through the scientology Oh. 00:54:21 Speaker 7: Yeah, everybody scattered like cockroaches and you study. 00:54:26 Speaker 1: Yeah. 00:54:27 Speaker 3: So when she's in scientology, are you thinking like this is a little weird, but like at some point like she'll get out of it, or are you thinking like that's the thing. 00:54:35 Speaker 1: You don't know, you don't know, you don't know. 00:54:37 Speaker 7: So one of the first things I asked her when I met her was like, so tell me, because you know, I did entertainment reporting for all those years on the. 00:54:43 Speaker 2: Radio and you'd hear about but you don't know what it is. It's elusive. So I go, what is this scientology thing? 00:54:49 Speaker 1: What is it? 00:54:50 Speaker 7: Yeah, it's a church where well, and she's she would do what she was told, which was well, listen, if you wanted to know what a Catholic mass was, I'd say, go to church. 00:55:00 Speaker 2: Why don't you come with me to the Church of Scientology and check it out. 00:55:04 Speaker 7: That was my Lee impersonation. So I went, yeah, and this is my scientology story. Are there any scientologists in here? 00:55:11 Speaker 2: Whoo? Okay, thank you, Bun this was my story. You can. 00:55:16 Speaker 7: They start out and they get you in good with some really important courses that can help your your way of life. 00:55:21 Speaker 1: Always What did you do the one in New York? No, no, no, no, no, the one in New York. 00:55:26 Speaker 3: I went to the one in New York when I was in When I was in two thousand and eight, I was eighteen years old. I had just gotten too n YU. Me and my friend Lizzie were walking in Times Square and I was like, let's go in and see what the fuck? 00:55:40 Speaker 2: So I gave you take your personality test. 00:55:42 Speaker 1: I gave him a fake name. 00:55:43 Speaker 2: Okay. 00:55:44 Speaker 1: I went in. 00:55:45 Speaker 3: They put me in what I can only describe as the pre showroom to Tower of Terror. Okay, like where it's like this bunch of like bound books and they closed the doors. And then it's like, I was like, so you're watching a video and they're doing the thing. 00:56:00 Speaker 2: Did you go on the cans? 00:56:02 Speaker 1: I didn't go on the cans, but it was not far away. 00:56:04 Speaker 2: I could, Okay. 00:56:05 Speaker 3: So then they're like, hey, just sign all this paperwork and then we'll start emailing you and I'll never forget what happened. So as I'm filling out the paperwork with a fake name and a fake email. I say to the guy, so, why are you in scientology and why do you think it's good for you? 00:56:20 Speaker 1: And he says, you know, when I started scientology, I was in a relationship that really wasn't working for me, and I just noticed that every day I was really angry. 00:56:33 Speaker 3: And then all of a sudden, I got involved with scientology. 00:56:37 Speaker 1: And I'm not angry anymore. 00:56:43 Speaker 3: And I'm like, yeah, O, yay, yeah, you seem great. And so then we like flat so you didn't take any course, No, but essentially you understand why they get you, because in the beginning, at least, what I'm understanding is it's base that's a therapy. 00:57:01 Speaker 2: So in a way, but they're like courses. 00:57:03 Speaker 7: Like they'd say to me, well, yeah, you'd pay for courses in university or college, so why wouldn't you pay from here. So there's like data, and then there's like overcoming the ups and downs in life and how to be a better parent. And I had young kids, so I was like, I want to I want to be a good parent. I probably suck, you know, I didn't know. I didn't know what I was doing. I had kids, and I had no mother. So I was like, I'm going to fuck these kids up. I don't mean too, but I didn't know. They don't come with a manual. You don't know what you're doing. I did my best. Here we are, so so I go in to take these courses and then I did the fifty dollars ones and then one hundred dollars ones. Now, mind you, I was working on the radio, so I didn't have a lot of salary. So it came to like the eighteen hundred dollars one. I said, I don't have the money. I didn't have the money to do it. And they said, well, you can. 00:57:45 Speaker 2: Borrow a friend's credit card. And I was like, what kind of friends you think I got? 00:57:48 Speaker 7: Yeah, And they were like, you know, I don't know if this is relevant here, but there's an actress called Jenna Elfman. 00:57:53 Speaker 3: Oh yeah, we love Jenna Elfman, big scientologist. Never mind, don't we love Jenna. 00:58:00 Speaker 7: We left door, we left arvingreg So when they said they said, and I quote, when Jenna wanted to go clear, going clear as getting rid of all. 00:58:09 Speaker 1: The defeat the Michigan this shit. 00:58:13 Speaker 7: Then when Jenna wanted to go clear, she borrowed a friend's credit card, and I was like. 00:58:17 Speaker 2: Good for Jenna. 00:58:18 Speaker 1: I don't know. 00:58:18 Speaker 2: I don't have that kind of a friend. So the guilt came right. 00:58:21 Speaker 7: They put me on the cans and my husband was like eye rolling and all that stuff, and I'm not I'm just telling you like it is. You guys can make up your own minds. I'm not an sp but well yes I am. So it came down to that and I was like, I can't afford it, and Leah's mother stepped in trying to make it affordable. The idea of paying for me to do it is not really on the cards because you have to do it for yourself. So I moved back to New York to do a radio a radio job, and I said, all right, I'll go back to the church and I'll take this course. 00:58:50 Speaker 2: I took this course. This is when I left. 00:58:52 Speaker 7: Okay, So I've taken about six courses at this point and it was time to make a commitment or get out. 00:58:57 Speaker 1: Yeah, am I going to do it or not? 00:58:58 Speaker 7: I still was like some and doesn't feel right because when I say the cans, they give these things that look like two soup cans and it's. 00:59:05 Speaker 2: Called an e meter. 00:59:06 Speaker 7: It's supposed to measure your energy to see if you worked through what was in the course. I bullshitted my way through those e meters like you could totally. It's like a lie detector. Anyway, I get to the course and they start explaining something called the tone scale, and that tells you where people are rated in life. So murders and pedophiles are down at like one hundred, and like you know, a deity, a god is like at zero whatever. I started going through the scale and literally at like ninety something was pedophiles, Uh huh, murderers and homosexuals. 00:59:41 Speaker 1: Yeah, So I took. 00:59:42 Speaker 2: The book and I shut it. 00:59:43 Speaker 7: And when they do that, they come over and they say, because there's a teacher walking around the whole time making sure you understand. 00:59:48 Speaker 2: And he said what word didn't you understand? 00:59:50 Speaker 7: And I was like that homosexuals are pedophiles and murderers. 00:59:53 Speaker 2: And he said, what are you talking about. 00:59:54 Speaker 7: I said, gay people are on the same tone and I said I quit and I walked out. He's like, you can't quit as a girl by yeah. And I called Leah's mother and I said, I'm never going back. And they called me for months and I told lean Liah's. 01:00:05 Speaker 2: Like I get it. 01:00:06 Speaker 7: I get it, and I'm like, how can you do it? And it kind of slowly started to dwindle and then she started uncovering shit. 01:00:13 Speaker 2: Yeah, but she had to do it her. 01:00:15 Speaker 7: Way, and it's been it's been rough man, but she's a fucking beast. 01:00:21 Speaker 1: I mean, yeah, she's amazing. 01:00:23 Speaker 3: I read her book and I watched the A and E series Put Yourself out There, and I know it's still hard. 01:00:30 Speaker 7: It is hard to this day because they see everything she's doing. But she's only speaking her truth and letting people speak their truth and letting She's trying to help and that's what, ironically, scientology is supposed to do. 01:00:41 Speaker 1: You know. 01:00:42 Speaker 3: All I want to is for her to be in more things because second act she. 01:00:47 Speaker 1: Was okay and best Buds. 01:00:52 Speaker 3: Second Act was my favorite movie of the year because this happened. 01:00:56 Speaker 1: This was a choice that Leah Remedy made in second act. 01:00:59 Speaker 3: So j Loo's like, I'm stressed out because business and also you know, juggling my life as a mom, and Leah remone She's like, all right, listen, and before she answers, she unbuttons the top button of her pants and then she goes, here's what you gotta do, But before she could give the advice, she's like, let me unbutton. 01:01:21 Speaker 1: This top button. That's that's a choice. 01:01:23 Speaker 2: That's I said. 01:01:24 Speaker 1: That is a real comedic icon right there. 01:01:29 Speaker 3: Amazing, She's amazing, and we celebrate, Oh my gosh, give it up. But I always wonder about like clearly cool people who are in it, and then like, you know, all you want is for people to see the light, but it feels like it's tiny. 01:01:47 Speaker 1: It's a small amount of people. Now I live next to the Scientology Celebrity Center in LA and there ain't nobody in there. 01:01:56 Speaker 2: More than you know. 01:02:00 Speaker 1: Yeah, she's the best, and that dove tails perfectly. And I don't think so, honey, wouldn't you say, Bowen? This is I don't think so honey. 01:02:16 Speaker 4: This is our segment we do every episode of the podcast. We take one minute to rail against something in pop culture, the culture in general. 01:02:24 Speaker 2: What did you choose tonight, Bowen? 01:02:25 Speaker 1: Well you'll see, you'll see matdam Bowen. 01:02:28 Speaker 3: So Boone's gonna go first tonight because I'm gonna I'm actually do something sort of uh form breaking and exciting. 01:02:35 Speaker 1: So Bowen, such a rebel I'm the leah. 01:02:38 Speaker 2: Yes you are button your pants. 01:02:41 Speaker 1: I actually just did have to button the back. But we have moved, all right. 01:02:45 Speaker 3: So Bowen Yang, this is your I don't think so, honey. I do have a phone that I can time you. So Bowen Yang is gonna take his one minute right now to rant against something in pop culture that needs a railing against Bowen Are you ready? 01:02:56 Speaker 1: Yeah? And it's it's yeah, I'm ready. 01:02:59 Speaker 3: Okay, here we go. This is down, Yanks. I don't think so many as time starts now. I don't think so, honey, Percy Pigs because because because wait, wait wait wait wait, Decoram let him get do it, Decora because Decoram Now. MNS Foods has a fucking choke hold on these things and it's holding them hostage. How dare you have exclusive sale over the best candy in the world, thank you? And I can't go to a food so anything and buy one along with my dental fluss. 01:03:35 Speaker 1: How dare you? I'm not going to M and S for anything else. 01:03:38 Speaker 3: I'm not buying one of your fucking sandwiches, bitch. I only have to donat you to buy this candy, and then I feel like a fuck I look like a groomer walking sentence with all the candy, looking like a groomermines, you're making me look crazy, like a damn pedo, as they say in the UK. 01:03:56 Speaker 1: Five seconds. 01:03:57 Speaker 4: I just need a one stop shop where I can order Percy pigs off of uber eats or deliver like any self respecting person in the UK would do. 01:04:06 Speaker 1: And that's one minute. 01:04:11 Speaker 3: And can I say, yes, I just tried them backstage from us. 01:04:22 Speaker 1: Yes, how dare you? 01:04:24 Speaker 3: That's made with real Jews, real Jews. And you can really tell, you can tell. I felt vitamin C flowing through me. I said, our candy is horseship. 01:04:35 Speaker 1: It's true. 01:04:36 Speaker 3: It's true, Bohen, I really feel like you struck a nerve. 01:04:41 Speaker 1: Well, I mean, did you see the topography of that was because they thought that you were going to drag it. They hated it at first. 01:04:52 Speaker 3: They thought you were agreed that they thought you were dragging it based on quality. You were dragging it based on the availability availability it creates. 01:05:01 Speaker 4: Oh my god, I'm so done with artificial scarcity. 01:05:04 Speaker 1: Fuck off. Yeah, it's out there. 01:05:08 Speaker 3: Put it out there, and we're taking all four bags of it and we're bringing it home and customs can eat our ass. 01:05:19 Speaker 7: Well, if they're filled with thirsty pigs, they might they. 01:05:21 Speaker 3: Might quite enjoy it, Sirs and Madams. 01:05:26 Speaker 1: All right, so here's here's what I'm doing. Okay, four break. 01:05:29 Speaker 3: So you know, Bowen and I used to do a live show based on this segment called I Don't Think So Honey Live, where we'd bring fifty comedians on stage. This is back in the day, back in Brooklyn. We bring fifty of our friends on stage and everyone would do a I don't Think so honey. And if someone didn't have an idea, they could reach into what. 01:05:48 Speaker 1: Was called the troll bowl. 01:05:50 Speaker 3: Yes, people, and they would have to do and I don't Think so honey on that topic. Now, usually that topic was a beloved thing that it would be hard to talk shit about. 01:05:59 Speaker 1: Julie Andrews, Julian Andrews one, yeah, Malala, Malala. Yeah. 01:06:09 Speaker 3: So basically what I want is I'm gonna do the trouble tonight. Who hasn't I don't Think so honey topic that they feel it would be hard for me to drag through? Absolute it's so easy. 01:06:24 Speaker 1: What did you say, Princess d got it? 01:06:33 Speaker 4: This is Matt Rogers. I don't think some money on Princess Die. His time starts now. 01:06:38 Speaker 1: I don't think so, honey. Princess Dye learned to drive. 01:06:41 Speaker 3: Your own fucking carn Tell where you're going. I don't think so, honey, Princess Die. Your sons are fucked up, babe. There had to be something that you could do. 01:06:54 Speaker 1: I don't think's, honey, Princess. 01:06:55 Speaker 3: Di Dody, Mama, we had everyone in the world and went with Doe. 01:07:00 Speaker 1: You getting in the backseat with Dony. You're going nowhere fast? Oh no, I don't think so, honey, Princess Die. They have not figured you out on the crown, Mama, Miss thing playing you is too tall. 01:07:14 Speaker 3: What's Mama's name is Elizabeth de VICKI too tall? Fifteenth too tall? Princess died. The name is a little on the nose. 01:07:26 Speaker 1: I don't think, soney, Princess died. We're really How can you get even a little wet for Charles? You liar, you're some fake princess. That one minute? Oh great rough? Wh Michelle did not like that row. That's the name of the I don't think so, honey. Game okay gets a little rough. 01:07:55 Speaker 2: I'm on my way to becoming a national treasure. 01:07:57 Speaker 1: There I know, And yet you have to share the stage with me a heave. 01:08:01 Speaker 2: Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness. I want to say, do not reflect my opinion. 01:08:08 Speaker 1: We love Princess Die. I believe none of what I said. 01:08:12 Speaker 3: Donty loved her, Don't he loved Don't you point your finger at me? He loves her, Donty love love her? Loved I'm just saying, here's the deal. If I'm looking like Princess Die, I'm not checking up with Dody. 01:08:28 Speaker 1: But he was so rich, he was so rich. 01:08:31 Speaker 2: I went to Harod's. 01:08:32 Speaker 7: He would you get anything in harrod It's just fucking magical. 01:08:39 Speaker 2: It's one giant palace of ood. 01:08:42 Speaker 4: Dude like this this, Oh my god. I didn't go to Selfridges until recently. 01:08:48 Speaker 2: Love it sausages. 01:08:49 Speaker 1: We call it sausages. 01:08:50 Speaker 2: Sausages just because it sounds like sausages. 01:08:53 Speaker 1: Are these old doughty things. 01:08:54 Speaker 3: No, Harrod's was a Diana Well, herod was a yeah, Mohammed, Yes, the father, it is the father. And he was here Muhammad al Fayette, Yes, Tony Fayette being the Soviet correct and he shucks up with Princess Di and he loved her, and he loved her. 01:09:12 Speaker 1: Michelle, Now, no, no, okay, how do you want to proceed? Do you want to do one? 01:09:18 Speaker 3: No? 01:09:19 Speaker 2: Because you I don't know. I didn't have one. 01:09:22 Speaker 1: There's nothing that grind, there's nothing that. 01:09:24 Speaker 3: Irritates you on a day to day basis. Well, well, well it doesn't have. 01:09:29 Speaker 4: To be pop cultural, obviously, it can be something going on. 01:09:32 Speaker 3: You know, the color green, the color green. I don't think so many of the color greens you've got. You've got one minute on the color Now they're starting to come for you about your hatred of the color green. They're like, Michelle, you can't actually positively hate color green this much? 01:09:46 Speaker 1: Why do you hate it? 01:09:47 Speaker 3: Oh? 01:09:47 Speaker 1: Okay, this is your moment. 01:09:49 Speaker 3: This is Michelle, This is Michelle Vesage's I don't think the money on the color green. 01:09:55 Speaker 1: Tarley starts now. 01:09:56 Speaker 2: I don't think so, motherfucker, the color green. 01:10:01 Speaker 7: If I was a pink person, the color green wouldn't be so bad. 01:10:05 Speaker 2: But I am yellow. 01:10:07 Speaker 7: So if I if I had to wear a yellow based green, people would go, I'm so sorry about the hepatitis C. 01:10:17 Speaker 2: I didn't know. If I wore a yellow. 01:10:19 Speaker 7: Based green, I would absolutely look like well, I need some in you. 01:10:25 Speaker 2: Know, infusion. 01:10:26 Speaker 1: That's the one that I'm looking for. 01:10:29 Speaker 2: But I don't do that too. 01:10:30 Speaker 7: I don't think so, honey, because then we go to dark green. Dark greens look good on certain color skin. But every drag queen that comes up has to counterbalance with color correction. Right for the most part, we have oranges, we have yellows, and you know what color doesn't look good on that green very much. You don't want to look like you're dying. The key is to look like you're alive. 01:10:52 Speaker 2: Yes, In turn, stay the fuck away from pond scum green. There we go, Yeah. 01:11:00 Speaker 1: And now we know, honestly, alexis Michelle found hopefully not green in the future. 01:11:08 Speaker 2: There are greens I like. Just to clear it up, I love jade, and I love Hunter. 01:11:12 Speaker 1: Green, Kelly Green Kelly. 01:11:16 Speaker 7: When you start to go green screen or you start to go baby shit, that's when I'm. 01:11:19 Speaker 1: Out baby shit. 01:11:21 Speaker 3: Okay, So everyone out there looking to put their RuPaul's Drag Race audition tapes together, Hunter Green, Kelly, green. 01:11:27 Speaker 7: Emerald green, amal green, jewel tones are beautiful on everybody. But I will say this, people of color, dark skinned people look beautiful in every green, so there's that jealousy right here. 01:11:40 Speaker 1: Or if you're a not green eyed person. 01:11:44 Speaker 2: I'm green eyed too. It doesn't work everyone. 01:11:47 Speaker 1: This has been so much fun. 01:11:51 Speaker 3: Thank you for coming our guest Massicious, But it's ma Roger the Moon. 01:12:00 Speaker 2: Yeah you know. 01:12:04 Speaker 1: What day cat that movie