1 00:00:13,503 --> 00:00:17,783 Speaker 1: Or an ad free listening experience and more stories, please 2 00:00:17,863 --> 00:00:20,983 Speaker 1: check out sleep Tight Premium. A link can be found 3 00:00:21,023 --> 00:00:34,983 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you, hello friends, and welcome 4 00:00:35,183 --> 00:00:45,143 Speaker 1: to sleep Tight Stories. Gretta loves her predictable routines. She 5 00:00:45,303 --> 00:00:49,023 Speaker 1: heads out into the backyard with her cereal to spend 6 00:00:49,063 --> 00:00:55,223 Speaker 1: some time in her second favorite place. She walks around 7 00:00:55,303 --> 00:01:00,983 Speaker 1: and sees something that she has never seen before. Greta 8 00:01:01,063 --> 00:01:05,063 Speaker 1: discovers a tree in the garden that is covered with bubbles. 9 00:01:06,463 --> 00:01:19,743 Speaker 1: Where did this come from? An oscar discover the bubblegum tree. 10 00:01:19,783 --> 00:01:26,503 Speaker 1: Greta's Saturday mornings usually had a comforting predictability. Wake up, 11 00:01:27,343 --> 00:01:30,703 Speaker 1: grumble about the chirping birds for waking her so early, 12 00:01:31,423 --> 00:01:35,423 Speaker 1: and then eat her cereal while dancing to the melodies 13 00:01:35,583 --> 00:01:41,863 Speaker 1: of the morning music. Birds and sunshine filled her house. 14 00:01:43,183 --> 00:01:47,983 Speaker 1: This ritual had been unwavering, much like the solid, old 15 00:01:48,103 --> 00:01:50,983 Speaker 1: oak tree that stood guard at the corner of the 16 00:01:51,103 --> 00:01:56,343 Speaker 1: yard or the reliable bloom of daisies that appeared every summer. 17 00:01:58,543 --> 00:02:04,103 Speaker 1: The backyard was Greta's sanctuary, where she shared whispered secrets 18 00:02:04,143 --> 00:02:08,943 Speaker 1: with the wind, danced with the shadows, and often got 19 00:02:09,023 --> 00:02:14,343 Speaker 1: lost in her dreams. The day was supposed to be 20 00:02:14,423 --> 00:02:20,703 Speaker 1: no different. Armed with her favorite bowl of super honey 21 00:02:20,703 --> 00:02:25,903 Speaker 1: sweetened cereal, she nudged the back door open, anticipating the 22 00:02:25,983 --> 00:02:33,263 Speaker 1: embrace of warm sunlight and the chorus of the familiar ah, 23 00:02:33,943 --> 00:02:37,863 Speaker 1: she said as she danced outside onto the deck, Wearing 24 00:02:37,943 --> 00:02:43,423 Speaker 1: two different socks from her two favorite pears. She didn't 25 00:02:43,423 --> 00:02:47,223 Speaker 1: bother brushing her hair and liked all her clothes to 26 00:02:47,303 --> 00:02:52,343 Speaker 1: be rumpled and colorful. It was the summer and there 27 00:02:52,423 --> 00:02:57,663 Speaker 1: was no need for formality. She took a deep breath, 28 00:02:58,143 --> 00:03:01,663 Speaker 1: breathing in the fresh air from her second favorite place 29 00:03:01,783 --> 00:03:09,583 Speaker 1: in the world, her bedroom was her first favorite. Greta 30 00:03:09,663 --> 00:03:14,743 Speaker 1: knew the backyard as well as anyone could, perhaps even 31 00:03:14,783 --> 00:03:20,063 Speaker 1: her grandmother, whose careful hands were responsible for all she 32 00:03:20,143 --> 00:03:25,743 Speaker 1: could see. It had been her backyard for all of 33 00:03:25,783 --> 00:03:30,063 Speaker 1: her six years, and she had explored every section and 34 00:03:30,143 --> 00:03:37,063 Speaker 1: knew every flower, bush and tree. But there was something 35 00:03:37,143 --> 00:03:42,823 Speaker 1: different and delightfully strange, a tree unlike any she had 36 00:03:42,863 --> 00:03:49,063 Speaker 1: seen before. It was slender and graceful, with smooth bark 37 00:03:49,183 --> 00:03:53,783 Speaker 1: that glistened in the morning light, and hanging from its 38 00:03:53,903 --> 00:04:02,143 Speaker 1: delicate branches were glistening colorful bubbles, vivid blues, radiant reds, 39 00:04:02,783 --> 00:04:10,863 Speaker 1: glowing golds, and shimmering silvers. Each bubble swayed gently, catching 40 00:04:10,943 --> 00:04:16,103 Speaker 1: sunbeams and casting a rainbow of colors onto the green 41 00:04:16,383 --> 00:04:22,103 Speaker 1: grass below. What in the world, she said, with her 42 00:04:22,143 --> 00:04:28,943 Speaker 1: mouth overflowing with cereal. Setting down her bowl, Greta approached 43 00:04:28,983 --> 00:04:34,103 Speaker 1: the tree with careful tippeetoe steps, not bothering with silly shoes. 44 00:04:36,143 --> 00:04:40,823 Speaker 1: She could hear a faint, melodic hum, a comforting tune 45 00:04:40,903 --> 00:04:44,863 Speaker 1: she hadn't heard before. It reminded her of the sound 46 00:04:44,903 --> 00:04:47,823 Speaker 1: her mother used to make when she sang to her 47 00:04:47,943 --> 00:04:53,703 Speaker 1: before she was all grown up. Arriving at the tree, 48 00:04:53,783 --> 00:04:58,663 Speaker 1: she reached out hesitantly to touch, half expecting her fingers 49 00:04:58,743 --> 00:05:02,023 Speaker 1: to pass through the bubbles like they would with soap, 50 00:05:04,623 --> 00:05:10,463 Speaker 1: But to her amazement, they felt solid, slightly gooey and squishy, 51 00:05:10,983 --> 00:05:18,463 Speaker 1: like real bubblegum. Oscar, her loyal and goofy golden retriever, 52 00:05:19,063 --> 00:05:26,343 Speaker 1: bounded over wet nose, twitching eyes open wide. He sniffed 53 00:05:26,383 --> 00:05:29,863 Speaker 1: a gold bubble, then gave it a gentle nudge with 54 00:05:29,983 --> 00:05:35,623 Speaker 1: his nose. It wobbled and wobbled, which caused Greta to 55 00:05:35,703 --> 00:05:39,583 Speaker 1: giggle and laugh. Oscar might have laughed too, if he 56 00:05:39,663 --> 00:05:47,103 Speaker 1: knew how. She plucked a radiant red bubble like you 57 00:05:47,143 --> 00:05:50,943 Speaker 1: mite a cherry or small apple, and looked at it closely. 58 00:05:52,103 --> 00:05:56,143 Speaker 1: The bubble felt warm, and as she squished it slightly 59 00:05:56,223 --> 00:06:03,783 Speaker 1: between her fingers, a delightful berry scent wafted to her nose. Yummy. 60 00:06:06,623 --> 00:06:10,903 Speaker 1: Unable to resist, she popped the bubble into her mouth. 61 00:06:11,863 --> 00:06:18,903 Speaker 1: The taste was amazing, a mix of strawberries, cherries, apples, 62 00:06:19,463 --> 00:06:26,863 Speaker 1: and a hint of sparkly magic. Oscar. Gretta exclaimed, her 63 00:06:26,943 --> 00:06:31,823 Speaker 1: voice muffled by the gum. This is bubblegum. The tree 64 00:06:31,903 --> 00:06:38,703 Speaker 1: is full of bubblegum bubbles. Oscar barked in agreement, his 65 00:06:38,903 --> 00:06:45,503 Speaker 1: tail wagging furiously. However, he seemed more interested in chasing 66 00:06:45,543 --> 00:06:51,983 Speaker 1: the dancing light reflections than tasting bubblegum. Oscar would eat 67 00:06:52,183 --> 00:07:00,823 Speaker 1: just about anything, and didn't know what bubblegum was. As 68 00:07:00,863 --> 00:07:05,743 Speaker 1: the morning sun climbed higher, Greta and Oscar explored the 69 00:07:05,783 --> 00:07:13,983 Speaker 1: bubblegum trees bubbles, tasting, laughing and playing under its shade. 70 00:07:14,183 --> 00:07:19,023 Speaker 1: Oscar found he liked bubblegum too, and as Greta blew 71 00:07:19,183 --> 00:07:28,183 Speaker 1: her first big bubble, something wonderful happened Greta had carefully 72 00:07:28,303 --> 00:07:33,583 Speaker 1: selected a bubble of the most brilliant blue, a color 73 00:07:33,623 --> 00:07:37,143 Speaker 1: that reminded her of the deepest parts of the ocean, 74 00:07:38,023 --> 00:07:40,703 Speaker 1: at least what she saw in her favorite nature book. 75 00:07:42,543 --> 00:07:45,463 Speaker 1: She had popped it in her mouth, and the taste 76 00:07:45,503 --> 00:07:52,103 Speaker 1: of blueberries, blackberries, and boison berry all together washed over her. 77 00:07:54,863 --> 00:08:00,023 Speaker 1: With her eyes squeezed shut in concentration, she began blowing 78 00:08:00,783 --> 00:08:05,983 Speaker 1: and blowing, feeling the bubble grow bigger and bigger. She 79 00:08:06,183 --> 00:08:10,343 Speaker 1: expected it to pop, covering her face in a sticky mass, 80 00:08:11,023 --> 00:08:16,703 Speaker 1: but the bubble kept expanding. Instead, it was soft and resilient, 81 00:08:17,303 --> 00:08:22,703 Speaker 1: stretching far beyond the usual limits of bubblegum. And then 82 00:08:23,983 --> 00:08:30,543 Speaker 1: something magical happened. With her lips still pursed around the 83 00:08:30,663 --> 00:08:35,623 Speaker 1: giant bubble, Greta felt her feet lift off the ground. 84 00:08:36,943 --> 00:08:40,623 Speaker 1: The movement was gentle, like being lifted by a cloud. 85 00:08:42,503 --> 00:08:48,023 Speaker 1: Opening her eyes, she saw the ground receding below her home, 86 00:08:48,063 --> 00:08:52,783 Speaker 1: becoming smaller, the giant oak now merely a part of 87 00:08:52,823 --> 00:09:00,583 Speaker 1: the green patchwork quilt beneath her. Oscar barked excitedly, jumping 88 00:09:00,623 --> 00:09:07,863 Speaker 1: around in circles, his eyes never leaving Greta. She wanted 89 00:09:07,903 --> 00:09:10,783 Speaker 1: to tell Oscar to join her, but even if she 90 00:09:10,943 --> 00:09:17,463 Speaker 1: could talk, he probably couldn't hear her. Greta continued to 91 00:09:17,583 --> 00:09:22,383 Speaker 1: float higher and higher. She felt excited and a little 92 00:09:22,463 --> 00:09:28,943 Speaker 1: bit scared. Greta could see the entirety of Montague, the 93 00:09:28,983 --> 00:09:34,623 Speaker 1: winding river glinting in the sun, children playing in neighboring yards, 94 00:09:35,143 --> 00:09:40,023 Speaker 1: and crows flying beside her, eyeing the bubble with some envy. 95 00:09:41,543 --> 00:09:44,703 Speaker 1: Greta thought, I hope they don't poke the bubble with 96 00:09:44,823 --> 00:09:52,143 Speaker 1: their beak. As she continued going up and up, the 97 00:09:52,183 --> 00:09:58,383 Speaker 1: world transformed. The blue sky around her deepened, and soon 98 00:09:58,943 --> 00:10:06,943 Speaker 1: she was surrounded by candy colored clouds, pinks, purples, peaches, 99 00:10:07,023 --> 00:10:15,463 Speaker 1: and oranges, each admitting a soft luminescent glow. Within mere moments, 100 00:10:15,863 --> 00:10:19,823 Speaker 1: Greta found herself floating in a place she had only 101 00:10:19,903 --> 00:10:26,863 Speaker 1: ever seen in her dreams. Fluffy cotton candy clouds floated 102 00:10:26,983 --> 00:10:33,183 Speaker 1: lazily around her, and jellybean birds with glistening sugar wings 103 00:10:33,583 --> 00:10:41,063 Speaker 1: chirped cheerful tunes. Here, the air smelled of candy store trets, 104 00:10:41,183 --> 00:10:46,783 Speaker 1: cookies and ice cream, and a soft musical hum vibrated 105 00:10:47,023 --> 00:10:53,903 Speaker 1: all around. Yet as amazing as all this was, Greta 106 00:10:53,983 --> 00:11:00,383 Speaker 1: started to worry how would she get back down. She 107 00:11:00,543 --> 00:11:05,143 Speaker 1: thought about this as she floated aimlessly. Oscar and her 108 00:11:05,183 --> 00:11:12,703 Speaker 1: backyard now but a memory. Then she heard a figging 109 00:11:12,823 --> 00:11:16,023 Speaker 1: voice that seemed to come from everywhere all at once. 110 00:11:16,903 --> 00:11:21,663 Speaker 1: It said, newcomer, huh, first time tasting the magic of 111 00:11:21,703 --> 00:11:27,743 Speaker 1: the bubblegum tree. Greta slowly turned to see a cloud, 112 00:11:28,543 --> 00:11:32,903 Speaker 1: not just any cloud, but one with twinkling eyes and 113 00:11:32,943 --> 00:11:39,143 Speaker 1: a smiling face floating beside her. Greta usually had a 114 00:11:39,143 --> 00:11:43,863 Speaker 1: gift for talking too much, so her teachers would often say, 115 00:11:44,503 --> 00:11:49,423 Speaker 1: but this time she did not know what to say. Instead, 116 00:11:49,543 --> 00:11:55,503 Speaker 1: she just nodded her head. The cloud laughed, Well, don't 117 00:11:55,543 --> 00:12:00,463 Speaker 1: you worry, I'm cotton. Welcome to the candy cloud Kingdom. 118 00:12:01,423 --> 00:12:06,463 Speaker 1: We used to be called the sugary sweet, lollipop laden 119 00:12:07,103 --> 00:12:14,983 Speaker 1: marshmallow meadow, toffee terrace, caramel cove ullybean jungle doughnut domain 120 00:12:15,223 --> 00:12:19,703 Speaker 1: of delightful dessert Kingdom. But it was too much of 121 00:12:19,743 --> 00:12:25,583 Speaker 1: a mouthful. Greta blinked twice, trying to wrap her mind 122 00:12:25,663 --> 00:12:28,783 Speaker 1: around the name that was as tangled as her hair 123 00:12:28,863 --> 00:12:34,503 Speaker 1: after a night of sleep. As they drifted further, the 124 00:12:34,543 --> 00:12:41,183 Speaker 1: world around, Greta became more focused and detailed. The lollipop 125 00:12:41,303 --> 00:12:45,863 Speaker 1: laid in terrain, stretched as far as the eye could see, 126 00:12:45,903 --> 00:12:51,663 Speaker 1: with lollipops of every imaginable flavor sprouting from the ground 127 00:12:51,823 --> 00:12:57,903 Speaker 1: like flowers. Trees were ice cream cones, and bushes were 128 00:12:58,023 --> 00:13:06,223 Speaker 1: strawberry Sundays. They floated past the marshmallow Meadow, a vast 129 00:13:06,303 --> 00:13:11,463 Speaker 1: expanse of fluffy marshmallow grass where you could lounge and bounce. 130 00:13:13,063 --> 00:13:16,103 Speaker 1: Cookies were there to sit on, And in the distance, 131 00:13:16,743 --> 00:13:20,503 Speaker 1: Greta could see a river not of water but of 132 00:13:20,623 --> 00:13:28,783 Speaker 1: liquid chocolate, its banks dotted with toffee pebbles. As they 133 00:13:28,823 --> 00:13:33,063 Speaker 1: approached the jellybean jungle, the trees were not made of wood, 134 00:13:33,423 --> 00:13:37,943 Speaker 1: but candy canes and licorice, with jelly bean fruits of 135 00:13:38,183 --> 00:13:43,423 Speaker 1: all the colors of the rainbow hanging abundantly. The chirps 136 00:13:43,463 --> 00:13:48,263 Speaker 1: Greta heard were not birds, but flying gummy bears with 137 00:13:48,463 --> 00:13:56,623 Speaker 1: translucent wings fluttering in the sun. Cotton led Greta to 138 00:13:56,703 --> 00:14:02,343 Speaker 1: the heart of the treat territory, the Caramel Cove. It 139 00:14:02,463 --> 00:14:06,383 Speaker 1: was a beach where the sand was fine brown sugar, 140 00:14:06,903 --> 00:14:11,983 Speaker 1: and the waves were made of flowing caramel. In the distance, 141 00:14:12,423 --> 00:14:17,543 Speaker 1: the doughnut domains mountains rose, each peak resembling a different 142 00:14:17,663 --> 00:14:22,863 Speaker 1: flavor of doughnut frosted tips shining under the sugary sky. 143 00:14:24,823 --> 00:14:29,583 Speaker 1: We've been waiting for someone like you, Cotton began, his voice, 144 00:14:29,863 --> 00:14:36,543 Speaker 1: softening someone who truly believes that magic exists in this world. 145 00:14:39,863 --> 00:14:43,823 Speaker 1: Greta looked around the weight of Cotton's words, sinking in. 146 00:14:45,543 --> 00:14:50,663 Speaker 1: Why me, she asked, her voice barely more than a whisper. 147 00:14:51,063 --> 00:14:55,183 Speaker 1: Amidst the rustling candy cane trees and the sounds of 148 00:14:55,263 --> 00:15:02,423 Speaker 1: caramel waves coming to shore. Every few decades, the Bubblegum 149 00:15:02,463 --> 00:15:09,103 Speaker 1: Tree chooses someone pure of heart, filled with imagination and creativity, 150 00:15:09,703 --> 00:15:14,783 Speaker 1: to visit our realm. Your love for fun and adventure, 151 00:15:15,223 --> 00:15:20,663 Speaker 1: your belief in magic made you the perfect guest, Cotton explained. 152 00:15:22,743 --> 00:15:26,783 Speaker 1: Greta was happy to hear this, but with every passing 153 00:15:26,903 --> 00:15:32,383 Speaker 1: moment she was reminded of Oscar, the backyard, and the 154 00:15:32,423 --> 00:15:38,823 Speaker 1: world she knew. How do I return, she asked, hesitantly, 155 00:15:39,383 --> 00:15:45,903 Speaker 1: feeling she might seem ungrateful. Cotton smiled. The journey back 156 00:15:45,983 --> 00:15:50,463 Speaker 1: is simple, but requires something special. You will have to 157 00:15:50,503 --> 00:15:55,143 Speaker 1: discover that for yourself. But don't worry, I and the 158 00:15:55,263 --> 00:16:00,703 Speaker 1: other inhabitants of Treat Territory are here to guide you. First, 159 00:16:01,223 --> 00:16:06,743 Speaker 1: Why don't you explore all of our realms? Greta agreed, 160 00:16:07,463 --> 00:16:11,743 Speaker 1: and as days turned into what felt like moments, Greta 161 00:16:11,823 --> 00:16:17,663 Speaker 1: explored every nook and cranny of the Treat territory. She 162 00:16:17,783 --> 00:16:21,463 Speaker 1: had danced on the toffee terrace under a rainbow of 163 00:16:21,583 --> 00:16:27,663 Speaker 1: candy sprinkles, dived deep into the caramel cove, and even 164 00:16:27,823 --> 00:16:33,503 Speaker 1: camped beneath the stars in the jellybean jungle. Each experience 165 00:16:33,623 --> 00:16:38,823 Speaker 1: was more exciting than the last. But with each candy 166 00:16:38,903 --> 00:16:42,623 Speaker 1: sun that set, Greta felt the tug of home and 167 00:16:42,743 --> 00:16:49,863 Speaker 1: of Oscar waiting by the fence. One day, as Greta 168 00:16:49,943 --> 00:16:54,663 Speaker 1: sat by the liquid Chocolate River, her reflection shimmering in 169 00:16:54,743 --> 00:17:00,423 Speaker 1: its rich waves, Cotton drifted by. He seemed to understand 170 00:17:00,463 --> 00:17:06,263 Speaker 1: the look in her eyes. Greta, he began gently. The 171 00:17:06,303 --> 00:17:10,823 Speaker 1: magic of this land is timeless. While you might feel 172 00:17:10,863 --> 00:17:14,783 Speaker 1: like you have been away for law, mere moments might 173 00:17:14,823 --> 00:17:20,303 Speaker 1: have passed in your world. Greta looked up, hope lighting 174 00:17:20,343 --> 00:17:26,703 Speaker 1: her eyes. Does that mean yes? Cotton nodded. You can 175 00:17:26,743 --> 00:17:31,383 Speaker 1: go back and forth between our worlds. The bubblegum Tree's 176 00:17:31,543 --> 00:17:38,063 Speaker 1: magic ensures that. But remember, Cotton said slightly, more serious. 177 00:17:38,943 --> 00:17:44,783 Speaker 1: The pathway between our lands relies on belief. The day 178 00:17:44,863 --> 00:17:52,743 Speaker 1: you stop believing, the connection weakens. Greta nodded with determination. 179 00:17:53,463 --> 00:17:57,783 Speaker 1: I promise I will always believe. After all I've seen 180 00:17:57,863 --> 00:18:04,383 Speaker 1: and felt here, how can I not? The cloud smiled, 181 00:18:05,103 --> 00:18:09,303 Speaker 1: stretching out what seemed like an arm, producing a tiny 182 00:18:09,503 --> 00:18:15,503 Speaker 1: candy locket. This for you. Wear it and it will 183 00:18:15,583 --> 00:18:20,423 Speaker 1: always guide you back to us when you wish. She 184 00:18:20,543 --> 00:18:26,023 Speaker 1: took the locket, its surface sparkling with every color imaginable. 185 00:18:27,063 --> 00:18:31,143 Speaker 1: She clasped it around her neck and it fit perfectly. 186 00:18:33,063 --> 00:18:36,623 Speaker 1: Remember that you can return, Greta. You have yet to 187 00:18:36,663 --> 00:18:41,023 Speaker 1: have many adventures, and we may call on you for help. 188 00:18:41,423 --> 00:18:47,223 Speaker 1: Cotton hushed. As she stood up. The world around her 189 00:18:47,303 --> 00:18:53,543 Speaker 1: began to swirl, colors, mixing and blending, and then she 190 00:18:53,703 --> 00:19:00,023 Speaker 1: floated slowly and slowly downward, this time without the help 191 00:19:00,063 --> 00:19:06,903 Speaker 1: of bubblegum, down from the deep blue sky, through the clouds, 192 00:19:07,383 --> 00:19:12,063 Speaker 1: past the crows, until she felt the familiar grass of 193 00:19:12,103 --> 00:19:18,703 Speaker 1: her her backyard beneath her sock feet. There, waiting impatiently, 194 00:19:18,863 --> 00:19:26,903 Speaker 1: with tail wagging, tongue hanging, drool dripping, was Oscar. The 195 00:19:26,983 --> 00:19:31,423 Speaker 1: old oak tree stood tall and welcoming, and in the 196 00:19:31,463 --> 00:19:37,943 Speaker 1: distance she heard her mother calling her for lunch. The 197 00:19:38,063 --> 00:19:43,623 Speaker 1: transition was seamless, just as Cotton had said. It seemed 198 00:19:43,663 --> 00:19:51,063 Speaker 1: only moments had passed, But Greta knew better. She had lived, laughed, 199 00:19:51,543 --> 00:19:56,183 Speaker 1: and explored a world that was her little secret, her 200 00:19:56,263 --> 00:20:03,063 Speaker 1: own secret kingdom in the clouds. Before going in for lunch, 201 00:20:03,423 --> 00:20:07,863 Speaker 1: she looked at the locket, thinking about the adventures that awaited, 202 00:20:08,943 --> 00:20:11,903 Speaker 1: and she knew that when the time was right, she 203 00:20:11,903 --> 00:20:18,263 Speaker 1: would return to the sugary, sweet, lollipop laden marshmallow meadow, 204 00:20:18,823 --> 00:20:26,463 Speaker 1: toffee terrace, caramel cove, jellybean jungle donut domain of delightful 205 00:20:26,743 --> 00:20:34,103 Speaker 1: dessert delicacies. But first she and Oscar had to eat lunch. 206 00:20:35,183 --> 00:20:45,423 Speaker 1: She was starving, and that is the end of our story. 207 00:20:46,703 --> 00:20:49,103 Speaker 1: Good Night, sleep tight.