1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:15,440 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:15,480 --> 00:00:21,480 Speaker 1: to say hello to some friends. Hello to Penny in Louisville, Kentucky, 3 00:00:22,720 --> 00:00:28,479 Speaker 1: Hello to Naftali and Amalia, Hello to Shin Yen, and 4 00:00:28,560 --> 00:00:35,040 Speaker 1: hello to Nathan and Amelia. I'd like to say happy 5 00:00:35,120 --> 00:00:40,159 Speaker 1: belated birthday to Amalia, who celebrated her fourth birthday on 6 00:00:40,200 --> 00:00:46,159 Speaker 1: October sixteenth, a happy belated birthday to Amelia, who just 7 00:00:46,200 --> 00:00:51,440 Speaker 1: turned four on December fourth, and a happy belated birthday 8 00:00:51,520 --> 00:00:56,760 Speaker 1: to Naftali, who celebrated his seventh birthday on December seventh. 9 00:00:58,760 --> 00:01:01,320 Speaker 1: I'd also like to say how happy birthday to Henry, 10 00:01:01,640 --> 00:01:05,200 Speaker 1: who lives in Rockton, Illinois, and who is turning five 11 00:01:05,360 --> 00:01:10,560 Speaker 1: years old on December sixteenth, And a happy birthday to 12 00:01:10,720 --> 00:01:16,520 Speaker 1: Marco who is celebrating his ninth birthday on December eighteenth. 13 00:01:16,800 --> 00:01:23,119 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to you all. Thank you to Penny, Naftali 14 00:01:23,280 --> 00:01:29,440 Speaker 1: and Amalia, hin Yen, Nathan and Emilia, Henry and Marco 15 00:01:29,760 --> 00:01:33,920 Speaker 1: for your support. If you'd like to support us and 16 00:01:34,000 --> 00:01:37,759 Speaker 1: get some of the perks like shout outs, birthday messages, 17 00:01:38,160 --> 00:01:41,800 Speaker 1: and goodies in the mail, please visit our support page 18 00:01:42,200 --> 00:01:48,040 Speaker 1: at sleep tightstories dot org. Slash support from now until Christmas, 19 00:01:48,120 --> 00:01:52,400 Speaker 1: we are offering forty percent off our sleep type premium subscriptions. 20 00:01:53,400 --> 00:02:01,600 Speaker 1: Thank you. This story is about a little girl who 21 00:02:01,680 --> 00:02:06,920 Speaker 1: loves Santa Claus. She talks about Santa all the time 22 00:02:06,960 --> 00:02:13,040 Speaker 1: with her family and anyone who will listen. One day, 23 00:02:13,200 --> 00:02:16,120 Speaker 1: as she's taking an adventure, she decides to go and 24 00:02:16,240 --> 00:02:20,239 Speaker 1: visit Santa. She buys a ticket and gets on a train, 25 00:02:20,639 --> 00:02:25,240 Speaker 1: and off she goes. Will she make it to Santa's house? 26 00:02:29,320 --> 00:02:38,840 Speaker 1: A Girl's Minecraft Adventure to find Santa. Once upon a 27 00:02:38,919 --> 00:02:42,040 Speaker 1: time there was a little girl who talked a great 28 00:02:42,120 --> 00:02:48,079 Speaker 1: deal about Santa Claus. She talked to her father, her mother, 29 00:02:49,080 --> 00:02:53,280 Speaker 1: her brother, and sisters until it was Santa Claus at 30 00:02:53,280 --> 00:02:58,120 Speaker 1: the breakfast table, Santa Claus at dinner, and Santa Claus 31 00:02:58,200 --> 00:03:05,440 Speaker 1: at supper. She made Santa's shape in her potatoes and 32 00:03:05,560 --> 00:03:11,840 Speaker 1: created Santa's face in her rice. This little girl had 33 00:03:11,880 --> 00:03:15,680 Speaker 1: been told that far away, somewhere near the North Pole, 34 00:03:16,080 --> 00:03:21,079 Speaker 1: lived Santa Claus. She was sitting in the living room 35 00:03:21,120 --> 00:03:26,480 Speaker 1: one night playing Minecraft, her character dressed like Santa, making 36 00:03:26,560 --> 00:03:31,760 Speaker 1: a large house in the snow. This is Santa Claus's house, 37 00:03:32,400 --> 00:03:35,560 Speaker 1: she said to her parents. The big building covered with 38 00:03:35,680 --> 00:03:41,360 Speaker 1: snow that I created, Why can't I go and see him? 39 00:03:42,480 --> 00:03:45,240 Speaker 1: The little girl had worked hard at a grocery store 40 00:03:45,480 --> 00:03:49,400 Speaker 1: and had saved some money. She took the money and 41 00:03:49,480 --> 00:03:53,680 Speaker 1: went down to the train station, bought a ticket, and 42 00:03:53,840 --> 00:03:57,640 Speaker 1: before her mother or father knew about it, was gone 43 00:03:57,720 --> 00:04:05,600 Speaker 1: to see Santa Claus. She traveled a long long time 44 00:04:05,720 --> 00:04:09,520 Speaker 1: on the train, and after what felt like an eternity, 45 00:04:10,080 --> 00:04:14,800 Speaker 1: reached the end of the railroad. She could go no 46 00:04:15,000 --> 00:04:19,320 Speaker 1: farther on the train or there was a great wide ocean. 47 00:04:20,520 --> 00:04:23,880 Speaker 1: But villagers crossed the ocean on a ferry, and so 48 00:04:24,200 --> 00:04:27,560 Speaker 1: must the little girl, or at least a part of it, 49 00:04:27,960 --> 00:04:34,240 Speaker 1: in order to reach Santa Claus's land. There was a 50 00:04:34,279 --> 00:04:38,120 Speaker 1: great ferry waiting in port, soon to sail over the seas, 51 00:04:38,720 --> 00:04:42,080 Speaker 1: and along with many villagers who went aboard the wooden ship, 52 00:04:42,680 --> 00:04:48,400 Speaker 1: went the little girl. Soon out from the port went 53 00:04:48,440 --> 00:04:56,839 Speaker 1: the ship, leaving far behind them the village. The ship 54 00:04:57,040 --> 00:05:02,200 Speaker 1: sailed and sailed a long time, and finally land came 55 00:05:02,240 --> 00:05:07,520 Speaker 1: in sight. They had reached an island lying somewhere far 56 00:05:07,720 --> 00:05:12,480 Speaker 1: out in the ocean. Some of the villagers went ashore, 57 00:05:12,839 --> 00:05:17,120 Speaker 1: and so did the little girl. But what a funny 58 00:05:17,200 --> 00:05:22,359 Speaker 1: land it was all. The people were very small. The 59 00:05:22,440 --> 00:05:26,040 Speaker 1: grown men were not taller than the little girl, and 60 00:05:26,080 --> 00:05:33,440 Speaker 1: they rode little ponies that were not larger than dogs ocelts, dogs, 61 00:05:33,920 --> 00:05:40,760 Speaker 1: cows and sheep all roamed freely. Then the little girl 62 00:05:40,839 --> 00:05:44,920 Speaker 1: asked what place is this? Does Santa Claus live here? 63 00:05:46,160 --> 00:05:49,719 Speaker 1: And they said, no, this is the land that lies 64 00:05:49,800 --> 00:05:53,560 Speaker 1: east of the sun and west of the moon. You 65 00:05:53,640 --> 00:05:58,000 Speaker 1: have not come too soon northward. You must go to 66 00:05:58,120 --> 00:06:05,840 Speaker 1: the land of ice and snow. And so one day 67 00:06:05,920 --> 00:06:08,760 Speaker 1: the girl found a wooden ship that was going to 68 00:06:08,839 --> 00:06:13,040 Speaker 1: sail to the north land, and in this ship she went. 69 00:06:15,480 --> 00:06:19,960 Speaker 1: The ship sailed and sailed a long time, until it 70 00:06:20,000 --> 00:06:23,520 Speaker 1: finally came to where the sea was all frozen over 71 00:06:24,680 --> 00:06:32,160 Speaker 1: to the land of icebergs and snowfields. The ship could 72 00:06:32,240 --> 00:06:36,080 Speaker 1: go no farther. So what do you suppose the girl did? 73 00:06:36,120 --> 00:06:41,040 Speaker 1: Then she was in the land of the reindeer, and 74 00:06:41,240 --> 00:06:46,040 Speaker 1: over the snowfields and mountains she went in search of 75 00:06:46,080 --> 00:06:55,400 Speaker 1: Santa Claus. One day, as she was traveling over the 76 00:06:55,480 --> 00:07:00,360 Speaker 1: snowfields to find Santa Claus's house, she saw not far 77 00:07:00,440 --> 00:07:04,359 Speaker 1: away what it first seemed to be a hill, But 78 00:07:04,560 --> 00:07:08,440 Speaker 1: soon she saw that it was not a hill. But 79 00:07:08,560 --> 00:07:13,560 Speaker 1: a house covered with ice and snow. That must be 80 00:07:13,640 --> 00:07:19,160 Speaker 1: Santa Claus's house, she said. Soon the girl was standing 81 00:07:19,200 --> 00:07:22,800 Speaker 1: in front of a great building whose towers seemed to 82 00:07:22,880 --> 00:07:27,720 Speaker 1: reach the sky. Up the shining, icy steps, she went, 83 00:07:28,280 --> 00:07:30,800 Speaker 1: and soon she was standing in front of the door. 84 00:07:33,640 --> 00:07:37,280 Speaker 1: She saw no doorbell, and so she knocked on the door. 85 00:07:39,600 --> 00:07:46,760 Speaker 1: No one answered, and then louder she knocked again. Still 86 00:07:46,800 --> 00:07:52,480 Speaker 1: no one answered. She began to feel anxious. Perhaps this 87 00:07:52,640 --> 00:07:57,280 Speaker 1: was the house of aghast Or ender Dragon. If Santa 88 00:07:57,320 --> 00:08:00,600 Speaker 1: Claus lived here, he might be upset with her for coming. 89 00:08:01,720 --> 00:08:08,080 Speaker 1: But once more she knocked, and then she heard a 90 00:08:08,160 --> 00:08:11,040 Speaker 1: noise far down at the other end of the hall. 91 00:08:12,080 --> 00:08:17,920 Speaker 1: Someone was coming. Then suddenly the latch went click, and 92 00:08:18,000 --> 00:08:22,240 Speaker 1: the door stood wide open. And who do you suppose 93 00:08:22,440 --> 00:08:29,680 Speaker 1: was there Santa Claus? No, a little boy with blue 94 00:08:29,720 --> 00:08:36,520 Speaker 1: eyes and red cheeks. Then the girl said, good morning. 95 00:08:36,920 --> 00:08:41,280 Speaker 1: Does Santa Claus live here? And the little boy said, yes, 96 00:08:41,679 --> 00:08:46,200 Speaker 1: Come in, Come in, I am Santa Claus's son. He 97 00:08:46,280 --> 00:08:49,160 Speaker 1: took her by the hand and said, I am very 98 00:08:49,200 --> 00:08:56,280 Speaker 1: happy to see you. Then they walked down the long hallway, 99 00:08:56,720 --> 00:09:00,960 Speaker 1: doors on one side and doors on the other, until 100 00:09:01,000 --> 00:09:06,560 Speaker 1: they came to the last door on the left hand side. 101 00:09:06,880 --> 00:09:10,800 Speaker 1: On this door, Santa Claus's little boy knocked, and a 102 00:09:10,880 --> 00:09:16,440 Speaker 1: great booming voice said, come in. He opened the door 103 00:09:16,520 --> 00:09:19,560 Speaker 1: and walked in. And who do you suppose was there 104 00:09:21,760 --> 00:09:30,120 Speaker 1: Santa Claus. Yes, there was Santa Claus himself, a great, big, 105 00:09:30,520 --> 00:09:35,400 Speaker 1: jolly man, sitting by the fire, with a long white beard, 106 00:09:36,280 --> 00:09:41,679 Speaker 1: blue eyes, and the merriest, cheeriest face you ever saw. 107 00:09:45,200 --> 00:09:49,160 Speaker 1: Then Santa Claus's son said, Father, here is a little 108 00:09:49,200 --> 00:09:53,760 Speaker 1: girl who has come to see you. Santa Claus looked 109 00:09:53,800 --> 00:09:57,920 Speaker 1: down over his spectacles and said, well, how are you. 110 00:09:58,840 --> 00:10:02,160 Speaker 1: I am mighty glad to see you. Yes, yes, I 111 00:10:02,360 --> 00:10:05,760 Speaker 1: know her. I have been to her house many times 112 00:10:05,800 --> 00:10:13,240 Speaker 1: and filled up her stocking. Our Jack and Louise and Catherine. 113 00:10:13,320 --> 00:10:16,480 Speaker 1: Over on the other side of the fireplace sat Missus 114 00:10:16,559 --> 00:10:22,000 Speaker 1: Santa Claus. She had the cheeriest and warmest face you 115 00:10:22,080 --> 00:10:29,280 Speaker 1: ever saw, with white hair and gold rimmed spectacles. She 116 00:10:29,440 --> 00:10:33,120 Speaker 1: was sitting by the fire reading. She got up and 117 00:10:33,160 --> 00:10:35,840 Speaker 1: put her arms around the girl and gave her a 118 00:10:35,880 --> 00:10:41,880 Speaker 1: great big kiss on the cheek. Then Santa's son and 119 00:10:41,960 --> 00:10:44,640 Speaker 1: the girl sat down in front of the fire and 120 00:10:44,800 --> 00:10:51,040 Speaker 1: talked together. After a time, Santa Claus's little boy said 121 00:10:51,040 --> 00:10:54,200 Speaker 1: to the girl, would you like to see the rest 122 00:10:54,240 --> 00:10:56,440 Speaker 1: of the building and see what we have in the 123 00:10:56,480 --> 00:11:03,200 Speaker 1: different rooms. This building has a thousand rooms. And the 124 00:11:03,240 --> 00:11:09,000 Speaker 1: little girl said wooie, and Santa Claus's son said yes, 125 00:11:09,440 --> 00:11:17,000 Speaker 1: and something different in every room. Then they went into 126 00:11:17,040 --> 00:11:20,200 Speaker 1: a large room, and what do you suppose was in there? 127 00:11:21,760 --> 00:11:26,600 Speaker 1: Nothing but dull babies. Some had long dresses and some 128 00:11:26,840 --> 00:11:35,040 Speaker 1: had short, some with brown eyes and some with blue. 129 00:11:35,160 --> 00:11:38,240 Speaker 1: Then into another room they went, and it was full 130 00:11:38,280 --> 00:11:44,600 Speaker 1: of toys, lightsabers, and puzzles. Another room was full of 131 00:11:44,800 --> 00:11:49,920 Speaker 1: glorious books. Another room was a candy kitchen where Santa 132 00:11:49,920 --> 00:11:55,680 Speaker 1: Claus made candy. Another room was a workshop where Santa 133 00:11:55,679 --> 00:11:59,640 Speaker 1: Claus made wooden toys for the children. And yet another 134 00:11:59,720 --> 00:12:03,320 Speaker 1: room was full of computer screens where they made all 135 00:12:03,440 --> 00:12:09,920 Speaker 1: kinds of apps. Then they went into a long, large room, 136 00:12:10,679 --> 00:12:14,319 Speaker 1: the largest of them all, And in this room were 137 00:12:14,360 --> 00:12:19,360 Speaker 1: a great many tables. On these tables were a mixture 138 00:12:19,679 --> 00:12:26,439 Speaker 1: of clothes and toys. The girl wanted to know what 139 00:12:26,480 --> 00:12:30,600 Speaker 1: they did with so many different things, and Santa Claus's 140 00:12:30,640 --> 00:12:33,800 Speaker 1: son said, we take these two people who are in need. 141 00:12:35,040 --> 00:12:37,800 Speaker 1: We hope that all the children of the world feel 142 00:12:37,920 --> 00:12:43,360 Speaker 1: some joy. And so they went through all the rooms 143 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:48,880 Speaker 1: of the great building except one, which was upstairs in 144 00:12:48,960 --> 00:12:54,320 Speaker 1: the corner. What was in this room? No one would 145 00:12:54,320 --> 00:12:58,000 Speaker 1: tell the little girl, nor would they take her into 146 00:12:58,120 --> 00:13:06,160 Speaker 1: the room. Girl wondered what was in the room. The 147 00:13:06,240 --> 00:13:10,480 Speaker 1: girl stayed at Santa Claus's house for several days, and 148 00:13:10,520 --> 00:13:16,199 Speaker 1: she had a splendid time. Some days the two friends 149 00:13:16,200 --> 00:13:19,560 Speaker 1: would slide down the hill on a sledge. Some days 150 00:13:19,559 --> 00:13:23,880 Speaker 1: they would hitch up the reindeer and go slaying. Some 151 00:13:24,080 --> 00:13:26,800 Speaker 1: days they would go into the candy kitchen and help 152 00:13:26,880 --> 00:13:31,280 Speaker 1: Santa Claus make handy, or into the workshop and help 153 00:13:31,360 --> 00:13:37,680 Speaker 1: him make toys. But one day Santa Claus came to 154 00:13:37,760 --> 00:13:41,439 Speaker 1: the little girl and said, I am going away today 155 00:13:41,480 --> 00:13:44,719 Speaker 1: for a little while. Missus Claws and my son are 156 00:13:44,720 --> 00:13:50,320 Speaker 1: going with me. Now, he said, you can come with us, 157 00:13:50,880 --> 00:13:53,160 Speaker 1: or you can stay here and look after our house 158 00:13:53,240 --> 00:13:58,760 Speaker 1: while we are gone. The girl thought to herself how 159 00:13:58,840 --> 00:14:02,320 Speaker 1: Santa Claus had been so good to her, and said 160 00:14:02,360 --> 00:14:07,640 Speaker 1: she would stay and keep house while Santa Claus was away. 161 00:14:08,280 --> 00:14:11,400 Speaker 1: Then Santa Claus gave her a great bunch of keys 162 00:14:11,520 --> 00:14:15,400 Speaker 1: and said, now you can go into all the rooms 163 00:14:15,400 --> 00:14:18,800 Speaker 1: and play but you must not go into that room 164 00:14:18,920 --> 00:14:24,800 Speaker 1: upstairs in the corner. The girl said all right, and 165 00:14:24,880 --> 00:14:29,160 Speaker 1: with that Santa Claus, his wife, and son went down 166 00:14:29,200 --> 00:14:35,840 Speaker 1: the steps, got into the sleigh, wrapped themselves up in furs, waved, 167 00:14:36,560 --> 00:14:43,760 Speaker 1: and away they went. The girl stood and watched them 168 00:14:43,840 --> 00:14:49,840 Speaker 1: until they disappeared behind the snow hills. Then she turned 169 00:14:49,880 --> 00:14:53,800 Speaker 1: and went back into the house. She felt like a 170 00:14:53,840 --> 00:14:58,800 Speaker 1: grown up in that great house, all by herself. From 171 00:14:58,880 --> 00:15:03,000 Speaker 1: room to room she went. She went into the game 172 00:15:03,120 --> 00:15:07,080 Speaker 1: room and played video games. She then went into the 173 00:15:07,120 --> 00:15:11,760 Speaker 1: candy kitchen and ate some of the candy. She went 174 00:15:11,800 --> 00:15:15,680 Speaker 1: into the workshop and worked on some toys, then into 175 00:15:15,720 --> 00:15:19,480 Speaker 1: the library and read some of the books. Then into 176 00:15:19,560 --> 00:15:23,080 Speaker 1: the room with all the computers and coded a game. 177 00:15:24,960 --> 00:15:30,120 Speaker 1: Then into the living room and banged on the piano. 178 00:15:33,280 --> 00:15:36,720 Speaker 1: But after a while the girl was tired, and she said, 179 00:15:37,440 --> 00:15:41,520 Speaker 1: I wish Santa Claus would hurry and come back. She 180 00:15:41,720 --> 00:15:44,920 Speaker 1: was lonely, and so she thought she would go up 181 00:15:44,960 --> 00:15:47,720 Speaker 1: on the housetop and look out to see if she 182 00:15:47,760 --> 00:15:53,760 Speaker 1: could see Santa Claus coming home. Up the steps she went. 183 00:15:54,480 --> 00:15:58,960 Speaker 1: When she reached the top, there was another flight up 184 00:15:59,000 --> 00:16:04,880 Speaker 1: these she went, and still another flight up, up she went, 185 00:16:05,360 --> 00:16:09,560 Speaker 1: until it seemed she had gone a thousand steps, but 186 00:16:09,760 --> 00:16:17,880 Speaker 1: finally she came out on top. The girl stood there 187 00:16:17,920 --> 00:16:21,160 Speaker 1: with her hand on the railing and looked out, but 188 00:16:21,280 --> 00:16:25,000 Speaker 1: all she could see were the snow fields, white and shiny. 189 00:16:26,280 --> 00:16:31,520 Speaker 1: Santa Claus was not in sight. She could see the 190 00:16:31,600 --> 00:16:34,440 Speaker 1: track over the snow that the sleigh had made, but 191 00:16:34,640 --> 00:16:42,120 Speaker 1: that was all. Then down the steps she came, and 192 00:16:42,240 --> 00:16:45,000 Speaker 1: it just happened that she came by the room that 193 00:16:45,040 --> 00:16:51,040 Speaker 1: Santa Claus told her she must not go into. As 194 00:16:51,040 --> 00:16:53,960 Speaker 1: she passed, she stopped in front of the red door 195 00:16:54,040 --> 00:16:58,280 Speaker 1: and said to herself, hmm, I wonder what they have 196 00:16:58,440 --> 00:17:00,880 Speaker 1: in that room and why they did not want me 197 00:17:00,960 --> 00:17:05,239 Speaker 1: to go in. She took hold of the knob and 198 00:17:05,280 --> 00:17:10,400 Speaker 1: gave it a turn, but the door was locked. Then 199 00:17:10,400 --> 00:17:13,800 Speaker 1: she shut one eye and peeped through the keyhole, but 200 00:17:13,960 --> 00:17:20,560 Speaker 1: she could see nothing. It was all dark. Then she 201 00:17:20,640 --> 00:17:23,440 Speaker 1: put her mouth at the keyhole and blew through it, 202 00:17:24,119 --> 00:17:29,560 Speaker 1: but she could hear nothing. Then she put her nose 203 00:17:29,680 --> 00:17:35,440 Speaker 1: there and smelled, but she could smell nothing. I wonder 204 00:17:35,480 --> 00:17:38,880 Speaker 1: what they have in the room, she said. I believe 205 00:17:38,960 --> 00:17:42,280 Speaker 1: I will see, just for fun, which one of these 206 00:17:42,359 --> 00:17:47,560 Speaker 1: keys will fit in the lock. The girl had in 207 00:17:47,600 --> 00:17:51,720 Speaker 1: her hand the great bunch of keys. She tried one 208 00:17:51,840 --> 00:17:55,840 Speaker 1: key and that would not fit. Then she tried another, 209 00:17:56,680 --> 00:18:02,119 Speaker 1: and another and another. Kept on until she came to 210 00:18:02,240 --> 00:18:09,040 Speaker 1: the last key. Now she said to herself, if this 211 00:18:09,280 --> 00:18:13,800 Speaker 1: key does not fit, I am leaving. She tried it 212 00:18:14,200 --> 00:18:16,719 Speaker 1: and it was the only key on the bunch that 213 00:18:16,760 --> 00:18:21,960 Speaker 1: would fit. Now she said, I shall not go into 214 00:18:22,000 --> 00:18:24,240 Speaker 1: the room, but I will just turn the key and 215 00:18:24,240 --> 00:18:27,760 Speaker 1: see if it will unlock the lock. It may fit 216 00:18:27,800 --> 00:18:32,040 Speaker 1: in the lock, and then not unlock the lock. She 217 00:18:32,200 --> 00:18:36,719 Speaker 1: turned the key slowly and the latch went click, click, 218 00:18:38,080 --> 00:18:44,320 Speaker 1: and the door flew wide open. What do you suppose 219 00:18:44,480 --> 00:18:53,040 Speaker 1: was in the room? It was very, very bright. It 220 00:18:53,119 --> 00:18:58,040 Speaker 1: was so bright the girl could see nothing. She had 221 00:18:58,080 --> 00:19:00,800 Speaker 1: her hand on the door, and it seemed to be 222 00:19:00,920 --> 00:19:06,000 Speaker 1: shaking her, and she could hear a warm and friendly voice. 223 00:19:08,200 --> 00:19:14,719 Speaker 1: The voice said, wake up, Wake up. She opened her eyes, 224 00:19:14,920 --> 00:19:19,720 Speaker 1: and where do you suppose? The girl was at home 225 00:19:20,200 --> 00:19:24,960 Speaker 1: in bed. It was Christmas morning, and her father was 226 00:19:25,040 --> 00:19:29,680 Speaker 1: standing over her in his favorite red shirt. The sun 227 00:19:29,880 --> 00:19:34,920 Speaker 1: was shining across her bed. She went to the living 228 00:19:35,000 --> 00:19:41,040 Speaker 1: room and there all the stockings were hanging full. The 229 00:19:41,119 --> 00:19:44,640 Speaker 1: girl had been to see Santa Claus, but she went 230 00:19:44,960 --> 00:19:55,359 Speaker 1: by that wonderful way often called dreamland. And that's the 231 00:19:55,480 --> 00:20:25,880 Speaker 1: end of our story. Good Night, sleep tigh. The sun scenes, 232 00:20:27,720 --> 00:20:31,760 Speaker 1: the sum scenes in sid scenes