1 00:00:13,503 --> 00:00:17,783 Speaker 1: Or an ad free listening experience and more stories, please 2 00:00:17,863 --> 00:00:20,983 Speaker 1: check out sleep Type Premium. A link can be found 3 00:00:21,023 --> 00:00:34,983 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you, hello friends, and welcome 4 00:00:35,103 --> 00:00:42,263 Speaker 1: to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like to wish a special 5 00:00:42,383 --> 00:00:47,583 Speaker 1: happy belated sixth birthday to Abella on May fifth. Mommy 6 00:00:47,623 --> 00:01:03,423 Speaker 1: and Daddy love you. Now onto our story. Nicole has 7 00:01:03,503 --> 00:01:08,343 Speaker 1: gone through the door again and met Angus. Angus wonders 8 00:01:08,383 --> 00:01:11,383 Speaker 1: where she went the day before, and they talk about 9 00:01:11,423 --> 00:01:17,143 Speaker 1: the differences between where they live. Angus invites Nicole to 10 00:01:17,143 --> 00:01:20,383 Speaker 1: come to his house and try some nice fresh milk, 11 00:01:21,223 --> 00:01:28,743 Speaker 1: and so they start walking Nicole and the Box in 12 00:01:28,823 --> 00:01:36,863 Speaker 1: the Barn Part seven. As they walked towards the farmhouse, 13 00:01:37,383 --> 00:01:41,023 Speaker 1: Nichole looked back towards the garden that in her time 14 00:01:41,823 --> 00:01:45,423 Speaker 1: was full of all kinds of flowers, trees, and berries. 15 00:01:47,023 --> 00:01:50,463 Speaker 1: Now it also had row after row of what must 16 00:01:50,463 --> 00:01:54,423 Speaker 1: have been vegetables just coming to life from the red soil. 17 00:01:56,183 --> 00:01:59,703 Speaker 1: Nichole couldn't help but be amazed at the freshness of 18 00:01:59,743 --> 00:02:06,423 Speaker 1: it all. You know, it's funny, Nichole said, her gaze 19 00:02:06,503 --> 00:02:11,423 Speaker 1: wandering over the garden. Back home, people pay extra for 20 00:02:11,503 --> 00:02:15,783 Speaker 1: what they call organic and fresh from the farm, like 21 00:02:15,863 --> 00:02:20,263 Speaker 1: it's something special here. It's just the way things are. 22 00:02:21,783 --> 00:02:27,463 Speaker 1: Angus nodded, a grin spreading across his face. Yeah, I 23 00:02:27,543 --> 00:02:30,263 Speaker 1: don't know much about what goes on in the big city, 24 00:02:30,743 --> 00:02:34,223 Speaker 1: but this is everyday life for us. Of course, in 25 00:02:34,343 --> 00:02:40,623 Speaker 1: winter things change a bit. They reached the house and 26 00:02:40,663 --> 00:02:43,983 Speaker 1: Angus led Nicole around to the back, where a few 27 00:02:44,063 --> 00:02:49,263 Speaker 1: cows grazed peacefully. Nicole thought having the cows eat the 28 00:02:49,343 --> 00:02:55,983 Speaker 1: grass was preferable to her pushing a lawnmower. One of 29 00:02:56,023 --> 00:03:00,743 Speaker 1: the cows looked up curiously as they approached. This is Bessie, 30 00:03:01,063 --> 00:03:05,983 Speaker 1: Angus introduced. She's the friendliest of the lot and gives 31 00:03:06,023 --> 00:03:10,063 Speaker 1: the best milk. We let them graze in different places. 32 00:03:11,343 --> 00:03:13,423 Speaker 1: My father has the rest of the herd in the 33 00:03:13,463 --> 00:03:18,303 Speaker 1: field out back. They're pretty smart, like big dogs, except 34 00:03:18,463 --> 00:03:26,623 Speaker 1: they don't bark. Nicole watched in fascination as Angus grabbed 35 00:03:26,663 --> 00:03:30,303 Speaker 1: a nearby bucket and expertly began to milk the cow. 36 00:03:31,183 --> 00:03:35,223 Speaker 1: The fresh milk frothing in the bucket. It was a 37 00:03:35,343 --> 00:03:39,383 Speaker 1: far cry from the neatly packaged milk curtains stacked in 38 00:03:39,503 --> 00:03:45,063 Speaker 1: supermarket refrigerators. She has already been milked today, so she 39 00:03:45,103 --> 00:03:47,743 Speaker 1: doesn't have much to give, but do you want to 40 00:03:47,743 --> 00:03:51,623 Speaker 1: give it a try? Angus asked, offering her the stool. 41 00:03:53,303 --> 00:03:59,063 Speaker 1: Nicole hesitated, then laughed, why not when in Rome? Or 42 00:03:59,303 --> 00:04:04,103 Speaker 1: should I say when on Pei? Do as the islanders do? Right? 43 00:04:06,903 --> 00:04:12,903 Speaker 1: Sitting down beside Bessie, Nicole tried mimicking Angus's actions. It 44 00:04:13,023 --> 00:04:16,663 Speaker 1: was more complicated than it looked, and her first few 45 00:04:16,703 --> 00:04:22,663 Speaker 1: attempts only splashed a few drops into the bucket, But soon, 46 00:04:23,183 --> 00:04:26,623 Speaker 1: with some guidance from Angus, she got the hang of it, 47 00:04:27,183 --> 00:04:32,743 Speaker 1: the milk streaming more consistently. This is actually kind of fun, 48 00:04:33,063 --> 00:04:36,623 Speaker 1: Nicholl admitted, feeling a bit proud as she watched the 49 00:04:36,703 --> 00:04:43,343 Speaker 1: milk collect. Angus chuckled, taking over again to finish up. 50 00:04:44,063 --> 00:04:46,783 Speaker 1: It can be fun, at least when they aren't in 51 00:04:46,863 --> 00:04:50,823 Speaker 1: a bad mood. Then my father does the work. He 52 00:04:50,943 --> 00:04:55,823 Speaker 1: seems to have a way of making them happy. They 53 00:04:55,863 --> 00:04:59,743 Speaker 1: took the fresh milk back inside, where Angus's mother had 54 00:04:59,823 --> 00:05:04,503 Speaker 1: laid out some homemade bread and butter. Who is your 55 00:05:04,503 --> 00:05:08,903 Speaker 1: new friend, dear, Angus's mother asked, Surprised to see a 56 00:05:08,943 --> 00:05:15,983 Speaker 1: stranger in their midst, Nikole was suddenly nervous. Angus's mother 57 00:05:16,103 --> 00:05:19,743 Speaker 1: looked much different than her own. She wore a long, 58 00:05:19,943 --> 00:05:23,823 Speaker 1: plain cotton dress and a faded apron with a large 59 00:05:23,863 --> 00:05:31,623 Speaker 1: pocket in the front. Her mother preferred sloppy sweats. This 60 00:05:31,663 --> 00:05:35,583 Speaker 1: is Nicole, mom. She is visiting from Montreal and has 61 00:05:35,743 --> 00:05:42,543 Speaker 1: never had fresh milk before. Unbelievable, right, Angus said, Hi there, 62 00:05:43,543 --> 00:05:48,263 Speaker 1: Nicole said quietly. I didn't know the McDonald's had relatives 63 00:05:48,263 --> 00:05:51,983 Speaker 1: in Montreal. Is it them who you are visiting, child, 64 00:05:52,743 --> 00:05:58,263 Speaker 1: Angus's mother asked, with the warmest of smiles. Nicole hesitated 65 00:05:58,303 --> 00:06:01,623 Speaker 1: to answer. She couldn't tell her that she lived on 66 00:06:01,663 --> 00:06:04,823 Speaker 1: this farm, but like one hundred years in the future, 67 00:06:05,663 --> 00:06:07,663 Speaker 1: they would call the police and have her sent to 68 00:06:07,703 --> 00:06:11,703 Speaker 1: the hospital. That is, if they had a phone, and 69 00:06:11,823 --> 00:06:18,103 Speaker 1: Nicole didn't like to tell a lie. Well, I am visiting, 70 00:06:19,543 --> 00:06:22,583 Speaker 1: Oh mom, can we just have a snack? I am 71 00:06:22,703 --> 00:06:27,143 Speaker 1: hungry and Nicole here has never tried your baking. Angus interrupted, 72 00:06:28,223 --> 00:06:31,543 Speaker 1: all right, I want to hear all about Montreal and 73 00:06:31,583 --> 00:06:34,463 Speaker 1: your trip here to the island. Both of you sit 74 00:06:34,543 --> 00:06:36,623 Speaker 1: down while I get you a glass for your milk. 75 00:06:39,703 --> 00:06:43,463 Speaker 1: After her glass was filled, Nicole sipped the warm milk, 76 00:06:44,143 --> 00:06:47,863 Speaker 1: finding it richer and creamier than anything she'd bought from 77 00:06:47,863 --> 00:06:54,263 Speaker 1: a store. It was delicious. Wow, this is really tasty, 78 00:06:54,623 --> 00:06:58,543 Speaker 1: Nicole said to Angus, wiping the milk'st ash from around 79 00:06:58,543 --> 00:07:03,343 Speaker 1: her mouth. I told you, Angus said, I bet it's 80 00:07:03,383 --> 00:07:07,903 Speaker 1: better than the crazy stuff you described it. Sure is, 81 00:07:08,183 --> 00:07:14,103 Speaker 1: Nicole replied, it's like drinking unsweetened ice cream. Oh my, 82 00:07:15,023 --> 00:07:17,623 Speaker 1: I don't think I have ever heard of milk described 83 00:07:17,703 --> 00:07:23,023 Speaker 1: like that before. Angus's mother said with a laugh, Old 84 00:07:23,103 --> 00:07:26,783 Speaker 1: Bessie does give nice milk. I guess you get your 85 00:07:26,823 --> 00:07:31,023 Speaker 1: milk delivered in a bottle where you are from. My 86 00:07:31,103 --> 00:07:34,343 Speaker 1: mom goes and buys it, and it tastes nothing like this, 87 00:07:35,183 --> 00:07:39,743 Speaker 1: Nichole said, after having another drink. You should try my 88 00:07:39,863 --> 00:07:44,023 Speaker 1: mother's bread. She's the best baker and has even won 89 00:07:44,143 --> 00:07:50,703 Speaker 1: competitions at the woman's Institute. Nichole grabbed a piece of bread. 90 00:07:51,343 --> 00:07:54,423 Speaker 1: It was heavier than what she was used to. She 91 00:07:54,583 --> 00:07:59,223 Speaker 1: bit into the bread and realized it tasted unlike any 92 00:07:59,303 --> 00:08:04,663 Speaker 1: bread she'd had in Montreal. The crust was thick and 93 00:08:04,863 --> 00:08:10,143 Speaker 1: satisfyingly crunchy, while the interior was dense and chewy and 94 00:08:10,223 --> 00:08:16,463 Speaker 1: seemed to burst with flavor in every bite. Delicious bread, 95 00:08:17,103 --> 00:08:22,543 Speaker 1: Nicole said after practically inhaling the whole piece. I told 96 00:08:22,583 --> 00:08:27,543 Speaker 1: you the best baker on the island, Angus said, Oh, Angus, stop, 97 00:08:28,023 --> 00:08:32,663 Speaker 1: you're exaggerating. Angus's mother said, as she sat to have 98 00:08:32,743 --> 00:08:37,183 Speaker 1: a cup of tea. So what is your family name, Nicole? 99 00:08:37,863 --> 00:08:40,303 Speaker 1: What does your father do for a living in Montreal? 100 00:08:42,863 --> 00:08:47,823 Speaker 1: My last name is McLean, Nicole said, no way, that's 101 00:08:47,943 --> 00:08:51,383 Speaker 1: my last name. Are you my distant cousin or long 102 00:08:51,503 --> 00:08:57,623 Speaker 1: lost sister or something? Angus asked, Well, isn't that something? 103 00:08:58,183 --> 00:09:02,623 Speaker 1: Angus's mother replied, I wouldn't think there would be many 104 00:09:02,703 --> 00:09:06,463 Speaker 1: of our clan there in Montreal, but you learn something 105 00:09:06,583 --> 00:09:12,303 Speaker 1: every day. And your father, my father is no longer 106 00:09:12,503 --> 00:09:15,503 Speaker 1: with us. It's just my mother and I. She is 107 00:09:15,543 --> 00:09:20,063 Speaker 1: a writer, so we used to travel a lot. I'm sorry, dear. 108 00:09:20,823 --> 00:09:23,423 Speaker 1: Tell your mother to drop by for tea anytime she 109 00:09:23,503 --> 00:09:25,903 Speaker 1: feels up to it, and I hope to see you 110 00:09:25,983 --> 00:09:30,263 Speaker 1: both on Sunday morning. We have a beautiful time with cakes, 111 00:09:30,703 --> 00:09:36,743 Speaker 1: sandwiches and fresh tea. Can I show Nicole around the farm, mom, 112 00:09:37,343 --> 00:09:40,423 Speaker 1: Angus asked, as he got up from the table, milk 113 00:09:40,503 --> 00:09:45,343 Speaker 1: dripping from his chin. Of course, Just don't get under 114 00:09:45,383 --> 00:09:48,503 Speaker 1: your father's feet or he'll have you doing double the 115 00:09:48,583 --> 00:09:54,583 Speaker 1: chores tomorrow. Angus led Nichole outside, letting the door slam 116 00:09:54,663 --> 00:10:01,983 Speaker 1: behind them. Huh, he does that too, Nicole thought. They 117 00:10:02,063 --> 00:10:07,423 Speaker 1: walked towards the first barn. It's white paint, bright and unchipped, 118 00:10:07,903 --> 00:10:12,503 Speaker 1: unlike the pealing exterior. Nicole knew in her time, the 119 00:10:12,583 --> 00:10:17,063 Speaker 1: sides were straight too. My father built this barn with 120 00:10:17,103 --> 00:10:20,023 Speaker 1: some of the other community members. When we moved to 121 00:10:20,103 --> 00:10:23,343 Speaker 1: this parcel of land, I was just a baby. Then, 122 00:10:23,823 --> 00:10:30,143 Speaker 1: Angus explained, it's mainly for the cow's hay and some storage. 123 00:10:30,943 --> 00:10:36,223 Speaker 1: Nicole looked around in awe. The structure stood solid and imposing, 124 00:10:36,783 --> 00:10:40,623 Speaker 1: and but for the occasional spider web and small piles 125 00:10:40,663 --> 00:10:46,583 Speaker 1: of straw, it was spotless. She looked specifically to where 126 00:10:46,703 --> 00:10:50,823 Speaker 1: on her version of the farm her box was. It 127 00:10:50,943 --> 00:10:57,583 Speaker 1: was nowhere to be seen. It's pretty big. It looks 128 00:10:57,663 --> 00:11:00,343 Speaker 1: much different than what I am used to, Nicole said, 129 00:11:00,943 --> 00:11:05,263 Speaker 1: referring to the barn as it looked in her time. Yeah, 130 00:11:05,503 --> 00:11:07,703 Speaker 1: I guess you don't have many big barns like this 131 00:11:07,823 --> 00:11:12,623 Speaker 1: in Montreal, Angus said with a laugh. They moved moved 132 00:11:12,663 --> 00:11:16,903 Speaker 1: on to the smaller second barn, which housed the farm's horses. 133 00:11:18,063 --> 00:11:21,463 Speaker 1: The smell of fresh hay and the sound of horses 134 00:11:21,583 --> 00:11:26,183 Speaker 1: moving restlessly and their stalls filled the air. And this 135 00:11:26,303 --> 00:11:29,863 Speaker 1: is where we keep the horses, Angus said, opening the 136 00:11:29,903 --> 00:11:34,103 Speaker 1: door to let Nicole peek inside. They are important as 137 00:11:34,103 --> 00:11:36,823 Speaker 1: they help us with the fields and sometimes for getting 138 00:11:36,823 --> 00:11:40,583 Speaker 1: into town. We used to have pigs here too, but 139 00:11:40,703 --> 00:11:43,023 Speaker 1: my father decided to keep a few over at the 140 00:11:43,103 --> 00:11:49,783 Speaker 1: MacDonald's farm for now. Nicole leaned against the door, watching 141 00:11:49,863 --> 00:11:55,023 Speaker 1: the animals with fascination. I haven't seen many horses, well, 142 00:11:55,623 --> 00:11:58,703 Speaker 1: except in winter when we have sleigh rides. But I 143 00:11:58,863 --> 00:12:03,343 Speaker 1: have ridden an elephant. You what was it at a 144 00:12:03,463 --> 00:12:06,383 Speaker 1: zoo or something. I have a book in the house 145 00:12:06,423 --> 00:12:09,583 Speaker 1: about India and it has pictures of elephants in it. 146 00:12:10,023 --> 00:12:13,303 Speaker 1: But that's all I have ever seen of elephan. It 147 00:12:13,543 --> 00:12:18,863 Speaker 1: must have been amazing, Angus said excitedly. It's like riding 148 00:12:18,903 --> 00:12:22,823 Speaker 1: a big horse with the trunk. I guess, Nichole said, 149 00:12:22,863 --> 00:12:29,463 Speaker 1: with a chuckle. As they walked between the barns, Angus 150 00:12:29,503 --> 00:12:35,223 Speaker 1: pointed out various tools and explained their uses. Each piece 151 00:12:35,303 --> 00:12:40,543 Speaker 1: had a purpose and history. Every tool here has a story. 152 00:12:41,743 --> 00:12:45,343 Speaker 1: Some were my great grandfathers. We fix them up and 153 00:12:45,463 --> 00:12:49,463 Speaker 1: keep using them. Nothing goes to waste, he said, with 154 00:12:49,543 --> 00:12:56,423 Speaker 1: a hint of pride. Nichole listened intently, her mind racing 155 00:12:56,503 --> 00:13:01,263 Speaker 1: with comparisons to her life in Montreal, where everything was 156 00:13:01,343 --> 00:13:06,343 Speaker 1: disposable and new people back home could learn a lot 157 00:13:06,383 --> 00:13:11,143 Speaker 1: from this way of living, she mused aloud. Angus nodded, 158 00:13:11,503 --> 00:13:15,023 Speaker 1: leading her out the fields. It's a slow pace of 159 00:13:15,063 --> 00:13:20,263 Speaker 1: life here, that's for sure. They reached the garden's edge 160 00:13:20,503 --> 00:13:24,903 Speaker 1: with its neat rows of vegetables. Angus picked a carrot 161 00:13:24,943 --> 00:13:28,183 Speaker 1: from the ground, washed it with water from his flask, 162 00:13:28,623 --> 00:13:32,903 Speaker 1: and handed it to Nicole. Try this, It's as fresh 163 00:13:32,943 --> 00:13:37,703 Speaker 1: as it gets. Nicole bit into the carrot with a 164 00:13:37,823 --> 00:13:42,743 Speaker 1: loud crunch. The taste was sweet and earthy, bursting with 165 00:13:42,823 --> 00:13:46,863 Speaker 1: a flavor she had never tasted in store bought vegetables. 166 00:13:47,863 --> 00:13:53,743 Speaker 1: This is amazing, she said, her voice full of genuine surprise. 167 00:13:54,863 --> 00:14:00,543 Speaker 1: Everything here is so real. Yeah, it's simple stuff, but 168 00:14:00,663 --> 00:14:04,743 Speaker 1: it's good stuff. Angus replied with a smile. Glad you 169 00:14:04,943 --> 00:14:10,983 Speaker 1: like it. As they walked, they continued to talk about 170 00:14:11,063 --> 00:14:15,983 Speaker 1: everything and nice thing. Though from different times and places, 171 00:14:16,503 --> 00:14:20,943 Speaker 1: they had a lot in common. There aren't a lot 172 00:14:20,983 --> 00:14:23,503 Speaker 1: of kids around here, and it can get boring when 173 00:14:23,503 --> 00:14:27,583 Speaker 1: I'm not doing chores. We could explore the backfields if 174 00:14:27,623 --> 00:14:30,583 Speaker 1: you want to come by. There is even a stream 175 00:14:30,663 --> 00:14:33,783 Speaker 1: back there with some fish in it, and I heard 176 00:14:33,783 --> 00:14:38,023 Speaker 1: a rumor that there might even be bears there, though 177 00:14:38,063 --> 00:14:41,223 Speaker 1: my father said there haven't ever been bears here on 178 00:14:41,263 --> 00:14:45,543 Speaker 1: the island. Angus, I need your help over here, son, 179 00:14:46,303 --> 00:14:50,703 Speaker 1: his father yelled from across the farm. My father is 180 00:14:50,743 --> 00:14:54,383 Speaker 1: fixing some fences this afternoon and needs my help. You 181 00:14:54,423 --> 00:14:58,023 Speaker 1: could come over and help too, if you want. I 182 00:14:58,063 --> 00:15:01,543 Speaker 1: think I should probably head home before my mother starts worrying. 183 00:15:01,903 --> 00:15:07,183 Speaker 1: Nicole said, yeah, mothers do that. Will you come back 184 00:15:07,183 --> 00:15:09,983 Speaker 1: to visit. I'm done my chores in the morning, and 185 00:15:10,103 --> 00:15:14,063 Speaker 1: most afternoons are free. I can show you the backfields 186 00:15:14,063 --> 00:15:17,223 Speaker 1: in other places. We could even play tricks on our 187 00:15:17,263 --> 00:15:21,903 Speaker 1: old cat. Sure, I will come over tomorrow if the 188 00:15:21,903 --> 00:15:27,783 Speaker 1: weather is fine. All right, Nicole, see you later, Angus said, 189 00:15:28,063 --> 00:15:30,463 Speaker 1: as he ran to where his father was calling from. 190 00:15:31,823 --> 00:15:35,303 Speaker 1: Thank you for the milk and bread, Nicole yelled after him. 191 00:15:37,743 --> 00:15:41,423 Speaker 1: After watching Angus disappear behind the barn where the horses 192 00:15:41,463 --> 00:15:45,303 Speaker 1: were kept, Nichole walked through the garden towards the door. 193 00:15:47,303 --> 00:15:50,823 Speaker 1: As she placed her hand on the doors worn wooden frame. 194 00:15:51,303 --> 00:15:56,823 Speaker 1: She paused, pinching her cheek. It hurt. I guess this 195 00:15:56,983 --> 00:16:01,223 Speaker 1: really isn't a dream. How do I tell my mother 196 00:16:01,423 --> 00:16:04,543 Speaker 1: that I am traveling back in time and have met 197 00:16:04,583 --> 00:16:09,063 Speaker 1: a new friend. With a deep breath, she stepped through 198 00:16:09,103 --> 00:16:13,543 Speaker 1: the doorway, the familiar shimmer enveloping her as she crossed 199 00:16:13,583 --> 00:16:19,463 Speaker 1: the threshold back into her time. Instantly, the sounds of 200 00:16:19,503 --> 00:16:23,823 Speaker 1: the old farm were replaced by the quieter, more subdued 201 00:16:23,903 --> 00:16:28,023 Speaker 1: tones of her modern garden, and the vegetables were replaced 202 00:16:28,063 --> 00:16:34,543 Speaker 1: by flowers and berries. Nichole stood there for a few seconds, 203 00:16:34,823 --> 00:16:38,703 Speaker 1: letting her eyes adjust to the change in light. The 204 00:16:38,783 --> 00:16:42,823 Speaker 1: garden was still beautiful, but the vegetables were replaced by 205 00:16:42,863 --> 00:16:48,463 Speaker 1: flowers and berries. The whole farm seemed to lack the 206 00:16:48,503 --> 00:16:53,023 Speaker 1: lively spark of the older version. It felt like she 207 00:16:53,103 --> 00:16:57,343 Speaker 1: had stepped out of a vivid dream into a faded reality. 208 00:16:59,023 --> 00:17:05,103 Speaker 1: Just then, her mother's voice called out, slicing through her reverie, Nicole, 209 00:17:05,303 --> 00:17:11,463 Speaker 1: it's time to come in. Dinner's almost ready. Nicole blinked, 210 00:17:11,943 --> 00:17:15,743 Speaker 1: mother's voice, bringing her back into the present, and she 211 00:17:16,023 --> 00:17:21,703 Speaker 1: was surprisingly hungry. Time travel must increase my appetite, she said, 212 00:17:22,503 --> 00:17:31,663 Speaker 1: laughing as she ran towards her faded home. And that's 213 00:17:31,703 --> 00:17:48,503 Speaker 1: the end of this part. Good night, sleep tight.