1 00:00:13,503 --> 00:00:17,783 Speaker 1: Or an ad free listening experience and more stories, please 2 00:00:17,863 --> 00:00:20,983 Speaker 1: check out sleep Tight Premium. A link can be found 3 00:00:21,023 --> 00:00:34,983 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you, hello friends, and welcome 4 00:00:35,143 --> 00:00:48,543 Speaker 1: to sleep Tight Stories. Nicole and her mother have gone 5 00:00:48,583 --> 00:00:52,503 Speaker 1: to the garden together and her mother cannot believe her 6 00:00:52,543 --> 00:00:56,543 Speaker 1: eyes when they walk through the gate and see what 7 00:00:56,783 --> 00:01:01,943 Speaker 1: is on the other side. Nichole's mother is shocked. They 8 00:01:01,983 --> 00:01:05,503 Speaker 1: look around and head back home to try and figure 9 00:01:05,543 --> 00:01:09,743 Speaker 1: out what they just saw. As they sit in the 10 00:01:09,863 --> 00:01:13,223 Speaker 1: kitchen talking about what was through the door and the garden, 11 00:01:13,983 --> 00:01:16,423 Speaker 1: they come up with a plan for the next day. 12 00:01:20,063 --> 00:01:26,823 Speaker 1: Nicole and the Box in the Barn, Part ten. Nicole 13 00:01:26,943 --> 00:01:30,783 Speaker 1: and her mother stood in the kitchen trying to understand 14 00:01:30,823 --> 00:01:35,943 Speaker 1: what they had just experienced. The sun was setting outside, 15 00:01:36,543 --> 00:01:42,543 Speaker 1: glowing warmly through the old farmhouse windows. Nicole's mother stood 16 00:01:42,583 --> 00:01:48,103 Speaker 1: there staring off into the distance, deep in thought. I'm 17 00:01:48,183 --> 00:01:52,383 Speaker 1: having a hard time understanding what we just saw, Nichole's 18 00:01:52,383 --> 00:01:56,983 Speaker 1: mother said, shaking her head slowly. It's like something out 19 00:01:57,023 --> 00:02:02,823 Speaker 1: of a story book or a dream. Nicole nodded, her 20 00:02:02,863 --> 00:02:08,023 Speaker 1: excitement bubbling over. I told you, mom, the garden is magical. 21 00:02:08,423 --> 00:02:13,543 Speaker 1: It's like we traveled back in time. Her mother gave 22 00:02:13,623 --> 00:02:18,703 Speaker 1: her a small smile. I believe you, Nichole, I really do, 23 00:02:19,383 --> 00:02:23,543 Speaker 1: but I need to understand what's going on. I hope 24 00:02:23,583 --> 00:02:27,423 Speaker 1: we aren't hallucinating. I know it's not from a gas leak, 25 00:02:27,503 --> 00:02:32,583 Speaker 1: as we don't have gas. Your father was always ready 26 00:02:32,623 --> 00:02:36,703 Speaker 1: to believe anything, but I have always been more practical. 27 00:02:37,783 --> 00:02:42,343 Speaker 1: Whenever we traveled to some far off interesting place, he 28 00:02:42,383 --> 00:02:46,143 Speaker 1: would always try to learn the local people's beliefs, and 29 00:02:46,263 --> 00:02:49,183 Speaker 1: no matter how different they were from our own, he 30 00:02:49,343 --> 00:02:53,303 Speaker 1: was quick to accept. I wonder what he would think 31 00:02:53,343 --> 00:02:57,543 Speaker 1: about all of this. It's a bit late to think 32 00:02:57,583 --> 00:03:01,063 Speaker 1: over tea, So maybe that ice cream I bot will 33 00:03:01,103 --> 00:03:04,703 Speaker 1: help us think this through, Nicholl's mother said as she 34 00:03:04,783 --> 00:03:08,263 Speaker 1: walked to the fridge. And I am going to open 35 00:03:08,343 --> 00:03:11,183 Speaker 1: up some windows in case we have been breathing bad air. 36 00:03:14,063 --> 00:03:18,423 Speaker 1: Nichole's eyes lit up at the mention of ice cream. Yes, 37 00:03:18,743 --> 00:03:25,623 Speaker 1: ice cream always helps. They scooped generous portions of Mooberry 38 00:03:25,663 --> 00:03:29,423 Speaker 1: ice cream into bowls and sat down at the kitchen table. 39 00:03:32,063 --> 00:03:37,783 Speaker 1: Nichole's mother took a deep breath and then spoke, Okay, 40 00:03:38,543 --> 00:03:42,623 Speaker 1: let's try to figure this out. When did you first 41 00:03:42,743 --> 00:03:48,583 Speaker 1: notice changes in the garden? Niicole thought back, it's just 42 00:03:48,663 --> 00:03:52,823 Speaker 1: as I said earlier. It was shortly after we moved here. 43 00:03:53,423 --> 00:03:55,503 Speaker 1: I found the box in the barn, and then the 44 00:03:55,583 --> 00:03:59,863 Speaker 1: door in the garden. When I opened the door, everything 45 00:03:59,943 --> 00:04:03,663 Speaker 1: looked different, like it was long ago. But it all 46 00:04:03,743 --> 00:04:08,183 Speaker 1: started with the seeds. The garden didn't change and the 47 00:04:08,263 --> 00:04:14,223 Speaker 1: door didn't appear until I planted those seeds. Her mother nodded, 48 00:04:14,543 --> 00:04:19,583 Speaker 1: listening intently. And this angus boy he lives in that 49 00:04:19,743 --> 00:04:25,423 Speaker 1: other time. Did he tell you anything about his life? 50 00:04:25,663 --> 00:04:30,503 Speaker 1: Nichole nodded eagerly. We didn't really talk too deeply about stuff. 51 00:04:31,103 --> 00:04:33,503 Speaker 1: He showed me around part of the farm and we 52 00:04:33,543 --> 00:04:36,663 Speaker 1: went to his house, where his mother prepared us a snack. 53 00:04:37,703 --> 00:04:41,503 Speaker 1: We talked about the differences between Montreal and here and 54 00:04:41,583 --> 00:04:45,423 Speaker 1: how they get their food. It was just chitchat. Really, 55 00:04:46,103 --> 00:04:48,623 Speaker 1: he seems really nice, and it seems like we could 56 00:04:48,663 --> 00:04:54,663 Speaker 1: even be friends. Her mother stirred her ice cream thoughtfully. 57 00:04:55,743 --> 00:04:58,743 Speaker 1: It's great to make friends, though it would be best 58 00:04:58,783 --> 00:05:02,503 Speaker 1: if they weren't from another time. Ha ha, I can't 59 00:05:02,503 --> 00:05:08,743 Speaker 1: believe I just said that. Nichole's mother took a few 60 00:05:08,783 --> 00:05:12,703 Speaker 1: bites of ice cream and then continued, it's it seems 61 00:05:12,743 --> 00:05:16,943 Speaker 1: so impossible. It really does sound like you stepped into 62 00:05:16,983 --> 00:05:21,863 Speaker 1: another time. Well, we did, but how is that possible? 63 00:05:23,103 --> 00:05:26,423 Speaker 1: When you started explaining all this to me, I thought 64 00:05:26,503 --> 00:05:28,663 Speaker 1: that maybe you were making it up or you had 65 00:05:28,703 --> 00:05:33,703 Speaker 1: a fever. If I hadn't experienced it myself, I might 66 00:05:33,783 --> 00:05:39,103 Speaker 1: think something was wrong. Nicole shrugged, taking a bite of 67 00:05:39,143 --> 00:05:42,823 Speaker 1: her ice cream. I don't know how it is possible, Mom, 68 00:05:42,943 --> 00:05:46,983 Speaker 1: but you saw it too. Maybe we just have to believe, 69 00:05:48,983 --> 00:05:53,463 Speaker 1: her mother sighed, rubbing her temples. I did see it, 70 00:05:53,823 --> 00:05:59,303 Speaker 1: and it was incredible. Maybe there's something special about this place, 71 00:05:59,783 --> 00:06:04,823 Speaker 1: something we don't know yet. Nicole looked out the window 72 00:06:04,903 --> 00:06:08,303 Speaker 1: at the last band of light in the sky. Do 73 00:06:08,343 --> 00:06:10,183 Speaker 1: you think it has to do with the box in 74 00:06:10,223 --> 00:06:14,543 Speaker 1: the barn? Maybe there's more to it. Then I realized 75 00:06:15,023 --> 00:06:19,143 Speaker 1: her mother's eyes widened slightly. That's a good point, Nichole. 76 00:06:19,863 --> 00:06:22,183 Speaker 1: We should take a closer look at the box and 77 00:06:22,263 --> 00:06:25,103 Speaker 1: see if there are any clues. And the journal you 78 00:06:25,183 --> 00:06:28,543 Speaker 1: brought down maybe there are some clues in that as well. 79 00:06:29,543 --> 00:06:32,703 Speaker 1: We'll figure this out. This is a mystery we can 80 00:06:32,783 --> 00:06:38,583 Speaker 1: solve together. Thanks, mom, Nichole said with a yawn. It 81 00:06:38,663 --> 00:06:42,543 Speaker 1: had been an eventful day and she was feeling tired. 82 00:06:46,183 --> 00:06:49,223 Speaker 1: As they finished their ice cream, the last light of 83 00:06:49,263 --> 00:06:53,543 Speaker 1: the sunset faded, leaving the kitchen in a cozy twilight. 84 00:06:54,783 --> 00:07:00,343 Speaker 1: Nichole yawned again. Tomorrow, we'll look at the box, read 85 00:07:00,423 --> 00:07:03,543 Speaker 1: through the journal together, and see if there is anything 86 00:07:03,583 --> 00:07:06,503 Speaker 1: else to learn from the stuff that's still in the attic. 87 00:07:06,943 --> 00:07:10,903 Speaker 1: Her mother said, standing up to clear the dishes. It's 88 00:07:10,983 --> 00:07:14,623 Speaker 1: time for bed. You sound tired, and we have a 89 00:07:14,663 --> 00:07:18,183 Speaker 1: big day ahead of us. Maybe we will wake up 90 00:07:18,183 --> 00:07:20,703 Speaker 1: in the morning and this will all turn out to 91 00:07:20,783 --> 00:07:26,023 Speaker 1: be just a dream. Nicholl put her bowl in the 92 00:07:26,063 --> 00:07:30,143 Speaker 1: sink and went upstairs. Her feet felt heavy as she 93 00:07:30,223 --> 00:07:35,143 Speaker 1: climbed each step, the stairs creaking. The excitement of the 94 00:07:35,263 --> 00:07:39,343 Speaker 1: day was finally catching up with her. She went into 95 00:07:39,383 --> 00:07:42,983 Speaker 1: her room, changed into her pajamas, and brushed her teeth. 96 00:07:44,143 --> 00:07:47,943 Speaker 1: The cool, minty taste was refreshing, but it didn't quite 97 00:07:47,943 --> 00:07:51,063 Speaker 1: clear the fog of sleepiness that had settled over her. 98 00:07:53,063 --> 00:07:56,543 Speaker 1: First making sure the curtains were tight across the window, 99 00:07:57,103 --> 00:08:00,383 Speaker 1: she slipped under the covers and the bed creaked. As 100 00:08:00,423 --> 00:08:04,703 Speaker 1: she got comfortable. Her mother came in to check on her. 101 00:08:05,623 --> 00:08:10,063 Speaker 1: Good night, sweetie, A good night's sleep solves many problems, 102 00:08:10,103 --> 00:08:13,943 Speaker 1: my mother used to say, her mother said, softly, kissing 103 00:08:13,983 --> 00:08:19,143 Speaker 1: her forehead. Good night, mom, Nichole replied with a small smile. 104 00:08:20,343 --> 00:08:23,783 Speaker 1: She watched her mother leave the room and then turned over, 105 00:08:24,023 --> 00:08:30,583 Speaker 1: hugging her pillow. As she lay there, Nicholl's mind wandered 106 00:08:30,623 --> 00:08:34,863 Speaker 1: back to the magical garden and her time with Angus. 107 00:08:34,983 --> 00:08:40,623 Speaker 1: It all felt so real, yet so unbelievable. How could 108 00:08:40,743 --> 00:08:45,343 Speaker 1: such a thing be possible? She thought about the box 109 00:08:45,423 --> 00:08:48,823 Speaker 1: in the barn and the journal she had found. There 110 00:08:48,863 --> 00:08:52,463 Speaker 1: had to be answers there hidden in those old pages. 111 00:08:53,423 --> 00:08:57,263 Speaker 1: She wondered if there was more to discover, What if 112 00:08:57,263 --> 00:09:00,783 Speaker 1: the garden held even more secrets? And what did the 113 00:09:00,823 --> 00:09:06,223 Speaker 1: other objects in the box do? Nichole took a deep 114 00:09:06,263 --> 00:09:11,223 Speaker 1: breath and closed her eyes, trying to rest her overactive mind. 115 00:09:12,623 --> 00:09:17,303 Speaker 1: The image of the sparkling garden and Angus's friendly smile 116 00:09:17,583 --> 00:09:22,063 Speaker 1: floated in her mind until she finally fell fast asleep. 117 00:09:24,783 --> 00:09:29,463 Speaker 1: Once asleep, Nichole was dreaming she was walking through the 118 00:09:29,503 --> 00:09:34,103 Speaker 1: garden as the flowers responded to her presence. The garden 119 00:09:34,183 --> 00:09:39,383 Speaker 1: seemed larger, the colors more vivid, the sense more fragrant, 120 00:09:39,823 --> 00:09:44,783 Speaker 1: and everything felt alive. There was no door, and she 121 00:09:44,823 --> 00:09:50,383 Speaker 1: couldn't see the house or the farm at all. Suddenly 122 00:09:50,903 --> 00:09:54,743 Speaker 1: a noise woke her from her dream. She opened her 123 00:09:54,783 --> 00:09:58,583 Speaker 1: eyes and glanced at the clock. It was almost one 124 00:09:58,663 --> 00:10:02,263 Speaker 1: a m. She could hear the sound of the kettle 125 00:10:02,343 --> 00:10:05,943 Speaker 1: boiling in the kitchen. What was her mother doing up 126 00:10:05,983 --> 00:10:10,623 Speaker 1: so late? She promised to solve this mystery together, not 127 00:10:10,783 --> 00:10:16,023 Speaker 1: all by herself. Nichole got out of bed and slowly 128 00:10:16,063 --> 00:10:20,383 Speaker 1: made her way downstairs. It was impossible to be quiet, 129 00:10:20,423 --> 00:10:25,143 Speaker 1: as the stairs always creaked. The soft glow of the 130 00:10:25,223 --> 00:10:30,183 Speaker 1: kitchen light spilled into the hallway. Nichole peeked around the 131 00:10:30,263 --> 00:10:33,143 Speaker 1: corner and saw her mother sitting at the kitchen table, 132 00:10:33,863 --> 00:10:37,623 Speaker 1: sipping some tea and reading through the journal that Nichole 133 00:10:37,663 --> 00:10:43,783 Speaker 1: had found. Beside her, a box full of old papers 134 00:10:43,783 --> 00:10:49,503 Speaker 1: and documents lay open. Nichole's mother looked up. Couldn't sleep, 135 00:10:49,863 --> 00:10:55,383 Speaker 1: she asked quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. Nichole 136 00:10:55,423 --> 00:10:58,583 Speaker 1: shook her head. I think I heard the kettle boiling 137 00:10:58,663 --> 00:11:02,863 Speaker 1: and woke up. Oh, I'm sorry, Nichole. I thought I 138 00:11:02,983 --> 00:11:07,783 Speaker 1: was being very quiet. It's okay. I was having crazy, 139 00:11:07,943 --> 00:11:11,983 Speaker 1: vivid dreams and might have woken up anyway. What are 140 00:11:12,023 --> 00:11:16,823 Speaker 1: you doing up, mom, her mother gestured to the journal 141 00:11:16,863 --> 00:11:21,063 Speaker 1: and the box. I tried to sleep, but couldn't stop 142 00:11:21,103 --> 00:11:25,503 Speaker 1: thinking about what we saw today. My mind was racing 143 00:11:25,623 --> 00:11:29,223 Speaker 1: through all kinds of possibilities. So I got up and 144 00:11:29,303 --> 00:11:33,023 Speaker 1: looked at that box you mentioned. I found some old 145 00:11:33,103 --> 00:11:38,423 Speaker 1: papers and letters that might give us more clues. Nicole 146 00:11:38,623 --> 00:11:42,143 Speaker 1: moved closer and looked at the scattered papers on the table. 147 00:11:43,343 --> 00:11:48,943 Speaker 1: Have you found anything interesting, her mother nodded, showing her 148 00:11:49,023 --> 00:11:53,303 Speaker 1: a yellowed letter. I found this letter from the original 149 00:11:53,383 --> 00:11:56,703 Speaker 1: owner of the farm. It talks about a gift from 150 00:11:56,703 --> 00:12:02,423 Speaker 1: a traveler who visited from a far away land. The 151 00:12:02,503 --> 00:12:06,983 Speaker 1: traveler left these boxes filled with all kinds of trinkets 152 00:12:07,023 --> 00:12:12,223 Speaker 1: from their travels. Nicole leaned in, reading over her mother's shoulder. 153 00:12:13,143 --> 00:12:19,463 Speaker 1: A faraway land that could be anywhere. Yes, they didn't 154 00:12:19,463 --> 00:12:23,623 Speaker 1: have airplanes and cars, so many places might have been 155 00:12:23,663 --> 00:12:28,743 Speaker 1: considered far away, but usually it meant places outside Canada. 156 00:12:29,223 --> 00:12:33,783 Speaker 1: In story books, it might mean India or Africa. Do 157 00:12:33,823 --> 00:12:38,703 Speaker 1: you think it's talking about the magic we experienced? It 158 00:12:38,783 --> 00:12:43,703 Speaker 1: doesn't say so specifically, her mother replied thoughtfully. The letter 159 00:12:43,823 --> 00:12:47,383 Speaker 1: mentions a key and a door, similar to what you found. 160 00:12:48,463 --> 00:12:51,183 Speaker 1: The other papers I have read seem to say that 161 00:12:51,263 --> 00:12:55,103 Speaker 1: the garden has always been special since those boxes were 162 00:12:55,183 --> 00:13:01,783 Speaker 1: left here, but that could also mean anything. My dream 163 00:13:01,943 --> 00:13:05,183 Speaker 1: seemed so real, and when I woke up just now, 164 00:13:05,823 --> 00:13:09,063 Speaker 1: I thought it had all been a dream. But it 165 00:13:09,183 --> 00:13:13,423 Speaker 1: really has happened, and there's more to disc over. We 166 00:13:13,543 --> 00:13:19,863 Speaker 1: have to keep looking. Her mother smiled. We will. I'm 167 00:13:20,103 --> 00:13:24,263 Speaker 1: almost as curious as you are. Part of me still 168 00:13:24,303 --> 00:13:27,623 Speaker 1: doesn't believe that this could be happening, but I'm sure 169 00:13:27,663 --> 00:13:33,383 Speaker 1: we'll figure it out. Nicole nodded eagerly, feeling a surge 170 00:13:33,383 --> 00:13:38,023 Speaker 1: of determination. I'm so glad we're doing this together, mom. 171 00:13:39,383 --> 00:13:45,223 Speaker 1: Her mother reached out and squeezed Nichole's hand. Me too, sweetie. 172 00:13:45,463 --> 00:13:48,663 Speaker 1: Now let's put these papers away and get some rest. 173 00:13:49,143 --> 00:13:56,583 Speaker 1: We have a lot to explore tomorrow. Nicole helped her 174 00:13:56,623 --> 00:14:01,023 Speaker 1: mother organize the papers and close the box. As they 175 00:14:01,103 --> 00:14:05,543 Speaker 1: headed back upstairs, Nichole felt excited about this mystery they 176 00:14:05,583 --> 00:14:09,823 Speaker 1: had to solve. She hoped they could uncover the secrets 177 00:14:09,823 --> 00:14:13,503 Speaker 1: of their magical garden and the history of their new home. 178 00:14:16,303 --> 00:14:20,703 Speaker 1: As they prepared to head upstairs, Nichole's mother touched her shoulder. 179 00:14:21,783 --> 00:14:24,383 Speaker 1: Why don't you head back to bed, Nichole, You need 180 00:14:24,423 --> 00:14:27,623 Speaker 1: your rest. I'll finish my tea and get to bed 181 00:14:27,743 --> 00:14:34,823 Speaker 1: soon too. Nichole yawned. Okay, Mom, good night, good night, 182 00:14:35,463 --> 00:14:40,703 Speaker 1: her mother replied, watching as Nicholl started up the creaky stairs. 183 00:14:42,783 --> 00:14:46,743 Speaker 1: She waited until Nichole was out of sight before reopening 184 00:14:46,823 --> 00:14:50,703 Speaker 1: some of the papers she hadn't shared with her. They 185 00:14:50,743 --> 00:14:54,583 Speaker 1: contained secrets that her mother wasn't ready to reveal yet. 186 00:14:57,223 --> 00:15:01,143 Speaker 1: Nichole climbed back into her squeaky bed, the comforts of 187 00:15:01,183 --> 00:15:06,383 Speaker 1: her blankets wrapping around her. She closed her eyes, and 188 00:15:06,623 --> 00:15:10,583 Speaker 1: soon enough her dreams were again filled with the vivid 189 00:15:10,663 --> 00:15:15,783 Speaker 1: images of the garden. She saw the flowers, their colors 190 00:15:15,823 --> 00:15:20,023 Speaker 1: bright and beautiful, and angus smiling and waving at her 191 00:15:20,023 --> 00:15:26,543 Speaker 1: from across the field. Downstairs, Nichole's mother sat at the 192 00:15:26,623 --> 00:15:31,063 Speaker 1: kitchen table with the papers spread out before her. Her 193 00:15:31,103 --> 00:15:35,423 Speaker 1: eyes scanned the old, faded letters, struggling to read the 194 00:15:35,463 --> 00:15:42,303 Speaker 1: words written in difficult, old fashioned handwriting. The house was quiet, 195 00:15:42,783 --> 00:15:45,423 Speaker 1: with only the soft ticking of the clock on the 196 00:15:45,463 --> 00:15:49,663 Speaker 1: wall breaking the silence. It felt like the night was 197 00:15:49,743 --> 00:15:53,263 Speaker 1: holding its breath, waiting for the secrets hidden in those 198 00:15:53,303 --> 00:15:59,023 Speaker 1: papers to come to light. Nichole's mother took a sip 199 00:15:59,063 --> 00:16:03,503 Speaker 1: of tea and continued to read, trying to come to 200 00:16:03,703 --> 00:16:10,423 Speaker 1: terms with what she was discovering. Nichole slept soundly, her 201 00:16:10,503 --> 00:16:15,223 Speaker 1: dreams full of color and magic, unaware of the secrets 202 00:16:15,263 --> 00:16:21,463 Speaker 1: her mother was beginning to unravel. Nichole's mother came across 203 00:16:21,503 --> 00:16:25,503 Speaker 1: something that made her pause. The letters mentioned a boy 204 00:16:25,583 --> 00:16:30,743 Speaker 1: named Angus, someone who seemed very familiar to her. Could 205 00:16:30,783 --> 00:16:33,903 Speaker 1: this Angus be the same boy Nicole met in the garden, 206 00:16:34,863 --> 00:16:38,943 Speaker 1: and if so, what did it mean? Could it really 207 00:16:39,023 --> 00:16:44,503 Speaker 1: be him? And if it was? She decided not to 208 00:16:44,543 --> 00:16:48,543 Speaker 1: share everything she had found just yet. Some of the 209 00:16:48,583 --> 00:16:52,183 Speaker 1: secrets in the letters were too surprising and might be 210 00:16:52,263 --> 00:16:56,623 Speaker 1: too much for Nicole to handle right now. She needed 211 00:16:56,703 --> 00:17:00,183 Speaker 1: more time to understand what it all meant and how 212 00:17:00,223 --> 00:17:04,903 Speaker 1: to explain it to her daughter. Tomorrow would bring new 213 00:17:05,023 --> 00:17:12,743 Speaker 1: discoveries and answers to their questions. The adventure was just beginning, 214 00:17:18,023 --> 00:17:21,743 Speaker 1: and that is the end of this part. Good Night, 215 00:17:23,023 --> 00:17:23,703 Speaker 1: sleep tight.