1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:19,840 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Today's story 2 00:00:20,239 --> 00:00:25,600 Speaker 1: is about Buster Bunny. Buster and his friends arrive at 3 00:00:25,640 --> 00:00:29,760 Speaker 1: school one morning to find a lot of boxes in 4 00:00:29,800 --> 00:00:36,239 Speaker 1: their class. They ask their teacher what is inside, and 5 00:00:36,360 --> 00:00:45,160 Speaker 1: then enjoy learning with each other. Bunny loves to learn. 6 00:00:48,920 --> 00:00:54,600 Speaker 1: One morning, Buster Bunny and his best friends Sam the Squirrel, 7 00:00:55,600 --> 00:01:00,720 Speaker 1: Max the Mouse, and Francine the Frog arrived at school. 8 00:01:02,440 --> 00:01:09,280 Speaker 1: What's in those boxes, miss asked Buster. Costumes, said Miss Nibbler. 9 00:01:10,080 --> 00:01:14,360 Speaker 1: Today you're going to dress up as people who lived 10 00:01:14,560 --> 00:01:19,200 Speaker 1: a long time ago. I want you to make something 11 00:01:19,319 --> 00:01:23,480 Speaker 1: from the time when they lived and tell us all 12 00:01:23,520 --> 00:01:30,840 Speaker 1: about it. I'm going to find out about vikings, said Buster. 13 00:01:31,720 --> 00:01:34,840 Speaker 1: I want to be a knight, said Sam. They have 14 00:01:35,000 --> 00:01:41,480 Speaker 1: amazing helmets. I think I'll be a princess, cried Francine. 15 00:01:41,920 --> 00:01:45,600 Speaker 1: I can't decide what to find out about, said Max. 16 00:01:46,760 --> 00:01:50,160 Speaker 1: Why don't you dress up as an Egyptian ruler, said Buster, 17 00:01:50,520 --> 00:01:55,680 Speaker 1: taking a book from the shelf. They were called pharaohs, 18 00:01:57,120 --> 00:02:04,880 Speaker 1: but the pharaoh's crown was missing from the box. I 19 00:02:04,960 --> 00:02:08,359 Speaker 1: don't want to be a king without a crown, said Max. 20 00:02:09,440 --> 00:02:14,079 Speaker 1: Just then he noticed a poster on the classroom wall. 21 00:02:16,040 --> 00:02:20,120 Speaker 1: I want to be an Egyptian mummy, he said, they're 22 00:02:20,280 --> 00:02:28,200 Speaker 1: so cool. He rummaged in the costume box. Bother he said, 23 00:02:28,720 --> 00:02:37,120 Speaker 1: there's no mummy costume. I've got a night's sword and helmet, 24 00:02:37,480 --> 00:02:40,959 Speaker 1: said Sam. I'm going to make a shield to go 25 00:02:41,040 --> 00:02:46,000 Speaker 1: with them. I'm building a model of a Viking ship, 26 00:02:46,320 --> 00:02:50,400 Speaker 1: said Buster. And I'm making a palace for a princess, 27 00:02:51,000 --> 00:03:01,120 Speaker 1: said Francine. Soon Buster, Sam and Francine and we're busy 28 00:03:01,240 --> 00:03:06,640 Speaker 1: making things. But Max still didn't know what to make. 29 00:03:08,480 --> 00:03:12,200 Speaker 1: I really want to dress as a mummy, he grumbled. 30 00:03:13,720 --> 00:03:18,400 Speaker 1: What else do you know about Egyptians, asked Buster. I 31 00:03:18,480 --> 00:03:22,959 Speaker 1: know they built big pyramids, said Max. Why don't you 32 00:03:23,000 --> 00:03:31,400 Speaker 1: build one of those, suggested Buster. Max found some big 33 00:03:31,480 --> 00:03:37,040 Speaker 1: sheets of cardboard and tried to make a pyramid. Oh dear, 34 00:03:37,560 --> 00:03:45,040 Speaker 1: he said, this is trickier than I thought. Rancine showed 35 00:03:45,120 --> 00:03:50,040 Speaker 1: him how to look up pyramids on the computer. Ah, 36 00:03:50,480 --> 00:03:55,640 Speaker 1: now I see, said Max. A pyramid has four sides, 37 00:03:56,000 --> 00:04:02,720 Speaker 1: not three, and each side is exactly the same size. 38 00:04:04,640 --> 00:04:11,360 Speaker 1: Max finished his pyramid proudly, but then he sighed, Oh, 39 00:04:11,640 --> 00:04:16,080 Speaker 1: I still don't know what to wear, he said out 40 00:04:17,000 --> 00:04:22,480 Speaker 1: said Buster. Suddenly, I just got a paper cut it's 41 00:04:22,520 --> 00:04:27,560 Speaker 1: only a small one, said miss Nibbler. But you'd better 42 00:04:27,640 --> 00:04:33,640 Speaker 1: go to the school nurse or a bandage. That gives 43 00:04:33,760 --> 00:04:38,839 Speaker 1: me an idea, said Buster. He whispered in Max's ear. 44 00:04:39,880 --> 00:04:50,560 Speaker 1: Great laughed Max. Please don't be long. When it was 45 00:04:50,680 --> 00:04:54,599 Speaker 1: time to present to the class, the friends took turns 46 00:04:55,080 --> 00:05:01,000 Speaker 1: showing what they had made. I I am a knight, 47 00:05:01,480 --> 00:05:06,520 Speaker 1: said sam. My shield protected me in battle. It was 48 00:05:06,680 --> 00:05:11,360 Speaker 1: brightly painted, though that my friends could recognize me when 49 00:05:11,400 --> 00:05:21,240 Speaker 1: my helmet was shut. I'm a princess, said Francine. I 50 00:05:21,480 --> 00:05:26,080 Speaker 1: lived in a palace. I wore long, silky dresses and 51 00:05:26,279 --> 00:05:31,960 Speaker 1: tall pointy hats, and I often got to boss around 52 00:05:32,040 --> 00:05:39,880 Speaker 1: all the knights. Buster, back from the nurse, showed the 53 00:05:39,960 --> 00:05:45,400 Speaker 1: class his Viking ship. I'm a Viking, he said. I 54 00:05:45,520 --> 00:05:49,600 Speaker 1: loved to sail in a very fast ship called a 55 00:05:49,680 --> 00:05:54,640 Speaker 1: long ship. It had a dragon's head carved on the 56 00:05:54,720 --> 00:06:04,000 Speaker 1: front to scare my enemies. Thanks Buster, said Miss Nibbler. 57 00:06:04,360 --> 00:06:11,960 Speaker 1: Now it's Max's turn. Egyptians lived a very very long 58 00:06:12,120 --> 00:06:18,159 Speaker 1: time ago, said Max's voice, but he was nowhere to 59 00:06:18,240 --> 00:06:24,159 Speaker 1: be seen. They built amazing pyramids, the voice went on. 60 00:06:25,320 --> 00:06:29,039 Speaker 1: The pyramids were taller than ten houses on top of 61 00:06:29,160 --> 00:06:38,680 Speaker 1: each other. Nobody lived in them except for mummies. Rah 62 00:06:38,720 --> 00:06:45,000 Speaker 1: and Max leaped out of the pyramid. So that's where 63 00:06:45,040 --> 00:06:49,400 Speaker 1: you were hiding, cried Francine. Where did you get that 64 00:06:49,720 --> 00:06:55,479 Speaker 1: wonderful mummy costume? Asked Sam. I thought there wasn't one. 65 00:06:56,480 --> 00:07:00,440 Speaker 1: I bore of the bandages from the school nurse, said Max. 66 00:07:01,200 --> 00:07:08,040 Speaker 1: It was Buster's idea clever thinking, Buster said miss Nibbler. 67 00:07:08,520 --> 00:07:14,520 Speaker 1: And well done to everybody. Your costumes look amazing and 68 00:07:14,560 --> 00:07:20,320 Speaker 1: you've all learned some really interesting things. What a wonderful 69 00:07:20,760 --> 00:07:29,200 Speaker 1: show and tell. And that's the end of the story. 70 00:07:30,040 --> 00:07:36,080 Speaker 1: I hope you learn some wonderful things at school. Good night, 71 00:07:37,080 --> 00:08:09,760 Speaker 1: sleep tight, don't let go. Don't you know you're as 72 00:08:10,360 --> 00:08:24,600 Speaker 1: suns lie well being fa she read my clin Fine, 73 00:08:31,720 --> 00:08:32,599 Speaker 1: she m