00:00:01 Speaker 1: Look man, oh I see you? Why why no one look over there? How is that culture? Yes? Goodness? And you know that there's gay culture happening all around us. I would say that this is a big week for yeah, gay sis, male culture. Now we're gonna let's expand, let's open the umbrella. It's queer culture. Okay, you know what? Are you trying to drag me for something gay and not queer? I'm so tired. No that it's corona. No, no, this is not me coming. You actually came for me seconds since I was examining. I was examining, like who is this song for? Because you know what, because this is this roller coaster has begune. You want to listen to something? Yeah, I want to listen. Yeah. I have not seen a single straight person care about right on me, A single hetero woman man in between. I cannot they have not no one cares about this except the gay men and my life. I have to break news to you. I brought this to straight woman bred A Title and also straight woman Blair Saki, and I saw them in a social distancing capacity just the other night, and I said to them, rain on me, what are the thoughts? What are the Feelings and they said, we love it. It It absolutely slams. It absolutely is a pop and they said they've been streaming it absolutely and they said they've been streaming it. Okay. So what I'm saying is I actually think that this is bigger in the general sense than we think. I think that US queers, you know, we defeat ourselves when it comes to this music because I think that, as we all see, I was coming in Daisies, Daisies, Daisies, it's not necessarily number one, even though it's one of the greatest songs I've ever heard of my life. Thank you think. Daisies by Katy Perry the new true flop single. It's not a flop flop. I mean what happened there? She really like came back with with a vengeance with never really over and then like even um talk about something the Straits didn't care about, the Straits didn't help us at all, was never really over and that was a bop in a three quarters small talk, and then Harley's in Hawaii, solid follow ups and then nothing, she really dropped the ball after. It's insane the disrespect that Katy Perry has shown, and it's actually real culture number seven. It's insane the mass respect that Katie Perry is shown because cover Me and Daisies Daisies Daisies is h is a really good song. And I like when Katie does a mid tempo moment. Yes, we love when Katie does a mid tempo moment. He put it on me up, put it on like there was nothing wrong. Remember when I first thought that song was about unprotected sex. But yes, this is famously midtp No, that is a ballade. And this was a famous mistake that bow and Yang made, and he rarely makes them, and so their landmark when they happen. He said to me, he put it in me and put it on like there was nothing wrong. It didn't fit, it was right, And I was like, and he said that song is about sex, and I was like, no, it's about a wedding ring. You absolute fool. Whould we put in prison or jail? Immediately incarcerated. I was struggled um in English classes in high school, and I think that was connection there. Um. But English is famously bow and Yang's third language, despite his absolute mastery of it. We should say Bow and Yang is an absolute mastery of the English language and that's actually a look number twenty two. Bow and Yang has an absolute mastery of the English language. I think I just couldn't do those kry lyrics. Couldn't. No, of course I'm going to change things up, Like I'm clocking myself really using like discuss my my word choices abhorrent And there you go. I used a word that like, that's fine to use the word up, aren't I know what that is? Here's you want to know the t I'm reading some books right now where like the authors are really trying to like flex on their vote cab and I'm like, oh wait, I hate this, and I know that I do this all the time, and I actually there's a little seed of self loathing in there where I'm like, I don't like this part of myself, this quality of myself. You know when it's like the reason you hate someone, um is because like, like the reasons you hate someone are reflective of the things that you hope other people don't see in you. Do you know what I'm saying. Okay, this is going deep, but this is this is my whole relationship with like verbosity. I hate it. I hate it, but it's it's fine to say verbosity. We all know what that is. It's when you say things like June, like June, I can't do anything, Texas, you can't. I can't do nothing with this. I can't do anything with this Cathexus. As much as I want to, there's nothing I want more for myself in my life and my future than to wake up in the morning and say, today I'm actually gonna step out into the world and probably what will happen as I use the work effects us in a sentence confidently and with the knowledge of the word. I don't have that thought in the morning, though. I'm sorry. It just happens because it comes naturally to you. Hunt well anyway. Um. The other bit of sort of gay culture is the Carly Rege Jepson B sides album I Mean God, No, philop City Us God the word day before this Gaga single Like she knew what she had to do and she did not execute that that one. No, this is the thing, This is the thing about Carly rage Jepson. She is not someone who is like confected to eras to like new looks, to like. She's not gonna like go off on social media and like rant about feminism like other other girls out there that did this week. Like she's just like, here's a bunch of songs. Okay, suddenly calling out Lana Carly Way Jepson. This is car Jepson. Now she comes along every few years. She goes, here's a batch of songs, hope you like him, dance I Love you by and she disappears, and it's just there's no like self serving purpose in it. It's just for her fans. It's a little love letter every time, and you have to love that well. You also have to expect some quality. And on this one there's an area hook song and then unfortunately it actually got rained all over you would even say on by, rain On Me by actually two amazing singers and their names are Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande, and you should know their names. And I think that here's the ranking of all the songs that have come out. Rain On Me number one, Daisies by Miss Katy Perry number two, the rerelease of Glitter. You can't forget that Mariah rereleased Glitter on Spotify. That you're gonna rate that after Daisies by Katy Perry, one of the songs in history. Daisies is headed to the Grammys. Daisies is finally gonna win Katy Perry that Grammy, which she lacks. Oh, I can't wait for the being facetious, you guys. Although I do like Daisies and I found my stelf listening to it six or seven straight times on a car ride home. Um, I can't wait for the percent capacity Staples Center Grammys. I mean, it's true, it's what's gonna happen. We need, we needed to happen that way, Matt Or they'll do it outdoors in February and in l A. I'd like I'd like to see that, you know. Um, I would like to see something happen. And you know who actually reminds me of a full stadium? Our guest, Now, why do you say that? Why does she remind you of the stadium. She reminds me of a full stadium because she has the energy. She could play arena, she can actually sell. Well, let me tell you something. After after people see the new gig girl, let me well, let's just say this, the socials are certainly gonna jump the social and that's why we need to we need to prepare this young girl because the socials are about to jump the Diana is a hive is gonna come for this party? Actually, I have to say Queen Diana Silvers. Yes, and I really worshiped her in book Smart and I watch and MA, don't forget Mam. She was in Mam. I actually did not see mob because I'm famously very afraid of that. No, it's really great. Just smoke up, smoke a bowl and then watch. That's what That's what I did before the hunt. I smoked a ball before the hunt and then I almost threw up three minutes then, because I was so scared, I told Betty I watched it from the kitchen. From the kitchen, Jared was sitting in the living room watching it, and I was in the kitchen like ducking behind the cereals, like trying to look like, yeah it was But where were you during the kitchen fight scene? Spoiler alert, there's a kitchen fight scene where you still actually had sat down in front of the television for that because that was gay culture at that point. I had to sit for the gay culture. It's so good. That's such a good front runner for the title of up you sit for a gay um And let's let's just say that flat out, and I think what we should actually do at this time is we probably bring in the guests, because the guests is about to truly pop off, and we knew we had to Scooper and she's a return guest. She's a return guest. She had done popped off before. I'm sure popped off, but not in a list sort of look over your shoulder at a bunch of cameramen sort of way, where I when the Oscars are when there, when the Emmys are held again in Oscar's Emmy's, we're gonna be seeing this young girl on the red carpets and they're gonna be saying, Tony, Tony, I can't wait for this young girl to be on the red carpets and for I'm gonna be I'm gonna be a pop and I'm gonna I'm gonna say a little paparazzi and paparazzo and and go Trondy, Trondy, Trondy Newman, Randy Trondy, Trondi. Maybe that is the front runner title, Trondy Torondy, Trondi, Tronday Newman. That's that's her Instagram handle, and I see it number three, don't forget that. But I see the handle and I smile. My zygomatic muscles engage. I smile, and we're back to the vocab. We're back to verbosity. But I smile when I think of a of the handle be this person. She's a star. Okay, here, let's go through the credits. We we have to get through the credit Okay, okay, um wow, an icon co host of you know is this racist? A sister pod of ours that you could say friend of the friend of the pod host with the truly truly truly perfect Andrew Te, truly perfect comrade Andrew Te. And let's just say a competitor on game show, like competitor deep he deeply lost. Yes, but but actually he was joined by the woman who gets it, who was our guests, who was It's perfect, a perfect game show. This is a plug for game show, but jillion dollar properties. She's a musician. She's a pop star herself. That's why I said she would sell out arenas touring younger to young girl who tours. And now there's been a new gig and it's called Space Force, and it's the new Netflix comedy show that actually stars Steve Carrell. If you believe that one actually starts John Malkovich. I think that's how you say his name. Have you ever heard the name of Lisa Kudro Well, if you haven't heard it, that's crazy. The second of all, she also stars in it as well, and all stars in Diana MS Diana, Miss Ben Schwartz, Miss Jimmy Oh Yang. Can I say Ben Schwartz is kind of hot to me? Okay, let's unpack this later. Let's unpack this later. But I'm so excited our guest is here. She's a true icon and I was gagged when I saw how big the role is. And I actually have questions about the role because I have I have some theories about the role. Oh okay, let's let's dig into these theories. Everyone, welcome into your ears towns. Truly, truly, the most gracious, beautiful intro I could have asked for you, guys. Really, I know, but it was just I know, but we we know each other and it was just really is very sweet. I'll never forget when you came out of Vancouver and we said, Tawny tat Bleak Week for me. You took me out. I got way too drunk. We talked trash about every living person, and we actually scalded hot. And we were saying, because we were in Vancouver famously not really an industry city, sorry to Vancouver, actually famously an industry city, I'm actually wrong about that a ton of things there. In fact, we were all there doing entertainment industry and we're all filming different things. Yeah, it was wild. I'm l m a O f ing that was. I will never forget that moment because it truly like, it felt like it was out of like a hemmingway book, Like we just ran into each other on the streets and then got drunk at a bar together and talked into the night. And we didn't even have like a real plan because I was going in and you guys were leaving, and we were kind of like, well, let's see each other later, we're going to a bar. And then the fact that it actually happened, I feel like in l A, I would see you then in But the fact that we were in like a sort of lowly attended city, not a lot of industry things. Okay, Vancouver. That bar we went to was so cute. Jf um wait, that was such a cute place that you went to and I love to send it a cute place and drink a craft cocktail. I'll say that especially now. That's a cool thing to say. Remember, Matt, I texted you maybe one and one half years later, being this spring, to say, Hey, I'm in Vancouver again. I'm very alone. I've been here almost twenty days. Do you remember the name of that bar? And you were like, girl, no, can you imagine? I literally I almost thought of asking you if you remembered, but I don't remember the name of a single place that even, like even restaurants in l A. I'm like, I love that place, forget it immediately. What is it with these people who are like into like who can speak in locations like I've never been good at that either. I don't know places. People like, what do you recommend? I'm like, I can't. I have to be I have to look at a map that I can zoom in and out of with my two fingers. Restaurants I write them down, but I wouldn't. Sometimes I remember, like if it really left an impression. But generally I keep a little notes app of different cities, you know, so that when my friends come to me, I can be a no at all and be like, oh, you have to try. The sun sare at whatever, and I can be you. You have to try, then, sir, I am so bad, Like my parents were. My parents were coming to Los Angeles and I had not I had lived here for months and I had I had no idea where to take them. And luckily Jared, my boyfriend, like is one of those people that's like I know the names of restaurants. I know that I know the names of activities. Yeah, it's just not a part of my brain. Well, good for Jared. I want to say, wait, where did you guys shoot Space for us? Because I love that It's supposed to be Colorado, but there's too many deciduous trees. There needs to be more pine already dragging the program. I'm dragging space for perfect show. We did shoot it in southern California, but it's funny. I look at that ship too, because I'm very into nature, and so I'm like, I know for a fact there's no Joshua trees outside of southern California, but I don't think a lot of people know that. Watch now, the comments are going to be filled with filled with people being like I knew, but isn't that just like Hollywood movie magic, everything's filmed here and we say like this is France and you're like, no, bitch, that's Barstow. No, I get it. This was a moment for me as a as a Colorado and where I was like, oh, I can actually like see if there are any indicators of the location, and the fact that there aren't, I'm like Okay, now I'm gonna jump on this and be like this is this is definitely like and somehow exterior location in southern and so cal Yeah. I just this. This was my one opportunity to be like, that's not Colorado, because ever nothing ever takes place there, and you pounced on me, and I did lay down and take it because you are right. I mean, ultimately, ultimately, what could you have said? I know, truly, like what get defensive about some ship that's a lie. It's it's it's it's just it wasn't shot in Denver, color It would have been embarrassing for both of us because I would have been like I would have had to coddle you into like being like like being okay, well you just okay, so sorry, yeah, yeah. You have then had to take care of my erroneous feelings, because my feelings weren't would not be welcome in that instance because they were wrong. Also, the town itself is fake, right, there's no wild Horse. I don't think there's a wild horse. I don't think that. I think wild horse sounds like the most made up name I've ever heard. That fact, it sounds explicitly like an improv name. Wild Horses. Miss Greg Daniels don't know shit about Colorado. He can't name a town. Not good. Um, he can't actually a rule of culture at number thirty four, Daniel Daniels, not good girl. Your part is big. It's so good. It is big. Yeah. I had a friend confused about why my name came earlier in the credits than some of the other more famous people in the show. Is a non industry friend. So he was like, hey, girl, how come in the Trader they mentioned you before Lisa Coudro and Jane Lynch. And I was like, very fair questions, but to be real, like like I was watching it and I'm like, oh, this is like a tawny vehicle. She's on the damn billboard. No no, no, I mean there's there's I guess technically like there's five or six of us that are like the main main cast, but there's so many recurring guests literally of like varying levels of fame that I think it's just going to feel like a firework, Like a firecracker has gone off and every spark is a star. Very that. I mean, there's like scenes where even like they'll just like cut to a huge guest star and they'll be in it for like four seconds and I'll be like, oh, that was that was a scene with Jane Lynch where she spoke twice and it was Jane lynn Thankfully she speaks twice a lot of times throughout the season. Yeah, it is. It is wild how it's like, Yeah, I mean there's huge people in there. I guess because everybody wants to work with Greg. I think very much of that, and also Steve Krell and I actually have to say, I have a theory. What's the theory. Yeah, let's let's talk about the theory. Are you a love interest for Steve Krell? No? Wait, okay, why do you? Why do you clutch your pearls? So that is so funny to mean, no one's ever I don't think anyone's ever thought that I don't know what I thought that, but no one's asked me. Because we've seen the first three episodes. You've gotten a little sneaky, and thank you and thank you for because Netflix said on behalf of Tommy Newsome, here is the episodes, and so thank you for that. I was very excited for that gift. Look, they said, who do you want to send this to? And I was just like, I don't know, everyone's stuck at home, send it to everyone asking me thank you for including us in everyone? Oh yeah, of course. But literally, I think I only sent it to queer people in black women who cares about everyone else that everyone else doesn't even know rain on me so allegedly. So basically, here's here's the thing. The show is super good and funny, and you have a very big part and the reason why I thought you were the love interest. Well, I don't want to give too much away now that I'm now that I'm saying this, so I'll explain this to you. Guys. Look, you can't get in trouble. I can get in trouble for getting stuff away. But what are they gonna do? I mean, they did explicitly saying in the email don't give away this one thing, and I'm scared of giving it away. Listen to an email. Honestly, it was really Actually I put a lot of emotional burden on me. Getting that email actually put a lot of emotional burden on me because I had suddenly I had many secrets. Um No. But anyway, suffice to say, there's like an explicit mention of Steve Carrell possibly get exploring a love interest, and then you're in the next scene. Oh oh that's interesting, it's funny. I've seen these cuts a lot, and I didn't put that together. Um No, I can confidently say I am not, nor will I ever be a love interest of Steve's. I think I reacted like that because I like, I am blushing because he's like, he's the man, and he's but you are the girls on the show that it would be an honor frankly, but no, actually they have they have better things in store for him than than me. Um. Someone on the internet, though, did think I was a love interest of his daughter, Diana Silvers. So I guess I'm just happy to be considered either much older or much younger than I am. They just want to see you want to see interesting. Can you talk about your role in the show. In the show, yes I can, and thank you for asking me to. Um, was really just kind of floated around it. Yeah yeah, yeah, no, So I play a helicopter pilot. It was very cool playing a pilot. Um. One thing I nerded out about was that my amazing second team person, Krista, she is training to be a pilot. So and there's not like a lot of like five eleven mixed black girls running around Hollywood. So the fact that this woman is like she used to be an actress, she's over it. She just wants to get her pilot's license and take to the skies. She was telling me shit about I mean, she doesn't fly helicopters, but still like her expertise was very handy on set and we became friends. Um, but I was just like, yes, brown girls flying ship and pretending to fly ship. Yes. Um, but yeah, I'm a helicopter pilot who like transferred from the Air Force because she has secret dreams in the Space Force. And then she gets um the detail of transporting uh, the general around the So it's it's it's your character's job to sort of ferry around Steve Correll. Yes or yeah for the most part, and then and then other things happen, but yeah, but no, but they do become friends. Like I think what you maybe saw was like a spark of like them opening up with each other. I think we're kind of supposed to foils a little bit, Sir, I am blushing so much. There was chemistry, and that's the thing is, that's what that's it's all coming for me, just loving him. I mean, look, that's actually not how chemistry works, dear, how does chemistry work? Explain it? Well, here's chemistry. Here's chemistry. It's two peopul and when they look at each other, there is a kineticism. And that's what you saw between Tony and t and I felt that. And guess what. They weren't even looking at each other in the scene. They were merely in the same helicopter. They were facing the same way. They were facing the same way, and a very artful shot. Let's just say that, it's a very artful shot. I actually really enjoy how like fast the show moves like, it's like the sheet. The scenes are all super short. And I will say this as a complimentary thing about the show. It is very dumb like it is like it is like there are some scenes where I'm like, oh my god, Like the second episode there's this whole thing with a chimp in space. It's it's perfect love. Episode two is my favorite episode, maybe because of that. It's just so silly but also so well done. I feel like all the characters are just like perfectly in their weird little groove. You so you saw one two in three. Episode one was directed by Paul King, famously of Paddington Fame Paddington Stands check out Paul King's uh, you know, military work, and then episodes two and three were directed by Tom Marshall, who I love because he did the entire first season of Chewing Gum. Like, oh my god, I thought it was so funny and the way it moved. You mentioned it moving fast, and I think a lot of that has to do with Tom's directing style because he was real chill and chill and fly, which is the way I like to go. Yeah, it's like paced all the way up. It actually kind of reminded me in this weird way. Maybe not directly, but it did kind of remind me the whole vibe of like Mars attacks not that broad, but like but broad in a way that I liked, like where it was kind of just like it was really moving and the characters are like all Google loop like Ben Schwartz is like insane cartoon an animated being. I love that, though I always want to see more stuff like that. The cartoonish man, cartoonish men like just well cartoonish man. And also I love they really turned me on. I love a man who's like I could draw him, and that's what makes me want to fuck you could drop Ben, I actually could. Um. But what I mean is like I feel like we've moved away from that sort of like big, fun, character driven comedy to more sort of like intimate like like it's the famous SNL sketch of like watch the oldest sister in the family touch every book in the house in the rock is comedy. It's you know what I mean, Like it's that's we don't see as much of it anymore, and I really appreciate it. Well, it's fun to see Steve like go back to that too. I'm sure this is like what every press thing like everything the literal opposite You guys are a dream really Oh my god. Well but but we no one's remarked on like Steve Correll is like sort of returning to like playing like the type that he's that people used to say you do, but you guys, you guys bring the nuance. So see what we say is well, first of all, his character was horny for you, and then I scream and die and cover my face and shame, but also excitement. I don't know, see me, what's going on with your Star Trek show. It's happening. Yeah, it's happening. Animation takes so long, so it's like on schedule and fine, and I think everyone's like, but wait, did something happen And it's like, nadag we did that like so long ago. Yeah. I'm on Q Force, which is the Netflix animated show that's coming out next year, and it's it's like we worked on it um from December of last year to literally just Friday was our last day and it's not coming out for more than a year from now. You guys time. Yeah, it takes so long to be able to draw, you know, it's hard, you know, like getting out your pencils and whatnot. I don't know how animation works, especially because they're making you draw your own character, right. I know it was rude of them, but you know what they were like, you can come in, you can drink all the licroid from the fridge you want. So I was like, the this is a fair trade. What kind of stuff did they give you? The color with um mostly just makeup, old makeup. They asked me to just smear around zact nice like bad stuff. Ben nine, Ben nine. I don't know who's that night, Zach Zach Night? You know that Night had a chicken franchise in the Kansas City area from about see flaming hot chicken, lightly breaded, juicilly flavored, which didn't work. If it's not good, don't come back. That was their motto. And then no one did and they yeah, and no one came back and they were they were open for forty five minutes. I mean, okay, this is but this is the thing though, like that even with the animated stuff, no one knows no, I mean whatever, this is not to like comment on, like not to remind everybody about like our current predicament, but like no one knows like how to do this quite yet. Production was like I was recording like scratch audio for a thing and I was like, you're you're not going to use this, Like you can hear my fucking next door neighbors screaming in the background. It's actually, maybe it would be a fun addition to you. Never know, they could always draw on that character in the back. They can do amazing things with drawing an animation. They can draw fun character in the back that's screaming and by day you do mean me, like the actors are drawing. That's actually a fun concept. Actually really is pitchet? I actually, I actually I'm putting it out in the universe. Actors animate themselves very good. It's like it will look bad, but it will feel funny but not be funny, which is sort of irrelevant. But you got to go to comic con and stuff for everything, right, Yeah, I did last year when there was a comic con, we went to it. I think that's why it feels like so insane, because it was that was almost a full last year ago that we were like, here comes a show, and then now it's a year later, the world has ended kind of started up again. But over video chat now everyone's like, is the show still happening, and it's like, yes, it's just you know, I was talking to my producer on it the other day and he was really frustrated that there's all these articles I guess that are like animation the only thing thriving during the pandemic. And he's like, no, it's still hard. We still need people in the same room. Yeah, It's like there's a certain energy when you're in the room, and then when you're when you're trying to get on Zoom, it is like, you know, you find you can find the energy again, but it is it is hard you're not in the room with other creative people. It's and like how many even just podcasting, how many podcasts do you guys do where like everyone's set up, everyone's a pro whatever, But then all of a sudden they send you their audio and they're like, oh, I guess my computer crashed midway through. So you know, like the tech of it is the tech of it all, I mean, learning to do all this kind of stuff ourselves has been a little it's it's been education. But now you know for the future how to set up an audio interface on Zoom, not the software app but the hardware. Um. But that's like the only truly this is my demented thought the only thing that's giving me hope or that's like the light at the end of the tunnel for me, is like okay, like a trades announcement, like all the deals that are like being like put on like deadline and variety, and like okay, So I guess we're all sort of operating under the presumption that this will be over very soon. I don't know, like, do you guys have that feeling? Yeah, but only recently, right, because it feels it felt like, you know, in early April, everyone was like everything is maybe canceled also like maybe this never existed, like it was like maybe we are in a simulation. I'm so sorry to tell you. And then only recently it feels like people have figured out because even just like communicate, just like having a meeting like this got instantly so much more normal within two or three weeks. So yeah, maybe now people are like, okay, well, let's start making some deals and pretending we're going to make some ship. I don't know. I don't know how you get onto a film set after this. I keep saying, it's just like it's fourteen hours of people touching your face and upper chest, Like what how I'm supposed to shoot something in July and it'll be a very very small set. So I guess everything is kind of just like, um, it's like up to this certain project. But then I heard this crazy ass rumor. And this is a rumor, readers, and again we should say, last culture, this is not news. It is, in fact the opposite of news. It's mostly garbage, trash and wrong. But you know that. Um, I heard there was going to be a vaccine in December. Okay, no, don't what's not what? I don't know. I don't know about that. I'm gonna have like Hollywood news. I thought you're gonna be like, oh no, I have medical news. I have fake medical news. That's what I have actually to get. There might be I want like, oh you know how Milacunas and Ashton Kutcher like made a wine, Like they're also starting a production company where you film it off from your hat, like I wanted news like oh no, no, no no. I think Ashton Kutcher are hard at work on a vaccine, the Cuna Kutcher vaccine. Honestly, I would take it. I've made a marriage work for this long. I would trust their backs. That's the title of aunt Kutcher Vaccine the cunast Kutcher of Vaccine is actually it's actually a front runner for the title of app. And I hope that people think it's real. Um, and it might be. My mom said, I think I think my mom put a great the other day. You guys, she goes to me, you know, there's so many brilliant people in the world. We gotta get one soon. She's not wrong, and I was like, you're actually dead ass right, Yeah, there's so many brilliant people in the world. We gotta get one soon. These children we've been pressuring and stressing out for them to like get into their you know, upper testing schools and whatnot. We've been doing that at least fifteen. There's gonna be some little doogie houser somewhere to get kids going to do it. I think it's gonna be one of these children that has been that has been pressured. It's gonna be one of these gifted and talented children that's been pressured and tested into all the schools and just like has full on you know, tearing his hair out at age sixteen. But he's going to figure it out. Talking yang no, no, no, honey, were you were? You were you gifted and talented kid? Okay I was? And so I am dragging myself. Yeah I was. You were? You have the vibe of a gifted and talented child. Well you all do wait do you not? Are you kidding me? Do you? But Matt, Matt, you could get away with being gifted and talented. But you want to know my story? Um, I just I just moved to the States in the fourth grade and my English was bad, and so I did not qualify to be in the gifted and talented classes in my elementary school. But one day I had to like career like a note or something to like one of the kids who was in GT we called a g T. And then I just walked into the classroom and the teacher, um, miss Aaron, this like kookie lady was just like, hi, welcome, okay, just take a seat anywhere and to and sit down at the computers, and she assumed you were. She assumed I was a GT. And I just was like cool, Okay, that means like I get to play math blasters all day and not have to sit with the other kids. And I just stayed there and I kind of just scammed my man into G two. Um maybe because for like two years from fourth and fourth and fifth grade. Yeah, so homegirl didn't check a roster for two years. Well, she just like assumed that I was in the class, and she like and then like, I don't know, six weeks into the school years, she was like, oh I forgot to add bowen On on my roster. This is honestly this question. Yeah, this is honestly to speak on behalf of Andrew to Tony, what is is it racist? I will speak on behalf of Andrew. I guess it, and I mean it speaks to that I never speak on behalf. I wouldn't dare. Um. She I feel like it's one of those model minority things. Obviously. It's like you know, um, Asian people must be smart, they must be good at math. Here's this smart, sweet Asian boy who's been entrusted with bringing a note. He must also be in this class. Um. Yeah, I mean I think like if a little black kid walked in, I wonder if she would have just been like, yes, please sit down, or she had been how can I help you? Um, what was the ethnicity of the teacher? Do you recall she was white. But here's here's I mean, I don't know if this is a useful texture. But the kid that I was delivering the note two was black. That doesn't matter, but it's interesting. So they did know black people existed. Well no, well, no, I bring that up because Tony was like, if it was a black kid who walked in, like would would would would that have been the same. But this was, like I remember, a very interesting texture. No. Bones wanted to make sure I knew there were black people in this town, and that was helpful contact. And not only in the town but in the class and so there that could have been me. Can I tell my not gifted and talented story? And what we called it in my school was Excel. It was the XCEL program, so um the letters or the word E x C E L that's what Microsoft program. UM basically like the Microsoft program. So I had moved from another school and it was third grade. I started third grade in a new school and I took the test and didn't get it by like two questions. And my parents were like, but he wasn't learning the same things as everyone else. He is gifted, we swear he is. And they were like, no, absolutely not and so all the girls that were in the Excel program, because for some reason it was all girls, all made fun of me and they were like, you're not gifted and talented. And can you imagine just a bunch of girls coming to you every day after they like would leave for forty five minutes to like essentially go play on a computer. Like, yeah, we had a really good time all being together us people who are gifted and you aren't gifted. This it did could They singled you out and came to you every day and we're like, you're not with us. This is what happened. Literally, I was. And this is the weird thing. They had friends that were in the class that also we're not gifted and talented, who would make fun of me and be like, yeah, you're not gifted just because they were friends with them. Holy ship. It was really sick. You can't be gifted by proxy, That's what I was saying to them. But but just it was like a brick wall, Tony. I just couldn't get through. It was really so in my school it was called gate Gifted and Talented Education. They really elevated that and so that they could make a full word for people to say, um, but I think it's so insidious to put the word gifted in these programs when this whole fucking country is based on telling your kids that they're special and that they're unique and everything. So to say that some are actually gifted and some aren't, of course, it's going to divide. It was ridiculous. It was just an excuse to separate some kids from the other little stupid reason. And I remember it gave me such a complex and I was so distracted. Also, the word talented just doesn't never really like never fit you know, it's like talented intelligence. No, it actually doesn't because had they heard me sing? Oh, had they heard had they heard you sing and performed? Meanwhile, a fourth grader, a fourth grader in the mid offs, would have been led to believe that talent meant being good at zoom beanies. Bitch, No, it means you can sing. That's that's what talent means. Talent is singing and actually it's really cold time, but one and three talent singing and that's that. On that And gifted is understanding Excel spreadsheets on the on the computer. Yes, that's what gifted. Also, here's a pitch for a name of gifted and talented, gape, gifted and probably excellent oh GP, gifted and probably excellent education. Those gaping kids. Oh my god, that's not Let's not explore this any further. We're gonna take a quick break. We're gonna be back with Tonny News and we're back. We actually are back. Yeah, I feel back. And one of the things that we would ordinarily do here at this point in the pot is we would ask you what culture made you say culture was for you? And I'm reminded of your answer because you actually provided me with one of the great highlights of even doing this podcast, which is when we spontaneously harmonized to Tricia Yearwood's walk Away Joe. That actually was a huge moment for me. And I'm wondering if there's any new culture that you can share with us that might provoke similar moments, like what are you kind of? You know, you heard us speak about the the incoming queer and gay culture that is rain on me. We'd love to hear your thoughts on that and all the culture. I was trying to think back. I was like, what was the culture? I said on the last episode, and right before we started filming. I almost just said zooming. I don't know. Oh. I came on this podcast a whole black woman and said, Tricia here, that's what I did. That's on me. Um. It was powerful, it was a statement. Um, it was political. But what is wild to me is that I feel like I changed. You know, I was one of those weird kids that just did whatever my mom did because I was an only child and I was a nerd, and I just thought like my mom was the coolest person. So when she was in Detricia, I was in Detricia. But the thing that's been coming up for me lately is a lot of Stevie wonder because and I may have talked about this last time, but also because his birthday just passed, and I was reminded of this trip to the Motown Museum I took. I've been to the Motown Museum four times. I love it there. It's in Detroit, it's in the original Little House, the Little Hits. The first time I went, I just had this like transcendent experience. I was doing this bizarre um overnight non union commercials when I still lived in Chicago, and they flew me economy to Detroit and I was like the height of luxury. Getting flew out to do a a non union regional commercial um and we filmed it overnight. So during the day, I was just this like zombie person where the rest of the cast would like go to sleep in order room service, but I was like, I'm in Detroit. There's history here. So I was just like wandering around taking pictures of my hand and ship, like trying to soak in the city. So I went to the Motown Museum and this woman told me this beautiful story about Stevie Wonder when he was eleven and how um Martha Reeves used to put a dime on top of the candy machine and he'd run over and like he would hear the sound of the dime on top. It would be like when he was annoying her because he would sit in the waiting room waiting for a session to start playing the harmonical a loud and Martha of the Vandolas receptionist at the time, and so she'd be like, I gotta get this kid to fucking shut up. I didn't know that receptionist at Motown. Oh my god. Yeah, she worked off her studio time that way. It's like sucking you see be up in there right, Sorry, worse, No, it was, but yeah, so she'd put a dime on top of the thing and he'd know to like go and feel for his specific candy, which was a baby ruth. It was always in the same like slot and he pulled out anyway. So this woman told us this story the first time I was there, And at that museum, they have to take you around, like you can't just wander it. It's like all a guided tour. And then right after she started singing like knocks Me off my feet or some Stevie Wonders song, and I'm just alone, a shattered tired woman who had been talking about regional vodka all night the night before in an evening gown bought a Macy's and so I just started weeping in front of all these German tourists. It was so powerful. But I think that's because my mom always played Stevie wonder and like it was the first stuff that I like would learn to sing as a kid because his voice was so melodic and and yeah, seventy. He just turned seventy like last week, so he's that's he's like one of those legends that's like getting up there that. I feel like people need to be, you know, asking them more questions, paying them more respect, Like like I feel like someone needs to sit down with Tina turn or wherever she is and be like, hey, let's get let's get another long interview in the books here, like not to like sound of any alarm bells about anyone's health. I hate when people do that, Like I hate. There's nothing more I hate than when everyone is like, where's Betty White. I'm like leaving, She's somewhere someone Mitchell. Now, yeah, oh that's another one. They always do it like literally, I don't think so, honey. When people are like, I think the celebrity death that will hurt me the most Mitchell, it's like, don't predict a death. Maybe they'll never die. Who knows, maybe they're aliens. Don't extrapolate your emotional response about a specific person dying when there's still a line. I forget who it was. Someone tweeted one time like, Okay, what celebrity death in the future would upset you the most? And I was like, this is literally insane. I don't like this. I don't like this game of cards. I don't like No, that's a game of cards. I don't want to play. What happened to go Fish is actually rural culture number forty six. It's not what what happened. Almost I almost said what happened to old Fish? What happened? Oh my god? Wow? From I feel like I jumped in and made it weird, no perfect. The thing is like, you know, us being so far apart, we actually have lately been trying to do in sync stuff. And that's actually from the challenge if you can believe with zoom. I want to say that Stevie Wonder looked very good at the sort of the big telethon thing that happened at the beginning of Core looked very good, and I I want to say, like, this is this It's so funny you bring him up. I listened to songs in the Key of Life like like a week ago, and I was like, this is a fucking huge album. Huge. It's a class huge, fully slaps. There are two weird downers on it that I'm not shy out talking about village ghetto land huge weird down huge weird baroque like Harpsichord Sadness, a wig downer that we did not need I'm impressed with his skill. He could have left it. We didn't need it. Um. And then the one in Spanish to me, the name is Escaping Half sings in Spanish and know, um that is famous. It's actually not French, No, it's they that one. I know it feels upbeaten positive, but listen to it and imagine that someone crying is singing and playing it and it fits too well. It feels like a depressed, weird ballad where you're like you're trying to pretend that you're cheered up anyway. So those are the two downers on the album. Um, but otherwise it's perfect. But you know, my favorite Stevie album is is Hotter than July, and I would encourage you to listen to the first five tracks, just like listen to them even on Spotify. They do this because the first two tracks they do this cool blend thing, which with digital music isn't that impressive but huge. But back then on vinyl, and so I have it on vinyl, and when those tracks slam into each other like the perfect bpm, and it just like changes the whole vibe, telling everyone everyone go go seek it out. I gotta love a culture tip and wait, I have to say something. I'm really embarrassed that I thought my Shea Moore was Spanish. It's okay. I had I even had two more seconds, I would have known it was absolutely French. And I want all the readers to know that it's okay. That's fine. No, I know that everyone kind of skimmed up, skimmed over it, but I just want to say I'm aware of it. Well. Well, and I rudely called you out when I'm a guest in your house. Actually, that's that was actually really important because I learned and I grew, and actually in that moment, I grew. That's nice that you can see that that you're not like lashing out. That's good. That's that's growth, man, that's actually growth. How has podcastings been going for you? And Core? Are you guys still doing weekly weekly? Of the of you are still, to God bless you both doing weekly? Weekly? We're doing week Well? You know what's wild? But um, I was supposed to be I was supposed to be working and gone. And so we've stockpiled interviews which now sound insane because we recorded them all in January February, and everyone's just like, what's what's so great about washing hands? Let's all lick each other, like all the content I have to go through and edit just the most most painful comments because I'm like, people don't want to hear this right now, Like what you give it? You give an example of something that you cut out. Is that a fair question? Um? Yeah? I feel like people were, oh, this is something I didn't cut out because it was actually funny and it made me sound stupid. Normally, I try only cut out ship that makes a guest sound stupid because we don't want that. But me, I'm like I earned that. Um. But I was talking about staying home and watching Netflix all day, and I was literally saying like, gosh, I just like don't get sick ever. And I just missed like you know when you have the flu and you just stay home and binge watch things. And I got so many tweets that were just like, I know, I know this is insane, but I thought it was kind of funny. It's a benign remark it, so you're not like wishing suffering on people. You're just you just happen to make a you You remarked on something that you can't possibly have like forecasted. I think there were a few early pods where some guests and maybe Andrew and I, I can't confirm or deny, were a little too cavalier in like January, when like the who was just starting to be like this virus might move past China and people were canceling trips and we were like, who the funk are these people canceling trips? Everyone go about your business, and like, we sound like assholes, so we cut that. I mean, I remember telling Matt, and Matt called me out on like our first episode over Zoom that we recorded just him and I. But I remember telling Matt back in February, I was like, look, there's this anti viral m de severe and it's going to be fine. We're fine, And truly now I feel like a total jackass. Bowen did describe it to me at one point as just a bad flu that look, oh, I like, I like this casual little mermaid pose. You Actually, I have to tell all the readers every time you hear me on any of these episodes, now know that I'm doing it on my damn belly. Wouldn't you rather be wrong early on in the thing and be like I couldn't have known. That's insane. But now I have since listened to experts, to people who like took it seriously at first, and now they're like, wait a minute, what if this is all a hoax? Well, I think I actually can understand both sides, because, like I feel like people being inside for so long they do get so crazy. Where I did have a conversation with a friend recently where they were like, they were like, tell me, you don't think it's weird that it happened now during the election, And I was like, I'm not ready to do this one. It's such a traumatic thing that people don't know how to process it, and we still don't, and so of course we're gonna, like I don't know, glom onto like a theory that like is wild, but like I don't know, gives them some sort of explanation as to why this is happening, like the whole like the five G thing makes me laugh because well, the five G thing it makes me laugh because we can already comment on how ridiculous this is. So Sam j and Gary Richardson wrote the sketch for us and now where Ego goes um Chris read his face timing ego, and I go hes, he just got released early from jail, and he's like trying to like call up his old his old hookups. And then it goes like I'm gonna I'm gonna lay low because after the government shut down outside because they five G stuff messed up and made a pandemic. Just that a whole sequence of ideas and concepts is so funny and ridiculous to me, Like I don't know, I mean, I conspiracy theories are damaging and corrosive and bad and it's net negative always. But like all I can do right now is what's one that you believe? Now? What's a conspiracy theory that you were getting into it? I don't think I can say it. Oh my god, we have to we have to cut it out and I'll go to put that out. Okay, Well, okay, well we can Okay, we can anything. We can bleep this, we can bleep one. Am I about to say? I think you guys wish you heard what readers. You shall never know what Boone said, but it was it was a doozy and it was quite juicy. Um, that was the one that I believe. I don't even fully believe it, but I'm like, it could have, it could have who knows. Yeah, I believe that there have been a lot of major pop culture events that were orchestrated by our intelligence committees. And the reason I believe this is because I just listened to a podcast called Wind of Change. Remember they taught me that the CIA wrote that scorpions that came out after the Berlin Wall fell down, And I'm not gonna give any spoilers, but like it made me start thinking about, like they delve enough into other things that I'm like, there are a lot of very opportune you know, because music and artists so galvanizing. And yes, of course sometimes it's organic and it's right place in right time, but some things were just too convenient. So I've gone down a little bit of a rabbit hole with some things that I'm too embarrassed specify, but I do believe our government was like, hey, the way to get teens on board with you know, western values is like rock music or Netflix for one j k oh, my god, dang, dang Window Change. I've heard about this podcast. It's supposed to be really good. Um, I thought you were to say, like Marilyn Monroe like was assassinated or something. But no, that's yeah, of course by one or both or both of those men. I mean she kind of had to be right, Yeah, I mean, did you see there's like a I didn't watch it yet, but there's a documentary out about her. It's called like, um, Natalie Wood, What Remains Behind. I haven't heard much about it, but I saw that it was a thing, and I was kind of fascinated. I just think that's such a sad like six story that is so reeks of like, oh, yeah, we just chose to believe the two very privileged white rich men who were on the small boat with her and only then and and like, I don't know, I think it's as anything that happens on a boat where like less people come back than went out. I'm like, you are guilty. I don't care what this one whoever comes back is guilty? Well, because well, what would they like us to ask the seas? How can we ask the CTV on the ocean? We actually could. I'm a Pisces, go out there and speak to the waters and share this in common. I'm also up Pisces, and you're a February birthday late you. You snuck right in that window before it shut with the birthdays? Didn't you? Good for you? Did you have a bash this year? Um? I did. I went to Marty Gross so I'm dead now. Yeah. I couldn't believe it. He really got it onto the wire. I mean it was insane. I had no concept of how bad things were going to get. Of course I would not have gone. And I went and I had an amazing time, and I was like I love this, this is great. And I flew back and I did get like a little weird sore throat that was like nothing to think about. And I just like, because everyone was starting to be like, hey, if you feel six day home, it never crossed my mind that I could have the thing. No, because I emailed my doctor and told her my symptoms and she was just like, I think you just got like tired from screaming and drinking martyros. And I was like, fair girl, I'm gonna lay down for a week. I love that you always when you whenever you tell your doctor like, hey, I'm concerned about this thing, and they're like, oh, probably you had sex too hard, stud stupid. I told my doctor once that I accidentally did math, and he was like, don't do that again. And I was like, okay, it's like, well, I did you know that Bowen accidentally did meth one? Then I've told this story. Actually one of the stories actually exists. It basically, I was just tricked into doing math by visiting Taiwanese businessman. That was it. That was it, and then I was during it was during a hook up. Congrats on your conquest. But I have a question. I'm unfamiliar with the method one does math. So what did you think it was? I actually the sectually work. It's a little dodgy for me. I didn't know like what I didn't know like what this drug use was or looked like. So I so like, I like, you did not know how people did math, like the means and the instrumentation around math. And so it was just like he he asked me, He asked me if I had poppers. I say no, And then he goes over and then he goes over to his duffle bag and pulls out like a glass pipe and then like a little like a little bag full of flakes and then he like loads the bulb and he's like here, smoke this. And I was like, okay, what is this? And there was a language be already was like, I don't know what you guys call this in English? And then I was like, so he of course smoked it. Well, I it is it opium and he goes what's that? And then I thought that would have been my first I felt racist for assuming that it was opium, and then I smoked it because I was like, well, it's probably fine. And then afterwards postcoit as he was like oh yeah. Basically he was like, people call it t Tina and I was like, oh Christina, and he was like, yes, Crystal, it was that. Matthew goes yes, oh, and I was he was like oh math and oh math math um. That actually makes sense to me that there was a language barrier. I probably would have thought it does a little bit. I would have thought, like, I feel like even such an idiot. With weed culture, sometimes they change the you know, sometimes it's a gas, sometimes it's a liquid. Is always constantly it changes states too many times that I don't know. So somebody could pull out a baggy of flakes and I'd be like marijuana flakes and I could be like, no, this is this is actually math. I mean, it's it's nice to have your like horizons broadened a little bit in terms of drugs, and then you're like, oh right, it's like it's still drugs actually ultimately, and that's actually the hard drug Los Angeles. Like I feel this is crazy, but this is just a thing I'll say without saying too much. But like when I was in New York, there was never any cocaine around. Ever, you come to l A, everyone has coke. Like I got to the barn, Everyone's like, I see cocaine everywhere. I think it's just a crowd thing that you're you're just running with a different crowd now, like there, of course New York has cocaine. I famously the New York has cocaine. We can verify that. Famously, New York has cocaine. I feel like I saw it a lot more in Chicago, but I think it was my lifestyle then I ever see in l A. I don't. I don't see it in l A. But it's because I was like working in bars and going to clubs. And I actually, just right before this, I had a zoom little birthday party hang with friends in Chicago who still they run clubs and they work in clubs and stuff, and all of them were just like so miserable and depressed, and it was like a birthday thing and I was like, what the fuss going on? And then finally like half of them got off in the last guy on was like we all did Molly last Why it was Sunday and you're trapped in your home. That sounds awful. Yeah, you would have be doing Molly on a zoom. I actually have to know. I'm looking at a little Molly. I did something else yesterday, which probably was like, oh, obviously you're in quarantine like this would never actually have it at a house, But like you know, I wasn't alone. I was with a couple other people that, like I, had been social distancing. We have you here, and here our engineers has already on the internet. Okay, well scrub scrub, so we have you here. And as you know, Netflix shows they're very popular, are they become very popular? And your socials are about to blow up? How do you feel? Oh god, I'm I don't want it. I already had my first I love I love a racist comment like this on my personal Insta and a person who follows me that just says you're black, and I'm like yeah, and then I I dove in of course, because I'm hungry for this, and I just went like, what's the point of this and the answer was you're not cute in space and I wanted to be like, well, first of all, bitch, the show ain't dropped. You haven't seen me. And second of all, you are also blocked. Now goody, but that's the thing. That's a beautiful thing. You can just good bye you. I'm about to start doing it more where I'm just like, I mean bo and I don't have to tell you. I can't imagine. Well, I'm just like, okay, well this I'm about to spoil my I don't think so, honey. But I posted a thing. I posted a hot take on Martin mcdonneh last night, and my stories wasn't really a hot take. But someone was like, you're entitled to your opinion, but you're wrong, and I was like, I'm gonna I was like, I I didn't do it, but I was like, I should just block your ass and you can go around and tell your friends that. Bow and Young blocked me over like a spar over d M s over Martin McDonough but like who like who cares? Fine? Anyway, Yeah, some Lieutenant of Innish more stands out here. That's the thing they love Lieutenant of Innish Moral. Yes, they love seven psychopaths. Do you go to space on the show? I can't. I can't tell you either way. Oh my god, that will be wow. So I guess what I'm asking is we can we can ask you an equal stuff like Sandra books, stuff like get a bunch of dots on your body and spin around and space. That would be so fun. I would love that. I don't know what I can wait you. I think you can ask me things, and I think I know what I can and can't say. But can we ask you? Does your character? Does Angela live or die? Does Angela die at the end of the season? You are you have to say, I can't tell you. Okay, Now at this moment, Angela is alive. She'd better be alive. Yeah, she should, she should be alive otherwise I have question. Um, but you know Angela and doors And I will say though that with the space thing, people should know this show doesn't take place in the race like it's on a military base. It's very like it's very fake Colorado, so they shouldn't be expecting like a a big space show despite that being in the t but it's based on Trump's Space Force. Yeah, it was literally I think Steve said like there was no idea. It was literally just him texting Greg being like, look at this, you know, space force idea. Wouldn't it be funny to write a show about that? So then what's wild? Is it? Stephen Gregg wrote the pilot, you know, two years before we got any news about the actual Space Force. So all of the things that they invented were just them like consulting military people and like trying to extrapolate on what the weird pitfalls might be. So all the stuff that's weirdly dovetailed and lined up, like with their logo coming out uniforms being wild. Like, it's been very eerie because I think the press has been kind of like, you guys are like directly ripping them off, right, and we're like, that's timing wise, that's not possible. But also it's very creepy. Yeah, that's insane. Also, I do think it's one of the more weird things that's come out of the administration is the idea of the Space Force. And then also like when in the show here like Steve Corrella first to become a space cadet. I was like, I think that's so funny, and like, honestly, what they'll be called probably yeah, and Sam space Spaceman angela perfect um, like you know, he says like the Air Force has the Airman all that. Um. Yeah, it's it's weird. It's also like, you know, the branch itself is in real life, I'm guessing, and in our show, like the branch itself is useful. It's just like the circumstances of its birth were so strange. But it's like, sure, yeah, we have satellites up there, that's delicate information. You probably want to protect that ship. Like it's all pretty common sense. I think it's just I think what's funny is that for the show, the packaging and the circumstances are what makes it kind of like super you know, bonkers. I just couldn't believe it was called Space Force, and then I was like, I guess what else will we call it? Like there's the Air Force, this is the Space Force, but it does sound like a Blackbuster film. Yeah, but the Coastguards like it's not a cheesy. Coast Guard is like kind of a classy name. They are the coast I mean, you know, yeah, like what what would we call it? That would be classier, like satellite guard, Satellite guard, satellite space space ops. No space ops, that's actually hot, oh, space operations, because you're just operating. You're just like making sure that like our satellites don't get compromised. I'm pretending like I know anything about, um, the armed forces. Sure, that's what I did for all of fall of So you now actually are the space expert for last cultures. Thus and so one thing I want to ask you about is what's going on with all the UFOs lately? Us somebody let them out? They were um, they were held and then somebody was like, let these go, let them out. But okay, t is that they are real? Bee? Do you believe in aliens? Oh? You mean the ones that the dude from Blink one d two got the NABE to admit we're real like a year ago. So that's some insane that is wild that what's his name? Tom? Oh my god, I'm pretty but he's the lead singer two and he's had this like citizens space watch Tom Delan. Okay, so, so this is a real like um sort of split sort of like um realities thing. If you want to believe the reader that um, we got straight to Tom delunge to follow me, and if you want to believe that we struggled for about forty seconds to find the name, follow Matt. This is the Truth Podcast. And if you'd like to jump into just you don't have to follow me, but if you would like to jump into my comments and just defend me from racists who don't think I'm cute in space, that would be great too. Honestly, they have no idea that they have no idea what they're even talking about. Because you looked so gorgeous flying the helicopter that even Steve Correll was like, let me absolutely get some of that. I love this. Such nonexistent heat you're trying to build here, I love it. It's an honor for me. I think he's so handy like and the nicest man in Hollywood, the nicest man in Hollywood. There's no there's no there's nothing to like, there's no tidbit of like anything juicy because he was so nice, so normal, so generous with his time he's also like, you know, he's got thirty million lines to every line of everyone else's. So he's the busiest person on sets. He's constantly like in his script, working on his stuff, working on the next scene. But you know how some actors are like that, and then like you feel like you have to tiptoe and you can't come up. You ask him sucking anything you're asking about Dr Pepper and he's like, yeah, hey, what do you need. He's the best you'd ever very professional. And my little short interaction with him, um, when you hosted two seasons ago last season, Um, just so so like, yeah, generous, approachable, like had no like airs about him. Great guy. I would like to meet him one day. What will you say to him? It sounds I would say to him that actually he worked with a close friend of mine, Um, Tanny Knewsome. I would say that, I'm actually very good friends with Tanny and she actually was on the show Space Force with you that you created. And he would probably say, I love Tanny. Tanny is amazing. She's so funny. You know, she improvised a few of those lines, and I said, well, I actually knew that she was an improviser. And this is a funny story, Steve. You know, one time I was asked to do a trapped him You've trapped in study so nice that he would listen. I said, you know one time, actually, Steve, that's interesting you say that about Tony doing improv because there was a time when I was doing a show in New York and I had no idea that Tony would be there. And not only was she there, but she was improvising in the show with me. Wow, based on a story that Steve. He's like, he's just looking at his watch. He's in the Gelson's. He's just like, thank you so much. I really have to I have to grab this mac and cheese. Here's the other question I have. Do you have any scenes with the legendary Lisa Coudrow. No, Oh my god, so you didn't get some. I love her so much. I did not even get to meet her by the end of By the time when they were mostly filming a lot of her stuff, they had to and sometimes three units a day going. So I would be filming in like the outer desert somewhere, and she'd be in Long Beach, and the hair and makeup ladies knew that I loved her, so occasionally they text me when I'd come to set and they'd be like, you just missed Lisa. If we get a season too, though, Yes, it was rude of them. They were gloating. Yeah, we look forward to some high drinks potentially in season two. Absolutely were you were you living out in the desert or you know, they got you a damn car and they drove you. No, I drove. I drove my damn self. But it was It was good though, because we had a bunch of different locations, so nothing ever felt too tedious because we weren't just like, oh my god, I'm going to Long Beach every day. Like some days we were like, oh, I'm going to Santa Clarita and Chatsworth and other glamorous local Santa Clarita is one actually one of the most glamorous places in the state of California. Chatsworth is one of the most amazing places to shoot if you get to be an actor. The sidewalks are wide, they are as wide as they are hot in chats That's what we love about Chatsworth. I'm asking you, I'm asking the dumbest questions. I'm like, did you get a card. No, No, I feel like I'm being very uneventful because I'm just like telling you that Steve corral was nice. It's like, it's so tell us how we was. Malcovich is so weird. He's perfect. He's perfect. I have a video on my phone of him showing me his color coded binder that he had color coded with scented highlighters and smelling each one and being like, this one is episode four. I used grape every yeah, literally so that he could like smell it and know like, okay, this page, this goes here, it's this is watermelow. My word, that's exactly what you want. He's a treasure. He also um immediately like he's just like a kid, so he immediately like wants to talk about new hip things. He needed to talk to me and Jimmy Oyang about K pop. He was like sending us YouTube videos adorable. No, first answer that question, is this racist? It was not at the time because it was germane to something in descript it, so at that moment in time, it was not. It was German at the time. I'm out here trying to cancel John Malkovich. By the way, please please don't do that. I mean, honestly, I think there's so many other people. I bet you could cancel half of the past and the show would still get watched and be survived. This is t We won't say his name, but I love the story that you told me about that one celebrity that could be canceled in an absolute what I don't know about. Let's just say we know a celebrity. It's it's told me at one time. Well, we'll talk about it off pod. But wow, there's a celebrity out there who is not even close to cancel, which if this came out, honey, he'd be run out of the damn hood. People love him. And again like I don't, I legitmately don't want this to come out only because I am. I don't want the roles yelling like I've done something wrong when really all I'd be doing is being like, hey, is this your king? This motherfucker said this, and people I cannot handle it. So it's actually like it's it's it behooves me to shut up about it. And thankfully, like you know, he didn't do anything violent, so I don't feel a responsibility, but I actually, truly, yeah, it was not it was not anything. No, there's no reason to cut it out because we're never none of us are ever going to say what it was. All we're saying is that there are people that you the readers stand now but see now that to socials are gonna blow up and they might listen to this damn episode and they're gonna fucking harass or for details. No, because that's actually it's a great point. Do you think that they will know? I have no idea. Bowen, tell me what happened to your socials? My socials? My socials? Gradually it was a gradual, gradual growth. Um, and now I'll get like a gosh, what's my split? It's like an seventy thirty split of like really nice messages to insanity and people like um, wanting feet picks and stuff, which I'm happy to give them. But just is different though. Netflix is different. Netflix is like a whole other level, like do you know do you know did you watch the show you you're talking about James James Scully on on you. He's a friend and his socials when boom boom boom explode because I think you is like huge, like you does like huge numbers and I think Space Force is going to do huge. I would be shocked if that was all over the front page, like you know that Netflix is rolling out as that quote unquote tent pole a tent pole. Yeah, I was gonna ask you about Jimmy Olliang. Did you I love Jimmy, You love Jimmy so much. Do you know him beforehand? I did? I knew him through Andrew actually through Andrew T my co host, and Threw um Jessica Gao a good friend of ours, so I kind of, um, I had met him twice and then I think he did the pod once, but I don't think we really remembered each other from that. I think I'm more remember to him as like Andrew and Deska's friend. Um. So it was kind of funny we had like a little just knowing someone when there's all those legends around you, just knowing someone who's kind of your age, you're just like, hey, man like me. Him and Ben were instantly kind of like, okay, we can kind of like you know, check in with each other. Yeah, and you've been a little bit just from comedy bang bang stuff and but again not well so. But yeah, we just made like a little comedy and then actually a little baby Diana Silvers. I've never had a little sister, but she's a little sick a little sister. Yeah. I love her. She's good on the show, too, very good. She's great, she's so I also selfishly was just so happy she's like tall, because I just sometimes I get on a set. I did an episode of Superstore, and I had like so many tweets and comments of people just being like, why are you so tall? How tall are you? Well? America Ferrera is only three. Too interesting. I didn't clock that when I was there. I'll never forget recently. In my not recently, this actually was fifteen years ago. We were watching The Traveling Pants and my dad says, it's the scene where American down she throws the brick in the house and like then he the Bradley before her father calls her, her white father who left left her and her mom like to have like a new white family like calls her and it's like when the hell and she's like breaks down and it's basically like you left us, like amazing, amazing, And my dad goes that actress is very strong. I would Happy birthday to rich By the way, your father. It's my dad's birthday today. Um. Today, today is to day. Um. And did he do a bunch of molly with friends? Like my friend? I think he might have just you know, drink one or nine Coors lights and called it a night. And then then he actually my microjost America Ferrera through the first brick at sister of the Traveling Pants, And that's actually real culture. The first at. Yeah, that's true, that's that's real cut through the first break she did. It was an important break. I've realized. I've never seen it. I've never seen some you're hanging out with your mom. Now you're poring with your mom. Um. My mother did move. She built her own trailer. She renovated her own trailer and did move it on to my property. Oh yeah, you told me about this. We couldn't record with you yesterday because you were building. I think I said, I believe this is going to be an all day thing. Is there another? And it was? It was it was yeah, yeah, yeah. But my mom she's very I mean I'm the same as her, were very like d I Y. So I have had this old vintage trailer that I've been renovating for like a year, like taking my time whatever. And my mom when all this hit, she was just like, I can't stay in the house anymore. She got like a five D trailer are towed to her from Craigslist and just started like painting and ripping everything out. And that was twelve days ago, and then she towed it down to my house and it is pristine. Okay. So then like, how far apart are you distance wise? I'm just just out of your like your trailers far away from her. So are you in a trailer? I'm so confused. I'm not a trailer. I have a home. Um, I have not that a trailer can't be at home. I have a brick and mortar home. And then um, because we we moved out of the city, so we're like rural, so we have like a ton of space. So she's like far away, She's hundreds of feet away, which is race Um yeah, and then you know we can mingle later maybe, But it was just because she didn't have anywhere to walk in her neighborhood and stuff. So the trail that sounds like such a good set up, though, it's like you're far enough from each other that it doesn't feel like they're like stacked on top of you. This is for anybody, not even parents or anybody. But it's like, I don't know, you run the resk of if you if you like invite someone into your pot or like they live with you. Um, then it just like becomes a bit encroaching. I don't know that that sounds great, yea, even when you have guests, you know, like I all my dream, especially when I was living in Chicago, was just like if I could just have a guest room, like a guest room would be amazing, like love having people over. But then I think I came to learn that Nate, my husband, and I are just we've just lived together and only with each other for too long, and so we are weird. And our houses like Swiss family Robinson. It's like, oh, actually you can't pull on that or the shelf will come down. So like to have guests over, I realized that the guest might be a little stressful. Now we're like, let's curate a space where they can be they can be elsewhere. So yeah, I want property, bitch, I just have to move to the middle of absolute nowhere. Um. So listen, what we have to do is take a very quick break and then when we come back, it's actually time for I don't think so yeah, and we're back and bone Yang. It's even though there's been so much to celebrate in the culture lately, and I think that you can agree, Tonny, there's been much to celebrate. I mean, there's the Incoming Space Force starring you and others. There's Rain on Me by Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande, two singers who decided to team up and share a song together. There's Dedicated Side B by Carla bay Jepson, a woman who I I don't think so honeyed at one point because I thought she was coming out with the disco altub. But now I've come back to stand she's still not done that what she said she would do. And there's of course the release of the Song of the Year Daisies by Katie Perry and um, I can't believe it, but it's actually gonna be time to actually take some things from the culture down. And this actually is a very topical thing I'm not gonna talk about. Okay, come on, I say you have something, I do I have something. Okay, this as Matt Rodgers, I don't think so honey. As time starts now, I don't think so honey. I'm running with a mask on. How About I try to breathe? How about that? How About it's hard enough to run when you smoke reefer, how I don't think so honey, it's very easy. How About I don't think so honey. Me actually ran today without a mask and then I had to turn around and come back because I got what a dirty look? I couldn't breathe. And then, actually, I don't think so honey that I did run because it ended up being really more of a brisk walk. Luckily that burns calories as well. But I don't think so honey, me starting to even begin a new in terms of running and exercise, which I am starting to try to do, thank you. If not with this mask on my face, not with has been down across my mouth. I cannot breathe. I am choking. I am breathing in the fabric. It is going down my throat. I don't think, so honey. I can't go on like this. When can I show my mouth again to the world? And that's one minute? Okay, this is huge and you that's powerful. Here's what I propose you do, you let you you do the mask? Is it ear loops? Is that what you're working with? Yes, But I also I haven't been down. And the thing is, I think the bandanna is more stylish, but it falls off easier. So yes, I've been using the mask with the ear loops. I think you do ear loops and you let it. You let it hang like a hammock on along your chin, your drawline when you're running, because if it's outdoors and running especially, the risk is apparently very low. Yeah, people have started to like get angry, like when when it comes up that people are maybe running without the masks, and let's just say this flat out. I will do what I have to do. And I literally did not run today without a mask. I stepped outside forgot it and then I was like, okay, let me go back inside. Just so we're clear readers, right, And I'm saying again lost cultures, this is not news. It's not a public health authority in any way. Rooms Medics a podcast for a pop culture in medical and medical rumors. That's true, Um, but the risk of transmission is very low outside for for for someone who's at the risk of you if you're positive transmitting the daisies to someone else as you're running outside, even with the mask off, is still very low. So I think what you should do is at least doing the safety theater of um having the mask dangle along your chin so that people can see that you have the mask ready to just pull up it at a moment you're right, so that people feel more safe. I get that. I want people to feel good. I just also want to be able to breathe. And and the fact of the matter is like in my apartment building there is a gym, but we're not allowed to use it anymore. And I just really I'm trying now that I'm not working as much, I'm trying to exercise more because Bone and I might be on camera at some point in this summer with our with the top popped, and I'm not trying to stand next to Jill Kim Booster like a damn fool. Oh I'm gonna look like a damn fool no matter what, next to him. So I'm just letting myself go, honey, no, take a Berry's class with me over zoom. They're very They're very, very hard. You can do a Berries over zoom. They're doing Berries over zoom. You can do anything. I've been doing an African dance fitness class. It's just these African ladies shaking it as good caliber. I get that. Yeah, I mean even like just dancing around to anything really will burn the cows. I've been doing like, um, even just screaming just stream, that's got to burn a quick I'll scream at my partner and um. One of the things I'm doing too is jumping. I'll do a real, real rotation. I'll do jumping. Jack's crunches, squats and push ups. Yeah. Right, that's amazing. That's great, That's very amazing. It's amazing. It's amazing. This Berries, this Barries. Instructor Austin Kay had us to do one hundred squats and I was like, you're a madman. I did them the next morning, could not walk, could not walk. But that squats are they'll get you. But I know that it helped. I know that it helped. Yeah, And there's nothing because he he did that and he said, I know you don't have nowhere to go to said, so you're gonna do these hundreds hundred squats and then you're gonna be on house arrest. Okay. The thing about squats is like, I never mind if squats hurt me, because there's nothing I like more than to know that my butt is getting better, like for me being in the gay community, and I'm gonna go to hold the mic with both hands. Your butt is very important in the gay community, and it's important to um, you know, use that butt of yours to men, because that's what they call peacocking. You know, yes, yes, absolutely similar for the black people, I can say, like people, we also enjoy a butt. Um, I have been blessed. I've never lacked for a butt. So now now that I live on a hill and just to leave my home, I have to work the butt. Now I have some favorite pants that you're not fake. This is the only time the butt has actually become too big, which normally I'm okay with because then it makes you look like you have a small way. But it's actually it's it's reached a threshold that my that my vintage genes cannot abide, and so I do need to reduce it. But you know, that just means that the genes never deserved you. Because if they don't deserve you, that you're not big butt, they definitely. I don't even know where I'm going with that. Well, I sense what you were going. I think that's one of the reasons idness New York so much is like you're always on the go, walking up damn steps, going on the subway, out the subway. Your booty is always getting a work out. Not anymore, darling, I'm not walking up and down. I kind of missed the subway. Might I might write it the subway. I might write write it my my funk around and ride the subway. People who have to write it every day are like, we might cut this out. A fun, fun potential title for this podcast episode might be medical rumors. No, it has to be. It has to culture vaccine. I'm waiting for it. He invented Twitter, he can invent a vaccine. Yes, come on, honestly, honestly. So here's actually the damn deal is it's Tawny's turn to do Oh wait, no, oh my god, Hello, we've been talking so much. I forgot about Miss Bow and Yang as a courtesy because we want to ramp up to the guess. Of course it's time. It was really just an error that I made, and I'm a human and there's no one can say that that I'm not okay, They're all the girls are admitting to knowing that Matt Rodgers is a human and he's capable of many errors. Um, all the girls. So Bowe Yang, what say you? I actually don't have my phone on. Okay, I'll time myself, but you can shout out the I will. I'm showing him out. Okay, here we go. This is Bowen Yang's I don't think so, honey. His time starts now. I don't think so, honey, Martin, make it done up, bitch, fat phobia, sexism, a racism, and still no apology? Why, Officer mcdonna, I think I misquoted the Billboards, didn't I? Why no? Why no? Why and why no apology? Officer mcdonnah. Damn, I fucking I fucking bungled that I was trying to quote three Billboards, which is which is a bad movie. Francis McDorman, I guess deserved the Oscar but and maybe even Sam Rockwell did. But you know, I just I saw him bruge last night. I was like, what a trash movie. I remember I remember enjoying the movie so much in my youth, But now I'm just like, it's crazy. It's a crazy movie. And what is this man's obsession with little people? He loves to like call little people midgets in his films, and I'm like, that's not a joke, and I hate that people are like his movies are black comedies. It's like, no, there's mary a damn joke. He just likes to call fat people fat and little people midgets. That's not funny. Bitch at learn a new trade. Okay, that's it. And I think it's actually important to say because you know, let's just say this a black comedy. You can't just call something that's mean a black comedy. That's what I'm saying. That's that's not It doesn't work like that. I I get that he's like trying to like right around like hyper masculine characters or something like Colin Farrell's character is supposed to be like unlikable and you're supposed to hate him because he because of his past and stuff. But it's like, I don't know, man, it's just one look at Martin McDonough and you're like, yeah, far away from these mothers, sure, and then you're also and then I'm also just like that's it. It's a crazily paced movie. Ray Finds isn't coming until the last twenty minutes. It's like this none of it like it's none of it like works on like any real, like entertainment level. Either. I'm just like, I don't know why people are fucking fingering themselves cross eyed to this man. Wow, to think of that image finger across side people fucking love Martin which dan how the same man, I know how, the same man who wrote like pillow Man, and like, you know, these these heralded plays that were like, you know, maybe now if we saw them we might be like okay, but like at the time they were, I don't know. They were pretty mind opening for me being a young theater kid watching them and yeah, and now, yeah I didn't. I didn't get it either. It wasn't my I will say that I haven't. I'm not familiar with his theatrical work, but he still had that same reputation in the nineties. It's like the bad boy theater dude, right, imagine imagine being the bad boy of theater. Yeah, I think that's John Malcolmus. Like I think he's the only actual legitimate bad way theater. Yeah. No, I guess thinking back, I'm sure Pillow Man, if I were to watch it now, it's like it's extremely inappropriate because it's like hyper sexualized and there's a kid involved. But it's at the time it felt like art. I don't know if that's my naive ta or like where people were how people were talking about irreverent comedies back then versus now. Whenever I see the word of reverent, I'm already like, is this actually a reverend or is that just like a code for you guys to be like they're gonna say nigger. Yeah, it's the first time I ever heard the word irreverent was when Jimmy Fallon was presenting Avenue Que at the Tony Awards, you know, and that is time. I'll give it to Avenue Q. I'll give it revenue Q. Did you call me a reverend? Yes, I would call the both of you highly reverend at the same time, though you are reverend. Reverend was what I won my oscar for. I didn't hide in a bear, I hit in a Seal's um. We are reverend because we we love to enthusiastically talk about things. That's true. Now here's one thing I revere whatever this, I don't think so, honey. Whatever to let me tell you whenever she comes up with and I don't think so, honey. You know she's going to roll absolutely through. We will genuine flex. And there's another word for you, verbos queen. And you know, well I do appreciate it. And by come up with one, you know I don't never prepare nothing. So you know I am going to ask, oh, okay, Matt, are you gonna pull it up? Maybe? Remember before when I said I did not have no phone? Are you gonna but wait? Where did we keep hold on? Okay, trouble. Here's what I'm gonna do. Literally, I'm doing the trouble right now. I am. I think I have it as an ever note somewhere. Let me see, Okay, I have one. Okay, Okay, Tawny newsome your I don't think so, honey. Topic is the singer the weekend and your time starts now, I don't think so, honey. The weekend? What are you doing taking vowels out of the end of your name like you're a dot um erat in Daily City? The weekend? What are you an app ford having a bad time with friends? You should have ditched a long time ago. I don't think so. The Weekend. I don't think so. With the fact that I used to get you confused with the x X. That maybe on me, but somehow it feels like your fault. They don't have enough letters either. The x X still really good music, though, I don't think so, Honey, the Weekend, because um, you confused people in my life about whether or not you were black music or white music. People didn't know if they were allowed to like you. White people didn't know, and I'm here to tell them that they can because you're a great musician. But I still don't approve of your limited vowels because I don't think spelling things wrong is cute. It breeds literacy takedown and she started with the building block. She said that artist does not have enough letters characters in his name, because if you really were to spell it right, I think we can all do this together. It would be T H space w K D And that totally the Weekend. It's like he said, four eases too much for a band, and he got rid of the last one. I gotta say my thing with The Weekend is I didn't like that fifty Shades a Gray song I earned it or whatever it was everywhere. I also like, I feel like he's one of those people that's like so famous. And because I don't also know the radio too much, I'm on Spotify often listening to my own things. UM like, I'm not really he's like one of the things that the kids like that I I don't. I don't know that when he when he first came up, it was eleven and he was just releasing shot on like SoundCloud, and it was like it was like a very cool thing to like know who the weekend was. And then he like went fully mainstream, which he is like free to do. But like you know, there's just there's just a shift that happens there. Um and and now he's and now he is who he is and he is like performing with the Bloody Nose, and it's kind of cool. I think it's pretty cool with the Bloody Nose. I missed that Canadian Canadian Queen, Canadian Queen. I'm glad you guys gave me that. When I feel like the last time, or maybe it was a live show or something, I feel like I had to go negative on like some beloved I don't know, I can't remember but I remember just being like, wasn't it like Selma Blair or something? It was like whenever we do alive. I don't think so Honies were truly cruel to the people that Princess Diana I still love. No, it's definitely. I mean, I love that you always go for the troubball have you ever not like you? You always go for the love that I love that I love. I love surprising um you guys. I love surprising my own mouth because it does feel like it feels like, you know, I could write something and hope it's funny, or I could make something up and if it's not funny, you're great. Me. I came up with mine about five minutes before I did it as well. And that's actually but you're a season pro. Yeah. We always say that. Bowen and I are like, if you actually lined up, everyone is really good. I don't think so honey, we're like, actually c plus, I don't think so yeah, we're not good at it? Untrue? Who do you? Who do you call your top five? Joel is very Booster is very good? Um who else? Annie Donley always brings the energy? Annie Donley always Michael Hartney's great it's fantastic. Else we've had some really good ones. We're missing some people, of course, but there's been some amazing trouble that that, and that you did the show in l A. There were some really good troubles at that time. I remember, I feel like Otsuko Katsuka had a really good one. I don't think she did a trouble though, but yeah, I just remember being blown away by a lot of people I hadn't seen performing that way before, even if i'd seen them do stand up. I remember being like, holy ship, we're just saying that we're bad at it. So yeah, I mean, and also like I actually was thinking today how much how bummed I am that we haven't been able to do and I don't think so honey live Like I feel it's starting to feel like it was an era, and I really don't want that to be the case. Now. We're going to bring it back as soon as it's cool to do. So. Um. I did a live show with Tony Newsom. I know, yeah that we still haven't released because our release schedule is so fucking complicated that episode doesn't come out. I guess I was wondering, Yeah, no, is that insane? It's it was like ten months ago was but you were so much fun. You were Matt came and joined me in Boston and we have a really lovely sweet head. Yeah, that was. It was like they were there to like engage a lot of tough kids. They really were. Sometimes I get sometimes I get audiences for those YE live shows that I'm like, oh, you're all smarter than me, and you're here to listen to me, and that is you're you should form a group where you list into each people. People listen to you because it's just compelling. Were we gonna say, Man, I was just gonna say, it's that moment where you're like, wait, hold on. Like sometimes I find myself doing like top backs for things like I get asked to do whatever, and like it's like, can you speak to like, uh, the existence of queer um, queer comedy, and and I'm always like, oh, you guys, I'm the dumbest person in the world. That's like why you even know me. Actually, if you walk it all the way back, so it's funny that you want to hear like what I think. If you walk it all the way back, that's why we That's why I feel like it's not germane to speaking of germane. Um, it's not like natural for improvisers, especially because it's like, oh, you know me and you like me, because I couldn't be bothered to write a thing down like that's That's what my whole career is, is me being like too lazy to make anything permanent. That's not giving yourself enough credit. No, that's actually not giving yourself enough credit because you are you are permanent, and you your socials are about to blow up and ultimately you're you have a huge part in Space Force, and I think it's going to get even bigger from this point. And you know more than I do. But what I think is that you've come to this podcast to lie, and I think that you've told many um on truth and I think that that you actually become the love interest of Steve Carrell, who famously has gotten hotter as he's gotten older. That's true. I think you've come here to lie. He looks great. Um, I'm so sorry. I guess. I guess I am the Cia plot that has infiltrated our pop and that was to come on here and speak erroneously about pop culture. So for that, I am sorry, but you've also caught me, so gonna have to think about that one. Um, next season two of Wind of Change is going to have to think about that one. Gonna have to think about that one to concern that we're gonna have to ruminate on that one. Oh my god. Okay, we're we're losing our minds here, so everyone, please please please what is it out? Friday? Friday? Friday? Just two days people from when this episode is released, you'll be able to see all the episodes of Space Force. And there are ten. Yes, you couldn't even tell me how many there were. You're like, well, let's just say this, there's sixty. Fun that would be very cool. No, it would. It took us long enough to make those tens. They did a very nice job, but it did take you very long. Well, I'm excited for you, are very excited. I hope we get more. Thank you. I'm excited to thank you guys so much for having me on. I also feel like a crazy person. Maybe it's the time of night. I don't know. Do we all just feel I think that I think that we are all just podcast vets, and I think that what happens when three podcasts vets get together. It's like no one's like like, we're all excited to be here, but we're not like I'm on a podcast today. It's kind of fun, you know, what will I say? What will? They asked? What will what we talk about? It's almost too comfortable. Oh no, one's like this about the podcast. Oh my god, I'm so excited that Matt and Bone asked me to get so many of those. We get so many of Oh my god. Yeah, I know. I do feel like because I do feel like this could just be a zooming that unfortunately someone is recording, so every now and then I do have to be like, oh, yes, a world also the show, you know, but in general, this does feel like we are just we were so dropped in that we've had more things that we said we have to cut that out than than we haven't many. So that actually, um, what we're gonna do is we're gonna wrap this one up in just a second with the song, but we're also gonna I think we're all are looking forward to not only Space Wars but also the kutcher Kunas VEX vaccine because it's alphabetical because K and K said it's K and also she was the lead physicist on the project. She was she thought of it. She was like, babe, you know what, we should do? A vaccine And he was like, oh, ship, babe. And then they basically were like, let's put let's board the kids there. For some reason, they don't call it a babysitter. They called boarded boards and they boarded their kids and they worked for hours on a vaccine and finally until they finally cooked one up in the kitchen. That's fun. It's fun that they did that. Yeah, it's fun that this is like their first big, like joint moment together since the time that they were on the Bachelorette together, Like, no one's really seen them out since, but they've had three collapse that seventies show The Bachelor and the Counas Kutcher vaccine. I can't wait. That's it's a good third one to sort of round out the well. First it was the right, right, right right, it was the wine, and then but the wine was really just the pre launch to the vaccine. We look forward to it all but mostly Space for Us, which is out on May twenty n Tony, thank you so much for being here. We love you, I love you guys, thank you for having her loved and actually we do and every episode with a song. Wait wait no, wait, hold on, we can't do either. One of those O God, the same sick the stong build their house. He told me that lazy they covering me, Dame going norma, trying to know me out. Took them six and stops and the pack of bagos, telling them I never had them changed me. So they come in daisies dasis to swop slops