1 00:00:08,600 --> 00:00:14,480 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Thank you 2 00:00:14,800 --> 00:00:19,880 Speaker 1: Esther Wilson for suggesting this topic. I'd like to say 3 00:00:19,880 --> 00:00:26,360 Speaker 1: hello to Nikki in Taiwan, Hello to Poppy, Hello to Eileen, 4 00:00:27,320 --> 00:00:32,159 Speaker 1: Hello to Camden from Reno, Nevada, and hello to Olivia 5 00:00:32,400 --> 00:00:38,879 Speaker 1: and Abigail. I'd like to say Happy birthday to Quinn 6 00:00:39,159 --> 00:00:44,200 Speaker 1: from Sagamore Hills, Ohio, who is turning five on September fifth. 7 00:00:45,760 --> 00:00:50,320 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Ozan who is turning five on September fifth. 8 00:00:52,000 --> 00:00:55,720 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to Greta from Greytown, New Zealand, who is 9 00:00:55,760 --> 00:01:01,640 Speaker 1: turning five September six, Happy birthday to Jackson who is 10 00:01:01,680 --> 00:01:06,880 Speaker 1: turning seven on September sixth, And Happy birthday to Anna 11 00:01:07,000 --> 00:01:12,000 Speaker 1: Maria from the Hague who has a birthday on September eighth. 12 00:01:12,360 --> 00:01:14,959 Speaker 1: Happy birthday to you all. I hope you have a 13 00:01:15,040 --> 00:01:20,759 Speaker 1: wonderful day. Shout Outs and birthday wishes are one way 14 00:01:20,840 --> 00:01:25,120 Speaker 1: we give thanks to our supporters. Please visit our support 15 00:01:25,200 --> 00:01:30,040 Speaker 1: page at sleep tightstories dot org slash support. Thank you. 16 00:01:33,360 --> 00:01:37,120 Speaker 1: This is a story about Bernice's first day of school. 17 00:01:38,760 --> 00:01:43,680 Speaker 1: Bernice is super excited and even though Papa Bear told 18 00:01:43,720 --> 00:01:45,920 Speaker 1: her to stay in bed and rest for a bit 19 00:01:45,959 --> 00:01:49,800 Speaker 1: if she woke up early, she is too excited to 20 00:01:49,880 --> 00:01:54,680 Speaker 1: do it. She hops up and starts getting dressed, but 21 00:01:54,840 --> 00:01:59,520 Speaker 1: can't find her lucky socks. Papa Bear helps her and 22 00:01:59,600 --> 00:02:06,680 Speaker 1: they head down to the kitchen for breakfast. Bernice's first 23 00:02:06,760 --> 00:02:13,080 Speaker 1: day of school, Bernice woke up long before her alarm 24 00:02:13,240 --> 00:02:16,440 Speaker 1: was supposed to go off and stayed in bed as 25 00:02:16,600 --> 00:02:20,920 Speaker 1: long as she could. Or Papa said that if she 26 00:02:21,040 --> 00:02:25,600 Speaker 1: woke up early, she should stay in bed rest and 27 00:02:25,760 --> 00:02:28,760 Speaker 1: try to go back to sleep so that she could 28 00:02:28,760 --> 00:02:33,080 Speaker 1: be well rested for the big day ahead, but she 29 00:02:33,440 --> 00:02:38,680 Speaker 1: just couldn't stay in bed any longer. Bernice was super 30 00:02:38,800 --> 00:02:44,480 Speaker 1: excited because this was the first day of school. She 31 00:02:44,680 --> 00:02:49,519 Speaker 1: jumped out of bed, stretched and yawned and jumped up 32 00:02:49,639 --> 00:02:55,399 Speaker 1: around her bedroom as she got ready for the day. Papa, 33 00:02:55,520 --> 00:02:59,520 Speaker 1: can you come help me please? It's really important, she 34 00:02:59,680 --> 00:03:03,960 Speaker 1: yelled down the stairs, because Mama and Papa Bear always 35 00:03:03,960 --> 00:03:09,800 Speaker 1: seem to be awake early. Running up the stairs, Papa 36 00:03:09,800 --> 00:03:13,240 Speaker 1: Bear asked, somewhat out of breath, what's wrong, little bear, 37 00:03:13,600 --> 00:03:20,680 Speaker 1: and why are you up so early? I'm super super excited, Papa. 38 00:03:20,840 --> 00:03:24,200 Speaker 1: Today is the first day of school, but I can't 39 00:03:24,240 --> 00:03:31,679 Speaker 1: find my socks. They have disappeared, Bernice exclaimed. Okay, I'm 40 00:03:31,720 --> 00:03:35,240 Speaker 1: sure they haven't walked away on their own unless Twigger 41 00:03:35,320 --> 00:03:39,720 Speaker 1: put them on. Hey, Twigger, did you take Bernice's socks? 42 00:03:40,360 --> 00:03:45,800 Speaker 1: Papa Bear jokingly asked the stuff giraffe. Papa, this is 43 00:03:45,920 --> 00:03:50,840 Speaker 1: super serious. These are my favorite lucky socks and I 44 00:03:51,080 --> 00:03:57,160 Speaker 1: really need to wear them today, Bernice said with concern. Sorry, 45 00:03:57,200 --> 00:04:01,320 Speaker 1: little Bear, Now, we did set out all of your 46 00:04:01,320 --> 00:04:05,000 Speaker 1: clothes for today last night in a nice little pile 47 00:04:05,160 --> 00:04:10,000 Speaker 1: on your chair. Yes, I have all my clothes on, 48 00:04:10,040 --> 00:04:14,000 Speaker 1: but the socks have gone missing. Why do socks always 49 00:04:14,080 --> 00:04:18,360 Speaker 1: go missing, Papa? I think it's one of the great 50 00:04:18,480 --> 00:04:23,039 Speaker 1: mysteries of life, little Bear. But in this case, I 51 00:04:23,160 --> 00:04:27,200 Speaker 1: think they fell off your chair and rolled just under 52 00:04:27,240 --> 00:04:30,560 Speaker 1: the edge of your bed, Papa Bear said, as he 53 00:04:30,600 --> 00:04:34,000 Speaker 1: got down on his knees and picked up the brightly 54 00:04:34,120 --> 00:04:39,159 Speaker 1: colored pair of socks. Oh, thank you, Papa, you have 55 00:04:39,480 --> 00:04:44,400 Speaker 1: saved the day. That's why Papa bears exist, little Bear, 56 00:04:44,680 --> 00:04:49,920 Speaker 1: to find lost socks and make tasty cookies. And don't 57 00:04:49,960 --> 00:04:54,960 Speaker 1: forget the hugs and kisses. Papa, that's important too. All right, 58 00:04:55,839 --> 00:04:59,200 Speaker 1: how about we have some breakfast. Mama Bear should be 59 00:04:59,240 --> 00:05:03,240 Speaker 1: back from her soon, and I have been making honeycakes 60 00:05:03,279 --> 00:05:08,880 Speaker 1: for your breakfast, because all bears love honey, especially those 61 00:05:09,080 --> 00:05:17,279 Speaker 1: named Bernice. Thank you, Papa, yummy cakes. Papa, Can I 62 00:05:17,360 --> 00:05:21,520 Speaker 1: have more cocoa, please, asked Bernice after she quickly ate 63 00:05:21,560 --> 00:05:28,839 Speaker 1: a honeycake. Sure thing, little Bear, Papa Bear said, Slow down, Bernice, 64 00:05:29,120 --> 00:05:32,720 Speaker 1: there is no need to rush. You have plenty of 65 00:05:32,800 --> 00:05:37,040 Speaker 1: time to eat and get to school. Mama Bear said, 66 00:05:37,360 --> 00:05:41,760 Speaker 1: after arriving in the kitchen. Okay, Mama, but I am 67 00:05:41,960 --> 00:05:47,000 Speaker 1: so excited that it can't seem to slow down, we noticed, 68 00:05:47,480 --> 00:05:52,000 Speaker 1: she laughed. At Least remember to breathe when you eat, okay, 69 00:05:52,640 --> 00:06:01,160 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said, laughing, okay, Papa. After Bernice finished her breakfast, 70 00:06:01,480 --> 00:06:04,680 Speaker 1: put her dishes in the sink and washed her hands, 71 00:06:05,200 --> 00:06:09,760 Speaker 1: she got ready to leave for school. Is your bag 72 00:06:09,839 --> 00:06:14,039 Speaker 1: all packed? Asked Mama Bear. Certainly is. We did it 73 00:06:14,120 --> 00:06:19,159 Speaker 1: last night. Bernice replied. Do you have enough pencils? Asked 74 00:06:19,160 --> 00:06:23,800 Speaker 1: Mama Bear. I have all my favorite pencils. They are 75 00:06:23,839 --> 00:06:27,160 Speaker 1: my favorite color too, and I put stickers on them 76 00:06:27,200 --> 00:06:31,880 Speaker 1: to help me write better. How about your lunch? Do 77 00:06:31,960 --> 00:06:36,520 Speaker 1: you have your lunch that Papa prepared? She asked, yes, Mama. 78 00:06:37,560 --> 00:06:40,640 Speaker 1: I even brought something to trade with Bobby and some 79 00:06:40,839 --> 00:06:43,840 Speaker 1: extra snacks in case one of my friends forgets to 80 00:06:43,880 --> 00:06:48,680 Speaker 1: bring some of their own. Well, then you sound ready 81 00:06:48,680 --> 00:06:51,520 Speaker 1: to go to school, Mama Bear said as she grabbed 82 00:06:51,560 --> 00:06:57,080 Speaker 1: her keys. Yeah, let's go, Mama Bernice said, running to 83 00:06:57,120 --> 00:07:00,800 Speaker 1: the door. As she got to the door, she stopped, 84 00:07:01,600 --> 00:07:05,080 Speaker 1: turned around and walked back into the kitchen to give 85 00:07:05,160 --> 00:07:09,760 Speaker 1: Papa Bear a great big hug. I love you, Papa. 86 00:07:10,760 --> 00:07:16,000 Speaker 1: I love you too, little Bear. Papa, Yes, little Bear, 87 00:07:16,840 --> 00:07:22,000 Speaker 1: are you crying? Mm? These are tears of joy, little bear. 88 00:07:22,400 --> 00:07:26,000 Speaker 1: But I am going to miss you today, Papa Bear said. 89 00:07:26,880 --> 00:07:30,240 Speaker 1: Don't worry, Papa, I'll be home soon and then you 90 00:07:30,280 --> 00:07:34,840 Speaker 1: won't be lonely. Thank you, little Bear. Have a good 91 00:07:34,920 --> 00:07:42,760 Speaker 1: day and remember to listen to your teachers. Hi, Papa, 92 00:07:42,880 --> 00:07:47,040 Speaker 1: I'm home, yelled Bernice as she walked in the front door, 93 00:07:47,640 --> 00:07:51,600 Speaker 1: kicked off her sneakers, closed the door, and ran into 94 00:07:51,640 --> 00:07:56,040 Speaker 1: the kitchen. Hey, little Bear, Papa Bear said as he 95 00:07:56,120 --> 00:08:00,200 Speaker 1: gave her a big hug. I missed you today. I 96 00:08:00,280 --> 00:08:04,119 Speaker 1: missed you too, Papa. Why don't you have a seat 97 00:08:04,120 --> 00:08:06,760 Speaker 1: while I get you some chocolate chip cookies and a 98 00:08:06,800 --> 00:08:12,720 Speaker 1: glass of milk. I baked them fresh today. Yummy, yummy. 99 00:08:13,040 --> 00:08:18,240 Speaker 1: I'm going to have cookies in my tummy. Setting the 100 00:08:18,280 --> 00:08:20,880 Speaker 1: plate of cookies and a glass of milk down in 101 00:08:20,920 --> 00:08:25,040 Speaker 1: front of Bernice, he asked, so tell me all about 102 00:08:25,080 --> 00:08:31,800 Speaker 1: your day. Well, my day was super good, Papa, But wow, 103 00:08:32,400 --> 00:08:36,600 Speaker 1: going to school certainly makes me tired. Bernice said, with 104 00:08:36,679 --> 00:08:40,240 Speaker 1: a yawn. Imagine how your teachers feel a little bear, 105 00:08:40,760 --> 00:08:45,920 Speaker 1: Papa said with a smile. Yeah, they might be in 106 00:08:46,000 --> 00:08:51,000 Speaker 1: bed already. She said, with a yawn. We had all 107 00:08:51,120 --> 00:08:55,240 Speaker 1: my favorite subjects today. I went to math class and 108 00:08:55,440 --> 00:09:00,439 Speaker 1: science class, and we played basketball and gym. Class won 109 00:09:00,480 --> 00:09:03,679 Speaker 1: our basketball game, and Bobby was on the losing team. 110 00:09:04,240 --> 00:09:06,360 Speaker 1: He was a little sad for a minute, but I 111 00:09:06,480 --> 00:09:10,079 Speaker 1: cheered him up after we all shook hands and congratulated 112 00:09:10,120 --> 00:09:15,960 Speaker 1: each other on a well played game. How were your teachers, 113 00:09:16,160 --> 00:09:21,199 Speaker 1: Papa Bear asked. One of our teachers is super strict, Papa. 114 00:09:21,880 --> 00:09:25,800 Speaker 1: One time Bobby kept talking in class. He was explaining 115 00:09:25,880 --> 00:09:29,520 Speaker 1: something about dinosaurs, or maybe he was talking about the 116 00:09:29,640 --> 00:09:33,400 Speaker 1: solar power in his backpack. I'm not sure which because 117 00:09:33,679 --> 00:09:37,760 Speaker 1: he talks about so many things. But one time, Papa, 118 00:09:38,160 --> 00:09:41,680 Speaker 1: the teacher asked Bobby to not talk while she was talking, 119 00:09:42,320 --> 00:09:47,280 Speaker 1: and the whole class went quiet. Bobby will learn that 120 00:09:47,360 --> 00:09:51,040 Speaker 1: it's impolite to talk when the teacher is talking, and 121 00:09:51,080 --> 00:09:53,280 Speaker 1: it's hard to hear what she is saying when you 122 00:09:53,360 --> 00:09:57,800 Speaker 1: are talking too. Good listening skills take time and effort, 123 00:09:57,800 --> 00:10:02,600 Speaker 1: Little Bear. Yeah, the teacher thanked me for paying attention 124 00:10:02,720 --> 00:10:05,840 Speaker 1: in class, so I must have a talent for listening. 125 00:10:06,960 --> 00:10:11,160 Speaker 1: These cookies certainly are yummy. Papa, what's for dinner? I'm 126 00:10:11,320 --> 00:10:16,040 Speaker 1: super hungry after such a long day at school. I 127 00:10:16,080 --> 00:10:18,960 Speaker 1: think we can have pizza to celebrate your first day 128 00:10:19,000 --> 00:10:21,800 Speaker 1: back at school. Will you help me make the salad? 129 00:10:21,840 --> 00:10:29,400 Speaker 1: Little Bear? Sure, Papa, making salad is my specialty. So 130 00:10:29,840 --> 00:10:33,560 Speaker 1: what did you learn in science class today? We haven't 131 00:10:33,559 --> 00:10:37,240 Speaker 1: really started anything yet, but we did talk about trees 132 00:10:37,720 --> 00:10:41,200 Speaker 1: because I think we will be going out and collecting 133 00:10:41,240 --> 00:10:45,560 Speaker 1: different colored leaves later. The teacher told us some interesting 134 00:10:45,600 --> 00:10:49,560 Speaker 1: facts about trees, like did you know that a large 135 00:10:49,600 --> 00:10:53,080 Speaker 1: oak tree can drop ten thousand acorns in one year. 136 00:10:54,960 --> 00:10:58,960 Speaker 1: That's a lot of acorns, Papa Bear said, it certainly is. 137 00:11:01,120 --> 00:11:04,880 Speaker 1: Did you finish your lunch today, Papa Bear asked yes, 138 00:11:05,000 --> 00:11:08,559 Speaker 1: Papa and I shared a snack with Gertrude today. Do 139 00:11:08,600 --> 00:11:11,480 Speaker 1: you remember Gertrude, Papa. We met at the park the 140 00:11:11,559 --> 00:11:15,480 Speaker 1: last time. I remember she was the girl with the 141 00:11:15,520 --> 00:11:20,360 Speaker 1: cool hat. Yeah, that's her. She didn't wear her hat today, 142 00:11:20,720 --> 00:11:23,520 Speaker 1: but we met outside during break and she was the 143 00:11:23,559 --> 00:11:26,440 Speaker 1: only one without a snack, so I gave her one 144 00:11:26,480 --> 00:11:31,960 Speaker 1: of mine. She left hers in the classroom. That's nice 145 00:11:31,960 --> 00:11:36,680 Speaker 1: of you, little bear. It's good to share. Yeah. Do 146 00:11:36,720 --> 00:11:40,319 Speaker 1: you have any homework for tonight? Papa Bear asked, no, 147 00:11:40,679 --> 00:11:44,040 Speaker 1: not yet, Papa. The teacher said, we might start having 148 00:11:44,120 --> 00:11:48,040 Speaker 1: homework next week. Can we talk a bit about science later? 149 00:11:49,320 --> 00:11:53,040 Speaker 1: We sure can if we have time. Why don't you 150 00:11:53,080 --> 00:11:55,800 Speaker 1: put your dishes in the sink and get out all 151 00:11:55,960 --> 00:11:59,160 Speaker 1: the papers that the teacher sent home. Then you and 152 00:11:59,200 --> 00:12:07,640 Speaker 1: I can have dinner ready when Mama comes home. Okay, Papa. 153 00:12:08,040 --> 00:12:10,760 Speaker 1: As they walked up the stairs to get ready for bed, 154 00:12:10,880 --> 00:12:15,680 Speaker 1: Bernice said, the pizza was really yummy tonight. Thank you, 155 00:12:15,760 --> 00:12:19,040 Speaker 1: little Bear. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought you 156 00:12:19,080 --> 00:12:23,000 Speaker 1: did a great job with the caesar salad. Yeah. I 157 00:12:23,120 --> 00:12:27,600 Speaker 1: even added those little fishy things that Mama likes. I 158 00:12:27,640 --> 00:12:31,360 Speaker 1: know she appreciated you thinking about her, and she loved 159 00:12:31,400 --> 00:12:35,600 Speaker 1: the salad. I think you are right, Papa. Mama had 160 00:12:35,679 --> 00:12:41,200 Speaker 1: three bowls of salad. Mama loves eating salad, Papa Bear said. 161 00:12:41,840 --> 00:12:47,360 Speaker 1: And cookies. She loves cookies just like I do. That's true, 162 00:12:47,480 --> 00:12:52,319 Speaker 1: you too are a lot of like. As they walked 163 00:12:52,360 --> 00:12:55,680 Speaker 1: into the bathroom, Papa Bear said, you get your friends 164 00:12:55,720 --> 00:13:00,600 Speaker 1: in your bedroom while I get your bath ready. Okay, Papa, 165 00:13:00,880 --> 00:13:04,040 Speaker 1: lots of bubbles please, Ducky thinks I need a spa 166 00:13:04,280 --> 00:13:07,920 Speaker 1: tonight after such a hard day at school, Bernice said 167 00:13:07,920 --> 00:13:13,560 Speaker 1: from her bedroom. Sitting in her bath, Bernice said, I 168 00:13:13,840 --> 00:13:18,480 Speaker 1: love bubbles, Papa. I can see that. Papa Bear said, 169 00:13:18,520 --> 00:13:21,319 Speaker 1: with a laugh, I can hardly see you for all 170 00:13:21,320 --> 00:13:27,240 Speaker 1: the bubbles. I think I am really tired, Papa, But 171 00:13:27,360 --> 00:13:29,800 Speaker 1: can you read me a story while I soak my 172 00:13:29,960 --> 00:13:36,160 Speaker 1: tired body? Asked Bernice. Ha ha ha. I love telling you stories, 173 00:13:36,200 --> 00:13:40,560 Speaker 1: little bear, but tonight, since you are tired, we just 174 00:13:40,640 --> 00:13:44,080 Speaker 1: have time for this wandering your bath, and then we 175 00:13:44,160 --> 00:13:50,200 Speaker 1: will listen to some stories together later on your speaker, okay, 176 00:13:50,240 --> 00:13:54,880 Speaker 1: Papa Bernice said with a yawn. Papa Bear took a 177 00:13:54,880 --> 00:14:00,680 Speaker 1: seat and began, Once upon a time, I'm in a 178 00:14:00,800 --> 00:14:04,720 Speaker 1: world full of magic and fun. There was a little 179 00:14:04,760 --> 00:14:09,400 Speaker 1: acorn that hung on the branch of a tree. It 180 00:14:09,480 --> 00:14:13,760 Speaker 1: had a tender green cup and a beautifully carved saucer 181 00:14:13,840 --> 00:14:18,560 Speaker 1: to hold it. The mama oak fed it every day, 182 00:14:19,520 --> 00:14:23,120 Speaker 1: The birds sang good night songs above it, and the 183 00:14:23,160 --> 00:14:29,080 Speaker 1: wind rocked it gently to and fro. The oak leaves 184 00:14:29,120 --> 00:14:32,560 Speaker 1: made a soft green shade above it, so the sun 185 00:14:32,640 --> 00:14:36,680 Speaker 1: could not shine too warm on its green cover, and 186 00:14:36,720 --> 00:14:42,400 Speaker 1: it was as happy as an acorn could be. There 187 00:14:42,440 --> 00:14:45,360 Speaker 1: were many other acorns on the tree, and I am 188 00:14:45,520 --> 00:14:49,320 Speaker 1: sure the mama tree whispered loving words to all of them. 189 00:14:51,240 --> 00:14:55,840 Speaker 1: Mama trees must be super busy, Papa. Most mamas are 190 00:14:55,960 --> 00:15:03,000 Speaker 1: little bear. Summer days were so wonderful that the acorn 191 00:15:03,120 --> 00:15:07,960 Speaker 1: never thought of anything but sunshine and an occasional shower 192 00:15:08,080 --> 00:15:12,560 Speaker 1: to wash the dust off the leaves. But the warm 193 00:15:12,680 --> 00:15:16,560 Speaker 1: days of summer end and the colorful autumn days come. 194 00:15:17,840 --> 00:15:21,120 Speaker 1: The green cup of the acorn turned to a brown cup, 195 00:15:22,040 --> 00:15:25,480 Speaker 1: and it was good that it grew stiffer and harder, 196 00:15:25,960 --> 00:15:31,520 Speaker 1: for the cool winds began to blow. The leaves turned 197 00:15:31,520 --> 00:15:35,800 Speaker 1: from green to golden brown, and some of them were 198 00:15:35,880 --> 00:15:40,160 Speaker 1: whisked away by the wind. The little acorn began to 199 00:15:40,200 --> 00:15:47,520 Speaker 1: feel uncomfortable. Can't it be summer all the time? It said, No, 200 00:15:48,160 --> 00:15:51,920 Speaker 1: whispered the mama oak. The cold days come and the 201 00:15:52,040 --> 00:15:57,640 Speaker 1: leaves and acorns change and go off on their own. Oh, 202 00:15:58,000 --> 00:16:02,800 Speaker 1: I could never leave this branch, said the acorn, So 203 00:16:02,840 --> 00:16:06,240 Speaker 1: it tried to cling all the closer to its branch, 204 00:16:07,040 --> 00:16:10,360 Speaker 1: But the leaves had already left, and some of them 205 00:16:10,520 --> 00:16:14,160 Speaker 1: had made a blanket for the brown acorns lying on 206 00:16:14,240 --> 00:16:20,840 Speaker 1: the ground. One night, the tree whispered this message to 207 00:16:20,920 --> 00:16:24,360 Speaker 1: the acorn. It's time for you to grow, little one. 208 00:16:25,040 --> 00:16:29,040 Speaker 1: Your brown shell is only the cover for a living plant, 209 00:16:29,760 --> 00:16:33,360 Speaker 1: which can never be set free until the hard shell 210 00:16:33,560 --> 00:16:38,800 Speaker 1: drops away. And that can never happen until you are 211 00:16:38,880 --> 00:16:42,040 Speaker 1: buried in the ground and wait for the spring to 212 00:16:42,160 --> 00:16:47,280 Speaker 1: call you to grow. So, little acorn, it's okay to leave, 213 00:16:48,040 --> 00:16:55,320 Speaker 1: for you will change into something wonderful. The acorn listened 214 00:16:55,560 --> 00:17:01,560 Speaker 1: and dropped to the ground. Night, a wind blew and 215 00:17:01,720 --> 00:17:06,399 Speaker 1: covered it deep under a pile of oak leaves. The 216 00:17:06,440 --> 00:17:10,800 Speaker 1: next day, a cool rain washed the leaves closer together, 217 00:17:12,080 --> 00:17:16,840 Speaker 1: and trickling streams from the hillside swept some earth over them. 218 00:17:19,000 --> 00:17:23,639 Speaker 1: The acorn was buried with soil, and then eventually a 219 00:17:23,800 --> 00:17:31,800 Speaker 1: warm blanket of snow. Spring eventually came and culled to 220 00:17:31,920 --> 00:17:35,280 Speaker 1: all the sleeping things underground to wake up and grow. 221 00:17:37,040 --> 00:17:41,040 Speaker 1: The acorn heard and tried to move, but the brown 222 00:17:41,240 --> 00:17:46,119 Speaker 1: shell held it fast. Some rain drops trickled through the 223 00:17:46,160 --> 00:17:50,720 Speaker 1: ground to moisten the shell, and one day the seed 224 00:17:51,160 --> 00:17:56,800 Speaker 1: was set free. I must grow, the acorn said. An up, 225 00:17:56,920 --> 00:18:02,399 Speaker 1: the living plant came up to the world old of sunshine. 226 00:18:02,600 --> 00:18:06,040 Speaker 1: It looked around at all the beauty of the world, 227 00:18:07,240 --> 00:18:12,359 Speaker 1: and I shall grow and grow it said. Yes, said 228 00:18:12,359 --> 00:18:16,959 Speaker 1: the mama oak, you are now an oak tree, and 229 00:18:17,000 --> 00:18:28,000 Speaker 1: the tiny oak tree was glad. Are you comfy and warm? Yes? Papa. 230 00:18:28,240 --> 00:18:31,480 Speaker 1: How about Twigger, Wolfy and Madeline? Are they comfy and 231 00:18:31,560 --> 00:18:36,960 Speaker 1: warm too? I think they are, Bernice said, with a 232 00:18:37,000 --> 00:18:42,240 Speaker 1: great big yawn. Papa Bear started yawning too, and asked, 233 00:18:42,920 --> 00:18:48,479 Speaker 1: did you know that yawns are contagious? I think so, 234 00:18:49,520 --> 00:18:54,600 Speaker 1: Bernice said with an even bigger yawn. Okay, give me 235 00:18:54,680 --> 00:18:59,280 Speaker 1: a big hug and a kiss. I love you, little bear. 236 00:19:00,960 --> 00:19:08,000 Speaker 1: I love you too, Papa. And that's the end of 237 00:19:08,040 --> 00:19:11,879 Speaker 1: our story. Good Night, sleep tight.