1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:32,120 Speaker 1: Welcome Sleep Night Stories. The story of Fido. Fido's master 2 00:00:32,760 --> 00:00:36,560 Speaker 1: had to go on a long journey across the country 3 00:00:37,000 --> 00:00:41,440 Speaker 1: to a certain town, and he was carrying with him 4 00:00:41,920 --> 00:00:46,520 Speaker 1: a large bag of gold to deposit at the bank there. 5 00:00:48,520 --> 00:00:53,239 Speaker 1: This bag he carried on his saddle, for he was riding, 6 00:00:53,880 --> 00:00:57,360 Speaker 1: as in those days there were no trains, and he 7 00:00:57,440 --> 00:01:03,800 Speaker 1: had to travel as quickly as as he could. Fido 8 00:01:04,160 --> 00:01:09,120 Speaker 1: scampered cheerfully along at the horses heels, and every now 9 00:01:09,200 --> 00:01:12,120 Speaker 1: and then the man would call out to her, and 10 00:01:12,280 --> 00:01:16,360 Speaker 1: Fido would wag her tail and bark back in answer. 11 00:01:18,680 --> 00:01:24,080 Speaker 1: The sun was hot and the road dusty, and poor 12 00:01:24,240 --> 00:01:31,720 Speaker 1: Fido's little legs grew more and more tired. At last 13 00:01:32,080 --> 00:01:39,200 Speaker 1: they came to a cool, shady wood, and her master stopped, dismounted, 14 00:01:39,840 --> 00:01:44,240 Speaker 1: and tied his horse to a tree, and took his 15 00:01:44,440 --> 00:01:51,000 Speaker 1: heavy saddle bags from the saddle. He laid them down 16 00:01:51,400 --> 00:02:00,240 Speaker 1: very carefully and pointed to them, said to Fido. Watched them. 17 00:02:01,720 --> 00:02:05,400 Speaker 1: Then he drew his cloak about him, lay down with 18 00:02:05,520 --> 00:02:13,760 Speaker 1: his head on the bags, and soon was fast asleep. 19 00:02:14,400 --> 00:02:18,680 Speaker 1: Little Fido curled herself up close to her master's head, 20 00:02:19,760 --> 00:02:23,520 Speaker 1: with her nose over one end of the bag and 21 00:02:23,680 --> 00:02:30,200 Speaker 1: went to sleep too, But she did not sleep very soundly, 22 00:02:30,880 --> 00:02:35,480 Speaker 1: for her master had told her to watch, and every 23 00:02:35,720 --> 00:02:39,920 Speaker 1: few moments she would open her eyes and prick up 24 00:02:39,919 --> 00:02:48,440 Speaker 1: her ears in case someone was coming. Her master was 25 00:02:48,639 --> 00:02:55,400 Speaker 1: tired and slept soundly and long, much longer than he 26 00:02:55,520 --> 00:03:01,920 Speaker 1: had intended. At last, he was awakeakened by Fido's licking 27 00:03:01,960 --> 00:03:06,520 Speaker 1: his face. The dog saw that the sun was nearly 28 00:03:06,600 --> 00:03:10,000 Speaker 1: setting and knew that it was time for her master 29 00:03:10,200 --> 00:03:16,240 Speaker 1: to go on his journey. The man patted Fido and 30 00:03:16,360 --> 00:03:20,799 Speaker 1: then jumped up, much troubled to find he had slept 31 00:03:20,840 --> 00:03:26,360 Speaker 1: so long. He snatched up his cloak, threw it over 32 00:03:26,440 --> 00:03:32,600 Speaker 1: his horse, untied the bridle, sprang into the saddle, and, 33 00:03:32,720 --> 00:03:39,839 Speaker 1: calling Fido, started off in great haste, but Fido did 34 00:03:39,840 --> 00:03:44,000 Speaker 1: not seem ready to follow him. She ran after the 35 00:03:44,080 --> 00:03:47,680 Speaker 1: horse and bit at his heels, and then ran back 36 00:03:47,680 --> 00:03:55,200 Speaker 1: into the woods again, all the time barking furiously. This 37 00:03:55,480 --> 00:03:59,600 Speaker 1: she did several times, but her master had no time 38 00:03:59,640 --> 00:04:06,840 Speaker 1: to hear her and galloped away, thinking she would follow him. 39 00:04:07,520 --> 00:04:11,080 Speaker 1: At last, the little dog sat down by the roadside 40 00:04:11,720 --> 00:04:15,920 Speaker 1: and looked sadly after her master until he had turned 41 00:04:15,920 --> 00:04:21,080 Speaker 1: a bend in the road. When he was no longer 42 00:04:21,120 --> 00:04:25,480 Speaker 1: in sight, she sprang up with a wild bark and 43 00:04:25,600 --> 00:04:31,560 Speaker 1: ran after him again. She overtook him just as he 44 00:04:31,640 --> 00:04:34,960 Speaker 1: had stopped to water his horse at a brook that 45 00:04:35,160 --> 00:04:40,599 Speaker 1: flowed across the road. She stood beside the brook and 46 00:04:40,800 --> 00:04:46,159 Speaker 1: barked so savagely that her master rode back and called 47 00:04:46,200 --> 00:04:51,320 Speaker 1: her to him, But instead of coming, she darted off 48 00:04:51,440 --> 00:04:59,080 Speaker 1: down the road, still barking. Her master did not know 49 00:04:59,200 --> 00:05:03,200 Speaker 1: what to think and began to fear that his dog 50 00:05:03,800 --> 00:05:09,880 Speaker 1: was going mad. Mad dogs are afraid of water and 51 00:05:10,040 --> 00:05:16,240 Speaker 1: act in strange ways when they see it. While the 52 00:05:16,320 --> 00:05:20,840 Speaker 1: man was thinking of this, Fido came running back again 53 00:05:21,520 --> 00:05:26,279 Speaker 1: and dashed at him furiously. She leaped at the legs 54 00:05:26,320 --> 00:05:30,800 Speaker 1: of his horse, and even jumped up and bit the 55 00:05:30,839 --> 00:05:35,359 Speaker 1: toe of her master's boot. Then she ran down the 56 00:05:35,440 --> 00:05:42,800 Speaker 1: road again, barking with all her might. Her master was 57 00:05:42,960 --> 00:05:47,680 Speaker 1: now sure that she was mad, and he turned to 58 00:05:47,920 --> 00:05:55,040 Speaker 1: ride away. He rode away quickly. He had not ridden 59 00:05:55,279 --> 00:06:01,400 Speaker 1: very far when he stopped. Suddenly he felt under his 60 00:06:01,640 --> 00:06:09,320 Speaker 1: coat for his saddle bags. They were not there. Could 61 00:06:09,400 --> 00:06:13,400 Speaker 1: he have dropped them, or had he left them behind 62 00:06:13,480 --> 00:06:17,799 Speaker 1: in the wood where he had rested. He felt sure 63 00:06:17,800 --> 00:06:20,559 Speaker 1: that they must be in the woods, for he could 64 00:06:20,560 --> 00:06:24,599 Speaker 1: not remember having picked them up or fastened them to 65 00:06:24,720 --> 00:06:31,320 Speaker 1: his saddle. He turned his horse and rode back again 66 00:06:32,000 --> 00:06:36,359 Speaker 1: as hard as he could. When he came to the 67 00:06:36,400 --> 00:06:41,599 Speaker 1: brooky side and thought Fido, But he looked about and 68 00:06:41,680 --> 00:06:47,880 Speaker 1: could see nothing of her. As he moved past the 69 00:06:47,960 --> 00:06:54,920 Speaker 1: brook and came closer, he now understood why little Fido 70 00:06:55,400 --> 00:07:01,320 Speaker 1: had acted so strangely. She knew that her master had 71 00:07:01,440 --> 00:07:06,760 Speaker 1: left behind his precious bags of gold, and so she 72 00:07:06,839 --> 00:07:10,720 Speaker 1: had tried to tell him in the only way she could. 73 00:07:13,200 --> 00:07:17,840 Speaker 1: At last he reached the wood, and there lay the 74 00:07:17,920 --> 00:07:22,960 Speaker 1: bags of gold, and beside them, with her little nose 75 00:07:23,120 --> 00:07:28,280 Speaker 1: lying over one end of them, lay faithful Fido