1 00:00:09,039 --> 00:00:15,640 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. A short 2 00:00:15,680 --> 00:00:20,400 Speaker 1: message for grown ups. If you get value from our stories, 3 00:00:20,920 --> 00:00:27,480 Speaker 1: please consider subscribing to sleep Type Premium. With Sleep Type Premium, 4 00:00:27,760 --> 00:00:33,000 Speaker 1: you receive four stories per week, plus super long sleep sounds, 5 00:00:33,720 --> 00:00:41,240 Speaker 1: guided meditations, music for sleep and more. Visit sleep Typepremium 6 00:00:41,280 --> 00:00:45,880 Speaker 1: dot com to subscribe. A link can also be found 7 00:00:45,920 --> 00:01:09,600 Speaker 1: in our show notes. Thank you, mister Vinegar. Mister and Missus. 8 00:01:09,280 --> 00:01:14,920 Speaker 2: Vinegar lived in a vinegar bottle now. 9 00:01:14,959 --> 00:01:20,800 Speaker 1: One day, when mister Vinegar was away from home, Missus Vinegar, 10 00:01:21,280 --> 00:01:26,000 Speaker 1: who was a very good housewife, was busy sweeping her 11 00:01:26,080 --> 00:01:31,840 Speaker 1: house when an unlucky thump of the broom brought the 12 00:01:31,880 --> 00:01:39,880 Speaker 1: whole house clitter clatter, glitter clatter down around her. In 13 00:01:39,959 --> 00:01:44,800 Speaker 1: a fit of sadness, she rushed out to meet her husband. 14 00:01:47,000 --> 00:01:51,640 Speaker 1: When she saw him, she exclaimed, oh, mister Vinegar, mister Vinegar, 15 00:01:51,680 --> 00:01:55,480 Speaker 1: we are ruined. I have knocked the house down and 16 00:01:55,560 --> 00:02:02,320 Speaker 1: it is all in pieces. Vinegar then said, my dear, 17 00:02:02,920 --> 00:02:06,080 Speaker 1: let us see what can be done. 18 00:02:06,240 --> 00:02:07,200 Speaker 2: Here is the door. 19 00:02:07,960 --> 00:02:10,919 Speaker 1: I will take it on my back and we will 20 00:02:11,040 --> 00:02:19,760 Speaker 1: go out to seek our fortune. They walked all that 21 00:02:20,000 --> 00:02:26,679 Speaker 1: day and at night entered a thick forest They were 22 00:02:26,720 --> 00:02:32,080 Speaker 1: both very, very tired, and mister Vinegar said, I will 23 00:02:32,120 --> 00:02:36,440 Speaker 1: climb up into this tree, drag up the door, and. 24 00:02:36,560 --> 00:02:42,160 Speaker 2: You can follow. He did, and they both. 25 00:02:42,040 --> 00:02:47,680 Speaker 1: Stretched their weary limbs on the door and fell fast asleep. 26 00:02:51,880 --> 00:02:55,000 Speaker 1: In the middle of the night, mister Vinegar was woken 27 00:02:55,120 --> 00:03:00,200 Speaker 1: up by the sound of voices underneath, and to his 28 00:03:00,280 --> 00:03:04,720 Speaker 1: shock and surprise, he found that it was a band 29 00:03:04,800 --> 00:03:11,480 Speaker 1: of thieves meeting to divide up their money. Here, Jack 30 00:03:12,400 --> 00:03:16,440 Speaker 1: said one, here's five pounds for you. Here, Built, there's 31 00:03:16,520 --> 00:03:20,520 Speaker 1: ten pounds for you. Here, Bob, here's three pounds for you. 32 00:03:24,000 --> 00:03:28,640 Speaker 1: Mister Vinegar could no longer listen. His fear was so 33 00:03:28,960 --> 00:03:29,960 Speaker 1: great that. 34 00:03:29,960 --> 00:03:33,880 Speaker 2: He trembled and trembled and shook. 35 00:03:34,320 --> 00:03:38,840 Speaker 1: So badly that the door fell down near the thieves 36 00:03:40,720 --> 00:03:46,120 Speaker 1: away they scampered, but mister Vinegar didn't dare to leave 37 00:03:46,240 --> 00:04:01,480 Speaker 1: the tree until broad daylight. Rambled out of the tree 38 00:04:02,000 --> 00:04:06,080 Speaker 1: and went to lift up the door. And what did 39 00:04:06,120 --> 00:04:12,200 Speaker 1: he see but a number of golden coins. Come down. 40 00:04:12,280 --> 00:04:14,920 Speaker 2: Missus Vinegar, he cried, come down. 41 00:04:15,080 --> 00:04:25,240 Speaker 1: Our fortunes made, our fortunes made, come down. Missus Vinegar 42 00:04:25,320 --> 00:04:29,000 Speaker 1: got down as fast as she could, and when she 43 00:04:29,200 --> 00:04:33,440 Speaker 1: saw the money, she jumped for joy. Now, my dear, 44 00:04:33,760 --> 00:04:37,680 Speaker 1: she said, I'll tell you what you should do. There 45 00:04:37,720 --> 00:04:41,520 Speaker 1: is a fair at the neighboring town. You should take 46 00:04:41,600 --> 00:04:43,359 Speaker 1: these forty guineas. 47 00:04:43,000 --> 00:04:44,239 Speaker 2: And buy a cow. 48 00:04:45,480 --> 00:04:48,440 Speaker 1: I can make butter and cheese, which you can sell 49 00:04:48,480 --> 00:04:51,600 Speaker 1: at the market, and then we shall be able to 50 00:04:51,720 --> 00:05:01,599 Speaker 1: live very comfortably. Mister Vinegar agreed, took the money, and 51 00:05:01,800 --> 00:05:07,160 Speaker 1: off he went to the fair. When he arrived, he 52 00:05:07,240 --> 00:05:12,960 Speaker 1: walked up and down, and at length saw a beautiful 53 00:05:13,560 --> 00:05:20,560 Speaker 1: red cow. It was an excellent milker and perfect in 54 00:05:20,760 --> 00:05:26,680 Speaker 1: every way. Oh, thought mister Vinegar. If I had that cow, 55 00:05:27,320 --> 00:05:35,000 Speaker 1: I would be the happiest man alive. So he offered 56 00:05:35,040 --> 00:05:38,400 Speaker 1: the forty guineas for the cow, and the owner said 57 00:05:38,520 --> 00:05:41,640 Speaker 1: that as he was a friend, he would be happy 58 00:05:41,680 --> 00:05:46,480 Speaker 1: to sell the cow to him. So the bargain was made, 59 00:05:46,560 --> 00:05:50,200 Speaker 1: and he got the cow and drove it backwards and 60 00:05:50,400 --> 00:05:57,800 Speaker 1: forwards to show it by and bye. He saw a 61 00:05:57,920 --> 00:06:04,120 Speaker 1: man playing the bagpipes. The children followed him around, and 62 00:06:04,240 --> 00:06:11,000 Speaker 1: he seemed to be making money everywhere he went. Well, 63 00:06:11,320 --> 00:06:15,680 Speaker 1: thought mister Vinegar, if I had that beautiful instrument, I 64 00:06:16,000 --> 00:06:20,080 Speaker 1: would be the happiest man alive. My fortune would be 65 00:06:20,160 --> 00:06:27,920 Speaker 1: made so he went up to the man. Friend, he said, 66 00:06:28,560 --> 00:06:32,520 Speaker 1: what a beautiful instrument that is, and what a lot 67 00:06:32,560 --> 00:06:37,679 Speaker 1: of money you must make. Why, yes, said the man, 68 00:06:38,160 --> 00:06:40,559 Speaker 1: I make a great deal of money, to be sure. 69 00:06:41,000 --> 00:06:46,960 Speaker 1: And it is a wonderful instrument. Oh, cried mister Vinegar. 70 00:06:47,480 --> 00:06:53,080 Speaker 1: How I should like to have it? Well, said the man, 71 00:06:53,480 --> 00:06:56,719 Speaker 1: as you are a friend, I don't much mind parting 72 00:06:56,880 --> 00:07:02,480 Speaker 1: with it. You shall have it for that cow. Done, 73 00:07:03,279 --> 00:07:07,920 Speaker 1: said the delighted mister Vinegar. So the beautiful red cow 74 00:07:08,440 --> 00:07:15,160 Speaker 1: was given for the bagpipes. He walked up and down 75 00:07:15,280 --> 00:07:19,840 Speaker 1: with his purchase, but when he tried to play a tune, 76 00:07:19,880 --> 00:07:24,720 Speaker 1: instead of making money, the boys simply followed him, hooting 77 00:07:25,520 --> 00:07:33,200 Speaker 1: and laughing. Poor mister Vinegar, his fingers grew very cold, 78 00:07:33,960 --> 00:07:37,160 Speaker 1: and just as he was leaving the town, he met 79 00:07:37,200 --> 00:07:43,120 Speaker 1: a man with a fine, thick pair of gloves. Oh, 80 00:07:43,160 --> 00:07:48,640 Speaker 1: my fingers are so very cold, said mister Vinegar to himself. 81 00:07:49,560 --> 00:07:54,520 Speaker 1: Now if I had those beautiful gloves, I would be 82 00:07:54,600 --> 00:07:59,440 Speaker 1: the happiest man alive. He went up to the man 83 00:07:59,480 --> 00:08:03,680 Speaker 1: and said to him, friend, you seem to have a 84 00:08:03,920 --> 00:08:09,040 Speaker 1: wonderful pair of gloves. There. Yes they are, said the man, 85 00:08:09,360 --> 00:08:12,160 Speaker 1: and my hands are as warm as possible this cold 86 00:08:12,240 --> 00:08:16,800 Speaker 1: November day, Well, said mister Vinegar. 87 00:08:17,440 --> 00:08:21,200 Speaker 2: I should like to have them. What will you give me? 88 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:22,560 Speaker 2: Said the man. 89 00:08:23,880 --> 00:08:26,640 Speaker 1: As you are a friend, I don't much mind letting 90 00:08:26,640 --> 00:08:32,160 Speaker 1: you have them. For those bagpipes, done, cried mister Vinegar. 91 00:08:33,200 --> 00:08:36,760 Speaker 1: He put on the gloves, and he felt perfectly happy 92 00:08:37,200 --> 00:08:45,199 Speaker 1: as he trudged homewards. At last, he grew very tired 93 00:08:45,960 --> 00:08:49,439 Speaker 1: when he saw a man coming towards him with a good, 94 00:08:50,000 --> 00:08:55,280 Speaker 1: strong stick in his hand. Oh, said mister Vinegar. If 95 00:08:55,320 --> 00:08:59,640 Speaker 1: I only had that stick, I would be the happiest 96 00:08:59,760 --> 00:09:00,840 Speaker 1: man alive. 97 00:09:02,559 --> 00:09:05,800 Speaker 2: He said to the man. Friend. What a rare good 98 00:09:05,880 --> 00:09:09,800 Speaker 2: stick you have? Yees, said the man. 99 00:09:10,360 --> 00:09:14,600 Speaker 1: I have used it for many a long mile, and 100 00:09:14,679 --> 00:09:19,000 Speaker 1: a good friend it has been. But if you would 101 00:09:19,160 --> 00:09:22,680 Speaker 1: like it, as you are a friend, I don't mind 102 00:09:22,679 --> 00:09:27,200 Speaker 1: giving it to you. For that pair of gloves. Mister 103 00:09:27,320 --> 00:09:31,800 Speaker 1: Vinegar's hands were so warm, and his legs so tired, 104 00:09:32,760 --> 00:09:39,120 Speaker 1: that he gladly made the trade. As he drew near 105 00:09:39,200 --> 00:09:42,400 Speaker 1: to the woods where he had left his wife, he 106 00:09:42,400 --> 00:09:46,360 Speaker 1: heard a parrot on a tree calling out his name. 107 00:09:50,920 --> 00:09:55,240 Speaker 1: Mister Vinegar, you silly man, you went to the fair 108 00:09:55,600 --> 00:09:59,200 Speaker 1: and paid all your money to buy a cow. Not 109 00:09:59,320 --> 00:10:02,720 Speaker 1: happy with that, you changed it for bagpipes that you 110 00:10:02,760 --> 00:10:06,040 Speaker 1: could not even play, and which were not worth one 111 00:10:06,240 --> 00:10:11,640 Speaker 1: tenth of your money. Then no sooner had you gotten 112 00:10:11,679 --> 00:10:15,840 Speaker 1: the bagpipes than you changed them for the gloves, which 113 00:10:15,880 --> 00:10:18,200 Speaker 1: were not worth one quarter of the money. 114 00:10:18,760 --> 00:10:19,640 Speaker 2: And when you had the. 115 00:10:19,600 --> 00:10:23,360 Speaker 1: Gloves, you changed them for a miserable stick. 116 00:10:24,480 --> 00:10:25,559 Speaker 2: And now you're. 117 00:10:25,440 --> 00:10:30,920 Speaker 1: Forty guineas cow bagpipes and gloves. You have nothing to 118 00:10:31,000 --> 00:10:31,480 Speaker 1: show but. 119 00:10:31,480 --> 00:10:33,560 Speaker 2: That poor miserable. 120 00:10:33,000 --> 00:10:36,400 Speaker 1: Stick, which you might as well cut it by yourself. 121 00:10:38,679 --> 00:10:43,680 Speaker 1: Saying this, the bird laughed and laughed, and mister Vinegar, 122 00:10:43,800 --> 00:10:45,839 Speaker 1: getting angry, threw the. 123 00:10:45,800 --> 00:10:46,760 Speaker 2: Stick at the bird. 124 00:10:48,760 --> 00:10:54,360 Speaker 1: The stick got stuck in the tree, and so mister 125 00:10:54,440 --> 00:11:04,160 Speaker 1: Vinegar returned to his wife without money, cow bagpipes, gloves, 126 00:11:04,320 --> 00:11:10,240 Speaker 1: or stick, and she gave him such a scolding that 127 00:11:10,360 --> 00:11:13,839 Speaker 1: he promised never to do it again.