1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:16,800 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep tight stories. Bernice gets 2 00:00:16,800 --> 00:00:20,000 Speaker 1: home early because the weather is not very good and 3 00:00:20,079 --> 00:00:24,120 Speaker 1: school is let out. She and Ethan walk home from 4 00:00:24,160 --> 00:00:28,000 Speaker 1: the boss, and Ethan invites her over to play Legos sometimes. 5 00:00:29,840 --> 00:00:34,159 Speaker 1: When Bernice arrives home, she wonders why she cannot smell 6 00:00:34,200 --> 00:00:38,199 Speaker 1: any cookies baking and asks Papa Bear if they are 7 00:00:38,240 --> 00:00:51,680 Speaker 1: having a different kind of snack that day. Bernice makes dumplings. Crunch, crunch, crunch. 8 00:00:52,479 --> 00:00:55,720 Speaker 1: Bernice's boots make a loud noise as she walks down 9 00:00:55,760 --> 00:00:58,880 Speaker 1: the street with Ethan after getting off the school boss. 10 00:01:00,760 --> 00:01:03,000 Speaker 1: Isn't it cool how we got to go home early, 11 00:01:03,560 --> 00:01:06,360 Speaker 1: Ethan said, as he tried to get his boots to 12 00:01:06,400 --> 00:01:10,720 Speaker 1: make the same sound as Bernice's. Yeah, I guess so, 13 00:01:11,360 --> 00:01:14,360 Speaker 1: But I really wanted to eat more snacks this afternoon 14 00:01:14,400 --> 00:01:18,360 Speaker 1: after lunch, and we are missing art class and that's 15 00:01:18,400 --> 00:01:24,120 Speaker 1: not fair, that's true. But guess what, Ethan said. Not 16 00:01:24,240 --> 00:01:27,640 Speaker 1: waiting for an answer, he continued, I now get to 17 00:01:27,680 --> 00:01:31,040 Speaker 1: play Lego this afternoon, and I am making a super 18 00:01:31,120 --> 00:01:35,240 Speaker 1: large castle and maybe dragons and knights will go with it. 19 00:01:37,560 --> 00:01:40,720 Speaker 1: Stopping in front of her small house, Bernice said that 20 00:01:40,880 --> 00:01:44,320 Speaker 1: sounds like a lot of fun. I don't play Lego much. 21 00:01:44,760 --> 00:01:48,200 Speaker 1: I don't know why, but maybe someday we could collaborate 22 00:01:48,320 --> 00:01:52,120 Speaker 1: or something. Sure you can come over any time you 23 00:01:52,240 --> 00:01:55,360 Speaker 1: want to play Lego. I'm sure my grandma wouldn't mind, 24 00:01:55,880 --> 00:01:59,600 Speaker 1: Ethan said as he waved goodbye. See you tomorrow, Bernice, 25 00:02:00,320 --> 00:02:03,600 Speaker 1: see you later. Bernice yelled as she walked up the 26 00:02:03,600 --> 00:02:09,799 Speaker 1: steps of her small house and opened the front door. Hi, 27 00:02:09,880 --> 00:02:14,920 Speaker 1: Papa and Cookie, I'm home, Bernice said, quickly closing the 28 00:02:14,960 --> 00:02:19,520 Speaker 1: door to not let all the warm air escape. Papa, 29 00:02:20,000 --> 00:02:22,920 Speaker 1: how come I don't smell any cookies today? Are we 30 00:02:22,960 --> 00:02:26,400 Speaker 1: having a different snack? She said as she sat down 31 00:02:26,480 --> 00:02:32,280 Speaker 1: to take off her snow boots. It's super duper warm outside. 32 00:02:32,520 --> 00:02:35,239 Speaker 1: You are home, early, little bear. I haven't had the 33 00:02:35,360 --> 00:02:38,600 Speaker 1: chance to put the cookies in the oven yet. When 34 00:02:38,639 --> 00:02:41,600 Speaker 1: you have taken off your outside clothes, come into the 35 00:02:41,720 --> 00:02:44,680 Speaker 1: kitchen and you can help me, Papa Bear said in 36 00:02:44,720 --> 00:02:50,280 Speaker 1: his deep voice. As Bernice struggled to take off her 37 00:02:50,320 --> 00:02:53,960 Speaker 1: stubborn snow boots, Cookie came running around the corner to 38 00:02:54,000 --> 00:02:58,360 Speaker 1: greet her. Hi, Cookie, I'm happy you came to greet 39 00:02:58,360 --> 00:03:01,880 Speaker 1: me from your new hiding place. You are a super 40 00:03:01,919 --> 00:03:05,359 Speaker 1: good hider, and I haven't found your new spot yet, 41 00:03:06,120 --> 00:03:11,960 Speaker 1: Cookie purred as Bernice pet her. Cookie's fur was really soft. 42 00:03:12,680 --> 00:03:16,240 Speaker 1: Did you miss me today? I missed you very very much. 43 00:03:16,960 --> 00:03:19,360 Speaker 1: I would give you a great big hug, but I 44 00:03:19,480 --> 00:03:22,480 Speaker 1: know you don't like being squeezed, so I'll just give 45 00:03:22,520 --> 00:03:30,480 Speaker 1: you some more pets. Cookie purred even louder after she 46 00:03:30,600 --> 00:03:34,280 Speaker 1: pet Cookie. Bernice removed the rest of her outside clothes 47 00:03:34,320 --> 00:03:38,400 Speaker 1: and hung them up in the closet. Running into the kitchen, 48 00:03:38,440 --> 00:03:42,120 Speaker 1: she said, are you surprised to see me home so early? Papa? 49 00:03:42,720 --> 00:03:46,200 Speaker 1: I think Cookie was. Maybe I should have come into 50 00:03:46,280 --> 00:03:48,960 Speaker 1: the house sneakily and scared you with a big roar. 51 00:03:49,920 --> 00:03:52,720 Speaker 1: A big roar would be scary. I might think that 52 00:03:52,800 --> 00:03:56,360 Speaker 1: Cookie had a tiger friend visiting, Papa Bear said, laughing. 53 00:03:57,440 --> 00:04:00,760 Speaker 1: I knew you were coming home, little Bear. The weather 54 00:04:00,880 --> 00:04:03,760 Speaker 1: is supposed to change and the roads might not be 55 00:04:04,000 --> 00:04:07,280 Speaker 1: very safe to drive on, so the school likes to 56 00:04:07,280 --> 00:04:11,160 Speaker 1: make sure the kids get home safe. But it's sunny 57 00:04:11,160 --> 00:04:14,400 Speaker 1: and warm right now, Papa. It's perfect weather to go 58 00:04:14,480 --> 00:04:20,039 Speaker 1: outside and play. That's sometimes the way it goes. It's 59 00:04:20,120 --> 00:04:23,520 Speaker 1: hard to predict the weather, but it's supposed to rain 60 00:04:23,839 --> 00:04:27,760 Speaker 1: and then get very cold, so that makes driving dangerous. 61 00:04:28,920 --> 00:04:32,440 Speaker 1: We have been having some crazy weather this winter so far, 62 00:04:33,120 --> 00:04:36,400 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said, as he puts some finishing touches to 63 00:04:36,480 --> 00:04:41,760 Speaker 1: a tray of cookies. It has been super crazy. Papa 64 00:04:42,760 --> 00:04:45,240 Speaker 1: Ethan and I walked together for a bit, and he 65 00:04:45,440 --> 00:04:47,599 Speaker 1: said he thought it was cool to have the extra 66 00:04:47,680 --> 00:04:50,800 Speaker 1: time off because he wanted to go to his grandma's 67 00:04:50,839 --> 00:04:54,840 Speaker 1: house and make a castle out of lego. But I 68 00:04:54,880 --> 00:04:57,880 Speaker 1: am kind of sad to miss art class because we 69 00:04:58,040 --> 00:05:01,400 Speaker 1: were going to make some fun stuff. Oh and he 70 00:05:01,520 --> 00:05:06,640 Speaker 1: invited me to come over anytime I want. Is that okay, Papa? 71 00:05:06,800 --> 00:05:09,120 Speaker 1: We would have to check with his parents first, but 72 00:05:09,720 --> 00:05:11,800 Speaker 1: it's fine with us for you to play with friends 73 00:05:11,839 --> 00:05:16,080 Speaker 1: after school. Well, I might come home first and get 74 00:05:16,080 --> 00:05:20,599 Speaker 1: some cookies, Bernice said, laughing. You could take some with 75 00:05:20,680 --> 00:05:24,320 Speaker 1: you to share. I've just put some cookies into the oven. 76 00:05:24,920 --> 00:05:26,880 Speaker 1: Why don't you wash your hands and have a seat 77 00:05:26,920 --> 00:05:30,040 Speaker 1: at the table. I'll get you a glass of milk, 78 00:05:30,440 --> 00:05:33,160 Speaker 1: and when the cookies are ready, we can eat them 79 00:05:33,200 --> 00:05:40,080 Speaker 1: when they are still warm. After she washed her hands, 80 00:05:40,200 --> 00:05:44,200 Speaker 1: Bernice first had a glass of water. She was very thirsty. 81 00:05:45,480 --> 00:05:49,440 Speaker 1: Those cookies in the oven smell super yummy already, and 82 00:05:49,560 --> 00:05:52,880 Speaker 1: I think my stomach is starting to make gurgling noises. 83 00:05:53,640 --> 00:05:57,080 Speaker 1: I hope they are ready soon. It's really fun to 84 00:05:57,120 --> 00:06:00,279 Speaker 1: eat chocolate chip cookies when the chips are still warm 85 00:06:00,360 --> 00:06:06,200 Speaker 1: and gooey. They will be ready soon. Good things come 86 00:06:06,279 --> 00:06:10,200 Speaker 1: to those who wait. Now, why don't you tell me 87 00:06:10,240 --> 00:06:14,880 Speaker 1: about your day, little bear? What was too bad was 88 00:06:14,960 --> 00:06:18,320 Speaker 1: that today at school we were learning about the Lunar 89 00:06:18,360 --> 00:06:21,800 Speaker 1: holiday and in art class we were supposed to make 90 00:06:21,880 --> 00:06:26,440 Speaker 1: some decorations. I'm not sure we will still have time now, Papa, 91 00:06:27,320 --> 00:06:32,200 Speaker 1: but we did do something cool before lunch. What was that, 92 00:06:32,680 --> 00:06:35,120 Speaker 1: Papa Bear asked, as he got up to look at 93 00:06:35,160 --> 00:06:38,159 Speaker 1: the cookies in the oven to make sure they didn't burn. 94 00:06:40,040 --> 00:06:43,640 Speaker 1: Because it's the Lunar holiday, one of our teachers took 95 00:06:43,680 --> 00:06:46,480 Speaker 1: our class into the classroom with the kitchen in it 96 00:06:46,880 --> 00:06:50,719 Speaker 1: and taught us how to make dumplings. It was super fun, 97 00:06:51,680 --> 00:06:54,520 Speaker 1: but we had to wash our hands and wear special 98 00:06:54,600 --> 00:07:00,839 Speaker 1: plastic gloves for sanitary reasons. Then after we were done, 99 00:07:01,040 --> 00:07:05,119 Speaker 1: we washed our hands again. Bobby got in trouble because 100 00:07:05,120 --> 00:07:07,600 Speaker 1: he wiped his nose with his hand and then he 101 00:07:07,680 --> 00:07:11,600 Speaker 1: made a dumpling. He wasn't allowed to make them anymore. 102 00:07:12,040 --> 00:07:15,760 Speaker 1: But he didn't mind too much because after we made them, 103 00:07:16,080 --> 00:07:19,679 Speaker 1: he still got to eat some. They were super yummy. 104 00:07:20,200 --> 00:07:24,840 Speaker 1: I think I love dumplings. I love dumplings too, Little Bear, 105 00:07:25,000 --> 00:07:27,880 Speaker 1: but I don't think I have ever made them. Maybe 106 00:07:27,920 --> 00:07:32,280 Speaker 1: you can teach me how sometime. Yeah, okay, I think 107 00:07:32,320 --> 00:07:35,640 Speaker 1: with some practice, I will be an expert. But you 108 00:07:35,760 --> 00:07:39,400 Speaker 1: have to be super careful because the thin skin that 109 00:07:39,560 --> 00:07:42,240 Speaker 1: is made out of flour kind of looks like your 110 00:07:42,320 --> 00:07:46,360 Speaker 1: thin cookies. But they are super elastic and are easy 111 00:07:46,400 --> 00:07:50,400 Speaker 1: to break. After you fill them with stuff, you have 112 00:07:50,480 --> 00:07:54,440 Speaker 1: to close them by pressing the edges together. I think 113 00:07:54,560 --> 00:07:57,560 Speaker 1: only half of what the class made turned out, but 114 00:07:57,640 --> 00:08:02,040 Speaker 1: the teacher was pretty happy, I think. But what Bobby 115 00:08:02,120 --> 00:08:05,120 Speaker 1: didn't know was that the filling in the dumplings had 116 00:08:05,200 --> 00:08:09,080 Speaker 1: carrots in them. The teacher said that the filling of 117 00:08:09,120 --> 00:08:12,240 Speaker 1: the dumplings she makes at home as a mixture of 118 00:08:12,280 --> 00:08:17,200 Speaker 1: minced meat and finally chopped vegetables. This time it was 119 00:08:17,480 --> 00:08:23,480 Speaker 1: just vegetables, cabbage, chives, and carrots. After Bobby found out, 120 00:08:24,040 --> 00:08:28,560 Speaker 1: he started making pretend fart noises because he thinks carrots 121 00:08:28,640 --> 00:08:34,960 Speaker 1: cause farts. Oh that Bobby, Papa Bear said, with a sigh. 122 00:08:37,720 --> 00:08:39,880 Speaker 1: So what are you going to do for the rest 123 00:08:39,880 --> 00:08:44,160 Speaker 1: of the afternoon, Papa Bear asked, After I eat your 124 00:08:44,200 --> 00:08:47,600 Speaker 1: delicious cookies, I think I will look for cookies secret 125 00:08:47,679 --> 00:08:51,440 Speaker 1: hiding place again, I haven't found it yet. Then I 126 00:08:51,480 --> 00:08:54,520 Speaker 1: will read a book. Do you want to help me 127 00:08:54,600 --> 00:08:58,480 Speaker 1: later to make a salad for dinner? Sure, Papa, I'm 128 00:08:58,520 --> 00:09:07,480 Speaker 1: a good helper. I think it's that time, Papa, said Bernice. 129 00:09:07,840 --> 00:09:11,440 Speaker 1: And what time is that, little Bear? Papa Bear replied, 130 00:09:12,200 --> 00:09:16,040 Speaker 1: the time you tell me a story. And remember you 131 00:09:16,200 --> 00:09:21,040 Speaker 1: promised me a booboo and Kai Kai story. I haven't forgotten. 132 00:09:21,559 --> 00:09:24,760 Speaker 1: But are you sure you can stay awake, Papa Bear asked, 133 00:09:25,720 --> 00:09:29,280 Speaker 1: I think so, Papa, Bernice said, with a great big yawn. 134 00:09:31,080 --> 00:09:33,000 Speaker 1: Did you do all the things you need to do 135 00:09:33,080 --> 00:09:37,440 Speaker 1: before bed? I had a soapy bath, put on my 136 00:09:37,559 --> 00:09:42,079 Speaker 1: warm pajamas, brushed my teeth, and even did some stretches. 137 00:09:43,840 --> 00:09:47,040 Speaker 1: Did you put your stinky socks in the laundry? My 138 00:09:47,280 --> 00:09:52,280 Speaker 1: socks aren't stinky, but I did put them away. Are 139 00:09:52,280 --> 00:09:57,760 Speaker 1: you comfy, yes, Papa. How about Twiggle, Wolfy and Madeleine? 140 00:09:58,160 --> 00:10:01,960 Speaker 1: Are they ready for the story too? They say they 141 00:10:02,000 --> 00:10:07,320 Speaker 1: are ready, and Cookie looks ready too. Okay, give me 142 00:10:07,360 --> 00:10:09,520 Speaker 1: a hug and a kiss, and I'll tell you a 143 00:10:09,600 --> 00:10:19,840 Speaker 1: short story. Thank you, Papa. Once upon a time, in 144 00:10:19,920 --> 00:10:23,240 Speaker 1: a world full of magic and fun, there lived a 145 00:10:23,280 --> 00:10:28,160 Speaker 1: brave little bear named Booboo. She lived in a large 146 00:10:28,240 --> 00:10:31,880 Speaker 1: castle at the edge of a mystical forest. And in 147 00:10:31,920 --> 00:10:37,760 Speaker 1: this forest there were unicorns, fairies, gnomes, and all manner 148 00:10:37,840 --> 00:10:42,720 Speaker 1: of insects, birds and animals. It was a wonderful place. 149 00:10:45,200 --> 00:10:48,320 Speaker 1: Her best friend was a young dragon called Kai Kai, 150 00:10:48,760 --> 00:10:51,560 Speaker 1: and they liked to play as much as they could. 151 00:10:53,000 --> 00:10:55,600 Speaker 1: The kingdom they lived in was full of people who 152 00:10:55,640 --> 00:10:58,720 Speaker 1: lived in the meadows, those who lived in the hills, 153 00:10:59,320 --> 00:11:02,520 Speaker 1: and those that lived in the forest, and they all 154 00:11:02,600 --> 00:11:08,640 Speaker 1: lived in harmony. On this day, Booboo and Kai Kai 155 00:11:08,760 --> 00:11:12,360 Speaker 1: were meeting at Booboo's castle garden so that they could 156 00:11:12,400 --> 00:11:17,320 Speaker 1: attend a celebration together. It was a celebration by one 157 00:11:17,360 --> 00:11:21,400 Speaker 1: of the dragon clans, and because it involved lots of food, 158 00:11:22,160 --> 00:11:27,560 Speaker 1: Kai Kai was very excited. Hurry, Booboo, Hop on my back. 159 00:11:27,840 --> 00:11:30,720 Speaker 1: We don't want to be late. My cousin is going 160 00:11:31,080 --> 00:11:33,760 Speaker 1: and if she gets there before us, there will be 161 00:11:33,840 --> 00:11:38,320 Speaker 1: no food left. I'm going as fast as i can. 162 00:11:38,440 --> 00:11:42,320 Speaker 1: Kai Kai Booboo said, as she climbed on Kai Kai's back. 163 00:11:43,480 --> 00:11:46,080 Speaker 1: They will save some food for you. You don't need 164 00:11:46,120 --> 00:11:50,680 Speaker 1: to worry. Yes, but my cousin likes the same things 165 00:11:50,720 --> 00:11:53,439 Speaker 1: that I do, and I know she will eat all 166 00:11:53,520 --> 00:11:58,800 Speaker 1: the triple chocolate. Oh, Kai Kai, you and your stomach. 167 00:11:59,360 --> 00:12:03,720 Speaker 1: Booboo gig as she settled on Kai Kai's back. Let's 168 00:12:03,800 --> 00:12:10,120 Speaker 1: go quickly so you can have your triple chocolate. With 169 00:12:10,240 --> 00:12:14,360 Speaker 1: a gentle flap of his wings, Kaikai lifted into the air, 170 00:12:15,000 --> 00:12:19,240 Speaker 1: soaring above the castle, the garden, and the tops of 171 00:12:19,280 --> 00:12:24,680 Speaker 1: the trees in the Mystical forest. The wind whistled past them, 172 00:12:25,080 --> 00:12:28,840 Speaker 1: and Bobu laughed. It was always fun to fly with 173 00:12:28,960 --> 00:12:35,000 Speaker 1: Kaikai below them. The mystical forest was alive with color 174 00:12:35,040 --> 00:12:40,520 Speaker 1: and movement. Unicorns pranced in the meadows, and fairies danced 175 00:12:40,559 --> 00:12:46,160 Speaker 1: among the flowers. Kaikai flew extra fast, and with Booboo 176 00:12:46,280 --> 00:12:50,200 Speaker 1: hanging on tight, they soon arrived at the dragon's celebration. 177 00:12:51,440 --> 00:12:55,560 Speaker 1: It was a wonderful sight. Dragons of all colors and 178 00:12:55,640 --> 00:13:00,680 Speaker 1: sizes and for many different clans were gathered. Some were 179 00:13:00,720 --> 00:13:04,920 Speaker 1: breathing colorful flames that lit up the sky like fireworks. 180 00:13:05,480 --> 00:13:09,959 Speaker 1: The smell of delicious food filled the air, making Booboo's 181 00:13:10,040 --> 00:13:17,000 Speaker 1: mouth water and Kai Kai's stomach grumble. Kai Kai landed 182 00:13:17,040 --> 00:13:21,719 Speaker 1: gracefully and they hurried to the feast. There were mountains 183 00:13:21,760 --> 00:13:26,199 Speaker 1: of fruit, towers of cakes, and, to Kai Kai's delight, 184 00:13:26,880 --> 00:13:33,280 Speaker 1: a whole section of triple chocolate treats. Cousin Kai Kai 185 00:13:33,320 --> 00:13:38,080 Speaker 1: called out, spotting her near the chocolate. She waved at them, 186 00:13:38,400 --> 00:13:42,800 Speaker 1: a big chocolatey smile on her face. I saved some 187 00:13:43,040 --> 00:13:46,720 Speaker 1: for you, Kai Kai, she shouted over the music. I 188 00:13:46,920 --> 00:13:52,520 Speaker 1: know how much you love it. Kai Kai beamed and 189 00:13:52,640 --> 00:13:57,480 Speaker 1: thanked his cousin. Then he filled his supersized bowl and 190 00:13:57,520 --> 00:14:01,080 Speaker 1: Boboo filled her plate with yummy food and found a 191 00:14:01,120 --> 00:14:05,560 Speaker 1: spot to sit and enjoy the feast. This almost beats 192 00:14:05,679 --> 00:14:08,960 Speaker 1: visiting a grove of chocolate trees, Kai Kai said, his 193 00:14:09,160 --> 00:14:13,400 Speaker 1: mouth full of triple chocolate. I don't really know much 194 00:14:13,440 --> 00:14:17,240 Speaker 1: about this celebration, Kai Kai. Does the clan just hold 195 00:14:17,280 --> 00:14:21,240 Speaker 1: this feast for a chance to eat and have fun. Well, 196 00:14:21,840 --> 00:14:24,840 Speaker 1: that's my favorite part, Kai Kai said, with a laugh. 197 00:14:25,440 --> 00:14:28,560 Speaker 1: But the celebration is not just about fun and feasting. 198 00:14:29,240 --> 00:14:32,040 Speaker 1: It's a time for all dragons and creatures of the 199 00:14:32,120 --> 00:14:38,000 Speaker 1: kingdom to come together in harmony and friendship. It reinforces 200 00:14:38,040 --> 00:14:41,800 Speaker 1: the unity and peace of the kingdom and celebrates all 201 00:14:41,920 --> 00:14:46,240 Speaker 1: our differences. Of course, it wouldn't be the same without 202 00:14:46,280 --> 00:14:54,080 Speaker 1: the triple chocolate. Ha ha. It certainly is tasty. As 203 00:14:54,120 --> 00:14:57,680 Speaker 1: Booboo and Kai Kai continued to eat, they talked and 204 00:14:57,840 --> 00:15:01,040 Speaker 1: laughed with the other dragons and creatures who came to 205 00:15:01,080 --> 00:15:06,720 Speaker 1: say hello. After they had eaten, the music started and 206 00:15:06,920 --> 00:15:11,920 Speaker 1: everyone began to dance. Bubu and Kai Ki stayed to watch. 207 00:15:13,080 --> 00:15:16,080 Speaker 1: Bobo was a bit shy to dance, and Kai Ki 208 00:15:16,160 --> 00:15:18,600 Speaker 1: was scared he would fall and knock over the tables 209 00:15:18,600 --> 00:15:23,160 Speaker 1: of food. Booboo thought it was the best party she 210 00:15:23,200 --> 00:15:28,480 Speaker 1: had ever been to. As the party ended, Bubu and 211 00:15:28,560 --> 00:15:32,560 Speaker 1: Kai Kai said their goodbyes and flew back to the castle, 212 00:15:33,120 --> 00:15:38,880 Speaker 1: their stomachs full of chocolate treats. That was a lot 213 00:15:38,960 --> 00:15:42,320 Speaker 1: of fun, Boobo said, as they landed softly in the garden. 214 00:15:43,320 --> 00:15:46,880 Speaker 1: It sure was agreed, Kai Kai and I got to 215 00:15:46,920 --> 00:15:55,560 Speaker 1: eat triple chocolate. And with that, Papa Bear gave Bernice 216 00:15:55,600 --> 00:15:59,720 Speaker 1: a kiss on her forehead, adjusted her blanket, turned off 217 00:15:59,720 --> 00:16:03,920 Speaker 1: her life lamp, and quietly whispered, I love you, little Bear. 218 00:16:08,720 --> 00:16:12,400 Speaker 1: And that is the end of our story. Good Night, 219 00:16:13,440 --> 00:16:14,120 Speaker 1: sleep tight.