1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:15,840 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories for extra 2 00:00:15,960 --> 00:00:22,239 Speaker 1: bedtime stories, mindfulness activities, and sound and music for sleep. 3 00:00:22,800 --> 00:00:28,400 Speaker 1: Please consider subscribing to sleep Tight Premium. Visit sleep Tightpremium 4 00:00:28,520 --> 00:00:36,720 Speaker 1: dot com to start a free trial. Thank you. I'd 5 00:00:36,760 --> 00:00:40,440 Speaker 1: like to say a great, big happy birthday wish to 6 00:00:40,600 --> 00:00:46,880 Speaker 1: Oliver and Rosemary who are turning six years old. Happy 7 00:00:46,920 --> 00:00:54,000 Speaker 1: birthday to you. I hope you have a very special day. 8 00:00:59,080 --> 00:01:03,280 Speaker 1: Today's story is about Spotty the turtle and the other 9 00:01:03,400 --> 00:01:07,920 Speaker 1: animals that live in or around the Green Meadows and 10 00:01:08,040 --> 00:01:14,679 Speaker 1: the Smiling Pool. Some of the animals are arguing about 11 00:01:14,800 --> 00:01:18,720 Speaker 1: who is fastest, so they decide to have a race. 12 00:01:19,400 --> 00:01:23,640 Speaker 1: That's said is the only true way to see who 13 00:01:23,800 --> 00:01:31,400 Speaker 1: is the fastest. Peter Rabbit, Reddy Fox, and Billy Mink 14 00:01:31,680 --> 00:01:35,119 Speaker 1: are all ready to start their race when they see 15 00:01:35,280 --> 00:01:38,880 Speaker 1: Spotty the turtle and ask him if he would like 16 00:01:38,959 --> 00:01:45,160 Speaker 1: to join the race. Spotty thinks why not, and off 17 00:01:45,280 --> 00:01:57,600 Speaker 1: they go. Let's see who will win the race. Spotty 18 00:01:57,720 --> 00:02:04,320 Speaker 1: the Turtle wins a race. All the little people who 19 00:02:04,360 --> 00:02:07,720 Speaker 1: live on the Green Meadows and in the Smiling Pool 20 00:02:08,200 --> 00:02:12,320 Speaker 1: and along the Laughing Brook were to have a holiday. 21 00:02:14,320 --> 00:02:18,160 Speaker 1: The merry little breezes of old Mother west Wind had 22 00:02:18,200 --> 00:02:24,120 Speaker 1: been very busy, oh very busy indeed, in sending word 23 00:02:24,280 --> 00:02:29,960 Speaker 1: to all the little meadow folks. You see, Peter Rabbit 24 00:02:30,040 --> 00:02:34,919 Speaker 1: had been boasting of how fast he could run. Reddy 25 00:02:35,040 --> 00:02:38,400 Speaker 1: Fox was quite sure that he could run faster than 26 00:02:38,440 --> 00:02:44,240 Speaker 1: Peter Rabbit. Billy Mink, who can move so quickly you 27 00:02:44,320 --> 00:02:49,160 Speaker 1: can hardly see him, was quite sure that neither Peter 28 00:02:49,400 --> 00:02:54,760 Speaker 1: Rabbit nor Reddy Fox could run as fast as he could. 29 00:02:56,360 --> 00:03:00,360 Speaker 1: They all met one day beside the smiling pool and 30 00:03:00,480 --> 00:03:11,399 Speaker 1: agreed that old Grandfather Frog should decide who was the swiftest. Now, 31 00:03:11,480 --> 00:03:17,799 Speaker 1: Grandfather Frog was considered very wise, you see, he had 32 00:03:17,919 --> 00:03:23,800 Speaker 1: lived a long time, oh very much longer than all 33 00:03:23,919 --> 00:03:29,639 Speaker 1: of the others, and therefore, because of the wisdom of age, 34 00:03:29,680 --> 00:03:34,960 Speaker 1: Grandfather Frog was always called on to decide all disputes. 35 00:03:36,680 --> 00:03:40,040 Speaker 1: He sat on his green lily pad, while Billy Mink 36 00:03:40,480 --> 00:03:44,440 Speaker 1: sat on the big rock, and Peter Rabbit and Reddy 37 00:03:44,520 --> 00:03:50,520 Speaker 1: Fox sat on the bank. Each in turn told why 38 00:03:50,640 --> 00:03:57,800 Speaker 1: he thought he was the fastest. Old Grandfather Frog listened 39 00:03:58,480 --> 00:04:03,480 Speaker 1: and listened, and said never a word until they were 40 00:04:03,640 --> 00:04:09,760 Speaker 1: all through. When they had finished, he stopped to catch 41 00:04:09,800 --> 00:04:15,560 Speaker 1: a silly green fly and then he said, the best 42 00:04:15,600 --> 00:04:19,679 Speaker 1: way to decide who is the swiftest is to have 43 00:04:20,200 --> 00:04:28,200 Speaker 1: a race. So it was agreed that Peter Rabbit and 44 00:04:28,360 --> 00:04:33,200 Speaker 1: Reddy Fox and Billy Mink should start together from the 45 00:04:33,400 --> 00:04:38,279 Speaker 1: old butternut tree on one edge of the green meadows, 46 00:04:39,000 --> 00:04:42,719 Speaker 1: race away across the green meadows to the little hill 47 00:04:42,839 --> 00:04:46,920 Speaker 1: on the other side, and each bring back a nut 48 00:04:47,200 --> 00:04:52,120 Speaker 1: from the big hickory which grew there. The one who 49 00:04:52,279 --> 00:04:56,800 Speaker 1: first reached the old butternut tree with a hickory nut 50 00:04:56,960 --> 00:05:03,280 Speaker 1: would be declared the winner. The little Mary Breezes flew 51 00:05:03,360 --> 00:05:07,479 Speaker 1: about over the green meadows telling everyone about the race, 52 00:05:08,120 --> 00:05:16,480 Speaker 1: and everyone planned to be there. It was a beautiful 53 00:05:16,640 --> 00:05:23,000 Speaker 1: summer day. Mister Son smiled and smiled, and the more 54 00:05:23,080 --> 00:05:29,240 Speaker 1: he smiled, the warmer it grew. Everyone was there to 55 00:05:29,320 --> 00:05:36,159 Speaker 1: see the race. Striped Chipmunk, Happy Jack Squirrel, Sammy Jay, 56 00:05:37,080 --> 00:05:42,520 Speaker 1: Blackie the Crow, Hooty the Owl, and Bobby all sat 57 00:05:42,680 --> 00:05:46,520 Speaker 1: up in the old butternut tree where it was cool 58 00:05:46,839 --> 00:05:55,560 Speaker 1: and shady. Johnny Chuck, Jerry Muskrat, Jimmy Skunk, Little Joe Otter, 59 00:05:56,440 --> 00:06:01,320 Speaker 1: Grandfather Frog, and even old Missus mister Toad were there. 60 00:06:03,000 --> 00:06:09,719 Speaker 1: Last of all came Spotty the Turtle. Now, Spotty the 61 00:06:09,760 --> 00:06:15,520 Speaker 1: Turtle is a very slow walker, and he cannot run 62 00:06:15,640 --> 00:06:21,400 Speaker 1: at all. When Peter Rabbit saw him coming up towards 63 00:06:21,400 --> 00:06:26,680 Speaker 1: the old butternut tree, he shouted, come, Spotty, don't you 64 00:06:26,760 --> 00:06:33,159 Speaker 1: want to race with us? Everybody laughed, because you know, 65 00:06:33,600 --> 00:06:39,880 Speaker 1: Spotty is so very, very slow. But Spotty didn't laugh, 66 00:06:40,360 --> 00:06:45,960 Speaker 1: and he didn't get angry because everyone else laughed. There 67 00:06:46,080 --> 00:06:51,080 Speaker 1: is a wise old saying, Peter Rabbit, said, Spotty the turtle, 68 00:06:51,720 --> 00:06:57,040 Speaker 1: which shows that those who run fastest do not always 69 00:06:57,160 --> 00:07:03,039 Speaker 1: reach a place first. I think I will enter this race. 70 00:07:05,240 --> 00:07:09,000 Speaker 1: Everyone thought that that was the best joke they had 71 00:07:09,040 --> 00:07:14,200 Speaker 1: heard for a long time, and all laughed harder than ever. 72 00:07:15,520 --> 00:07:19,920 Speaker 1: They all agreed that Spotty the Turtle should start in 73 00:07:20,040 --> 00:07:28,320 Speaker 1: the race too, so they all stood in a row, 74 00:07:29,320 --> 00:07:34,840 Speaker 1: Peter Rabbit first, then Billy Mink, then Reddy Fox, and 75 00:07:34,920 --> 00:07:38,520 Speaker 1: at the right side of Reddy Fox Spotty the Turtle. 76 00:07:40,160 --> 00:07:47,520 Speaker 1: Are you ready, asked Grandfather Frog. Go Away went Peter 77 00:07:47,760 --> 00:07:53,960 Speaker 1: Rabbit with great big jumps. After him went Billy Mink, 78 00:07:54,680 --> 00:07:58,600 Speaker 1: so fast that there was just a little brown streak 79 00:07:59,240 --> 00:08:03,120 Speaker 1: going through through the tall grass, and side by side 80 00:08:03,160 --> 00:08:10,200 Speaker 1: with him ran Reddy Fox. Now, just as they started, 81 00:08:10,840 --> 00:08:15,320 Speaker 1: Spotty the Turtle reached up and grabbed the long hair 82 00:08:15,920 --> 00:08:21,520 Speaker 1: at the end of Reddy's big tail. Of course, Reddy 83 00:08:21,600 --> 00:08:25,880 Speaker 1: couldn't have stopped to shake him off, because Peter Rabbit 84 00:08:26,120 --> 00:08:30,040 Speaker 1: and Billy Mink were running so fast that he had 85 00:08:30,080 --> 00:08:33,280 Speaker 1: to run his very best to keep up with them. 86 00:08:34,280 --> 00:08:38,480 Speaker 1: But he didn't even know that Spotty the turtle was there. 87 00:08:39,520 --> 00:08:44,440 Speaker 1: You see, Spotty is not very heavy, and Reddy Fox 88 00:08:44,600 --> 00:08:48,200 Speaker 1: was so excited that he did not notice that his 89 00:08:48,320 --> 00:08:56,280 Speaker 1: big tail was heavier than usual. The merry little breezes 90 00:08:56,440 --> 00:08:59,920 Speaker 1: flew along too, to see that the race was fair. 91 00:09:01,400 --> 00:09:06,840 Speaker 1: Peter Rabbit went with great big jumps. Whenever he came 92 00:09:06,880 --> 00:09:10,679 Speaker 1: to a little bush, he jumped right over it or 93 00:09:10,760 --> 00:09:16,800 Speaker 1: Peter Rabbit's legs are long and meant for jumping. Billy 94 00:09:16,880 --> 00:09:20,599 Speaker 1: Mink is so slim that he slipped between the bushes 95 00:09:21,040 --> 00:09:25,199 Speaker 1: and through the long grass like a little brown streak. 96 00:09:27,760 --> 00:09:31,920 Speaker 1: Reddy Fox, who was bigger than either Peter Rabbit or 97 00:09:31,960 --> 00:09:35,600 Speaker 1: Billy Mink, had no trouble in keeping up with them. 98 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:41,200 Speaker 1: Not one of them noticed that Spotty the turtle was 99 00:09:41,240 --> 00:09:48,440 Speaker 1: hanging fast to the end of Reddy's tail. Now, just 100 00:09:48,520 --> 00:09:51,160 Speaker 1: at the foot of the little hill on which the 101 00:09:51,200 --> 00:09:56,559 Speaker 1: big hickory tree grew was a little pond. It wasn't 102 00:09:56,679 --> 00:10:02,800 Speaker 1: very wide, but it was quite long. Billy Mink remembered 103 00:10:02,840 --> 00:10:07,559 Speaker 1: this pond, and he chuckled to himself as he raced along, 104 00:10:08,520 --> 00:10:12,960 Speaker 1: for he knew that Peter Rabbit couldn't swim, and he 105 00:10:13,040 --> 00:10:19,080 Speaker 1: knew that Reddy Fox doesn't like the water, so therefore 106 00:10:19,880 --> 00:10:24,480 Speaker 1: both would have to run around it. He himself can 107 00:10:24,559 --> 00:10:29,360 Speaker 1: swim even faster than he can run. The more he 108 00:10:29,480 --> 00:10:33,040 Speaker 1: thought of this, the more silly it seemed that he 109 00:10:33,080 --> 00:10:39,839 Speaker 1: should hurry so on such a warm day, four, said 110 00:10:39,880 --> 00:10:44,400 Speaker 1: Billy Mink to himself, Even if they reached the pond first, 111 00:10:45,000 --> 00:10:48,440 Speaker 1: they will have to run around it, while I can 112 00:10:48,480 --> 00:10:52,320 Speaker 1: swim across it and cool off while I am swimming, 113 00:10:53,240 --> 00:10:58,240 Speaker 1: I will surely get there first. So Billy Mink ran 114 00:10:58,400 --> 00:11:04,240 Speaker 1: slower and slower, and pretty soon he had dropped behind 115 00:11:06,480 --> 00:11:13,000 Speaker 1: mister sun Round and red looking down, smiled and smiled 116 00:11:13,040 --> 00:11:18,000 Speaker 1: to see the race. The more he smiled, the warmer 117 00:11:18,080 --> 00:11:24,240 Speaker 1: it grew. Now Peter Rabbit had a thick gray coat 118 00:11:25,000 --> 00:11:29,440 Speaker 1: and Reddy Fox had a thick red coat, and they 119 00:11:29,520 --> 00:11:36,200 Speaker 1: both began to get very, very warm, Peter Rabbit did 120 00:11:36,200 --> 00:11:39,880 Speaker 1: not make such long jumps as when he first started. 121 00:11:41,040 --> 00:11:45,240 Speaker 1: Reddy Fox began to feel very thirsty and his tongue 122 00:11:45,440 --> 00:11:50,920 Speaker 1: hung out. Now that Billy Mink was behind them, they 123 00:11:50,960 --> 00:11:57,000 Speaker 1: thought they did not need to hurry so much. Peter 124 00:11:57,240 --> 00:12:01,840 Speaker 1: Rabbit reached the little pond first. He had not thought 125 00:12:01,920 --> 00:12:04,800 Speaker 1: of the pond when he agreed to enter the race. 126 00:12:05,840 --> 00:12:09,199 Speaker 1: He stopped right on the edge of it and sat 127 00:12:09,360 --> 00:12:15,120 Speaker 1: up on his hind legs. Right across, he could see 128 00:12:15,160 --> 00:12:21,160 Speaker 1: the big hickory tree, so near and yet so far, 129 00:12:22,320 --> 00:12:25,760 Speaker 1: for he knew that he must run around the pond 130 00:12:26,600 --> 00:12:31,839 Speaker 1: then back again, and it was a long long way. 131 00:12:34,840 --> 00:12:38,360 Speaker 1: In just a moment, Reddy Fox ran out of the bushes, 132 00:12:38,960 --> 00:12:45,280 Speaker 1: and Reddy felt much as Peter Rabbit did. Way way 133 00:12:45,480 --> 00:12:51,599 Speaker 1: behind them was Billy Mink, trotting along comfortably and chuckling 134 00:12:51,679 --> 00:12:57,720 Speaker 1: to himself. Peter Rabbit looked at Reddy Fox in dismay, 135 00:12:58,400 --> 00:13:04,280 Speaker 1: and Reddy Fox looked at Peter Rabbit in dismay. Then 136 00:13:04,320 --> 00:13:08,080 Speaker 1: they both looked at Billy Mink and remembered that Billy 137 00:13:08,120 --> 00:13:15,160 Speaker 1: Mink could swim right across. Then off, Peter Rabbit started 138 00:13:15,200 --> 00:13:18,840 Speaker 1: as fast as he could go around the pond one way, 139 00:13:19,840 --> 00:13:23,840 Speaker 1: and Reddy Fox started around the pond the other way. 140 00:13:25,960 --> 00:13:31,280 Speaker 1: They were so excited that neither noticed a little splash 141 00:13:31,320 --> 00:13:36,640 Speaker 1: in the pond. That was Spotty, the turtle who had 142 00:13:36,760 --> 00:13:40,920 Speaker 1: let go of Reddy's tail and now was swimming across 143 00:13:41,000 --> 00:13:46,640 Speaker 1: the pond. Or you know that Spotty is a splendid swimmer. 144 00:13:48,440 --> 00:13:52,120 Speaker 1: Only once or twice he stuck his little black nose 145 00:13:52,240 --> 00:13:55,640 Speaker 1: up to get some air. The rest of the time 146 00:13:55,679 --> 00:13:59,920 Speaker 1: he swam underwater, and no one but the merry little 147 00:14:00,120 --> 00:14:07,960 Speaker 1: breezes saw him. Right across, he swam and climbed up 148 00:14:08,000 --> 00:14:14,000 Speaker 1: the bank, right under the big hickory tree. Now there 149 00:14:14,040 --> 00:14:19,760 Speaker 1: were just three nuts left under the hickory trees. Two 150 00:14:19,840 --> 00:14:23,160 Speaker 1: of these Spotty took down to the edge of the 151 00:14:23,200 --> 00:14:28,640 Speaker 1: pond and buried in the mud. The other he took 152 00:14:28,680 --> 00:14:33,640 Speaker 1: in his mouth and started back across the pond. Just 153 00:14:33,680 --> 00:14:38,120 Speaker 1: as he reached the other shore, up trotted Billy Mink. 154 00:14:39,440 --> 00:14:43,840 Speaker 1: But Billy Mink didn't see Spotty. He was too intent 155 00:14:44,080 --> 00:14:48,760 Speaker 1: on watching Reddy Fox and Peter Rabbit, who were now 156 00:14:49,040 --> 00:14:57,400 Speaker 1: halfway around the pond. In he jumped with a splash. My, 157 00:14:58,600 --> 00:15:03,800 Speaker 1: how good that school water did feel. He didn't have 158 00:15:03,920 --> 00:15:07,720 Speaker 1: to hurry now, because he felt sure that the race 159 00:15:08,200 --> 00:15:13,560 Speaker 1: was his. So he swam round and round and chased 160 00:15:13,560 --> 00:15:17,560 Speaker 1: some fish and had a beautiful time in the water. 161 00:15:20,120 --> 00:15:22,920 Speaker 1: By and bye. He looked up and saw that Peter 162 00:15:23,120 --> 00:15:27,640 Speaker 1: Rabbit was almost around the pond one way, and Reddy 163 00:15:27,720 --> 00:15:33,960 Speaker 1: Fox was almost around the pond the other way. They 164 00:15:34,000 --> 00:15:41,320 Speaker 1: both looked tired and hot and discouraged. Then Billy Mink 165 00:15:41,480 --> 00:15:46,360 Speaker 1: swam slowly across and climbed out on the bank under 166 00:15:46,440 --> 00:15:54,400 Speaker 1: the big hickory tree. But where were the nuts? Look 167 00:15:54,600 --> 00:15:59,720 Speaker 1: as he would, he could not see a single nut anywhere. 168 00:16:00,640 --> 00:16:04,000 Speaker 1: Yet the merry little breezes had said there were three 169 00:16:04,120 --> 00:16:09,280 Speaker 1: nuts lying under the hickory tree. Billy Mink ran this 170 00:16:09,400 --> 00:16:14,880 Speaker 1: way and ran that way. He was still running around, 171 00:16:15,160 --> 00:16:18,640 Speaker 1: poking over the leaves and looking under the twigs and 172 00:16:18,720 --> 00:16:23,800 Speaker 1: pieces of bark when Peter Rabbit and Reddy Fox came up. 173 00:16:25,880 --> 00:16:29,880 Speaker 1: Then they too began to look under the leaves and 174 00:16:30,040 --> 00:16:34,400 Speaker 1: under the bark. They pawed around in the grass. They 175 00:16:34,520 --> 00:16:39,720 Speaker 1: hunted in every nook and cranny, but not a nut 176 00:16:40,040 --> 00:16:46,600 Speaker 1: could they find. They were tired and angry and hot, 177 00:16:47,440 --> 00:16:51,920 Speaker 1: and they accused Billy Mink of having hidden the nuts. 178 00:16:54,760 --> 00:16:59,840 Speaker 1: Billy Mink insisted that he had not hidden the nuts, 179 00:17:00,080 --> 00:17:04,040 Speaker 1: that he had not found the nuts, And when they 180 00:17:04,080 --> 00:17:12,600 Speaker 1: saw how hard he was hunting, they believed him. All 181 00:17:12,800 --> 00:17:19,240 Speaker 1: the afternoon they hunted and hunted and hunted, and all 182 00:17:19,359 --> 00:17:24,679 Speaker 1: the afternoon, Spotty the turtle with the nut in his mouth, 183 00:17:25,520 --> 00:17:32,560 Speaker 1: was slowly, oh so slowly, crawling straight back across the 184 00:17:32,600 --> 00:17:40,240 Speaker 1: green meadows towards the old butternut tree. Round Red mister 185 00:17:40,400 --> 00:17:44,200 Speaker 1: Sun was getting very close to the Purple hills where 186 00:17:44,200 --> 00:17:47,679 Speaker 1: he goes to bed every night. And all the little 187 00:17:47,680 --> 00:17:51,120 Speaker 1: meadow folks were getting ready to go to their homes. 188 00:17:52,600 --> 00:17:56,840 Speaker 1: They were wondering and wondering what could have happened to 189 00:17:56,960 --> 00:18:01,840 Speaker 1: the racers. When Sammy Jay spot the merry little breezes 190 00:18:02,400 --> 00:18:07,920 Speaker 1: dancing across the green meadows. Here come the merry little breezes. 191 00:18:08,040 --> 00:18:11,680 Speaker 1: They'll tell us who wins the race, cried Sammy Jay. 192 00:18:14,000 --> 00:18:17,720 Speaker 1: When the merry little breezes reached the old butternut tree, 193 00:18:18,400 --> 00:18:22,760 Speaker 1: all the little meadow folks crowded around them, But the 194 00:18:22,800 --> 00:18:27,960 Speaker 1: merry little breezes just laughed and laughed and wouldn't say 195 00:18:28,080 --> 00:18:33,679 Speaker 1: a word. Then all of a sudden, out of the 196 00:18:33,720 --> 00:18:38,760 Speaker 1: tall meadow grass crept Spotty the turtle and laid the 197 00:18:38,840 --> 00:18:45,720 Speaker 1: hickory nut at the feet of Old Grandfather Frog. Old 198 00:18:45,840 --> 00:18:50,159 Speaker 1: Grandfather Frog was so surprised that he actually let a 199 00:18:50,240 --> 00:18:55,800 Speaker 1: great green fly buzz right past his nose. Where did 200 00:18:55,840 --> 00:19:00,840 Speaker 1: you get that hickory nut, asked Grandfather Frog. Under the 201 00:19:00,880 --> 00:19:04,359 Speaker 1: big hickory tree on the hill on the other side 202 00:19:04,400 --> 00:19:11,000 Speaker 1: of the green meadows, said Spotty. Then all the merry 203 00:19:11,000 --> 00:19:15,160 Speaker 1: little breezes clapped their hands and said he did, he did. 204 00:19:15,680 --> 00:19:21,600 Speaker 1: Spotty wins the race. Then they told how Spotty reached 205 00:19:21,640 --> 00:19:25,919 Speaker 1: the pond by clinging to the tip of Reddy Fox's 206 00:19:26,000 --> 00:19:30,800 Speaker 1: tail and had hidden the other two nuts, and then 207 00:19:31,040 --> 00:19:35,879 Speaker 1: how he had patiently crawled home while Billy Mink and 208 00:19:36,000 --> 00:19:41,600 Speaker 1: Reddy Fox and Peter Rabbit were hunting and hunting and 209 00:19:41,720 --> 00:19:48,760 Speaker 1: hunting for the nuts they could not find. And so 210 00:19:49,480 --> 00:19:54,560 Speaker 1: Spotty the turtle was awarded the race, and to this 211 00:19:54,760 --> 00:19:59,520 Speaker 1: day eat a rabbit and Reddy Fox and Billy Mink 212 00:20:00,119 --> 00:20:09,520 Speaker 1: cannot bear the sight of a hickory nut. Good Night, 213 00:20:10,720 --> 00:20:11,400 Speaker 1: sleep tight,