1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:27,320 Speaker 1: Welcome, sleep Tight Stories. Corona Villain versus The Stay at 2 00:00:27,400 --> 00:00:37,640 Speaker 1: Home Kit by Laura O'Laney. On a dark winter night, 3 00:00:38,560 --> 00:00:44,400 Speaker 1: in a dingy and smelly layer, floating on a giant 4 00:00:44,760 --> 00:00:51,000 Speaker 1: green booger in a puddle made from spit and dirt, 5 00:00:52,200 --> 00:00:59,680 Speaker 1: there was a secret meeting, the Council of micro Creeps. 6 00:01:00,400 --> 00:01:06,920 Speaker 1: We're putting together plans and schemes. I hate the world, 7 00:01:08,200 --> 00:01:12,520 Speaker 1: said the evil Ebola. Why do people always have to 8 00:01:12,600 --> 00:01:19,119 Speaker 1: hug each other and kiss each other? Cried Influenza. If 9 00:01:19,200 --> 00:01:22,440 Speaker 1: I see another concert or wedding, I am going to 10 00:01:22,560 --> 00:01:29,080 Speaker 1: throw up, exclaimed the mad Measles. Just then, the door 11 00:01:29,120 --> 00:01:34,520 Speaker 1: opened and a new guy strolled in. Name's Corona Villain, 12 00:01:35,400 --> 00:01:39,240 Speaker 1: he said quietly, And I'm new in town. I can 13 00:01:39,280 --> 00:01:45,680 Speaker 1: take care of these pesky people for you. What makes 14 00:01:45,720 --> 00:01:51,320 Speaker 1: you so special, asked the others. They've never seen me before, 15 00:01:52,160 --> 00:01:58,560 Speaker 1: he replied coolly, And I'm fast like lightning before they 16 00:01:58,600 --> 00:02:03,960 Speaker 1: even know I'm around. I'll infect them all. I'll take 17 00:02:04,040 --> 00:02:08,919 Speaker 1: their concerts and their weddings, and their playgrounds and swimming 18 00:02:09,000 --> 00:02:13,359 Speaker 1: pools and make them into places where people get sick. 19 00:02:15,560 --> 00:02:20,400 Speaker 1: How will they have fun without playgrounds and swimming pools? Aha, 20 00:02:20,600 --> 00:02:26,040 Speaker 1: they will fail and we will win. All the micro 21 00:02:26,160 --> 00:02:32,400 Speaker 1: creeps laughed with an evil cackle, and Corona Villain got 22 00:02:32,760 --> 00:02:41,520 Speaker 1: to work. A few months later, humanity was in a 23 00:02:41,600 --> 00:02:47,280 Speaker 1: tough spot. It seemed like Corona Villain was winning. After all, 24 00:02:48,639 --> 00:02:54,919 Speaker 1: he had shut down airports and concerts, universities and playgrounds. 25 00:02:56,080 --> 00:02:59,720 Speaker 1: People were afraid to talk to each other and afraid 26 00:02:59,840 --> 00:03:03,880 Speaker 1: of the future. They didn't know how to fight back, 27 00:03:04,560 --> 00:03:08,480 Speaker 1: so they did silly things like buying all the toilet 28 00:03:08,520 --> 00:03:14,160 Speaker 1: paper to build walls to keep him out. But Corona 29 00:03:14,280 --> 00:03:22,120 Speaker 1: Villain didn't stay out. He traveled the whole world. He 30 00:03:22,280 --> 00:03:27,399 Speaker 1: visited every country and he didn't even have a passport. 31 00:03:29,880 --> 00:03:39,000 Speaker 1: His plan had succeeded and nobody was going to stop him, 32 00:03:39,040 --> 00:03:47,120 Speaker 1: But he underestimated humanity because we had our own heroes. 33 00:03:48,440 --> 00:03:56,440 Speaker 1: The Council of Who convened a meeting. They recognized that 34 00:03:56,520 --> 00:04:01,960 Speaker 1: the job would be big. Put all the scientists and 35 00:04:02,160 --> 00:04:07,680 Speaker 1: doctors and nurses in the world to work on defeating 36 00:04:08,080 --> 00:04:13,800 Speaker 1: the Corona Villain. But we need time who will keep 37 00:04:13,880 --> 00:04:17,760 Speaker 1: humanity safe while we research our secret weapon. We need 38 00:04:17,800 --> 00:04:19,640 Speaker 1: to build it and test it, and that could take 39 00:04:19,760 --> 00:04:25,799 Speaker 1: many months, said doctor Strange. You're right and Corona Villain 40 00:04:25,920 --> 00:04:29,240 Speaker 1: is fast like lightning. He has traveled to every country 41 00:04:29,600 --> 00:04:33,840 Speaker 1: and he doesn't even have a passport, said Doctor Who, 42 00:04:34,560 --> 00:04:40,280 Speaker 1: the leader of the WHO. They were starting to despair. 43 00:04:41,680 --> 00:04:48,279 Speaker 1: People were crying in the corner. Others were shaking in fear. 44 00:04:52,279 --> 00:04:59,719 Speaker 1: Just then, a ringing sound came from a nearby phone. 45 00:05:00,160 --> 00:05:06,000 Speaker 1: Doctor Who answered the line and put it on speaker. Howdy, Partners, 46 00:05:06,720 --> 00:05:09,760 Speaker 1: said the voice. I'm the stay at home kid, and 47 00:05:09,920 --> 00:05:15,080 Speaker 1: I reckon. I got the answers to your problems. The 48 00:05:15,120 --> 00:05:18,280 Speaker 1: air was full of hope at his words. What are 49 00:05:18,320 --> 00:05:22,720 Speaker 1: you going to do, asked Doctor Who. Well, actually it's 50 00:05:22,800 --> 00:05:26,520 Speaker 1: not just me. I have a whole gang of stay 51 00:05:26,520 --> 00:05:31,120 Speaker 1: at home kids, and we're tough as nails. We're going 52 00:05:31,200 --> 00:05:34,560 Speaker 1: to buy you some time. We are going to lead 53 00:05:34,760 --> 00:05:39,600 Speaker 1: the world through this while you work on the secret weapon. Together, 54 00:05:40,200 --> 00:05:47,200 Speaker 1: we're going to de beat Corona Villain. The WHO Council 55 00:05:47,800 --> 00:05:52,279 Speaker 1: met all through the night to work out the details 56 00:05:52,320 --> 00:05:58,359 Speaker 1: of their plan. It was risky. It was going to 57 00:05:58,520 --> 00:06:04,920 Speaker 1: need cooperation from everyone in the world. That was a 58 00:06:05,000 --> 00:06:09,960 Speaker 1: lot of people. It was not going to be easy 59 00:06:10,000 --> 00:06:14,760 Speaker 1: for people. But Doctor Who said, as long as we 60 00:06:14,839 --> 00:06:18,200 Speaker 1: can count on the stay at home kid and his gang. 61 00:06:18,920 --> 00:06:24,880 Speaker 1: I think we have a chance, and the stay at 62 00:06:24,880 --> 00:06:29,880 Speaker 1: home Kid was true to his word. He and his 63 00:06:30,120 --> 00:06:36,240 Speaker 1: gang used all of their superpowers to defeat Corona Villain 64 00:06:36,680 --> 00:06:43,520 Speaker 1: wherever they saw him. This bought precious time for the 65 00:06:43,600 --> 00:06:49,520 Speaker 1: secret weapon to be developed. They started phase one of 66 00:06:49,560 --> 00:06:54,360 Speaker 1: their plan. Whenever they left the house, they wore their 67 00:06:54,480 --> 00:07:01,240 Speaker 1: bandito masks to make sure their secret identities were safe, 68 00:07:01,760 --> 00:07:05,880 Speaker 1: and the most important thing they did was to outsmart 69 00:07:06,200 --> 00:07:11,880 Speaker 1: the Corona Villain. They knew that he was trying to 70 00:07:12,080 --> 00:07:16,920 Speaker 1: use their playgrounds and their pools, and their hugs and 71 00:07:17,000 --> 00:07:22,040 Speaker 1: their friends against them. He didn't think they knew how 72 00:07:22,080 --> 00:07:28,080 Speaker 1: to have fun without those things, but he underestimated the 73 00:07:28,160 --> 00:07:33,480 Speaker 1: stay at home Kid. They danced, and they made funny videos. 74 00:07:34,320 --> 00:07:38,960 Speaker 1: They dressed their dogs up in costumes, and they decorated 75 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:45,440 Speaker 1: their windows. They sang songs, and they built forts. They 76 00:07:45,440 --> 00:07:53,880 Speaker 1: did classes online, and they learned about the world. They 77 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:59,560 Speaker 1: had so much fun that Corona Villain could hear them laughing, 78 00:08:01,080 --> 00:08:08,360 Speaker 1: and he started to get nervous. He also started to 79 00:08:08,480 --> 00:08:13,840 Speaker 1: notice that when he went prowling around, he couldn't find 80 00:08:14,160 --> 00:08:20,640 Speaker 1: anyone to infect. He went to the pools and they 81 00:08:20,640 --> 00:08:27,760 Speaker 1: were empty. He went to the playgrounds and nobody was there. 82 00:08:28,440 --> 00:08:32,440 Speaker 1: I'll try the schools, he said to himself. There's no 83 00:08:32,559 --> 00:08:36,840 Speaker 1: way they would miss school. But when he went to 84 00:08:36,920 --> 00:08:45,000 Speaker 1: the schools, he found the doors locked. They can't beat me. 85 00:08:45,080 --> 00:08:48,000 Speaker 1: I know their weaknesses. They need to eat, and so 86 00:08:48,160 --> 00:08:52,960 Speaker 1: they'll be at the grocery stores. And sure enough, he 87 00:08:53,120 --> 00:08:57,839 Speaker 1: went to the grocery stores and there were many people there. 88 00:09:00,440 --> 00:09:04,240 Speaker 1: He started trying to spread around and make people sick. 89 00:09:05,600 --> 00:09:11,160 Speaker 1: But there was a problem. Had they figured out his weakness. 90 00:09:14,240 --> 00:09:19,280 Speaker 1: You see, even though Corona Villain was fast like lightning, 91 00:09:20,679 --> 00:09:23,520 Speaker 1: he jumped about as well as an elephant with a 92 00:09:23,559 --> 00:09:28,920 Speaker 1: sore toe, which is to say he couldn't jump very 93 00:09:29,000 --> 00:09:36,200 Speaker 1: far at all. And now everybody knew it. As long 94 00:09:36,240 --> 00:09:39,680 Speaker 1: as they stayed six feet apart from each other, his 95 00:09:39,800 --> 00:09:47,319 Speaker 1: weak little jumps couldn't cover the distance. Frustrated and angry, 96 00:09:47,360 --> 00:09:51,240 Speaker 1: he paced back and forth in his lair. How could 97 00:09:51,240 --> 00:09:56,520 Speaker 1: they be winning? He thought he had them, But then 98 00:09:57,360 --> 00:10:02,760 Speaker 1: he had a nasty, evil thought, and his nasty evil 99 00:10:02,920 --> 00:10:11,200 Speaker 1: face broke into a wide smile. They might have known 100 00:10:11,320 --> 00:10:18,120 Speaker 1: his weakness, but he also knew theirs. He knew that 101 00:10:18,200 --> 00:10:22,600 Speaker 1: he didn't have to jump between them if he focused 102 00:10:23,000 --> 00:10:31,440 Speaker 1: on one thing. He would stay on their hands. Humans 103 00:10:31,480 --> 00:10:35,400 Speaker 1: touch everything with their hands. They can't help it. I'll 104 00:10:35,440 --> 00:10:39,839 Speaker 1: just ride on their hands and they will spread me everywhere. 105 00:10:42,880 --> 00:10:47,640 Speaker 1: He laughed to himself. He would not lose with this plan. 106 00:10:51,280 --> 00:10:55,240 Speaker 1: But he didn't know about the superpower that the stay 107 00:10:55,280 --> 00:10:58,200 Speaker 1: at Home Kid and his gang had been working on. 108 00:11:00,800 --> 00:11:05,240 Speaker 1: And as soon as the Corona Villains started attacking their hands, 109 00:11:05,840 --> 00:11:12,600 Speaker 1: they used it, and it was magnificent, the hand wash 110 00:11:13,440 --> 00:11:21,240 Speaker 1: of Heroes. Every time they used the hand Wash of Heroes, 111 00:11:22,240 --> 00:11:27,040 Speaker 1: the Corona Villain found himself being swept down the drain 112 00:11:28,000 --> 00:11:32,640 Speaker 1: and he hated the drain. And as they saw that 113 00:11:32,720 --> 00:11:40,120 Speaker 1: it was working, they used it even more. The Stay 114 00:11:40,120 --> 00:11:42,839 Speaker 1: at Home Kid and his gang used the hand Wash 115 00:11:42,880 --> 00:11:46,640 Speaker 1: of Heroes in the morning and at lunch, and in 116 00:11:46,679 --> 00:11:52,400 Speaker 1: the afternoon, and before dinner, and after dinner and before bed, 117 00:11:52,840 --> 00:11:55,120 Speaker 1: and even when they got up in the middle of 118 00:11:55,160 --> 00:12:02,800 Speaker 1: the night to use the bathroom. They were unstoppable, and 119 00:12:03,000 --> 00:12:13,360 Speaker 1: Corona Villain was losing back in the who Bass. They 120 00:12:13,360 --> 00:12:17,200 Speaker 1: were getting closer and closer to finishing the secret weapon. 121 00:12:18,520 --> 00:12:21,680 Speaker 1: The weapon had to work all around the world, so 122 00:12:21,800 --> 00:12:25,480 Speaker 1: it took a long time to build, but the heroes 123 00:12:25,559 --> 00:12:30,040 Speaker 1: were working very hard, and the stay at home Kid 124 00:12:30,480 --> 00:12:35,280 Speaker 1: and his gang did their part with laughter and dancing 125 00:12:35,800 --> 00:12:43,360 Speaker 1: and selfies and the hand wash of heroes. Finally, the 126 00:12:43,400 --> 00:12:47,440 Speaker 1: weapon was finished and the world used it on the 127 00:12:47,520 --> 00:12:54,079 Speaker 1: Corona villain. He was banished to the Sterile Zone, an 128 00:12:54,120 --> 00:13:01,400 Speaker 1: alternate universe where infections and micro creeps go and never return. 129 00:13:04,960 --> 00:13:08,520 Speaker 1: And then the world had a giant party where they 130 00:13:08,559 --> 00:13:12,840 Speaker 1: could hug and kiss and play in playgrounds and swim 131 00:13:12,880 --> 00:13:17,160 Speaker 1: in swimming pools, and they celebrated the heroes who had 132 00:13:17,240 --> 00:13:22,400 Speaker 1: saved the day. They clapped and cheered for the doctors 133 00:13:22,480 --> 00:13:26,160 Speaker 1: and nurses and scientists who had built the secret weapon. 134 00:13:28,320 --> 00:13:31,480 Speaker 1: They thanked the people who gave them food and water 135 00:13:32,120 --> 00:13:37,120 Speaker 1: while they were at home. They clapped for the teachers 136 00:13:37,160 --> 00:13:44,080 Speaker 1: who helped them learn, and last, but not least, the 137 00:13:44,160 --> 00:13:48,960 Speaker 1: whole world cheered for the stay at home Kid and 138 00:13:49,080 --> 00:13:56,600 Speaker 1: his gang. They had truly saved the day. And now 139 00:13:56,640 --> 00:14:00,880 Speaker 1: that the day was saved and their work was done, 140 00:14:01,160 --> 00:14:04,240 Speaker 1: the stay at home Kid and his gang decided it 141 00:14:04,320 --> 00:14:07,720 Speaker 1: was time to disband the gang and go back to 142 00:14:07,760 --> 00:14:13,960 Speaker 1: being ordinary kids. But if ever the world needed them again, 143 00:14:15,160 --> 00:14:24,680 Speaker 1: they would be ready.