1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:15,400 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Do you 2 00:00:15,520 --> 00:00:18,320 Speaker 1: get nervous when you need to speak in front of people? 3 00:00:19,720 --> 00:00:20,640 Speaker 2: I know I do. 4 00:00:22,520 --> 00:00:25,840 Speaker 1: Zak, the boy in our story, has a presentation to. 5 00:00:25,840 --> 00:00:28,440 Speaker 2: Give and he is very nervous. 6 00:00:29,840 --> 00:00:32,839 Speaker 1: His mom doesn't understand why he is so nervous. 7 00:00:33,560 --> 00:00:34,680 Speaker 2: She says, you just. 8 00:00:34,800 --> 00:00:38,320 Speaker 1: Practice, take a deep breath, and before you know it, 9 00:00:38,360 --> 00:00:41,440 Speaker 1: people will be clapping and it will be all over. 10 00:00:43,920 --> 00:00:52,080 Speaker 1: Zach doesn't think that is really true. Zach has to 11 00:00:52,120 --> 00:01:00,080 Speaker 1: give a presentation. Zach's alarm went off. 12 00:01:00,120 --> 00:01:01,600 Speaker 2: He didn't need an alarm. 13 00:01:01,920 --> 00:01:05,160 Speaker 1: It served as more of a launch signal. That's how 14 00:01:05,200 --> 00:01:10,399 Speaker 1: his mom referred to it. She always said, when that 15 00:01:10,560 --> 00:01:14,200 Speaker 1: alarm goes off, Zach, you need to launch yourself out 16 00:01:14,200 --> 00:01:17,520 Speaker 1: of bed and start your day with all the energy. 17 00:01:17,200 --> 00:01:18,720 Speaker 2: Of a Saturn rocket. 18 00:01:22,319 --> 00:01:25,640 Speaker 1: Zach preferred to ease himself into the day, which was 19 00:01:25,680 --> 00:01:31,679 Speaker 1: one of the many differences between his mom and him. 20 00:01:30,440 --> 00:01:31,880 Speaker 2: Especially today. 21 00:01:34,880 --> 00:01:39,680 Speaker 1: Today was class presentation day, and he had been dreading 22 00:01:39,760 --> 00:01:42,880 Speaker 1: this day since Missus Burnaby announced. 23 00:01:42,360 --> 00:01:43,480 Speaker 2: It last week. 24 00:01:45,080 --> 00:01:48,440 Speaker 1: Zach hated getting up in front of the class and 25 00:01:48,640 --> 00:01:53,040 Speaker 1: was most comfortable slouching in his seat listening to the teacher. 26 00:01:54,720 --> 00:01:58,200 Speaker 1: He was a great student, but he was painfully shy, 27 00:02:01,600 --> 00:02:04,560 Speaker 1: so this morning, when his alarm went off, he. 28 00:02:04,560 --> 00:02:06,800 Speaker 2: Did the opposite of blast off. 29 00:02:07,960 --> 00:02:11,480 Speaker 1: He pulled the covers over his head and sunk further 30 00:02:11,560 --> 00:02:14,880 Speaker 1: into bed, hoping his mother wouldn't find him. 31 00:02:15,400 --> 00:02:21,400 Speaker 2: However, unlikely that was Zach, are you dressed yet? 32 00:02:21,800 --> 00:02:24,040 Speaker 1: I have to leave for work soon. I have that 33 00:02:24,120 --> 00:02:27,200 Speaker 1: big client meeting and I can't be late, his mother 34 00:02:27,320 --> 00:02:28,639 Speaker 1: yelled from the kitchen. 35 00:02:30,600 --> 00:02:30,960 Speaker 2: Zach. 36 00:02:34,960 --> 00:02:38,440 Speaker 1: Coming into his bedroom, Zach's mother noticed him hiding under 37 00:02:38,440 --> 00:02:42,520 Speaker 1: the blankets of his bed. Come on, Zach, we don't 38 00:02:42,560 --> 00:02:45,600 Speaker 1: have time for hide and seek this morning. Hurry up 39 00:02:45,639 --> 00:02:48,560 Speaker 1: and get ready for school. I can't wait this morning. 40 00:02:50,320 --> 00:02:53,360 Speaker 1: You could leave me here. I'll be okay. I'm a 41 00:02:53,360 --> 00:02:56,680 Speaker 1: big boy now, he whispered from under the covers of 42 00:02:56,720 --> 00:03:00,760 Speaker 1: his bed. Big boys get out of bed in the morning. 43 00:03:00,960 --> 00:03:05,360 Speaker 1: She continued, pulling off the sheets. Hurry up and get ready. 44 00:03:05,680 --> 00:03:08,160 Speaker 1: I have a bowl of oatmeal for you in the kitchen. 45 00:03:10,480 --> 00:03:14,680 Speaker 1: Oatmeal now, that certainly makes me want to rush into 46 00:03:14,680 --> 00:03:20,560 Speaker 1: the kitchen for breakfast, yack, Zach thought. Finally, sitting at 47 00:03:20,560 --> 00:03:24,000 Speaker 1: the table, Zack stirred the bowl of oatmeal with his spoon, 48 00:03:24,600 --> 00:03:28,920 Speaker 1: hoping that if he continued to stir. It might magically disappear. 49 00:03:31,960 --> 00:03:35,400 Speaker 1: What's wrong this morning, Zach. You aren't usually this glum, 50 00:03:35,840 --> 00:03:39,000 Speaker 1: his mother asked as she poured coffee into her travel mug. 51 00:03:40,200 --> 00:03:43,360 Speaker 1: I have a class presentation this morning, he said, as 52 00:03:43,360 --> 00:03:48,840 Speaker 1: he continued to stir his oatmeal. That sounds exciting, Zach, 53 00:03:49,280 --> 00:03:52,080 Speaker 1: I have won this morning too. All you have to 54 00:03:52,160 --> 00:03:55,680 Speaker 1: do is prepare as best you can, take a deep breath, 55 00:03:56,080 --> 00:03:58,720 Speaker 1: and before you know it, people are clapping and it's 56 00:03:58,760 --> 00:03:59,320 Speaker 1: all over. 57 00:04:00,080 --> 00:04:01,560 Speaker 2: You will do great. I know you will. 58 00:04:03,280 --> 00:04:07,840 Speaker 1: That's easy for you to say, he mumbled. Sorry, Zach, 59 00:04:08,160 --> 00:04:10,680 Speaker 1: I need to race out the door this morning. Please 60 00:04:10,720 --> 00:04:12,600 Speaker 1: be sure to close the door when you leave to 61 00:04:12,640 --> 00:04:15,119 Speaker 1: get the boss, or the alarm will make a great 62 00:04:15,160 --> 00:04:19,000 Speaker 1: big noise. Love you and good luck, she said, racing 63 00:04:19,040 --> 00:04:23,120 Speaker 1: to leave. Love you too, he replied as she raced 64 00:04:23,120 --> 00:04:23,760 Speaker 1: out the door. 65 00:04:25,800 --> 00:04:27,760 Speaker 2: After the door closed. 66 00:04:27,600 --> 00:04:30,440 Speaker 1: Zach took a drink of his milk, put his oatmeal 67 00:04:30,480 --> 00:04:33,279 Speaker 1: into the food waste, and grabbed a cookie to take 68 00:04:33,320 --> 00:04:39,239 Speaker 1: for breakfast. Zach and his mom couldn't be more different. 69 00:04:40,120 --> 00:04:44,520 Speaker 1: She loved being in front of people, talking and meeting strangers. 70 00:04:45,279 --> 00:04:47,200 Speaker 2: She was loud and outgoing. 71 00:04:48,279 --> 00:04:52,360 Speaker 1: She was all the things that Zach wasn't and unfortunately 72 00:04:53,279 --> 00:04:57,120 Speaker 1: was too busy to take the time to understand. She 73 00:04:57,279 --> 00:05:00,359 Speaker 1: always apologized for working so much. 74 00:05:01,200 --> 00:05:02,719 Speaker 2: She said that she was working. 75 00:05:02,440 --> 00:05:05,640 Speaker 1: Hard to create a better future for him, but the 76 00:05:05,720 --> 00:05:09,640 Speaker 1: future seemed so far away to Zach. He was more 77 00:05:09,680 --> 00:05:14,440 Speaker 1: concerned about the present, and he was especially concerned about 78 00:05:14,440 --> 00:05:22,000 Speaker 1: this morning's presentation. He boarded the bus to school, sitting 79 00:05:22,040 --> 00:05:26,080 Speaker 1: in the back as usual. After arriving at school, he 80 00:05:26,240 --> 00:05:30,200 Speaker 1: mindlessly went from class to class until the moment he 81 00:05:30,320 --> 00:05:35,600 Speaker 1: dreaded was upon him. It was time for Missus Burnaby's class. 82 00:05:37,320 --> 00:05:40,480 Speaker 1: Zach felt sick to his stomach and thought of running 83 00:05:40,520 --> 00:05:43,320 Speaker 1: away or going to the school nurse and faking some 84 00:05:43,400 --> 00:05:49,200 Speaker 1: severe illness like naso pharyngitis, but instead he sat in 85 00:05:49,279 --> 00:05:55,160 Speaker 1: his seat in class, waiting for the inevitable. The bell 86 00:05:55,320 --> 00:06:01,760 Speaker 1: rang and Missus Burnaby started to speak, I've been looking 87 00:06:01,839 --> 00:06:05,880 Speaker 1: forward to this class all week. First, we will hear 88 00:06:06,000 --> 00:06:14,640 Speaker 1: from our three Rs. Rebecca, Roger and Rachel. Zach was 89 00:06:14,760 --> 00:06:18,360 Speaker 1: so nervous that he couldn't hear a word Missus Burnaby 90 00:06:18,480 --> 00:06:22,440 Speaker 1: was saying. All the presentations were a blur until he 91 00:06:22,560 --> 00:06:28,239 Speaker 1: finally heard his name last, but certainly not least is Zach, 92 00:06:28,680 --> 00:06:32,880 Speaker 1: who was doing a presentation on his lego collection. Let's 93 00:06:32,880 --> 00:06:35,640 Speaker 1: give Zach a friendly welcome. As he comes to the 94 00:06:35,640 --> 00:06:42,080 Speaker 1: front of the class, the whole class turned their attention 95 00:06:42,200 --> 00:06:45,839 Speaker 1: to him and started clapping. He thought he heard Rachel say, 96 00:06:45,920 --> 00:06:49,960 Speaker 1: go Zach, but he was so nervous his ears weren't 97 00:06:50,000 --> 00:06:54,760 Speaker 1: working properly. Zach tried to get up, but couldn't move. 98 00:06:55,360 --> 00:07:00,480 Speaker 1: His legs wouldn't work. As the clapping started to sub side, 99 00:07:00,839 --> 00:07:05,040 Speaker 1: Missus Burnaby said, with a touch of concern, Zach, are 100 00:07:05,080 --> 00:07:10,480 Speaker 1: you ready? Yes, I I'm ready, Missus Burnaby, he whispered. 101 00:07:11,520 --> 00:07:15,240 Speaker 1: He grabbed his slides, showing pictures of his favorite legos 102 00:07:15,480 --> 00:07:18,800 Speaker 1: that were displayed on a large wall shelf in his bedroom. 103 00:07:19,960 --> 00:07:27,600 Speaker 1: His hands were shaking. Now that the class was perfectly quiet, 104 00:07:28,120 --> 00:07:31,480 Speaker 1: Zach was worried that everyone could hear his heart beating. 105 00:07:32,480 --> 00:07:34,800 Speaker 1: It was all that he could hear in his ears. 106 00:07:36,080 --> 00:07:39,680 Speaker 1: It was beating so hard he thought he could see 107 00:07:39,680 --> 00:07:45,840 Speaker 1: it coming out of his chest. He slowly walked to 108 00:07:45,960 --> 00:07:49,480 Speaker 1: the front of the class, where he noticed everyone staring 109 00:07:49,520 --> 00:07:53,600 Speaker 1: at him. Why was it so hot in here, he thought, 110 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:58,560 Speaker 1: as he felt the sweat dripping down his back. Why 111 00:07:58,560 --> 00:08:02,640 Speaker 1: don't you start by introducing yourself and your presentation, Missus 112 00:08:02,640 --> 00:08:08,320 Speaker 1: Burnaby said quietly. Okay, Zach said, whispering quietly as his 113 00:08:08,440 --> 00:08:13,680 Speaker 1: knees started to shake. Hi, my name is Zach and 114 00:08:13,720 --> 00:08:18,920 Speaker 1: today I am going to introduce my lego collection. 115 00:08:19,480 --> 00:08:20,080 Speaker 2: He whispered. 116 00:08:21,400 --> 00:08:25,760 Speaker 1: What I can't hear you, Jake, the loudest kid in 117 00:08:25,800 --> 00:08:29,640 Speaker 1: the class yelled. He could see Rachel pointing to her 118 00:08:29,720 --> 00:08:34,000 Speaker 1: right ear. Why don't you start again and speak a 119 00:08:34,000 --> 00:08:39,040 Speaker 1: little louder. Missus Burnaby said. It had only been a 120 00:08:39,200 --> 00:08:46,320 Speaker 1: minute or so, but to Zach it felt like an hour. Hi, 121 00:08:46,880 --> 00:08:51,320 Speaker 1: my name is Zach and today I am going to 122 00:08:51,400 --> 00:08:57,280 Speaker 1: introduce my lego collection. He whispered a bit less quietly. 123 00:08:58,960 --> 00:09:02,000 Speaker 1: As he was holding out his slides. His hands started 124 00:09:02,000 --> 00:09:06,120 Speaker 1: to shake. I'll start by showing my Star Wars collection. 125 00:09:06,280 --> 00:09:14,560 Speaker 1: And then the bell rang and the classroom became noisy again. Well, 126 00:09:14,600 --> 00:09:16,880 Speaker 1: it looks like we don't have as much time today 127 00:09:16,920 --> 00:09:19,920 Speaker 1: as I thought we had. We will listen to Zach's 128 00:09:19,960 --> 00:09:21,319 Speaker 1: presentation tomorrow. 129 00:09:22,000 --> 00:09:22,760 Speaker 2: Don't forget to. 130 00:09:22,760 --> 00:09:26,840 Speaker 1: Continue working in your workbooks, Missus Burnaby said, as the 131 00:09:26,880 --> 00:09:32,720 Speaker 1: students raced out of the classroom. As Zach was about 132 00:09:32,720 --> 00:09:36,240 Speaker 1: to leave, Missus Burnaby said, Zach, could you come to 133 00:09:36,320 --> 00:09:41,080 Speaker 1: my desk for a moment. Yes, Missus Burnaby, Zach said, 134 00:09:41,120 --> 00:09:43,960 Speaker 1: as he stood head down at her desk at the 135 00:09:43,960 --> 00:09:48,679 Speaker 1: front of the class, you looked very nervous for your presentation. 136 00:09:49,760 --> 00:09:51,600 Speaker 1: It's tough for some of us to get up in 137 00:09:51,600 --> 00:09:55,200 Speaker 1: front of people and talk. It took me years to 138 00:09:55,240 --> 00:09:57,760 Speaker 1: get in front of a class of kids and not 139 00:09:57,880 --> 00:10:03,600 Speaker 1: want to run out the door. Really, Zach asked, Yes, Zach, 140 00:10:04,360 --> 00:10:06,840 Speaker 1: I used to think kids were frightening, she said with 141 00:10:06,920 --> 00:10:12,160 Speaker 1: a laugh. There is nothing I can say other than 142 00:10:12,200 --> 00:10:15,560 Speaker 1: to reassure you that we are all friends here, or 143 00:10:15,600 --> 00:10:19,480 Speaker 1: at least friendly, she said with another laugh, And you 144 00:10:19,800 --> 00:10:24,560 Speaker 1: have nothing to worry about. You always have thoughtful and 145 00:10:24,720 --> 00:10:28,720 Speaker 1: intelligent comments in class, and your classmates would love to 146 00:10:28,800 --> 00:10:36,200 Speaker 1: learn about your lego collection. Zach wasn't convinced, but he 147 00:10:36,240 --> 00:10:37,720 Speaker 1: shook his head in agreement. 148 00:10:37,840 --> 00:10:41,000 Speaker 2: Anyways, the best thing you can. 149 00:10:40,880 --> 00:10:45,160 Speaker 1: Do is practice, and if after practicing you are still 150 00:10:45,200 --> 00:10:47,920 Speaker 1: too nervous to stand in front of the class, you 151 00:10:47,960 --> 00:10:51,840 Speaker 1: can try to do it from your seat. Okay, thank you, 152 00:10:51,880 --> 00:10:57,920 Speaker 1: Missus Burnaby. As Zach left the class, he walked down 153 00:10:57,960 --> 00:11:00,840 Speaker 1: the hallway towards the exit, or he would catch the 154 00:11:00,880 --> 00:11:04,960 Speaker 1: school bus taking him home. Hey, Zach, where are you going? 155 00:11:05,040 --> 00:11:05,960 Speaker 2: So quickly. 156 00:11:07,520 --> 00:11:10,760 Speaker 1: Zach stopped and turned around to see Rachel, his best 157 00:11:10,760 --> 00:11:14,079 Speaker 1: friend since she spilt paint all over his favorite shirt 158 00:11:14,120 --> 00:11:18,319 Speaker 1: in kindergarten. I thought we would hang out while we 159 00:11:18,360 --> 00:11:21,400 Speaker 1: waited for your school bus. Today you walked right past 160 00:11:21,440 --> 00:11:26,120 Speaker 1: me outside of class, she said, pretending to be upset. 161 00:11:27,520 --> 00:11:30,600 Speaker 1: Oh sorry, Rach, I didn't see you, and I kind 162 00:11:30,600 --> 00:11:34,880 Speaker 1: of forgot about hanging out. How could you forget about 163 00:11:34,920 --> 00:11:38,960 Speaker 1: your best friend in the whole world, your comrade in arms, 164 00:11:39,240 --> 00:11:43,720 Speaker 1: your partner in crime. You're batman to your robin. You 165 00:11:43,760 --> 00:11:48,360 Speaker 1: aren't upset about your presentation, are you? You were there, 166 00:11:48,559 --> 00:11:52,480 Speaker 1: you saw me. I was a mess. You are always 167 00:11:52,520 --> 00:11:56,600 Speaker 1: a mess, she said, laughing. It wasn't that bad. You 168 00:11:56,840 --> 00:12:00,440 Speaker 1: just looked nervous and you were being your usual quiet itself. 169 00:12:01,559 --> 00:12:04,640 Speaker 1: Maybe you should use a microphone next time, or a bullhorn. 170 00:12:06,400 --> 00:12:12,640 Speaker 1: Maybe I should just stay home. Don't be so silly. 171 00:12:12,720 --> 00:12:16,920 Speaker 1: All you need to do is practice. Mister Dunbar used 172 00:12:16,920 --> 00:12:21,120 Speaker 1: to always tell us practice makes progress, she said, as 173 00:12:21,160 --> 00:12:25,080 Speaker 1: they stopped in front of the bus doors. It's different 174 00:12:25,120 --> 00:12:28,240 Speaker 1: practicing by myself. It's when I get in front of 175 00:12:28,320 --> 00:12:32,240 Speaker 1: people that I get all weird. You are always weird. 176 00:12:32,640 --> 00:12:35,160 Speaker 1: That's one of the reasons why we are such good friends. 177 00:12:36,120 --> 00:12:38,720 Speaker 1: I have an idea. Why don't you come to my 178 00:12:38,840 --> 00:12:43,240 Speaker 1: house In practice? It would be fun. I'm supposed to 179 00:12:43,240 --> 00:12:45,240 Speaker 1: go home on the bus and do my homework while 180 00:12:45,240 --> 00:12:47,360 Speaker 1: I wait for my mom to come home from work. 181 00:12:48,679 --> 00:12:51,400 Speaker 1: I'll get my mom to call your mom and get permission. 182 00:12:51,840 --> 00:12:54,440 Speaker 1: I'm sure it will be okay, and you could stay 183 00:12:54,480 --> 00:13:00,680 Speaker 1: for dinner. I think my mom is making lasagna. I 184 00:13:00,760 --> 00:13:04,520 Speaker 1: do love your mom's lasagna, Zach said, with his first 185 00:13:04,600 --> 00:13:08,360 Speaker 1: smile of the day. I knew if I mentioned lazagna, 186 00:13:08,559 --> 00:13:14,840 Speaker 1: your mood would improve. After they walked to the main 187 00:13:15,000 --> 00:13:19,040 Speaker 1: school entrance to wait for Rachel's mom to come, Jack said, 188 00:13:19,800 --> 00:13:23,000 Speaker 1: I really appreciate your help, but I'm not sure if 189 00:13:23,000 --> 00:13:27,480 Speaker 1: practicing in front of you will really do much. I 190 00:13:27,600 --> 00:13:30,960 Speaker 1: have thought of that already. You won't just be practicing 191 00:13:30,960 --> 00:13:34,440 Speaker 1: in front of me. I have a whole audience for 192 00:13:34,520 --> 00:13:39,640 Speaker 1: you to talk to. Who asked Zach. Just wait and 193 00:13:39,720 --> 00:13:49,480 Speaker 1: you will see. And that's the end of this part. 194 00:13:50,760 --> 00:13:55,040 Speaker 1: Good night, sleep tight.