1 00:00:08,480 --> 00:00:14,400 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Thank you 2 00:00:14,480 --> 00:00:24,520 Speaker 1: to Lavinia for suggesting this character, and to Norah, Avery, Early, Yuki, Jean, Lucy, 3 00:00:25,280 --> 00:00:30,760 Speaker 1: Libby and all the other lovers of unicorns. We have 4 00:00:30,840 --> 00:00:35,640 Speaker 1: another Bernice story for you. In this story, Bernice is 5 00:00:35,720 --> 00:00:40,240 Speaker 1: already in bed and waiting for a story. Apa Bear 6 00:00:40,320 --> 00:00:45,839 Speaker 1: tells a story about a unicorn named Sparkle. Sparkle is 7 00:00:45,880 --> 00:00:49,000 Speaker 1: a young unicorn who loves to play with her friends. 8 00:00:50,200 --> 00:00:53,559 Speaker 1: On this day, Sparkle is woken up by Bobby the 9 00:00:53,600 --> 00:00:57,960 Speaker 1: Blue Jay because she missed playing with her friends. Bobby 10 00:00:58,040 --> 00:01:02,000 Speaker 1: is wondering why she is still in bed. When Sparkle 11 00:01:02,080 --> 00:01:05,240 Speaker 1: wakes up and gets out of bed, Bobby the blue 12 00:01:05,319 --> 00:01:10,240 Speaker 1: Jay starts acting strange. He suddenly flies off, and after 13 00:01:10,280 --> 00:01:14,760 Speaker 1: a while, Bluebell shows up to talk to Sparkle. What 14 00:01:14,880 --> 00:01:25,440 Speaker 1: could be wrong? Sparkle gets her stripes. It's that time, Papa, said, Bernice, 15 00:01:26,520 --> 00:01:30,679 Speaker 1: time for me to go to sleep. I think yond her, Papa, 16 00:01:31,000 --> 00:01:33,160 Speaker 1: is there room in your bed for all of us? 17 00:01:33,959 --> 00:01:38,520 Speaker 1: You can't sleep in my bed, you're too big. Oh, 18 00:01:38,560 --> 00:01:41,200 Speaker 1: I don't know. I'm sure I could find room in 19 00:01:41,240 --> 00:01:46,760 Speaker 1: there somewhere, Bernice's papa said with droopy eyelids, but you 20 00:01:46,840 --> 00:01:49,520 Speaker 1: might squish my friends, and they would be sad if 21 00:01:49,520 --> 00:01:53,559 Speaker 1: you squished them. I guess you are right, little bear. 22 00:01:55,440 --> 00:01:58,000 Speaker 1: Do you have enough energy to tell me a story? 23 00:01:58,560 --> 00:02:03,680 Speaker 1: Bernice asked, stretching his arms and taking a deep breath. 24 00:02:03,960 --> 00:02:08,040 Speaker 1: Papa Bear said, I always have enough energy to tell 25 00:02:08,080 --> 00:02:11,320 Speaker 1: you a story. It's my favorite time of the day. 26 00:02:13,240 --> 00:02:19,320 Speaker 1: Me too, Papa, what cookie time is also my favorite? Yes? 27 00:02:19,520 --> 00:02:23,320 Speaker 1: Cookie and milk thyme is pretty special too. Are you 28 00:02:23,400 --> 00:02:29,320 Speaker 1: comfy and warm, yes, Papa. How about Twigger, Wolfe and Madeline? 29 00:02:29,720 --> 00:02:35,840 Speaker 1: Are they ready for a story too? They sure are good. 30 00:02:36,280 --> 00:02:39,080 Speaker 1: Now close your eyes, little bear, as I do my 31 00:02:39,440 --> 00:02:43,640 Speaker 1: very best to make up a story about unicorns and school. 32 00:02:45,360 --> 00:02:49,640 Speaker 1: I like unicorns, Papa, and I am super excited about school, 33 00:02:50,919 --> 00:02:56,960 Speaker 1: I know, little Bear. Bernice cuddled with Twigger, Wolfy and 34 00:02:57,040 --> 00:03:03,440 Speaker 1: Madeline and closed her eyes. Love you, Papa, whispered Bernice, 35 00:03:03,880 --> 00:03:11,240 Speaker 1: Love you too, little Bear. Once upon a time, in 36 00:03:11,280 --> 00:03:14,760 Speaker 1: a world full of magic and fun, there lived a 37 00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:20,840 Speaker 1: young little unicorn named Sparkle. She lived in the mystical forest, 38 00:03:21,200 --> 00:03:26,040 Speaker 1: not far from Booboo, the brave little Bear. In this 39 00:03:26,280 --> 00:03:32,960 Speaker 1: forest there were unicorns, fairies, gnomes, and all manner of insects, 40 00:03:33,040 --> 00:03:40,000 Speaker 1: birds and animals. It was a wonderful place on this day. 41 00:03:40,320 --> 00:03:44,280 Speaker 1: Bobby the blue Jay flew into Sparkle's bedroom, singing his 42 00:03:44,360 --> 00:03:50,400 Speaker 1: morning song. Sparkle, like many unicorns, loved the early morning 43 00:03:50,840 --> 00:03:54,040 Speaker 1: and would usually be out running through the forest meadows 44 00:03:54,080 --> 00:03:58,760 Speaker 1: at this time. The young unicorns of the Mystical Forest 45 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:03,360 Speaker 1: loved playing with the birds, the butterflies, and the fairies. 46 00:04:04,880 --> 00:04:09,280 Speaker 1: But Sparkle was unusually sleepy this morning and didn't want 47 00:04:09,320 --> 00:04:13,600 Speaker 1: to get out of her comfortable bed. Wake up, sleepy head, 48 00:04:13,720 --> 00:04:18,360 Speaker 1: Wake up, sleepyhead. It's a magical day outside, Bobby the 49 00:04:18,400 --> 00:04:23,400 Speaker 1: Blue Jay sang. Sparkle opened one eye and mumbled, what 50 00:04:23,680 --> 00:04:28,840 Speaker 1: time is it? It's already one hour past sunrise, and 51 00:04:28,880 --> 00:04:31,400 Speaker 1: we are all wondering why you are still in bed. 52 00:04:32,400 --> 00:04:35,640 Speaker 1: We missed you this magical morning when we were all playing, 53 00:04:36,360 --> 00:04:42,599 Speaker 1: sang Bobby. One hour past sunrise already, Sparkle said, as 54 00:04:42,600 --> 00:04:45,960 Speaker 1: she opened her eyes a little bit wider. But I 55 00:04:46,120 --> 00:04:51,600 Speaker 1: feel so tired. Maybe you should go to bed earlier 56 00:04:51,760 --> 00:04:56,600 Speaker 1: instead of listening to Squiggles the Squirrel and his silly stories, suggested, 57 00:04:56,640 --> 00:05:01,800 Speaker 1: Bobby Squiggles isn't on vacation anymore. He is with his 58 00:05:01,920 --> 00:05:05,640 Speaker 1: grandpa learning the ways of the forest, so he goes 59 00:05:05,680 --> 00:05:11,039 Speaker 1: to bed earlier now yond Sparkle, Bobby the blue Jay 60 00:05:11,120 --> 00:05:15,200 Speaker 1: continued to fly around the room, singing a song, until 61 00:05:15,240 --> 00:05:19,520 Speaker 1: Sparkle finally stood up and left her comfortable bed made 62 00:05:19,560 --> 00:05:25,400 Speaker 1: of sweet grass and straw. She stretched, yawned, and did 63 00:05:25,440 --> 00:05:29,240 Speaker 1: a little kick. Well, I guess I better get some 64 00:05:29,360 --> 00:05:32,400 Speaker 1: breakfast and maybe we can play in the meadow later, Bobby, 65 00:05:32,880 --> 00:05:36,640 Speaker 1: she said. Bobby the blue Jay was sitting on a 66 00:05:36,760 --> 00:05:40,760 Speaker 1: nearby branch in the collection of trees that had grown 67 00:05:40,920 --> 00:05:44,640 Speaker 1: to form a shelter for the Unicorn family, and he 68 00:05:44,720 --> 00:05:52,920 Speaker 1: replied hesitantly, Um, yeah, sure, what's the matter? Why are 69 00:05:52,960 --> 00:05:56,479 Speaker 1: you staring at me? You have seen me with BedHead before, 70 00:05:56,839 --> 00:06:01,400 Speaker 1: said Sparkle, somewhat perplexed. Un loll of things mattered. Just 71 00:06:01,400 --> 00:06:04,320 Speaker 1: just wait here, I'll be right back, Bobby said, as 72 00:06:04,320 --> 00:06:09,320 Speaker 1: he flew off in a hurry. Well that was strange, 73 00:06:09,320 --> 00:06:13,120 Speaker 1: Sparkle thought, as she gave herself another shake, took a 74 00:06:13,200 --> 00:06:16,200 Speaker 1: drink of water from the bowl by her bed, and 75 00:06:16,279 --> 00:06:19,000 Speaker 1: got ready to trot over to the kitchen, where her 76 00:06:19,040 --> 00:06:23,120 Speaker 1: mother would have set aside all kinds of delicious things 77 00:06:23,120 --> 00:06:28,080 Speaker 1: for her to eat. As she trotted over to the kitchen, 78 00:06:28,160 --> 00:06:33,040 Speaker 1: she said hello to the insects, the sparrow family, and Ignacious, 79 00:06:33,160 --> 00:06:36,480 Speaker 1: the old the fairy who had lived longer in this 80 00:06:36,560 --> 00:06:43,080 Speaker 1: neighborhood than any other creature. All the animals looked at her. 81 00:06:44,720 --> 00:06:48,440 Speaker 1: What is wrong with everybody this morning? Sleeping in is 82 00:06:48,560 --> 00:06:53,960 Speaker 1: not that big a crime, Sparkle mumbled. Just as she 83 00:06:54,080 --> 00:06:58,400 Speaker 1: started to eat some lovely berries, Bobby returned with her 84 00:06:58,440 --> 00:07:03,359 Speaker 1: older sister Bluebell. There she is, saying, Bobby, I'll be 85 00:07:03,440 --> 00:07:08,400 Speaker 1: off and let you two talk. Good morning, sleepyhead, blue 86 00:07:08,400 --> 00:07:12,560 Speaker 1: Bell said, what is wrong with everyone? This can't be 87 00:07:12,640 --> 00:07:16,240 Speaker 1: the first time a unicorn has slept in getting some 88 00:07:16,440 --> 00:07:20,600 Speaker 1: extra sleep? Does a unicorn's body good, you know, Sparkle said, 89 00:07:20,960 --> 00:07:25,920 Speaker 1: starting to get a bit annoyed. It's not the sleeping in, silly, 90 00:07:26,120 --> 00:07:29,440 Speaker 1: blue Bell said, come over to the large water trough 91 00:07:29,480 --> 00:07:34,480 Speaker 1: and look at your reflection. Sparkle walked over and looked 92 00:07:34,480 --> 00:07:38,680 Speaker 1: at her reflection in the water and gasped, ugh, oh no, 93 00:07:39,160 --> 00:07:44,080 Speaker 1: not now. Sparkle, who like her father had grown up 94 00:07:44,120 --> 00:07:48,480 Speaker 1: with a brilliant white coat, had developed pink and purple 95 00:07:48,600 --> 00:07:55,040 Speaker 1: stripes all over her body. Why did this happen? Now? 96 00:07:55,560 --> 00:07:58,480 Speaker 1: Right at the end of my summer vacation before I 97 00:07:58,560 --> 00:08:03,840 Speaker 1: go back to school, she said, with a moan. It's normal, Sparkle. 98 00:08:04,400 --> 00:08:08,360 Speaker 1: All unicorns get stripes and then it fades away with time. 99 00:08:09,400 --> 00:08:12,480 Speaker 1: Some of us keep the stripes in our manes, some 100 00:08:12,560 --> 00:08:15,440 Speaker 1: of us keep them in our horns. Some of us 101 00:08:15,480 --> 00:08:19,200 Speaker 1: adopt one of the colors for our whole body. It's 102 00:08:19,280 --> 00:08:24,240 Speaker 1: just part of who we are. Sure all unicorns get 103 00:08:24,240 --> 00:08:27,960 Speaker 1: stripes when they are babies. And you don't see father 104 00:08:28,080 --> 00:08:33,040 Speaker 1: with any stripes, do you, Sparkle said testily. You didn't 105 00:08:33,080 --> 00:08:35,920 Speaker 1: get stripes when you were young. I don't know why, 106 00:08:36,120 --> 00:08:39,920 Speaker 1: but the change has happened much later for you. Lubell replied, 107 00:08:40,800 --> 00:08:43,880 Speaker 1: But I have to go to school next week, and 108 00:08:44,000 --> 00:08:48,599 Speaker 1: it's the advanced school with new classmates and new teachers. 109 00:08:49,360 --> 00:08:51,840 Speaker 1: What kind of first impression will I make looking like 110 00:08:51,880 --> 00:08:58,760 Speaker 1: a baby unicorn, Sparkle cried. You are overreacting, Sparkle, No 111 00:08:58,840 --> 00:09:02,400 Speaker 1: one cares about what you look like. You might take 112 00:09:02,440 --> 00:09:07,000 Speaker 1: more care brushing your teeth. Though you have seriously bad breath, 113 00:09:07,480 --> 00:09:10,480 Speaker 1: blue Bell said, trying to lighten the mood a little bit. 114 00:09:12,040 --> 00:09:15,800 Speaker 1: Bad breath is the least of my problems. Sparkle said, 115 00:09:15,800 --> 00:09:18,640 Speaker 1: as she galloped out of the kitchen and down the 116 00:09:18,720 --> 00:09:23,800 Speaker 1: forest trail away from their home. Sparkle was one of 117 00:09:23,840 --> 00:09:27,680 Speaker 1: the fastest unicorns in the Mystical Forest, so there was 118 00:09:27,760 --> 00:09:35,640 Speaker 1: little chance that Bluebell could catch her. Sparkle kept galloping 119 00:09:35,760 --> 00:09:39,480 Speaker 1: until she came to a small clearing, a place where 120 00:09:39,520 --> 00:09:43,520 Speaker 1: she sometimes went whenever she wanted some time alone to explore. 121 00:09:45,200 --> 00:09:48,719 Speaker 1: She trotted in a circle around the clearing, thinking and 122 00:09:48,840 --> 00:09:54,480 Speaker 1: snorting to herself. How am I the daughter of the 123 00:09:54,520 --> 00:09:58,920 Speaker 1: great white unicorn Zane, going to face my new classmates 124 00:09:59,000 --> 00:10:02,200 Speaker 1: looking like this? Yes, I want to fit in, not 125 00:10:02,400 --> 00:10:09,320 Speaker 1: stand out. I look like a baby. She continued to 126 00:10:09,400 --> 00:10:13,320 Speaker 1: snort and scratch the ground with her hoofs until she 127 00:10:13,440 --> 00:10:17,440 Speaker 1: heard the branches of the trees parting seemingly of their 128 00:10:17,480 --> 00:10:23,600 Speaker 1: own will, as her father appeared and joined her. Her 129 00:10:23,640 --> 00:10:28,560 Speaker 1: father was an impressive size, full of muscle, and the 130 00:10:28,679 --> 00:10:32,840 Speaker 1: sun seemed to gleam off his coat. He was the 131 00:10:33,000 --> 00:10:39,720 Speaker 1: proudest unicorn she had ever known. Hello, father, she said, quietly. 132 00:10:40,480 --> 00:10:43,880 Speaker 1: Good morning, Sparkle. I heard from Bluebell that you are 133 00:10:43,920 --> 00:10:47,480 Speaker 1: a little upset this morning. What seems to be the problem, 134 00:10:47,520 --> 00:10:52,560 Speaker 1: he asked, What seems to be the problem? It's pretty 135 00:10:52,600 --> 00:10:56,520 Speaker 1: obvious what the problem is. I've gone from a gleaming 136 00:10:56,720 --> 00:11:00,920 Speaker 1: white coat to pink and purple stripes. I look like 137 00:11:00,960 --> 00:11:03,760 Speaker 1: a baby unicorn. And I have to go to school 138 00:11:03,840 --> 00:11:08,520 Speaker 1: soon with new classmates and new teachers. What will they think? 139 00:11:09,200 --> 00:11:12,120 Speaker 1: I will be teased by the older unicorns. I just 140 00:11:12,320 --> 00:11:18,120 Speaker 1: know it, she said in a distressed voice. I understand, 141 00:11:18,760 --> 00:11:24,600 Speaker 1: he replied, simply understand. How can you understand? No one 142 00:11:24,640 --> 00:11:30,080 Speaker 1: has ever got their stripes this late before. That is true, 143 00:11:30,480 --> 00:11:34,640 Speaker 1: your experience is unique to you, but I have had 144 00:11:34,679 --> 00:11:41,160 Speaker 1: a similar experience. Let me tell you a story. When 145 00:11:41,240 --> 00:11:44,679 Speaker 1: I was just a young fool, I had my stripes 146 00:11:44,720 --> 00:11:49,600 Speaker 1: for far longer than the other unicorns at school. Mine 147 00:11:49,640 --> 00:11:53,440 Speaker 1: faded only slightly while everyone else had settled into their 148 00:11:53,520 --> 00:11:59,440 Speaker 1: final colors. I was very frustrated, and to make matters worse, 149 00:12:00,080 --> 00:12:04,640 Speaker 1: there was one unicorn in my class who wasn't very nice. 150 00:12:04,720 --> 00:12:10,600 Speaker 1: He would tease me all the time. Zane said, what 151 00:12:10,720 --> 00:12:14,160 Speaker 1: did you do, Sparkle asked, I went to the bathroom 152 00:12:14,240 --> 00:12:19,719 Speaker 1: and cried, he replied, matter of factly, with an incredibly 153 00:12:19,800 --> 00:12:25,560 Speaker 1: surprised look. Sparkle said, you cried, father, But you are 154 00:12:25,600 --> 00:12:28,600 Speaker 1: the bravest and strongest unicorn in this part of the 155 00:12:28,640 --> 00:12:32,880 Speaker 1: mystical forest, and you never seem to get upset. Well 156 00:12:33,480 --> 00:12:36,560 Speaker 1: except for that one time when I galloped too far away, 157 00:12:37,040 --> 00:12:40,240 Speaker 1: got lost, and Kai Kai the dragon came and found me. 158 00:12:42,720 --> 00:12:47,439 Speaker 1: There is nothing wrong with crying, Sparkle, and I wasn't 159 00:12:47,480 --> 00:12:54,600 Speaker 1: always this brave. Well, what happened? She asked? Old Master 160 00:12:54,760 --> 00:12:58,560 Speaker 1: Sunburst saw that I was upset and just stood there 161 00:12:58,600 --> 00:13:02,320 Speaker 1: with me and talked to me. I don't remember what 162 00:13:02,440 --> 00:13:05,360 Speaker 1: all he said, but I do remember that he gave 163 00:13:05,440 --> 00:13:10,360 Speaker 1: me some advice. He said that all unicorns are unique 164 00:13:10,640 --> 00:13:15,160 Speaker 1: in their own way, that that is something I must accept, 165 00:13:15,760 --> 00:13:20,000 Speaker 1: and that I should be happy with who I am. 166 00:13:20,160 --> 00:13:23,600 Speaker 1: He said, I should be brave and trot back into 167 00:13:23,640 --> 00:13:29,520 Speaker 1: the classroom with my head held tall. I took his advice, 168 00:13:30,280 --> 00:13:35,160 Speaker 1: did just that, and overcame that and the many challenges 169 00:13:35,320 --> 00:13:40,440 Speaker 1: large and small that followed. Being brave is something that 170 00:13:40,520 --> 00:13:44,640 Speaker 1: I learned through experience, and there are many times I 171 00:13:44,679 --> 00:13:48,880 Speaker 1: am still scared, but I am always trying to do 172 00:13:48,960 --> 00:13:56,040 Speaker 1: my best and accepting and learning from my mistakes. Did 173 00:13:56,080 --> 00:14:00,920 Speaker 1: that unicorn ever stop teasing you? Yes? I did eventually, 174 00:14:01,200 --> 00:14:06,720 Speaker 1: and later we became good friends. Who was he he 175 00:14:06,840 --> 00:14:12,520 Speaker 1: is your uncle Moonbeam, he replied, Uncle Moonbeam, Mother's big brother, 176 00:14:14,000 --> 00:14:18,920 Speaker 1: that's him. I'm not going to tell you that having 177 00:14:19,000 --> 00:14:23,160 Speaker 1: stripes this lad is no big deal, because it obviously 178 00:14:23,320 --> 00:14:26,720 Speaker 1: is to you. All I can say is that to 179 00:14:26,760 --> 00:14:30,280 Speaker 1: put one hoof in front of the other, and eventually, 180 00:14:30,880 --> 00:14:34,440 Speaker 1: I am sure by meeting this challenge and the many 181 00:14:34,520 --> 00:14:37,440 Speaker 1: others you will meet in your life, you too will 182 00:14:37,520 --> 00:14:43,760 Speaker 1: learn to be brave in your own way. Sparkle stood 183 00:14:43,760 --> 00:14:47,200 Speaker 1: there for a few minutes in silence, and then said, 184 00:14:48,400 --> 00:14:51,600 Speaker 1: thank you for talking with me. Father. I still feel 185 00:14:51,600 --> 00:14:57,720 Speaker 1: a little nervous, but I do feel better. Good. Now, 186 00:14:58,240 --> 00:15:00,520 Speaker 1: how about we see who can go back to the 187 00:15:00,600 --> 00:15:05,080 Speaker 1: kitchen the fastest for lunch. I brought some delicious gooseberries 188 00:15:05,080 --> 00:15:08,520 Speaker 1: before I came to see you. Her father said, you 189 00:15:08,640 --> 00:15:12,080 Speaker 1: know I will win. Father, Sparkle said, with a laugh, 190 00:15:13,160 --> 00:15:17,680 Speaker 1: you might be surprised, little one, and off they zoomed. 191 00:15:22,400 --> 00:15:25,880 Speaker 1: And with that, Papa Bear gave Bernice a kiss on 192 00:15:25,920 --> 00:15:30,520 Speaker 1: the forehead, turned off her lamp, and quietly whispered, I 193 00:15:30,640 --> 00:15:38,680 Speaker 1: love you, little bear, And that's the end of our story. 194 00:15:39,600 --> 00:16:10,400 Speaker 1: Good night, sleep tight. The b BA in b