1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:12,360 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. 2 00:00:14,120 --> 00:00:19,360 Speaker 2: We would like to thank Gianna, Johnny and Julia from Chester, 3 00:00:19,520 --> 00:00:23,600 Speaker 2: New Jersey or their idea that led to the creation 4 00:00:23,880 --> 00:00:28,760 Speaker 2: of this story. This is a story about a dog 5 00:00:28,960 --> 00:00:36,240 Speaker 2: named Wilfred. Wilfred is a handsome French bulldog. One day, 6 00:00:36,240 --> 00:00:40,440 Speaker 2: when he is outside with Gianna being trained, he finds 7 00:00:40,560 --> 00:00:46,159 Speaker 2: something stinky on the ground, and, being a dog, rolls 8 00:00:46,159 --> 00:00:50,320 Speaker 2: in it. When it is time to go back inside, 9 00:00:50,880 --> 00:00:55,640 Speaker 2: Gianna knows Wilfred will need a bath, but Wilfred runs 10 00:00:55,680 --> 00:00:59,880 Speaker 2: and hides. Will Gianna be able to get Wilfrid clean. 11 00:01:04,400 --> 00:01:11,759 Speaker 2: Wilfrid the stinky Dog. It was a beautiful sunny day 12 00:01:12,280 --> 00:01:18,319 Speaker 2: and there were white, fluffy clouds in the clear blue sky. Wilfrid, 13 00:01:18,640 --> 00:01:24,240 Speaker 2: a handsome French bulldog, was outside with one of its owners, Gianna, 14 00:01:24,840 --> 00:01:30,360 Speaker 2: being trained, though of course Wilfrid didn't realize this was training, 15 00:01:31,200 --> 00:01:35,400 Speaker 2: just that for some reason he didn't understand, Gianna would 16 00:01:35,400 --> 00:01:38,399 Speaker 2: give him treats whenever he would do something that he 17 00:01:38,920 --> 00:01:44,800 Speaker 2: wanted to do. They were in their backyard, as they 18 00:01:44,880 --> 00:01:46,720 Speaker 2: often were this time of day. 19 00:01:47,760 --> 00:01:49,280 Speaker 1: Wilfrid loved the. 20 00:01:49,280 --> 00:01:56,160 Speaker 2: Backyard because it had many hiding places interesting smells, and 21 00:01:56,360 --> 00:02:01,680 Speaker 2: so many things to discover. To dog his size, it 22 00:02:01,800 --> 00:02:07,400 Speaker 2: seemed like the biggest yard in the world. Gianna loved 23 00:02:07,440 --> 00:02:12,040 Speaker 2: spending time in their backyard too, but though Wilfred and 24 00:02:12,160 --> 00:02:17,240 Speaker 2: her were already the best friends in the whole wide world, she. 25 00:02:17,360 --> 00:02:22,720 Speaker 1: Was getting a bit frustrated. Her mom told her before 26 00:02:22,800 --> 00:02:26,079 Speaker 1: they brought home Wilfred that having a puppy in the 27 00:02:26,160 --> 00:02:31,160 Speaker 1: house was a big responsibility, and that they needed not 28 00:02:31,520 --> 00:02:36,079 Speaker 1: just lots of love, but also exercise and some training. 29 00:02:37,080 --> 00:02:43,000 Speaker 1: Gianna's mom emphasized training most of all, because she said 30 00:02:43,120 --> 00:02:47,600 Speaker 1: she didn't want to have messes all over her clean floors. 31 00:02:48,480 --> 00:02:53,240 Speaker 1: Her mom liked the house smelling nice and looking sparkling clean. 32 00:02:55,680 --> 00:03:00,840 Speaker 1: Gianna held the dog treat between her fingers. Wilfred stared 33 00:03:00,919 --> 00:03:04,560 Speaker 1: at it and licked his lips and cried in excitement. 34 00:03:05,639 --> 00:03:10,560 Speaker 1: Dogs always seem like they are starving. Gianna decided to 35 00:03:10,639 --> 00:03:17,160 Speaker 1: try teaching him this particular trick one more time. Sit, 36 00:03:18,200 --> 00:03:21,880 Speaker 1: she said, using her most confident voice. 37 00:03:21,919 --> 00:03:26,960 Speaker 2: Wilfrid just stared. His eyes moved from the treat to 38 00:03:27,120 --> 00:03:34,520 Speaker 2: her face and back again. He did not sit. Sit, Wilfrid, Sit, 39 00:03:35,360 --> 00:03:40,520 Speaker 2: she said again. Wilfrid moved this time he lay down 40 00:03:40,560 --> 00:03:46,920 Speaker 2: on his back, but he did not sit. Oh, Wilfrid, 41 00:03:47,400 --> 00:03:51,120 Speaker 2: Gianna said, with a deep sigh, Why can't you just 42 00:03:51,440 --> 00:03:55,000 Speaker 2: understand what I am saying? It would make this part 43 00:03:55,040 --> 00:04:00,760 Speaker 2: of the training so much easier. Here, you may as 44 00:04:00,760 --> 00:04:03,720 Speaker 2: well have the treat, she said, as he gently took 45 00:04:03,760 --> 00:04:06,880 Speaker 2: the treat from her fingers and left a pile of 46 00:04:07,040 --> 00:04:15,400 Speaker 2: drooel behind. Yach, Gianna said. Wilfrid was trained, at least 47 00:04:15,440 --> 00:04:18,680 Speaker 2: in the ways that were most important to Gianna's mother. 48 00:04:19,640 --> 00:04:22,279 Speaker 2: He would walk with them on a leash and do 49 00:04:22,440 --> 00:04:26,560 Speaker 2: his business outside where he was supposed to, but he 50 00:04:26,680 --> 00:04:30,760 Speaker 2: would not do tricks, no matter how hard she tried 51 00:04:30,800 --> 00:04:34,919 Speaker 2: to teach him. I guess we could play ball for 52 00:04:35,000 --> 00:04:39,560 Speaker 2: a while, Gianna said out loud. Wilfrid knew the word 53 00:04:39,680 --> 00:04:45,320 Speaker 2: ball and barked in agreement. Gianna threw the ball to 54 00:04:45,440 --> 00:04:49,120 Speaker 2: the far left of their backyard, to just the end 55 00:04:49,160 --> 00:04:53,520 Speaker 2: of the grass, which to Wilfrid seemed to go on forever. 56 00:04:56,040 --> 00:04:58,440 Speaker 2: Wilfrid ran to get the ball and brought it back 57 00:04:58,480 --> 00:05:03,159 Speaker 2: as fast as he could. Good job, Wilfrid, Gianna said, 58 00:05:03,480 --> 00:05:06,200 Speaker 2: as she patted him on the head and took the 59 00:05:06,240 --> 00:05:10,320 Speaker 2: wet drooel covered ball from his mouth. Are you ready 60 00:05:10,320 --> 00:05:14,839 Speaker 2: to fetch the ball again? She asked, shaking with excitement. 61 00:05:15,080 --> 00:05:20,000 Speaker 2: Wilfrid barked in agreement. Here you go, Gianna said, as 62 00:05:20,000 --> 00:05:24,080 Speaker 2: she threw the ball farther, this time towards the right 63 00:05:24,160 --> 00:05:27,559 Speaker 2: side of the backyard, where the edge of what used 64 00:05:27,560 --> 00:05:32,920 Speaker 2: to be a small collection of trees was. Wilfrid ran 65 00:05:33,080 --> 00:05:36,720 Speaker 2: to get the ball, but when he got there, something 66 00:05:36,880 --> 00:05:42,640 Speaker 2: caught his attention. He ignored the ball and started sniffing around, 67 00:05:43,400 --> 00:05:49,320 Speaker 2: searching for the smell. Wilfrid, what are you doing, called Gianna. 68 00:05:49,839 --> 00:05:54,000 Speaker 2: He didn't hear her, as he was completely focused on 69 00:05:54,160 --> 00:05:58,480 Speaker 2: finding the smell. Oh what is that smell? Oh boy, 70 00:05:58,560 --> 00:06:02,120 Speaker 2: that smells so good. But wait, ball, no the smell. 71 00:06:02,440 --> 00:06:06,400 Speaker 2: I must find that smell, thought Wilfrid. And then he 72 00:06:06,520 --> 00:06:11,560 Speaker 2: found it. Someone had left something yucky and rotten at 73 00:06:11,600 --> 00:06:15,039 Speaker 2: the back of their yard. And what did Wilfrid do? 74 00:06:16,600 --> 00:06:21,480 Speaker 2: He rolled in it again and again and again. 75 00:06:22,800 --> 00:06:30,479 Speaker 1: Oh that rotten smell is so glorious, Wilfrid thought. Wilfrid, come, 76 00:06:31,080 --> 00:06:35,800 Speaker 1: called Gianna, what was he rolling in? I hope it 77 00:06:35,839 --> 00:06:40,599 Speaker 1: isn't something stinky, because if it is mom won't be happy. 78 00:06:43,560 --> 00:06:48,440 Speaker 1: After he was satisfied with rolling around in the stinky, yucky, 79 00:06:48,920 --> 00:06:54,440 Speaker 1: rotten stuff, Wilfrid grabbed the ball and ran towards Gianna. 80 00:06:55,200 --> 00:06:59,119 Speaker 1: Good boy, Gianna said, taking the ball from Wilfrid's mouth. 81 00:07:00,080 --> 00:07:04,880 Speaker 1: Oh no, what's that all over you? And oh what 82 00:07:05,080 --> 00:07:09,680 Speaker 1: is that awful smell? Oh, Wilfrid, what did you get 83 00:07:09,720 --> 00:07:13,640 Speaker 1: all over you? Gianna said, as she plugged her nose 84 00:07:13,720 --> 00:07:17,920 Speaker 1: with her fingers. Why isn't she throwing the ball? And 85 00:07:18,000 --> 00:07:21,320 Speaker 1: why does she look so upset? Wilfrid thought, she is 86 00:07:21,440 --> 00:07:27,520 Speaker 1: so hard to understand. Okay, Wilfrid, I think you need 87 00:07:27,560 --> 00:07:33,000 Speaker 1: a bath. Wilfrid knew that word as well, and it 88 00:07:33,200 --> 00:07:38,000 Speaker 1: was not one of his favorite words. He didn't like 89 00:07:38,160 --> 00:07:43,600 Speaker 1: baths very much, especially since they started using that flowery 90 00:07:43,760 --> 00:07:49,840 Speaker 1: smelling soap. With one hand plugging her nose and the 91 00:07:49,920 --> 00:07:54,400 Speaker 1: other on Wilfrid's collar, Gianna took him inside the house 92 00:07:54,480 --> 00:07:55,440 Speaker 1: to get him clean. 93 00:07:56,480 --> 00:08:01,160 Speaker 2: Gianna, what is that awful smell? Janna's mother said, as 94 00:08:01,200 --> 00:08:07,320 Speaker 2: she walked towards her and Wilfrid. Hi, Mom, uh, he 95 00:08:07,480 --> 00:08:10,480 Speaker 2: just got a little dirty, she said, with her fingers 96 00:08:10,560 --> 00:08:11,360 Speaker 2: over her nose. 97 00:08:11,840 --> 00:08:13,200 Speaker 1: Nothing too serious. 98 00:08:13,480 --> 00:08:17,880 Speaker 2: I'll just give him a bath, nothing too serious. 99 00:08:18,600 --> 00:08:19,280 Speaker 1: A bath. 100 00:08:20,280 --> 00:08:24,760 Speaker 2: Heavens, he really stinks, Gianna. He can't come in through 101 00:08:24,800 --> 00:08:27,640 Speaker 2: the house like that. I think you best give him 102 00:08:27,680 --> 00:08:30,480 Speaker 2: a bath in the tub in the laundry room, said 103 00:08:30,480 --> 00:08:37,080 Speaker 2: her mom, starting to sound upset. Okay, Mom, why are 104 00:08:37,120 --> 00:08:39,760 Speaker 2: they looking at me like that? The looks on their 105 00:08:39,800 --> 00:08:44,400 Speaker 2: faces are so strange? Have they gone crazy? Can't they 106 00:08:44,440 --> 00:08:46,679 Speaker 2: just let me go so I can roll around on 107 00:08:46,720 --> 00:08:51,840 Speaker 2: the couch. I want this smell over everything so that 108 00:08:51,960 --> 00:08:58,920 Speaker 2: I will never forget it. Wilfrid thought, Okay, Wilfrid, let's 109 00:08:58,960 --> 00:09:04,720 Speaker 2: go to the laundry room. Gianna took Wilfrid around the 110 00:09:04,800 --> 00:09:07,840 Speaker 2: corner to the laundry room, where there was a load 111 00:09:07,920 --> 00:09:14,120 Speaker 2: of laundry swishing around in the front loading washer. Why 112 00:09:14,160 --> 00:09:19,040 Speaker 2: are we here, Wilfrid thought. Then, as he got closer 113 00:09:19,080 --> 00:09:22,840 Speaker 2: to the washing machine, he saw something spinning around and 114 00:09:22,960 --> 00:09:29,080 Speaker 2: around in the washer. No, no, it can't be it is. 115 00:09:30,160 --> 00:09:34,240 Speaker 2: It's a dog in that washer. And they want to 116 00:09:34,280 --> 00:09:39,920 Speaker 2: put me in there too. No no way, no way 117 00:09:40,040 --> 00:09:44,040 Speaker 2: am I going to go in there. And Wilfrid quickly 118 00:09:44,160 --> 00:09:47,480 Speaker 2: ran out of the laundry room in a panic, into 119 00:09:47,520 --> 00:09:54,840 Speaker 2: the living room and hid under the couch. Gianna, her 120 00:09:54,880 --> 00:09:58,280 Speaker 2: mother called, Wilfrid ran out into the living room and 121 00:09:58,400 --> 00:10:03,559 Speaker 2: is now under the couch. Oh my, this stink and 122 00:10:03,640 --> 00:10:09,480 Speaker 2: my clean floors, Gianna's mother cried. I don't know why 123 00:10:09,480 --> 00:10:12,920 Speaker 2: he ran, Mom, I mean, it's like something scared him. 124 00:10:13,480 --> 00:10:17,400 Speaker 2: He doesn't like bath much, but he's never acted like this, 125 00:10:18,520 --> 00:10:24,600 Speaker 2: Gianna said, looking a bit puzzled. Oh, Gianna's mom said, 126 00:10:24,600 --> 00:10:28,280 Speaker 2: as she walked into the laundry room. I think I 127 00:10:28,360 --> 00:10:32,320 Speaker 2: know what might have happened. That Wilfrid sure is smart, 128 00:10:33,080 --> 00:10:37,760 Speaker 2: Gianna's mother said, as she started to laugh. What mom, 129 00:10:38,280 --> 00:10:42,880 Speaker 2: Gianna said as she noticed what her mother was looking at. Mom, 130 00:10:43,120 --> 00:10:47,360 Speaker 2: that's not funny. Wilfrid probably thinks that that stuffed dog 131 00:10:47,440 --> 00:10:50,240 Speaker 2: is a real dog just like him, and that we 132 00:10:50,320 --> 00:10:52,720 Speaker 2: are going to put him in the washing machine too. 133 00:10:54,960 --> 00:10:59,160 Speaker 2: You're right, it's not that funny. But your dog certainly 134 00:10:59,280 --> 00:11:04,840 Speaker 2: is smart, her mom said, still laughing. He may never 135 00:11:05,000 --> 00:11:08,600 Speaker 2: want to take a bath again, and soon all my 136 00:11:08,720 --> 00:11:13,560 Speaker 2: friends will start calling him Wilfrid the stinky dog. Gianna said, 137 00:11:13,559 --> 00:11:17,280 Speaker 2: with a sigh. I'm sure we can convince him to 138 00:11:17,320 --> 00:11:22,120 Speaker 2: have a bath somehow. Her mother said, I will never 139 00:11:22,240 --> 00:11:25,520 Speaker 2: go in that room again. No way, and no more 140 00:11:25,559 --> 00:11:28,640 Speaker 2: baths for me. And no matter what they say or do, 141 00:11:28,880 --> 00:11:35,320 Speaker 2: I will not take a bath. Wilfrid thought to himself, Wilfrid, come, 142 00:11:35,440 --> 00:11:36,440 Speaker 2: I have your ball. 143 00:11:36,920 --> 00:11:38,800 Speaker 1: Gianna called ball. 144 00:11:39,320 --> 00:11:42,400 Speaker 2: No, it must be a trick. I'm going to stay put, 145 00:11:42,760 --> 00:11:47,160 Speaker 2: Wilfrid said to himself. Gianna got down on her hands 146 00:11:47,200 --> 00:11:50,040 Speaker 2: and knees and said, come on, Wilfrid, come on out. 147 00:11:50,520 --> 00:11:53,600 Speaker 2: It wasn't a real dog in the washer, silly. It 148 00:11:53,720 --> 00:11:57,080 Speaker 2: was my old stuffed toy dog that you drooled all over. 149 00:11:57,920 --> 00:12:04,079 Speaker 2: Mom just wanted to make it clean unless stinky Wilfrid 150 00:12:04,120 --> 00:12:08,120 Speaker 2: did not move. Try getting him a treat, her mother said. 151 00:12:09,320 --> 00:12:12,000 Speaker 2: Gianna went and got Wilfrid a treat to try to 152 00:12:12,080 --> 00:12:15,400 Speaker 2: convince him to come out from under the couch, which 153 00:12:15,480 --> 00:12:21,400 Speaker 2: was getting stinkier and stinkier by the minute. Here, Wilfrid, 154 00:12:21,440 --> 00:12:25,320 Speaker 2: here's your favorite treat. Come on out, she said, holding 155 00:12:25,360 --> 00:12:27,760 Speaker 2: the treat in front of Wilfrid at the edge of 156 00:12:27,840 --> 00:12:28,360 Speaker 2: the couch. 157 00:12:29,280 --> 00:12:29,720 Speaker 1: Treat. 158 00:12:30,640 --> 00:12:35,160 Speaker 2: Wilfrid knew that word too. He started to drool. He 159 00:12:35,400 --> 00:12:39,320 Speaker 2: wanted the treat, but just as he was about to 160 00:12:39,320 --> 00:12:42,560 Speaker 2: come out, he thought it's a trick. Must not eat 161 00:12:42,600 --> 00:12:45,280 Speaker 2: the treat, and he stayed under the couch. 162 00:12:48,480 --> 00:12:50,360 Speaker 1: Gianna, the whole. 163 00:12:50,120 --> 00:12:53,520 Speaker 2: House smells so terrible. It might take months to get 164 00:12:53,520 --> 00:12:57,240 Speaker 2: the smell out of the house. Gianna's mother said, sad 165 00:12:57,360 --> 00:13:01,320 Speaker 2: that her house was smelling like something yucky, rotten and stinky. 166 00:13:03,280 --> 00:13:06,880 Speaker 2: It will disappear, mom. Let's just let Wilfrid rest for 167 00:13:06,920 --> 00:13:12,520 Speaker 2: a while. Maybe he will come out later. Gianna's mother 168 00:13:12,640 --> 00:13:16,720 Speaker 2: started going around the house, opening all the windows and 169 00:13:16,800 --> 00:13:22,040 Speaker 2: spray air freshener as she went. About an hour passed 170 00:13:22,080 --> 00:13:25,920 Speaker 2: and Gianna was still sitting by the couch waiting for 171 00:13:25,960 --> 00:13:30,200 Speaker 2: Wilfrid to come out. She was so hungry, so she 172 00:13:30,280 --> 00:13:33,120 Speaker 2: brought over a bag of crackers and started eating a 173 00:13:33,160 --> 00:13:38,400 Speaker 2: few as a snack. It's that crinkle crinkle sound food, 174 00:13:39,360 --> 00:13:44,240 Speaker 2: Wilfrid thought, as he started drooling and his stomach started growling. 175 00:13:45,080 --> 00:13:49,720 Speaker 2: He made a slight whimpering sound. Are you hungry, Wilfrid, 176 00:13:50,080 --> 00:13:53,720 Speaker 2: Gianna asked, would you like some crackers? She said, as 177 00:13:53,760 --> 00:13:56,960 Speaker 2: she was holding a handful of crackers close to where 178 00:13:57,040 --> 00:14:01,600 Speaker 2: he was laying under the couch. I promise that I 179 00:14:01,640 --> 00:14:04,640 Speaker 2: won't take you into the laundry room. I'll take you 180 00:14:04,760 --> 00:14:08,160 Speaker 2: upstairs and bathe you in our tub. You have nothing 181 00:14:08,240 --> 00:14:13,480 Speaker 2: to be scared about. It took a few minutes, but 182 00:14:13,640 --> 00:14:18,240 Speaker 2: Wilfrid slowly came out from under the couch, drooling as 183 00:14:18,280 --> 00:14:23,000 Speaker 2: he came and ate the crackers from Jianna's hand. That's 184 00:14:23,120 --> 00:14:27,440 Speaker 2: a good boy. You have nothing to worry about, Gianna said, 185 00:14:27,880 --> 00:14:31,400 Speaker 2: as she petted his head and gave him a big hug. 186 00:14:32,760 --> 00:14:33,360 Speaker 1: Pee you. 187 00:14:34,280 --> 00:14:37,840 Speaker 2: I think you both better have a bath, Gianna's mother 188 00:14:37,920 --> 00:14:44,720 Speaker 2: said with a laugh. So they did, and that's the 189 00:14:44,880 --> 00:14:50,359 Speaker 2: end of this story. Good night, sleep tight.