1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:18,720 Speaker 1: Hello, friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. Nora and 2 00:00:18,800 --> 00:00:22,400 Speaker 1: her parents do some more exploring on the beach before 3 00:00:22,480 --> 00:00:27,040 Speaker 1: they head off to the village to try some ice cream. 4 00:00:27,200 --> 00:00:30,400 Speaker 1: Nora isn't sure which flavor she'd like to try, so 5 00:00:30,560 --> 00:00:34,080 Speaker 1: she asks for a few different ones, but they don't 6 00:00:34,159 --> 00:00:39,319 Speaker 1: have those. She settles for the only flavor she has 7 00:00:39,360 --> 00:00:46,000 Speaker 1: ever heard of before and sits down to try it later. 8 00:00:46,360 --> 00:00:49,519 Speaker 1: After they finish their final meal of the day, they 9 00:00:49,560 --> 00:00:52,959 Speaker 1: all head off to sleep when Nora hears a now 10 00:00:53,159 --> 00:01:12,080 Speaker 1: familiar sound. Norah finds Old Artifact Part three. After walking 11 00:01:12,200 --> 00:01:15,840 Speaker 1: the length of the beach, looking at seashells and old 12 00:01:16,000 --> 00:01:20,080 Speaker 1: shipwrecks that still washed ashore, and collecting a couple of 13 00:01:20,120 --> 00:01:25,240 Speaker 1: red sandstones, Norah and her father and mother rode their 14 00:01:25,280 --> 00:01:30,320 Speaker 1: personal vehicles to a village nearby to try an ancient delicacy, 15 00:01:31,400 --> 00:01:37,320 Speaker 1: ice cream. It wasn't a real village, of course, there 16 00:01:37,319 --> 00:01:40,959 Speaker 1: were only a few remaining settlements on the island, but 17 00:01:41,080 --> 00:01:45,120 Speaker 1: it was a replica of what existed hundreds and hundreds 18 00:01:45,200 --> 00:01:50,200 Speaker 1: of years ago. They parked their vehicles at a charging 19 00:01:50,240 --> 00:01:54,120 Speaker 1: station and walked through a meadow to the village proper. 20 00:01:57,680 --> 00:02:03,320 Speaker 1: The village was surrounded by meadows and woods, and a 21 00:02:03,360 --> 00:02:08,839 Speaker 1: small stream ran through it. The buildings that people might 22 00:02:08,840 --> 00:02:12,600 Speaker 1: have lived in at that time were simple, modest places 23 00:02:12,639 --> 00:02:20,000 Speaker 1: made of wood, with white picket fences and small gardens. Glass, 24 00:02:20,200 --> 00:02:23,960 Speaker 1: the assistant that everyone on Blue had embedded within their person, 25 00:02:24,560 --> 00:02:28,079 Speaker 1: provided Norah and her father and mother with a guided 26 00:02:28,120 --> 00:02:32,840 Speaker 1: tour as they walked towards the village center, where there 27 00:02:32,840 --> 00:02:39,760 Speaker 1: were only a few other travelers. Robot attendants outnumbered people, 28 00:02:40,280 --> 00:02:42,880 Speaker 1: which Glass said was a result of this being a 29 00:02:42,960 --> 00:02:47,560 Speaker 1: time when people preferred to visit places closer to the equator. 30 00:02:51,600 --> 00:02:55,800 Speaker 1: They walked down the village's main street, past several shops 31 00:02:55,800 --> 00:03:00,160 Speaker 1: and businesses, including what was called a general store and 32 00:03:00,240 --> 00:03:06,440 Speaker 1: a post office, passing a church, which Nora found fascinating 33 00:03:06,520 --> 00:03:10,920 Speaker 1: with its spire reaching to the sky, a school, and 34 00:03:11,000 --> 00:03:14,880 Speaker 1: then a doctor's office. They saw their destination at the 35 00:03:15,080 --> 00:03:19,240 Speaker 1: end of the walkway. The storefront had a great, big 36 00:03:19,280 --> 00:03:22,840 Speaker 1: picture of a cow on the outside and bright letters 37 00:03:22,880 --> 00:03:27,600 Speaker 1: on a sign that said ice cream. They walked in 38 00:03:27,720 --> 00:03:31,040 Speaker 1: and were greeted by an attendant that got straight to 39 00:03:31,160 --> 00:03:36,400 Speaker 1: the point and asked what flavor they wanted. What kind 40 00:03:36,440 --> 00:03:39,160 Speaker 1: of ice cream would you like? Nora, her father asked 41 00:03:40,280 --> 00:03:44,400 Speaker 1: what kind? Oh, I hadn't thought there would be different kinds. 42 00:03:44,840 --> 00:03:50,520 Speaker 1: Nora replied, we have many different flavors, The attendant interjected, 43 00:03:51,040 --> 00:03:55,080 Speaker 1: all made fresh in the back by our sanitary attendants. 44 00:03:56,560 --> 00:04:01,360 Speaker 1: Remembering the story or the dream she had early, Norah 45 00:04:01,440 --> 00:04:06,040 Speaker 1: still hadn't decided which it was, so she asked, do 46 00:04:06,160 --> 00:04:10,800 Speaker 1: you have wasabi flavor? No? I am afraid I am 47 00:04:10,920 --> 00:04:16,560 Speaker 1: unfamiliar with wasabi flavored ice cream. The attendant replied, okay, 48 00:04:17,160 --> 00:04:23,800 Speaker 1: how about Durian black sesame or balsamic vinegar. No I 49 00:04:23,839 --> 00:04:27,320 Speaker 1: am afraid I am not familiar with those flavors. I'm 50 00:04:27,360 --> 00:04:30,039 Speaker 1: sending our list of one hundred and one flavors to 51 00:04:30,120 --> 00:04:36,760 Speaker 1: your glass right now, the attendant said. Norah recognized just 52 00:04:36,880 --> 00:04:43,000 Speaker 1: one flavor, vanilla. I'll have vanilla flavored ice cream, Nora said. 53 00:04:44,360 --> 00:04:48,839 Speaker 1: Nora's father ordered something called Island strawberry, and her mother 54 00:04:49,000 --> 00:04:57,000 Speaker 1: a similar flavor called Island blueberry. Nora and her father 55 00:04:57,120 --> 00:05:00,839 Speaker 1: and mother sat on a bench outside, watching the attendants 56 00:05:01,040 --> 00:05:05,440 Speaker 1: continuously keep the village tidy and clean while they ate 57 00:05:05,480 --> 00:05:10,160 Speaker 1: their ice cream. So what do you think, Nora? Her 58 00:05:10,200 --> 00:05:13,520 Speaker 1: mother asked, I don't think we have anything quite like 59 00:05:13,560 --> 00:05:20,080 Speaker 1: this at home. Well, it's cold and creamy with a 60 00:05:20,200 --> 00:05:25,760 Speaker 1: soft and smooth texture. It's sweet and has a weird 61 00:05:25,960 --> 00:05:30,920 Speaker 1: tangy flavor. Nora replied, ha, ha ha. Does that mean 62 00:05:30,960 --> 00:05:34,719 Speaker 1: you like it? It reminds me of the treats my grandma 63 00:05:34,800 --> 00:05:37,320 Speaker 1: used to make when I was young. Her father said, 64 00:05:38,800 --> 00:05:42,480 Speaker 1: I like how it's cold and refreshing. The texture is 65 00:05:42,520 --> 00:05:44,800 Speaker 1: similar to what we have for the first meal of 66 00:05:44,839 --> 00:05:49,640 Speaker 1: the day, but I find the sweetness a little overwhelming. 67 00:05:50,040 --> 00:05:55,160 Speaker 1: Nora replied, yes, I guess we don't feed you many 68 00:05:55,240 --> 00:05:59,240 Speaker 1: sweet flavors at home, her mother said, with blue stains 69 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:06,880 Speaker 1: all over her mouth from her ice cream. That evening, 70 00:06:06,960 --> 00:06:10,240 Speaker 1: after they ate their last meal of the day, Norah 71 00:06:10,320 --> 00:06:13,719 Speaker 1: and her father and mother sat outside watching the sunset 72 00:06:13,960 --> 00:06:17,240 Speaker 1: while drinking a warmed liquid that kept them healthy in 73 00:06:17,320 --> 00:06:23,039 Speaker 1: the strange environment on Earth. During the drive back to 74 00:06:23,080 --> 00:06:26,440 Speaker 1: their dome, Nora had been thinking about what had happened 75 00:06:26,480 --> 00:06:31,440 Speaker 1: during the day. Was she simply imagining her interactions with 76 00:06:31,520 --> 00:06:36,800 Speaker 1: the device. Perhaps the weird mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and 77 00:06:36,920 --> 00:06:40,599 Speaker 1: trace amounts of other gases in the atmosphere was making 78 00:06:40,640 --> 00:06:45,599 Speaker 1: her hear and see things. Her father used to tell 79 00:06:45,600 --> 00:06:48,880 Speaker 1: her stories when she was younger, but they never had 80 00:06:48,880 --> 00:06:51,560 Speaker 1: the effect of putting her to sleep, like the stories 81 00:06:51,600 --> 00:06:55,479 Speaker 1: from the device. Her father always told her stories about 82 00:06:55,560 --> 00:06:59,680 Speaker 1: planetary exploration, which would make her mind race at night. 83 00:07:01,560 --> 00:07:04,880 Speaker 1: She decided to ask her father about the device again. 84 00:07:06,720 --> 00:07:09,920 Speaker 1: Do you really think that it's impossible for that artifact 85 00:07:09,920 --> 00:07:14,600 Speaker 1: that I found to work? Nor asked her father the artifact. 86 00:07:15,720 --> 00:07:18,600 Speaker 1: I believe during the era that that device you found 87 00:07:18,720 --> 00:07:21,679 Speaker 1: was made, it would have relied upon what was called 88 00:07:21,680 --> 00:07:25,720 Speaker 1: a battery to provide power. Glass could give you a 89 00:07:25,760 --> 00:07:31,880 Speaker 1: better explanation, I think. Still, batteries don't last very long 90 00:07:32,120 --> 00:07:36,920 Speaker 1: because they rely on chemical reactions to generate electrical energy. 91 00:07:38,240 --> 00:07:43,560 Speaker 1: These chemical reactions eventually become exhausted or depleted over time, 92 00:07:44,800 --> 00:07:48,360 Speaker 1: so by this time I would suspect it wouldn't be 93 00:07:48,400 --> 00:07:51,800 Speaker 1: able to hold any energy at all. Her father replied, 94 00:07:53,400 --> 00:07:58,920 Speaker 1: I see, why are you so interested? Her mother asked, 95 00:08:01,080 --> 00:08:07,480 Speaker 1: Norah hesitated. Well, this afternoon it seemed to work again. 96 00:08:08,040 --> 00:08:13,280 Speaker 1: It made noises and actually told me a story. You 97 00:08:13,320 --> 00:08:15,559 Speaker 1: were asleep when we got to you on the beach 98 00:08:15,600 --> 00:08:20,560 Speaker 1: this afternoon. Are you sure you weren't just dreaming? I'm 99 00:08:20,600 --> 00:08:25,960 Speaker 1: not so sure. How about tomorrow, I'll have another look 100 00:08:26,000 --> 00:08:28,320 Speaker 1: at it using some of the tools I brought with me. 101 00:08:29,000 --> 00:08:32,520 Speaker 1: But right now I'm sleepy after a day at the beach. 102 00:08:33,440 --> 00:08:35,640 Speaker 1: I think I may go to our section and sleep. 103 00:08:35,880 --> 00:08:40,080 Speaker 1: Her father said, I'm going too. You should go to 104 00:08:40,120 --> 00:08:44,200 Speaker 1: sleep soon, Nora. Her mother said I'm going now as well, 105 00:08:44,240 --> 00:08:51,720 Speaker 1: she replied. After washing and changing her clothes, Nora went 106 00:08:51,760 --> 00:08:55,120 Speaker 1: to bed. Before she told the light to go out, 107 00:08:55,640 --> 00:08:59,840 Speaker 1: she heard again that same slightly distorted voice coming from 108 00:09:00,040 --> 00:09:05,160 Speaker 1: inside her bag that she had set beside her bed. Hello, kids, 109 00:09:05,520 --> 00:09:09,880 Speaker 1: my name is Storybook. Every night a new story. To 110 00:09:09,960 --> 00:09:13,679 Speaker 1: hear a story, just click the green button, the device said. 111 00:09:14,800 --> 00:09:17,600 Speaker 1: Norah reached down and took the device out of her bag, 112 00:09:17,880 --> 00:09:22,200 Speaker 1: and it continued, Lay down and close your eyes as 113 00:09:22,240 --> 00:09:27,120 Speaker 1: I tell you tonight's story. Nora did as it asked. 114 00:09:27,559 --> 00:09:32,320 Speaker 1: She laid down, closed her eyes, and the story book started. 115 00:09:35,400 --> 00:09:41,719 Speaker 1: Welcome to Tonight's bedtime story. Once upon a time, there 116 00:09:41,800 --> 00:09:45,640 Speaker 1: was a young girl named Maya. She lived in a 117 00:09:45,679 --> 00:09:51,240 Speaker 1: small village near a great mountain range. Maya was very 118 00:09:51,280 --> 00:09:56,599 Speaker 1: smart and curious. From a young age. She was fascinated 119 00:09:56,640 --> 00:10:01,720 Speaker 1: by the stars and the mysteries of the universe. She 120 00:10:01,880 --> 00:10:06,040 Speaker 1: often dreamed of adventures in the stars above and beyond, 121 00:10:06,559 --> 00:10:11,760 Speaker 1: and the hills surrounding her home. One day, she decided 122 00:10:11,760 --> 00:10:14,480 Speaker 1: to set out on a journey to explore the places 123 00:10:14,520 --> 00:10:21,360 Speaker 1: that she had heard lay beyond the visible horizon. Maya 124 00:10:21,440 --> 00:10:25,120 Speaker 1: filled her backpack with food and supplies and set off 125 00:10:25,280 --> 00:10:30,280 Speaker 1: on her first of many journeys. She walked for many days, 126 00:10:30,880 --> 00:10:38,520 Speaker 1: crossing rivers, climbing hills, and passing through forests. Finally, she 127 00:10:38,600 --> 00:10:43,280 Speaker 1: came to a great grassland expanse that stretched as far 128 00:10:43,360 --> 00:10:47,600 Speaker 1: as she could see. In the distance, she could see 129 00:10:47,600 --> 00:10:51,560 Speaker 1: another mountain range, rising until it looked like it touched 130 00:10:51,600 --> 00:10:58,000 Speaker 1: the stars. Maya was determined to explore this new mountain 131 00:10:58,400 --> 00:11:03,800 Speaker 1: and set off across the grass land. She walked for 132 00:11:04,000 --> 00:11:08,440 Speaker 1: many hours until she came to a small village. The 133 00:11:08,520 --> 00:11:11,840 Speaker 1: villagers welcomed her warmly and told her stories of the 134 00:11:11,960 --> 00:11:18,920 Speaker 1: great views from the top of the mountain. Maya was tired, 135 00:11:19,000 --> 00:11:21,720 Speaker 1: but did not give up and set off toward the 136 00:11:21,760 --> 00:11:27,840 Speaker 1: mountain again. She climbed higher and higher until she reached 137 00:11:27,840 --> 00:11:33,280 Speaker 1: a deep valley. In the valley's center, she could see 138 00:11:33,280 --> 00:11:37,079 Speaker 1: the stars so clearly that she felt she could reach 139 00:11:37,240 --> 00:11:41,760 Speaker 1: out and touch them. She stayed there a few nights 140 00:11:41,800 --> 00:11:46,240 Speaker 1: admiring and sketching what she saw before she started the 141 00:11:46,320 --> 00:11:50,960 Speaker 1: journey back home, where she planned for her greatest journey 142 00:11:51,040 --> 00:11:58,360 Speaker 1: to come. Over time, Maya remained fascinated by the stars. 143 00:11:58,800 --> 00:12:01,760 Speaker 1: She read every book book about space she could get 144 00:12:01,760 --> 00:12:08,040 Speaker 1: her hands on, always eager to learn more. Eventually, Maya 145 00:12:08,160 --> 00:12:14,760 Speaker 1: decided she was ready to explore the universe. Maya worked 146 00:12:14,760 --> 00:12:20,479 Speaker 1: hard to become an astronaut, studying physics, engineering, and astronomy. 147 00:12:21,840 --> 00:12:26,920 Speaker 1: She trained very hard for years and years, eventually learning 148 00:12:26,960 --> 00:12:33,680 Speaker 1: how to pilot spacecraft and perform spacewalks. Finally, her hard 149 00:12:33,720 --> 00:12:37,760 Speaker 1: work paid off, and Maya was selected to join a 150 00:12:37,800 --> 00:12:44,640 Speaker 1: mission to explore a distant planet. Like her first journey 151 00:12:44,679 --> 00:12:49,760 Speaker 1: many years ago, the journey was long and challenging, but 152 00:12:50,000 --> 00:12:54,840 Speaker 1: Maya was thrilled to finally be in space. As she 153 00:12:54,960 --> 00:12:58,640 Speaker 1: looked out of the spacecraft's round window, she saw the 154 00:12:58,840 --> 00:13:04,680 Speaker 1: vast expanse of the universe stretching out before her. The 155 00:13:04,760 --> 00:13:08,240 Speaker 1: stars were even more brilliant than what she had seen 156 00:13:08,360 --> 00:13:11,760 Speaker 1: many years before, and she felt that there must be 157 00:13:11,840 --> 00:13:18,880 Speaker 1: something bigger out there, something holding everything together. Her second 158 00:13:18,920 --> 00:13:23,400 Speaker 1: journey had as significant an effect on her as her first. 159 00:13:24,240 --> 00:13:28,360 Speaker 1: After months of traveling Maya and her team arrived at 160 00:13:28,400 --> 00:13:32,760 Speaker 1: the planet they had been sent to explore. The planet 161 00:13:32,880 --> 00:13:37,640 Speaker 1: was unlike anything they had ever seen, with strange landscapes 162 00:13:37,679 --> 00:13:41,520 Speaker 1: and creatures that seemed to defy all she had learned. 163 00:13:42,840 --> 00:13:45,480 Speaker 1: Maya was in awe of the beauty of the planet. 164 00:13:48,160 --> 00:13:54,000 Speaker 1: As Maya explored the planet, she made incredible discoveries. She 165 00:13:54,120 --> 00:13:59,840 Speaker 1: found evidence of ancient civilizations long extinct but leaving clues 166 00:14:00,080 --> 00:14:05,160 Speaker 1: to their existence behind. She found creatures that could survive 167 00:14:05,280 --> 00:14:11,040 Speaker 1: in the most extreme environments, defying all known laws of biology. 168 00:14:12,240 --> 00:14:16,000 Speaker 1: She even discovered a new type of energy that might 169 00:14:16,080 --> 00:14:23,640 Speaker 1: revolutionize space travel forever. Maya's journey through the universe was 170 00:14:23,800 --> 00:14:28,760 Speaker 1: long and arduous, but it was also the most incredible 171 00:14:28,840 --> 00:14:33,480 Speaker 1: experience of her life. She had seen things that no 172 00:14:33,760 --> 00:14:38,040 Speaker 1: human had ever seen before, and she had made discoveries 173 00:14:38,400 --> 00:14:44,720 Speaker 1: that would change the course of human history. Maya knew 174 00:14:44,760 --> 00:14:48,000 Speaker 1: that she had been lucky to have the opportunity to 175 00:14:48,160 --> 00:14:53,640 Speaker 1: explore the universe, and she was determined to inspire others 176 00:14:53,880 --> 00:15:00,840 Speaker 1: to do the same. When Maya returned to her Sma village, 177 00:15:01,120 --> 00:15:05,040 Speaker 1: she became a hero to those who also dreamed of 178 00:15:05,160 --> 00:15:09,840 Speaker 1: exploring the stars above and beyond and the hills surrounding 179 00:15:09,880 --> 00:15:16,240 Speaker 1: their homes. She gave speeches and wrote books about her experiences, 180 00:15:17,080 --> 00:15:24,920 Speaker 1: inspiring a new generation of scientists and explorers. Maya knew 181 00:15:25,280 --> 00:15:29,240 Speaker 1: the universe was vast and full of secrets, and she 182 00:15:29,600 --> 00:15:34,400 Speaker 1: was determined to spend the rest of her life uncovering them. 183 00:15:41,640 --> 00:15:45,320 Speaker 1: The following day, Nora's mother called her to come and 184 00:15:45,360 --> 00:15:51,280 Speaker 1: eat the first meal of the day. Nora had slept soundly, 185 00:15:52,040 --> 00:15:55,520 Speaker 1: perhaps the best sleep she had had since arriving on vacation. 186 00:15:58,520 --> 00:16:01,000 Speaker 1: Norah took the device from her room to show her 187 00:16:01,000 --> 00:16:05,920 Speaker 1: father while they ate sitting at the table. Norah handed 188 00:16:05,920 --> 00:16:09,040 Speaker 1: the device to her father and said, I think the 189 00:16:09,080 --> 00:16:13,520 Speaker 1: storybook read to me again last night. Either that or 190 00:16:13,560 --> 00:16:17,960 Speaker 1: this vacation is making me have the most vivid imagination ever. 191 00:16:21,120 --> 00:16:25,440 Speaker 1: Taking the storybook, her father said, hmm, this is strange. 192 00:16:26,200 --> 00:16:32,160 Speaker 1: It's actually warm. Did you leave it out in the sun? No, 193 00:16:32,600 --> 00:16:34,440 Speaker 1: I don't think it would have been in the sun. 194 00:16:36,000 --> 00:16:41,280 Speaker 1: This is interesting. Something is making it warm. Maybe it 195 00:16:41,360 --> 00:16:51,360 Speaker 1: is alive after all. And that is the end of 196 00:16:51,440 --> 00:16:55,720 Speaker 1: this part. Good night, sleep tight.