1 00:00:09,920 --> 00:00:41,720 Speaker 1: Welcome to sleep tight stories the goldfish. There was once 2 00:00:41,920 --> 00:00:46,280 Speaker 1: a goldfish who lived in the sea in the days 3 00:00:46,360 --> 00:00:53,320 Speaker 1: when all fishes lived there. He was perfectly happy and 4 00:00:53,440 --> 00:00:58,760 Speaker 1: had only one care, and that was to avoid the 5 00:00:58,880 --> 00:01:06,880 Speaker 1: net that floated about in the water now here now there, 6 00:01:09,640 --> 00:01:13,320 Speaker 1: But all the fish had been warned by King Neptune, 7 00:01:13,600 --> 00:01:18,920 Speaker 1: their father, to avoid the net, and in those days 8 00:01:19,640 --> 00:01:26,800 Speaker 1: they did as they were told. So the goldfish enjoyed 9 00:01:26,920 --> 00:01:33,600 Speaker 1: a glorious life, swimming for days and days in the 10 00:01:33,680 --> 00:01:41,040 Speaker 1: blue and green waters, sometimes low down, close to the 11 00:01:41,160 --> 00:01:46,559 Speaker 1: sand and shells and pearls and coral, and the big rocks, 12 00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:54,240 Speaker 1: where the anenemies lived like clusters of gay flowers, and 13 00:01:54,320 --> 00:01:59,880 Speaker 1: the seaweed waved in frills and fans of red and 14 00:02:00,240 --> 00:02:07,720 Speaker 1: green and yellow. And sometimes he swam high up near 15 00:02:07,840 --> 00:02:12,200 Speaker 1: the surface of the sea, where the white caps chased 16 00:02:12,280 --> 00:02:17,840 Speaker 1: each other, and the great waves rose like mountains of 17 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:26,960 Speaker 1: glass and tumbled over themselves with a crash. When the 18 00:02:27,000 --> 00:02:31,799 Speaker 1: goldfish was as near the top as this, he sometimes 19 00:02:31,960 --> 00:02:36,520 Speaker 1: saw swimming in the bright water, far far above him, 20 00:02:37,120 --> 00:02:44,119 Speaker 1: a great gold fish, as golden as himself, but as 21 00:02:44,360 --> 00:02:52,200 Speaker 1: round as a jellyfish. And at other times, when that 22 00:02:52,440 --> 00:02:58,680 Speaker 1: distant water was dark blue instead of bright. He saw 23 00:02:58,720 --> 00:03:07,600 Speaker 1: a silverfish such as he had never met under the sea, 24 00:03:07,760 --> 00:03:12,880 Speaker 1: and she, too was often round in shape, though at 25 00:03:12,919 --> 00:03:17,600 Speaker 1: times when she seemed to swim sideways through the water, 26 00:03:18,600 --> 00:03:26,120 Speaker 1: he could see her pointed silver fins. Our goldfish felt 27 00:03:26,160 --> 00:03:31,960 Speaker 1: a certain jealousy of the other goldfish, but with the 28 00:03:32,080 --> 00:03:38,480 Speaker 1: silverfish he fell in love at sight, and longed to 29 00:03:38,560 --> 00:03:43,080 Speaker 1: be able to swim up to her. Whenever he tried 30 00:03:43,120 --> 00:03:48,080 Speaker 1: to do this, something strange happened that made him lose 31 00:03:48,240 --> 00:03:54,440 Speaker 1: his breath, and with a gasp, he sank down into 32 00:03:54,520 --> 00:03:59,880 Speaker 1: the ocean, so deep that he could see the silverfish 33 00:04:00,280 --> 00:04:07,560 Speaker 1: no longer. Then, hoping she might descend to swim in 34 00:04:07,760 --> 00:04:13,760 Speaker 1: his own water, he swam for miles and miles in 35 00:04:13,880 --> 00:04:19,359 Speaker 1: search of her, but he never had the luck to 36 00:04:19,560 --> 00:04:28,240 Speaker 1: find her. One night, as he was swimming about in 37 00:04:28,360 --> 00:04:35,120 Speaker 1: a very calm water, he saw overhead the motionless shadow 38 00:04:35,839 --> 00:04:45,640 Speaker 1: of an enormous fish. One great long fin ran under 39 00:04:45,680 --> 00:04:49,520 Speaker 1: its belly in the water, but all the rest of 40 00:04:49,560 --> 00:04:57,200 Speaker 1: it was raised above the surface. The goldfish knew every 41 00:04:57,360 --> 00:05:02,200 Speaker 1: fish in the sea, but he had never before seeing 42 00:05:02,360 --> 00:05:07,719 Speaker 1: such a fish as this. It was bigger than the whale, 43 00:05:08,279 --> 00:05:12,919 Speaker 1: and as black as the ink of the octopus. He 44 00:05:13,040 --> 00:05:18,960 Speaker 1: swam all round it, touching it with his inquisitive little nose. 45 00:05:20,880 --> 00:05:24,560 Speaker 1: At last he asked, what sort of fish are you? 46 00:05:27,320 --> 00:05:32,240 Speaker 1: The big black shadow laughed, I am not a fish 47 00:05:32,279 --> 00:05:37,600 Speaker 1: at all. I am a ship. What are you doing here? 48 00:05:37,640 --> 00:05:42,280 Speaker 1: If you are not a fish? Just at present, I 49 00:05:42,320 --> 00:05:47,040 Speaker 1: am doing nothing for I am be calmed. But when 50 00:05:47,120 --> 00:05:52,560 Speaker 1: the wind blows, I shall go on sailing round the world. 51 00:05:55,160 --> 00:06:00,480 Speaker 1: What is the world all that you see? And more? 52 00:06:02,640 --> 00:06:08,080 Speaker 1: Am I in the world, then asked the goldfish. Certainly 53 00:06:08,200 --> 00:06:13,400 Speaker 1: you are. The goldfish gave a little jump of delight. 54 00:06:14,080 --> 00:06:20,680 Speaker 1: Good news, Good news, he cried. A passing porpoise paused 55 00:06:20,720 --> 00:06:25,160 Speaker 1: to ask, what are you shouting for? Because I am 56 00:06:25,160 --> 00:06:32,640 Speaker 1: in the world. Who says so? The shipfish said the goldfish, Well, 57 00:06:33,720 --> 00:06:38,359 Speaker 1: said the porpoise. Let him prove it, and he passed on. 58 00:06:42,200 --> 00:06:47,880 Speaker 1: The goldfish stopped jumping because his joy had been damped 59 00:06:48,000 --> 00:06:52,520 Speaker 1: by doubt. How can the world be more than I 60 00:06:52,600 --> 00:06:57,719 Speaker 1: can see, he asked the ship. If I am really 61 00:06:57,839 --> 00:07:00,920 Speaker 1: in the world, I ought to be able to see 62 00:07:00,960 --> 00:07:07,160 Speaker 1: it all, or how can I be sure? You must 63 00:07:07,200 --> 00:07:11,160 Speaker 1: take my word for it, said the ship. A tiny 64 00:07:11,240 --> 00:07:13,920 Speaker 1: fellow like you can never hope to see more than 65 00:07:13,960 --> 00:07:18,840 Speaker 1: a scrap of the world. The world has a rim 66 00:07:19,000 --> 00:07:24,600 Speaker 1: you can never see over. The world has foreign lands 67 00:07:24,760 --> 00:07:30,400 Speaker 1: full of wonder that you can never look upon. The 68 00:07:30,480 --> 00:07:34,800 Speaker 1: world is as round as an orange, but you will 69 00:07:34,840 --> 00:07:41,880 Speaker 1: never see how round the world is. Then the ship 70 00:07:41,960 --> 00:07:44,640 Speaker 1: went on to tell of the parts of the world 71 00:07:45,120 --> 00:07:50,240 Speaker 1: that lay beyond the rim of things, of men and 72 00:07:50,360 --> 00:07:58,360 Speaker 1: women and children, of flowers and trees, of birds with 73 00:07:58,600 --> 00:08:06,600 Speaker 1: eyes in their tails, blue gold and green, of black 74 00:08:06,720 --> 00:08:16,000 Speaker 1: and white elephants, and temples hung with tinkling bells. The 75 00:08:16,080 --> 00:08:21,520 Speaker 1: goldfish wept with longing because he could never see over 76 00:08:21,680 --> 00:08:26,520 Speaker 1: the rim of things, because he could not see how 77 00:08:26,720 --> 00:08:32,320 Speaker 1: round the world was, because he could not behold all 78 00:08:32,360 --> 00:08:36,640 Speaker 1: at once, all the wonders that were in the world. 79 00:08:39,679 --> 00:08:44,360 Speaker 1: How the ship laughed at him. My little friend said 80 00:08:44,400 --> 00:08:48,560 Speaker 1: he if you were the moon yonder, why if you 81 00:08:48,640 --> 00:08:53,840 Speaker 1: were the sun himself, you could only see one half 82 00:08:53,960 --> 00:08:59,080 Speaker 1: of these things at a time. Who is the moon yonder, 83 00:09:00,120 --> 00:09:04,440 Speaker 1: asked the goldfish. Who else? But that silver slip of 84 00:09:04,559 --> 00:09:10,560 Speaker 1: light up in the sky. Is that the sky? Said 85 00:09:10,559 --> 00:09:15,720 Speaker 1: the goldfish. I thought it was another sea, And is 86 00:09:15,800 --> 00:09:21,280 Speaker 1: that the moon? I thought? She was a silverfish. But 87 00:09:21,440 --> 00:09:26,000 Speaker 1: who then is the sun? The Sun is the round 88 00:09:26,200 --> 00:09:30,959 Speaker 1: gold ball that rolls through the sky by day, says 89 00:09:31,000 --> 00:09:34,960 Speaker 1: the ship. They say he is her friend and gives 90 00:09:35,000 --> 00:09:39,160 Speaker 1: her his light. But I will give her the world, 91 00:09:40,240 --> 00:09:45,160 Speaker 1: cried the goldfish, and he leaped with all his tiny 92 00:09:45,240 --> 00:09:50,160 Speaker 1: might into the air. But he could not reach the moon, 93 00:09:51,000 --> 00:09:57,400 Speaker 1: and fell gasping into the sea. There he let himself 94 00:09:57,520 --> 00:10:01,720 Speaker 1: sink like a little gold stone to the bottom of 95 00:10:01,760 --> 00:10:06,960 Speaker 1: the ocean, where he lay for a week, weeping his 96 00:10:07,160 --> 00:10:12,480 Speaker 1: heart out. For the things the ship had told him 97 00:10:13,120 --> 00:10:17,840 Speaker 1: were more than he could understand. But they swelled him 98 00:10:17,880 --> 00:10:25,240 Speaker 1: with great longings, longings to possess the silver moon, to 99 00:10:25,320 --> 00:10:28,920 Speaker 1: be a mightier fish than the sun, and to see 100 00:10:28,960 --> 00:10:34,400 Speaker 1: the whole of the world, from top to bottom and 101 00:10:34,520 --> 00:10:40,800 Speaker 1: from side to side, with all the wonders within and 102 00:10:40,960 --> 00:10:50,240 Speaker 1: beyond it. Now it happened that King Neptune, who ruled 103 00:10:50,280 --> 00:10:54,280 Speaker 1: the land under the waves, was strolling through a grove 104 00:10:54,440 --> 00:10:59,240 Speaker 1: of white and scarlet coral when he heard a chuckle 105 00:11:00,080 --> 00:11:06,319 Speaker 1: that was something between a panting and a puffing, and 106 00:11:06,400 --> 00:11:10,480 Speaker 1: peering through the branches of the coral trees, he saw 107 00:11:10,720 --> 00:11:19,079 Speaker 1: plump porpoise bursting its sleek sides with laughter. Not far 108 00:11:19,160 --> 00:11:27,440 Speaker 1: off lay the goldfish swimming in tears. King Neptune, like 109 00:11:27,480 --> 00:11:31,480 Speaker 1: a good father, preferred to share in all the joys 110 00:11:31,520 --> 00:11:35,480 Speaker 1: and sorrows of his children. So he stopped to ask 111 00:11:35,679 --> 00:11:41,880 Speaker 1: the porpoise, what tickles you, sow ha ha ha, puffed 112 00:11:41,880 --> 00:11:45,520 Speaker 1: the porpoise. I am tickled by the grief of the goldfish. 113 00:11:45,559 --> 00:11:52,880 Speaker 1: There has the goldfish a grief, asked King Neptune. He has, indeed, 114 00:11:53,320 --> 00:11:56,120 Speaker 1: for seven days and nights he has wept because ha 115 00:11:56,120 --> 00:11:59,600 Speaker 1: ha ha, ha ha, he cannot marry the moon surpassed 116 00:11:59,640 --> 00:12:07,400 Speaker 1: the side and possess the world. And you, said, King Neptune, 117 00:12:07,440 --> 00:12:13,160 Speaker 1: have you never wept for these things? Not? I puffed 118 00:12:13,200 --> 00:12:16,640 Speaker 1: the porpoise. What weep for the sun and the moon 119 00:12:16,760 --> 00:12:20,839 Speaker 1: that are nothing but two blobs in the distance. Weep 120 00:12:20,880 --> 00:12:24,840 Speaker 1: for the world that no one can behold, no father. 121 00:12:25,880 --> 00:12:29,040 Speaker 1: When my dinner is in the distance, I'll weep for that, 122 00:12:29,960 --> 00:12:32,760 Speaker 1: And when I see death coming, I'll weep for that. 123 00:12:33,559 --> 00:12:40,400 Speaker 1: But for the rest, I say, pah, Well, it takes 124 00:12:40,480 --> 00:12:45,160 Speaker 1: all sorts of fish to make a sea, said King Neptune, 125 00:12:46,600 --> 00:12:51,400 Speaker 1: and stooping down, he picked up the goldfish and admonished 126 00:12:51,440 --> 00:12:58,080 Speaker 1: it with his finger. Come, child, he said, tears may 127 00:12:58,160 --> 00:13:01,439 Speaker 1: be the beginning, but they should not be the end 128 00:13:01,520 --> 00:13:08,040 Speaker 1: of things. Tears will get you nowhere. Do you really 129 00:13:08,120 --> 00:13:12,079 Speaker 1: wish to marry the moon, surpass the sun, and possess 130 00:13:12,200 --> 00:13:19,520 Speaker 1: the world? I do, Father, I do, quivered the goldfish. Then, 131 00:13:20,280 --> 00:13:24,040 Speaker 1: since there is no help for it, you must get 132 00:13:24,120 --> 00:13:28,280 Speaker 1: caught in the net. Do you see it floating yonder 133 00:13:28,360 --> 00:13:33,959 Speaker 1: in the water? Are you afraid of it? Not? If 134 00:13:33,960 --> 00:13:38,360 Speaker 1: it will bring me all I long for, said the goldfish, 135 00:13:38,480 --> 00:13:45,439 Speaker 1: bravely risk all, and you will get your desires, promised 136 00:13:45,520 --> 00:13:51,439 Speaker 1: King Neptune. He let the goldfish dart through his fingers 137 00:13:51,880 --> 00:13:56,000 Speaker 1: and saw him swim boldly to the net, which was 138 00:13:56,080 --> 00:14:01,800 Speaker 1: waiting to catch what it could. As the meshes closed 139 00:14:01,920 --> 00:14:07,079 Speaker 1: upon him, King Neptune stretched out his hand and slipped 140 00:14:07,240 --> 00:14:14,439 Speaker 1: a second fish inside, and then stroking his green beard, 141 00:14:15,120 --> 00:14:20,480 Speaker 1: he continued his stroll among his big and little children. 142 00:14:23,680 --> 00:14:29,040 Speaker 1: And what happened to the goldfish? He was drawn up 143 00:14:29,200 --> 00:14:34,600 Speaker 1: into the fisherman's boat that lay in wait above the net, 144 00:14:36,080 --> 00:14:41,480 Speaker 1: and in the same cast a silverfish was taken, a 145 00:14:41,720 --> 00:14:47,560 Speaker 1: lovely creature with a round body and silky fins like 146 00:14:47,720 --> 00:14:54,480 Speaker 1: films of moonlit cloud. That's a pretty pair, thought the fisherman, 147 00:14:55,080 --> 00:14:58,960 Speaker 1: and he carried them home to please his little daughter, 148 00:15:00,880 --> 00:15:05,360 Speaker 1: and to make her pleasure more complete. He first bought 149 00:15:05,440 --> 00:15:10,800 Speaker 1: a globe of glass, and sprinkled sand and shells and 150 00:15:10,920 --> 00:15:16,160 Speaker 1: tiny pebbles at the bottom, and set among them a 151 00:15:16,280 --> 00:15:23,000 Speaker 1: sprig of coral and a strand of seaweed. Then he 152 00:15:23,080 --> 00:15:29,320 Speaker 1: filled the globe with water, dropped in the gold and silverfishes, 153 00:15:30,160 --> 00:15:34,040 Speaker 1: and put the little glass world on a table in 154 00:15:34,120 --> 00:15:43,320 Speaker 1: his cottage window. The goldfish, dazed with joy, swam towards 155 00:15:43,360 --> 00:15:47,760 Speaker 1: the silverfish, crying, you are the moon. Come out of 156 00:15:47,800 --> 00:15:55,480 Speaker 1: the sky. Oh see how round the world is. And 157 00:15:55,520 --> 00:15:59,240 Speaker 1: he looked through one side of the globe and saw 158 00:15:59,320 --> 00:16:04,960 Speaker 1: flowers and trees in the garden. And he looked through 159 00:16:05,000 --> 00:16:09,200 Speaker 1: another side of the globe and saw on the mantelpiece 160 00:16:09,840 --> 00:16:15,880 Speaker 1: black and white elephants of ebony and ivory that the 161 00:16:15,920 --> 00:16:22,680 Speaker 1: fishermen had brought from foreign parts. And through another side 162 00:16:22,680 --> 00:16:26,040 Speaker 1: of the globe he saw on the wall a fan 163 00:16:26,280 --> 00:16:32,640 Speaker 1: of peacock feathers with eyes of gold and blue and green. 164 00:16:34,920 --> 00:16:39,400 Speaker 1: And through the fourth side, on a bracket, he saw 165 00:16:39,440 --> 00:16:46,280 Speaker 1: a little Chinese temple hung with bells, And he looked 166 00:16:46,280 --> 00:16:49,600 Speaker 1: at the bottom of the globe and saw his own 167 00:16:49,840 --> 00:16:58,040 Speaker 1: familiar world of coral sand and shells. And he looked 168 00:16:58,080 --> 00:17:01,480 Speaker 1: at the top of the globe and saw a man, 169 00:17:02,160 --> 00:17:06,760 Speaker 1: a woman, and a child smiling down on him over 170 00:17:06,800 --> 00:17:12,800 Speaker 1: the rim. And he gave a little jump of joy, 171 00:17:13,520 --> 00:17:19,280 Speaker 1: and cried to his silver bride, Oh moonfish, I am 172 00:17:19,560 --> 00:17:23,880 Speaker 1: greater than the sun. For I give you not half, 173 00:17:24,600 --> 00:17:30,399 Speaker 1: but the whole of the world, the top and the bottom, 174 00:17:30,720 --> 00:17:35,560 Speaker 1: and all the way round, with all the wonders that 175 00:17:35,680 --> 00:17:43,160 Speaker 1: are in it and beyond. And King Neptune under the sea, 176 00:17:43,800 --> 00:17:48,320 Speaker 1: who had ears for all that passed, laughed in his 177 00:17:48,480 --> 00:17:52,600 Speaker 1: beard and said it was a shame ever to let 178 00:17:52,720 --> 00:17:57,159 Speaker 1: such a tiny fellow loose in the vast ocean. He 179 00:17:57,280 --> 00:18:03,440 Speaker 1: needed a world more suited to his eyes. And ever 180 00:18:03,640 --> 00:18:08,399 Speaker 1: since then the world of the goldfish has been a 181 00:18:08,520 --> 00:18:10,560 Speaker 1: globe of glass.