1 00:00:08,560 --> 00:00:14,600 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. A short 2 00:00:14,640 --> 00:00:18,640 Speaker 1: message for grown ups, I would like to invite you 3 00:00:18,800 --> 00:00:23,279 Speaker 1: to subscribe to sleep Tight Premium with extra bedtime stories, 4 00:00:23,520 --> 00:00:28,160 Speaker 1: mindfulness activities, and sound and music for sleep. Sleep Type 5 00:00:28,200 --> 00:00:32,199 Speaker 1: Premium helps make your sleep tight routine easier and the 6 00:00:32,280 --> 00:00:36,240 Speaker 1: kids will love the shout outs and birthday messages. Visit 7 00:00:36,280 --> 00:00:40,640 Speaker 1: sleep typepremium dot com to start your free trial. Thank you. 8 00:00:50,120 --> 00:00:55,840 Speaker 1: Today I am sharing a retelling of the classic story Cinderella. 9 00:00:57,800 --> 00:01:08,960 Speaker 1: I hope you enjoy it. There was once an honest 10 00:01:09,080 --> 00:01:13,760 Speaker 1: gentleman who took for his second wife a beautiful lady, 11 00:01:14,840 --> 00:01:22,319 Speaker 1: the proudest and most disagreeable in the whole country. She 12 00:01:22,560 --> 00:01:30,160 Speaker 1: had two daughters, exactly like herself in every way. He 13 00:01:30,680 --> 00:01:34,320 Speaker 1: also had one little girl who was like her mother 14 00:01:34,520 --> 00:01:39,039 Speaker 1: in every way. She had been the best woman in 15 00:01:39,240 --> 00:01:45,080 Speaker 1: all the world. Not long after the second marriage had 16 00:01:45,120 --> 00:01:49,560 Speaker 1: taken place did the stepmother become jealous of the good 17 00:01:49,720 --> 00:01:55,200 Speaker 1: qualities of the little girl, who was so so different 18 00:01:55,760 --> 00:02:01,640 Speaker 1: from her own two daughters. She gave her all the 19 00:02:01,760 --> 00:02:05,400 Speaker 1: menial jobs of the house, getting her to wash the 20 00:02:05,520 --> 00:02:12,760 Speaker 1: floors and staircases, to dust the bedrooms, and clean the grates, 21 00:02:12,800 --> 00:02:16,960 Speaker 1: and while her sisters had carpeted bedrooms that had mirrors 22 00:02:17,440 --> 00:02:21,440 Speaker 1: where they could see themselves from head to toe. This 23 00:02:21,560 --> 00:02:24,320 Speaker 1: poor little girl was sent to sleep in an attic 24 00:02:24,880 --> 00:02:29,480 Speaker 1: on an old straw mattress, with only one chair and 25 00:02:29,560 --> 00:02:35,560 Speaker 1: not a looking glass in the room. She suffered all 26 00:02:35,600 --> 00:02:40,880 Speaker 1: of this in silence, not daring to complain to her father, 27 00:02:41,440 --> 00:02:46,639 Speaker 1: who was completely ruled by his new wife. When her 28 00:02:46,720 --> 00:02:49,840 Speaker 1: daily work was done, she used to sit down in 29 00:02:49,919 --> 00:02:54,040 Speaker 1: the chimney corner among the ashes, from which the two 30 00:02:54,160 --> 00:03:01,560 Speaker 1: sisters gave her the nickname of Cinderella. But Cinderella, however, 31 00:03:01,680 --> 00:03:06,720 Speaker 1: shabbily clad, was more beautiful than they were with all 32 00:03:06,880 --> 00:03:14,480 Speaker 1: their fine clothes. It so happened that the king's son 33 00:03:14,800 --> 00:03:19,440 Speaker 1: gave a series of balls, to which were invited all 34 00:03:19,600 --> 00:03:23,200 Speaker 1: the rank and fashion of the city, and among the 35 00:03:23,280 --> 00:03:30,480 Speaker 1: rest the two older sisters. They were very proud and happy, 36 00:03:31,160 --> 00:03:34,400 Speaker 1: and spent all of their time trying to decide what 37 00:03:34,560 --> 00:03:39,040 Speaker 1: they should wear, a source of new trouble to Cinderella, 38 00:03:39,680 --> 00:03:42,600 Speaker 1: whose job it was to get up their fine linen 39 00:03:42,640 --> 00:03:47,360 Speaker 1: and laces, and who never could please them however much 40 00:03:47,440 --> 00:03:52,800 Speaker 1: she tried. They talked of nothing but their clothes. I 41 00:03:53,400 --> 00:03:56,800 Speaker 1: said the eldest shall wear my velvet gown and my 42 00:03:56,960 --> 00:04:02,680 Speaker 1: trimmings of English lace, and I added, the younger will 43 00:04:02,720 --> 00:04:06,760 Speaker 1: have but my ordinary silk petticoat, but I shall decorate 44 00:04:06,800 --> 00:04:11,200 Speaker 1: it with an upper skirt of flowered brocade, and I 45 00:04:11,240 --> 00:04:14,440 Speaker 1: shall put on my diamond tiara, which is a great 46 00:04:14,480 --> 00:04:20,240 Speaker 1: deal finer than anything of yours. Here the older sister 47 00:04:20,320 --> 00:04:25,480 Speaker 1: grew angry, and the argument began to run so high 48 00:04:25,839 --> 00:04:30,640 Speaker 1: that Cinderella, who was known to have excellent taste, was 49 00:04:30,720 --> 00:04:37,280 Speaker 1: called upon to decide between them. She gave them the 50 00:04:37,320 --> 00:04:42,279 Speaker 1: best advice she could, and gently and modestly offered to 51 00:04:42,440 --> 00:04:48,560 Speaker 1: dress them herselves, and especially to arrange their hair, an 52 00:04:48,640 --> 00:04:54,279 Speaker 1: accomplishment in which she did better than most well known hairstylists. 53 00:04:56,000 --> 00:05:00,800 Speaker 1: The important evening came, and she exercised all her skill 54 00:05:01,320 --> 00:05:06,640 Speaker 1: to beautify the two young ladies. While she was combing 55 00:05:06,680 --> 00:05:12,440 Speaker 1: out the older girl's hair, this mean girl said, sharply, Cinderella, 56 00:05:12,800 --> 00:05:17,479 Speaker 1: do you not wish you were going to the ball? Ah? Madam? 57 00:05:18,480 --> 00:05:22,479 Speaker 1: They made her always say, Madame, you are only teasing me. 58 00:05:23,040 --> 00:05:27,960 Speaker 1: It is not my luck to have such chances. You 59 00:05:28,040 --> 00:05:31,200 Speaker 1: are right. People would only laugh to see a little 60 00:05:31,240 --> 00:05:36,960 Speaker 1: cinder girl at the ball. Any other than Cinderella would 61 00:05:36,960 --> 00:05:42,240 Speaker 1: have dressed the hair all a mess. But Cinderella was 62 00:05:42,320 --> 00:05:46,680 Speaker 1: good and dressed it perfectly, even and smooth and as 63 00:05:46,720 --> 00:05:54,520 Speaker 1: prettily as she could. The sisters had scarcely eaten for 64 00:05:54,720 --> 00:05:58,800 Speaker 1: two days and had broken a dozen stay laces a 65 00:05:58,880 --> 00:06:04,279 Speaker 1: day in trying to make themselves appear more slender. But 66 00:06:04,440 --> 00:06:09,280 Speaker 1: tonight they broke a dozen more and lost their tempers 67 00:06:09,400 --> 00:06:14,120 Speaker 1: over and over again before they had finished getting dressed. 68 00:06:14,800 --> 00:06:19,200 Speaker 1: When at last the happy moment arrived, Cinderella followed them 69 00:06:19,240 --> 00:06:23,680 Speaker 1: to the coach after it had whirled them away. She 70 00:06:23,839 --> 00:06:31,440 Speaker 1: sat down by the kitchen fire and cried. Immediately, her godmother, 71 00:06:31,680 --> 00:06:35,880 Speaker 1: who was a fairy, appeared beside her. What are you 72 00:06:36,040 --> 00:06:41,080 Speaker 1: crying for, my little girl? Oh? I wish, I wish 73 00:06:42,240 --> 00:06:46,240 Speaker 1: her sobs stopped her. You wish to go to the ball, 74 00:06:46,400 --> 00:06:54,000 Speaker 1: isn't it so? Cinderella nodded, Well, then be a good girl, 75 00:06:54,200 --> 00:06:58,159 Speaker 1: and you shall go. First, run into the garden and 76 00:06:58,279 --> 00:07:04,880 Speaker 1: fetch me the largest pumpkin you can find. Cinderella did 77 00:07:04,920 --> 00:07:07,760 Speaker 1: not understand what this had to do with her going 78 00:07:07,839 --> 00:07:12,400 Speaker 1: to the ball, but being obedient and obliging, she went. 79 00:07:14,080 --> 00:07:17,720 Speaker 1: Her godmother took the pumpkin, and, having scooped out all 80 00:07:17,760 --> 00:07:22,360 Speaker 1: its insides, struck it with her want. It became a 81 00:07:22,480 --> 00:07:29,600 Speaker 1: splendid gold covered coach lined with rose colored satin. Now, 82 00:07:29,800 --> 00:07:32,240 Speaker 1: fetch me the mouse trap out of the pantry, my 83 00:07:32,360 --> 00:07:38,360 Speaker 1: dear Cinderella brought it. It contained six of the fattest, 84 00:07:38,800 --> 00:07:44,080 Speaker 1: sleekest mice. The fairy lifted up the wire door, and 85 00:07:44,160 --> 00:07:47,640 Speaker 1: as each mouse ran out, she touched it and changed 86 00:07:47,680 --> 00:07:53,080 Speaker 1: it into a beautiful black horse. But what shall I 87 00:07:53,120 --> 00:07:58,360 Speaker 1: do for your coachman, Cinderella. Cinderella suggested that she had 88 00:07:58,400 --> 00:08:01,720 Speaker 1: seen a large black rat in the rat trap, and 89 00:08:01,920 --> 00:08:05,600 Speaker 1: he might do in that role. You are right, go 90 00:08:05,720 --> 00:08:11,800 Speaker 1: and look again for him. He was found, and the 91 00:08:11,880 --> 00:08:16,640 Speaker 1: fairy made him into a most respectable coachman with the 92 00:08:16,760 --> 00:08:24,040 Speaker 1: finest whiskers imaginable. She afterwards took six lizards from behind 93 00:08:24,120 --> 00:08:29,400 Speaker 1: the pumpkin frame and changed them into six footmen, all 94 00:08:29,440 --> 00:08:34,480 Speaker 1: in splendid clothes, who immediately jumped up behind the carriage, 95 00:08:34,920 --> 00:08:40,719 Speaker 1: as if they had been footmen all their days. Well, Cinderella, 96 00:08:41,040 --> 00:08:45,679 Speaker 1: now you can go to the ball. What in these clothes? 97 00:08:46,640 --> 00:08:53,120 Speaker 1: Said Cinderella, sadly, looking down on her ragged dress. Her 98 00:08:53,160 --> 00:08:58,280 Speaker 1: godmother laughed and touched her also with the want, at 99 00:08:58,360 --> 00:09:03,640 Speaker 1: which her awful thread bare jacket became stiff with gold 100 00:09:03,760 --> 00:09:10,559 Speaker 1: and sparkling with jewels. Her woolen bare dress lengthened into 101 00:09:10,600 --> 00:09:15,680 Speaker 1: a gown of sweeping satin from underneath, which peeped out 102 00:09:15,679 --> 00:09:20,360 Speaker 1: her little feet, no longer bare, but covered with silk 103 00:09:20,440 --> 00:09:27,960 Speaker 1: stockings and the prettiest glass slippers in the world. Now, Cinderella, 104 00:09:28,040 --> 00:09:33,640 Speaker 1: off you go. But remember, if you stay one second 105 00:09:33,760 --> 00:09:38,599 Speaker 1: after midnight, your carriage will become a pumpkin, your coachman 106 00:09:38,640 --> 00:09:44,480 Speaker 1: a rat, your horse's mice, and your footman lizards, while 107 00:09:44,559 --> 00:09:47,960 Speaker 1: you yourself will be the little cinder girl you were 108 00:09:48,160 --> 00:09:54,560 Speaker 1: an hour ago, Cinderella promised. Her heart was so full 109 00:09:54,640 --> 00:10:01,640 Speaker 1: of joy. Arriving at the pas Alice, the king's son, 110 00:10:02,040 --> 00:10:05,920 Speaker 1: whom someone probably the fairy, had told to wait for 111 00:10:06,040 --> 00:10:10,400 Speaker 1: the coming of an uninvited princess whom nobody knew, was 112 00:10:10,440 --> 00:10:16,880 Speaker 1: standing at the entrance ready to receive her. He offered 113 00:10:16,920 --> 00:10:20,199 Speaker 1: her his hand and led her with the utmost courtesy 114 00:10:20,720 --> 00:10:24,880 Speaker 1: through the gathered guests, who stood aside to let her pass, 115 00:10:25,440 --> 00:10:31,600 Speaker 1: whispering to one another, oh how beautiful she is. It 116 00:10:31,720 --> 00:10:35,520 Speaker 1: might have turned the head of anyone else, but poor Cinderella, 117 00:10:36,000 --> 00:10:39,400 Speaker 1: who was so used to being treated poorly, took it 118 00:10:39,480 --> 00:10:43,200 Speaker 1: all in stride, as if it were something happening in 119 00:10:43,280 --> 00:10:51,240 Speaker 1: a dream. Her triumph was complete. Even the old king 120 00:10:51,400 --> 00:10:55,080 Speaker 1: said to the Queen that never since her Majesty's young 121 00:10:55,200 --> 00:10:59,400 Speaker 1: days had he seen such a charming and elegant person. 122 00:11:01,200 --> 00:11:05,400 Speaker 1: All the court ladies looked her over eagerly clothes and 123 00:11:05,520 --> 00:11:08,920 Speaker 1: all determined to have theirs made. The Next day of 124 00:11:09,040 --> 00:11:16,280 Speaker 1: exactly the same pattern, the king's son himself led her 125 00:11:16,320 --> 00:11:20,720 Speaker 1: out to dance, and she danced so gracefully that he 126 00:11:20,840 --> 00:11:27,200 Speaker 1: admired her more and more. Indeed, at supper, which was 127 00:11:27,320 --> 00:11:33,679 Speaker 1: luckily very early, his admiration quite took away his appetite. 128 00:11:33,880 --> 00:11:38,840 Speaker 1: Cinderella herself, with her normal shyness, sought out her sisters, 129 00:11:39,840 --> 00:11:45,560 Speaker 1: placed herself beside them, and offered them all sorts of attention, which, 130 00:11:45,600 --> 00:11:48,720 Speaker 1: coming as they had supposed from a stranger and so 131 00:11:49,040 --> 00:11:57,480 Speaker 1: magnificent a lady, almost overwhelmed them with delight. While she 132 00:11:57,640 --> 00:12:01,000 Speaker 1: was talking with them, she heard the cloth strike a 133 00:12:01,080 --> 00:12:05,280 Speaker 1: quarter to twelve, and, saying a polite goodbye to the 134 00:12:05,360 --> 00:12:10,160 Speaker 1: royal family, she re entered her carriage, escorted tenderly by 135 00:12:10,200 --> 00:12:14,840 Speaker 1: the King's son, and arrived in safety at her own door. 136 00:12:16,559 --> 00:12:20,960 Speaker 1: There she found her godmother, who smiled approval, and of 137 00:12:21,000 --> 00:12:23,920 Speaker 1: whom she begged permission to go to a second ball 138 00:12:24,280 --> 00:12:28,840 Speaker 1: the following night, to which the Queen had earnestly invited her. 139 00:12:30,520 --> 00:12:34,440 Speaker 1: While she was talking, the two sisters were heard knocking 140 00:12:34,480 --> 00:12:39,320 Speaker 1: at the gate, and the fairy godmother vanished, leaving Cinderella 141 00:12:39,440 --> 00:12:43,880 Speaker 1: sitting in the chimney corner, rubbing her eyes and pretending 142 00:12:44,040 --> 00:12:50,199 Speaker 1: to be very sleepy. Ah, cried the oldest sister meanly. 143 00:12:50,800 --> 00:12:54,680 Speaker 1: It has been the most delightful ball, And there was 144 00:12:54,800 --> 00:12:59,600 Speaker 1: present the most beautiful princess I ever saw, who was 145 00:12:59,679 --> 00:13:06,840 Speaker 1: so exceedingly polite to us. Both was she said Cinderella indifferently, 146 00:13:07,360 --> 00:13:12,760 Speaker 1: And who might she be? Nobody knows, though everybody would 147 00:13:12,760 --> 00:13:18,959 Speaker 1: give their eyes to know, especially the King's son. Indeed, 148 00:13:19,480 --> 00:13:23,800 Speaker 1: replied Cinderella a little more interested. I should like to 149 00:13:23,840 --> 00:13:28,520 Speaker 1: see her. Miss Juliet, that was the older sister's name. 150 00:13:28,960 --> 00:13:31,320 Speaker 1: Will you not let me go tomorrow and lend me 151 00:13:31,440 --> 00:13:36,160 Speaker 1: your yellow gown that you wear on Sundays? What lend 152 00:13:36,320 --> 00:13:39,959 Speaker 1: my yellow gown to a cinder girl? I am not 153 00:13:40,280 --> 00:13:46,600 Speaker 1: so crazy? As that, at which refusal Cinderella did not complain, 154 00:13:47,600 --> 00:13:50,560 Speaker 1: for if her sister really had lent her the gown, 155 00:13:51,080 --> 00:13:56,920 Speaker 1: she would have been considerably embarrassed. The next night came 156 00:13:57,440 --> 00:14:01,160 Speaker 1: and the two young ladies, richly dressed in different outfits, 157 00:14:01,640 --> 00:14:08,000 Speaker 1: went to the ball. Cinderella, more splendidly attired and beautiful 158 00:14:08,080 --> 00:14:14,800 Speaker 1: than ever, followed them shortly after. Now remember, twelve o'clock 159 00:14:15,640 --> 00:14:21,720 Speaker 1: was her godmother's parting speech, and she thought she certainly should. 160 00:14:23,080 --> 00:14:27,200 Speaker 1: But the prince's attentions to her were greater even than 161 00:14:27,240 --> 00:14:30,800 Speaker 1: the first evening, and in the delight of listening to 162 00:14:30,920 --> 00:14:37,920 Speaker 1: his pleasant conversation, time slipped by unnoticed. While she was 163 00:14:37,960 --> 00:14:41,720 Speaker 1: sitting beside him on a lovely bench and looking at 164 00:14:41,720 --> 00:14:45,400 Speaker 1: the moon from under a branch of orange blossoms, she 165 00:14:45,600 --> 00:14:50,960 Speaker 1: heard a clock strike the first stroke of twelve. She 166 00:14:51,080 --> 00:14:56,520 Speaker 1: jumped up and ran away as lightly as a deer. Amazed, 167 00:14:57,000 --> 00:15:02,280 Speaker 1: the prince followed but could not catch Instead, he missed 168 00:15:02,320 --> 00:15:07,000 Speaker 1: his lovely princess all together, and only saw running out 169 00:15:07,000 --> 00:15:10,920 Speaker 1: of the palace doors a cinder dressed girl whom he 170 00:15:11,000 --> 00:15:14,800 Speaker 1: had never seen before, and of whom he certainly would 171 00:15:14,920 --> 00:15:21,280 Speaker 1: never have taken the least notice of Cinderella arrived at 172 00:15:21,280 --> 00:15:28,320 Speaker 1: home breathless and weary, tired and cold, without carriage or 173 00:15:28,360 --> 00:15:33,640 Speaker 1: footman or coachman, the only remainder of her evenings being 174 00:15:33,760 --> 00:15:37,400 Speaker 1: one of her little glass slippers, the other she had 175 00:15:37,480 --> 00:15:42,640 Speaker 1: dropped in the ballroom as she ran away. When the 176 00:15:42,680 --> 00:15:46,600 Speaker 1: two sisters returned, they were full of this strange story. 177 00:15:47,160 --> 00:15:50,680 Speaker 1: How the beautiful lady had appeared at the ball more 178 00:15:50,840 --> 00:15:55,000 Speaker 1: beautiful than ever, and enchanted everyone who looked at her, 179 00:15:56,200 --> 00:15:59,560 Speaker 1: And how as the clock was striking twelve, she had 180 00:15:59,560 --> 00:16:05,040 Speaker 1: suddenly risen up and ran through the ballroom, disappearing no 181 00:16:05,080 --> 00:16:09,240 Speaker 1: one knew how or where, and dropping one of her 182 00:16:09,280 --> 00:16:14,120 Speaker 1: glass slippers behind her in her flight. How the king's 183 00:16:14,160 --> 00:16:18,480 Speaker 1: son had remained heartbroken until he chanced to pick up 184 00:16:18,520 --> 00:16:22,320 Speaker 1: the little glass slipper, which he carried away in his pocket, 185 00:16:22,920 --> 00:16:26,200 Speaker 1: and was seen to take it out continually and look 186 00:16:26,280 --> 00:16:30,440 Speaker 1: at it affectionately, with the air of a man very 187 00:16:30,520 --> 00:16:35,680 Speaker 1: much in love. In fact, from his behavior during the 188 00:16:35,720 --> 00:16:40,160 Speaker 1: remainder of the evening, all the court and royal family 189 00:16:40,240 --> 00:16:43,760 Speaker 1: were convinced that he was deeply in love with the 190 00:16:43,800 --> 00:16:51,800 Speaker 1: wearer of the little glass slipper. Cinderella listened in silence 191 00:16:52,280 --> 00:16:55,800 Speaker 1: turning her face to the kitchen fire, and perhaps it 192 00:16:55,920 --> 00:16:59,840 Speaker 1: was that which made her look so rosy. But nobody 193 00:16:59,840 --> 00:17:03,880 Speaker 1: else ever noticed or admired her at home, so it 194 00:17:03,960 --> 00:17:08,720 Speaker 1: did not matter, And next morning she went to her 195 00:17:08,800 --> 00:17:17,480 Speaker 1: weary work again, just as before. A few days after, 196 00:17:18,040 --> 00:17:21,399 Speaker 1: the whole city was attracted by the sight of a 197 00:17:21,440 --> 00:17:25,800 Speaker 1: man going round with a little glass slipper in his hand, 198 00:17:26,640 --> 00:17:31,200 Speaker 1: publishing with a flourish of trumpets that the King's son 199 00:17:31,560 --> 00:17:35,560 Speaker 1: ordered this to be fitted on the foot of every 200 00:17:35,760 --> 00:17:39,840 Speaker 1: lady in the kingdom, and that he wished to marry 201 00:17:39,840 --> 00:17:42,960 Speaker 1: the lady whom it fit best, or to whom it 202 00:17:43,600 --> 00:17:52,280 Speaker 1: and the other slipper belonged. Princesses, duchesses, countesses and simple 203 00:17:52,440 --> 00:17:58,120 Speaker 1: gentlewomen all tried it on, but being a fairy slipper, 204 00:17:58,560 --> 00:18:04,680 Speaker 1: it fit nobody, and beside nobody could produce its other slipper, 205 00:18:05,440 --> 00:18:09,399 Speaker 1: which lay all the time safely in the pocket of 206 00:18:09,520 --> 00:18:16,560 Speaker 1: Cinderella's old work gown. At last the man came to 207 00:18:16,600 --> 00:18:20,080 Speaker 1: the house of the two sisters, and though they well 208 00:18:20,160 --> 00:18:24,399 Speaker 1: knew neither of them was the beautiful lady, they made 209 00:18:24,520 --> 00:18:29,280 Speaker 1: every attempt to get their clumsy big feet into the 210 00:18:29,359 --> 00:18:37,000 Speaker 1: glass slipper, but with no luck. Let me try it on, 211 00:18:37,520 --> 00:18:43,440 Speaker 1: said Cinderella from the chimney corner. What you cried, the others, 212 00:18:43,880 --> 00:18:49,720 Speaker 1: bursting into shouts of laughter, But Cinderella only smiled and 213 00:18:49,880 --> 00:18:54,720 Speaker 1: held out her hand. Her sisters could not stop her, 214 00:18:55,240 --> 00:18:59,280 Speaker 1: since the command was that every young maiden in the 215 00:18:59,359 --> 00:19:03,920 Speaker 1: city should try on the slipper, in order that no 216 00:19:04,240 --> 00:19:08,560 Speaker 1: chance might be left untried. For the prince's heart was 217 00:19:08,720 --> 00:19:13,720 Speaker 1: nearly broken, and his father and mother were afraid that, 218 00:19:13,920 --> 00:19:17,800 Speaker 1: though a prince, he would actually fade away from his 219 00:19:18,000 --> 00:19:27,760 Speaker 1: love of the beautiful, unknown lady. So the man told 220 00:19:27,840 --> 00:19:31,520 Speaker 1: Cinderella to sit down on a three legged stool in 221 00:19:31,560 --> 00:19:36,400 Speaker 1: the kitchen, and himself put the slipper on her pretty 222 00:19:36,800 --> 00:19:43,359 Speaker 1: little foot, which it fit exactly. She then drew from 223 00:19:43,400 --> 00:19:47,919 Speaker 1: her pocket the fellow slipper, which she also put on 224 00:19:48,760 --> 00:19:53,879 Speaker 1: and stood up for with the touch of the magic shoes, 225 00:19:54,640 --> 00:20:00,640 Speaker 1: all her dress was changed. Likewise, no longer the poor 226 00:20:00,760 --> 00:20:06,240 Speaker 1: despised cinder girl, but the beautiful lady, whom the king's 227 00:20:06,320 --> 00:20:15,280 Speaker 1: son loved. Her sisters recognized her at once, Filled with astonishment, 228 00:20:15,840 --> 00:20:20,639 Speaker 1: mingled with no little alarm, they threw themselves at her feet, 229 00:20:21,320 --> 00:20:29,240 Speaker 1: begging her forgiveness for all their former unkindness. She rose 230 00:20:29,359 --> 00:20:34,280 Speaker 1: up and hugged them, told them she forgave them with 231 00:20:34,560 --> 00:20:39,440 Speaker 1: all her heart and only hoped they would always love her. 232 00:20:41,200 --> 00:20:44,160 Speaker 1: Then she left with the man to the King's palace 233 00:20:44,800 --> 00:20:48,520 Speaker 1: and told her whole story to His Majesty and the 234 00:20:48,640 --> 00:20:54,399 Speaker 1: royal family, who were not in the least surprised, for 235 00:20:54,600 --> 00:20:59,760 Speaker 1: everybody believed in fairies, and everybody longed to have a 236 00:20:59,760 --> 00:21:06,160 Speaker 1: fe mary godmother for the young prince. He found her 237 00:21:06,240 --> 00:21:11,679 Speaker 1: even more lovely and lovable than ever, and insisted upon 238 00:21:11,800 --> 00:21:20,080 Speaker 1: marrying her immediately. Cinderella said yes, and never went home again. 239 00:21:21,640 --> 00:21:24,879 Speaker 1: But she sent for her two sisters to come to 240 00:21:25,000 --> 00:21:30,240 Speaker 1: the palace, and with her. The agreement of all parties 241 00:21:30,320 --> 00:21:35,679 Speaker 1: helped them to marry shortly after. To two rich gentlemen 242 00:21:36,240 --> 00:22:05,600 Speaker 1: of the court. Good night, sleep tight, and I am 243 00:22:05,800 --> 00:22:17,399 Speaker 1: all stand still, I said through my and then on 244 00:22:19,480 --> 00:22:28,200 Speaker 1: I sway the fat sink