1 00:00:08,520 --> 00:00:14,520 Speaker 1: Hello friends, and welcome to sleep Tight Stories. I'd like 2 00:00:14,560 --> 00:00:17,000 Speaker 1: to say hello to Penny, who is four and a 3 00:00:17,079 --> 00:00:22,200 Speaker 1: half years old. Hello to Leo and Victoria in Clear 4 00:00:22,320 --> 00:00:28,080 Speaker 1: Creek Township, Ohio. Hello to Charlie and Betty in New Zealand. 5 00:00:29,440 --> 00:00:35,320 Speaker 1: Hello to Charlotte, Matthew and Marjorie in Kentucky. Hello to 6 00:00:35,479 --> 00:00:39,440 Speaker 1: Jackson Bergern and his parents who just moved all the 7 00:00:39,479 --> 00:00:44,920 Speaker 1: way out west to Utah. Hello to Nora and Rose. 8 00:00:46,560 --> 00:00:52,680 Speaker 1: Hello to Aviana in Australia. Hello to Kaname, Akane and 9 00:00:52,760 --> 00:00:59,160 Speaker 1: Sumire who are six, four and two. I'd like to 10 00:00:59,200 --> 00:01:02,840 Speaker 1: say Happy birthday to Paisley, who has a birthday on 11 00:01:02,960 --> 00:01:08,959 Speaker 1: July twenty six. Happy birthday to Abby from Gilbert, Arizona, 12 00:01:09,120 --> 00:01:15,160 Speaker 1: who just celebrated her ninth birthday. Happy birthday to Dottie 13 00:01:15,200 --> 00:01:19,360 Speaker 1: from the Sunshine Coast in Australia who is turning six 14 00:01:19,680 --> 00:01:25,360 Speaker 1: on July twenty eighth. And Happy birthday to Rose from Ottawa, 15 00:01:25,480 --> 00:01:31,319 Speaker 1: Canada who is turning seven on July twenty ninth. Happy 16 00:01:31,360 --> 00:01:34,959 Speaker 1: birthday to you all. I hope you have a wonderful day. 17 00:01:37,400 --> 00:01:40,360 Speaker 1: Shout Outs and birthday wishes are one way we give 18 00:01:40,480 --> 00:01:43,679 Speaker 1: thanks to our supporters. If you would like to support 19 00:01:43,760 --> 00:01:48,320 Speaker 1: us and receive more bedtime entertainment like this all ad free. 20 00:01:48,800 --> 00:01:52,480 Speaker 1: Please visit our support page at sleep tightstories dot org 21 00:01:52,720 --> 00:02:09,360 Speaker 1: slash support. Thank you. This is the next part in 22 00:02:09,480 --> 00:02:14,720 Speaker 1: our series about Red, the transfer student. In this part, 23 00:02:14,960 --> 00:02:19,520 Speaker 1: Red is having nightmares and isn't getting enough sleep. When 24 00:02:19,520 --> 00:02:22,720 Speaker 1: she gets to school. All she can think about is 25 00:02:22,800 --> 00:02:26,600 Speaker 1: going home and having a nap. But when Kurt talks 26 00:02:26,639 --> 00:02:30,560 Speaker 1: about the shortage of nuggets, Charlie thinks this sounds like 27 00:02:30,600 --> 00:02:33,840 Speaker 1: a great mystery for the solving a mystery club to 28 00:02:33,919 --> 00:02:37,839 Speaker 1: look into. Will Red be able to make it through 29 00:02:37,840 --> 00:02:45,400 Speaker 1: the day? The Transfer Student, Part seven, The Case of 30 00:02:45,480 --> 00:02:53,239 Speaker 1: the Missing Chicken Nuggets, ding ding ding, ding ding Ding. 31 00:02:54,600 --> 00:02:57,720 Speaker 1: Red reached over to grab her phone with one hand 32 00:02:58,040 --> 00:03:00,720 Speaker 1: while putting her pillow over her head with the other. 33 00:03:02,320 --> 00:03:06,080 Speaker 1: After pressing the screen where the stop alarm icon was 34 00:03:06,480 --> 00:03:10,560 Speaker 1: a well practiced movement, she opened one eye to glance 35 00:03:10,600 --> 00:03:18,040 Speaker 1: at her phone. Good morning, her phone read ugh. She 36 00:03:18,120 --> 00:03:21,679 Speaker 1: dropped her phone down on her bed and was determined 37 00:03:21,880 --> 00:03:26,359 Speaker 1: to go back to sleep. Despite what her phone said, 38 00:03:26,880 --> 00:03:30,240 Speaker 1: this was not going to be a good day. She 39 00:03:30,320 --> 00:03:33,840 Speaker 1: didn't even know if it could classify as a bad day. 40 00:03:36,160 --> 00:03:40,600 Speaker 1: Red was tired after a night full of scary dreams 41 00:03:40,640 --> 00:03:45,720 Speaker 1: that kept disturbing her sleep. To make matters worse, she 42 00:03:45,760 --> 00:03:50,720 Speaker 1: couldn't even remember what these dreams were. What's the use 43 00:03:50,800 --> 00:03:53,520 Speaker 1: of having scary dreams if you can't share them with 44 00:03:53,600 --> 00:03:59,760 Speaker 1: your friends. She laid there, trying to focus on going 45 00:03:59,760 --> 00:04:03,640 Speaker 1: back to sleep, when the first scent of breakfast from 46 00:04:03,680 --> 00:04:06,880 Speaker 1: down in the kitchen started coming up the stairs into 47 00:04:06,960 --> 00:04:14,600 Speaker 1: her room. Oh no, it's hot, cold coal. Next came 48 00:04:14,640 --> 00:04:18,840 Speaker 1: the smell of pancakes. Hiding her head under the pillow 49 00:04:18,960 --> 00:04:24,400 Speaker 1: offered no protection. She knew what was going to happen. Next, 50 00:04:26,760 --> 00:04:32,320 Speaker 1: her stomach started its morning noises gurgle, gurgle, gurgle. Her 51 00:04:32,440 --> 00:04:36,360 Speaker 1: keen sense of smell and her belly were betraying her again. 52 00:04:37,480 --> 00:04:44,360 Speaker 1: How was she supposed to go back to sleep? Ugh? Red? 53 00:04:44,680 --> 00:04:48,920 Speaker 1: Her mother yelled, are you awake yet? I'm making breakfast 54 00:04:49,000 --> 00:04:51,080 Speaker 1: and you don't want it to get cold? Do you 55 00:04:52,040 --> 00:04:55,520 Speaker 1: please hurry and get ready for breakfast. It's a school day. 56 00:04:57,279 --> 00:04:59,800 Speaker 1: Her voice is more cheerful than the sound of my 57 00:05:00,040 --> 00:05:03,680 Speaker 1: alarm clock. Maybe if I pressed the pillow to my 58 00:05:03,760 --> 00:05:06,400 Speaker 1: head more tightly, I won't hear her call me again. 59 00:05:06,560 --> 00:05:11,040 Speaker 1: Red thought, then she thought she could hear a creaking 60 00:05:11,160 --> 00:05:17,039 Speaker 1: sound and then a giggle. Blah blah blah. Red is stinky, 61 00:05:18,040 --> 00:05:21,400 Speaker 1: Blue yelled as he stormed out of her room after 62 00:05:21,440 --> 00:05:26,640 Speaker 1: sneaking into what he knows is the forbidden zone. Get out, 63 00:05:27,680 --> 00:05:31,960 Speaker 1: Red yelled as she threw her pillow at the door. Yuck, 64 00:05:32,480 --> 00:05:38,799 Speaker 1: what does that smell? He didn't? He did? Blue farted 65 00:05:38,880 --> 00:05:44,960 Speaker 1: in my room. Oh. Red dragged herself out of bed 66 00:05:45,000 --> 00:05:48,919 Speaker 1: and walked to her bedroom window, noticing that everything was 67 00:05:49,000 --> 00:05:56,039 Speaker 1: still different and still so very green. I never had 68 00:05:56,040 --> 00:06:01,600 Speaker 1: scary dreams on Mars, she said to herself. Red. Her 69 00:06:01,640 --> 00:06:05,200 Speaker 1: mom yelled louder and a little less cheerful. This time. 70 00:06:05,839 --> 00:06:09,880 Speaker 1: Your breakfast is on the table. Blue is threatening to 71 00:06:09,920 --> 00:06:14,680 Speaker 1: eat it. Colming, Mom, and please tell Blue that he 72 00:06:14,800 --> 00:06:20,599 Speaker 1: is in big trouble. Looking at Red as she dragged 73 00:06:20,600 --> 00:06:24,360 Speaker 1: her feet across the kitchen floor, her mother said, Wow, 74 00:06:24,960 --> 00:06:27,279 Speaker 1: you look like you didn't sleep last night at all. 75 00:06:27,640 --> 00:06:32,000 Speaker 1: What happened? She probably woke herself up with her loud 76 00:06:32,080 --> 00:06:36,720 Speaker 1: snoring and stinky noises, Blue said, as he quickly ran 77 00:06:36,880 --> 00:06:41,039 Speaker 1: up the stairs before Red could catch him. He always 78 00:06:41,120 --> 00:06:46,080 Speaker 1: inhaled his food. I think I had some scary dreams. 79 00:06:46,120 --> 00:06:49,480 Speaker 1: And they kept me awake. Oh and can we send 80 00:06:49,520 --> 00:06:52,400 Speaker 1: Blue back to the Little Brother Factory? I think he 81 00:06:52,480 --> 00:06:57,159 Speaker 1: needs a new brain, Red, don't say such a thing. 82 00:06:57,920 --> 00:07:01,599 Speaker 1: He just likes getting your attention. He's a great little 83 00:07:01,640 --> 00:07:06,480 Speaker 1: brother despite his stinks. Yeah right, Red said, with an 84 00:07:06,520 --> 00:07:09,960 Speaker 1: eye roll, something she picked up from her new classmates. 85 00:07:11,440 --> 00:07:14,440 Speaker 1: Eat your breakfast, and I will be sure to remind 86 00:07:14,480 --> 00:07:17,760 Speaker 1: you to go to bed early tonight. You can't learn 87 00:07:17,800 --> 00:07:22,440 Speaker 1: in school without a good night's rest. Mom, I've learned 88 00:07:22,440 --> 00:07:26,240 Speaker 1: it all before. Anyway, we'll see when you get your 89 00:07:26,280 --> 00:07:30,880 Speaker 1: next report card, her mother warned. Red's mother was old 90 00:07:30,920 --> 00:07:35,000 Speaker 1: school and liked to see high marks on tests. Why 91 00:07:35,000 --> 00:07:42,520 Speaker 1: couldn't she be more relaxed like Rachel's mother, Red thought. 92 00:07:43,920 --> 00:07:47,240 Speaker 1: The bus ride to school was much the same as always. 93 00:07:47,880 --> 00:07:51,600 Speaker 1: She sat in the back beside Charlie, who always appeared 94 00:07:51,640 --> 00:07:55,400 Speaker 1: to have trouble dressing himself, but who luckily had his 95 00:07:55,520 --> 00:08:00,119 Speaker 1: running nose under control. Of course, she again hit her 96 00:08:00,000 --> 00:08:02,679 Speaker 1: head on the roof of the bus when the bus 97 00:08:02,800 --> 00:08:06,560 Speaker 1: drove over the speed bump on the road. This gave 98 00:08:06,600 --> 00:08:09,800 Speaker 1: her a headache, which she seemed to have acquired from 99 00:08:09,920 --> 00:08:14,880 Speaker 1: lack of sleep. Don't forget the solving a mystery. Club 100 00:08:14,920 --> 00:08:18,440 Speaker 1: is meeting after school today, Charlie said. As Red tried 101 00:08:18,440 --> 00:08:22,360 Speaker 1: to catch a short nap on the bus, she forgot 102 00:08:22,400 --> 00:08:26,040 Speaker 1: that they were meeting after school. Maybe she would miss 103 00:08:26,080 --> 00:08:28,960 Speaker 1: this meeting and go home and have a nap instead. 104 00:08:31,960 --> 00:08:34,800 Speaker 1: After Red arrived at school, she made her way to 105 00:08:34,920 --> 00:08:38,960 Speaker 1: her desk in Room two fifteen, her home room, which 106 00:08:39,000 --> 00:08:42,440 Speaker 1: seems so much more comfortable than it had ever been before. 107 00:08:45,040 --> 00:08:48,800 Speaker 1: Good morning, Red, missus Johnson said, you are looking a 108 00:08:48,800 --> 00:08:52,439 Speaker 1: bit sleepy this morning. Hopefully all the new things you 109 00:08:52,480 --> 00:08:55,079 Speaker 1: will learn today will help perk you up a little bit. 110 00:08:56,720 --> 00:09:01,559 Speaker 1: Red doubted it. As the end announcements were being read 111 00:09:01,679 --> 00:09:06,080 Speaker 1: over the pa by Principal Burke, something about new plant 112 00:09:06,120 --> 00:09:10,079 Speaker 1: based nuggets on the menu. Rachel leaned over and whispered, 113 00:09:10,559 --> 00:09:13,280 Speaker 1: I'll save you a spot in the cafeteria at lunch. 114 00:09:13,600 --> 00:09:18,520 Speaker 1: I have a free last period. Red mouthed, okay, thanks. 115 00:09:21,640 --> 00:09:25,360 Speaker 1: Though the morning dragged on, Red was looking forward to 116 00:09:25,440 --> 00:09:29,640 Speaker 1: having lunch with her friends. Red never thought she would 117 00:09:29,640 --> 00:09:32,880 Speaker 1: ever make friends here. She was just too different from 118 00:09:32,920 --> 00:09:36,880 Speaker 1: everyone else, and well, she feared after she let it 119 00:09:36,960 --> 00:09:39,800 Speaker 1: slip that she was from Mars, that they would think 120 00:09:39,840 --> 00:09:44,520 Speaker 1: she was a little crazy, but the solving the mystery. 121 00:09:44,559 --> 00:09:49,439 Speaker 1: Club members were fast becoming her friends. Maybe not as 122 00:09:49,480 --> 00:09:52,079 Speaker 1: good of friends as those she used to hang around 123 00:09:52,320 --> 00:09:56,160 Speaker 1: the outer rings with on Mars, but good friends. Nonetheless. 124 00:09:57,840 --> 00:10:00,640 Speaker 1: This thought helped keep her positive for the rest of 125 00:10:00,679 --> 00:10:03,920 Speaker 1: the morning, even when she had to write a surprise 126 00:10:04,000 --> 00:10:14,479 Speaker 1: English test, her weakest subject. When Red arrived at the cafeteria, 127 00:10:15,040 --> 00:10:19,560 Speaker 1: Charlie and Rachel were already at their table. Red often 128 00:10:19,600 --> 00:10:22,800 Speaker 1: brought her own lunch, so she avoided the long line 129 00:10:22,880 --> 00:10:26,040 Speaker 1: to buy the strange food everybody seemed to like to eat. 130 00:10:27,760 --> 00:10:31,040 Speaker 1: You seem to be in a bad mood today, Rachel said, 131 00:10:31,080 --> 00:10:35,640 Speaker 1: as Red sat down, At least worse than usual. I'm 132 00:10:35,679 --> 00:10:38,960 Speaker 1: a bit tired, that's all. Though that test this morning 133 00:10:39,000 --> 00:10:41,880 Speaker 1: in English was perhaps enough to put anyone in a 134 00:10:41,920 --> 00:10:47,400 Speaker 1: bad mood, Red said, trying not to yawn. Yeah, I 135 00:10:47,480 --> 00:10:51,840 Speaker 1: didn't like that one much. English has been super boring lately, 136 00:10:52,480 --> 00:10:56,560 Speaker 1: Charlie said, with a big sniff. Why are you tired, 137 00:10:57,040 --> 00:11:01,520 Speaker 1: Rachel asked, didn't sleep. I had some bad dreams that 138 00:11:01,679 --> 00:11:07,480 Speaker 1: kept me awake all night, replied Red. Ooh, nightmares. Please 139 00:11:07,520 --> 00:11:11,040 Speaker 1: share the details, asked Kurt as she sat down with 140 00:11:11,080 --> 00:11:14,960 Speaker 1: her empty looking lunch tray. I would like to, but 141 00:11:15,280 --> 00:11:19,040 Speaker 1: I don't remember what was bothering me. But when I 142 00:11:19,080 --> 00:11:23,880 Speaker 1: woke up this morning, I was pretty tired, replied Red. Ugh, 143 00:11:24,400 --> 00:11:31,080 Speaker 1: I hate being tired. She added, where's Alexa today, Charlie asked. 144 00:11:32,000 --> 00:11:33,960 Speaker 1: I think she had a meeting at lunch time and 145 00:11:34,000 --> 00:11:37,520 Speaker 1: brought lunch from home, replied Rachel, while trying to find 146 00:11:37,559 --> 00:11:41,000 Speaker 1: her page in one of the usual giant sized books 147 00:11:41,200 --> 00:11:48,200 Speaker 1: she carries with her everywhere. Looking up, Rachel continued, Kurt, 148 00:11:48,760 --> 00:11:51,200 Speaker 1: your lunch looks a little light today. What's going on? 149 00:11:52,200 --> 00:11:56,880 Speaker 1: You usually have almost three platesful. Got a fuel those 150 00:11:56,920 --> 00:12:01,600 Speaker 1: big muscles, Charlie said, with a smirk. I would like 151 00:12:01,640 --> 00:12:04,640 Speaker 1: to know what is going on too. I wanted to 152 00:12:04,679 --> 00:12:08,560 Speaker 1: eat those new nuggets at the cafeteria is selling, as 153 00:12:08,600 --> 00:12:11,360 Speaker 1: they said they had more protein than their old ones, 154 00:12:11,880 --> 00:12:16,720 Speaker 1: Kurt said, looking sadly at her near empty tray. You 155 00:12:16,880 --> 00:12:21,319 Speaker 1: love your protein, Charlie said, with a small sniffle, a 156 00:12:21,360 --> 00:12:24,120 Speaker 1: sign that maybe he was going to get another month 157 00:12:24,280 --> 00:12:29,200 Speaker 1: long cold. I'm not having much protein today. All they 158 00:12:29,240 --> 00:12:33,320 Speaker 1: had was past a, replied Kurt. Did the nuggets all 159 00:12:33,360 --> 00:12:37,160 Speaker 1: sell out? Asked Red, shuddering at the thought of eating 160 00:12:37,240 --> 00:12:43,040 Speaker 1: chicken nuggets, plant based or otherwise. This has been happening 161 00:12:43,200 --> 00:12:46,840 Speaker 1: all week, So I asked missus Bromley, the cook, what 162 00:12:47,040 --> 00:12:51,679 Speaker 1: was going on. She said she wasn't sure. The nuggets 163 00:12:51,679 --> 00:12:54,959 Speaker 1: seemed to be disappearing into thin air before she even 164 00:12:55,040 --> 00:12:59,120 Speaker 1: had the opportunity to cook them. It's a complete mystery, 165 00:12:59,200 --> 00:13:02,439 Speaker 1: she said, said Kurt, with half a plate of past 166 00:13:02,600 --> 00:13:09,080 Speaker 1: in her mouth. A mystery, hmm, Charlie said, while rubbing 167 00:13:09,080 --> 00:13:12,240 Speaker 1: his chin, something he does when he wants you to 168 00:13:12,360 --> 00:13:17,400 Speaker 1: know he is thinking. Oh, Charlie, I know exactly what 169 00:13:17,480 --> 00:13:21,480 Speaker 1: you are thinking, said Red. That's sad you have been 170 00:13:21,520 --> 00:13:24,120 Speaker 1: sitting by Charlie on the bus so much you can 171 00:13:24,200 --> 00:13:29,040 Speaker 1: read his mind, laughed Rachel. What I was going to 172 00:13:29,120 --> 00:13:31,959 Speaker 1: suggest that this is a great case for the solving 173 00:13:32,000 --> 00:13:35,760 Speaker 1: a mystery club, Charlie replied, with a sandwich in one 174 00:13:35,840 --> 00:13:40,920 Speaker 1: hand a tissue for his nose in the other. Yeah, 175 00:13:41,080 --> 00:13:44,600 Speaker 1: I agree. What could be more important than finding out 176 00:13:44,600 --> 00:13:48,800 Speaker 1: why our high protein nugget supply is disappearing, said Kurt, 177 00:13:49,400 --> 00:13:53,240 Speaker 1: staring at her now empty plate. I don't know anything, 178 00:13:54,040 --> 00:13:59,720 Speaker 1: Red said. It could be aliens, Charley continued, or maybe 179 00:13:59,720 --> 00:14:04,360 Speaker 1: some is sneaking into the cafeteria to eat them. Red 180 00:14:04,400 --> 00:14:08,880 Speaker 1: shuddered at that thought. Well, your track record for picking 181 00:14:08,920 --> 00:14:13,000 Speaker 1: mysteries is not that great, said Rachel. And I think 182 00:14:13,040 --> 00:14:15,440 Speaker 1: it might be somebody else's turn to pick a mystery 183 00:14:15,480 --> 00:14:19,560 Speaker 1: to solve. Well, I haven't had my turn to pick 184 00:14:19,600 --> 00:14:23,200 Speaker 1: a mystery to solve yet, Kurt said, And this seems 185 00:14:23,280 --> 00:14:26,320 Speaker 1: like a pretty important mystery. Just think of all the 186 00:14:26,360 --> 00:14:30,880 Speaker 1: happy students if we solve this case. I'm not sure 187 00:14:30,920 --> 00:14:34,280 Speaker 1: if solving this case would help or hurt them. Red 188 00:14:34,320 --> 00:14:38,920 Speaker 1: said it would certainly help Kurt's biceps. Charlie said with 189 00:14:38,960 --> 00:14:43,680 Speaker 1: a smile. Kurt flexed her biceps and said, yes, they 190 00:14:43,840 --> 00:14:49,840 Speaker 1: need more nuggets. All right, let's meet after school in 191 00:14:49,880 --> 00:14:53,800 Speaker 1: the library and discuss how we can approach solving this case. 192 00:14:54,800 --> 00:14:58,080 Speaker 1: I'm sure Alexa won't mind. She's a big nugget lover too, 193 00:14:58,160 --> 00:15:02,520 Speaker 1: I think, said Rachel. I thought she loved pizza. Red said, 194 00:15:03,440 --> 00:15:08,320 Speaker 1: I think she loves all junk food. So we will 195 00:15:08,320 --> 00:15:14,680 Speaker 1: meet after school, asked Rachel, Yes, they all replied. Just 196 00:15:14,800 --> 00:15:17,920 Speaker 1: then the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and 197 00:15:18,000 --> 00:15:22,520 Speaker 1: a return to class. Okay, I'll see you all at 198 00:15:22,520 --> 00:15:25,920 Speaker 1: the library in our usual spot after school, said Rachel 199 00:15:27,240 --> 00:15:31,880 Speaker 1: see you, then replied Red, realizing after she agreed to 200 00:15:31,960 --> 00:15:37,000 Speaker 1: meeting after school that she wouldn't get her nap ugh 201 00:15:44,360 --> 00:15:58,960 Speaker 1: and that's the end of this part. Good Night, sleep tight.